Every Home - April 2017

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APRIL 2017




Redemptive Love

We’re Asking You to Believe Nicaragua p. 4

A Most Valuable Asset Zambia p. 8

Leaving a Legacy for Christ p. 12

Above Water Myanmar p. 14

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VISION: Every Home for Christ exists to serve the Church to reach every home on earth with the Gospel.

International President | Dick Eastman Executive Director | Tim Middlebrook Editor | Michelle Matia Copy Editor | James Holt Designer | Drew Emmert Production Supervisor | Elizabeth LeCompte

Search for us online: everyhomeintl

Every Home for Christ P. O. Box 64000 Colorado Springs, CO 80962 1-800-423-5054 ehc.org | info@ehc.org Cover: A woman in Myanmar pauses in her work to receive the life-changing story of Jesus.




International President

“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.’” (John 11:25,



uring World War II, 21-year-old Japanese soldier Hiroo Onoda was sent to a Philippine jungle to gather intelligence from behind enemy lines. His orders were clear: “You are absolutely forbidden to die by your own hand. It may take three years. It may take five. But whatever happens, we’ll come back for you.” Nine months later, Japan was forced to surrender to the Allied forces. Airplanes dropped printed flyers over the Philippine Islands, announcing that the war was over and the troops could come back. But Hiroo Onoda never heard the news. He stayed in the jungle for another 30 years, fighting a war that was already over. Finally, on March 10, 1975 — still dressed in his uniform — Onoda walked out of the jungle and turned himself in, only to be told that the war had ended decades earlier. This true story perfectly illustrates what Every Home for Christ workers are doing throughout the world this Easter season. Through printed gospel messages and other creative means, they’re sharing the news that lost souls are desperate to hear: The war is over! Christ is risen! He has overcome! On the following pages, you’ll find stories from last year’s Easter Outreaches, when multitudes of the lost received the Good News. You’ll read about miracles of physical healing in Nicaragua (p. 4). You’ll learn how the strategic planning of EHC leaders in East Africa opened new doors to tribal areas (p. 8). And you’ll discover how EHC workers use a Buddhist holiday to share Easter in Myanmar (p. 14). Spread the news! Christ has triumphed! The war is over!

Children gather in an EHC partner church.

See page 19 to learn about the next lesson of Dick Eastman’s School of Prayer.





APRIL 2017

We’re Asking You to Believe 2


by Rob Stennett


1 An EHC van heads into a Nicaraguan village with washed-out roads. 2 A woman is deeply touched by the ministry of two EHC workers. 3 A Nicaraguan home is built on stilts to fend off vermin and protect against flooding.


he doctors were sending Roberto Picado home to die. His parents were horrified. Their son was 13 years old and deserved to have his whole life ahead of him. His days were supposed to be filled with things like soccer games at sunset, awkward school dances, a career in photography or maybe in medicine, falling in love, getting married, having kids and grandkids. And then, when all of that was accomplished, he could pass away peacefully, knowing he had led a life well lived. But a child sent home to die? This wasn’t fair. “They thought God was being heartless by taking the only little boy they had,” says Isaac Estrada, EHC National Director of Nicaragua. Roberto spent 15 days in the hospital. Merely taking the boy there in the first place was a tough decision for his parents. Medical attention was unaffordable, and a trip to the hospital would put the family under significant financial strain. They did not want to face a whole new mountain of medical bills, but they could tell their son was suffering and needed medical attention. It started when Roberto complained about severe pain in his head. The doctors ran tests, discussed results, ran more tests and finally realized the boy had bacterial meningitis. It was a serious diagnosis, and the hospital had no cure. Any medicine spent on the 13-year-old would be a waste of precious resources, so he was simply sent home. The Picados’ hearts were reeling. They were angry. Hopeless. Desperate. They thought, How can we let our son die? Roberto’s parents spent a few days at home watching brokenheartedly as their child




“...we’re going to pray for your son, and we want you to expect that a miracle is going to happen today.” suffered. They tended to his needs the best they knew how, tried to give him liquids and encouraged him to eat to keep his strength up. He was never hungry and always seemed to be in pain. The family’s home was isolated N I C A and received few visitors, so they were surprised on the day there was a knock at their door. They could tell by the way the unexpected visitors were dressed that they were from the city. Maybe these kind strangers would help take their son to another hospital. Maybe, Roberto’s family thought, they could get a second opinion or find out that some last resort was still possible. “The mother invited the EHC evangelists to come in,” Isaac says. “She told them her son’s story and how he was suddenly ill.” The evangelists were heartbroken by the helpless look on Roberto’s mother’s face. Still, they were not afraid, and they knew exactly what to do. “The missionaries asked for permission to go to the boy’s room and pray for him,” Isaac says. Then the EHC workers asked for Roberto’s mother to have faith that her son could be healed. “We know you’ve been disappointed by doctors and feel abandoned by God,” they said. “But we’re going to pray for your son, and we want you to expect that a miracle is going to happen today.” At that moment Roberto’s mother realized that she had given up any hope in the miraculous. She’d even given up hope that doctors, or anyone else, could heal her son. It felt risky to open up her heart again. The evangelists walked into Roberto’s room. It looked as though it had once been full of life, but now a stale and hopeless feeling hung over the room. Our workers knelt next to Roberto’s bed. The child didn’t even have the strength to acknowledge his visitors. There had been too much suffering, too much pain, too much everything. One evangelist gently grabbed the boy’s hand and prayed for God to heal him. “They kept encouraging the mother to believe in a miracle,” Isaac says. “The Lord answered immediately, because after they finished praying, Roberto sat up and asked for something to eat.” His mother couldn’t even remember the last time


Roberto sat up on his own or asked for food. Now, in one sudden miraculous moment, he’d done both. “These Christians have the power of God,” she said. The next day, the EHC evangelists came back to visit A G U A the Picados. “The entire family gathered around the evangelists when they entered the house,” Isaac says. “They began talking and asking questions about this miraculous event.” The EHC team used this moment to share the Gospel story and the hope of Jesus. They wanted to make sure it was abundantly clear where this miracle had come from. “I did nothing,” explained the worker who had prayed for Roberto. “I only put my hand upon your son and prayed for him in the name of Jesus Christ. He was the one who performed this miracle.” At the end of a long conversation filled with questions, answers, vulnerability and honesty, the EHC workers invited Roberto’s family to church on Easter Sunday. That’s why the evangelists were there in the first place — they were going home to home to share the love of Christ and invite families to worship with them at Easter. The evangelists later learned that Roberto’s healing wasn’t the end of the family’s problems. The Picados had a history of drug and alcohol abuse and gambling. The family walked into church that Easter Sunday, fully aware of all their sins, and sat in the pews to listen to the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. In light of all that had happened, the Gospel deeply touched their hearts, and the whole family believed for the first time. “They were dead in their sins,” Isaac says. “Now, after this miraculous healing from meningitis — an illness not many manage to survive — this family has resurrected to a new life. They are now attending church and growing as disciples of Jesus Christ.” When the family was initially sent home from the hospital, they felt lost and forgotten, like no one knew their story or had any hope. Now, the Picados rest in comfort, knowing that God knew their story all along and resurrection was always possible. “Don’t be hopeless,” they now tell others. “Whatever you’re facing, God can bring things back to life, just like he did for our son.”

You can reach more families like the Picados with the life-changing Gospel of Jesus when you give using the accompanying form or online at ehc.org/donate


Incredible ministry is taking place all over Nicaragua.





by Kathy Gowler


very Home for Christ’s mission to reach every home on earth with the Gospel would be nearly impossible without our indigenous global leaders and their firsthand knowledge of their nations’ languages and cultures. These skills proved invaluable to Every Home for Christ Zambia’s Easter Outreach last year. It started with an ambitious goal: to reach three distinctly different tribal groups spread throughout six equally distinctive chiefdoms. The sheer magnitude of this target area required additional manpower. More pioneer missionaries would need to be recruited and trained to evangelize. Then there were the cultural intricacies of Africa’s tribal communities. Even in this modern age, remote areas are governed by tribal chiefs who have control over all outside influences that are given access to their people. Added to that obstacle was the challenge of literacy. With the lack of educational opportunities in remote tribal areas, printed gospel literature is not an effective evangelism tool. Instead, our workers use the Heart of Man Chart, a visual presentation of the Gospel that incorporates tribal and cultural symbols. With his work cut out for him, Every Home for Christ Zambia’s National Director Richard Kakuwa formulated a plan. Then he stepped out in faith and trusted God with the results. Little did he know, this Easter Outreach would be one of the most miraculous and impacting events he’d ever organized. With the help of Heart of Man Charts, the Zambia outreach team began with home-to-home visits during the day and invited the community to an open-air evening event where the Jesus Film would be shown. Regional hubs had already been put into place so that all who accepted Christ could receive follow-up, learn to study God’s Word and be equipped to share their new faith with others. Through these hubs, the team’s efforts could continue and multiply many times over long after the official outreach had ended. 8

An EHC worker shares the Gospel using the Heart of Man Chart.

APRIL 2017





“Since he learned how to use the chart, his congregation has quadrupled in size...”

Brother Richard’s strategic plan began with reaching the village of Muchimba. This was where Chief Mweemba lived, overseeing a kingdom made up of 560 smaller villages. It was a brilliant decision that proved extremely fruitful as it opened the door for ministering in the other chiefdoms without any resistance. Chief Mweemba’s response to the Gospel was so positive that he even volunteered to interpret for the outreach workers, who weren’t familiar with his tribe’s dialect. He even went so far as to encourage his people to give their lives to the Lord, saying God was good for sending His Word to this chiefdom. Chief Mweemba’s enthusiasm brought a tremendous response to the Gospel from each of his villages included in the outreach. His excitement overflowed to the outreach workers, and revival was 10


ignited among them. One of those workers was a pastor who later testified that he’d been struggling to grow his church for seven years. But through the evangelism training he received for the EHC outreach, he was able to equip his congregants to share their faith and invite others to know the Lord too. Every Home for Christ’s training gave this pastor an invaluable tool — the Heart of Man Chart — and the skills to use it. Since he learned how to use this chart, his congregation has quadrupled in size — from 50 members to 200. This church has become vibrantly alive and has adopted the EHC method of evangelizing one’s own community with the Gospel. Many miracles occurred as a result of Brother Richard’s strategy to reach the chiefs of each tribal kingdom first. One of those miracles occurred when

APRIL 2017



1 Locals gather around an open fire to cook their midday meal. 2 Young boys wearing their best clothes head to an EHC church celebration. 3 A local Christ Group service. 4 An EHC worker playfully engages a family as he shares the Gospel. 5 A young woman is baptized in a local river. 6 A group of villagers gather to hear the Gospel.


another of the tribal chiefs was impacted by the Gospel. This chief appointed a pastor participating in the outreach to be his palace chaplain. Then the chief ordered all the village headmen who worked under him to report to the palace every week for a time of Bible study and prayer. It was unprecedented for such a thing to take place in a culture that practiced traditional African religion and ancestral worship. Brother Richard’s outreach team became so invigorated by the positive responses they received that many of them committed to keep going even after the goal was met and all three tribal groups had been evangelized. Because of the great work done through the Easter Outreach, Every Home for Christ Zambia opened two additional hubs to oversee the 11 new Christ Groups that were formed. They also planned


an extended two-week follow-up program to train additional Christ Group leaders to take care of new believers and teach them the Bible. In the end, our Zambia team’s Easter Outreach surpassed all expectation and opened doors to share the Gospel in more unreached tribal communities. “I now know the importance of home-to-home evangelism,” one pioneer missionary said. “And I thank God for the blessed tool of the Heart of Man Chart. Every Home for Christ has made it very simple for us to take the Gospel to every home in our villages.”

You can help supply EHC pioneer missionaries with evangelism tools like the Heart of Man Chart when you give using the accompanying form or online at ehc.org/donate



Leaving a Legacy for Christ by G u y B u rg o

Editor’s Note: Guy Burgo is Every Home for Christ’s Stewardship Advisor. He has worked as a consultant to over 100 ministries across the country and has helped more than 2,300 Christian families design their wills.

ou’ve probably played the beloved board game Candy Land with your children, but did you know that its creator, Eleanor Abbott, used this game — and her will — to take the Gospel to millions? Though most people have never heard of her, Eleanor’s wonderful legacy continues to change the world nearly three decades after her death. Eleanor was a San Diego schoolteacher in the 1940s when she was struck with polio. While recovering at the hospital, she was surrounded by children in the polio ward. These children were desperate for something to make them smile, so Eleanor developed a wonderful game to bless them. The game was based on colors so that even the younger children, who couldn’t read yet, could play along. Candy Land remains a best-selling board game to this day. When Eleanor went to be with Jesus, her


will directed that the royalties from Candy Land be divided equally between several evangelism ministries. One of those ministries is Every Home for Christ, and since Eleanor went to heaven, those royalties left to our ministry have been used to reach over 50 million people with the Gospel. Thanks to Eleanor’s prayerful, generous planning, every time people buy the Candy Land game, they are helping to share the love of Jesus with a lost and hurting world. Not all of us have resources as substantial as Eleanor’s to leave behind, but we all have the ability to leave a legacy for Jesus in our own personal way. What will your legacy be? If you don’t have a will or the one you have is out of date, Every Home for Christ’s free Will and Trust Planning Ministry can help. For more information, please contact Debbie Grissett at 719-260-8888 or dgrissett@ehc.org.

Any ideas expressed are not to be considered legal or tax advice. Please consult your own legal and/or tax advisors.

You Decide What Happens Next Every Home for Christ is ready to help you design your last will and testament, ensuring that it:

• Is biblically based • Provides for your loved ones • Blesses the ministries you care about

For more information, contact Debbie Grissett at 719-260-8888 or dgrissett@ehc.org Any ideas expressed are not to be considered legal or tax advice. Please consult your own legal and/or tax advisors.



ABOVE WATER by James Holt


n the United States, the Easter season is when trees turn green, birds sing and flowers bloom. In Myanmar, it’s when neighbors run into the street and throw water on each other. The Myanmar New Year is celebrated with the Thingyan Water M Y A Festival. This 10-day government holiday has its roots in Buddhist tradition, which suggests that water must be thrown to prevent a Buddhist deity from bursting into flames. Today, it’s an excuse for young people to have wetand-wild fun while their elders meditate in Buddhist temples. “They pour water onto the people to stay cool,” says U Zin Hla, EHC National Director of Myanmar. “At this time, the weather is very hot.” Because the Thingyan Water Festival happens



during the Easter season, it coincides with Every Home for Christ Myanmar’s Easter Outreach. Our workers have to protect their gospel literature from getting wet as they move about the community, and they have to plan around bus closures during the 10 days of the M A R festival. Despite the challenge of sharing the Gospel during this time of cultural revelry, our EHC evangelists persevere. Souls are at stake. Every year during the festival, there are car accidents, fights and rampant alcohol consumption. Most people don’t think about the eternal destiny of their souls, and many Buddhists in Myanmar only turn to religion for prosperity and power — not for truth. “They do not know what they are doing,” U Zin Hla says. “I feel pity upon them.”

APRIL 2017

Photos from the Thingyan Water Festival (attributions on page 16).

Before beginning their Easter Outreach, EHC evangelists prepare spiritually with prayer and fasting, fully expecting to encounter spiritual warfare. Once, a car broke down on a bad road. Then, some of our young evangelists were harassed by troublemakers. Often our workers are met with intense hostility. “The Buddhist monks and the people holding religious ceremonies don’t want another God or another religion,” U Zin Hla says. “There are dark places in Myanmar.” Undaunted, our faithful Myanmar workers continue to share the Good News of Jesus during the Easter season. Last year, they even went to Taungdwingyi, a town 450 miles from the EHC office. Taungdwingyi is home to many prominent Buddhist monks, and 99 percent of its population is Buddhist. The few Christians in the area were terrified of the danger that could result if they tried to share Jesus in such a predominantly Buddhist community.

Our EHC evangelists knew these risks, but they also knew the power of prayer. So despite the threat, they loaded up their gospel literature and made the long trek to Taungdwingyi. They didn’t know anyone there or even where they would stay the night, but they trusted that God had a plan for the lost people of that community. Upon arriving in Taungdwingyi, our workers met Pastor Nung Pee, and he was overjoyed to see them. Pastor Nung Pee fed our workers and gave them a place to stay for the night. “The pastor said he had prayed for a long time to share the Good News to the whole town,” U Zin Hla says. “And now that prayer is fulfilled through us.” With Pastor Nung Pee’s help, our evangelists immediately went home to home, sharing the Gospel. Not only did they encounter no danger, but many people listened to their message and accepted their gospel literature. Several even responded to ehc.org



“During 2015’s Easter Outreach, EHC workers in Myanmar visited over 100,000 homes! As a result, 105 people responded to the life-transforming message of the Gospel.” the messages via email. The next day, two young Christians joined our workers to continue the outreach. This is just one of the positive stories from the Easter Outreach carried out across Myanmar. Other workers helped repair the houses of some of the families they met. One team prayed for a man suffering from chest pain — and he was healed! A school teacher asked for 100 pieces of gospel literature to share with her students, and a nurse invited an outreach team to minister to her patients in the Apyaute hospital. Our teams have even held Bible camps during the Thingyan Festival, leading dozens of young people through the “Way to a Happy Life” Bible lesson. Last year, one EHC evangelist was even approached by a curious Buddhist monk. Our evangelist showed a gospel message to the monk and explained that his team was telling people about Jesus. After reading the message, the monk asked our evangelist for 100 extra copies to take back to his monastery. He wanted to share the message of Jesus with his Buddhist students. During 2015’s Easter Outreach, EHC workers in Myanmar visited over 100,000 homes! As a result, 105 people responded to the life-transforming message of the Gospel. “We testify about our resurrected Lord Jesus at Easter,” U Zin Hla says. “It is especially meaningful to Every Home for Christ Myanmar.” They’re doing it again this year. While their countrymen celebrate the Myanmar New Year with city-wide water fights, our workers carry on in their mission with courage and diligence. Please partner with them by keeping them in prayer.



You can support more outreaches like this when you give using the accompanying form or online at ehc.org/donate

1 An EHC worker kneels down to pray for an elderly lady. 2 An EHC worker goes the extra mile meeting this woman in the middle of a flooded plain. 3 A small Christ Group gathers outside for Bible study.




P. 14: Theis Kofoed Hjorth Yangon thingyan http://bit.ly/2fCw5uo CC BY-SA 2.0 http://bit.ly/1jxQJMa

P. 15: Theis Kofoed Hjorth Yangon thingyan http://bit.ly/2gHzRYr CC BY-SA 2.0 http://bit.ly/1jxQJMa


Listed at the top right of each daily request is the nation’s population, the percentage of evangelical believers (Joshua Project) and a number that corresponds with Every Home for Christ’s 2016 2017 edition of the World Prayer Map. At the end of each prayer request is the assigned reading for the day to read through the Bible in a year.

Every Home for Christ | P.O. Box 64000 | Colorado Springs, CO 80962 | 1-800-423-5054 | ehc.org | info@ehc.org




Please pray for our new disciples who have a desire to share the love of Jesus in their nation. Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to stir a passion in their hearts for the lost and will give them a boldness to preach the Good News to their communities in the face of opposition. (Psalms 54-56)




Pop. 900,000

23.8% WPM # 151

A total of 22,400 homes were reached in recent outreaches, and 44,800 gospel messages were shared! Please pray that the pieces of literature left behind will continue to minister the sacrificial love of Jesus and will bring many to repentance. (Proverbs 1-3)




Pop. 8,700,000

22.1% WPM # 185

Our National Director recently had the privilege to lead 60 pastors in evangelism training. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will move the hearts of these leaders to inspire and mobilize their congregations to take the Gospel to every home in their nation. (Proverbs 10-12)




Pop. 7,200,000

1.8% WPM # 77

Our team members in Bulgaria had a precious time of evangelism when they reached out to families of a poor community. Please pray that the gospel literature they left with each family will be a reminder of God’s love and care for them. (Proverbs 16-18)




May 2016 2017

Pop. 7,200,000

0.6% WPM # 71

Praise God for the 179 responses from people who received gospel messages and were interested in learning more about Jesus! Please pray for our workers as they follow up each response to engage those searching in discipleship. (Proverbs 25-27)


Pop. 25,300,000

10.0% WPM # 8


“The walk is never easy, but the results are exciting,” says an EHC pioneer missionary in Mozambique. Please pray for our workers who are sharing the Good News to overcome the obstacles they face in rural villages for the glory of Jesus. (2 Samuel 22-24)



Please pray for our team that is taking the Gospel home to home in this closed nation in spite of hatred toward Christianity. Pray that the Lord will soften the hearts of those they meet to be receptive to the message of salvation through Jesus. (Proverbs 4-6)


Pop. 9,900,000

2.7% WPM # 79


Please pray for the Lord of the harvest to send laborers to the field of Hungary. Pray that these workers will not only lead the lost to salvation, but also guide them in a fruitful life of discipleship. (Psalms 57-59)



Pop. 53,700,000


19.3% WPM # 1

Our workers in South Africa pray over gospel messages before using them to share the Good News in their neighborhoods. Please pray with our global workers that the Holy Spirit will open doors and hearts to receive these messages during home-tohome evangelism. (Proverbs 19-21)




Our team members recently shared the Gospel in a local city and its surrounding villages. They encountered many young people who were interested in Jesus. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to captivate the hearts of these young people and lead them to salvation. (Proverbs 28-31)


Pop. 3,000,000

0.5% WPM # 75

Our team joined together with two churches in the city of Shkodër, Albania, to take the Gospel home to home. Please pray that more churches throughout Albania will catch the vision of reaching every home with the Good News. (1 Kings 1-4)








Pop. 14,200,000

26.6% WPM # 9

God blessed our team in Zimbabwe with soccer equipment to use as an evangelism tool to reach adolescents with His love. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will create a trust between these youth and our workers and will allow them to open their hearts to the Good News. (Proverbs 7-9)




Pop. 10,100,000

16.0% WPM # 194

Please pray that all those reached by our workers in Haiti during recent home-to-home outreaches will have softened hearts to the message of the Gospel and that our workers will follow up each positive response effectively. (Proverbs 13-15)




Pop. 600,000

31.5% WPM # 153

Please pray for our pioneer missionaries who follow up every response to the Gospel. Pray that they will have a fruitful ministry of discipleship and will help new believers grow and multiply in their faith. (Proverbs 22-24)




Pop. 44,400,000

2.7% WPM # 102

Please pray for our workers who are sharing the Good News during times of political unrest. Pray that they will effectively share the joy and peace that comes from having a personal relationship with Jesus. (Psalms 60-62)





Three workers were recently arrested after sharing the Good News in their community. Praise God that, after such an ordeal, they’ve already been released and have begun to evangelize again. Please pray that the Gospel will continue to run swiftly in this nation. (Song of Solomon 5-8)



Pop. 121,700,000

8.4% WPM # 181

“When a sinner repents, there is rejoicing in heaven,” says Pastor Rigoberto. “For us, too, it is a great joy when we see the number of souls recognizing Christ as their Savior.” Pray that the Lord will continue to impassion the Church in Mexico to reach the lost. (Ecclesiastes 1-4)


Please pray for our workers in this closed nation who are seeking God’s guidance and wisdom for expanding their evangelism opportunities. Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide their steps and that they will be able to reach many with the saving knowledge of Jesus. (Ecclesiastes 9-12)

Pop. 56,300,000

5.1% WPM # 136

Praise God for the believers in Myanmar who publicly declared their faith through baptism! Please pray for the faith of these brothers and sisters to flourish as our workers help disciple them, and pray that they will learn to share their faith with others. (1 Kings 18-20)





Pop. 80,900,000

2.1% WPM # 83

Two of our workers had the chance to share the vision and heart of EHC with several thousand young Christians during a conference at the beginning of the year. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to move the hearts of these young Christians to reach the nations with His name. (Psalms 66-68)

Pop. 51,000,000

10.2% WPM # 16

Pop. 101,000,000

12.2% WPM # 170

Please pray for our workers in the Philippines who traverse rough jungle roads to make sure that remote villages hear the Good News of salvation! Pray that no one would be missed in their pursuit of reaching every home for Jesus. (Ecclesiastes 5-8)

Pop. 26,300,000

22.0% WPM # 39

Thank God for restoring the life of an alcoholic man whom our team recently led to Jesus! Please pray for continued opportunities for our workers to share the life-changing power of the Gospel with the broken. (1 Kings 12-14)


Pop. 1,900,000

11.6% WPM # 2

Our workers report that people are spiritually thirsty for the Good News in Lesotho. Please pray that the Lord of the harvest will send more laborers to meet the spiritual needs of those living without Jesus. (1 Kings 21–22; 2 Kings 1)



Pop. 79,400,000

19.3% WPM # 19


Our team reports that both spiritual and physical doors are opening for the Gospel in the Democratic Republic of the Congo! Please pray that many will come to salvation and begin a life of discipleship. (Song of Solomon 1-4)

“The Word has been planted,” commented Elder Charla after he and his congregation participated in sharing gospel messages home to home in Tanzania. Please pray that these pieces of literature will bring breakthrough to those stuck in ancestral worship. (1 Kings 5-7)











Pop. 400,000

5.9% WPM # 207

Please pray that God will continue to raise up church partners who want to take the Gospel home to home in Martinique. Pray they will be able to support new believers, as they begin a process of discipleship. (2 Kings 5-7)



Pop. 66,600,000

1.0% WPM # 89


Please pray for the nearly 18,000 homes that received the Gospel from our workers in the region of Brittany, France. Pray that God will send out more laborers to reach those who live in rural and remote places. (1 Kings 8-11)



Pop. 45,900,000

44.0% WPM # 27

After a week-long workshop on evangelism, our team took volunteers into the local community to put their training into practice. Praise God for those who responded positively to their message and for their new zeal to reach those who have never heard the name of Jesus before. (Psalms 63-65)


Pop. 29,300,000

10.2% WPM # 217

Our workers in Venezuela long for a movement among their churches to see the lost come to salvation. Please pray with our workers that God will light a fire in the Venezuelan Church to boldly proclaim the Gospel to its communities. (1 Kings 15-17)


Please pray for this closed nation, where our workers risk persecution for the sake of the Gospel. Pray that the Holy Spirit will use our workers to soften the hearts of those hardened toward Jesus. (2 Kings 2-4)




Please pray for our pioneer missionaries who face fierce opposition to the preaching of the Gospel. Pray that they will abide in God’s strength and will continue to boldly declare the Good News. (2 Kings 8–10)

2017 S C H O O L





THE INTERCESSION CLUSTER: INTERCEDING IN PRAYER Intervening in Prayer, Identifying in Prayer, Fasting in Prayer April 8 from 9 a.m. to noon (MDT)

Join us as we continue our School of Prayer series In Prayer with Dick Eastman. This series features nine teaching sessions, called “Clusters,” to help you cultivate a fruitful, vibrant prayer life.

Join us in person, or watch live or on demand at ehc.org/sop

2017 School of Prayer dates: April 8 | May 6 | September 9 | October 14 | November 18 | December 9 640 Chapel Hills Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 | 1-800-423-5054 | ehc.org/sop ehc.org


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ehc.org | info@ehc.org | 1-800-423-5054


For every dollar you give, three families will hear the Word of God. Over 170 million people have responded to the Gospel through Every Home for Christ’s simple but powerful method. Visit ehc.org/donate to make your gift today.

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