Every Home - May 2017

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Tried and True Bulgaria p. 4

No Matter What Sierra Leone p. 8

Stewardship Through Gift Annuities p. 12

Pressed Down but Not Crushed Mexico p. 14

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VISION: Every Home for Christ exists to serve the Church to reach every home on earth with the Gospel.

International President | Dick Eastman Executive Director | Tim Middlebrook Editor | Michelle Matia Copy Editor | James Holt Designer | Drew Emmert Production Supervisor | Elizabeth LeCompte

Search for us online: everyhomeintl

Every Home for Christ P.O. Box 64000 Colorado Springs, CO 80962 1-800-423-5054 ehc.org | info@ehc.org Cover: by George Chelebiev (See attributions on page 16.)




International President

“...lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age...” (Matthew 28:20b,



A pioneer missionary in Colombia shares the Gospel with a young man — one face-to-face encounter among thousands that take place daily in Every Home for Christ’s work around the world.

he Bible tells us that “in the last days it is going to be very difficult to be a Christian” (2 Timothy 3:1, TLB). While many of us still enjoy religious freedom, there are growing numbers of Christians around the world who face great opposition because of their faith. Some experience it as discrimination in the workplace or difficulty in finding employment. In more extreme cases, Christ’s followers are openly persecuted, forced to hide their Bibles and worship in secret just to protect their families. In this edition of Every Home magazine, we bring you stories of some of our global evangelists who have faced great conflict while sharing the Gospel and proclaiming the Christian faith. You’ll read about an EHC worker in Bulgaria who has been repeatedly confronted by police for sharing the Gospel (p. 4). You’ll follow our team in Sierra Leone as it risks exposure to Ebola and comes face to face with a group of dangerous drug addicts (p. 8). Then you’ll be inspired by an EHC worker in Mexico whose Christian family was scattered by persecution when he was 16 years old (p. 14). Please join me in praying for our global workers — and Christians everywhere — who are clinging to the promise found in Matthew 28: “. . . I am with you always . . .”

See page 19 to learn about Dick Eastman’s School of Prayer.








by Rob Ste n n e tt




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t the very start of the Book of James, believers are told, “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds” (James 1:2, NIV). James is trying to flip our perspective on resistance to the Gospel. Since the days of the early Church, Christians have thought, We have Good News. Why would anyone be reluctant to accept it? But we don’t have to read far into the New Testament to see just how resistant people were to the story of Jesus. The first Christians were ridiculed, beaten, jailed and tortured. Many even lost their lives so the Gospel could advance. James reminds us that sharing the Gospel comes with an inevitable cost. Persecution looks very different for Christians today, depending on where they are in the world. In Bulgaria, it is not illegal to share the Gospel, but doing so is still highly regulated. This part of the world says that only “a church” can pass out gospel literature, which means an individual who evangelizes home to home can draw negative attention. Brother Bogdan, an EHC evangelist, knew of these regulations and diligently followed the rules to the letter. However, he was neither a pastor nor a church worker. He was simply a local schoolteacher whose life had been transformed by the love of Jesus, and he wanted to share that hope with others. When Bogdan heard about the possibility of sharing the Gospel home to home, it inspired him, and he quickly volunteered to participate. Bogdan was equipped by the EHC team in Bulgaria, commissioned by a local church and given the proper authorization paperwork. And, as Bogdan went home to home, he made sure never to leave gospel literature for someone without hand delivering it in person. (Leaving unwanted literature behind would make the police more likely to question him.) Despite Bogdan’s meticulous efforts to stay within regulations, some locals still didn’t like that he was sharing the Gospel in their neighborhood. They mocked him and insisted that they didn’t need or want evangelism in their neighborhood.











“I won’t bother anyone if they don’t want to be bothered,” Bogdan respectfully explained to the agitated locals. “But I’ve already found that some of your neighbors are very interested in my message.” This explanation wasn’t good enough for his critics. They began to spread lies about Bogdan, and they told those lies to the police. “People from the village called the police and said a lot of bad things about Bogdan,” says Pavel Valkov, EHC National Director of Bulgaria. “In Bulgaria, if a group wants to accuse you of a crime, they will find a way to do it, and the police will usually listen.” The police responded to the accusations against Bogdan, and he was caught by surprise when they arrested him. His first thought was, How could this be happening? I was trying to show the love of Jesus while being thoughtful and respectful, and now I’m being dragged to jail. The immediate threats he faced went screaming through his mind. He could be fined a significant amount of money, or even worse, he could lose his job. It doesn’t look good 6

when a local schoolteacher is arrested. For a moment, Bogdan wondered how he was supposed to find “joy” — as the book of James calls it — in the midst of this kind of persecution. But his perspective quickly shifted. “When Bogdan meets an aggressive situation, he immediately starts to pray in his spirit,” Valkov says. As Bogdan prayed, he was reminded of his training. He knew the risks of sharing the Gospel in these areas. “All our team is trained and instructed about working with local authorities and the police,” Valkov explains. Bogdan used his classroom management skills to talk with the police. He confidently presented his authorization papers, and he humbly explained how everything he was doing was legal. After making his case, Bogdan returned to prayer. “We believe in the power of prayer,” Valkov says. “Bogdan loves to pray and is drawn to Every Home for Christ because it is a prayer ministry at its core.” Bogdan’s explanation and prayers worked, and he was released.

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Though they work in a culture that is largely antagonistic to the Gospel, pioneer missionaries in Bulgaria always find many who are receptive to their message — soil that is ready for God’s Word.

It would make sense if, after what happened, Bogdan decided to stop going home to home. Insults, lies from neighbors and an unfair arrest might deter even the strongest of believers. But Bogdan understands what the book of James says. He doesn’t find joy in the persecution itself, but he understands that persecution is a byproduct of sharing the Gospel. Make no mistake — it’s spreading the message of Jesus that brings Bogdan joy. Seeing people’s eyes light up when they understand that they are loved and forgiven is what helps him to persevere. “For Bogdan nothing is more important in life than to spread the Gospel,” Valkov says. “He lives for it, so nothing can stop him from doing that.” Bogdan went back to that same village and, again, shared his story and passed out gospel literature. People who may have never understood the story of Jesus had their lives changed by the Gospel, because Bogdan had the courage to return to the very place where he was humiliated and arrested. His courage to persevere for the sake of the Gospel is

a living and breathing example of the book of James. As Valkov has equipped evangelists all over his country to go home to home, he has served faithfully and has seen incredible stories, but Bogdan’s story particularly resonates with Valkov and gives him strength in his own mission. Now, when Valkov teaches and trains future evangelists, he tells them the story of Brother Bogdan and how he persevered through the trials he faced. “The courage of Bogdan, for me, gives hope that the goal of reaching every Bulgarian home will be fulfilled,” Valkov says. Reaching every home in Bulgaria is an audacious goal, but with courageous and selfless men like Bogdan, it becomes a little more possible every day.

It is your faithful support that provides literature and training to people like Bogdan. Thank you! ehc.org/donate




NO MATTER WHAT by Kathy Gowler




hey knew that if they didn’t go, there was a very good chance that no one else would. Accessing the unreached mountain areas of Sierra Leone involves a long, arduous journey through steep, rugged terrain, often in suffocating heat. But the physical challenges of traversing the area weren’t the only obstacles the EHC workers would face. The region they were headed into was also scattered with hostile anti-Christian factions and villages deeply rooted in the occult. The first thing the EHC leaders knew they must do was to get on their knees and ask the Lord to guide them. Then they asked His blessing on the outreach and for Him to bring them back unharmed. This outreach would take them to villages where disease was rampant and the Ebola virus was still a threat. It would be a dangerous mission not for the fearful or faint of heart, and they knew they couldn’t do it alone. So after committing their efforts to the Lord, the EHC leaders in Sierra Leone recruited local church leaders and volunteer missionaries who shared their passion for the lost and would be willing to go with them. It would take a strong team to reach as many people as they could with the Gospel. God heard their prayers and helped them put together an amazing team. Some of them were experienced pastors and church leaders, and some were new believers who knew what it was like to be persecuted and ostracized by their families for accepting Christ. After training to effectively share the Gospel home to home, the team members set out, careful to pace





“Knowing that the powers of darkness were wreaking havoc on the region, the EHC team made its way up the mountain to declare the Gospel...” 3



1 Two men follow a barely discernible trail through the jungle. 2 Michael French (pictured left), our Sierra Leone National Director, shares the Gospel using the Heart of Man Chart, a visual tool that is especially helpful in communities with high illiteracy rates. 3 A pioneer missionary shares the Gospel with three friends. 4 In Sierra Leone, children often accompany their mothers wherever they go.


themselves in the intense heat and reserve their strength. Their experience in the first village they reached buoyed their faith and ignited a new passion. The very presence of the team brought hope and cheer to the isolated community where visitors are rare. The impoverished community had been struck hard by the Ebola outbreak. Everyone who was left had suffered great loss. They were an attentive audience that listened to the presentation of the Gospel with hungry hearts and open ears. The sick among them received prayer, and many experienced instant healing. As they prepared to move on, the villagers warned the EHC team that going further up the mountain was not a good idea. It was a “no-go” area, they said, a dangerous “secret location” where much evil took place. The secret location — also known as Loko Town — was a drug-infested community built and controlled by an exmilitary officer whom everyone feared. He was an evil man who was dismissed from the army for egregious and illegal behavior. Those who were loyal to him called him “Man Plus,” because his rumored abilities and spiritual powers were far greater than those of any ordinary man. At this secret mountaintop location as well as the surrounding area, Man Plus was revered as a spiritual advisor who had mystical powers and could solve everyone’s problems with his herbs, occultist charms and other paraphernalia. He was a manipulative man who made his followers depend on him by getting them

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3 addicted to marijuana and strong rum. His concoctions had created a mentally unstable community widely known for its violent behavior. Knowing that the powers of darkness were wreaking havoc on the region, the EHC team made its way up the mountain to declare the Gospel in Loko Town. But when our workers got there, they were confronted by eight burly men — all devoted followers of Man Plus. These men were clearly agitated when they saw the visitors approach, and they were highly skeptical when the evangelists introduced themselves as missionaries. High on their daily concoctions, Man Plus’s ruffians didn’t believe the outreach workers and thought they were the police coming to arrest them. After a lot of talking, the EHC workers managed to convince the angry men that they were not the police but had come to bring Man Plus some very good news. Then they shared the Gospel, speaking of freedom in Christ and His power to forgive and break the bondage of addiction. When they finished, the team said a prayer and asked God to give them a miracle. Then the evangelists asked if anyone wanted to accept Christ. Five of Man Plus’s eight loyal followers — and Man Plus himself — raised their hands and surrendered their lives to Christ. After much prayer and biblical counsel, the EHC workers persuaded the former gang members to renounce their sinful ways and look for gainful employment. As it turned out, several of them had marketable skills and

4 soon found work. It took Man Plus a little longer to find a new vocation, as many people feared him. He was eventually hired after he made a public announcement of his decision to follow Christ, destroyed his charms and tore down his former place of business. In its place, he constructed a building large enough to house his entire family. The news quickly spread that Man Plus was no longer offering his ungodly services because he had given his life to Christ. As a result, many more of his loyal customers opened their hearts to the Gospel and accepted Jesus too. Today, Man Plus and many who once followed him are part of an EHC Christ Group fellowship that meets for regular Bible study and prayer. EHC workers who proclaim the Gospel in difficult areas are sometimes said to be superheroes of the faith. But the truth is, they’re no different than you and me. They’re just ordinary people who have families that worry when they’re gone and trust God for their safe return. They are humble men and women who have dedicated their lives to building the Kingdom and thank God for the privilege. Please pray for EHC workers and Christians everywhere who have devoted their lives to spreading the Gospel in hostile areas, no matter the cost. If you’d like to help our evangelists reach more of their nations with the Gospel, give today using the accompanying form or online at ehc.org/donate




Editor’s Note: Guy Burgo is Every Home for Christ’s Stewardship Advisor. He has worked as a consultant to over 100 ministries across the country and has helped more than 2,300 Christian families design their wills.


loyd and Bonnie have never been rich, but they’re quick to point out that God has always provided everything they need. During World War II, Lloyd began his career as a flight engineer gunner in the U.S. Army Air Corps and served with the B-25 Bomb Group in North Africa. After the war, he met Bonnie at the University of Nebraska, and they were married in May 1947. “The marriage license cost me two dollars,” Lloyd remembers. Lloyd continued his career, serving in the U.S. Air Force in both Korea and Vietnam and working as a logistician for the Department of the Air Force as a civilian. In all, he served our country for 42 years. Throughout their lives, Lloyd and Bonnie worked hard for what they have, but they’ve never lost sight of the fact that it all comes from God. Everything belongs to Him; they merely steward what He gives. So from the beginning, they’ve given back to Him — both through their local church and through other Christian ministries like Every Home for Christ. “Our giving [to Every Home for Christ] will go for worldwide missions,” Lloyd says. “This is the key: spreading the Word.”


Lloyd and Bonnie’s giving has only increased as the years have passed, and today they support Every Home for Christ’s global evangelism and discipleship through their Charitable Gift Annuities — 19 of them! “It provides a decent amount of mainly taxfree income to supplement retirement,” Lloyd says. “When you lose your interest in ‘things’ — blowing money on gadgets or expensive cars or houses — well, that’s when you can do more to get the Gospel out.” Lloyd and Bonnie have outlived many of their friends, and they have their own physical challenges — for example, Lloyd may need a new aortic valve soon — but they are happy with the choices they’ve made. Their Gift Annuities will help to share the Gospel in the nations even beyond their lifetime. “We came into this world with nothing,” Lloyd says, “and that’s how we want to leave it.” Would you like to fund an Every Home for Christ Charitable Gift Annuity and share the Gospel with the lost? If so, please contact Debbie Grissett at dgrissett@ehc.org or 719-260-8888.

Any ideas expressed are not to be considered legal or tax advice. Please consult your own legal and/or tax advisors.

Supplement Your Retirement and Support World Evangelism

When we reflect on our lives, it’s easy to see what really matters. Sharing the Gospel is the most important thing we can do with our lives — and with the money God entrusts to us. Through a Charitable Gift Annuity, you can support global evangelism and discipleship through Every Home for Christ while also receiving a fixed income stream to supplement your retirement. You can give your money wisely and change lives for eternity all over the world.

For more information about giving through a Gift Annuity, please contact Debbie Grissett at 719-260-8888 or dgrissett@ehc.org.

Any ideas expressed are not to be considered legal or tax advice. Please consult your own legal and/or tax advisors.





by James Holt


hat has being a Christian cost you? Jesus told us to pick up our crosses and follow Him, but young Jorge Fernández never could have imagined what that would mean for his family in Mexico. “At first, we all were very happy as my family participated in the beautiful services of the small church in our village,” says Jorge. “But over time, our neighbors began to harass us.” Jorge was 16 years old when his family became a target of persecution. The Christian families in his village refused to participate in idol worship or provide money for pagan celebrations. Non-Christian neighbors saw this refusal as a threat against the village’s ancestral traditions and culture — and their reaction to it was severe. First, the Christian children were banned from


attending the local school. Then, the water and electricity in the Christians’ homes were shut off. But the worst part was the death threats. “They threatened to burn our house and then burn us,” Jorge remembers. Terrified, Jorge’s mother refused to remain in the village any longer, and she wasn’t the only one who felt that way. One by one, Christian families broke apart as parents sent their children to stay with relatives while they went in search of new, safe places to settle. Jorge and his siblings were sent to live with their grandparents. Jorge cried himself to sleep many nights. Why had God allowed so many awful things to happen to his family? His home, his church, his school and his parents had all been ripped away from him. He didn’t even know whether his mother and father were

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4 still alive or if the threats against them had actually been carried out. It’s hard to imagine the loneliness he must have felt as he contemplated all that had happened. “He blamed God for his lot,” says Gloria Silva, EHC National Director of Mexico. “The reason for this persecution was that he and his family accepted Jesus as their Savior and worshiped Him as a family.” Jorge was ready to abandon the faith he blamed for his trouble — until someone gave him a piece of EHC gospel literature. The message was called Are You Happy? and it reminded Jorge that true happiness can only be found in Jesus. It was the exact message Jorge needed to hear in that painful moment, and the Holy Spirit used it to transform his life. “The message filled my life with hope and confidence in God,” Jorge says. “It was that message







1 Young people rush down a rock-strewn road to begin their outreach. 2 Volunteers from a local church join an EHC outreach to impact their community with the Good News. 3 EHC workers often conduct public outreaches in crowded city squares like this one. 4 Two pioneer missionaries bring the Gospel into a developing neighborhood. 5 An elderly woman is moved to tears as pioneer missionaries pray for her. God’s timing is evident, as EHC workers often reach a home exactly when prayer is needed most.




A woman ventures to the edge of her gated property to receive the Gospel.

of faith that held me close to Jesus in the most difficult years of my life.” Inspired by the EHC message, Jorge didn’t give up on following Jesus. Instead, he discovered that, even in the darkest moments, when all we have is Jesus, Jesus is always enough. With hope restored, Jorge persevered in his faith, praying all the while for his family to be reunited. When he grew up, Jorge went to seminary and became a pastor. Today he leads the congregation at New Bethel Church. Jorge even found his parents again, older but alive and well. His entire family has now been reunited, and they’re all still following Jesus. One day, a Mobile Training Coordinator from Every Home for Christ visited Jorge’s church. His name was Luciano Díaz, and he invited the congregation to participate in a home-to-home evangelism outreach. Jorge recognized Every Home for Christ as the creator of the Are You Happy? gospel message that had so profoundly influenced his life as a young Christian. He was

overjoyed to meet Luciano. “I was reached by God through the printed message that Every Home for Christ Mexico made available to me when I most needed it,” Jorge says. “I immediately agreed to participate. We all went rejoicing to sow the seed of the Gospel printed in these messages.” Partnering with other local churches, Jorge’s congregation has helped to reach 4,765 homes with the Good News of salvation in the past year, generating 1,100 responses to Jesus and establishing 53 Christ Group fellowships for discipleship. Jorge’s childhood village wasn’t the only one to experience a backlash against the Gospel, and it’s still happening today. But thanks to churches like Jorge’s, the Gospel is spreading in Mexico all the same — and gospel messages like Are You Happy? are still changing lives. If you would like to help provide gospel literature to reach those in need like Jorge, please give using the accompanying form or online at ehc.org/donate



Cover: George Chelebiev Sofia, 17th February http://bit.ly/2mqfQYn CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 http://bit.ly/RT9dL0

P. 4: Jason Farrar I want my phone call. http://bit.ly/2lrVs4l CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 http://bit.ly/RT9dL0



Listed at the top right of each daily request is the nation’s population, the percentage of evangelical believers (Joshua Project) and a number that corresponds with Every Home for Christ’s 2017 edition of the World Prayer Map. At the end of each prayer request is the assigned reading for the day to read through the Bible in a year.

Every Home for Christ | P.O. Box 64000 | Colorado Springs, CO 80962 | 1-800-423-5054 | ehc.org | info@ehc.org

Pop. 7,200,000

0.6% WPM # 71


Please pray for open hearts as our workers take the Gospel home to home in Serbia. Pray that the Holy Spirit will use our team’s message to reveal the sacrificial love of Christ and His longing to be in a relationship with each and every person. (2 Kings 11:1-14:25)



Pop. 56,300,000

5.1% WPM # 136


Where our workers in Myanmar might normally find hostility, they were met with cordial openness to the Gospel! Please pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to open hearts in Buddhist villages and that many will come to know Jesus as their Savior. (Amos 4-6)



Pop. 1,900,000

11.6% WPM # 2


“My heart’s cry is that of Isaiah, ‘Here I am Lord. Send me,’” says a gospel worker in Lesotho. “I don’t know how many days I have left to run this race, so I have to preach the Gospel now.” Please pray that God will continue to raise up workers to send to the harvest in Lesotho. (2 Kings 15-17)



One of our evangelism workers in this closed nation wrote: “There is a dark spiritual atmosphere over this land.” Pray that God will send more laborers into this land of darkness with the light and life that comes from a personal relationship with Jesus. (1 Chronicles 1-3)




Pop. 121,700,000

8.4% WPM # 181

Praise God for the Christ Group ministry that is taking place at the Topo Chico Jail. Pray that our workers will be allowed to continue to meet with and disciple these men and that these new believers will be able to reach their fellow inmates with the love of God. (1 Chronicles 7-9)



Pop. 23,700,000

8.4% WPM # 24

Our team in Cameroon recently celebrated the baptisms of several new brothers and sisters in Christ. Please pray for the faith of these believers to grow greatly and for God to use them in mighty ways to reach their community for His Kingdom. (Jonah)




Pop. 3,300,000

5.9% WPM # 227

Please pray for all our workers who were recently trained in home-to-home evangelism. Pray that they will be strengthened to be bold in proclaiming the Good News to every home they come to and that they will lead many to salvation. (Psalms 69-71)




Pop. 8,700,000

22.1% WPM # 185

Please pray for the pastors whom our National Director had the privilege of leading in evangelism and discipleship training. Pray they will catch the vision of reaching every home in their nation with the Gospel and will mobilize their churches in home-to-home evangelism. (2 Kings 18-21)




June 2017



Pop. 22,100,000

1.2% WPM # 132

Praise God that over 12,000 gospel messages were shared in a crowded marketplace in Sri Lanka. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to work through these pieces of literature to reach the people of this nation with His love. (1 Chronicles 4-6)




Pop. 4,900,000

1.4% WPM # 104

Please pray for an ongoing project that is focused on ministering to a region where people practice a false, traditional religion. Pray that God will use our workers to open their eyes and hearts and that many will come to know Jesus as the only true way to heaven. (1 Chronicles 10-12)




Police are putting pressure on our team of evangelists to stop sharing the Gospel. Please pray for open doors for the Gospel to go forth in spite of opposition and that those who are trying to stop our workers will come to a saving knowledge of Jesus. (2 Kings 14:26-29; Amos 1-3)



Pop. 21,700,000

5.0% WPM # 78


Our team in Romania recently reached homes in Timiș County with a personal, face-to-face presentation of the Gospel. Pray that all those who heard the Good News would be convicted by the Holy Spirit and brought into relationship with Jesus. (Amos 7-9)



Pop. 64,000,000

7.9% WPM # 92


Please pray for open heavens as our workers go home to home with the Good News in Birmingham! Pray that God will use our workers to inspire the Church in the United Kingdom to reach the lost and engage those who don’t know Jesus as their Savior. (2 Kings 22-25)



Pop. 6,700,000


22.6% WPM # 147

Please pray for our workers in the Southern Highlands Province who are mobilizing different churches to reach every home in the town of Tari with the Good News. Pray for courage and protection as they share the name of Jesus in this area known for tribal wars. (Psalms 72-74)




Pop. 23,800,000

5.6% WPM # 4

Our workers in Madagascar go to great lengths in order to take the Gospel to every rural home on their island. Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to fill them with the excitement and joy that is found when someone accepts the love of Jesus. (1 Chronicles 13-16)


Pop. 1,200,000


2.2% WPM # 145


Praise God for the passion of our workers in East Timor who travel through jungles to proclaim the name of Jesus to the lost! Pray that God will continue to send laborers to these villages to further disciple the lost who want to hear more about the Gospel. (1 Chronicles 17-19)



Pop. 17,500,000


18.0% WPM # 223

Please pray for our workers who are evangelizing in areas affected by massive fires from this past year. Pray that they find practical ways to share the hope of Jesus and that His Kingdom will be expanded even in the midst of hardships. (Psalms 75-77)




Pop. 600,000

31.5% WPM # 153

A son of a local, pagan priest has come to know and accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior and even started a Christ Group! Please pray that God will use his powerful testimony, and those of the other believers in his Christ Group, to win many souls for the Kingdom. (2 Chronicles 4-6)




The local church in this closed nation is seeking the Lord as it decides on upcoming opportunities for evangelism. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will give them divine insight and a passion to reach the lost in their country. (2 Chronicles 13-15)


Please pray for unity among our teams of pioneer missionaries in this nation that is hostile to the preaching of the Gospel. Pray that they will be of one mind and will encourage each other to continue to share the Good News in spite of opposition. (2 Chronicles 19-22)




Pop. 66,600,000

1.0% WPM # 89

Please pray that the Gospel will spread swiftly in the town of Falaise where very little church presence exists. Pray that the Christ Group planted there will take root, multiply and bring the presence of God to this community. (1 Chronicles 20-22)



Pop. 7,200,000

1.8% WPM # 77

Praise God for the 8,000 bags of seeds our team recently distributed as a way to share the love and provision of God! Please pray for our workers as they continue to follow up with those who responded to this message and begin a process of discipleship. (1 Chronicles 26-29)




Pop. 700,000

15.8% WPM # 216

Our workers in Guyana are doing home-to-home ministry in a mountainous region. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will provide them with both supernatural strength to reach the homes and supernatural words to reach the hearts of those who don’t know Jesus. (2 Chronicles 7-9)


Pop. 400,000

4.3% WPM # 205

Gospel messages are a key component of our team’s evangelism efforts in Guadeloupe! Please pray that these pieces of literature left with each home will stand as a testimony of God’s grace and lead many souls to salvation. (Psalms 78-80)



Pop. 321,400,000

26.5% WPM # 177

Continue to pray with us for another Great Awakening in the United States. Pray that the Holy Spirit will refresh the American Church with a passion to reach the lost and that the Church would return to its first love. (Joel 1-3; Obadiah)




Our team is meeting with several pastors and church leaders to discuss engaging the lost in their country. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will bring unity to these meetings and will impart to them divine wisdom for evangelism strategies. (1 Chronicles 23-25)




Pop. 35,100,000

7.7% WPM # 178

Please pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Church in Canada. Pray that He would stir a passion in their hearts to reach the lost and broken with the hope that is found only in Jesus Christ. (2 Chronicles 1-3)


Pop. 200,000

18.7% WPM # 159

Please pray for our gospel workers in Samoa to be equipped and inspired to reach the lost in their nation! Pray for God to give them a spirit of boldness and open doors for many evangelism opportunities. (2 Chronicles 10-12)


Pop. 53,700,000

19.3% WPM # 1

Social and racial divides can cause tension among neighborhoods in South Africa. Please pray for our workers to break into this situation with the transformational power of the Gospel which can heal any broken situation. (2 Chronicles 16-18)



Pop. 61,900,000

1.3% WPM # 65

Please pray for open doors in Italy for the Gospel to go forth in a mighty way. Pray earnestly that the Holy Spirit will send laborers to this field and that God will bless their work with an abundant harvest of souls. (2 Chronicles 23:1-26:8)

2017 S C H O O L





THE PATIENCE CLUSTER: WAITING IN PRAYER Abiding in Prayer, Watching in Prayer, Tarrying in Prayer May 6 from 9 a.m. to noon (MDT)

Join us as we continue our School of Prayer series In Prayer with Dick Eastman. This series features nine teaching sessions, called “Clusters,” to help you cultivate a fruitful, vibrant prayer life.

Join us in person, or watch live or on demand at ehc.org/sop

2017 School of Prayer dates: May 6 | September 9 | October 14 | November 18 | December 9 640 Chapel Hills Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 | 1-800-423-5054 | ehc.org/sop ehc.org


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ehc.org | info@ehc.org | 1-800-423-5054


For every dollar you give, three families will hear the Word of God. Over 170 million people have responded to the Gospel through Every Home for Christ’s simple but powerful method. Visit ehc.org/donate to make your gift today.

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