••egl valentines issue 2015 angela yee elise neal

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DATES GONE WRONG FOR VALENTINES DAY 12 WAYS to make your partners valentines wish come true



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every girl loves m to Be on Top of Her Game



ANGELA YEE By Novia Rose

She is the leading lady on the top Radio Morning Show The Breakfast Club, a successful entrepreneur and an all around cool girl. The Media Maven exclusively opened up to EGL about her purpose, career, love life, behind the scenes of The Breakfast Club, and so much more! Find out what you may not have known about Ms. Yee!


Feature EGL: So the last time we caught up with you, you were being honored at this year’s WEEN Awards! How was that night for you and also having the mission award presented by Bridgette Kelly? AY: “First of all I do a lot of stuff with WEEN, I always do the ‘Professor of the Day’ thing, which I love doing, and I feel like a lot of the women that participate in WEEN and attend, and enroll, I feel like they are very motivated young women. That night in particular, when I was looking around the room, I saw a lot of people who I came up with ... people that I’ve known over ten years you know? That’s why seeing these young girls that want to work in the Entertainment business, in whatever capacity they want to do, it’s going to be funny for them to look back at this Ten years from now. Those are some relationships you form for life, and I feel like I formed some lifelong relationships in my early 20’s. Just to see a lot of people in that room who I’ve gotten money with, who I helped get money, people who have looked out for me, I’ve looked out for them. It’s just really

take the bad. Sometimes it’s great for me to be the only woman on the show, because people might treat me a little better because I’m a female, so they may prefer to talk to me or give me preferential treatment. Other times, people are a little bit more disrespectful to you, because some people still don’t look at women in the same light as they would look at a man, it just depends. A lot of it is just what you take out of it. For me, I’ve always used being a female to my advantage. There’s times where I might get invited to things, or I might be able to get a meeting faster than a guy would, just because I’m a female. There are other times when a guy might come into the room and say “Waddup” to everyone else BUT me because I’m the only female, so you know, there’s good and bad that comes with it, I just always try to make sure that I focus on the positive.” EGL: So you know EGL is all about the modern day working woman, balancing all aspects of life. How do you keep it all together with such a successful career?

nice to see all those people in one room.” EGL: In your acceptance speech, you joked about getting away from the guys for once. Are there any challenges with being the only female on such a successful show? AY: “I think that being the only woman has its advantages and its disadvantages at times. You know, you take the good, you

AY: “I definitely believe that I have always put work as a priority, and I think that’s a personal decision. Some people say, ok, “right now I’m at a point in my life where I want to have a family, and that’s my main purpose and that comes before work”. My work has been my priority for quite some time because I’ve always known I had this goal and this place I wanted to get to in life, and there was no way that I could



do that without making work a priority. I do work pretty much seven days a week, whenever I get a day off, I always rejoice. But I do make sure I try to balance things. I just came from being with my mom for the past couple of days. You know, there’s no point in me working and making money if I can’t do something great with it for other people and for my own family. I was just recently car shopping with my dad, the other day I took my mom shopping. I feel really bad if I don’t get to see my family and do the things that I want to do with them and for them. At the same time I know that they understand because they are really happy that things are going well for me. In order for me to be successful I do have to go super hard and work even harder. I do think at a certain point, I’ll get

to where I’m very comfortable in my career and I can say it’s time for me to focus on this and create that balance.” EGL: Earlier you mentioned people pinning females against each other in the business. How do you stay out of drama and craziness in the industry? AY: “Well I’m pretty damn happy! I don’t have any reason to be mad; I’m not worried about nobody coming to take my spot. The Key to it is happiness. I do feel like the people that try to bring other people down, and talk shit, are people that just aren’t happy. They always say that misery loves company; I don’t have time to focus on things like that. I don’t want to be known as the person who talks be-

hind someone’s back or that seems bitter, that’s not even who I am Whatever I can do for other women… and I do feel like I help out women way more than I’ve helped any guy out. I do want to be that person where woman can come to me and say, “Hey I’ve always wanted to do this,

than anything else. My best friend, we went to college and were roommates and everything, she bought a house, and when she did it, I was like ok; my best friend just bought a house, now I gotta make sure I get my wish together. Even just working with Envy and Charlamagne, and cer-

can you give me some advice”, or “if you know of any job openings, let me know.”, or “I want to do radio, “If I send you this, can you check it out for me”. I do love to help other woman, because I’m in this position, and if I can help the next person that wants to do it, then I would love to.

tain things that they do, I’m like “oh they just did that”, it might spark me. But you know what; I’m inspired everyday by people that I know and people that I don’t know. I might read something on the news about this person donating whatever amount of money to charity, I might say you know what; I need to spend more time doing things like that. If I can spend my money buying designer clothes and shoes, I can also spend my money helping other people work on different things. Like “Dress For Success” that’s something that has always been important to me, helping women that live in shelters, that might have different

EGL: You’re in a position where you are basically inspiring both men and women, who inspires you? AY: “It’s interesting; I was talking about this one day. Everybody knows I always talk about this, and I bought a house at the end of April (2014) and I feel like my friends inspire me more

circumstances that I do, be able to get out there, get the proper clothes and training to go on interviews and get a job.” EGL: If Angela was not doing radio and Entertainment, what would she be doing?

AY: “I actually have a background in marketing. I felt like that was a good nitch for me; so I’d probably be doing marketing for a major company or a major brand. Another thing that I’ve always wanted to do is be a writer, and that’s still a goal of mine, just really be able to write books. EGL: What Kind of writing? Novels? Inspirational? AY: Like fictional. I’m thinking some fun novels, along the lines of things that are true to life that people can relate to and that I can speak from experience. Kind of like how “The Devil Wears Prada” was, where



she did work in that business, and she had some good funny stories, they weren’t all necessarily true or necessarily about her but they were good fun stories. EGL: We hope you do that! AY: I’m working on it! EGL: On to your favorite topic! Valentine’s Day is rapidly approaching, Are you dating at the moment? AY: “Yes, Yes I am.” EGL: What qualities does a man have to possess in order to have a chance with you?

AY: “Well I love guys that have a good sense of humor, because I know I like to joke around a lot, and I like to have a good time, so that’s important to me. Of course I like men who are ambitious and smart; I like any guy that I can learn from. To me, I feel like I’m always trying to learn something new every single day and I do, but I like people who can teach me something, teach me about directing, teach me about editing, teach me about something that I didn’t know and that you’re an expert in. That makes me feel great. Someone that is encouraging, that is happy to see me succeed and that can help me do that, and I can help them as well.”

“I’m at a point in my life where I want to have a family, and that’s my main purpose and that comes before work”.

EGL: Any pet peeves?


AY: “This is going to sound crazy, I can’t stand…..I’ve never dated a dirty guy, but personal hygiene is really important to me. I can’t stand a guy that has first under his finger nails, or guys who don’t floss. I hate if I’m talking to a guy and I can see that they have a buildup in your teeth, that’s so disgusting to me. And you gotta take care of your home too, it’s important to me that your home is like your sanctuary and that a guy has a home that he’s proud of and he cares about that’s clean. Things like that. I don’t want to come over your house and feel like I’m in a college dorm room. And

when I would say that we started “dating”.

I can’t stand guys who are lazy! Because I’m always on the go doing stuff, and I don’t need you to be sitting at home calling me all day everyday because you’re not doing nothing. I don’t like guys that are insecure too, because I’m around males too, every single day and you can’t get mad because I took a picture with somebody. You can’t get mad over stuff like that.”

I have a discussion like that’s my man, for real and things are that serious.”

EGL: So what was it about this particular person that made you say, “Ok, I’ll give him a chance”? AY: “He’s really sweet to me, He’s so nice, and he’s funny… It started off a little shaky and we were really just cool, but then we really got to know each other and I feel like we have a solid foundation.” EGL: How long has it been? AY: “Uh, we’ve known each other for a long time. It’s hard to say. You know when you’ve known somebody for a long time and you weren’t dating at first, so I don’t even know

EGL: A lot of the misconception is that you don’t have a man, because Charlamagne and Envy get on you all the time about not having one, but it turns out, you’re just very private… AY: “No, you know what it is? I tell Charlemagne and Envy certain things, but I feel they can potentially ruin my relationship because they joke around too much, so that’s not something I’m ready to play with until I feel like I’m like we are solid. Where him and

EGL: What are your thoughts about dating in the industry? AY: “I think that it depends on who it is. I’ve dated guys who are so insecure, they couldn’t handle anything, and it was awful. But in certain ways I feel like a guy in the industry might understand you more. It just has to be the right person. It has to be somebody that doesn’t have those insecurities, somebody that trusts you.” EGL: Do you have a Best/ Worst date story? AY: “Well my Best date was I had a first date with this guy it was really fun, I didn’t know what to expect and we ended up going to eat in South Jersey on the beach, it was really nice, and we ended up singing duet songs on the way back. It was really fun; it was a nice chill time. It was a surprisingly good time and goof because I’m a really goofy person.”


Feature AY: “My worst date was, my friend was going out with this guy and she said “Let’s go on a double date, Me, you, him and his friend”, and they were like, so awful, all they kept doing was name dropping and bragging about different things, so we all go to this club, and me and her got in and they couldn’t get in, so we just left them.” AY: “We were like damn, all that name dropping y’all were doing and you can’t even get into the club.” [LOL] EGL: You’ve built an audience based on you “Ask Yee” portion of ‘The Breakfast Club’, would you con-

“There’s no point in me working and making money if Ican’t do something great with it for other people and for my own family.”

sider yourself an expert on love and relationships? AY: “I think that, my whole life, I’ve always had a lot of friends, male and female, and people have always come to me for advice. I think that I am very non judgmental. Like if you tell me what’s going on, I’m not going to judge anybody,

because I know how difficult it is to be in certain situations. I think part of what makes me an expert is that I have friends that have gone through everything. Having worked radio and coming across people who aren’t necessarily my friends, but people that I know that would come up and discuss whatever. I know Porn stars, I know doctors, I know Lawyers, I know people from all different walks of life who I can sit down and have conversations with. I know executives, I know people who are homeless, and I know every type of person. So I will definitely give advice based on, not making any judgments about anybody, and also, sometimes people are not going to

EGL: So How do decipher which ones to respond to? Is it just random?

do what they know they’re suppose to do until they are ready to do it.”

her from time to time to see how she was doing, I was like let me get you a spa day or something, I understand that its difficult. Even just a nice gesture from a stranger, could do a lot for somebody to stay strong. And sometimes you really have to pull yourself out of a depression. Sometimes there’s nothing that I can

EGL: What was your craziest questions you’ve ever gotten for Ask Yee? AY: “I get all kinds of crazy questions all the time.”

AY: “Yea it’s pretty random. I try to respond. I’ve had people actually send me some really serious emails, where they really wanted to like, kill themselves. I was like what’s your phone number! And I actually called her and she was having a rough time. A lot of times it is over a guy, and she was really upset because he left her and he wasn’t returning her phone calls and she knew where he was. She was just devastated, and I think it meant a lot that I just took out the time to call her and reach out, but I felt terrible for her! You know so I was just calling her to check on

Feature do, you really need an expert. If I can refer somebody to an expert or give them some literature that might help them, I’m more than happy to do that.” EGL: What would you say is the biggest challenge for you when it comes to dating? AY: “Time. It’s hard for me to be able to spend a lot of time with somebody, just because my schedule is crazy. Sometimes I might work two months straight, weekends and everything and not really have a lot of time to relax and it gets a little stressful for me sometimes. I know that I can act bitchy because of it, and I can acknowledge that. But I think that’s my main issue, it’s hard for me to commit with certain things because my boss may be like, oh, and I need you to go do this in two days. “I’ll be like damn I was planning to do this but now I can’t”. So it’s just a matter of being flexible and having time. EGL: Tell us something that people would never guess about Angela Yee. AY: “Ok. Whenever I’m dating people, they are always surprised that I am very much like,….I will be at home like, cooking doing your laundry, all that and I think that is something that is really surprising to people, Because I don’t think that the definition of being a strong, independent woman doesn’t mean that you don’t do things like that. But I definitely do. When I am dating somebody I am very accommodating. I don’t do it just for guys! I do it for my friends too.”

EGL: Let’s talk about the return of Lip Service! What made you decide to bring it back?

there that were amazing, but we had no idea on there are very nice to look at, and also its that would like that. They just were fun because visual type of show, you wanna see what these of their personality. Rihanna would be fun...” people who are talking so crazy look like.”

AY: “Well I been planning to do that for quite some time, honestly when I left Sirius, I don’t really want to leave Lip Service, but they were so mad at me that I quit to go somewhere else, so they wouldn’t let me continue do the show, but you know it is my thing, my baby. So, I knew eventually

EGL: What would be your ultimate goal with Lip EGL: The Breakfast Club is definitely going to be Service? around for years to come, but what else is in the future for Angela Yee? AY: “I would love for it to be a show, It couldn’t be on regular cable or anything like that, but I would love for it to develop into something like AY: “Oh, well like I told you, we are syndicated that, because a lot of the women that we have in all of these different markets, we are on re-

I would bring it back, I just wanted to get myself adjusted and in doing what I was doing and feel comfortable first and then I feel like the time is right now. A lot of artists always asked me about it because they use to really like it, so I was like I gotta bring it back. Nicki Minaj brought it up when we interviewed, like “What happened to Lip Service”, A lot of people do ask me that, a lot of artists would be like “I miss Lip Service”. Even people on Twitter, “Yo you need to bring Lip Service back.” In my head I always planned to do it, but so I feel like podcasts are so popular right now and everything and I feel pretty well adjusted and confident with what Im doing at work now, so now I feel like it’s time for me to be able to do stuff that’s just me”. EGL: Who would be your dream guest?

volt every morning, I am currently in the process of…. actually Ask Yee is going to be a big part of my website that I am re doing, re-launching, so that is going to be a big deal for me. Of course writing, which has always been something that I really wanted to do since Kindergarten. So that’ll be a really big goal of mine, and I’ll be happy! An incredible person with purpose and a huge heart! Angela is not stopping any time soon! Along with The Breakfast Club every morning, be sure to look out for Angela Yee’s weekly podcast ‘Lip Service’, which will feature upcoming guests, Mila J, Sevyn Streeter and more. Wishing Ms. Yee nothing but the very best!! #EGLcertified

AY: “You know, it’s interesting, because some of our best guests have been people that aren’t really well known. It’s really more about personality, like who’s funny and fun to talk to. Sometimes it’s hard to tell, like we’ve had people that come on



Valentine’s Day


every girl loves m Great Style



The Foodie. The only things you’ve shared with your romantic hopeful is your love for food, and your desire to someday open up your own restaurant. Not only do you love tasting different kinds of food, but you absolutely adore the culinary arts. You are open to learning new cooking styles from other countries/cultures. Your date has planned a real treat for you. He has paid for the two of you to participate in a local Culinary Experience Cooking Class. You will spend at least 3 hours preparing Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes; Lemon, Caper, Parsley, Spinach-Grilled Mahi Mahi; StoneGround Pistachio Soufflés, etc. You will be working in an industrial kitchen, so it is important that you wear flat, comfortable shoes. You like your wardrobe the way you like your food…spicy! The leather jacket shows your date that you come with a bit of an edge! Your date in turn, promises to run your taste buds wild with this amazing culinary experience. You are elated, because there is nothing more attractive than a man who is willing to invest in your dream! Bon appetit!


1. NEON GALAXY SWEATSHIRT $16 amazon.com | 2. BLACK PU JACKET $37 rosewe.com | 3. ESTEE LAUDER EYESHADOW TRIO $36 neimanmarcus. com | 4. MODCLOTH GLITZ BELT $15 modcloth.com | 5. FLOPPY WIDE-BRIM HAT $39 warehouse.co.uk | 6. STRETCH BRACELET $35 maxandchloe.com | 7. SCARF $54 pinkmascara.com | 8. M.A.C. MATTE LIP COLLECTION $16 bloomingdales.com | 9. WILLIAMS-SONOMA APRON $20 williams-sonoma.com | 10. DIOR NAIL POLISH $25 bloomingdales.com | 11. DIOR NAIL POLISH (BLUE) $30 bloomingdales.com | 12. KATE SPADE STUD EARRINGS (BLUE) $48



1. LEATHER PULL-OVER BLOUSE $23 blackfive.com | 2. CAT-EYE SUNGLASSES $14 shopflyjane.com | 3. KNITTED TUBE SCARF $16 pieces.com | 4. LEOPARD MINAUDIERE $44 macys.com | 5. BETSEY JOHNSON LEOPARD STUDS $22 betseyjohnson.com | 6. LAPELS LONG COAT $40 blackfive.com | 7. BOYFRIEND WAIST & HIP BELT $13 asos.com | 8. BEAD STATEMENT COLLAR NECKLACE $53 macys. com | 9. MARC BY MARC JACOBS STUDS $48 couture.zappos.com | 10. H&M IMITATION LEATHER TROUSERS $39 hm.com | 11. BOBBI BROWN NAIL POLISH $15 neimanmarcus.com | 12. POINTY-TOE FLATS $12 vessos.com | 13. STUD EARRINGS (TOMATO) $36 boticca.com | 14. NARS LANA AUDACIOUS LIPSTICK $32 narscosmetics.com | 15. JAGGED STATEMENT RING $18 swell.com |

The Kick-Back. Your date has been informed that you are a simple girl. It doesn’t take an awful lot to please you. You two share a mutual friend, and your friend has told your date that your idea of a good time is dinner and a nice, romantic comedy. Your date understands that you enjoy Chinese cuisine, and has chosen P.F. Chang’s as your eatery. You want your date to know that although you are simple, you don’t lack sex appeal. You enjoy wearing black, but have a slight obsession with animal print. You decide that limiting your prints to your accessories is probably a good idea. You don’t want to give him “too much” on the first date. Your flats are chic, yet comfy. It’s a good thing, because after the movie, he has planned a cheesecake run for you two later. Don’t forget your red lip, and polish! They will really make your outfit pop! So, kick back and enjoy getting to know your date! Your friend may have been right about this guy after all. It’s shaping up to be a great night!




The Traveler. It is no secret that you have a tendency to be rather high maintenance. You pride yourself on the number of stamps you have acquired on your passport. Your date has been told that things have been a little hectic for you at work. You haven’t been able to travel much lately. As a result, you’ve been pretty bummed out. Your date has decided to plan a romantic dinner cruise for the two of you. The only thing he has told you is to wear cocktail attire. The two of you will indulge in a 5-course meal. Afterwards, you will enjoy the ship’s rooftop while viewing the city’s beautiful skyline. His ultimate goal is to show you that you don’t have to travel in order to find beauty. He will remind you of the beauty that can be found in your own backyard. Needless to say, he has succeeded!

The Musician. Music is your outlet. You sing with a local live band from time to time. You are hardly ever seen without your headphones or iPod. Your date works with your sister and she has expressed to him your love for music.

1. BLACK & GOLD EMBELLISHED DRESS $47 quizclothing.co.uk | 2. SEQUIN LACE BOLERO $63 houseofraser.co.uk | 3. NYLA WOVEN BANGLE $35 oliverbonas.com | 4. BRAIDED & CHEVRON EMBOSSED BANGLES $5 charlotterusse.com | 5. O.P.I. NAIL POLISH $18 thehut. com | 6. NARS NAIL POLISH $24 johnlewis.com | 7. SEQUIN FLAP-OVER CLUTCH BAG $44 accessorize.com | 8. GLAM GLADIATOR STILLETOS $33 pinkice.com | 9. MICHAEL KORS PYRAMID STUD EARRINGS $75 macys.com |

He tells you to wear something vintage-inspired. He has planned a night for the two of you that includes food, drinks, dancing, and some smooth jazz music at your local jazz bar. There’s nothing more relaxing than when you hear the smooth sounds of a nice alto saxophone. It’s a great thing you opted to wear a deep maroon rather than a traditional Valentine’s red. Your midi-length dress, ankle-strap shoes, and sequin clutch are perfect remnants of previous jazz eras. Laugh, sing, and dance the night away!

1. BODYCON MIDI-DRESS $48 bluefly.com | 2. FAUX-FUR VEST $42 chicwish.com | 3. CHAIN LINK WATCH $34 overstock.com | 4. SET OF 3 RINGS $19 johnlewis.com | 5. M.A.C. MINERALIZE EYE SHADOW DUO $27 selfridges.com | 6. ESSIE NAIL POLISH $9 6pm.com | 7. KATE SPADE NY STUD EARRINGS $41 6pm.com | 8. TRIBAL CLUTCH $25 theiconic.com.au | 9. FLOWER HEADBAND $16 misselfridge.com | 10. YSLLIPSTICK $35 yslbeautyus.com | 11. METALLIC TBAR HEEL $79 dorothyperkins.com | 12. LOVE LOCKS POST EARRINGS $36 brighton.com | 13. AERIN LENGTHENING & VOLUMIZING MASCARA $30 aerin.com |


every girl loves m Great Style



“THE H E A LT H F IT N E S S FA NAT IC ” The Fitness Fanatic. Body image is very important to you. You live by the motto, “Healthy is Happy.” You don’t like to sit around much. Being active isn’t just trend for you, it is a lifestyle. You’ve been a vegan for quite some time now. Your date has been briefed on your lifestyle and has chosen to plan a date accordingly. Layering is an awesome fashion secret to staying chic, while keeping warm! It is a good thing you have decided to wear a scarf, heavy coat, ear muffs, and boot socks. After feasting on spinach ravioli, a grilled kale salad, and wild mushroom-squash risotto at your local vegan restaurant, your date decides to take you ice skating. You are impressed that your date has taken such consideration in your lifestyle. You think to yourself that even you couldn’t have thought of a more perfect “ice-breaker!” You’ll definitely be seeing him again!

1. EMBOSSED LOOSE SWEATSHIRT $29 blackfive.com | 2. DOUBLE-BREASTED BLACK COAT $46 rosewe.com | 3. HOUSE OF HARLOW 1960 MINI SUNBURST STUD EARRINGS $28 simplysoles.com | 4. CABLE-KNIT BEANIE $7 forever21.com | 5. CROSS-BODY CLUTCH $30 shopakira.com | 6. BOOT SOCKS $14 swell.com | 7. CHUNKY SCARF $22 bandbcouture.com | 8. MITTENS $31 houseofraser.co.uk | 9. SCOTCH PLAID FLANNEL SHIRT $35 llbean.com | 10. INITIAL NECKLACE $33 etsy.com | 11. NARS NAIL POLISH (BLACK) $23 liberty.co.uk | 12. NARS NAIL POLISH (TOMATO RED) $23 liberty.co.uk | 13. LORD & BERRY VOGUE MATTE LIPSTICK $20 asos.com | 14. KNITTED EARMUFFS $63 liberty.co.uk |


1. BRUSH STROKE PRINT TOP $60 warehouse.co.uk | 2. H&M BIKER JACKET $47 hm.com | 3. BERET BEANIE $27 backcounty.com | 4. VICTORIA’S SECRET EYESHADOW PALETTE $14 amazon.com | 5. NARS BLUSH $37 sephora.fr | 6. O.P.I. MUPPETS COLLECTION NAIL POLISH $19 thehut.com | 7. L’OREAL PARIS LIP STAIN $8 amazon.com | 8. GOLD POINTED LOAFERS $31 newlook.com | 9. MARC JACOBS NAIL LACQUER $24 marcjacobs.com | 10. AKRIBOS BLACK DIAL WATCH $49 jomashop.com | 11. WET LOOK SKINNY JEANS $80 citychiconline.com | 12. J. CREW TRAVEL WALLET $48 jcrew.com | 13. EARRINGS ROSE GOLD $48 zalando.co.uk | 14. NARS BLUSH-OASIS $35 liberty.co.uk |

The Artist. Art to you isn’t just a hobby. Art is a way of life. Your date has been a longtime distant fan of your work. The two of you share a mutual friend, and he has finally mustered up enough nerve to ask you out on a date. He has instructed you to wear something comfortable. He has planned for the two of you to enjoy a nice indoor picnic. The two of you have planned to meet at your mutual friend’s house. Upon entering, you realize that your date has transformed your best friend’s living room into a café straight out of Paris. He has prepared baguettes, bouillabaisse, and crepes. At the end of the meal, he leads you in the den where the two of you are welcomed by two blank canvases and an array of acrylic paints and brushes. The two of you paint the night away, while sipping your favorite wine. Your outfit screams, “Artist!” You have done a wonderful job playing with a variation of hues, including metallics. Enjoy your magical night in Paris! Bonjour!

every girl loves m

Love & Sex

When Dates Go Wrong: Valentine’s Day By: Chanelle Woods

Everyone expects to have a beautiful Valentine’s Day date, right? This isn’t a perfect world, and unfortunately, people have had disastrous experiences. Here are a few stories compiled from social media from some EGL readers. “I took out this woman that I knew from mutual friends. We went to eat at a local restaurant downtown. She was irritated because she felt like the waitress

Written By: Dyson wasErica flirting with me. When the waitress

came to check on us during our meal, my date ordered a couple of things for her children—and put it on my tab. I began to get a little peeved. When the check came, I paid the amount of our food; and left the waitress a $10 tip in the billfold and went to the restroom. I came back only to find out that my date had taken the waitress’ tip, (my date didn’t know I knew) so I gave the waitress her money directly. As I was taking her home, I waited for her to mention the money. When I dropped her off, she asked me if I wanted to come in, and I told her, “No, but I would like my change back.” She got angry and began cursing me out. I never went out with her again, and to this day she still tries to talk to me.”—Jeff, Chicago, IL “This guy I grew up with claimed that he had a crush on me. He asked me to be his Valentine’s Day date and I agreed. He took me to Olive Garden and as we perused the menu, he mumbled some-


thing about not having money and could I pay my half. I looked at him, simply got up, and left. Note to men: don’t take a woman out if you can’t afford it.” –Kenya, Orlando, FL.

“There was a woman that I always thought was beautiful; and we attended the same university. Fast forward a few years later, we reconnected on social media. I live in Chicago, and she lives in Dallas. We began to talk and I thought we had an amazing connection. We talked daily and plans were soon made for me to come and visit. I went to Dallas, met her family and everything. On the third day (Valentine’s Day) her ex came back into the picture, and needless to say she left me high and dry for him. I was played.” Noah, Chicago, IL “I was in college, and this guy I was just starting to see wanted to take me to dinner for Valentine’s Day. I went with him and he presented me with a gift—candy, a teddy bear, and oddly, lingerie. I was not sexually active at the time, so I was offended about the lingerie, especially since he knew I wasn’t. Needless to say, the night didn’t end well, and I never called him again.” –Nikki, Little Rock, AR.

every girl loves m To Be Happy


It’s New Year’s Day

A Brand New Year:

Leaving Depression Behind

Written by: Latoya Hoyte


and while most embrace it with a renewed spirit, there are millions who mark another year in sadness and sorrow. The holiday season represents the “peak time” for anxiety and emotional distress because the pressure to smile and seem happy in the presence of your coworkers and friends (while you’re secretly falling to pieces} is often too much to bear. When setting future goals while most of us are praying for a promotion, others are praying for happiness. If you or someone you love is having a difficult time accepting the ups and downs of everyday life, hold on and don’t give up the fight!! Below you will find a few tips to keep the dark days behind you. What do you see when you look in the mirror? Looking in the mirror challenges your level of confidence. You have to learn to love yourself all over again, and it starts with accepting the person that you see. If you truly wish to find a happier place, stand in front of the mirror with your hands over your eyes and count to ten. After counting to 10, take a deep breath and remove your hands. If you’re not sure about looking in the mirror alone, you can share this experience with a trusted friend while you make a list of the parts that you love as well as the fears. By making a list, we place the good and the bad in the forefront. Placing your mind on paper may shed light on your sadness and

more importantly the root of the problem. When we identify the parts that we love, we build a new source of energy. If you love your smile, then smile more often. If you love a particular color, then wear it. If you were once a fan of a perfume then find it and enjoy that perfume again. Find simple joys.

In order to heal, you have to make peace with your past and forgive yourself. In life we have to learn to take our setbacks with a grain of salt and move forward. It’s quite normal and natural to feel discouraged and defeated; however no one should say it’s over or that all hope is lost. Though hard to see at the time tomorrow is another day to start anew. I firmly believe that every disappointment sets the stage for a better opportunity. If your New Year’s Resolution is a happier life, then go for it. Climbing out of depression is very similar to climbing a mountain. You may encounter a storm or a few falling rocks on your way to the top but when you reach the peak, you will be glad that you never gave up. m


every girl loves m To Look Good For

Valentine’s Beauty F r om A Guy ’s Perspective

What kind of look does your man want to see you in on Valentine’s Day? Think you know? While we love to look great for our men, sometimes what we want and what they actually prefer can be completely different. In honor of the month of love we decided to ask a few men to share some of their favorite Valentine’s looks for women, here’s what they had to say.

The Single Man: Lorenzo

“For date night, I would like to see a woman with minimum makeup, not too made up. I like long hair, if she has the length to show it off—don’t pull it back.” If you are going on a date with a man who prefers a minimalist look like Lorenzo, there are plenty of options that will leave you looking effortlessly polished. For inspiration, look at the amazing Keke Palmer. To achieve this look neatly line the eyes with an eyeliner, next add a lip gloss, and a light foundation if needed.

Product Info Sephora Khol Expert $10

Rouge Allure Extrait De Gloss $32


Mr. Conservative: Bijon

“When I’m on a date, I want her to dress conservative. Leave something for the imagination. Don’t show it all.” Ladies we must keep it classy on dates. Sometimes it can be hard to find that happy medium between conservative and flirty. While our “freak em” dresses are cute and fun, they are not always appropriate for all occasions. Opt for a dress that shows off your figure but also fits in a way that doesn’t show off everything! A nude lip is a MUST for a conservative look. Don’t confuse nude for absent. The key to wearing the right nude is picking a shade that balances your skin.

Product Info

Cargo Picture Perfect Blush/ Highlighter $30 macys.com Chanel Rouge Coco Shine in Canotier $32 chanel.com


The Married Man: Karl

Choosing the Right Red 1.) Start by deciding if you will wear a gloss, matte or cream shade. To determine which one you will be most comfortable in, use the following guide: • Gloss- Novice 1st time trying reds • Cream- A little daring, • Matte- Alluring diva. Remember you want to be comfortable in your choice of red so choose a shine and hue that is right for you. 2.) Line the inside of the lips Red lipstick tends to bleed so fill in your lips with lip liner first. 3.) Avoid Lipstick stains on your wine glass To prevent color from bleeding onto your wine glass before sipping quickly and discreetly lick the edge of the glass and voila you will have a stain free glass.

Product Info

Mac 36 Lash $17 macys.com Nars Audacious Lipstick in Lana $32 nars.com

“I’d like to see my wife in red lipstick for sure! Deep red!” Perhaps your man wants a bold look, something that brings out your inner sexy or your wild alter ego. If that’s the case have fun with a bold lip, chic updo and a pair of beautiful lashes.


every girl loves m Cupid Shuffle Entertainment

EGL’s Cupid Shuffle:

Amber Rose and Charlie Hunnam

We Think Would Make A Good Match! Written By: Novia Rose, Associate Entertainment Editor

2014 was the year of breakups, so EGL is deeming 2015 the year of love! With so many singles now roaming around in Hollywood, it is only right that we play a little matchmaking. Here is why we think these single celebs should be on the other end of Cupid’s arrow!


Amber Rose and Wiz Kalifa had the world in love with their love. The story behind their devastating breakup remains a mystery, but both stars seem to be adjusting back into the single life well. One of the most desired women in Hollywood is back on the market, and it wouldn’t be such a bad idea for the vixen to step back from the hip hop lifestyle and be romanced by a hot actor! Hunnam is probably a great candidate for Muva Rosebud since she recently displayed googley eyes for him on social media. Her preferences are not entirely clear, but it’s pretty safe to say that Ms. Amber is all about the love more than anything else!


Khloe Kardashian and Tyrese Gibson From a tumultuous marriage with NBA player, Lamar Odom, to a fun romance with Rapper French Montana, it is obvious that much like Amber, Khloe Kardashian is into the feelings that come with the right person! It is no secret that Khloe and her family love to dip into the chocolate side of things and a sex symbol might do the trick. Both Khloe and Tyrese have several things in common that could be considered for making a great match. Both are very into fashion, (Tyrese having been a model and Khloe’s current business ventures). The two are also notorious for spreading positive energy and messages via social media. They have also proven that disrespect is never acceptable! While Tyrese is a devoted father to his daughter, Shayla, Khloe has proven to be the best with children on ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians.’ Just ask her little nephew, Mason! Now the only hiccup in this match would be reality television vs. Hollywood star. It is impossible to tell if the two worlds would mesh well, but the possibility can always be thrown into the air! Attitudes of peace, love, and happiness can go a long way!

Tinashe and Mac Wilds They individually bursted on the scene with smash hits! Tinahe’s ‘2 On’ became one of the official party anthems of 2014. Her debut album ‘Aquarius’ received outstanding reviews and she embarked on her first national tour. No wonder why she says there is no time for a relationship! The beauty has expressed that a commitment would be too much with the status of her career. On the other hand, someone who understands the game might be the perfect fit! Mac Wilds definitely experienced the same when his chart topping single “Own It” officially solidified his place as an artist and earned his first album, “New York: A Love Story”, a Grammy nomination!

w wfor wmusic . e v eseems r y t h to i n outweigh g g i r l s l ito all! v eCuteness . c o m overload! Both have a history with acting, but the love

Nicki Minaj and Meek Mill


“Anybody Want To Buy A Heart?” The release of ‘The Prinkprint’ has bared all of the struggles that Nicki Minaj faced during the creative process of the album. The star who was notorious for separating her business and personal life decided to take a different approach to her music. Now that the world knows of her 15 year relationship with ex-boyfriend, Safaree Samuels, the future is unsure. However, after openly discussing the split on multiple media platforms, the star indicated that it was time for her and Safaree to move on. Who knows if reconciliation will ever be an option, but Nicki has already been linked to MMG’s own, Meek Mill. Although she immediately denied the budding rumors, the musical connection between herself and ‘Ramneek’, is hard to overlook. As she refers to him on one of their two collaborations on TPP, we can’t help but point out why the two artists would probably make a great addition to hip hop royalty. While Nicki serves as a boss and talented emcee, Meek does the same with a rougher edge. During her latest sit down with Angie Martinez, Minaj shared what she is now looking for in a man: “I just feel like if I was to be with someone at this point, that they would have to be more similar to me. It is a challenge finding a crazy dude like me, that’s like, hood too.”

Keke Palmer and Romeo Miller Young, successful stars, with a load of similarities! Romeo and Keke have both been in the business for quite some time. As former child stars, not only do these two understand what it is like to create and maintain a great lifestyle, they also share one very important similarity. Family values! Known and often saluted for staying away from negativity, Keke has always shared the close relationship with her parents and details about her upbringing. Her grounded attitude could definitely be a great fit for Romeo! The young rapper turned entrepreneur loves to share his family life via social media. Being the eldest of nine children, Romeo continues to pride himself on being the best big brother he can be by taking care of and spending time with his www.everythinggirlslove.com siblings.


Rita Ora and Drake Musical Heaven! She previously split from mega producer, Calvin Harris last year and has not yet confirmed a rumored relationship with Tommy Hilfiger’s son and rapper, Rick Hill, but it doesn’t hurt to picture the British Native with one of Hip Hop’s most successful rappers. Drake sure knows how to connect with the ladies through his lyrics, but history may suggest that he might need a woman with a softer edge. Who else fits the description besides Rita?! Back in 2010, the two appeared together in Drake’s music video for “Over”. Later collaborating on Rita’s 2012 song, R.I.P. (I’m Ready For You).

Sanaa Lathan and Taye Diggs

Acting is also a shared talent. Aubrey made audiences fall in love with him as Jimmy Brooks on the classic T.V. show, ‘DaGrassi’ and now, Rita has dipped her feet in the film world, with her recent role in the upcoming movie, ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’. Not to mention, her guest appearances on ‘90210’, and ‘Fast & The Furious 6’.

Too bad this will never be the case. Taye recently divorced his ex wife, Idina Menzel, last year, and Sanaa continues to keep her love life private, which means the romantic bliss should only be expected on screen.

Of course the possibility of a relationship is far fetched for these two, but it is not a bad picture!

You’ve seen their undeniable chemistry on screen countless times, so how can we not wonder if they would be happily ever after together in real life? That’s something that cannot be answered, but Sanaa and Taye have played out several epic love stories. As Robin and Harper from ‘The Best Man’, the twosome showed the world that love is forgiving and unbreakable. While Dre and Syd brought a heavy reminder of how much true love can’t be denied!

If it hasn’t already, there can only be hope that love finds its way into all of these celebs’ hearts.


every girl loves m the Perfect V-day Date

Love & Sex

12 Ways to make your partner's Valentine's Wish Come True Written By: Shaneisha Dodson


Valentine’s Day is a day of love celebrated on February 14th. Most people buy flowers, balloons, and chocolates as a way to express their love. But, sometimes buying the same gifts year after year and celebrating the same old way can get old… Agree? Absolutely! Regardless if you are a neophyte to gift giving or an expert in your field, we can all use a little help in the romance department. Therefore, it’s a new year and time to spice things up. If you are running out of unique ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day, look no further. Here are 12 out of the ordinary ways to make your partner wish V-Day was every day

1) Take a sexy dance class such as Salsa or Merengue and invite your partner along for a private session. And it you really want to turn the heat up, take a twerk or pole dancing class. You can get a pole installed in your bedroom, put on a sexy piece of lingerie or nude if you prefer. Then, offer your man front row seats to the show and VIP tickets to the after party. 2) Take a river boat cruise. It’s inexpensive and romantic. It will allow you to get lost in the moment on your mini vacation. 3) Take a page out of Destiny’s Child book and cater to your man. Leave a trail of rose petals at the front door, greet him with a kiss, and lead him to the kitchen where you have prepared his favorite foods. 4) Make a hide-and-go get scavenger hunt. This is a sexy game where you can leave cute heart shaped paper clues around your house for your man to find the ultimate prize, which is you wrapped in a bow. 5) If you are an anti-valentine’s day person, host a party with like-minded people. It will give you a day to enjoy each other’s company. We all love a good excuse to have a party. 6) Hire a professional boudoir photographer to take a few intimate photos for your man’s private collection. 7) It’s always better to give than to receive.

Therefore, you can make a donation in your partner’s name to the charity of your choice. 8) You can re-create the first time you and your partner met by taking him/her back to that location. 9) Ask your significant other to choose a number between 1 and 25 and then reward him with that number of kisses or an Unbreakable Love coupon book. 10) If you are a gift giver, make sure it’s something that both of you can enjoy such as high thread count sheets, new furniture, or a clean house. 11) Pamper yourself at a spa. You and your partner can get mud baths, an oil massage, and pedicures. Women love a well-kept man. 12) Enjoy some quality time with each other. Spend a quiet evening at home cuddling while watching all your favorite love movies such as Love Jones or Love & Basketball.

every girl loves m family

Photo By: happilydivorcedandafter.com

CHALLENGE to Increase Love in Your Life 28 Days of Bonding Written By: V. Taybron, Founder of SaVor V

Photo By: dailyworkhorse.com

The Bond


2 3

Day Bond with Your Mate


ffectively bonding is important in knowing how to maintain closeness in our current relationships. Bonding makes us feel secure and increases trust. Traditionally, February has always been known as the month of love. There are flowers, roses, and candy being stocked in the local grocery stores, but that’s boring. As a Modern Domestic, we Maddie’s maintain the home life with love and wonder. Creativity plays a big role in the world of the Modern Domestic. When our relationships with one another are intact, life is pretty much on easy street. Take a journey with us as we explore 28

ways to share the love, and not just this month, but 365 days a year!


Love is still in style. When shared between two willing people, the possibilities are endless. Clear your mind and checkout these awesome ways to connect on an exciting, yet deeper level with your partner. Once you start using these methods you just won’t want to stop.


- Be Intentionally Open: There’s a misconception that being vulnerable or open is weak. However, this isn’t true with the one you are giving your heart to. If you are in an emotionally safe relationship,

openness increases the connection. A great way to show your partner that you are open and vulnerable to their needs is by creating an openness book just for them. In this little booklet will be coupons that your mate will redeem with you,


allowing you to open yourself up just a little bit more. Some awesome coupons can be: What can I do for you today? Or Finish this sentence. I like it when you… and maybe Foot Rub or Feed You Fresh Fruit before Midnight. Knowing what

your partner likes will allow you to do more of it so that you both stay blissful.

Bond with Your KIDS

- Take a Walk Down Memory Lane: If you’ve been in a relationship for a while, sometimes things can get stale. We want to light that fire back into the relationship by taking a stroll down memory lane. Remembering why you love this person and how much you’ve shared together over time will bring about an instant connection. Grab a basket and put all of your favorite things in it that you like as a couple. Movies, snacks, and more! If your beau told you that when he was a kid he ate lemonheads and pop rocks, then throw that in the basket. Find the very first picture that the two of you took together and add this as well. Got notes, emails, or texts? Be creative and have fun with this. Print them out and add them to the basket. Present this to your Lover as a token of all the wonderful memories that the two of you have shared thus far.


- Sexy Is, As Sexy Does: There’s nothing wrong with flirting with your Beau. Flirting is healthy and fun. Next time your Prince Charming leans in for a warm hug, surprise him by giving his bum a little squeeze. It will probably make him laugh. Then there’s always naughty ways to use your lips. Next time he’s holding your hand, feel free to kiss his finger and give it a raunchy little lollipop lick. Yes, you are a Modern Domestic but you also have a gorgeous and sexy side with the one you love.



- To Be Young and In Love: Remember what it was like to receive attention from your crush? Being young and in love is such a pure feeling. Tell your lover that on Saturday, the two of you are going to spend the day being kids in love. What do kids do? Well, they sneak around and giggle a lot. Set the stage by

how old the kids get, they will always be our babies. Their development is of the utmost importance. There’s so much going on in the outside world, but giving your child love will make all the difference. In this technologically advanced society, we can put the gadgets away, turn off the television, and connect with our kids in a new and fresh way.



- Get in the Kitchen: You don’t have to be Chef Garvin to cook and bake with the kids. As their parent, in their eyes you’re the hero who does all things well. The kitchen builds intimacy within families because we all have to eat. Grab an apron for your little chef and one for yourself. Let your child know that you will be cooking together today. Find an easy to follow recipe and allow them to be fully involved. It’s okay if they drop an egg on the floor. Kids make messes and it is a part of the growing



- Who’s The Boss? We all know whose boss but it’s important for you and your child to develop. Sometimes our children are the ones that teach us things. Here’s a good game to play with your child. Tell them you want to play kid and they will play mommy and daddy. Then simply relax and let them take charge. This will not only increase their self-esteem but it will give insight into your parenting. They will repeat the things that they like that you do and even a few of the things you don’t. Take notes and see how you can do more of what they need and less of what they don’t.



- Date Night: Our children first learn about love from us, that’s why this activity is ultra-special. Take your child on a date. Be sure to tell them that tonight they get to stay up a little later with mommy for a date night. Lay a nice outfit out on the bed with a note saying, “See you soon.” Give your child flowers. You can set up a nice area with a little table in the backyard or you can go out to dinner. Let your daughter know that this is how she should be treated and let your son know that this is how he treats a lady. As they grow older, it will be a memory that they will never forget.



- It’s A Party: One thing about children is that they always want to do what the adults are doing. Let them have a little bit of fun by hosting a Friendship Party for them. Of course, since we are celebrating love all month,

you can utilize the theme of Valentine’s Day. Let them help create a guest list of all their friends and send out invitations. Decorate the living room with pink, red, and purple hearts. Kids Cocktails are always a hit, which is simply a strawberry banana smoothie, served in a plastic martini glass. Be sure to turn on the music. Once all the kids have arrived, give them each a plain unfrosted cupcake. Lay out frosting and decorating supplies and let them get creative. Make sure you cover the table! Pets are family members too! Pets are a true joy to have around and they are an intricate part of our daily lives. Effectively connecting with our pets it’s vital to their development. Here are ways that you can lovingly connect with your pet for their enjoyment and yours.

9 Day 11 Day 10 Day 12 Day

-Go for a Walk: Don’t you just love your pooch? Nothing says love like a family pet. Our pets need their exercise and so do we. Take your pet for a walk every day. When you grab that leash, your canine buddy already knows what’s up. The brisk morning air is refreshing and a daily tradition that you can enjoy.

- Be fun and exciting: It feels wonderful when someone is excited to see you. The same goes for your pet. It might have been a long day at school and work for your family, but your pooch hasn’t seen you all day. They literally wait in anticipation all day for you to come home, feed them, and give them love. Make sure everyone in the family knows to be excited and nurturing when they walk through the front door. Have everyone in the family

Bond with Your PET Photo By: recognizethisblog.com

Being a parent is a lifetime commitment. No matter

and learning process. Let them stir the cake mix and look at the way their face will light up. Afterward, you will probably have a lot of cleaning to do, so teach them how to bust those suds!

Photo By: archive.dogingtonpost

pulling the covers over your heads and talking to each other like we did when we were young. Oh, and those naughty teenagers that just couldn’t keep their hands off of each other, making out in the movies and passing notes? You can do that too! Make this a day of enchantment by embracing your inner young love with your partner. The goal is to be light, airy, and spontaneous as possible

Bond with Associates


come up with one phrase of excitement to greet your pet with. Here are some examples: “Hello!” “I missed you!” “Where’s my favorite dog?”

- Touch My Belly: Pets have feelings too. Did you know that rubbing your pet actually decreases their stress? Research has proven that people with pets live longer than those who do not. Get a little in-home therapy everyday by connecting with your pet via touch. If your pet loves a good belly rub, then make that your daily bonding time.

- Pooch and Friends: When’s the last time your pooch got to hang around some friends? Well the Pooch Party is growing in popularity. Call up a few of your friends and tell them to bring their pets. Make sure you have lots of puppy snacks to share with them. You might even want to have a few balls around to play fetch. Let the dogs be social and get to know each other. If you’re not at home, then you are probably at work or on the go. We all want our days to run smoothly, but life happens. When you work, you have to work as a team and so bonding with your work family is important. It will help you and them to get the job done!




every girl loves m family

Photo By: ewanpsychic


- Breakfast Surprise: We have all run a little late heading into the office for work. Sometimes your coworker will call you and let you know that they are running a little late. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and you know they haven’t had breakfast since they are running late. How about surprising them with a little breakfast? They will not only be appreciative, but it might get there day back on track!

Bond with Yourself

14 Day Day 16 17


- Written Thank You Card: Never underestimate the power of a handwritten note. In our society we tweet this, text that, and post here. Technology is beautiful but when is the last time you hand wrote something to someone? It’s pleasantly shocking to see a handwritten note. Pick a coworker and write them a handwritten note letting them know how much you appreciate them. Maybe compliment them on the last project or tell them how awesome they are. We all could use a word of encouragement.



- Help! Everyday there are opportunities to assist other people, especially at work. If your colleague has been working hard all week to meet a project deadline

so they can attend their daughter’s ballet recital, help them. Ask what can I do for you? Don’t let them tell you that there is nothing that you can do. We are more successful when we work together, so help your colleagues when you can.

activities we do, if we don’t have self-love then all of our relationships begin to tank. Us Maddies are all about loving ourselves both inside and out. These activities will allow you to increase your feelings of worthiness so you can spread the love around like glitter.

- Take a Class Together Invitation: Many of us spend more time at work then we do at home. Naturally we become extremely close with many of our coworkers. Change the scene up a little bit. Grab your office bestie and invite them to yoga class with you or plan to take an art class together. It’s not only fun but you get out of the office. Here’s one rule that you have to follow, you cannot talk about work, and should engage in other subjects.

- Fitness and Food: So you don’t have to be a vegan, but we only get one body. The body is a very intelligent mechanism that when treated right, will work efficiently. Give your body healthy balanced foods and stay hydrated with water. Also get moving! If you sit at a desk for most of the day, get up every few hours and walk around. If you struggle with getting to the gym, find a workout buddy or a personal trainer. Fitness and healthy foods make us feel good and when you feel good you look good.

“To know thyself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.” This is definitely true because no matter how many


Photo By: 92ays.gloriafeldt.com


Day Bond with Friends

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- Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall: Girl, why in the world are you so beautiful? That’s definitely a question asked every day as us Maddies open our sparkly eyes. We woke up like this. Beauty comes in all colors, shapes, and sizes. We don’t all look the same and that is the beauty in uniqueness. All month long we want you to wake up every morning, go to the mirror, undress completely, and say, “I am beautiful.” Look at yourself and your body and tell it “I love you.” Here’s an example to get started, “Body you are so beautiful and I love everything about you. Eyes, thank you for allowing me to see. Lips, thank you for allowing me to speak and kiss my children. Breasts, thank you for being the right shape and size that nature wanted it to be. Beautiful body, I will treat you well today.” Keep talking to your body like this and fall in love with the miracle that is you.


- Release: Our lives skyrocket when we have let hurt and pain go! All of us have a story to tell. That story can push you forward or hold you back. We must release the past and here’s a wonderful exercise to get you one step closer to freedom. Think of someone or something that has hurt you. Once you have identified it, break out a piece of paper and a pen. Write a letter to that past circumstance. Tell it what happened, and how it made you feel. Once you are done letting it out on paper. Burn it. Do this safely in the fireplace or in a dry kitchen sink. Make sure you are safe, as the Maddie’s are not responsible for you burning down the house! As your letter burns say out loud, “I forgive you.” Then forgive yourself and make up your mind to move forward.

- It’s all about me: When’s the last time you did something for yourself? If you have to think about it, it’s been much too long. It’s not selfish to put yourself first, it’s called self-care. If we can’t take care of ourselves, then we aren’t much help to others. Do something nice for yourself this month. If you’ve been meaning to go to the spa, make an appointment. If you want to start a blog or write a book, then begin writing. Friends are wonderful people that keep us sharp and on our toes. It’s so much fun to have that fabulous time with our friends. You must get the time in with your girls even when you’re busy with day-to-day life. Here are a few ways to keep the connection going with your compadres.



- Diva Sleepover: When we were younger we all looked forward to being invited to sleepovers and having our own. Recreate that memory with your friends by hosting an all-girls sleepover. It can be a night of onesie pajamas, painting nails, playing Pictionary, and dancing to TLC. This is a great activity to bond. Send out that e-vite today and be sure to tell them that the first person who goes to sleep gets ice down their back.



every girl loves m to be a ble

ne word that we can use to describe newlywed Tionna Smalls is “intriguing”. Her tell it like it is personality is what draws others to her, but her smarts in business and relationships is what keeps their attention. Tionna Smalls is an entrepreneur and hustler in her own right who gives the ins and outs of entrepreneurship from firsthand experience. She can be seen making many appearances on television as a relationship expert and has even landed her own MTV series which was inspired from one of her published books, ‘Girl Get Your Mind Right.’ Tionna also has her own book publishing company and is an expert in business and entrepreneurship.

Photo Credit: MTV

EGL had the chance to chat with Tionna Smalls where she spoke about her newly released book DASHOLOGY: The Entrepreneur Principals Based on Former Hip-Hop Mogul Damon Dash, relationships, her upcoming business ventures, branding and entrepreneurship.

TTheionna S malls Life of a Boss

T a l k s E n t r e p r e n e u r s h i p , R e l a t i o n s h i p s & D ASHOLO G Y


EGL: Tionna, what inspired

DASHOLOGY? How did you come up with the name? Tionna Smalls: Well what inspired me to write DASHOLOGY was that I read a book a few years ago about Jay-Z’s life and how he became a big businessman and I was like oh-please, Damon Dash is the real man behind all of that! I said that one day I am going to write a book about Dame Dash but I’m going to write it better. So what I decided to do was write a business book. A lot of people know me as the relationship girl but what they don’t know is that I am a pure hustler. So I said I was going to write a book about the hustle but instead of using myself, I am going to use the life of Dame Dash as an example and it just all came together. I mean, DASHOLOGY, I love it, it’s a good book and it’s a good read. It’s packed with so much punch and it’s going to teach people

ultimately about the game of being an entrepreneur. They think they know a lot about how to be an entrepreneur, but its way more difficult than what it seems.

EGL: You mentioned that

instead of using yourself, you used Dame Dash, can you tell us a little of Tionna’s principles that we may find in the book?

about if you want to be a boss, take on a little money. A lot of people aren’t ready to be an entrepreneur or an independent contractor because they don’t know how to get money, so we talk about a lot of that in a book. The book breaks down a lot of business principles and it’s a lot of my words telling you what I’ve learned over these years using Damon Dash as an example. Besides, Dame Dash is an ultimate hustler and he’s a grinder like me so he’s always going to be alright.

EGL: Defintely. Now do you

know Dame Dash personally?

Smalls: One of the things that I talk about in the book is doing business with friends. Being born a Hustler vs. being made a hustler. We also talk

Smalls: No, I only met Dame Dash one time and I didn’t want to get him involved in the book because that’s when the book becomes more like him versus you just giving an outside perspective. I’m going to write a second version hopefully and add a chapter where he can do the forward or chapter or something like that.

The process

of writing Dashology? Smalls: One day woke up and I wrote 10,000 words in one day and I was like, “oh my gosh, I was just thinking about business and people need to know this information,” and it just happened. With me, I am such a hustler and a boss that any day, anything can happen.

EGL: So the idea came to you in a dream …or the shower? Come on, tell me about it?

Smalls: Yes, I was sleeping and I was like you know what, I’ve got to do it and the name and everything came alive.

EGL: So we know that you are

a relationships expert, what inspired you to flip the script and write a book about business and entrepreneurship? Smalls: The relationship expert is kind of something that I got stuck with. When you do something repeatedly, they think that’s all that you do but ever since I was a little girl, I’ve been a hustler, since 12 years old. So at the end of the day, my real life is being an entrepreneur. On TV, they are never going to be able to switch it up if I don’t switch it up myself so that’s why I decided to switch it up. With my work and Dame Dash’s work mixed together, it doesn’t get any better that that!

EGL: Now we know that you

don’t want to get stuck in the relationship realm, but I do want to tap into it and kind of marry the two for a moment and combine the two. Tionna Smalls: Oh yeah, that’s always going to be a part of me, I’m down with that. I just didn’t want viewers to think that I’m all about that life because I’m really more of a hustler than I am a relationship expert.

EGL: Okay, combining the two, what advice would you give to a woman on balancing her career and relationship? What should be more important and how do you balance the two?

neglected and he’s feeling up on you while you’re on the computer (laughs), sometimes you just have to hold off on the computer real quick (laughs).

EGL: Exactly. So do you think that an entrepreneur woman should be with an entrepreneur man? Smalls: It would be perfect like that, me and Cas (boyfriend) is like that. I think the best thing is opposites sometimes, but you do have to have somebody who understands the life that you live. If he doesn’t understand the life of the boss, then he’s not going to understand and it’s going to cause a conflict and you are not going to be able to be in a relationship.

Smalls: Well I balance the two because my career is first. First it’s God, then my career then my family and then my man. That’s what I like to go by. Then once I get married then it will be God, my career, my man, then my family. Normally you have to find a man that understands what you do and supports you because if you got a jealous man then he’s not going to like the fact that you hustle and go hard. But when you’re with a person EGL: Right. and they know you are a hustler, then they don’t have Smalls: I remema choice but to give you that ber when I was respect. It has to balance. in a relationship Hustling is a balancing act. and I was talking Some days you’ll have to say, to this guy and I’ll “Okay let me put the computer be working from away and give my man some home and he’ll be attention.” It goes by your man, like, “what do you you have to really know the do all day?”… He vibe… like if he’s feeling a little was trying to Photo credit: www.zap2it.com

play me like I was on welfare on something like what do you do all day? He’s like I’ve never met anybody who works from home. It’s weird. That obviously didn’t work out.

EGL: Of course, because he didn’t understand.

Smalls: Yeah, he wasn’t trying to understand it, and I said alright “F” it, he had to go.

EGL: We love

your expertise when it comes to relationships, so when it comes to living with our boyfriend…tell us what you think about that?

Smalls: Wouldn’t do it again. When me and Cas first moved in, we were engaged because he was like I’m not going to let you move in with me or us move in together until we are engaged…but, if I could do it again I would never do it again until a week or a month before my wedding because living with someone takes a lot of work. You are like playing house and you

are this person’s wife and you guys stop using protection and you are going to get yourself in a situation that you don’t need to be in. So you might as well wait. I think that when you are young and you are hustling, you don’t have time to be cooking everyday because you are living with this dude… you don’t have time for that.

EGL: Ok, so do you believe

in combining our finances as boyfriend and girlfriend? Smalls: That is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. That’s like saying, “I’m collecting taxes but I don’t work for the IRS.” Why would a man marry you if he already has access to your money and your bank account? What happens if this relationship does not work? You know, some women say, “well marriage might not work either,” but let me tell you… marriage and boyfriend and girlfriend is two different things, okay! If you go for a marriage certificate, they need your social and they need his social and they combine the socials and they check the computer to see if you weren’t married and if he wasn’t married. It’s no joke out here with this marriage [thing], it’s no joke!

EGL: I think our readers will

respect that piece of advice and love that. You have a good point. Smalls: Don’t let no girl tell you, “Oh marriage is just a piece of paper, what’s the difference?” The difference is he didn’t marry your ass, that’s the

Hustlapreneur difference!

EGL: That is very true. Now,

what would recommend to the woman who is coming out of college who wants to be in business for herself but also may need to work? Tionna Smalls: Well you need money to start a business, so I would say work to get the money up and then after that, go for it. Then nothing should stop you. I saved up a little bit of money when I had a job and then I just went for it for one month and failed. I had to hustle from there.

EGL: Can you tell us more of

key attributes you feel aspiring entrepreneurs should have. Smalls: Entrepreneurs should not be afraid of failing. If you walking around wanting to be an entrepreneur, but you have a fear of losing money, you are afraid of failing. You have to really have no fear when it comes down to business. Another thing that I would tell you is that you have to be confident because a lot of times you walk into a room full of entrepreneurs that’s doing it big and sometimes it can intimidate you. But I’m here to tell you, don’t let none of that intimidate you because at the end of the day nobody is better than nobody, everybody out here struggling in one way or another, so you just got to go hard. Also, make


sure that you are ready to work and network because networking is key. I don’t care what you are doing…and not just social networking. Social media is not going to be able to help you. I definitely think you should go out there and shake hands and kiss babies to get what you want and network. That’s why I started Bossy Tuesdays because I thought it was time for people to get out and network with each other and meet a lot of different people, and that’s what happens.

EGL: What do you think the

real key is to networking when trying to establish a relationship and connection with someone? Smalls: Being authentic because sometimes when you only talk to somebody when you need something…that’s corny. I think that you have to be genuine. Hit people up even when you don’t need something. Instead of always asking for something, have something to offer to the table. If you see someone having a birthday on Instagram, say happy birthday. If you see someone that needs advice, give advice.

EGL: You are branding yourself well. When it comes to branding, does Tionna have a brand strategy in place? Smalls: Of course, anything that I want my audience to

EGL: So you believe that you should be showing your following what you say you are doing.

Smalls: You know people who got name brands and never wear it, it will never work out because nobody wants to believe a brand that you don’t represent.

EGL: What advice would you

give to women who wish to elevate their brand and grow their audience? The ones who has the expertise in business but no social media presence. Smalls: Well they need a social media presence. I give consultations a lot on social media and I charge for it. I had a client that had great ideas, great business sense and great things going on, but she was sharing her personal page with her business page. I said, “are you crazy!? You are really putting up club pictures with this and that and it was just too much. You need an online presence, you need to follow a lot of people and connect with them online and


then promote your own joint. Follow people that you want to be like, don’t follow people because they are messing with some dude that you know. You have to follow the people that are doing the things that you want to do and see how they are doing it. And another thing that you guys do not know… and I’m giving you guys some free tips, is that you have to #hashtag because it helps you get a lot of business. When people are looking for certain things they will hashtag. Hashtagging is your friend.

EGL: What else can you tell us

about the Tionna brand and the other projects that you are working on? Tionna Smalls: One thing that we have going on is the Brooklyn Grinder that’s coming out. That’s a newspaper for Brooklyn and it’s going to be an all targeted newspaper and free to the people. It’s going tell everyone what’s going on in the food world, the beauty world, fashion, everything Brooklyn and I’m going to go to

different cities with it so I’m excited. But right now, I’m keeping my focus because it gets real crazy if you don’t focus. I’m also into the hospitality business so I will be opening up a few hospitality businesses within the next three to five years. We also have the Brooklyn Bred movie.

every girl loves m to be financially stable don’t put a date to it then they are not going to do it. I put a date to mines so that I can definitely it. Tionna isdo definitely a BOSS and we’re excited to see all of

her dreams come to fruition in 2015. To keep up with Tionna, you can follow her on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook: @tionnasmalls. 1

EGL: Do you create goals,

timelines and milestones for yourself to keep yourself in order? Smalls: Oh yeah, everything is a timeline for me. I work in timelines so that I never have to get out of a timeline because if you have a dream or goal and you don’t have no timeline then it’s just a dream. But when you put dates... then you create goals for yourself and it means that you really are going to do it and not procrastinate. A lot of people have a problem with procrastinating. If they Photo credit: katelstorey.com


know about my brand I tell them all day. I promote my stuff just like everyone else does and the main thing is…I like to walk in my brand. So whatever I say I am, I am that so people can understand what the brand is because I can tell you that I’m a hustler but if you never see me hustling then you’re not going to believe that. I make sure that I walk the talk.


New Clothes every girl loves m a New Wardrobe


Okay my charismatic, couture cuties, the New Year is here and there are a lot of fashion fails we hope you left behind in 2014. Styles such as Apple Bottom Jeans and House of Dereon jumpsuits clearly should not have made it into 2015. Actually, they should not have made it into 2006 and 2007, but that is another story for another day, and we digress. Now what should still be in your closet are the trends from 2014. Those trends were hot and can still be worn this year if spiced up and done correctly. No need to spend money on the 2015 trends just yet; pull your 2014 wardrobe back out of storage and keep it moving! The year 2014 was full of fun fashion. Matchy-matchy sets graced the runways, emeralds and pop colors such as orange were in almost every magazine, and plaid and tulle were plastered all over fashion-savvy, social media pages. We understand that some of you are just now getting used to those trends and right when you have reached your 2014 fashion comfort zone, boom; here come the 2015 trends. Before you get frustrated and trash your shopping bag full of last year’s sale items, let us show you how to wear the old styles in the New Year.

Sequin Bodycon Mini Dress – Newlook.com ($63) // Christian Louboutin Metallic Pump - Bergdorfgoodman.com ($895.00) // Anna Field Clutch – Zalando.co.uk ($27) // Oval Bangle Bracelet – Yoins.com ($12) // Kate Spade Crystal Dial Watch – Johnlewis.com ($390) // Kenneth Jay Lane Double-Drop Feathers/Ink Splash Print Cropped Sweatshirt – Blackfive.com ($30) // Folk Women’s Pleat Culotte Trousers – Coggles.com ($400) // Christian Louboutin Pigalle Follies Suede – Christianlouboutin.com // Swarovski Bangle – Macys.com ($161) // Project Watch – Ahalife.com ($100) // Chanel No. 5 Evening Bag – Portero.com ($18,000) // Round Diamond Studs – Diamondwave.com ($3,489) // Charlotte Tilbury Limited Edition K.I.S.S.I.N.G Lipstick – Harveynichols.com ($23)

Culottes and crop tops will still make a daring statement this year, and orange is here to stay. Instead of wearing a lot of orange this year, just add a taste of it to your outfit.

Earrings – Lastcall.com ($30) // Manic Plum Passion Sharkskin Lipstick – Dollskill.com ($17) // Butter London Classic Nail Polish – 6pm.com ($9.99) //

While everyone else will be in black or red, stand out at your next shindig in emerald and gold. This color is timeless and turns heads each time it is worn.


Benni Flannel Shirt – Abercrombie.com ($58) // Black Tulle Midi Skirt – Ustrendy.com ($51) // Christian Louboutin So Kate Leather Pumps ($625) // Alligator-effect Tote – Blackfive.com ($57) // Betsey Johnson Black Heart Button Stud Earrings – Macys.com ($30) // Monki Selma Ring – Monki.com ($7.42) // Monique Pean Black Jade Open Pyramid Ring - Montaignemarket.com ($4,630) // M.A.C Lipstick – Bloomingdales.com ($16) // OPI Gwen Holiday Collection – Harrods.com ($19) //

Think that plaid and tulle are played out? Think again! Pair them together to create the ultimate pretty-grunge look. It is a mixture that your fashion peers will not forget.

SKINGRAFT Tunic T-shirt Dress – Farfetch.com ($925) // Adidas Sneakers – Drjays.com ($75) // Chanel Bag – Chairish.com ($1,699) // Larsson and Jen nings Watch – Larssonandjennings.com ($381) // Platinum Diamond Studs – Neimanmarcus.com ($5,700) // Wide Cuff Bracelet – ($540) Swarovski. com // Maison Martin Margiela Cuff Rings – Lagarconne.com ($575) // Stella McCartney Eye Glasses – Shopbop.com ($245)

Leather will never be out of style! Throw your onlookers off and play a leather dress with some hightop tennis shoes. Keep it sexy and cool, simultaneously! Whenever you begin to panic about keeping up with fashion trends and staying current, remember that style is not about how many new clothes you can buy. It is about how many new looks you can create with the clothes you already have. Have a fashionable, fun New Year!



every girl loves m a man with Style

Men’s Fashion:

SUBTLY UPGRADING YOUR CLOSET FOR 2015 It’s already a new year and fashion has made so many twists and turns in such a short period of time that we can hardly keep up. Slim trousers to skinny jeans to cinched ankle joggers and back again! Whew…With that being said, we want to make sure that you are ready and properly prepared for the changes to come. Let us assist by providing helpful tips you can use to upgrade your wardrobe for the New Year. YES, WE DID SAY UPGRADE!! A simple upgrade for personal style staples in your closet will not only save you time and money, but will also clear you of any thoughts of separation anxiety that may be in tow. Check out the style boards to see exactly what we mean. Let’s start with a core favorite for most men; the WHITE DRESS SHIRT. Once upon a time, the era of the men’s dress shirt was of an assorted flavor, single-toned time period that reveled in polyester blends. Join us, as we bid farewell to it and introduce you to a new model! Try upgrading your white dress shirt game with a cotton material and a mild pattern. A muted pattern will add dimension and character to your look without having to compromise any feelings of attachment. The dress shirt featured in this style board is created by Folk and can be found on Coggles.com.

Dress shirt: Folk, $130; socks: Express, $6.54; shoes: Carlos Santos, $149; watch: Nixon, $660; belt: Hugo Boss, $86; trousers: Selected Shbenson, $99

Our second upgrade is the improvement of the DENIM TROUSER. Skinny jeans have taken over the scene, while oversized jeans aren’t even on the radar anymore. But, wait a minute; skinny jeans aren’t for EVERY MAN! We know; and there’s a solution custom made for the male with a larger physique. It’s called the slim fit jean! These denims are a more relaxed fit version of the skinny. Still in doubt, try a pair on and see for yourselves. You can find this pair, made by Scotch & Soda, on Coggles.com.

Slim fit trousers: Scotch & Soda, $99; boots: Quoddy, $450; shirt: Guess, $150; wallet: Alexander McQueen, $535; bracelet: Fat Face, $13; backpack: MCM, $1,100


Next, we are onto our third piece; the DRESS SHOE. This is an easy one! Joining the worlds of comfort and casual can be easier than you think. In this particular example of how, we recommend a driving shoe or a loafer to get the job done. Whether going to work or out with friends, the loafer can capture the look you were going for. If you are fond of the Mezlan loafers found in our example, you can purchase them at MyHabit.com.

Loafers: Mezlan, $144; watch: East Dane, $215; trousers: J.Crew, $98; wallet: Alfred Dunhill, $150; t-shirt: Orlebar Brown, $90; cardigan: Yves-Saint Laurent, $1,590; socks: Etiqutte x Theory, $33

Finally, we discuss what should be considered the most important staple in a man’s possession; the JACKET. This is an investment piece, that if properly selected, can last the owner for years and years to come, never going out of style. Here’s what to look for: quality material, clean color and cleaner lines. If you are interested in purchasing the camera jacket made by Nigel Cabourn, found in our style board, you can find it at Coggles.com.

Jacket: Nigel Cabourn, $940; bracelet: Etsy, $15; backpack: DSW, $60; boots: Timberland, $255; hoodie: Unstoppable NYC, $175; trousers: Maison Martin Margiela, $495 Simple and straight to the point… Now, off you go! We hope the style boards helped and don’t forget to rate and comment in the dialogue box below. We would LOVE to hear from you.


every girl loves m Fitness


A Sexy Fitness Regime for the New Year:

Carpet BURN

1.The Crouching Tiger The possibilities are endless with this one. Put your weight on your toes and alternate between fast and slow. When you up the speed, focus on your calves… When you slow it down you’ll feel the burn in those thighs. Hello squats! Target burn zone: glutes, thighs, calves

By Tianna Richardson

Limber up! This New Year we’re ditching that tired “hit the gym more often” goal and focusing on a challenge that will blow your socks off (and your partner’s too!) Forget the calorie counting, forget the crash diets and forget the same old workout. This year we’re carpet burning those extra calories away. Now keep this in mind – a sweaty romp in the sheets does not burn as many calories as a brisk jog. That’s just wishful thinking. Luckily for us, a study found that with the appropriate intensity and poses, sex could burn approximately 100 calories in 30 minutes. I don’t know about you, but that sounds like a moderately intensive Pilate’s session if you ask me.


2. THE AMAZON This position is great for keeping it sensual. Grab a chair and get comfortable. Guide the penetration by raising and lowering your toes. Target burn zone: calves


3.The Grip This is essentially the missionary position with a twist. Wrap your legs around your partner. As they lift onto all fours, your hips will rise with them. Use your abdominals to rock your pelvis from side to side. This is a core burner! When your core needs a break (and it will) have your partner hold your hips up and wrap your arms around their neck. Target burn zone: abdominals

5. The Clasp Let’s make one thing clear. Sex standing up is always a yes. It effectively burns more calories than almost any other position variation, but mostly for the male. With that in mind, wrap those legs around your partner and get to work! Tightening your core will help to partially support your weight. Thrusting in rhythm with your partner also takes core strength. He’s definitely not doing all the work here! Target burn zone: abdominals

4.The Kneeling Wheelbarrow Think of a wheelbarrow race – except a lot sexier! Use your forearms for support and brace yourself. Extending one leg allows for deeper penetration and a deeper burn. Sounds like a win-win. Target burn zone: glutes, thighs, abdominals ILLUSTRATIONS: A Sexy Fitness Regime [T.R] photo credit received 12/19/14 We Women Link: http:// www.wewomen.com/relationships/album897260/sex-positions-kamasutra-sex-positions-0.html#p20


Study these moves closely and start adding your own body sculpting variations. Your partner, libido and figure will thank you for it! m www.everythinggirlslove.com

every girl loves m loves Beauty Trends


2015 beauty hot sheet

Skin Care

There are so many new things happening within the skin-care industry for 2015. Unheard of practices that in the past that may have seemed unrealistic are now becoming more mainstream. Virtual consultations and minimal invasive surgery are skyrocketing within American culture. You’ll see more teenagers making trips to the spa, and more people trending to lose weight in a box. Here is a peep into what 2015 has in store for the Skin Care Industry. SKIN CARE PRODUCTS: Thanks to selfies, people will be using serums, peptides, retinols and hydroxyl acids for instant results. PLASTIC SURGERY: Modern technology has allowed doctors to give their clients surgical results without being extremely invasive. More people are projected to gravitate to cosmetic surgery due to down-time being dramatically reduced. Virtual Consultations: No more making appointments

If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old. – Peter F. Drucker

New Year, new you. What will you be remembered for in 2015? With promising beauty trends to look forward to, this year will bring in a host of chic and bold looks. Switch up your style this year and upgrade yourself. Continue reading for our top beauty predictions for the upcoming year.

to physically go see your dermatologist. Nowadays you can have a professional consultation with your doctor within the comfort of your own home. Pocket Derm, ESPA and My Skin Prescription are a few companies that have already adapted to the trend. NATURAL SKIN CARE INSIDE AND OUT: The ‘natural’ trend is rolling full steam ahead and has no plans on slowing down in 2015. Consumers are educating themselves on products that offer a healthier alternative to their favorite ‘additive-filled’ skin care products. GLOBAL BEAUTY TREATMENTS: In the skin care industry, we learn from one another, so it’s not shocking to see trends from India, Asia and Africa being adapted into American culture in 2015. Treatments such as Sage and White Pine Massages and Chinese Medicine Massages have already hit America


Nail art has gone from trendy to now extremely popular; some might even say another form of creative expression. We’ve gone from seeing our favorite celebrities working trendsetting styles, to seeing just about everyone we know with a little something special on their nails this year. The year 2014 was full of amazing trailblazing trends, we saw barely there nudes and edgy metallic become more popular than ever. We witnessed so many vast shapes of nails, designs, and even outrageous acrylics made into eye-catching art. Here are some predictions for what will be in style in 2015. The hottest nail trends for spring 2015 will be squareround tip nails, relaxed soft colors, think baby soft polishes like pale pinks and stylish nudes. Nail art will consist of water color pastels, glitter, eye catching colors, negative space, and shimmer and matte designs together on one nail. Summer will be all about the floral summer garden theme. Almond shaped nails, floral vintage pattern, shimmer, and graphic patterns will be


all the rave. Judging from the runways of NY and Paris, we can expect a lot of flower power next year.


beauty hot sheet: hair short hair relax & waves soft, polished bobs weaves closures



EGL’s Beauty Team joined forces with celebrity stylist Jasmine ‘RazorchicofAtlanta’ Collins and International Beauty Educator Pamela D. Hogan to predict the hottest hair trends for 2015. Our predictions offer subtle changes to your favorite 2014 looks; enough to keep you inside of your comfort zone, but drastic enough to completely upgrade your style!

SOFT, POLISHED BOBS The asymmetrical bob will continue to hang around 2015 but expect a softer more refined twist to the medium length style. Pamela D. Hogan explains, “I think the 1940’s styles will roll back around like the chin neck bobs”. Leave the geometric cuts in 2014 and embrace soft, sexy and more polished looks! MEDIUM LENGTH BOBS

SHORT HAIR DON’T CARE: Retire those expensive bundles of hair and invest in your own hair! Jasmine ‘RazorchicofAtlanta’ Collins of Salon Moraee (Atlanta, GA) agrees, “Women want to wear their own hair with a healthy look. Short hair, no fuss, trendy easy breezy cuts.” PIXIE RELAX AND WAVES


Color/Cut Combo Weaves and Closures

A sew-in with a closure is a fantastic protective style that we anticipate will have increasing popularity in 2015. With more and more stylists learning how to properly install closures with a very natural look, we are certain we will be seeing them in abundance.

Whether styled curly or spiked, you can never go wrong with a pixie cut. For 2015, a great way to spruce up this timeless style is to add highlights. For those looking for a more professional look, mixing two or three brown highlight shades are sure to transform the look. For those seeking an edgier look, try bold colors!


color cuts COLOR & CUTS



Make Up

beauty hot sheet

MARSALA Pantone announced Marsala as the color of the year for 2015 in late 2014, so don’t get left behind; add this fresh hue to your makeup bag to incorporate a trendy look! Inglot Cosmetics provides perspective on the color of the year by offering it to beauty lovers in several different options from nail polish to blush, Inglot has you covered.

Visit inglotcosmetics.com .

ARCH RIVALS Full brows with a natural shape are the look of 2014. Look for products designed to fill in and enhance the natural appearance of the brow. FLASH TATTOOS Flash tattoos became extremely popular when Beyonce was seen rocking them on vacation with hubby Jay Z. The jewelry inspired temporary tattoos are beautiful and won’t be going anywhere in 2015. Sheebani Flash Tattoos $25 flashtat.com

MORE BEAUTY COLLABORATIONS Look for more celebrity beauty collaborations from your favorite brands like MAC and OPI in 2015. What celebrities might we see in 2015 teaming up with our favorite brands? Maybe Solange, Amber Rose or Eve.


Celebrity Looks to Look Out For In 2015

2014 brought us some of the most epic fashion and beauty moments of the decade. If it wasn’t Rihanna continuously stunning us with unforgettable looks, it was the nostalgic rebirth of the ninety’s makeup that we all loved. 2014 went out with a bang, but now it’s 2015. Here at EGL, we are always on the lookout for the next hot trend and the celebrities who are killing it. In the name of lipstick and Louboutins, here are our predictions of who will be the new style stunners in 2015. DEJ LOAF: Hailing from Detroit, Michigan, Dej Loaf burst on the scene with a fresh take on tom-boy chic. You can catch the rapper wearing a full length mink coat, with a bucket hat, custom sneakers, and rose tinted glasses. She keeps it simple and clean with just lipgloss, but you can always count on her to have her short cut styled to perfection in soft curls. Her look is refreshing because she mixes her boyish style with femininity. She may be the new kid on the block, but she’s already making us swoon. KEKE PALMER: This lady went from the cute little girl next door to fierce and grown; and now we want to be just like her! In 2014, Keke cut her hair and social media went nuts. Her jet black pixie turned heads and gave us a reminder of how a short haircut can transform a whole look. Keke is used to getting a glamorous beat by the best makeup artists, but to complement her edgy new look, she’s been experimenting more with fierce makeup details. She pleasantly surprised us last year with all of her history making moves; she is definitely on our close-watch list in 2015.

NICKI MINAJ: Oh Onika! We can’t get enough of the hit maker’s natural beauty. The true chameleon really made a style evolution in 2014. Ever since we first heard Nicki, she has accompanied her daring lyrics with an even more daring style. These days Miss Minaj has soften things up by showing her natural beauty with a fresh flawless face and a figure flattering wardrobe. This is only the beginning for Nicki and her more realistic looks. With the release of her new album, The Pink Print at the end of 2014, you can bet we will see more and more of Nicki…and we can’t wait. ALAN FERGUSON: Now that he’s a part of the royal celebrity family, Solange’s husband Alan Ferguson will have more eyes on him from this point forward. Before they were married, the couple was known as stylistic guru’s. The video director famously sports an awesome beard with smooth skin. While he seems to be more of a behind the scenes beau, we think that all fashion eyes will be on him in 2015. Fashion and beauty is ever evolving and these celebs are the front runners of 2015. They have all showed us a taste of what’s to come from their personal styles and we can’t wait to see what they bring to the table of fashion and beauty this year!

every girl loves m A Comeback


The Return: Written By: Kisha Forde, Entertainment Staff Writer

Our Favorite Artists Making a Comeback in 2015!

With 2015 in full gear, it’s out with the old and in with the new! But, we love to see both our old and new favorite artists bring in fresh music. This year, there’s loads of new, already promising singles and albums dropping for our eager ears. But there are five artists you absolutely must be on the look out for.


Kendrick Lamar

Crowned by MTV as the “Hottest MC in the Game,” and by GQ as “Rapper of the Year” in 2013, Kendrick Lamar is a name that’s synonymous with the phrase of ‘shutting it down,’ which makes his upcoming 2015 album release that much sweeter. The self-proclaimed “King of New York” made waves throughout the industry when he dropped that infamous verse on Big Sean’s “Control.” Who could forget when he vowed to lyrically ‘murder’ the likes of Drake, J. Cole, Wale, ASAP Rocky, Meek Mill, and others by rapping: “I’m usually homeboys with the same n—-s i’m rhymin with/ But this is hip-hop and them n—-s should know what time it is…” And that alone set the Internet and both mainstream and underground hip-hop on fire. He inspired everyone from Cassidy to Joe Budden to respond to his lyrical announcement, with most saying that whoever he mentioned felt like more of a honor of recognition than an actual diss. Kendrick recently released his single “I” from his new album that has already garnered attention from late night television. Not to mention, he’s also releasing his own collection in collaboration with Reebok in 2015. By the looks of it, he has even more reasons to continue his reign within the upcoming year.

Cover Story

Rihanna With seven Grammy awards, eight American Music Awards, and a whopping 22 Billboard Music Awards under her belt, it’s no wonder Rihanna’s reign literally just won’t let up. And with the upcoming release of R8, we can predict there’s no stopping her means of conquering the charts. Throughout the transformation of her career, she’s become more known for her edgy style, tell it like it is nature, and irresistible accent; but what she’s idolized for the most is her catchy and chart-topping music. The Barbados native has done everything from soft ballads to upbeat club music, and that’s what will make R8 all the more intriguing. You just never know what you will get musically (except for it to be a smash hit) since Rihanna is so versatile. The anticipation is a cross between holding your breath but knowing you’ll catch it once the album arrives.

Meek Mill

Because there’s so many levels to him, Meek Mill is always an artist to look out for. One of the primary reasons is because he was recently released from jail after serving five months for violating parole. The hip-hop world missed his presence and was anxiously awaiting his return. His new album, “Dreams Worth More Than Money,” is slated for an early release this year, thus continuing his Dreamchasers series. His previous album “Dreams and Nightmares” had hits such as “ Young & Getting It,” and “Amen,” which had fans everywhere checking for the Philly rapper to churn out even more hits. It’s no secret that if in a crowded room and Mill’s “Dreams and Nightmares” were to play, at least half the crowd will recite at least the first four lines aloud: “I used to pray for times like this to rhyme like this/ So I had to grind like that to shine like this…” It also doesn’t hurt that the popular rapper has most recently been linked to one of the hottest female rappers to date, Miss Nicki Minaj. The two even recently released new music together that had fans buzzing, and we just can’t get enough of this dream chaser.


Alicia Keys

Alicia Augello Cook, known worldwide as Alicia Keys, received an enormous amount of success when she first debuted on the scene with her hit song ‘Fallin.’ Keys had every young woman wishing they could rock a fedora with long, beaded braids and had the ability to play the piano. What the songwriter and pianist did to set her platform was remarkable; she used her unique style, strengths and talents to work to her advantage and was never afraid to just be herself.

Lupe Fiasco

with the amount of award-winning music that followed thereafter. The early 2000’s saw everyone crooning to her songs like “You Don’t Know My Name,” and “If I Ain’t Got You.” Although Keys took a little time off from the industry to devote time to being a wife and mom of two, she is now ready to bless the world again with her angelic voice. After a record of selling 35 million albums worldwide, Keys has stated her 2015 album, on which she is working with Pharell Williams, is “aggressive.” She has Although we know her as the musical ge- announced that one of the songs on the nius she is today, we saw her adorable album is called “Killing Your Mother.” We face first on The Cosby Show as one of knew she was someone we needed to Rudy’s playmates. But, after she released hear from again. “Fallin,” it felt as if Keys could do no wrong

Cover Story

Mr. “Kick Push” himself is also working on his next studio album which is set to be released this year. Hits like “Daydreamin,” “I Gotcha” and “Superstar” make him well known in the industry and among fans alike as a talented, analytical and conscious rapper. His new album, Tetsuo & Youth, features a slew of artists including Big K.R.I.T, Ty Dolla Sign, Ed Sheeran, Ab Soul, Chance the Rapper, Rick Ross and many more. Fiasco’s album is one to look out for not only because of his ingenious and truthful content within his music, but also the honesty behind the inspiration counts, too. He was partially inspired by his upbringing in Chicago’s crime-ridden Westside, telling interviewers: “The content of it is like, ‘Oh, s---, I didn’t know Lupe could talk like that. I didn’t know Lupe knew that guy. I didn’t know Lupe was affiliated with that.’” Lupe has been ‘that guy’ since he decided to begin creating music at age 17, and hasn’t looked back since. Often candid and ever respectful, Lupe created his own definition of what it meant to use musical content to the best of his ability. And for that, Tetsuo & Youth is already on our radar. Doesn’t 2015 sound like the year of ‘reclaim and conquer’? There’s no telling how fantastic it will get, but we can already tell from this list alone, it’s already getting there.



A Spotlight on

Modern Domestic’s

every girl loves m family EGL: What are some of the


best moments you share as a blended family?

Wright: The best moments

that we share are when ALL parents get along and are in agreement; and just enjoying the kids. I am grateful for the times that we have sat down as adults and discussed what is best for the children. We often enjoy family game night, family bible study and supporting each other with their individual extracurricular activities. We are a family that loves to laugh and have fun with one another.

Blended Families T

By: Triena Deniese

hey say it takes a village to raise a child, we say that village can come from all walks of life! Are you a part of a blended family? Do you fulfill a very non-traditional role in your family’s life? Maybe you’re a stepmom, an adoptive parent or guardian. Your modern blended family is just as important as any other traditional household. While modern families are sometimes very unorthodox, we all manage to find a sense of self and love in each family member. Here are a few of Modern Domestic’s very own blended families. most challenging part is seeing together. It promotes unity, Yandy Smith, New York – them go to their other home, love … and food, because a Everything Girls Love President period. I get so attached when family that feasts together is they are with me that I hate truly a family! EGL: What’s the most chalwhen they have to leave, lenging part of being a blendespecially during holidays or EGL: How do you keep love ed family? extended periods of time. alive in a blended family with diverse customs? Smith: For me, there are EGL: What are some of the two things that make it most best moments you share as a Smith: The love of our children challenging. I think children blended family? goes beyond any differenclearn best in environments es we may have. Though my that promote consistency, Smith: Some of the best family comes from the same like a healthy dinner at the moments as a blended family demographic, we are all indisame time each night, bath are holiday times together! viduals; but we’ve learned that and bedtime, and other When all the kids and their love conquers all. So we keep scheduling; but when your parents are over it’s like an a good and healthy relationchild goes home to the other even bigger and better ship with communication to parent, it’s hard to enforce celebration. Last year we did the same consistencies if their keep our love a live! I love lifestyle is different. The second Thanksgiving together and this year we did Christmas my blended family!


EGL: How do you keep love alive in a blended family with diverse customs?

Wright: Our family was built

Umeka Wright, Texas –

Modern Domestic Subscriber

EGL: What’s the most

challenging part of being a blended family?

Wright: The most challenging

part of being a blended family is the blending! There is no easy button to push nor right or wrong way to blend families.

Every family is different and must do what works for them. The way we blend may not be the correct way for the next family. We have to make sure we consider all parties (parents) involved at all times. You must be considerate of the other parents and their parenting. I have to constantly remind myself that they may not parent the way I parent and that is fine.

on love and although as parents we may disagree, the one thing we all agree on is the love that each of us have for our kids. With our foundation being built on love it is easy to keep the love alive. We encourage each child to accept, interact and know the other side of their family, which is a very significant part of them and plays an immense part in their lives. A diverse background is the essential component of a blended family.



Tyisha Gibbons, North

Carolina – Modern Domestic Subscriber

EGL: What’s the most chal-

lenging part of being a blended family?

Gibbons: The most challenging part of being a blended family is getting used to and understanding everybody’s personality.

EGL: What are some of the

best moments you share as a blended family?

Gibbons: This family shares

a lot of special moments; we purposely do a lot of “firsts”

together so that we can experience things for the first time as a family. For example, my family is from a small town… so we took the entire family to the beach and it blew our minds! You don’t find stuff like that in the country.

we cherish the family time we have together.

EGL: How do you keep love

challenging part of being a blended family?

alive in a blended family with diverse customs?

Gibbons: We keep love alive

by experiencing different cultural experiences (teaching our children how others live) and always teaching each other something new; not just as a couple but as a family. We experience new things that brings us together and

Wendy Medrano,

Arkansas – Modern Domestic Subscriber

EGL: What’s the most

Medrano: The most

challenging part is making sure everyone is included, represented and respected. Not just the children but also the people that are important in the children’s lives (meaning both biological parents and both sides of each child’s family). We stress that family


is family and we don’t place importance on assigning roles (such as who is full blood, half blood, step sibling). We respect that we are a multicultural family and encourage our kids to just be themselves. Everyone has a say, a voice, and they get to express their opinions (good and bad) as long as it is not hurtful, hateful or disrespectful to someone else. I think the most important thing is communication; being able to say when things are good AND learning how to communicate effectively when things are bad.

EGL: What are some of the

best moments you share as a blended family?

Medrano: I would have to say importantly, we acknowledge when we are all together as a group and I see the laughs and smiles. Or when one of them will be in conversation and call one of the other ones “sister or brother.” I also feel like we are doing something right when one of my husband’s kids (who do not live with us full time) calls our house “home.” I want them to feel welcomed, and not as a visitor.

EGL: How do you keep love

alive in a blended family with diverse customs?

it. So many times I see children of mixed races or blended backgrounds made to basically “pick sides,” like if a white mother has mixed children but the African American father is no longer in the picture the child conforms to their environment. I make a point to embrace the fact that I can’t raise my kids to be something I know little about. So I surround them with people who do know and I teach them about my experiences and my life lessons.

Medrano: We celebrate it. We joke about it. We learn from each other and most


every girl loves m family


Jacci Jacci Jackson, Texas – EGL Fashion Contributor

EGL: What’s the most

challenging part of being a blended family? Jackson: The beginning was the most challenging for me. I was raised in a single parent household until the age of four when my mother married my stepdad. I was comfortable with it being just my mother, my sister and I. So when my step dad and brothers came around it was difficult for me to adjust to having a full house. I’m 26 now and the bond I have with my dad and brothers is unbreakable.

EGL: What are some of the

best moments you share as a blended family?

Jackson: Our family vaca-

tions are the best. Now that we are grown and working, everyone is spread throughout the country. My older sister is in Houston, Texas with my parents, my brothers are in Washington and I’m in New York. In September of this year, we went to Hawaii for our parents’ 20-year vow renewal. I’m sure that trip made it on everyone’s top five family moments.

EGL: How do you keep love

alive in a blended family with diverse customs?


Jackson: We try and get

together for everything. Especially holidays and birthdays. Plus, we keep a constant flow of communication. My mom is infamous for a group text so we talk, text and FaceTime with each other almost daily.

Michelby “Coco” Whitehead, Georgia – Hus-

Michelby “Coco” caramel, so people would say: “That’s your sister? Y’all don’t look alike.” We’d be sarcastic and tell them we have different dads and the same mom; technically, we were telling the truth! So the fact that we didn’t look alike because we were adopted was really hard!

EGL: What are some of the

tlaprenuer Editor

best moments you share as a blended family?

EGL: What’s the most chal-

Whitehead: Every single

lenging part of being a blended family?

Whitehead: My sister and I

are five years apart. I was adopted at two months old and she was adopted at two days old. I’m chocolate and she’s

thing! We’re like The Cosby Show meets 7th Heaven. Even though my sister and I live an hour away from our parents, we go home just about every weekend and attend church together. As grown as I am, I can still wash a truckload of

dirty laundry at my parent’s house like I did in undergrad. A lot of families disregard the importance of sitting at the dinner table and eating together. We have always done that and it plays a big role in family bonding. Having random moments of humor is also a must for any family. I can’t tell you how many times my mom has attempted to do Beyonce’s “Oh-Oh” dance, when we least expected it-now she’s twerking! I can also recall my dad working on the roof singing Montel Jordan’s “This Is How We Do It.” Really daddy?

EGL: How do you keep love

alive in a blended family with diverse customs?

Whitehead: We keep love

alive by remembering that we are blessed to have one another. A married couple needed children and vice versa. We are the coolest and corniest black Christian family you ever did see... and we love every minute of it!

Tiffany Rivera, North

Carolina – EGL Love & Relationships Contributor

EGL: What’s the most chal-

lenging part of being a blended family?

Rivera: The most challenging

part of being a blended family is actually blending our values,


Tiffany backgrounds, religion, and our views under one household.

EGL: What are some of the

best moments you share as a blended family?

Rivera: Everyday moments

are special for us. Before dinner, when our son gets home from school and my husband comes home from work, we sit and we talk about our outlooks on life. We have especially talked about the unfortunate events from the Ferguson case to our 9 year old son who is not only being raised in a blended family, but also in an interracial family where the mother is black and the stepfather is Puerto Rican


and white.

blended family?

EGL: How do you keep love

Flanigan: The most

alive in a blended family with diverse customs?

Rivera: First of all, we always

keep in perspective how we came together as a family in the first place. Keeping those things in mind helps a lot. We also respect each other’s backgrounds and combine it so each background is appreciated and recognized.

Shawn-Taye Flanigan – Modern Domestic Subscriber

EGL: What’s the most

challenging part of being a

challenging part of being a blended family is having everyone be on the same page at the same time when it comes to caring for the kids. This one’s mother wants something done her way, that one’s father wants something done another way. It’s hard trying to have everyone be an involved participant in raising the children because everyone wants their input to be taken into consideration. What makes it even harder is when there are feelings still involved, so it makes it difficult to determine what is being done or said out of the sake of

the child versus something being done out of spite towards the other parent.

EGL: What are some of the

best moments you share as a blended family?

Flanigan: The best moments

are the holidays or just having them all together for one weekend. We have a total of six and it’s difficult to have them all at one time but when we do its fun. They all get to hang out and have fun and catch up on things they’ve missed out on. Last Christmas was our first Christmas ALL together and it was great. There was even a point where the other parents were even

Triena present just laughing and actually getting along. Having the kids see us all in the same room all getting along, puts an even bigger smile on their faces because they see mommy and daddy all getting along even with the new partners being around.

EGL: How do you keep love

alive in a blended family with diverse customs?

Flanigan:You keep the love

alive by simply being there and providing your support and understanding for your partner. It takes patience and a lot of compromises to make sure things are good. Being able to be their support when

the times are tough between parents provides that extra stability, and I think that’s what helps to keep the love strong.

Triena Deniese, Alabama – Modern Domestic Editor

EGL: What’s the most

challenging part of being a blended family?

Deniese: I was raised in a

true Brady Bunch/Cosby household. My father had two sons, my mother had one son, and together my parents had me and my older sister; a total of 5 kids! The most challenging part was learning that sometimes my brother(s) may


every girl loves m family


Leticia have had to go be with his other family, and that we are a big mixed family all-together.

EGL: What are some of the

best moments you share as a blended family?

Deniese: The best moments I

have as a child growing up in a blended family-style home was, I never used the terms “step” or “half.” Though my sister is technically the only full-blooded sibling I have, I wasn’t raised to believe that. My “half” brothers were just my brothers and they didn’t love me any differently. My parent’s didn’t treat their “step” kids any differently. My parent’s truly treated and loved each of us the exact same … and it made us realize that we are all equal and valuable in their eyes.

EGL: How do you keep love

alive in a blended family with

diverse customs?

Deniese: We keep love alive

by simply being true to each other. Love is all that matters! We make sure we spend time together; we make sure we are a part of each other’s lives. Now that everyone’s grown, married or with kids, we are all actively involved in the grandkids’ lives … and we are teaching them to be raised as close as siblings, even though they are just cousins!

Leticia Capellan, New

York – Modern Domestic Subscriber

EGL: What’s the most chal-

lenging part of being a blended family?

Capellan: The most

challenging part would be cultures clashing as well as upbringing doss & don’ts. I have my own parenting


Danielle techniques when it comes to raising my stepson. His dad is super passive and I’m more aggressive. It’s very frustrating because it boils down to me not having kids or not understanding, but I actually just want the best for my stepson.

EGL: What are some of the

best moments you share as a blended family?

Capellan: The best moments

are when we do things as a family, from dinner dates to decorating our home for the holidays. The idea of a family is everything to me and to think I was given this family by just falling in love is amazing. We share a bond that my stepson really loves, as well as myself.

EGL: How do you keep love

alive in a blended family with diverse customs?

Capellan: We keep love

alive by sharing as much as we possibly can about each other’s backgrounds. I’m Hispanic and my husband is Guyanese. His sons are part Jamaican, so we definitely celebrate all holidays that are designated to each of our cultures; we share different foods that individualize us, we speak on each other’s culture regularly and lastly, blend our extended families on a regular basis to keep it interesting as well. My husband and I fell in love with the idea of wanting a big family and his son wants nothing more than to be a big brother sooner than later, so we are looking forward to extending our family and making a million more memories together as one.

Danielle Pierre, Louisiana – Modern Domestic Subscriber

EGL: What’s the most chal-

lenging part of being a blended family?

Pierre: The challenge for me

is in the midst of dealing with my own emotions from losing my entire family, I feel so alone sometimes. I have to keep myself in check for the sake of my babies who depend on me for everything. There are also so many different emotions, attitudes, school functions, work, etc. We manage to work it out; it’s challenging to be sure nobody feels left out or less important than the other one.

EGL: What are some of the

best moments you share as a blended family?

Pierre: The best part of having a blended family is the way all of my babies get along. There’s never a dull moment in my house. We laugh, play and

so much more together. As two young parents, I feel my fiancé and I are very open-minded with our kids. There’s nothing we don’t discuss with them, good or bad, comfortable or uncomfortable; we talk about it. Everything we do, we do as a team effort, from chores to homework. My older kids help with my eight year-old often… we are truly a team.

EGL: How do you keep love

alive in a blended family with diverse customs?

Pierre: We keep love alive

by simply loving one another! As simple as it sounds, understanding each day is a new day and we each have a chance to do it all over again. I can say we are blessed that all of our kids accept one another. They don’t feel like they need to compete with one another. We are truly in this together. 2

every girl loves m To Be The Best Entertainment

Interview By: Ericka Smith, Entertainment Editor Elise Neal has been a positive force in the entertainment industry for the past 25 years. Landing roles in films like “Hustle & Flow” and a string of sitcoms, the talented actress has managed to stay busy in this competitive field. EGL recently got a chance to chat with Elise about the first season of “Hollywood Divas,” her new projects, and the backlash surrounding the Lifetime Aaliyah biopic, in which Elise stars as Gladys Knight. Read on and learn more about Elise’s impressive career and what she thinks about her critics.

Elise Neal Doing Her

Due Diligence


EGL: The first season of “Hollywood Divas” just ended. How was that experience for you? Neal: First and foremost, I know it got misconstrued on the show, I am a huge fan of reality television. I thought it was very silly, in my opinion, for anybody to think that anyone who has signed on to do a reality TV show doesn’t like reality. That was dumb, in my opinion, for people to say. Obviously, I wasn’t forced. I knew I was doing a reality show and wanted to do it. I am a huge fan of Carlos King and I love what he’s been able to do with “Real Housewives of Atlanta.” I am a fan of “Love and Hip-Hop.” When [Carlos] and Todd Tucker had meetings with a lot of different actresses, I went in because I’m a fan. They told me they wanted to

do something with actresses, they wanted to do something with a different tone. I said sure. I want people to know me a little bit. I want people to understand the journey it takes to be in entertainment, so I jumped on board. EGL: On the show, you had some issues with Paula Jai Parker. Are you two back on good terms? Neal: The thing about the show and one of the things I will say, is that they didn’t want us all to know who was going to be doing it at first; they wanted all the conversations to be more organic. Paula truly is the only person I really, really know. I have known Paula for at least 15 years. As you can see, Paula has amnesia about true events. Honestly, Paula has always been like that. Paula al-

ways has her opinions on stuff. As you can see, I’m not the only one who knows she will remember it differently. With that being said, that was an interesting dynamic. It was interesting for me to sit in a room with someone who I know they know, if they really start to think about it, they are being completely wrong. That part of the reality show process I definitely did not enjoy. Doing a reality show, there always has to be the people who are down to start drama. I’m not one of those people. I act for a living, I love it, this is me, and I’m going to say what I feel. I’m not going to be prepped or prodded to say anything other than facts. I felt like her saying certain stuff was her trying to get something started. If you saw the reunion, she had to admit to the fact that she knew what was up with a lot of things she was saying that wasn’t the real truth. I would never do that. That part of it was shocking to me. EGL: You guys have been renewed for a second season. Will you be opening up more about your personal life? Neal: If I’m going to talk about my real life, I’m not going to use [reality television], and I’m not putting it under the bus. My real life is serious and means a lot to me. I don’t want producers using it as an angle. My life is important to me and what I’ve been able to accomplish coming from Memphis, TN and not even wanting to be an actor and moving to New York and everything I’ve been able to do,

I feel like I’m a model for any young girl from Memphis or any small town having a dream as big as wanting to play in this field of entertainment. I don’t want my reality show producers playing with that. That’s my legacy.


EGL: You recently responded to critics who said you were “irrelevant” to “Hollywood Divas.” Do you feel like you get the credit you deserve? Neal: I get the credit I deserve from people who are not sitting around on Twitter trying to be relevant. I don’t have to qualify for anybody. At the end of the day, I know I work constantly and if a person is a 15-year-old or 20-year-old who doesn’t do their due diligence and is only watching two or three networks, they may not understand that I work all the time. But that is not my place to educate them; my place is to continue working. If you did not do your due diligence and want to tweet or say something without understanding the business all you have to do, if you really want to know how busy I am, is click onto a IMBD page. EGL: Obviously, you have been working. How do you thrive in this competitive industry? Neal: Anybody can thrive in this industry. Here’s the thing, everybody does not have the same work ethic. Everybody does not have the same drive; every-

body is not built with the same thick skin. All of those things, my drive, my thick skin, my tenacity, keeps me working. Everyone doesn’t have that. Some people get frustrated; some people don’t want to do all the work. It is my duty and it is my profession to continue what I do and to continue to succeed. A lot of people just don’t want to put that type of work in.


Entertainment EGL: You’ve starred in a slew of films and television series. What was your favorite role?

an entertainer. I just missed it. There are a lot of people in my business who just don’t act, so I thought it would be cool to put something together so I could get back on stage and do something cool but make it sexy and fun. For me, it has to be fun and hence it was born. I absolutely enjoyed it, loved doing it. After a while, the women were getting on my nerves, so I had to kind of take a break. A few years ago, I had an epiphany that I should develop something that embodies what I have gone through, dealt with, but also includes the Assorted Flavors aspect of my life, so I wrote it myself. So the dream role has already been written, but the dream itself is the day the world sees the movie that I wrote that embodies me.

Neal: I have different favorites for different reasons. I loved “Hustle and Flow.” Not just because of the success of the film, but because we shot it in my hometown of Memphis. I was able to take Taraji and Terrence Howard and hang out with them in my hometown and take them to barbeque. The movie was very real, it was a story about a pimp’s life and a lot of people didn’t like that part of it, but at the end of the day, it was the truth about one man and his journey to be a better man. I was very proud of that and the fact that we shot it in my home and people got to appreciate something that was really the heart and soul of Memphis, Tennessee. I’m very proud of that. EGL: Do you feel like you’ve landed your dream role yet? If not, what would it be? Neal: I think I just wrote my dream role. I’ve always wanted to do something where I could sing and dance. Going forward, I want to produce films that I either have a big role in or small role in, things that I know I want to see. The types of movies and TV shows that I want to see are the ones I want to produce. I want to create my own production company and really have a stake in the projects I’m doing. EGL: Aside from acting, you also dance! Tell us more about Elise and the Assorted Flavors. Neal: I missed performing. When I was doing “All of Us,” I just really missed performing and I missed being on stage. That was really a big part of my life--singing, dancing, performing and traveling the world as

EGL: We can’t wait to see the film! When you’re ready to spill the details, let us know.

“The dream role has already been written, but the dream itself is the day the world sees the movie that I wrote that embodies me.”

Neal: I will tell you right now. Basically, right now I’m trying to raise the funds to put my sizzle reel together so we can shoot this thing. I am definitely, due diligently getting backers for my film so I can shoot it. Right now, we’ve raised half the money to do the sizzle phase and hopefully we can raise the rest of the money by the beginning of the year to shoot the sizzle because that’s where my heart and soul is, the passion of this project. I think people will really like it; it’s not a heavy movie. It’s loosely based on some truth about my life, but it’s not a life


Entertainment story. It has an aspect of the Assorted Flavors in it, it’s just a great story about a woman who runs a school and has other dreams with her life. EGL: You played Gladys Knight in the Lifetime ‘Aaliyah’ biopic. What did you think about the film’s backlash? Neal: Again, I’m going to say the same thing I said about the idiots who don’t take the time out to do their due diligence to look at the credits before they want to bash. The bottom line is some people need to understand what it takes to get a movie made. Aaliyah passed away a while ago, most of the people I know that had something to say probably were only two or three when she passed, so what are you talking about

it? It becomes a bandwagon of hate in this world, and I’m not just talking about this movie, I’m talking about in the world right now. Society needs to figure out what is wrong with the new generation of people that they are so lost with their self-worth that they have to jump on a negative campaign or bandwagon to feel relevant in the world. It’s ridiculous. I feel like half of the people who had something to say didn’t even know what they were talking about; they just wanted to jump on something because that’s what people are getting retweeted about. It’s so stupid. You have to understand how much work, how much money, how much it takes to get a film made. With that, I will say if anyone wanted to create an Aaliyah movie before

“I was absolutely proud of what I did. Ms. Gladys Knight herself tweeted me and told me I embodied her and looked just like her.” www.everythinggirlslove.com

“If you really want to know how busy I am…click onto an IMBD page.”


the Aaliyah movie that Lifetime produced, why didn’t they? If they had the funds, if they had the connections, if they had all of the things that it takes, other than saying, ‘Oh, I was going to do that.’ We can all raise our hands and be like, ‘I was going to do that,’ but that’s just air. So to have all this backlash when no one had even done it doesn’t make sense to me. I was absolutely proud of what I did. Ms. Gladys Knight herself tweeted me and told me I embodied her and looked just like her and reminded her of a dress she wore, which is what I wore in the movie. They did do their due diligence, and I made sure of that professionally for me. I made sure we had pictures of Gladys that resembled things that they were asking me to try on. I am that actor first; I was listening to tapes of her speaking over and over again. I did my homework like I do with every other project. It’s damaging when we as a people want to quickly bash things that are positive. I think there is nothing wrong with a network trying to pay homage to an amazingly talented beautiful singer who lost her life way too young. And guess what? No one else had done it. Yes, there are always things in terms of movies that we can fix but at least it was done, at least it was done classily, at least it wasn’t messy. You have to give some type of credit where the credit is due. EGL: Switching gears, what advice would you give to women on being confident? Neal: The first thing I will tell anybody is to find what makes you happy even if it’s a walk around the block that makes you feel less stressed, if it’s a conversation with your mother, sister or brother that makes you feel fulfilled. You have to find the things within you that make you feel happy. I try not to let outside sources of negativity bother me or let people tell me what they think I should be doing. You have to figure out what makes you happy, figure out what goals you have in life and things in the world that you want that will make you feel fulfilled. Then do your best to get them. That’s when you can stand tall and feel proud of yourself. Elise Neal is definitely a powerhouse actress, dancer and producer. Make sure you guys stay tuned for her production, fitness T-shirt line, and the next season of TV One’s “Hollywood Divas.” m


every girl loves m Health Care


Getting ready for the New Year: Are you signed up for health care? By Tashira Merritt The New Year is a great time to start fresh and focus on what makes you, the best you. This includes having the required insurance guidelines met before your next physical. So far roughly 7.3 million people have health insurance through the new implemented system called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) aka Obamacare. If you do not receive health insurance from your job and you are not a part of that estimate, then it’s time for you to enroll so you can be set for the year.


1.What is Obamacare and why was the system enacted? Obamacare is a health care and health insurance marketplace law reform that increases the quality, availability and affordability of private and public health insurance. Obamacare was enacted to help insure the 44 million Americans without health insurance. Also, it helps to cut down on unnecessary health care spending. Obamacare does not create healthcare insurance, but it created a health care marketplace exchange where people can compare insurance plans, so they can pay less. 2.How does it benefit me? New benefits were established with the reform. Insurance companies cannot drop your coverage if you get sick or make a minor mistake on your application. Health insurance companies are not allowed to discriminate when it comes to your gender or preexisting conditions. The new law protects you against rate hikes. You can stay on your parent’s plan until you are 26 years old. The system provides drug coverage and free checkups for children. 3. How much does it cost and what if I can’t afford it? Obamacare can cost between two to nine percent of your income after cost assistance. You are eligible for cost assistance if you are a low-to-middle income American who obtains your insur-

ance through the exchange provided by Obamacare. A lot of people who are young or make low-income can get free or low cost health insurance through the health insurance marketplace. Those that get health insurance through federal or state exchanges could be eligible for tax credits that will help lower monthly costs. (Tax credit can be applied monthly or when you file for your federal income tax return.) 4. Am I required to get health care? All U.S. citizens who are able to afford health care insurance must obtain at least the minimum essential coverage. If you do not enroll you will have to pay a fee for every month you are without health care on your year-end federal income taxes or you can get an exemption. The penalty as of 2015 is 2 percent of your household income that is above the tax return threshold of your filing status or the family flat dollar amount: $325 per adult and 162.50 per child under 18. Large employers are required to provide health coverage for full-time employees. Tax credits are provided for small business who also offers their employees coverage. If you already have insurance most can keep it. (Some are being phased out by 2017 search -grandfathered health plans.)

5. How do I get health care through this system? There is an open enrollment period every year. This prevents people from obtaining health insurance only when they get sick, enforces the mandate and keeps monthly cost low. The 2015 open enrollment period is from November 15, 2014-February 15, 2015. You can visit www.healthcare.gov or you can search for your state’s own healthcare website if they have one. Think of the new system like your car requiring car insurance. The government now requires you to obtain health insurance, but your health is way more important. With hope, you can use these basic facts to jumpstart your health insured year. After you enroll maybe you could get that dental check-up you’ve been pushing off since the last new year. It’s time to get covered people! m

every girl loves m Budget




It’s tax time, and if after reviewing your W2’s and 1040’s you find that you need to give your finances a bit of a makeover, we have a few nip/tuck ideas for your beauty budget. Since the IRS won’t be adding mascara for ladies night to the list of eligible tax deductions anytime soon, here are a few ways to save and create a better fiscal outlook for 2015.

HAIR This is an extreme measure; however, if you are making weekly trips to the salon, you could be spending hundreds each week. Instead of spending excessive amounts of money on your hair each week, try a trip to your local barber for a shape up that is no more than 20 dollars. If the thought of cutting your hair is not practical, try styles that you are able to manage on your own like twists, cornrows or braids.

SKIN Let your groceries do double duty for your skin and save; try to stock up on beauty power foods for the skin ● Eat berries and fresh fruits and vegetables for antioxidant protection ● Use olive oil to moisturize your body

SPA TREATMENTS Shave Instead of Waxing I don’t recommend shaving for every body part of your body, but if you are on a budget try shaving your legs, underarms, or basic bikini area. For all other delicate areas, reserve them for waxing. Try: Philosophy Razor Sharp for Men & Women $18 philosophy.com

Become Besties with the Drugstore Skip big buck beauty chains and opt for the drugstore. Big retail chains tend to come with higher price tags on beauty products while super retailers such as Target or Walgreens almost always

NAILS Skip the gel; shellac, and other fancy extras and embellishments. Keep it simple with a basic manicure or invest in a DIY manicure kit. Try: Essie Millionails $10 essie.com With fortified iron and amino acids this product helps reduce peeling and splitting for visibly stronger nails.


offer a generic counterpart to the popular brand. Often times, the only difference between the two products is that one is more expensive. Try: Ology exclusively at Walgreens prices and products may vary.

Become a Sample Queen If you are a big spender on beauty products, here’s a tip, shop online retailers like Amazon for sample packets of your favorite beauty products. A lot of times you can find great sample packets for very affordable prices. From GlamGlow to Lemur our team has found sample packs of 5 for less than 10 dollars. Of course you can also reach out to your favorite retailers directly or head to Sephora or Ulta for samples as well. Shop Mini’s If you don’t have the money to purchase the full size versions of your favorite beauty products, minis are another great way to save. Most of your favorite beauty products are available in mini sized versions and can be found at discounted stores like Marshall’s or T.J. Maxx at any price between 2 to 13 dollars.


Put Yourself First


Erase the idea from your mind that everyone else’s needs must come before your own. Make taking care of yourself your top priority. After all, if you aren’t taking care of yourself then no one will be able to take care of those you care for. The same way a remote control cannot operate without batteries, you cannot function without sleep and nourishment. Be healthy, consistently visiting your doctor and dentist appointments. Intake nutrition daily and exercise or be active.

The Year of the

Modern Domestic Written By: Tenisha Symonette

Photo by: jsonline.com



every girl loves m when it’s her time

hat makes you a modern domestic woman? Are you independent, confident and intelligent? Do you balance your family, career and social life with ease and style? If you answered no to any of the above questions, you’re probably not a modern domestic woman…yet. You’re not alone. Being a modern domestic is not a God given gift or a talent one is born with. It is a skill that takes time, guidance and practice to perfect and manage. Here’s a guide on your journey to becoming a modern domestic woman. We’ll give you tips and techniques to balancing your busy life and family so that you too can become a fabulous modern domestic woman.

Treat yourself to activities that require little or no heavy lifting such as a massage, manicure/pedicure or something as simple as meditating or taking a nap. Most importantly, learn to say NO. While you have to always be there for your family, and loved ones, still find time for relaxation. That can only happen if you learn to say NO to excess. Don’t overextend yourself when you don’t need to.

Manage Your Time Wisely

The best way to achieve this is to prioritize. What are the most important and least important tasks for the day? Complete the most crucial task first and work your way down the list in order of necessity. Also, consider working smarter, not harder. Find ways to simplify your work. This will allow you to get work done faster, making more time available for loved ones.

Build a Support System

A modern domestic woman is only as good as her team; that means use those around you to help you be the best you. Life is truly about team effort, which means we all need each other. Don’t be afraid to ask for help; whether you need a babysitter for date night or help with cooking dinner. Enlist the help of your children, significant other, family members, friends and close neighbors.

Get Organized

Modern domestic women have to balance everything, so being organized is one of our most important traits. Practice simple organization measures like daily to-do lists with adding or subtracting tasks as you go through the day. Keeping a schedule helps us Maddie’s maximize our day as well. We can get much more done if we have a system to follow. Remember to prioritize! After a few weeks of getting in the swing of organization, it will come naturally.

Be Flexible

Apply flexibility to your home, work and social life. Accept that things are bound to change, sometimes at the drop of a hat. Be willing to address urgent customer needs after hours if it will benefit your business. Make it to the last minute Girl’s Night Out, as long as it doesn’t interfere with your priorities.

Make Just As Much Time for Your Loved Ones As You Do For Your Career If you follow the first tip and work smarter not harder, you’ll find that you have more time available to spend with your loved ones. Enjoy simple family time; take your kids to the park or simply sit and watch TV with them. Arrange to have some alone time or a date night with your significant other. Have lunch with a friend or join your co-workers for happy hour. Your goal should be to maintain your positive relationships. It does not matter whether you’re a stay-athome Wonder Mom or a Wall Street warrior, you too can effectively balance every aspect of your life. Take the tips above and rearrange them into the order that best suits your life. Tackle them the same way you would a to-do list and complete them in order of importance to you. With time, consistency and effort, you will become that fabulously modern domestic woman we knew you could be. 1

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