August 2011 ~ Vol. II, Issue 6
W ell
in Kansas City
Celebrating Whole, Seasonal, Organic and Local Eating
Inside this Issue: What Exactly Does Eating Well Mean? 3
by Tracie Walker
Sugar Free Results 4
7 6
by Natalie George
Stay Cool and Light All Summer 5
by Kat Bowie
For the Love of Watermelon 6
by Jane Van Benthuson
Feature by Vaughn Lawrence 11
August 2011
Eating Well in Kansas City ~ page 2 Food News Overwhelmed with Fresh Garden Produce? Help Feed the Hungry! Summer is in full swing and that means gardeners across our region are starting to harvest all those fruits and vegetables they planted this spring. Harvesters — The Community Food Network encourages local gardeners who have an abundance of fresh produce to donate fruits and vegetables to Harvesters’ Plant A Row for the Hungry program. “Harvesters helps feed one in eight people in our community and providing the most nutritious food possible is very important,” Harvesters’ President and CEO Karen Haren said . “Each year we work to distribute more fresh produce than the year before and gardeners in our community
can help us reach that goal — one row at a time!” In the spring, gardeners were asked to plant an extra row for the hungry. Now, produce can be dropped off at Harvesters or at participating garden centers throughout the metro. Harvesters will pick up the donated produce at the garden centers and distribute it to local food pantries, shelters and other food assistance programs. 2011 drop-off sites are: Family Tree Nursery, 830 West Liberty Drive, Liberty, MO; 8424 Farley, Overland Park, KS; 7036 Nieman Road, Shawnee, KS, Heartland Nursery,10300 View High Drive, Kansas City, MO, Kansas City Com-
munity Garden 6917 Kensington Ave., Kansas City, MO For more information about the Plant A Row for the Hungry program visit and click on Give Food. The local Plant A Row program is a partnership between Harvesters and the Master Gardeners of Greater Kansas City. Farmers’ market shoppers also can help feed the hungry by donating to Harvesters’ Farm to Table program. Every Saturday, look for Harvesters’ baskets at the City Market, Overland Park and Brookside farmers’ markets. Buy a little extra fresh produce and help feed hungry families in our community.
Farm Puts New Twist on Old Idea An area farm has put a new twist on an old idea — free home delivery. Schenker Family Farms has long served the Kansas City area with its grass fed beef, pastured pork, lamb and more. Many of their customers began asking for a Meat CSA, so they created one. The response has been amazing. “We have created a CSA with options for small families to large families… beef lovers, lamb lovers & more,” Cherie Schenker, who owns the 5th generation farm with her husband Kevin said . Options include beef only, pork only, lamb only, and any combination of the three. CSA
customers can also add on chicken and extra grilling items. The grilling items are very popular since the Schenkers are known for their brats, steaks and chops. CSA, a.k.a. Community Supported Agriculture, is a great way to save money and support local farms. How does it work? A CSA customer signs up with the farm to become a “Shareholder.” Shares come in lots of different sizes and costs, depending on the farm. Many CSAs offer a discount if shareholders pay in full rather than making payments. Schenker Farms offers a free bundle for paying in full and a gift certificate for referrals.
Most CSAs have a central pick up point weekly or bi-weekly. The Schenker utilize a delivery service. “In talking to our customers, we found that utilizing a central pickup point didn’t work for most of them. They are busy raising families, working, etc. and just don’t have time to be at a certain place at a certain time. So, we added the free home/office delivery option,” Schenker said. Sign-ups and deliveries are available yearround. For more information contact Schenker Family Farms at or call 620632-4470.
The Body Ecology Diet encounter. the foundation for wellness. The resulting benefits are: greater energy, improved digestion, • How to create ideal digestive balance. greater focus, a stronger immune system, weight • Effective cleansing and detoxification methloss and much more.” ods to restore your system's harmony and The Body Ecology Diet, which is revised Fatigue, headaches, mood swings, weight support your liver. and significantly updated, is now being published gain, allergies, joint and muscle pain, inflamma• How to conquer sugar cravings. by Hay House. In the book, Donna reveals how tion: these are just some of the signs that indi• Tips for strengthening your immune system. to restore and maintain the "inner ecology" your cate you may unknowingly be suffering from a • Easy meal planning with dozens of delectable body needs to function properly, and eliminate or "silent invader" – Yeast/Candida. The resulting recipes, an array of menus, and detailed control the symptoms that rob you of the joy of imbalance can be a key factor in myriad health shopping lists. living. She emphasizes simple yet important dieproblems including chronic fatigue, food allergies, • Strategies for dining out. tary transitions that can profoundly impact how skin disorders, obesity, depression, digestive dis“This is the last diet you will ever have to emyou feel such as: orders, and other immune-related diseases. In bark on, because Body Ecology is more than a The Body Ecology Diet: Recovering Your Health • Drastically reducing your intake of carbohydiet it is a way of life that anyone can easily imand Rebuilding Your Immunity (Hay House/ June drates and sugars. plement and the benefits are immeasurable,” 15, 2011/$15.95), author Donna Gates reveals a • The addition of cultured/fermented foods, shares Gates. With positive testimonials from groundbreaking program for recovering your such as kefir, to your diet. around the globe, Body Ecology offers a proven, health with probiotic nutrition and simple dietary • Changing the quality of fats and oils you conrevolutionary solution for supporting your health transitions that can profoundly impact your wellsume. in our toxic, stress-filled 21st century environbeing. The Body Ecology Diet is endorsed by many ment. “Health begins in the digestive tract, ramMDs, nutrition experts and it even touts a celebThe Body Ecology Diet: Recovering Your pant use of antibiotics and sugar addiction has rity following. In her book, Gates shows you, step Health and Rebuilding Your Immunity is available led to an epidemic known as Candidiasis or an -by-step, how to eat your way to better health at, and in bookstores naovergrowth of yeast in the body,” explains Gates. and well-being deliciously, easily, and inexpentionwide. It is also being launched in an Ebook “My program is designed to support imbalances sively. In this book, you will learn: format. To take the Candida Quiz and for more in the system with a probiotic rich diet and sup• Basic eating principles to help you gain masinformation on Body Ecology and the full line of plements to improve your inner ecology.” Body tery over every health challenge you may nutritional products visit: Ecology™ emphasizes food and detoxification asEVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING 12 August 2011 New Diet Book Offers Revolutionary Program for Recovering Your Health with a Probiotic Diet
Eating Well in Kansas City ~ page 3 Let Food be Thy Medicine — by Tracie Walker Eating Well… What Exactly Does that Mean?
t means something different for each person. No two people are exactly the same, have the same body structure, the same taste buds or even the same connections towards food. We are all unique and therefore have to find the right way of eating well that works just for us. Yes, I think there is a big difference between eating well in general and not eating well, however I do think too many of us try to put ourselves in the perfect little box with the perfect diet — its just not practical, nor enjoyable. Remember the old quote, everything in moderation? Well, I think that speaks quite a bit of truth. I think if we are reminded of moderation and also apply the general principal of eating to nourish the body, or even better stated, “Eat to LIVE” vs. “Live to EAT,” then we are already setting ourselves and our health, up for success. Of course there are so many different types of diets and lifestyles out there today that we can get pre-occupied or even confused by: vegetarian, vegan, raw, gluten-free, dairy-free, wheat-free, meat-free, macrobiotic, the list goes on and on. I like to keep it simple (hence the name, Simply Raw Lifestyle) so I focus on just a few main principles. 1) Eating food in their natural state, fresh from the earth like God intended and not from a box. 2) Eating plant-based food, full of all the vitamins and minerals, carbs, fats and proteins we need to function. Where do you think the animals you eat get this… from plants! Why not skip straight to the source? Just say-in! 3) Eating high vibration or nutrient-dense foods. Choosing foods that are going to have the most nutrient value for the amount of calories consumed. Sound simple enough? When we keep those main prin-
ciples I mind, it takes the guesswork out of what latest diet fad to follow. I also believe there are a few other things we can do to help support eating well. Get regular exercise, reduce stress, have love in your life and get enough sleep! You can start the love part by falling in love with my new chocolate company, I think the rest are pretty self-explanatory, we just need to be reminded every now and then. Easier said then done — I know. However, once you start eating well, then the others will just be a natural progression. You will want to exercise because you feel so wonderful. You will sleep better because you are worn out from having such a vibrant day; and, because you feel so great. You will naturally have a heart filled with love because you are enjoying life and eliminating stress by choosing to focus on the positive and not the negative. Another couple of tools I was just reminded about this week were affirmations and meditation. By telling yourself positive affirmations every day you are living out your own consciousness; and, by meditating you are taking time to be still and listen to your divine self. Back to Eating Well… surround yourself with positive people who enjoy eating the way you do and make it a fun challenge. I know this isn’t always the case when you have strict dietary restrictions; however, make the best of it and remember my 3 principles from above. Eat food in its natural state, mostly plants and very nutrient dense. Here is a delicious and simple Kale salad recipe that is one of my favorites.
Kale Avocado Salad
1 bunch kale 1 large tomato 1 ripe avocado 2 Tbsp olive oil 1/2 lemon, juiced pinch cayenne pinch sea salt To Prepare: De-stem and break kale leaves into pieces and place in medium sized bowl. Chop the tomato and avocado and add to the kale. Drizzle the olive oil and lemon juice over mixture. Massage with your hands into the kale leaves until everything is well coated. Sprinkle cayenne and sea salt to taste. Enjoy! It's like a guacamole salad!
Tracie Walker is a certified Raw Food Chef. She has a home and small business in Overland Park where she offers raw food classes, special event catering, live demonstrations and has just started her own raw chocolate business. For more information about Tracie and her business please visit and
Eating Well in Kansas City Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 Editorial Assistant Judy Kirkpatrick
Contributors Kat Bowie, Natalie George, Vaughn Lawrence, Jane Van Benthusen, Tracie Walker
EATING WELL IN KANSAS CITY©2011. All rights reserved. The opinions expressed in the articles are not necessarily those of the publisher. No part may be reproduced without express consent of publisher.
August 2011
Eating Well in Kansas City ~ page 4 Food: A Path of Awakening — by Natalie George Sugar Free Results
ast month, I set out on a three-week journey of no processed sugar or wine. I initially resisted this cleanse but after a week, I was so happy that I had accepted the challenge. My inspiration for the cleanse was a result of rashes on my body, I wasn’t sleeping well, I lacked a feeling of aliveness and my body shape wasn’t a representation of who I feel I am. So what happened during the three-week cleanse? • Body rashes: I had a rash under my arms and irritation around my mouth prior to starting. By the end, my skin was doing much better but I do not believe it’s the result of the cleanse. I saw a dermatologist and don’t think the rashes are connected to my diet; however, I’m extremely grateful for the rashes as they got me to take action. • Sleep: Overall, my sleep was amazing during the cleanse. The only time I had difficulty was when I consumed too much caffeine. • Feeling of aliveness: I felt incredible. My energy levels and love for life skyrocketed during the cleanse. I felt
like I was vibrating on a higher, happier frequency. I was more present and aware. This seems like an odd description but I felt mentally and physically clean. Body shape: I lost weight!!! I lost 4 lbs which was pretty exciting for me. I even had someone complement me and tell me that I was looking good. Considering that I did not feel hungry or like I was dieting, it was a nice benefit to lighten up a little.
What contributed to my success? • Strong Reasons and Goals: Prior to starting, I got clear on why I wanted to participate in the cleanse. For me, I felt a strong calling to heal myself on many levels. I also wanted to provide inspiration the way others had inspired me to start this cleanse. The thought that what I was doing could possibly make a difference for someone else was enough to keep me going. • Accountability: I promised to keep track of my food diary on my blog. If you want to see it, go to There
were days that if I didn’t have that level of accountability, I would not have followed through on my commitment. If you want to make any change in your life, I highly recommend creating a structure that will have you be accountable. Rules: I pride myself on my free spirit and wrinkle my nose whenever the word “rule” is mentioned. After a week, I began to embrace the rules I set out for myself. I appreciated the boundaries. At times I wanted to break the rules but staying true to them boosted my confidence in myself. The Swap Out Method: I applied the “swap out” rule which means swap something on the avoid list with something on the approved list. David Wolfe has often said that it is simply a matter of doing the same action but improving the ingredients. You can still drink or eat something and keep the action the same. The difference is changing what is inside the beverage or food. So instead of wine at night, I drank a nighttime tea that provided a similar chilled-
out and relaxed effect. For my sweet tooth, I swapped a cookie and vegan ice cream for an apple or chia seed pudding. Nightcap Tea Recipe: Steep a Bedtime or Sleepytime Tea and enjoy by itself or add Ashwagandha, Valerian or passionflower herbs.
Natalie George is a Fitness and Nutrition Visionary. She is a certified personal trainer, group exercise instructor and holistic nutrition consultant. She is passionate about empowering people to integrate exercise, nutrition and powerful thinking into their lives. She founded GratitudeKC and is in the midst of bringing Cafe Gratitude to Kansas City. She teaches a new kind of exercise class utilizing spoken affirmations called intenSati and is currently being offered at Unity on the Plaza.
The Little Muddy Farm
For a media kit or to reserve space in the September issue, contact 913-944-1298
Robert Jones
Saturdays 10 a.m.-Noon at the Lee’s Summit Farmer’s Market through December
Seeks a commissioned advertising sales person. Contact
Year-Round CSA—local, seasonal food! 913-944-1298
Produce and Egg Delivery Shop Online:
August 2011
Eating Well in Kansas City ~ page 5 Eating Live, Becoming Whole — by Kat Bowie
Weight Loss Competition!
Stay Cool and Light All Summer
oo hot to cook? Too hot to eat?
The Farmer’s Markets and our gardens are filling up with fresh, succulent veggies. Take advantage of the abundance at the markets of organic fresh veggies and try juicing them or making fresh soups instead. Summer is the easiest time for me to be 100 percent Raw Vegan. My mouth waters at the thought of fresh, crisp crunchy peppers, ripe, juicy tomatoes, and succulent, chindripping watermelons. It is the time when I walk out to the garden, bend down and pick a fresh cucumber hidden among the green scratchy leaves, wipe it off with my hand and CRUNCH into it. Ah! So sensual, so refreshing, so hydrating. Time and time again, I find myself reaching down for a leaf of some green (kale, mustard, spinach, turnip, or collard), pick it off and munch. I feel at times I am grazing as I walk through our gardens. My favorite juice at the present moment is so simple and incredibly tasty. It is simply cucumbers, Granny Smith apples, mint, and celery. When I walked in from the garden the other day (having made this juice earlier), my whole house smelled fresh, sweet and delicious. I immediately relaxed from just the smell. One of the reasons we are so attracted to juicy fruits and veggies in the hot summertime is that in the infinite wisdom of Nature — we are provided with just what our bodies need to adequately have water, nutrition and electrolyte-balancing foods. Forget those high-calorie, highcarb, high-priced, fabricated “energy drinks.” Instead, let me give my body what was made for it… fresh, beautiful and delicious juices. In the summer, it is so easy to throw a bunch of veggies into the food processor for Gazpacho; or, utilize your juicer for a delightful veggie drink. So staying cool in the 100 plus weather can be easy and your body can be protected, hydrated and nourished by adding a thirstquenching juice or fresh veggie soup to your diet every day. Though there are recipes (and I’ll provide a couple here, too), there’s no set way to juice. Sometimes my drink is like a juiced salad, including lettuce, spinach, cilantro, tomatoes, celery, lemon, cucumbers, and gar-
lic. Sometimes it's fruity — watermelon, mint, lime. But, all the time, it is tasty. Try it for yourself. And Keep it COOL, Baby! Summer Cool Juice (and room freshener) 2 cucumbers, organic (no need to peel, just cut to fit your juicer and go) 1 Granny Smith apple, organic (ditto) 1 small handful of fresh peppermint 2 stalks celery, organic (provide organic sodium at a cellular level) ½ quart water (I drink my juices diluted) Juice, pour into a tall glass, garnish with a sprig of mint and drink in joy! Watermelon Juicer
We Challenge You to Become One of “The Biggest Losers” of Johnson County! 12 Week Program $29 Entry Fee (majority of this fee is awarded to winners) Free Personal Coaching Free Nutritional Information Free Metabolism Test and body scan Prize $$ Awarded to 1st, 2nd & 3rd place and a bonus 4th place winner!
COMPETITION LOCATION Midwest Nutrition, 11836 Quivira Rd. Overland Park, KS 66210
Monday, Sept 19 - 6:15pm, Wednesday, Sept 21 - 6:15pm or Saturday, Sept 24 - 10:00am
Call to Pre-Register for Contest: (913) 814-7532 and please mention seeing it in
1 small organic watermelon (the personal size, don’t bother to peel, just wash well, cut up rind, seeds, fruit and all and drop into the juicer) 1 handful of mint 1 lemon, organic, peeled Wow! Let the temps soar outside! With this you’ll stay really cool and hydrated with plenty of minerals, nutrition and taste!
*Since success is so high in these competitions – seats fill up FAST – call to save your spot.
Cash prizes will be awarded to the participants who have lost the biggest percentage of weight. The 12-week program advises proper nutrition, food choices, and encourages exercise. Each person will receive personalized weekly, one-on-one coaching. The cost is $29 for the 12 week program. All money will be paid out in cash and prizes to the top three participants that have lost the biggest percentage of weight in the 12 weeks. Each week participants will weigh-in and consult with the coaches, who will help you along the way, offering various options to help reach your ideal weight and body composition. The program encourages participants to eat a healthy level of protein and calories each day and teaches the benefits of good nutrition and exercise. Our April challenge saw our participants lose almost 1500 lbs and we paid out over $3,600 in winnings!
K a t B o w i e , P s y . D . ( is a Clinical Psychologist specializing in Nutrition and its impact on the Body, Mind, Emotions and Spirit. Dr. Kat teaches classes on Live and Whole Food Nutrition and is the Co-Organizer with Jane Van Benthusen of the Kansas City Raw Food Union ( rawkansascity). Dr. Bowie and Dr. Raphael Smith are the co-owners of The Struan Center, LLC located at 4044 Central St. KCMO. 816.960.4525 or
The participants shown all lost their weight with the help of local Weight Loss Competitions. In total, they were able to lose 916 pounds!
August 2011
Eating Well in Kansas City ~ page 6 Healing Foods — by Jane Van Benthuson For the Love of Watermelon
love watermelon! I love to eat it, juice it and make smoothies, salads — even soups! No summer would be the same for me without watermelon. My mom always made a fabulous watermelon basket for our 4th of July and family reunion picnics. I can recall the juice running down my arms and dripping off my elbows while watching fireworks. The name is perfect as it's full of water and very hydrating. Exactly what our bodies need in this summer weather. It's also full of electrolytes. So leave the plastic bottles of Gatorade in the store and grab a big ripe melon. It's also low in calories so it's a great dessert at 45 calories per cup. Did you know melons are good for your sex life? The chemicals found in them help both males and females become more aroused, Some scientists say watermelon has nutrients that deliver Viagralike effects to the body’s blood vessels and may increase libido. These include lycopene, beta carotene and its phyto-nutrient citrulline, whose beneficial functions are a fairly recent discovery. Among them is the ability to relax blood vessels just like Viagra. Here are a few of the wonderful benefits of this soothing summer treat: Antioxidants: Watermelon contains some of the most powerful antioxidants so far discovered. Vitamins: It's loaded with Vitamin C and packed with Vitamin A (due to its concentration of betacarotene). Boosts your immune system: Vitamin C is something most people associate with oranges. But, watermelon has a lot of it and this contributes to a strong immune system as well as slower aging. Lycopene: Recent studies have shown watermelon to have the highest lycopene content out of any fruit or vegetable — even tomatoes!
Watermelon Facts
Watermelons are around 92% percent water (hence their name).
Ancient travelers used them as an easily transportable container of water.
Watermelon's official name is Citrullus lanatus. It belongs to the botanical family Curcurbitacae and is related to cucumbers, pumpkins and squash.
We have archaeological proofs that the first watermelon harvest occurred nearly 5,000 years ago in Egypt.
Although we commonly refer to them as fruits, they are really a vegetable.
• Photo by Jace Van Benthusen
May prevent prostate cancer: This is also due to the antioxidants, especially lycopene. Re-hydration: Rich in electrolytes and 90% water, it's a healthy alternative to Gatorade. Increased energy: Truckloads of Vitamin B contribute to increased energy production. Some food experts recommend watermelon for Vitamin B1, B6 and magnesium deficiencies. Cope with anxiety and panic: Vitamin B6 increases the brain's ability to cope with stress and anxiety and so does magnesium. Cooling effect: Ever heard the saying, "Cool as a cucumber?" Well, the same goes for watermelon. Prevents macular degeneration: Another word for loss of vision, macular degeneration may be prevented by eating or drinking watermelon. Carrots are also in this boat.
fruits and vegetables. With all of these benefits and it's great taste, who can blame us for gobbling it up as fast as it gets ripe! I look for local organic melons at the farmer's markets, then juice the fruit, rind and seeds for a refreshing, light, hydrating, low calorie, high energy drink. You can also add mint, lime or even jalapeno to it for a little kick. I also just eat it plain! I tend to agree with Mark Twain when he said, “When one has tasted watermelon he knows what the angels eat.” Jane Van Benthusen is an alternative cancer thriver. She, along with her husband and youngest son, teaches raw f ood cla s ses , hosts a monthly potluck dinner in Lee's Summit, MO and offers alternative health support. You can learn more about her a n d h e r f a m i l y a t
May prevent heart disease: Another benefit of antioxidants and something you will find with most EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING
August 2011
In Japan, it's common for supermarkets to offer cubeshaped watermelons: they are grown in special cubic containers and their price is usually at least twice that of a normal watermelon.
There are over 1,200 varieties of watermelons, including some with yellow flesh, and others with blood-like stains in the outer rind.
The 1998 Guinness Book of Records reports that the largest watermelon was grown in 1990 by Bill Carson, of Arrington, Tennessee, and weighed 262 pounds.
According to history sources, a watermelon was thrown at Roman Governor Demosthenes during a political debate: he placed the watermelon upon his head, thanking the thrower for providing him with a helmet to wear as he fought Philip of Macedonia.
In China and Japan, watermelons are a common gift to offer your host.
Every part of a watermelon is edible, even the seeds and rinds: seeds are a common snack food in China (and they're often roasted) while rind is used to make jams. Reprinted from
Eating Well in Kansas City ~ page 7 Feature — by Vaughn Lawrence Sugar: The Sweet and Silent Killer
any people reading this article may not like what I have to say, yet for others, it may save their lives. I frequently ask my clients, “Does a good Pastor tell you what you want to hear, or what you NEED to hear?” The time has come where we need to stop fooling ourselves about the dangers of sugar. So without further adieu: There is no such thing as healthy sugar! Americans are so addicted to sugar that we will do anything to continue to satisfy our cravings. We justify it by saying that we only use “healthy” sugar as if that is something in existence. I cannot do justice to the tremendous damage sugar is doing to your health; but let me make a few quick points, give you references for further study and a couple of great recipes at the end. I want you to know I speak from experience on this issue. I grew up a sugar addict, from sugared cereals, Kool-Aid, soda by the case… to all the candy I could afford with my weekly allowance. By 30, my body was wrecked and I didn’t know why. What is sugar? How did God make sugar? Sugar cane is a STICK. It was never meant to be processed and consumed in large amounts. How about agave? It is still heavily concentrated sugar. It doesn’t come out of the plant that way, does it? How about fruit? Gorillas in zoos all around the country are getting diabetes and dying because nobody understands this. We, like the gorillas, eat too much fruit, as well. Fruit juice is just concentrated sugar. The very first step I tell anyone with Diabetes is to eliminate ALL sugared drinks. Drink water and herbal teas. Propel “water,” and Vitamin “water” are loaded with sugar. Look at the first five ingredients in “Pediatrician recommended” Pediasure. It’s mostly SUGAR! Critical note to parents: ADD and ADHD have needlessly become "REAL." This diagnosis causes people to utilize prescription drugs as a solution. In my opinion, there is an answer — worth checking out — for this illness (look it up, these terms don’t exist in England and most other countries). Stop giving your kids sugar and candy with artificial flavors and colors, give them nutrition and it can magically disappear. Yes, it may take a lot of time. Oh, they need to play outside, and not play video games inside all day. Really, it’s sometimes that easy! Ten million children in the U.S. are prescribed psychiatric drugs. Children 5 years and younger are the fastest growing segment for antidepressant prescriptions. These drugs and others, like Ritalin, can cause violent, aggressive and psychotic behavior; and, they can sometimes cause heart attacks, stroke and sudden death. They are prescribed for ADHD and have the same damaging effects as morphine, opium and cocaine. There are reports that 12 of the 14 school shooters (like Columbine and Virginia Tech) were on similar types of drugs.
They are either a sugarholic, carbaholic (bread, pasta, etc.) or a combination of both. Cut out the sugar and grains and it usually disappears. Sugar will block the healing of your body if you have any injury or chronic illness. Sugar feeds cancer and all infectious diseases. Sugar blocks the absorption of the nutrients you are eating, especially all of your minerals. Please check out; this website will give you 143 reasons why sugar will destroy your health. You can also read, Sugar Blues by William Duffy. In 1975, Duffy accurately predicted the health disaster that is currently taking place in America because of our addiction to sugar.
Sugar Free Cinnamon Vanilla Pancakes 1 cup flour (millet, amaranth, or almond) 2 eggs ¼ cup water or coconut milk 2 Tablespoons olive oil ½ teaspoon sea salt ½ teaspoon baking powder 2 teaspoons cinnamon 2 droppers of Vanilla Stevia 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract (Instead of syrup, use butter and Vanilla Stevia. For a real treat, eat with nut butters like pecan or almond butter.) Ok, back to sugar. Does this scenario sound familiar to anyone? Step one, you admit you are a sugar addict after years of denial — maybe because of a health problem or maybe just a new level of awareness. Step two, you throw away all your processed table sugar and stop eating the “obvious” junk like cookies, cake and candy. Step three, you load up on agave because it's “healthy” sugar. You still make smoothies every morning with three or four types of fruit and tablespoons of agave because it’s “healthy.” The number one mistake vegetarians make is this: they are so focused on not eating meat that many become sugar junkies. What happens when concentrated sugar enters the body? Sugar is poison, plain and simple. Your joints swell, your liver swells and your brain swells. Know anybody diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis?
Sugar Free Vanilla Macadamia Ice Cream (You can buy a quick, easy ice cream maker at Costco for about $30) One Young Coconut (Water and flesh) 1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract 2 droppers Vanilla Stevia ½ teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon ½ cup macadamia nuts Blend in blender, add to ice cream maker. In15 minutes you have ice cream!
Does sugar cause Diabetes? I believe so. The American Diabetes Association will tell you otherwise. The message that people hear is this: "Take your drugs and insulin, eat what you want!" The pharmaceutical companies will make an average profit of $115,000 per Diabetic patient. Drug representatives are sometimes told this — as part of their training! Many Stage 2 diabetics can reverse their disease in less than one month! Stop eating sugar. Sadly, many people can’t do it. Sugar is more addictive than cocaine. So often, diabetics would rather lose their eyesight, their feet and live in misery than stop eating the poison that continues to cause their disease. Taking drugs does not stop the disease process! I have classes you can watch on my website where I talk about sugar addiction and many tips to overcome it. Please think about your family and your children. Stop giving your children candy as a “reward.” We are stuck in patterns that need to change. Focus on limited amounts of fruit and honey. Stick to lemons, limes, avocado, strawberries and other low-sugar whole fruits. Use STEVIA, it should be your new best friend. They have flavors that taste amazing! There are even Stevia cookbooks. Sugar is a true addiction for many people. Please get help! Vaughn Lawrence is a Naturopath, Herbalist, and Nutritional Consultant. He founded Spirit of Health, LLC upon his return to the Kansas City area after seven years in Las Vegas as a health food store manager, educator, practitioner and consultant. Vaughn takes on the challenge of educating people that health is a lifestyle and not a quick fix, band-aid or a magic pill. Contact him at or 913-901-0277.
August 2011
August 2011