Gifts that Touch the Heart
Hope by the Box-Full Ukraine p. 4
After the Storm Fiji p. 6
Christmas Catalog p. 8
At the End of His Rope Creative Access p. 10
Generous and Joyful p. 12
VISION: Every Home for Christ exists to serve the Church to reach every home on earth with the Gospel.
International President | Dick Eastman Executive Director | Tim Middlebrook Editor | Michelle Matia Copy Editor | James Holt Designer | Drew Emmert Production Supervisor | Elizabeth LeCompte
Search for us online: everyhomeintl
Every Home for Christ P. O. Box 64000 Colorado Springs, CO 80962 1-800-423-5054 |
You Are Their Blessing D I C K
International President
“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.” — John 13:14 (NIV)
efore the Christ Group could meet at night, they had to turn off all the lights and tightly draw the curtains. Persecution in this closed region had forced these steadfast believers to meet in secret. One of them took out a Bible and began to read aloud by the dim light of a mobile phone. The other believers in the tiny room listened with rapt attention, hungry to hear the Word of God. This story fills me with joy to know the power of God’s Word and the perseverance of His Church. But at the same time, I feel a weight of responsibility. Stories like this remind us of the great spiritual need experienced by millions across the globe. God has chosen us, His Church, to meet that need. And when we rise to the challenge, amazing things happen. People living in countries closed to the Gospel hear about Jesus’ love for the first time.
Believers who have longed for years to read God’s Word for themselves receive Bibles of their own. And pioneer missionaries who face great risk and persecution find courage in knowing that friends like you prayerfully support them. Right now, our pioneer missionaries are preparing for their Christmas Outreaches. These annual outreach opportunities use the holiday season to bring in an amazing harvest. Last year, they reached over 57 million homes, and more than 8 million people responded to the Gospel. Thanksgiving is the time when we come together to thank the Lord for His many blessings — both physical and spiritual. But perhaps the greatest blessing He has bestowed upon us is our unique ability to also bless others around the world. As you read the stories in this issue of Every Home, I pray that God will show you how you can bless those in need this Christmas.
See page 15 to learn about Dick Eastman’s School of Prayer.
by James Holt
four-year-old living in Ukraine today has never known a Christmas without warfare. In 2014, a political protest over trade agreements escalated into civil war and the annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea Peninsula by Russia. Since then, about 55,000 people have evacuated Ukraine’s eastern war zone — often under gunfire — to flee west with only the belongings they could fit into their cars. A single mother named Valeria* was one of those thousands who left their lives behind to escape the violence. She arrived in western Ukraine with her two children and no means to make a living. For 16 months, their situation remained unchanged. “They sat together and wept,” one Ukrainian pastor recounts. “The children were hungry.” With another Christmas fast approaching, highlighting how little she had to offer her family, Valeria felt overcome. Facing the bleak turn her life had taken, she confessed that she had contemplated taking her own life. “If you feel that way,” her daughter replied, “My own life doesn’t make sense either.” But that Christmas would prove different for Valeria’s
family. Even amid the chaos of warfare, God saw Valeria and her children, and He sent a pastor working with Every Home for Christ to find them. “We met with this woman and gave her food and gifts for the children,” this pastor shares. “And we told her how much God loves her.” Not only did Valeria’s family finally have the help they needed, they also had hope. She and her children were not forgotten. Their lives still have purpose, because they matter to God, and now they are connected to His Church. This is the message Every Home for Christ Ukraine spreads throughout this war-torn nation every day, but the Christmas season is an especially important time. For the past six years, they have conducted a special Christmas outreach, bringing gift boxes to children like Valeria’s — and messages of hope to entire families. “This Christmas project is special for us,” says Anatoliy Kushnir, EHC National Director of Ukraine. “In the last few years of the war, church members have taken these boxes and found despairing families with small children to bring them love.” These boxes are provided by Every Home for Christ,
but they are filled with gifts by believers from over 100 Ukrainian churches. Each box comes with a Scripture-filled gospel message to share the love of Jesus with the family who receives it. “The boxes are such nice quality,” Anatoliy shares. “Children use them to store things afterwards, extending our time of communicating the love of God and the gift of Jesus throughout the year.” When this outreach began in 2011, 30,000 gift boxes were prepared to spread awareness about 30,000 Ukrainian orphans in need of adoption. Anatoliy says they wanted to bring the Church’s attention to these lonely children, challenging believers to make a difference. It worked. Today, more than 20,000 Ukrainian orphans are in the care of Christian families, and 23 Christian children’s homes have been established. However, thousands of children are still waiting for families, and that number climbs as the conflict continues. “We have a part in shaping the culture of Ukraine, starting with the Church,” Anatoliy shares. “We hope to make 30,000 boxes every year until Christians solve this problem.” Amazingly, these boxes aren’t only reaching refugees in the west. Every Home for Christ also takes them to those still living in the eastern war zone itself. “The Gospel is well received there,” Anatoliy says. “In the buffer zone of the war area, we know of 55 new churches. That is how the love of God evokes a response.” God is moving through the Ukrainian Christmas outreaches in a mighty way. Thousands of families receive the Gospel each Christmas. Christian families are providing homes to Ukrainian orphans. And the Church is growing in the most dangerous region of the country.
1 An EHC worker happily distributes gifts and literature at Christmastime. 2 An entire auditorium is filled with children who are grateful for their EHC Christmas gifts. For some children, these are the only gifts they will receive this Christmas. 3 An EHC worker stocks up on practical gifts, like diapers, to deliver to homes along with gospel messages. 4 Uniquely designed gospel literature ornaments tell the story of Jesus’ birth. 5 Christmas boxes filled at an EHC partner church are ready for delivery. 6 Children hold special gospel ornaments.
Christmas Outreaches Anatoliy reports that more than half of the families who receive EHC Christmas gift boxes respond by putting their faith in Jesus. Christmas has a way of opening people’s hearts to the love of God, and we want to meet them in that moment with the Gospel. To give toward Christmas outreaches, please use the accompanying form or visit us online at
*Name changed for anonymity.
After the Storm BIBLES
by Josh Skaggs
wo months have passed since hurricanes devastated parts of the Caribbean and the United States. The recovery process has only begun. Thousands of people have salvaged what they can from ruined homes and are now working to rebuild their lives. It’s not easy. When relief workers have left and news coverage has turned to other subjects, people will still be attempting to restore everything they’ve lost. Times of crisis bring to light needs that surpass what can be measured in dollars and cents. When people’s lives are in turmoil, the upheaval can provoke a search for spiritual shelter. “It is a human tendency to turn to God in our time of greatest need,” EHC Regional Director Manasa Kolivuso says. “When you have nothing else left except the clothes you are wearing, and you’ve lost all hope in the government or any other human being to help, that’s often when you turn to God to find solace and refuge.” Manasa speaks from experience. Last year, he assisted in Fiji’s recovery process after the country was hit by a terrible cyclone — the South Pacific equivalent of a hurricane. The strongest cyclone ever to make landfall in the southern hemisphere, Cyclone Winston affected nearly 40 percent of Fiji’s population and left over 100,000 people homeless. Manasa brought an EHC team to affected areas and visited people in what was left of their homes. “You will never fully understand the struggles and hardships people go through until you go to where they are,” he says. “You hear the stories of survival, torment and near-death experiences in the midst of the disaster. People begin to confide in you, because you are not operating from a distance but right where they are — when they need your help the most.” As Manasa talked with families who had lost everything, he was struck by how many of them expressed nonmaterial needs. During the cyclone, news coverage kept a running tally of houses destroyed and people displaced, but the storm’s spiritual toll could not be quantified. Manasa showed up with Good News exactly when they needed it. For this outreach, Every Home for Christ partnered with Global Compassion and the Bible Society of the
South Pacific. Working together, they were able to address the crisis at various levels by providing food, gospel literature and Bibles. Many believers had lost their Bibles along with their other possessions. With so much to recover, they knew it might be years before they could afford to buy new copies of God’s Word. One man had salvaged a waterlogged Bible from his home after the storm. It was torn, and many pages were missing. When Manasa’s team gave him a brand new Bible, he said that it was “like receiving gold from a faraway land.” Manasa visited a home where three families were living, and the homeowner called everyone to be seated out of respect for the presentation of the Bible. “God is bringing people to us to give us the Word of God,” he said. “We cannot take this for granted.” Going home to home in an area where homes were barely standing, EHC missionaries shared the Word of Life with those who needed it most. In all, they visited over 2,000 households. “This is when the Bible becomes the most precious thing a person can have,” Manasa says. “It’s like God is visiting them in their time of greatest need.”
Bibles Millions of believers are following God as best as they can, even though they have little to no access to His Word. For these Christians, a gift of a Bible is like “receiving gold from a faraway land.” Would you give them a gift of immeasurable worth this Christmas? To give God’s Word to waiting believers, mail in the accompanying form or visit
Above: Cyclone Winston affected nearly 40 percent of Fiji’s population and left over 100,000 people homeless. Left: An EHC pioneer missionary offers Bibles and gospel booklets with packets of rice, meeting both the physical and spiritual needs of people whose lives were devastated by the cyclone.
Gifts that Touch the Heart Let’s Rise to the Challenge! We Can Bring the Gospel to 2 Million Homes this Christmas! We started the season with a bang, as one of our partners gave $350,000 for this year’s Christmas outreaches. This donation equipped EHC missionaries around the world to reach roughly 1 million homes with the Gospel. With your help, we’d like to reach 1 million more. This is within our grasp if we all do our part. With a 20 percent increase from last year’s giving, we can bring the Gospel to over 2 million homes this Christmas. We’re raising the bar, and asking you to go above and beyond — so that more people will hear the Good News. Our partners and missionaries are rising to the challenge. Will you?
Give to Christmas Outreaches! This Christmas season, EHC missionaries will make an extra push to reach more souls than during any other outreach. They see the special opportunity this season presents, and they’ve planned nation-specific outreaches to reach their people with the Gospel. Our missionaries are poised to have extraordinary impact. Will you send them on their way? Last Christmas, gifts of $50 reached more than 300,000 people who responded to the Gospel. This year, we’d like to challenge you to expand your influence — would you give $60 or more to send out EHC missionaries for Christmas outreaches?
$60 See the accompanying donation form or give online at
Give the Gift of Bibles! Millions of Christians around the world don’t own a Bible. For a Christian in this position, a gift of a Bible offers continual encounters with God’s Word, the narrative that lends meaning to their lives. Would you give believers free access to God’s Word? Last Christmas, gifts of $100 enabled us to give thousands of Bibles to Christians in need. This year, we’d like to challenge you to expand your influence — would you give $120 or more so that believers can unwrap God’s Word this Christmas?
See the accompanying donation form or give online at
Give the Gift of Gospel Literature! How will people know about Jesus unless someone tells them? And how will they understand unless the Gospel is presented in their heart language? As EHC missionaries visit homes, they arrive with gospel messages printed in the local dialect. This gives the lost the greatest opportunity to receive the Good News. Would you help print gospel booklets for the lost? Last Christmas, gifts of $35 contributed to the reaching of more than 5 million people with the Gospel. This year, we’d like to challenge you to expand your influence — would you give $42 or more to equip EHC missionaries with gospel literature?
See the accompanying donation form or give online at
At the End of His Rope G O S P E L L I T E R AT U R E
by Josh Skaggs
ften, EHC pioneer missionaries show up in the exact moment they are needed most. A person needs healing, and God sends someone to their door to pray with them. A family is in crisis, and a missionary shows up with Good News that changes their lives. Many times, we have even seen people pulled back from the brink of death. This was the case with Yiandro*. After a long day fishing on the ocean, he sent his partner home early and then stayed behind to wash the tools. He wanted to be alone, because he was thinking about committing suicide. Yiandro had lived a hard life, losing an eye and serving time in prison. But even now that he was released and working a stable job, he felt like he had nothing to live for. He felt ashamed of the life he’d lived, and he couldn’t see what worth his life had. He waded out into the ocean and dipped his tools in the water. Then he felt something brush against his leg. He reached down and picked up a blue booklet with wet pages clinging together. Spreading it in the sun, he kept working and resumed his dark thoughts. When he was finished cleaning, he walked to shore and started reading the paper. It was a gospel booklet from Every Home for Christ. Yiandro read about the God who loved Him enough to give His life for him. This God offered salvation and a new life. Yiandro’s heart began to awaken. Yiandro ran home and showed his wife, who felt a similar pull on her spirit. Together, they went to their local church and gave their lives to Christ. Shortly after, they were baptized. Through that gospel booklet, Yiandro connected with Every Home for Christ. He was so grateful for his new life that he decided to give Every Home for Christ a piece of property. He dedicated the property for a church. Construction has already begun. Yiandro has changed completely — from a hopeless man contemplating suicide to a believer who is creating space for his community to worship. Consider for a moment how much God orchestrated
to deliver the Gospel to Yiandro. His family lives in a Creative Access nation, a place where the government directly opposes evangelism. Bypassing political difficulties, God engineered for a stray EHC gospel booklet to find its way into the water where Yiandro stood. Around the world, Every Home for Christ often delivers the Gospel to people in their exact moment of decision. When people are at a crossroads, deciding between light and darkness, life and death, sometimes it is even EHC paper missionaries that find them and offer them hope. These moments are more than chance encounters. As Yiandro’s story so beautifully displays, God is moving through us in ways that exceed our abilities. We work to provide gospel literature to those who need it, but God arranges the timing and opens people’s hearts to His Word. *Name changed for security purposes.
Gospel Literature More than any newspaper or magazine printed on earth, gospel literature carries news that changes people’s lives. Gospel literature makes an announcement: The King has come, and He is inviting you into His Kingdom! Would you announce the Kingdom to those who are waiting for Good News? To supply gospel literature to our workers on the front lines, use the accompanying response card or visit us at
by Guy Burgo
Editor’s Note: Guy Burgo is Every Home for Christ’s Stewardship Advisor. He has worked as a consultant to over 100 ministries across the country and has helped more than 2,300 Christian families design their wills.
n over 20 years of ministry, I’ve yet to meet an unhappy generous person. They simply don’t exist. On the contrary, I’ve found that generous people tend to be contented and spiritually mature prayer warriors who have strong personal relationships! I can’t explain why exactly, but after working with thousands of givers, I’ve observed a pattern of amazing personal benefits connected to being generous. In addition to these personal benefits, Christian generosity also makes the world more beautiful. It feeds and clothes the poor and provides for widows and orphans. It blesses people with the message of the Gospel and provides funds for missionaries to share the love of Jesus. It’s contagious, it makes people smile, and it brings thanksgiving and glory to God! This world is
a dramatically better place thanks to the generosity of God’s people. As you approach the end of the year and reflect on the blessings that God has bestowed upon you and your family, I hope you will be inspired to be as generous as possible. In doing so, you share God’s blessings with your neighbors, your church and the ministries you love. Significant generosity often inspires us to go beyond giving from our income. So, if you ever need assistance with a gift from your business, a brokerage or retirement account, or even from real estate, I’m here to help. Whether you’re giving to Every Home for Christ or to other ministries you care about, I would be honored to serve you. To schedule an appointment, please contact Debbie Grissett at or 1-800-423-5054.
Any ideas expressed are not to be considered legal or tax advice. Please consult your own legal and/or tax advisors.
Making gifts from your IRA blesses you and those who need to know Jesus.
Planned Giving AD
Congress made the IRA Charitable Rollover permanent. If you are 70.5 years old or older, this change to the law has many potential benefits for you and your family: • You can make charitable donations from your IRA to a qualified charity, like Every Home for Christ, without recognizing the distribution as income. • Instead of receiving a charitable deduction for your gift, your distribution will not be added to your adjusted gross income for federal tax purposes. This can bring other tax benefits too, depending on your particular circumstances. • You can give up to $100,000 total from your IRAs each year, and it counts toward your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD).
For more information, please contact Debbie Grissett at or 1-800-423-5054. Any ideas expressed are not to be considered legal or tax advice. Please consult your own legal and/or tax advisors.
Advent Engager
Share Hope and Joy this Christmas.
We want to help you engage the lost this holiday season. As churches fill and songs of Jesus are sung, many unbelievers and unchurched are being drawn to the truth of the Christmas story. This is a great opportunity to reach out and share that story. We have developed tools to help you and your church engage friends, neighbors and family members with the hope of Christmas: Jesus. Order your free pack of Engagers at:
2017 S C H O O L
THE GUIDANCE CLUSTER: LISTENING IN PRAYER Communing in Prayer, Searching in Prayer, Meditating in Prayer November 18 from 9 am to noon (MST)
Join us as we continue our School of Prayer series In Prayer with Dick Eastman. This series features nine teaching sessions, called “Clusters,” to help you cultivate a fruitful, vibrant prayer life.
Join us in person, or watch live or on demand at
2017 School of Prayer dates: November 18 | December 9 640 Chapel Hills Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 | 1-800-423-5054 |
Listed at the top right of each daily request is the nation’s population, the percentage of evangelical believers (Joshua Project) and a number that corresponds with Every Home for Christ’s 2017 edition of the World Prayer Map. At the end of each prayer request is the assigned reading for the day to read through the Bible in a year.
Every Home for Christ | P.O. Box 64000 | Colorado Springs, CO 80962 | 1-800-423-5054 | |
Pop. 181,600,000
23.7% WPM # 35
Thank God for the successful outreach in Makoko, a floating slum. The medical team from Foursquare Headquarters in Nigeria supported our team immensely, and all the volunteers and staff gave their best. Praise God His name was glorified. (Acts 18:12-19:41; Ephesians 1-2)
Pop. 56,300,000
5.1% WPM # 136
Our team trekked through flooded terrain to share prayers and the Good News with families throughout the Hlaingbwe and Hpa-an townships. Some people were instantly healed after being prayed for! Please pray for all those reached to know Jesus as their Savior. (Psalms 138-140)
Pop. 321,400,000
26.5% WPM # 177
Before a large prayer gathering in Cleveland, our team partnered with The Call to share 10,000 gospel messages throughout the city. Please pray that these gospel presentations would bear fruit among the people of Cleveland! (Romans 10-12)
Pop. 29,300,000
10.2% WPM # 217
A pioneer missionary in Venezuela has started a church filled with new Christians that he and his team reached. We praise God for this new family of believers, and we ask you to pray with us that God would firmly root them in His Word. (Acts 23-25)
Pop. 99,500,000
17.4% WPM # 29
One of our pioneer missionaries is reaching homes in a marginalized area where hostility and violence often occur. Join us in praying for his and his team’s safety, asking that the Holy Spirit would use their boldness to win many souls in this area. (Colossians)
December 2017
Pop. 12,700,000
26.5% WPM # 17
Praise God for the ministry taking place in Rwanda! Recently, over 235 people devoted their lives to Christ, 40 were baptized, and two new Christ Groups were started. Please pray for these believers to grow in faith as they continue with follow-up discipleship. (Ephesians 3-6)
Pop. 600,000
6.6% WPM # 43
Last year, our team helped 19-year-old Baresi fulfill his dream of becoming a pastor. They sent him to study in the city of Praia, where he could learn to read and write. Remember Baresi as he continues his studies. Pray that God would prepare him for his calling. (Romans 4-6)
Please pray for our workers in this closed nation who face persecution while sharing gospel messages. Pray that these pieces of literature would come into the hands of people open to the message of Jesus and that many would come to know Him despite hostility. (Romans 13-16)
Pop. 37,100,000
36.3% WPM # 26
For years, our team struggled to bring the Gospel to the difficult Karamoja region. After many prayers, God has opened a door for our pioneer missionaries to carry the Good News into this region. Please pray that the Gospel would take root among the Karamojan people. (Psalms 141-143)
Pop. 101,000,000
12.2% WPM # 170
The Philippine Council of Evangelical Churches is inviting ministries and churches to unite. Partnering with other believers, EHC missionaries will help plant churches in villages that lack a strong Christian presence. Please pray that God would grant unity for these efforts. (Hebrews 1-4)
Pioneer missionaries recently met with Mr. Z, who came from a very religious background but has many questions. He has recently been asking about Jesus and is seriously reading the New Testament. Pray that Jesus would reveal Himself to Mr. Z. (Romans 1-3)
Pop. 22,100,000
1.2% WPM # 132
Praise God for the open door He has given our team in Sri Lanka to reach 56 high schools through drama presentations. Please pray that God would water the seeds that have been planted among over 67,000 students and teachers. (Romans 7-9)
Pop. 3,500,000
3.5% WPM # 103
EHC missionaries in Moldova have eagerly advanced the Gospel. They recently hosted youth camps in many villages and then reached over 15,000 homes with the Gospel. Please pray that God would continue to let His Word run swiftly in Moldova. (Acts 20-22)
In this closed nation, several new believers have stopped following Jesus after their community took away their food and finances. Please pray that God would restore those who have denied Christ, as He restored Peter. (Acts 26-28)
Pop. 80,900,000
2.1% WPM # 83
A 73-year-old man surrendered his life to Jesus after reading an EHC gospel booklet. Poor health confines him to his home, but we sent him a Bible correspondence course to help him grow spiritually. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to breathe life into this man’s newfound faith. (Hebrews 5-8)
DAILY PRAYER WATCH December 2017 17
Pop. 90,000
5.9% WPM # 146
Please pray for the growing EHC work in Seychelles. Our team is continuously searching for and mobilizing new local leaders to partner with us in reaching every home with a face-to-face presentation of the Gospel. (Hebrews 12-13; Titus)
Pop. 600,000
0.3% WPM # 73
Milivoje, an EHC Montenegro field worker, just came back from an evangelism outreach in the north of Montenegro. He says that people’s hearts are more soft and open there. Please pray that the people reached by Milivoje and his team would respond to the message of God’s love. (2 Timothy)
Pop. 44,400,000
2.7% WPM # 102
Our team in Ukraine went through parks, beaches, squares and other public places to listen to people’s cares and lift them up in prayer to Jesus. Pray that the Holy Spirit would touch hearts as our missionaries pray with them. (2 Peter; 2 John; 3 John; Jude)
Pop. 121,700,000
8.4% WPM # 181
“We want to win Querétaro for Christ,” says Miguel, an EHC Mexico missionary. Join us in praying that the Holy Spirit would continue to impassion the local church to see that the name of Jesus is lifted up over Santiago de Querétaro. (Revelation 5:1-8:5)
Pop. 61,900,000
1.3% WPM # 65
Using a small gift of fresh fruit, an EHC team in Melito di Napoli, Italy, shared the Good News of Jesus with almost 1,500 homes. Please pray that God would bless the work of these laborers by opening more hearts and doors to the gospel message they share. (Revelation 14-16)
Pop. 900,000
23.8% WPM # 151
Pop. 7,600,000
9.7% WPM # 38
Please pray over the BFAM discipleship courses being taught among the Kpessi people in Togo. Pray that the Holy Spirit would give a deeper understanding of God’s Word to those being taught and that a spirit of evangelism would begin to grow in their hearts. (1 Peter)
Pop. 5,900,000
3.5% WPM # 44
Our workers prayed with Marion for a miracle, asking God to restore her marriage. Later, Marion’s husband asked for forgiveness. Pray that God uses this restored family, and others like it, to glorify His name throughout Sierra Leone. (Revelation 1-4)
Please pray that the peace of God would reign in this country where violence is prevalent and Christians can face persecution for sharing the Good News. Pray that the Holy Spirit would give a love to our workers that will enable them to preach the Gospel with boldness. (Revelation 8:6-11:19)
Pop. 15,000,000
23.2% WPM # 14
Please pray that the seeds of the Gospel planted in the hearts of people in Mpunde would take root. The area is a stronghold of witchcraft and holds many people’s hearts captive. Pray that our workers would continue to preach the truth fearlessly. (Revelation 17-19)
Pop. 11,800,000
0.8% WPM # 45
Please pray for local churches in the prefecture of Dinguiraye as they face persecution from the traditional religion in the area. Pray that God would grow these believers in faith and boldness to preach the love of Jesus to their neighbors. (Philemon; 1 Timothy)
22 CREATIVE ACCESS #30 Praise God for several new Christ Groups recently started in this nation where Christians are persecuted. Pray that God would encounter the believers who gather together and make them a bold witness of His love and mercy. (1 John)
25 CHRISTMAS OUTREACHES As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, please pray for the ongoing Christmas outreaches taking place around the world. Pray that, at this special time of year, people’s hearts would be open to the Good News. (Psalms 147-150)
19.1% WPM # 15
Pop. 18,000,000
Praise God that our teams in Malawi are finding support from village headmen. Please pray that God would continue to open the hearts of local authorities to the Gospel and that the Kingdom would advance through their leadership. (Hebrews 9-11)
On a recent outreach in Fiji, our team met the village chief who remembered them visiting years before. He recalled that they “were hated and chased from almost every village in the area... Your coming now is a blessing.” Praise God that seeds of the Gospel are coming into harvest. (Psalms 144-146)
Pop. 5,400,000
1.3% WPM # 81
“We had many talks with seekers, believers and atheists,” reports Ondrej Garaj, EHC Zonal Director of Eastern Europe. Pray for all the seekers who have encountered a message of truth at Pohoda Festival, that God would draw them into deeper relationships with Him. (Revelation 12-13)
Please pray for the protection of our workers in this country. Government officials have been searching for Christians, and many believers have been forced into hiding. Pray that God would allow the Gospel to go forth despite this opposition. (Revelation 20-22)
For Unto Us a Child is Born Isaiah 9:6 (NKJV)
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For every dollar you give, three families will hear the Word of God. Over 192 million people have responded to the Gospel through Every Home for Christ’s simple but powerful method. Visit to make your gift today.