A Day That Shocked The World Written By: Jessica Myers
look at the President only to find him covering a t was November 22nd, 1963, and
gunshot wound in his throat. Governor Connally
President John F. Kennedy was visit- was also hit at this point, only his gunshot
ing Dallas, Texas on an electoral tour of the
wound was in his back. The third shot was
Southern region of the United States. The Presi- heard just seconds later and Mrs. Kennedy, who dents’ arrival was quite the excitement for Dal-
had thought the gunshots, were only fireworks,
las residents and the people gave him a very
turned to her husband just as he was taking a
warm welcome upon his arrival. Kennedy, along bullet to the head. The fatal headshot was the with his wife and Governor John Connally and
last shot the shooter, or shooters, made, and
his wife, proceeded to ride in a motorcade pro-
took place just in front of Dealey Plaza.
cession through downtown Dallas. After proceeding through downtown Dallas, the motorcade turned onto Elm Street
The Secret Service Agents assigned to the President’s detail, were criticized for their slow reaction time to the assassination, much of
where it then began to pass in front of the Texas which is believed to have been caused by their Schoolbook Depository Building. Within a few
attendance at a local bar the night before. Cu-
minutes of passing the Depository Building, Gov- riously, the bar, “The Cellar”, was owned by an ernor Connally’s wife heard a noise that sounded acquaintance of Jack Ruby. like a gunshot. Mrs. Connally turned around to
Lee Harvey Oswald was accused of the assassination of John F. Kennedy and was set to
com, Seinfeld, even did an act in one of their shows that debated who the “other spitter”
be handed over to the state prison on November was, which was an obvious spoof off the “other 24th. While in the garage of the police building, shooter”. Oswald was shot dead by Jack Ruby in front of millions of viewers. There’s much unknown about the events
Being from Dallas, I myself have been to the Grassy Knoll and the museum created in the Schoolbook Depository Building that is dedicated
that led up to the shooting. Witnesses claimed
to that tragic day in history. The assassination
to have heard shots fired from the Grassy Knoll,
of John F. Kennedy is an event in our culture
not the Schoolbook Depository Building like what that will remain as event of mystery and most was believed by the Warren Commission (The Warren Commission was created a week after the event and they completed their investigation several months after the assassination). There was later evidence proving that Lee Harvey Oswald was eating lunch in the first floor of the Depository Building when the assassination took place. There are many elusive figures in the case that add to the theory of the multiple shooters versus the one that the Warren Commission found to be involved. The “Magic Bullet” Theory is one that is still unsolved and remains to be a mystery in our history. The popular sit-
importantly, a day of deep loss for our country.