Every Home - March 2017

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MARCH 2017




Urban Ministry

Stacks of Hope South Africa p. 4

Blessed Are the Poor Romania p. 8

The Prince-Lincoln Connection p. 12

In the Shadows of Paradise Mexico p. 14

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VISION: Every Home for Christ exists to serve the Church to reach every home on earth with the Gospel.

International President | Dick Eastman Executive Director | Tim Middlebrook Editor | Michelle Matia Copy Editor | James Holt Designer | Drew Emmert Production Supervisor | Elizabeth LeCompte

Search for us online: everyhomeintl

Every Home for Christ P.O. Box 64000 Colorado Springs, CO 80962 1-800-423-5054 ehc.org | info@ehc.org Cover: Monterrey Graffiti by Kevin Dooley, Monterrey, Mexico http://bit.ly/2kBed5l CC BY 2.0, http://bit.ly/1ryPA8o




International President

“But you are the ones chosen by God . . . to tell others of the night-and-day difference he made for you—from nothing to something, from rejected to accepted.” — 1 Peter 2:9–10 (MSG)


An EHC worker and Francisco Mendez, our Mobile Training Coordinator to the Wichí tribe (right), minister home to home in an Argentine city.

esus Christ, the perfect Son of God, came to earth to save the lost by shedding His own blood on a cross. But it wasn’t His death that defeated the powers of sin and hell — it was His resurrection three days later! The resurrection is what makes the Christian faith different from any other religion, and that’s exactly what Every Home for Christ workers are busy proclaiming throughout the world. Some of these amazing workers are paid EHC staff, but the majority (more than 60,000 now) are trained volunteer missionaries who are proclaiming the Gospel home to home in every corner of their nations. On the pages that follow, we are excited to bring you stories of what God is doing through their outreaches in urban areas. In South Africa, EHC evangelists bring the hope of salvation to a marginalized community (p. 4). The message of the Gospel is restoring hope and dignity to a poor community in Romania (p. 8). And armed drug dealers who terrorized a popular resort area in Mexico are now bending their knees to Jesus (p. 14). We all may not be actively sharing the Gospel in foreign lands, but we all have a part to play in helping those who do. Thank you for your continued support of Every Home for Christ and our dedicated workers in the field. We can’t reach every home without you.

See page 19 to learn about the next lesson of Dick Eastman’s School of Prayer.




MARCH 2017


HOPE S o u t h

A f r i c a

by Rob Stennett


Khayelitsha, a township just outside of Cape Town, South Africa, is crippled by poverty. Run-down shacks serve as dwelling places for most families here.

he word “neighborhood” likely brings a certain set of images to your mind — white picket fences, manicured lawns, personalized mailboxes and a garage that conveniently closes to shut out the rest of the world. But these types of individualized neighborhoods do not exist in Khayelitsha, a township outside of Cape Town, South Africa. The neighborhoods in this part of the world are the remnants of the South African apartheid, segregated areas where the government forced its own citizens to live in poverty and run-down conditions. There is nothing individualized about it — South Africans in Khayelitsha live in shacks stacked on top of one another. “There is very little privacy, but this closeness makes people interact as a ‘community family,’” says Antonie Boshoff, National Director of Every Home for Christ South Africa. This closeness comes at a cost, however. “What happens in a person’s life is subject to the scrutiny of others,” Antonie says. This scrutiny makes evangelism difficult, because it is very hard for someone new to step out and proclaim that they’ve accepted Jesus. “There are two extremes — hospitality and hostility,” Antonie says. “When they have no qualms with you, they can be very friendly; yet when they are agitated, they can be very hostile and violent.” Antonie felt Every Home for Christ South Africa needed a new strategy to reach this disenfranchised community. This area is in a constant state of civil unrest, and protests can break out at any moment to draw attention to the uneven living















conditions. Many citizens living in Khayelitsha deal with significant problems such as alcoholism, drug addiction, STDs and homelessness. To accomplish the task of home-to-home evangelism, Antonie decided to reach out to another missions organization, a bold partner with a passion for sharing the love of God: Cru (or Campus Crusade for Christ). “I have a great relationship with them,” Antonie explains. “They’ve helped provide me with materials and equipment to do a number of different outreaches.” He told the EHC leadership about his plan for a two-week outreach into the heart of the marginalized people group, using the youthful enthusiasm of students. Antonie wanted a group that wouldn’t be scared off by the very real problems it would face — a group that understood the mission to look past those problems and share the love of Jesus. However, some of these students had a rough start. They were from the University of Cape Town and had grown up in affluent South African neighborhoods. Imagine a group of young people from Yale or Beverly Hills going to do missions work in the run-down areas of Detroit, and you’ll start to 6

get the idea. But what’s beautiful about the work of the Gospel is that other workers in the outreach were native to the Khayelitsha area, and they showed the rest how to interact, speak and share the message in a way it could be heard. The other reason Antonie decided to use the university students with Cru is that they had a heart for social justice. They understood, at least intellectually, that the segregation suffered in Khayelitsha was unjust, and they wanted to do something about it. Antonie gave them a charge, not only to do a little good over a short period of time, but also to be a part of a life-change that brings hope and plants churches in the area. These “family communities” were guarded, but if the heart of Jesus could catch on there, it would spread like fire in a parched forest. “When you reach out to one family in this area, all of the other neighbors notice what’s happening,” Antonie explains. “Because of the lack of privacy, one’s business is everybody’s business.” If one family gets saved, many others want to know why, and it gives the workers a chance to share that same love and message of freedom.

MARCH 2017

Several views of the Khayelitsha township show the types of homes our workers reached. (See page 16 for attributions.)

The students set out and spent a couple of weeks going into a place that was completely foreign to them. They met face to face with locals, told their stories and listened to the stories of others. Before long, miracles happened. The often-hostile area turned hospitable, with many welcoming the students into their homes and gratefully receiving the gospel literature they offered. This group of students from Every Home for Christ and Cru worked arm in arm to reach an area that often felt unheard. Antonie says, “The community is polarized, so these convictions coming from an evangelical position are thoughtprovoking. People talk about these things and the impact that EHC volunteers have made long after we have finished our outreach and follow-up.” As these students shared the Gospel from home to home, 67 people gave their lives to Christ. Every Home for Christ will plant a Christ Group to help disciple these new believers as they continue to grow in their faith. The people of Khayelitsha were not the only ones to experience a change of heart — the students who shared were also affected. “It was life-changing for the students,” Antonie says. “It left a great impact

upon their convictions to continue sharing the Gospel. Being in the location, walking among poor communities and sharing the Gospel was an event that changed their perspectives and their hearts.” For Antonie, the greatest fulfillment of this outreach was seeing that, with a challenge and an opportunity to make a difference, students will not only meet the challenge but profoundly impact an area. He explains, “My heart is elated. It shows that our efforts are not in vain. I am apprehended by a desire to reach out to every student so we can saturate whole communities and share the Gospel with effective impact and magnitude.” The success of this outreach is a shift in perspective for Antonie. He realized this should not be just a one-time event, but a consistent way to take the message of hope and transformation to a part of the world waiting to be touched by the Gospel.

You come alongside bold evangelists sharing the hope of Jesus around the world when you give at ehc.org/donate ehc.org


BLESSED ARE THE POOR by J a me s H o lt

An elderly Romanian woman has spent her whole life in one of the poorest slums in the European Union.






e expect to encounter suffering and poverty when we travel internationally for missions work. We know to prepare ourselves to see things that will be hard to describe to our loved ones back home. What we don’t expect is to encounter indescribably heartbreaking situations within our own nations — but that was the experience for 30 young workers with Every Home for Christ Romania. When they went into Vaslui County, they wept at the conditions they found within their own European nation. In the slums of Vaslui, as many as 15 people live in single-room homes made of wood and mud. Within the walls of these homes, families struggle with alcoholism, and women are subjected to rape and incest. Parents face unemployment and rely on government aid to make ends meet. Children drop out of school, and girls as young as 13 become mothers, unsure of their children’s paternity. The youngest walk barefoot in the streets through rain, mud and cold. It’s one of the poorest areas in the European Union. “Spiritually, they are in the dark, though they say they are Christian Orthodox,” says Samy Tutac, National Director of Every Home for Christ Romania. “They do not know the Scripture, nor do they go to a church . . .





It broke the hearts of our young people, so we decided to get involved there.” For seven years, Every Home for Christ Romania has visited the impoverished community of Vaslui. In that time, they have reached more than 40,000 homes with the Gospel and an additional 15,000 in neighboring Iaşi County. In the last four years, six Christ Group fellowships have been established in Vaslui and three in Iaşi, and in a single village, almost 400 children attended Vacation Bible School. “Every year, we have hundreds of people come to our meetings,” Samy says. “People come, pray with us and receive Christ.” In addition to sharing the Gospel with every home, our evangelists also meet people’s physical needs. With the regular help of two visiting volunteers from Switzerland, funds were raised to construct new homes for families in great need. Each home is built for about $9,000 USD and includes a bathroom and a kitchen. In 2014, our workers rented a closed hospital and opened it up for three days to provide medical, dental and counseling clinics. Twenty Christian doctors from across Romania volunteered their time to see over 200 patients. “After consultations, we prayed and we shared





“Father, we should be models of love.” 1 As part of a gospel outreach, EHC workers brought clothes from their home churches to distribute to those in need. 2 Two young EHC workers share the Gospel with a grandmother as she holds her grandbaby. 3 An EHC worker blesses and prays for a young baby. 4 EHC workers share the love of Christ with an entire family. 5 A young girl listens intently to the Gospel. 6 EHC workers meet physical needs in the community as they share the love of Christ. 7 Three young girls in shabby clothing draw close to one of our workers visiting their community.

4 10

the Gospel,” Samy says. To top off their efforts, our evangelists hosted a Continental Choir concert at City Hall in the town of Negreşti. “It was a good time of music and testimonies, and I brought the message,” Samy says. “We did the same thing in 2015.” Not everyone in Vaslui appreciates the hope and help provided by our workers, however. Orthodox priests feel threatened by outsiders who bring evangelism to the community, and some try to use political leverage against our workers. One


MARCH 2017



priest even confronted an EHC partner named Pastor Paul Marica in the street, threatening to strangle him. With humble gentleness, Pastor Marica simply replied, “Father, we should be models of love.” That is certainly what Every Home for Christ Romania and its many ministry partners have done in Vaslui and Iaşi. For seven years, Romanian believers have invested in the lives of the people in these communities — and they have no intention of stopping. Thousands have been introduced to


the Savior, and EHC Christ Groups have been established as lights shining hope into this hurting community. The Spirit is moving in Vaslui, and souls are being saved. “It is wonderful to see the change in our youth after their ministry there,” Samy says. “Many Christians have helped in these projects.” You can become a vital part of sharing God’s love with those who are hurting when you give at ehc.org/donate

7 ehc.org



Editor’s Note: Guy Burgo is Every Home for Christ’s Stewardship Advisor. He has worked as a consultant to over 100 ministries across the country and has helped more than 2,300 Christian families design their wills.


hat do 16th U.S. President Abraham

the U.S. government on the day he died. The team

Lincoln and award-winning recording

of lawyers employed to settle his estate became

artist Prince have in common? If you

his second-favorite charity. And, even if Prince’s

guessed that they both died without a last will

six siblings are able to agree on an equitable

and testament, you are correct.

division of his royalties and other property, they

Though Lincoln was an attorney, he was so busy holding the country together throughout the

to protect the estate from taxes.

Civil War that he never took the time to write out

If Prince had only taken the time to write a

his will. His assassination meant he would never

will, he could have left the royalties from his

get to. Fortunately for Lincoln’s family, the tax

music empire to his favorite charities, eliminating

code and estate laws of that time were far simpler

millions of dollars in taxes and making a positive

than today’s. Nonetheless, by preparing a will, the

impact on the world. But without a will, the legacy

president could have saved his wife, Mary, from

that might have been will never be realized.

being pulled away from their mourning children to go through the intestate process.


will likely face another long battle as they attempt

If the Lord called you home today, would you leave a biblically-based will to provide for your

Prince is another story entirely. The estate

loved ones and bless your favorite ministries?

of the eccentric musician, who died suddenly in

Every Home for Christ has a free Will and Trust

2016, will likely be tied up in the court system

Planning Ministry to help you with this important

for many years to come. In life, Prince gave

act of stewardship. For more information, please

generously to his favorite charities. But with little

contact Debbie Grissett at 719-260-8888 or

to no estate planning, his favorite charity became


You Decide What Happens Next Every Home for Christ is ready to help you design your last will and testament, ensuring that it:

• Is biblically based • Provides for your loved ones • Blesses the ministries you care about

For more information, contact Debbie Grissett at 719-260-8888 or dgrissett@ehc.org Any ideas expressed are not to be considered legal or tax advice. Please consult your own legal and/or tax advisors.





by Kathy Gowler



eave the real world behind and lose yourself in paradise.” The brochures are enticing, and it’s true. Balmy weather, sandy beaches, radiant sunsets and luxury resorts make Cabo San Lucas a popular vacation destination. But behind the colorful advertisements lies another side of Mexico that the tourist industry works very hard to hide. It’s no secret that the border between Mexico and the United States is the corridor through which millions of dollars’ worth of drugs and weapons are smuggled into the hands of violent criminals. The Mexican state of Los Cabos (where Cabo San Lucas is located) is home to more than 40 organized groups that traffic illegal substances into the United States and contribute to the random acts of violence that keep Mexico’s residents living in fear. But there’s something else going on in the shadows of paradise that tourists in Los Cabos will never see,

and it’s all because of one man who views the shadows of paradise through different eyes. His name is Ignacio, but on the streets he’s known as “Nacho.” Nacho was born in the state of Guerrero, which is known as the capital of Mexico’s heroin trade. Remarkably, though he grew up surrounded by addicts, Nacho never once tried drugs or even alcohol. Rather, he’s always felt sorry for those who become slaves to their addictions. After Nacho married his wife, Ruth, they moved from Guerrero to Los Cabos in search of a better life. There, they heard the Gospel and committed their lives to Jesus. As Nacho began to study God’s Word, his burden for drug-addicted youth grew stronger. He had an increasing desire to tell them of God’s love, but he had no idea how he could reach them. So Nacho began to pray that God would give him opportunities to witness to the addicts who hung out at a local park.

MARCH 2017

“As Nacho began to study God’s Word, his burden for drug-addicted youth grew stronger.” 2


4 1 Graffiti art marks the walls of urban areas throughout Mexico. 2 Nacho at a park where he shares God’s love and hope. 3 One of the parks where Nacho spends much of his time. 4 A group of young men that Nacho ministers to.

The more he prayed, the more Nacho realized he would first need to become their friend, so he started going to the park where the gangs would go to get high. Nacho went to the park every day so the kids there would become accustomed to seeing him. Then he started taking a soccer ball and kicking it around. Before long, he invited the gang members to join him in a game. To his surprise, a few of them did. Nacho kept going to the park and was soon bringing snacks and sodas to share with his new friends. He made a point to drink from the same bottles they did to show that they could trust him. Nacho wasn’t a pastor and never went to Bible school or seminary, but he was good at art and sculpting. So he purchased some paint and began teaching the gang members how to paint murals on the walls surrounding the park instead of the graffiti they were known for. It was clear to Nacho that the youth who were terrorizing Los Cabos needed more to do than go to the park and get high. He took a speaker and played Christian music while he taught them. He also brought EHC gospel literature, called A Story Like Yours, specifically written for those struggling with addictions and gang involvement. Nacho had no financial backing from his church — he purchased all of the art supplies with his own money because of his love for the Gospel and his passion to help addicted youth. Day after day, this unlikely missionary would go to the park, armed with paint, snacks, Christian music and EHC gospel literature. While Nacho and the gang members painted, he talked to them about Jesus’ love and forgiveness. Gradually, he noticed things begin to change. The hymns he played brought tears to the eyes of some of the gang members. One of them was a high-profile leader named Jacinto. Nineteen-year-old Jacinto had been using heroin for so long that he’d lost his memory and would black out for long periods of time. He’d wanted to get off the drugs, but his addiction had controlled him for so long that, every time he tried, he failed. When Nacho met Jacinto, he shared the Gospel, quoting John 8:36: “If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” Jacinto had lost all hope of ever turning his life around. ehc.org



“The hymns he played brought tears to the eyes of some of the gang members.”


2 1 At night, when the park is more peaceful, even young children can come to play basketball. 2 Young people paint over a marked-up wall at the park to restore its original color and beauty.



That day, Nacho introduced him to Jesus. Nacho spent the next few days with Jacinto, praying him through detoxification. Miraculously, the Lord took all desire for heroin from Jacinto, and he began his road to recovery. His transformation was so dramatic that Jacinto’s mother and two sisters gave their lives to Jesus, too. Now their home — which had been a living hell — has been restored to peace. Word got around that something unusual was happening at the park in Cabo San Lucas. Fights between gangs were less frequent, and incidents of violent crime were greatly diminished. Drug-addicted youth were willingly entering rehabilitation programs and being restored. Nacho’s quiet ministry was making a difference, and authorities began to notice. The Family Defense Institute began supporting Nacho’s work with addicted youth by donating paint and art supplies, and Every Home for Christ Mexico increased its commitment to keeping Nacho well supplied with gospel literature written specifically for ministering to criminal gangs. Over the past two years, Nacho has presented the Gospel to hundreds of gang members who hang out in the parks of Cabo San Lucas. Many of them have gone through rehabilitation and have begun new lives. They still go to the park, but not to do drugs. Now they go to look for their friend, Nacho, who shared the Gospel and helped them turn their lives around. Nacho is currently beginning a new work in Cabo San Lucas. He’s started a Christ Group for those he’s helped rescue from drug addiction and gang activity, and he is teaching them how to study the Bible and share their faith with others. Every Home for Christ Mexico continues to provide all the evangelism and discipleship materials he needs.

You can help evangelists like Nacho shine the light of the Gospel into the darkness of their nations when you give at ehc.org/donate

P. 6: Chell Hill Khayelitsha Township http://bit.ly/2foe9HB CC BY-SA 3.0 http://bit.ly/1p2b8Ke

P. 7 Elyob Khayelitsha http://bit.ly/2eEjERl CC BY-SA 2.0 http://bit.ly/1jxQJMa

P. 7: by Stokperdjie, Khayelitsha Metrorail Station http://bit.ly/2jcl20S CC BY-SA 3.0 http://bit.ly/1p2b8Ke

P. 6 Khayelitsha by FreddieA http://bit.ly/2dPBAsN CC BY-SA 3.0 http://bit.ly/1p2b8Ke

P. 14: by Andrew, Parque Mexico #9 http://bit.ly/2jcN4sU CC BY-NC 2.0 http://bit.ly/1eBd9Ks


Listed at the top right of each daily request is the nation’s population, the percentage of evangelical believers (Joshua Project) and a number that corresponds with Every Home for Christ’s 2017 edition of the World Prayer Map. At the end of each prayer request is the assigned reading for the day to read through the Bible in a year.

Every Home for Christ | P.O. Box 64000 | Colorado Springs, CO 80962 | 1-800-423-5054 | ehc.org | info@ehc.org




Mrs. S is a faithful believer despite her family’s hostility toward Christianity. Please pray that Mrs. S will touch her family’s lives (particularly that of her husband, who has caused much grief in their home) with the love of Jesus and lead them to salvation. (Joshua 22–24)



Please pray for the five families who were kicked out of their village for the sake of the Gospel. Pray that the peace and comfort of God will reign in their hearts and for the protection and wisdom of our volunteers as they continue to distribute literature home to home. (Judges 4–6)


Pop. 46,700,000


7.3% WPM # 218

Our workers ask that we pray for the young people in the Colombian Church to follow in Jesus’ footsteps. Sinful ideologies are being encouraged in public schools and can debilitate spiritual growth. Pray that these students will be strong in their faith despite popular beliefs. (Judges 13–15)



Please pray for our teams as they go into neighboring villages proclaiming the love of Christ home to home. Pray that the Gospel will go forth in power and that many people will hear the Good News and be saved. (Psalms 45–47)




Pop. 300,000

19.1% WPM # 183

Please pray for our team organizing evangelism outreaches to reach an island of over 20,000 people with the Gospel. Pray that they will find spiritfilled partners in the local churches who have a passion to reach their island for Jesus. (1 Samuel 4–6)


Pop. 19,600,000

22.8% WPM # 13



Pop. 23,700,000

8.4% WPM # 24

Praise God for the new converts who are making great progress in their faith through a weekly discipleship program. Please pray that they will continue to grow through the Holy Spirit and will go out into their neighborhoods and bring more into the fold of God. (Judges 7–9)




Pop. 15,000,000

23.2% WPM # 14

Please pray for a bountiful harvest of souls during ongoing evangelism outreaches. Ask the Lord to give the 250 pioneer missionaries involved a passion to reach lost souls, wisdom to preach the Word and endurance to reach every home with gospel literature. (Judges 16–18)




Please pray with our team members in Angola, who are battling spiritual warfare. Spiritual hunger is abounding in the void left by civil war, leading to a resurgence of pagan practices. Pray that the truth of the Gospel will abound instead! (Judges 1–3)




April 2017



Pop. 9,900,000

2.7% WPM # 79

New volunteers are catching the vision and joining Every Home for Christ to reach every home with the Gospel! “God can bring revival here,” says a participating local pastor. “We ask Him for that in prayer.” Please pray for the Lord to continue to send laborers to the field. (Ruth 1–4)




Pop. 300,000

5.5% WPM # 214

Our workers recently met with a large group of fishermen, and their hearts were stirred to send them gospel booklets and Bibles in Spanish. “These men are thirsty for hope,” writes one team member. Please pray for God to meet this thirst and guide them to salvation. (1 Samuel 7–9)



Pop. 3,900,000



Our team recently brought the love of God to a largely Arab neighborhood. Many were encouraged by the gospel messages given to them and wanted to learn more about Jesus! Please pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to reveal Himself to those who heard the Good News. (Psalms 42–44)



Pop. 80,900,000

2.1% WPM # 83


Two requests have come to our team in Germany to help local churches with evangelism outreaches in the cities of Eschwege and Heidenheim! Please pray that the Holy Spirit will go before these teams to open the doors and hearts of those lost in darkness. (Judges 10–12)



Pop. 23,300,000

10.6% WPM # 41


Our team reached out to the Anyi, Attia and Baoulé peoples, sharing the love and power of Christ by praying over the sick and healing them in the name of Jesus! Please pray that these miracles will leave a lasting presence of God’s love and power for His people. (Judges 19–21)



Pop. 1,900,000


11.6% WPM # 2

Please pray for all the souls in Lesotho recently touched with a presentation of the Gospel during evangelism outreaches. Pray that the Holy Spirit will open their eyes and hearts to the saving knowledge of Jesus. (1 Samuel 1–3)




Please continue to pray for our workers who face persecution for the sake of preaching the Gospel. Pray that God will give them strength to continue to declare the Good News in the midst of trials and that their families will find comfort in His presence. (1 Samuel 10–13)



Pop. 12,700,000

26.5% WPM # 17


Over 650 people received Jesus as their Savior through recent outreaches to the Rulindo district in Rwanda! Please pray for these new brothers and sisters as our workers guide them in the journey of discipleship. (1 Samuel 14–16)



Pop. 53,700,000

19.3% WPM # 1


Pastor Ncube is confident that the number of volunteers for evangelism outreaches will continue to grow with the help of EHC evangelism and discipleship trainings. Please pray for more opportunities to teach the local churches how to evangelize their villages. (1 Samuel 20–22)


Pop. 1,300,000


4.5% WPM # 98


Please pray for our workers who are taking the Gospel to poor neighborhoods throughout Estonia. Pray that our workers will effectively convey the hope and love of Jesus and lead many to salvation. (1 Samuel 29–31)


A local church in this closed nation is seeking the Lord as it decides on upcoming opportunities for evangelism. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will give church leaders divine insight and a passion to reach the lost in their country. (2 Samuel 4–6)


Pop. 29,300,000

10.2% WPM # 217

During an outreach, our workers visited the home of a sick child. Our team took the time to offer prayer and hope to the family, and the mother was moved to tears by the act of kindness. Pray that God continues to work through every opportunity our workers encounter. (2 Samuel 13–15)

5.0% WPM # 78

Please pray for the gospel messages that were recently distributed throughout Bacău County. Pray that the Holy Spirit will work through this literature to bring those lost and without hope into a personal, saving relationship with Christ. (Psalms 48–50)





Pop. 68,000,000

0.5% WPM # 137



Please pray for our workers in Thailand as they take the Gospel room to room in local hospitals. Pray that many will encounter the healing power of Christ and, most importantly, come to a saving relationship with Him. (2 Samuel 1–3)

Pop. 14,200,000

26.6% WPM # 9

Please pray that God will continue to raise up young people in Zimbabwe who are passionate about reaching their generation for Christ! Pray that the Holy Spirit will provide them with mentors who will fill them with godly wisdom, truth and grace to grow as leaders in evangelism. (2 Samuel 7–9)


29 CREATIVE ACCESS #33 Please pray for a young female student named Laura. She first heard the Gospel about a year ago and has had fellowship with local believers. Pray that God will continue to give her opportunities to hear the Gospel and that she will come to fully put her faith in Him. (2 Samuel 16–18)



Pop. 400,000

5.9% WPM # 207

Please pray for the home-to-home outreaches which left gospel messages with residents in Martinique. Pray that these messages will speak hope and life to their readers and will lead them to a relationship with Jesus! (1 Samuel 17–19)


Our workers recently shared the Good News throughout a community with high levels of drug use and crime. Pray that our team will see breakthrough in this city and that a great harvest of souls will be produced from their testimony of the love of Christ. (1 Samuel 23–25)



Pop. 21,700,000









Pop. 56,300,000

5.1% WPM # 136

Workers in Myanmar traveled by motorcycle to the Kawa Township to bring the life-changing news of the Gospel to 15 villages! Pray that the Lord will continue to work in the hearts of all who heard the message of His grace. (1 Samuel 26–28)


Pop. 5,900,000

29.6% WPM # 186

For months, local witch doctors tried to call forth rain in an area suffering from drought. The Lord put it in the heart of an EHC Christ Group leader to call together a small prayer meeting to ask the Lord for rain. Praise God for answering their prayers. (Psalms 51–53)


Pop. 101,000,000

12.2% WPM # 170

Please pray for our workers in the Philippines as they organize upcoming home-to-home outreaches. Please pray for open doors and open hearts as they declare the Gospel throughout their local communities. (2 Samuel 10–12)



Pop. 44,400,000

2.7% WPM # 102

Our teams in Ukraine continue to ask that we pray for those searching for meaning in the midst of their country’s conflict. Pray that God will use our workers to meet that longing with the Gospel and that the lost will find the peace of God that surpasses human understanding. (2 Samuel 19–21)

2017 S C H O O L





THE H U MILITY C LU ST E R : H U M B LI N G I N P R AY E R Confessing in Prayer, Repenting in Prayer, Forgiving in Prayer

Join us as we continue our School of Prayer series, In Prayer with Dick Eastman. This series features nine teaching sessions, called “Clusters,” to help you cultivate a fruitful, vibrant prayer life.

Join us in person, or watch live or on demand at ehc.org/sop March 11, 9 a.m. to noon (MST)

Future School of Prayer Dates: April 8 | May 6 | September 16 | October 14 | November 18 | December 9 640 Chapel Hills Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 | 1-800-423-5054 | ehc.org/sop

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ehc.org | info@ehc.org | 1-800-423-5054


For every dollar you give, three families will hear the Word of God. Over 170 million people have responded to the Gospel through Every Home for Christ’s simple but powerful method. Visit ehc.org/donate to make your gift today.

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