Evolving Magazine Holiday Gift Guide

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Aquarius Books 3936 Broadway, KCMO www.aquariusbooks.com 816-931-6303

Daniel Baxley Shamanic Pathways shamanicpathways.net 816-769-7343

Todd Borron, Func-onal Health Coach & Kinesiology Specialist tborronmo@gmail.com 573-692-0000

Aquarius now has the new VIA Water Bo les, by VitaJuwel! If you've seen the VitaJuwel Wands and been impressed with the health benefits of the GemWater system, now you can have those Gem-Waters on the go! The VIA is a hand blown, glass water bo le, with inter-changeable gemstone pods to give your water a crystal gemstone charge. And Aquarius is s'll your source for meaningful gi(s of dis'nc'on including, medita'on pillows, singing bowls, incense, oils and candles, books, calendars, sacred objects of all sorts, and some things just for fun, along with a huge supply of stones and crystals.

Shamanic Counseling and Healing deals with the spiritual aspects of health and disease. By working with the underlying spiritual condi'ons surrounding individuals, transforma'on can occur. This work calls forth the assistance of the seen and unseen realms to manifest wholeness within the individual. It is very effec've for shi(ing condi'ons of addic'on and mental illness. I also offer Reiki, A unement, Massage, CranialSacral, Soul Chi, Vision Quests, Sweat Lodges, Soul Retrieval and Spiritual Counseling. Individual sessions, workshops and community events are offered with humility and gra'tude. Visit www.shamanicpathways.net for more informa'on.

Evolving Holiday Special: 20% off services by 12/31/15. Author of Energy as Your Medicine (Evolving, October 2015), Todd assists with 100s of condi'ons by iden'fying the root cause of your func'onal problems and using tools such as the Erchonia Laser, nutri'on, detoxifica'on, educa'on, and kinesiology. With the laser, Todd can assist the body to reprogram nega've emo'ons and beliefs from the subconscious and cellular matrix; increase immune response; reduce inflamma'on and joint swelling; s'mulate lymph and blood circula'on; and more. Todd can test individuals, homes, and businesses for Heavy Metals, Mold, Toxins, and Electrical Pollu'on, which can help return your body to normal func'oning.



November 2015

Bulk It 13444 Santa Fe Trail Dr., Lenexa, KS 66215 www.bulki6oods.com 913-955-2855; Facebook In Old Town Lenexa, “Your Local Food Source” is commi ed to sustainability and green with “Less Packaging; More Savings; Eat Clean” gluten-free, organic, non-GMO foods, spices and herbs from local vendors, plus a Juice and Food Bar, sandwiches and soups—and plenty of events. Bulk items include rice, trail mixes, beans, flour, granola, spices, teas, and herbs, milk chocolate malt balls, and mul'-colored popcorn. Freshly ground almond bu er and peanut bu er are in the mix as well. See ad for 10% off coupon and follow on FB for 'ps, specials and new arrivals.

Teri Bybee, Purposeful Career Expert & Coach Love Wisdom Wellness www.LoveWisdomWellness.com; 913-219-6788 If you are in the 70% of people feeling un-happy, un-sa'sfied or just plain "Un” in your career, you may be missing vital informa'on and support. Is it 'me to delve past the known to redefine career, leverage your talents, and discover your purpose? Using energy psychology, business acumen, and natural therapies, I help professional women discover their mission, create a career with purpose, and experience ul'mate success without sacrificing their spiritual values. If you are ready to enjoy your career, email LWW@LoveWisdomWellness.com to set up your free 30 minute strategy session.

Lania Desmond Inner Wisdom; Spiritual Abundance; Higher Purpose www.LaniaDesmond.com; 828-236-1230 A FREE gi( to yourself or others: The “Go To Network” for Personal Development has Arrived! Have you ever wanted a library of some of the most sought a(er Mentors, Authors and Speakers in Personal Growth and Financial Success? Well, now you can—more than 200 mentors as a Freebie! You pick and choose what you want, when you want, 24/7. In addi'on, you'll get to interact online with your mentors and other na'onal par'cipants, suppor'ng and encouraging each other's growth. It’s free, but by invita'on only. The invita2on code is 81743 at www.laniadesmond.com/android, www.laniadesmond.com/apple, or www.LaniaDesmond.strongbrook.com.

Holiday KC Metaphysical Fair www.facebook.com/kcmetaphysical www.kcmetaphysical.com Welcome to Kansas City’s most exci'ng Metaphysical Fair! This is our Holiday gi( giving event! Nov 20, 21 & 22 Amazing variety of psychic readers, Astrology, Tarot, Lenormand, Mediums, Palmistry, Reiki, etc. KC’s best! So many unique hand cra(ed gi(s, Crystals, Gemstones, Jewelry, Herbal teas, and remedies! Handmade body products, artwork, henna ta oos, statuary, books, t-shirts, magical tools, aura pain'ngs and more! Get Holiday gi( cer'ficates! Free Prize drawings every hour all weekend! Cash or credit! Admission $8.00. Find $1.00 off coupons here and online! Kids under 10 free. New Loca'on: Abdallah Shrine Center 5300 Metcalf OP KS 66202

hOMe Family Holis-c Center 7927 Floyd St., Overland Park, KS 66204 www.hOMEholis-c.com; Facebook Specializing in Prenatal Yoga and Family Wellness, hOMe offers eight prenatal yoga classes weekly, plus yoga for mommy & baby | parent & tot | family | kids | teen | medita'on | gentle. Our Family Wellness Center offers Chiroprac'c Care through Cura Integra've; Physical Therapy with Stephanie Novacek; Massage Therapy with Kristen Thomas and Joet Boatman; Doula Services with Ashley Walburn and Jesica Sexton; Counseling with Mandy Hubbard and Ashley Walburn. Evolving Holiday Special: 25% off all Yoga gi6 cards through December 31st with promo2onal code EVOLVE. EVOLVING…IN KANSAS CITY


November 2015

Connie “Crash” Humiston; Crash in Communica-ons Wri-ng / Edi-ng; Event Space in Shawnee conniecrash@kc.rr.com; 816-591-3378; Facebook Has the person on your list been wan'ng to write a book, resume, website, or promo'onal materials? Wan'ng clarity in his/her brand and marke'ng materials? The “Connie Claus Holiday Special” is Buy 1 hour — Get the next hour free through January 31st. Also available: Event Space at the Crash Pad in Shawnee for medita'on events, vibra'onal and energy healing, Reiki classes, and more — also overnight stays for visi'ng lecturers. Addi'onally, I offer Myers-Briggs Personality Type Presenta2ons to improve self-esteem and rela'onships through understanding differences in personali'es and communica'on styles.

John of God Crystal Healing Beds Rebecca 913-558-7377; Facebook JohnofGodCrystalHealingBed@gmail.com For all ages, the Crystal Bed combines Light and Color Therapy with Sound Healing, producing beneficial s'mula'on on many physical and energe'c levels of being. This combina'on is further greatly enhanced by the "Healing Spirits" of the Casa de Dom Inacio, the Spiritual Beings incorporated by the Medium known as "John of God" who work in and around the Casa de Dom Inacio in Brazil. We also offer Aura Photos, along with readings, sold separately at $25 or packaged with a Crystal Bed Session. Nov. and Dec. Evolving Holiday Special: $65/1 Hour, gi( cer'ficates available.

Karen Elise 913-636-9502 www.KarenElise.com For a perfect Holiday gi(, why not purchase a Gi( Cer'ficate from Karen Elise? Available services include: Intui've, Tarot, or Akashic readings in person or by phone. You will be remembered fondly all year. If you are planning a holiday event, have Karen Elise entertain your guests. It’s a fun and unique experience. Your guests will love it!!

Maya’s Oasis Energy Healing Ins-tute www.MayaZahira.com The holidays are the perfect 'me to set healing inten'ons for the new year. If you or someone you love has been suffering from chronic exhaus'on or illness, give them the gi( of learning how to take healing into their own hands. Maya's Oasis Energy Healing Ins'tute offers classes in Reiki, holis'c healing, intui've development, and more, specifically catered to women who wanted to become empowered in their own healing process. The gi( of a Reiki class to someone struggling with their health can be one of the most important gi(s they will ever receive.



November 2015

Sharon McGloin; Experien-al Alterna-ves www.Experien-alAlterna-ves.com; www.IgniteYourLifeKC.com Facebook; 816.309.8543 The holiday 'me is the perfect 'me to begin thinking about the New Year and a New You. I offer life and leadership coaching for individuals, groups and organiza'ons, as well as trainings and workshops that are tailored to your specific needs. You have the answers and I have the ques'ons! My passion is to act as a catalyst empowering you to live in your purpose. I use a variety of techniques that are experien'al to help you create the life that you desire. Contact me for a free 30minute consulta2on. Gi( cer'ficates available for your friends, family, employees, employers …

Cindy Mckean; Kansas City Astrology & Tarot www.KansasCityAstrology.com; 816-895-2545 Looking for a unique twist to your party or corporate event? Seeking to gain insight on your current situa'on through a private reading? With 22 years of experience, Cindy Mckean is a gi(ed, ethical psychic who provides Astrology, Tarot, Palmistry, and Pendulum readings. Book in 'me for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Par'es! Men2on this ad in Evolving and get $10 off a private reading through 12-31-15. Gi( cer'ficates also available. Check my website and sign up for my newsle er for astrology and tarot ar'cles, special offers, announcements, and other surprises.

This Holiday Season, Give Yourself the Gift of Knowledge WRITING FOR PUBLICATION 10% off one month personal coaching.

Nancy Russell, MD; Nurturing Op-mal Wellness Pursuing Healthcare You Deservesm 5140 N An-och, KCMO; www.NancyRussellmd.com; 816-453-5545 Evolving Holiday Special: $75 off ini2al visit (regular price $275; special $200) through December 31, 2015—tes'ng and lab work not included. Gi6 cer2ficates available! If you’re 'red of being “herded” through your medical office, wan'ng your doctor to listen, and wan'ng to see the doctor and not the nurse, Dr. Nancy offers the new normal: pa2ent-driven, life-changing healthcare. The goal of Dr. Nancy and her staff is to assist, support and nurture mind, body and spirit by building a partnership with each pa'ent. What be er gi( than healthcare you deserve?

($30 value) Exp. 12/31/15

Take your writing career to the next level. EVOLVING publisher, and freelance writer for more than 20 years, Jill Dutton, offers personal coaching to help you reach your freelance writing goals. Contact jill@EvolvingMagazine.com “Jill Dutton is a positive, supportive writing coach. With a confident, but laid back manner she creates a trusting teacher/student relationship that inspires you to share both your aspirations and doubts. I have wanted to write for publication for years, but only with Jill’s guidance and practical approach have I finally had the focus and courage to take the necessary steps to begin realizing my dreams.” —Joan Polifka


Sastun Center of Integra-ve Health Care 10875 Grandview, Ste 2200, Overland Park, KS 66210 www.sastuncenter.com; 913-345-0060 You will find some of the area’s finest healing professionals at the Sastun Center. Through an integra've and collabora've approach, our prac''oners use func'onal, western allopathic and naturopathic medicine, along with energy healing, massage and craniosacral therapy, acupuncture and Chinese herbs, medita'on, yoga, counseling and psychiatry, biofeedback, nutri'on and lifestyle coaching to assist you in crea'ng your individual path to op'mum health. Holiday specials through 01/15/15 (new pa'ents only): $112: Infrared Sauna—five 30-minute sessions / $60: 60-minute Massage / $75: 45-minute Mindfulness Stress Reduc'on Session. Gi( cer'ficates available!


November 2015

Transcendence Wellness Center 5053 Merriam Dr., Merriam, KS 66203 www.transcendencekc.com; 913-387-4631 Not sure what to get the person who has everything? The MindFit is a powerfully effec've mind-development tool designed to help overcome the ill effect of fight or flight, while achieving physical, mental and emo'onal balance. It can help with weight loss, money flow, medita'on, stress and hormone regula'on, pain relief, depression and emo'onal balance, elimina'ng fear, PTSD, alleviates nega've self-talk and can even enhance sports performance and much more! This inexpensive device can be used at our center or you can use it in your home! (Flex plans/HSA may cover your MindFit)! Call today to try a free session!

Wri-ng for Publica-on; Jill DuFon jill@EvolvingMagazine.com ; 913.944.1298 This holiday season, give yourself the gi( of knowledge and take your wri'ng career to the next level. Evolving publisher, and freelance writer for more than 20 years, Jill Du on, offers personal coaching and ongoing writer’s groups to help you reach your wri'ng goals. “Jill Du on is a posi've, suppor've wri'ng coach. With a confident, but laid back manner she creates a trus'ng teacher/ student rela'onship that inspires you to share both your aspira'ons and doubts. I have wanted to write for publica'on for years, but only with Jill’s guidance and prac'cal approach have I finally had the focus and courage to take the necessary steps to begin realizing my dreams.” —Joan PoliZa



November 2015

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