June Evolving

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June 2010 ~ Vol. II, Issue 4


X volving A Guide for Conscious Living

Quantum Physics and the Frequency of Life Dealing with Allergies Hug Your Alternative Healthcare Provider EVOLVING‌ A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


June 2010

The Premiere issue of EATING WELL IN KANSAS CITY

received a phenomenal response:

“We were recently in town and picked up a copy of your publication at our favorite restaurant, Blue Bird Bistro. Congratulations! We are so very grateful that someone is putting together a resource like this. Prior to reading your paper, we were aware of only a few restaurants that serve organic or grass fed beef or bison. We are looking forward to future issues. Keep up the great work and hats off to you for this wonderful endeavor. ” —Scott and Sheila Miller, Phoenix, AZ

The Summer issue distributes mid-June. Find a location near you online at:

www.eatingwellkc.com Contact Chrissy Speer for advertising information: chrissy@eatingwellkc.com. Or contact your EVOLVING account executive for assistance. EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


June 2010

publisher’s letter


Dear Friend, I was raised with the belief that illness doesn’t exist. Or at least, that we are perfect manifestations with the ability to heal ourselves. As I grew up and started a family of my own, my beliefs slightly changed. I still believe the body has inherent wisdom and can correct itself if allowed, but I also would see a doctor if I had a serious ailment. Still, if there is a problem, my first course is usually an alternative treatment. Although I have rarely been ill, I still wonder if it is from positive thinking or good genes. I do know, however, that good health is more than the absence of apparent disease. Medical doctors treat disease, but I prefer to take preventative measures: healthy diet, exercise, positive attitude, loving relationships, time spent in nature; all measures, that I believe, help keep me well. Alternative health care offers an opportunity to feed the body’s need to heal itself, naturally. My experience with medical doctors has been a cycle of experimentation: one medication causing side affects that lead to another medication. In the end, I was never sure if the mixed mess of side affects was worse than the original symptoms. Alternative medicine, however, offers gentle ways to heal yourself. I would never recommend anyone selftreat a serious ailment, but for the everyday stresses and aches of life, I would recommend alternative treatments such as yoga, meditation, reflexology, herbal remedies, etc. Each month our writers share their knowledge and experience. This month, we add a new department called holistic health update, by Nancy Russell, M.D. Dr. Russell blends traditional and alternative medicine in her holistic medical practice and I’m sure we will all benefit from her experience. I am honored to add her to our extraordinary stable of writers.

16 Alternative Healthcare

17 Everything Carries a Frequency


Jill Dutton

Treating Allergies

ON THE COVER: Some of artist Vixie Styx’s (Vicki Colbert Schwab) paint-

Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 jill@evolvingmagazine.com

Advertising Connie “Crash” Humiston 913–322-3378 conniecrash@kc.rr.com

Editorial Assistant Judy Kirkpatrick


Karen Cowdry Contributors 913-636-9502 Carmelita Davis-Beets, Jayana Dekaren@evolvingmagazine.com Wolf, Connie Humiston, Bethany Klug, Jude LaClaire, David Laskowski, Julia Luton, Aluna Michaels, www.evolvingmagazine.com www.eatingwellkc.com Nancy Russell, Hana Solomon

ings take weeks and intensive labor. "The Muse Of Twirl" spun onto the canvas in an ecstatic burst of joy. It was not long after the creation that Vixie started dancing again and remembered the bliss of twirling. "The Muse of Twirl" is the energy of losing oneself in the moment. Her art is a spiritual adventure. Visit Vixie’s Art Show in August at Aquarius Books, where she’ll have 12 new paintings to share, including her Luna Love Series and the Goddess & Associates Series. www.KissTheSkyStudio.com. Giclee prints on canvas and photographic prints are available.

Departments: News


Holistic Health Update


Food Conscious


In Business


Journey of Wholeness


Spiritual Horoscope


Holistic Wisdom




EVOLVING© 2010 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher. Distribution by PDS, Inc.



June 2010


Carmelita Davis-Beets

Jude LaClaire

Bethany Klug

Aluna Michaels

Nancy Russell

Hana Solomon

Julia Luton

Rev. Maitreya Zohar

David Laskowski

A Kansas City First!

Psychic, Healer, Metaphysical Teacher, and Global Healing Tour Leader for 22 years. Maitreya offers sessions, initiations, and transformative classes in both Personal and Group settings.

Images Art Gallery has an exclusive to sell Elizabeth Grandma Layton posters and cards. Some of these are posters that have never been seen.

Would you like to transform? Are you ready to take the next step? Author ionCleanse (Foot Bath Detoxification) Energy Sessions Spiritual Tour Leader Workshops & Classes Trance Channeling Psychic Tarot Readings Home/Office Clearing/Blessing

Mention this ad and receive 10% OFF any private session.

Images Art Gallery 7320 W. 80th Street, Overland Park 913-232-7113 ~ www.imagesartgallery.org

913-839-8745 http://maitreyazohar.com EVOLVING‌ A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING

Jayana DeWolf


June 2010


Healthy Pets—Wellness Checks We all know being healthy means eating the right foods, getting enough rest, exercising regularly and getting annual check-ups. Those goals are not only good for us humans, but are equally important for our animal family members. Something you can do throughout the year to supplement annual veterinary visits is performing weekly wellness checks on your pets. You can enhance the relationship with your animal companion through this relaxing and bonding experience. Begin by finding a comfortable spot, sit down with your dog or cat, and do a small session of gentle touch or light massage. Slowly stroke down your pet’s body and be mindful of your breathing (deliberate and rhythmic inhale/exhale). It might help if you close your eyes and feel with your fingertips as if you were reading Braille. As you are slowly and gently moving your fingers through the fur and over the skin, pay attention to the details that you come across such as, hot or cold spots, changes in the texture of the fur, lumps or bumps on the skin, subtle reactions to your touch like flinching or pulling away. Make a note of these details.

You might even keep a diary or log. You will know how long Misty has had that lump and if it has gotten any bigger. You will be aware of Buddy’s tendency to protect his back leg and that it seems to be warmer than the rest of his body. By doing these wellness checks you will collect valuable data and be able to watch as things improve or get worse, and take that information to your vet. You might even save your pet’s life. You are the advocate for your companion animals. They give us so much, what better way to share the love, than by offering quality of life. Pat Hennessy is the founder of N2paws, LLC, an organization that provides companion animal attunement through behavior education, energy work and positive training methods. Pat is a certified Level 2 TTouch® Practitioner, CPDT and member of the IAABC, IAATH and AWA. You may contact N2Paws via email pat@n2paws.com, phone 816-522-7005, or visit the website www.n2paws.com.

Catch MAY I BE FRANK at the Tivoli Cinemas The Open Circle Spiritual Cinemas Series and Café Gratitude Kansas City are teaming up for a special screening of an amazing new film of love, redemption and transformation, MAY I BE FRANK, on Wednesday, June 16 at 7:00pm at the Tivoli Cinemas in Westport. MAY I BE FRANK documents the transformation of Frank Ferrante, an obese, depressed and addicted 54 year old Brooklyn native. He unknowingly stumbles into a local raw, organic and vegan café in San Francisco, Café Gratitude. As he becomes friends with the staff, he keeps returning to the café where he feels welcomed and free from his collapsing personal life. When Ryland, one of the café's servers, asks Frank, “What is one thing you want to do before you die?” Frank replies, “I want to fall in love one more time, but no one will love me looking the way I do.” Ryland, his brother Cary, and Conor, his best friend, are inspired by the possibility of helping Frank. Armed with a video camera and an open heart, the four men reach an agreement. For the next 42 days,

Live & Whole Food Nutritional Consulting

Frank will eat only raw food, practice gratitude, visit local holistic practitioners and turn his fate over to the three, twenty-something vegans. The film follows their collective journey as the three young men coach Frank through his wild ride to a miraculous transformation. Nutrition and fitness educator and founder of GratitudeKC, Natalie George, will be the host for the screening. Frank Ferrante, the man whose amazing transformation is profiled in the movie, and one of the filmmakers Gregg Join Choate will be in attendance to introduce their film and lead an audience Q&A following. Watch the film's trailer, order tickets and learn more at OpenCircleOnline.com or call (816) 931-0738. Tickets are $8.00 in advance, $10 (if available) at the door. Early ticket purchase is strongly recommended. Now in its fifth season, the Open Circle Spiritual Cinema Series regularly gathers consciously aware and culturally awake people for a diverse showcase of emergent transformational cinema.

Psychotherapy for Depression, Anxiety, Panic, Grief & Loss

Body Psychotherapy Dreamwork Reiki & Energy Healing

GLBT Issues

Dr. Kat Bowie, Psy.D.

Dr. Raphael Smith, Psy.D. The Struan Center, LLC

4044 Central St (816) 960.4525 Swedish / Thai Massage

· ·

Kansas City, MO · 64111 www.thestruancenter.com Body Somatic Therapy Myofascial Release

Thai Herbal Therapy Nutritional Consulting Thai Massage Instructor

Jennifer Barnett, NCBTMB

Gwenn Ambol, NCBTMB

The theme for the July issue of EVOLVING is Freedom from Addictions with a special section, Mental Health Practitioners The special section includes a display ad plus 100 words of text to describe your services. Contact your account executive to reserve space by June 15.



June 2010


The True Nature of Our Ancestral Line By Steffany Barton, RN

Energy Healing School Discover your potential to Heal yourself and others Classes Start in September. Individual healing sessions are available by appointment 913913-831831-4422 ~ 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Mission, KS 66202 www.corestarenergyhealing.com

BUILDING AWARENESS FAIR Lawrence, KS Saturday, June 26, 10-7; Sunday, June 27, 11-6 Suggested Love Donation $5 Day 1 Go 2nd Day Receive Half-Off !!! More than 60 Vendors/Readers/Artists/Healers Douglas County Fairgrounds, Bldg. #21 2120 Harper Street, Lawrence, Ks. 66046

Often when a sapling is first placed in the ground, stakes help tether the young tree to the earth. While its roots grow deep and its branches reach high, the stakes will protect the tree against the heavy rains and strong winds. In time, the tree stands on its own, gathering all it needs from its supportive environment. No longer tethered, the mighty tree continues to grow and deepen with each passing season. We are much like a tree. As we deepen our inner connection, we grow closer to our Source, the light and love of the Universe. Just as the sapling needs the anchor, we, too, benefit from stability as we begin our journey of spiritual growth. The Akashic Records serve as a perfect spiritual stake as we take root here on Earth. On July 16-18, Linda Howe, author of the book “How To Read The Akashic Records,” will share her wit and wisdom in a weekend workshop designed to introduce the Akashic Records to Kansas City. The word Akasha is Sanskrit for essence or essential substance from which all life is constructed. Linda Howe describes the Akashic records as a realm of energy where principles govern. These principles are, “Judge not, resist not, fear not.” She describes the experience of working in the records as that of being “very known and very loved.” Recently, I had the privilege of interviewing Linda about her work and her upcoming class in Kansas City. Wellspoken and passionate about her work, she explained to me that offering her training here is necessary because Kansas City “is the heart of the country. It’s the heart of the nation. It is the heart of the records. We are looking at the alignment of the heart of the country with the heart of the cosmos, the records. I think that’s quite significant.” “There are a few qualities about Kansas City. There is a sincere desire for growth and spiritual awareness. It is refreshing and beautiful. It is sincerity, a purity of heart. When we look at the energy of the records, we see that the principles of the records are in align-

The word Akasha is Sanskrit for essence or essential substance from which all life is constructed. Linda Howe describes the Akashic records as a realm of energy where principles govern. These principles are, ‘Judge not, resist not, fear not.’ ment with the principles that the people of Kansas City are striving toward,” Linda says. Linda believes that the records can be combined with other spiritual practices, because they’re “all wonderful. But here’s the thing,” she continues. “If I want to amplify or turbo charge my practice, whatever it is, Reiki, the arts, Feng Shui, I want to support those with the energy of the basic substance, the basic stuff of the Universe, the Akasha. But first I’ve got to know what I’ve got. That’s why I encourage people to do a 30 -day period of time where they don’t mix. I need to have a time to see what’s what so that I can blend perfectly.” “People can absolutely learn to do this using the book.” Linda explains. “But, I know there are those who want to go deeper and faster. That’s what the inperson initiation is all about. I am holding the door open of this incredible mansion, the Akashic records, and inviting people in. My goal is to enable people to have such a conscious and confident relationship with the records that they feel empowered to take their next steps.” “You don’t need to be psychic to study the records,” states Linda. “You will receive all the support you need for the class.” Training in Kansas City is available July 16-18. Visit www.akashicstudies.com for complete information and registration.


www.evolvingmagazine.com www.eatingwellkc.com

Contact: carol@thebodytherapeutics.com www.thebodytherapeutics.com EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


June 2010


Terry Hug Health Coach

Mother Teresa on Silence This excerpt on silence comes from a newly released edition of In the Heart of the World by Mother Teresa. This powerful portrait of one of the most beloved women of all time is told in her own words through a fascinating blend of daily life experiences, prayers and spiritual wisdom. “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.” In the silence of the heart God speaks. If you face God in prayer and silence, God will speak to you. Then you will know that you are nothing. It is only when you realize your nothingness, your emptiness, that God can fill you with Himself. Souls of prayer are souls of great silence. There is a very holy priest, who is also one of the best theologians in India right now. I know him very well, and I said to him, “Father, you talk all day about God. How close you must be to God!” And do you know what he said to me? He said, “I may be talking much about God, but I may be talking very little to God.” And then he explained, “I may be rattling off so many words and may be saying many good things, but deep down I do not have the time to listen. Because in the silence of the heart, God speaks.” *** We cannot put ourselves directly in the presence of God if we do not practice internal and external silence. In silence we will find new energy and true unity. Silence gives us a new outlook on everything. The essential thing is not what we say but what God says to us and through us. In that silence, He will listen to us; there He will speak to our soul, and there we

will hear His voice. Listen in silence because if your heart is full of other things you cannot hear the voice of God. But when you have listened to the voice of God in the stillness of your heart, then your heart is filled with God. The contemplatives and ascetics of all ages and religions have sought God in the silence and solitude of the desert, forest, and mountains. Jesus himself spent forty days in the desert and the mountains, communing for long hours with the Father in the silence of the night. We too are called to withdraw at certain intervals into deeper silence and aloneness with God, together as a community as well as personally; to be alone with Him—not with our books, thoughts, and memories but completely stripped of everything—to dwell lovingly in His presence, silent, empty, expectant, and motionless. We cannot find God in noise or agitation. In nature we find silence—the trees, flowers, and grass grow in silence. The stars, the moon, and the sun move in silence. Silence of the heart is necessary so you can hear God everywhere—in the closing of a door, in the person who needs you, in the birds that sing, in the flowers, in the animals. What is essential is not what we say but what God tells us and what He tells others through us. In silence He listens to us; in silence He speaks to our souls. In silence we are granted the privilege of listening to His voice.

~ Some people believe that if they do not have a diagnosed condition, that they are healthy. ~ Yet, many early signs of health degeneration go undiagnosed. ~ Or, some know they have a problem, yet doctors can’t find anything wrong. Lab tests are fine, but they still have symptoms. Medication side effects seem worse than the problem. ~ Terry Hug works with the body to open blocked and congested areas so the body can return to a healthier state. “Terry Hug from Kansas City spent 3 days with us to try to improve my health and my wife, Sharon’s, health. I suffered constant leg pain and had difficulty walking. My pain is much improved and so has my walking. I sometimes forget to take my cane! I am able to sleep better. “Sharon is walking better, sleeping better, taking less for inflammation and requiring fewer herbs. Sharon got so excited, she wanted Terry to move here.” … Dr. James Overman, ND, President, Overman's Healthy Choices, Inc. and Precision Herbs, LLC, Killbuck, OH

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Enhancing the Bond between People & Animals __________________________________________

Behavior & Wellness support from a holistic practitioner CAP2, CPDT, VA Whole Pet Positive Training Conquer Thunderstorm Fears!

Excerpted from In the Heart of the World ©2010 by Mother Teresa. Printed with permission from New World Library http:// www.newworldlibrary.com.

TTouch® Reiki Alpha-Stim Doga & Meowoga Specialty Classes on Fears, Aging, Performance, etc.

www.N2paws.com ~ 816-522-7005

InterPlay Co-Founder/Author Presents a Weekend Untensive Retreat InterPlay is an active, creative way to unlock the wisdom of your body, while expanding the possibilities of your life. It is a creative process for personal and community transformation. Through powerful, practical ideas and a system of practices rooted in storytelling, movement, song and stillness, you gain access to your own “body wisdom”—what works best for you, what gives you purpose, what makes you fully alive. InterPlay co-founder, author and international teacher Cynthia Winton-Henry will be in Kansas City July 8-11 to present “InterPlay as Soulwork: Create, Play, Pray,” a Weekend Untensive Retreat of awakening the human body, soul and creative mind to its peak essence.

The weekend retreat will be held from 7 p.m. Friday, July 9, to noon on Sunday, July 11, at Sanctuary of Hope in Kansas City, Kansas. Fees are on a sliding scale. Registration: Stephanie Pile at the InterPlay office, (510) 465-2797 or info@interplay.org. “Praying the Body,” a free public session to discern and welcome the wisdom of the body, will be held at the same location from 7-9 p.m. on July 8. RSVP in advance to be eligible to win a prize.



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June 2010

books Flourish in every aspect of your life by reaching the TAO A special gift is included with Tao I, a companion audio CD where Master Sha demonstrates many of the major powerful practice mantras featured in the book, so the reader will learn to sing or chant them correctly. He also sings the new Tao Text he received (a major focus of the book) and some of his most powerful Divine Soul Songs including Love, Peace and Harmony and Happy, Happy, Happy. TAO I: The Way of All Life is another authoritative book for Master Sha’s entire Soul Power Series and for our time. As the sole, chosen 373rd-generation lineage holder of Peng Zu (Lao Zi’s teacher), who is renowned as the “longevity star,” having lived to the age of eight hundred and eighty, Master Sha is sharing the ancient wisdom, secrets, and techniques for these transitional times and to usher in a new Soul Light Era. For more information please visit www.drsha.com. TAO 1: The Way of All Life is available at Amazon.com, bn.com and at booksellers nationwide. About the Author: Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha is a world-renowned healer, self-healing pioneer, and a servant of humanity and the Divine. He has authored four #1 New York Times bestsellers in his Soul Power Series. Trained as a conventional medical doctor and a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, Master Sha founded the Institute of Soul Healing and Enlightenment and the World Soul Healing, Peace and Enlightenment Movement. www.drsha.com

TAO I: The Way of All Life By Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha The Sixth Book in the New York Times Best-Selling Soul Power Series Reveals a New Tao Text for the 21st Century Tao is The Way. Tao is the source of all universes. Tao is the universal principles and laws. In the newly released sixth book of his best-selling Soul Power Series, Tao I: The Way of All Life (May 11, 2010/Atria/ $29.95), Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha presents the essence of ancient Taoist teachings in simple, practical terms for our modern world. These mostly hidden secrets are accompanied by amazingly accessible and practical techniques to heal, rejuvenate, prolong life, and transform relationships, finances, and more. In addition, Master Sha includes a new Tao text received directly from the Divine in late 2008. Consisting of seventy-five brief but powerful phrases, they give us a new Tao Jing (Tao Classic) for the twentyfirst century. Every line carries profound secrets and powerful techniques to transform our lives. Every line is miraculous and profound. “We are in a special time of transition. Humanity and Mother Earth are facing great challenges. I am extremely honored to bring these new Tao secrets, knowledge, and practical techniques to serve human-

ity. Tao teaching is advanced soul teaching and makes soul teaching more direct and effective. This book will empower you to study, understand, practice, and reach the Tao with the simplest and most powerful wisdom and practices,” shares Dr. & Master Sha. In TAO I: The Way of All Life you will also learn techniques to:

• • •

Prevent and remove sickness Return to the health and purity of a baby Harmonize with Mother Earth and Heaven

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June 2010

Janalea Hoffman Musical Therapy Pioneer Significant emotional and physical healing via music, relaxation and imagery.

Event Space for Private Retreats Therapeutic CDs Native Flute Classes Private Healing Concerts: call for details Sacred Circle Dances Speaking Engagements New!: Sounds of Comfort Amazing Mini Music Machine (the size of a coffee mug—makes boom boxes obsolete)

“I consider Janalea Hoffman's music to be outstanding and exceptionally useful for deep relaxation.” —C. Norman Shealy, MC, PhD, The Shealy Institute

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Directory of Services


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Individual Purchase, or Resale Opportunities

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Brian Pollmiller 913.207.0885 or 800.697.7142 Book downloadable via Website Forward by Dr. Norman Shealy Testimonials and Statistical Details Available in BOOK.

MYSTIC TREASURES 7711-E North Oak Trafficway Kansas City, MO 64118

Book store and gift shop Gemstones, essential oils, sage, incense, dreamcatchers, prayer flags Reiki sessions

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CRYSTAL MIRROR AWAKENING Rainbow Mooon, MA Professional Astrological Counselor & Personal Consultant

Relationship & Marital Issues Parental & Sibling Concerns Spiritual Crisis Counseling Individual & Group Sessions 913--669 669--9185 ~ rbmooon@att.net 913

Jay Peters

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$45 for 1 hour ~ CD Included



1607 W. 39 St., KCMO 816.931.0116

8700 Indian Creek Parkway, Suite 220 Overland Park, KS 66210 www.drjaypeters.com

Contact Your Account Executive to be included in EVOLVING’s July

Wolford Clinic

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Mental Health Supplement Connie “Crash” Humiston 913–322-3378 conniecrash@kc.rr.com Or Karen Cowdry 913-636-9502 karen@evolvingmagazine.com


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Please call for more info:

1 m i l e We s t o f B r i a r c l i f f on A r g os y


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June 2010

Integrated Veterinary Services • • • • • • •

Surgery Dentistry Acupuncture Chiropractic Wellness Exams Allergy Elimination Balanced Immunizations

food conscious

Why David Says “Go Organic” Michelle Chappell, DVM, CVA and Associates

“Caring for Pets, People and the Planet” Mariposavet.com ` 913.825.3330 13900 Santa Fe Trail Drive, Lenexa, KS 66215

Sheila Dodson, DVM

1st Wholistic Pet Fair, June 5 from 12:30—3:30 p.m.

Ann Butenas Motivational Speaker Presenting: Speak Your Mind— Mind —and Enjoy the Results! An entertaining, emotional, inspirational and down-right humorous pontification on living a blessed, fulfilled, positive and abundantly rich life. Based on the life of Ann's 105-year-young Grandma, Kora, who has influenced hundreds, including former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole. Contact Ann to speak to your group: (913) 526526- 5996 ~ ebutenas@aol.com

Shamanic Pathways at White Deer Lodge Daniel Baxley THOTH Endorsed Teacher in The Pachakuti Mesa Tradition Offering: Shamanic Healing and Teachings, Spiritual Counseling, Sacred Stone Massage, Reiki, Craniosacral, Vision Quest, Sweat Lodge, and Workshops 816816-769769-7343 email: rainbowspiritstar@yahoo.com Website: www.shamanicpathways.net

By Bethany Klug My husband David recently remarked, “You’re about five or 10 years ahead of everyone when it comes to health.” I think he’s right. Most new patients have gotten the message about wholegrain bread, but most still eat white rice and white pasta. Many use extra virgin olive oil, but don’t realize its nutritional benefits are lost at temperatures higher than low heat. Grape Seed oil, coconut oil or ghee are far better choices when heat is required. Very few eat four to six fist size servings of vegetables daily and it’s rare when someone eats organic. So I’m going to let David tell you all about why he chooses organic. “We’re near the end of the earth’s fossil fuel supplies. Industrial food production requires huge amounts of fossil fuel. Most people know that Industrial food is transported 1200 miles on average, but chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides are made from fossil fuels, too. So you have the fuel cost of making and transporting the chemicals to the farmer. Industrial food production is one of the biggest contributors to global warming.” Actually 20 percent of CO2 emissions in the US and 12 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions worldwide come from industrial farming, according to the Rodale Institute. “Industrial food production treats life like a machine, the problem is it just doesn’t work that way. That’s why we’re always hearing about E.Coli and hepatitis outbreaks. The animals are sick. Then they spread the germ-infested manure on vegetable and fruit crops, contaminating them. Animals—I use the term to include fish, seafood and poultry—are fed a diet to fatten them up quickly in cramped factory-like conditions. It’s not natural to them and they get sick. You would, too. Their flesh is less nutritious and is even harmful to us. Let’s take the fats for instance. The fat of grass-fed animals is high in omega-3 fatty acids and fat soluble plant nutrients which fight inflammation. The fat of industrially-produced animals is high in fatty acids that promote inflammation. “Sure, industrial food costs less at the check-out line, but consider the money you save now as a down payment on radiation, chemo, or bypass surgery in the future. It’s far cheaper to buy organic and avoid the daily dose of chemicals implicated in cancer and chronic disease. That’s the problem with industrial food production. It externalizes the costs. Industrial food would cost far more if the costs to our health, society and planet were factored in. Big factory



June 2010

Industrial food would cost far more if the costs to our health, society and planet were factored in. farms use illegal immigrant laborers because few legal residents would consider such back-breaking labor and horrible work conditions. Thus, we have an “immigrant problem.” Communities near meat processing plants deal with the stench of raw animal waste. Whether held in leaky containment ponds or dumped directly into nearby rivers and streams, the waste pollutes the local ground water. No one knows how much the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico will cost us and future generations. The damage to people’s way of life and the Gulf eco-system will go on long after the spill is contained. “It takes some extra effort to shop at local organic farmers markets but it’s worth it. The food comes from 10 miles away instead of 1200. It was picked the day before so its fresher, tastier and more nutritious. Your money stays in your community making it stronger. When you buy directly from your local organic grower you have a personal relationship with the person that feeds you. Now that’s deep.” Well said, Dear One! Need I say more? Bethany Klug is a physician for whom food is a doorway to personal, community and planetary health. Learn more about her practice of “Restoring Health with Holistic Medicine” at 913-642-1900 and www.bethanyklug.com.

journey to wholeness By Jude LaClaire, Ph.D. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then is not an act, but a habit —Aristotle What if changing your habits had the power to change your brain, perhaps even permanently? The theory of neuroplasticity is the story of the brain’s ability to revise itself. More specifically, it is the brain’s ability to reorganize itself by creating new brain cells through one’s experiences. Here’s how it works: Imagine a person who frequently plays the violin. The brain viewed under a functional MRI appears to have developed a larger area in the part of the brain devoted to mapping the fingers. The brain acts in much the same way as a physical muscle that grows and develops through exercise or becomes weak and flaccid when not used. There is a saying, “neurons that fire together wire together.” What this means is that neurons activate at the same time as a response to an event—the neurons "associate" with one another and the connections are stronger. Thus "neural pathways are set" when we practice any activity. The more practice, the more the brain builds that pathway. Inversely, when the pathways aren’t used,

the space will be taken over by other pathways needing room to grow. So, just as with the muscles in our body, we "use it or lose it." Imagine water flowing through sand creating little pathways. The more the water flows, the pathways become deeper and more defined. You know if you have a small leak in the roof and the water finds a pathway below, the longer that leak persists the more difficult it is to change the water flow. Our brain acts in much the same way as we do certain activities, have thoughts, speak words or behave in a certain way. The more we repeat this pattern, especially when the brain is highly stimulated, the neurons are firing and neural pathways are being created. The wonderful thing is that we have a lot of personal control over what neural pathways we construct or change. We can literally cultivate our own brain garden of neural pathways. Many studies have shown that there are similar key ingredients to having a highly effective brain, changing old brain habits and creating new ones. Alvaro Fernandez lists “The Ten Habits of Highly Effective Brains.” 1. Learn about "use it or lose it." Understand your brain’s capacity. 2. Nutrition: The brain, only 2 per-

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Changing Habits, Changing Brain cent of our body mass, uses over 20 percent of the oxygen and nutrients we intake. Feed your body well; feed your brain well! 3. Exercise sharpens your brain. Aerobic exercise leads to increased brain volume, the efficiency of the brain and increases improvements in a number of cognitive functions such as memory and attention. 4. Lower chronic stress with positive, future-oriented thoughts as your default mindset. Chronic stress kills neurons, elevates cortisol and is the cause of 75-90 percent of all illness. 5. Thrive on learning and mental challenges. Mental stimulation that has novelty, variety and challenge keeps the brain fit. 6. Aim high. Keep developing and learning. The brain stops growing when we stop learning new things. 7. Explore and travel. Adapting to new locations and surroundings stimulates the brain to pay attention to the new environment. 8. Don’t outsource your brain. Be your original self, think your own thoughts, make your own decisions and mistakes. Learn from them.

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If we all practiced these ten things, repeating often, we would have healthier brains and bodies and would be living more holistically. Individuals who live mentally and physically stimulating lives along with social interactions are less likely to suffer from brain disorders, are healthier, happier and live longer. These guidelines also help people overcome or avoid depression and anxiety. So, get those neurons firing to make new neural pathways of health, vitality and great joy! And remember, practice, practice, practice! Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC, LCSW, is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, seminars, training, speaking engagements or information on Neurobehavioral Programs call 913-322-5622. For more information about Jude LaClaire or the Kansas City Holistic Centre, go to www.kcholistic.com. jude@kcholistic.com.

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June 2010

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We all have days when we feel tense, nervous, anxious or overwhelmed. But are you letting stress get the better of you? Do you often describe yourself as “stressed out”? Do you sometimes—or frequently— experience physical ailments that could be stressinduced such as headaches, fatigue, or digestive problems? By Carmelita Davis-Beets Stressful situations are a normal part of life—but how you respond to stress, and how much it affects your health, is up to you. By taking better care of yourself and learning to be in tune with your body, you’ll handle stress in stride. It won’t make you feel sick or out of control. Here are some steps that will help you be at your best under all circumstances. Imagine how wonderful you’ll feel achieving a healthy and consistent level of serenity in your life!

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Exercise and Breath Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi are three forms of exercise that are exceptionally good for your emotional wellbeing. Take a class in each and see which you prefer. All three will help you feel centered and more in control of your stress level, while your body is stretched slowly at a deep, calming level. You’ll also learn the importance of breathing properly, and you may discover you’re not breathing as deeply as you should be—which absolutely contributes to feelings of tension. The Benefits of Healing Touch Any kind of touch therapy is wonderful and soothing. Massage focuses on the surface of the skin and can provide relief after a very stressful day. Structural bodywork zeros in on the deep connective tissue that surrounds every muscle, and helps identify where the body stores physical, emotional and spiritual pain. Deep bodywork focused on those areas will often trigger the release of trapped negative energy. When the painful energy leaves your body, it clears the way for healing and your body becomes more resilient to stress. De-Stress Your Diet Many people load up on what I call stressful foods that put the body under stress because they are hard to digest. Meat is one of the most stressful foods, because the body works for a long time to get it through the digestive system. I have noticed that people who eat a lot of meat often have trouble relaxing and tend to be very reactive to stress. On the other hand, monks and practitioners of



June 2010

Zen meditation are usually vegetarians, and are typically laid back and at peace with whatever comes their way. Start by replacing one meat dish per day with fruit or a big salad, and see how you feel after a few weeks. You’ll also handle stress more easily by eating regular meals at regular times, and by not overeating. Both erratic eating and eating too much contribute to higher levels of anxiety. Analyze Your Reactions The next time you’re angry, don’t just stomp around and fume. Instead, think about why you’re angry and what caused the reaction. Be objective and think about unresolved issues in your life. Anger is sometimes misplaced, causing you to yell at a family member, for example, when you’re actually very angry with your boss. If the real problems in your life aren’t confronted, then feelings of stress may affect the quality of your life. That’s a good time to seek help from a qualified counseling professional. Seek a Spiritual Connection A spiritual connection is an important part of the body-mind-spirit balance. That connection helps you know who you are and affirms your mission in life. With this in proper perspective, it’s easier to stop sweating the small stuff. Live every moment, believe in happiness, and remember that all we have for sure is right now. Healthy stress management is a key ingredient to living a full and happy life. Make a decision to do what you can to solve a problem, and then let the rest go. Strive for serenity. And most importantly, remember that you truly have a choice in how you handle stress. Carmelita Davis-Beets is a natural healer and Holistic Nutrition Counselor living in Kansas City. She has credentials to practice Reiki, Electromagnetic Field Balancing technique, Neuromuscular Therapy, hypnosis, Craniosacral Therapy, Holistic Energy Healing, and Body Somatic Therapy. (816) 453-2041.

By Nancy Russell, M.D. Happy spring! As I walk through my front yard and enjoy my beautiful red tulips that I planted in the fall, I think of the cycles of life, the changing of the seasons and taking time to smell the flowers!! To enjoy this amazing life for many years to come, I have been researching how and why our bodies age and how we can impact this process. Life expectancy has approximately doubled in the last century. Walter Breuning, 112 years old, one of the oldest living persons says his secrets to longevity are: “Staying active in body and mind, practicing moderation and treating others with kindness and respect.” Genetics or predisposition to diseases of aging and your longevity is based 25 percent on your genetics and 75 percent on your behaviors and lifestyle choices. Dr Mehmet Oz says, “Restricting your calories, increasing your strength and getting quality sleep, along with stress management can control how well you age." Five strategic steps to anti aging include: Restful sleep, regular exercise, balanced nutrition, stress management and spiritual enrichment. 1.

Sleep offers rebuilding of tissues and maintenance of a healthy metabolism. A good goal is seven to





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eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, feeling rested in the morning and with good stamina throughout the day. Exercise builds muscle, stamina and helps with energy. A good goal is at least 30 minutes, three to five times a week, with variety. Some suggestions would be: aerobic exercises with interval training, resistance and strength training, flexibility exercise with relaxation breathing. Nutrition is about fueling your body with healthy nutrients. Guidelines include: eating fresh, whole, unprocessed food, drinking filtered water and herbal teas, and avoiding sugar and artificial sweeteners. Staple foods are vegetables, whole grains and legumes with smaller amounts of fruits, nuts, eggs and lean meats. Stress management revitalizes your body and mind, and can take you to another level of optimal health. Ideas for relaxation: take time to be still with relaxation breathing, prayer and meditation, think positive thoughts, assess your attitude and bring humor and laughter into your life. Develop strong connections and lasting relationships with family and friends. Spiritual enrichment and having

Three Sisters Mystery School

holistic health update

A Natural Anti-Aging Plan a spiritual purpose is important for each of us, in our own way, no matter what our belief system. For me, a deep connection with God helps keep the ups and downs of life in perspective and gives me peace. These five strategic steps to anti-aging could also be the pillars of our health; all profoundly and powerfully intertwined and mutually affecting. They can move in either a positive or a negative spiral. If I’m stressed out and sedentary, I can find it harder not to reach for the sweet treat or fast food item. Then I sleep more poorly and my general mood makes hope, trust and peace harder to ascertain. On the other hand, when I have good sleep and energy, my body craves good nutritious food and more movement and my mood lightens. As I make one change, perhaps going on a cleansing fruit-and vegetable-only diet for a day, taking a solid hour walk, getting good sleep, or just breathing in the beauty of nature, it makes the next step so much easier. I challenge you to change your life today, starting right now. Write down

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magine entering into sacred space for 9 months, a womb for nurturing the mind, body and spirit, following the wisdom of the wheel of life. Unraveling the mysteries of the universe, each woman may follow the thread that utilmately leads to the reclaiming of her own Spiritual Power.

Nancy Russell, M.D., holistic Internal medicine physician has practiced in the Kansas City northland for 28 years. Dr. Russell blends traditional and alternative medicine in her holistic medical practice. As a founding member of the American Board of Holistic medicine, she is board certified in holistic medicine. Dr Russell believes, “Love is our most powerful medicine”. Holistic medicine is individualized, gets to the root of the problem and develops a partnership between physician and patient. For more information visit www.drnancy.com or call her at 816-453-5545.

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each of the five strategic steps above and make one or two goals in each area that you can achieve in your life today or in the next few months. No matter what kind of life you’ve already led, aging is reversible. If you perform a good habit for three years, the effect on your body is as if you’ve done it your entire life. Even better, within three months of changing a behavior, you start to measure a difference in your life expectancy. I plan to become a centenarian; won’t you join me on this journey?

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June 2010

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When you have a fever, you take fever-reducing medicine. When you have a painful tooth, you go to the dentist. So what do you do when you feel the corporate job you have had for 14 years is draining the life right out of you? Ask Tom Wolford and he’ll tell you to listen to your heart and watch for subtle signs from the universe. Today, Tom Wolford, owner of the Wolford Clinic, is a massage therapist and Rieki practitioner/teacher; but from 1990 to 2004, he was making marketing and training videos for an insurance company and held the title of Video Service Manager. This drastic career change began as a result of a visit with his ailing mother. Her health had been deteriorating for some time and Tom and his brother visited her quite often. During one of these visits, his brother performed Rieki, something Tom was not familiar with and his curiosity peaked. His brother explained it was energy work and he was attempting to ease her pain and discomfort. Some months after his mother’s passing, Tom’s father had surgery and required consistent attention. Tom was taking quite a bit of time off from work, resulting in his employer’s decision to terminate his employment. This was quite a blow and the pressure was mounting. One day, while listening to the cable-music channel he found some relief. He realized the song he was listening to was having an effect on his body; he was feeling a little less stressed. The title of the channel he had selected was Rieki Music and he was reminded of the energy work his brother had done with his mother and how it had eased her pain. Now the curiosity was transformed into action. Tom began researching with more conviction and decided to learn Reiki so he could help himself and his recovering father. The more he practiced Reiki on others, the more he began to realize there were side effects. People smiled, said thank you, and he felt better too. His stress was manageable, he was less tired, and people were coming to him asking for his help. Never before had he seen people react from his efforts in such a positive manor. Rarely, if ever, had he enjoyed a task so much or felt as satisfied and energized after completing it. After about a year, Tom decided to incorporate massage therapy into his Rieki practice and he started massage therapy school. One of the requirements for massage certification is each student must perform a certain number of hours of massage on a volunteer basis. While making his decision as to where to spend his time, his mind flashed to his



June 2010

mother’s passing. There was a tug at his heart as he remembered the loneliness of the other patients. He chose to view the tug as yet another subtle sign from the universe and made his decision to volunteer at a hospice facility. One of the first hospice patients he visited was a man with Parkinson’s disease, which had left his speech quite distorted. Every week for six months, Tom visited this man talking with him and performing Rieki and massage therapy in an effort to ease his transition. Two weeks before the man passed away, he looked Tom in the eyes and clearly said, “You’re my best pal.” In that sad, yet joyous moment, Tom Wolford knew he was on the right path and felt an indescribable level of appreciation wash over him. Although that confirmation occurred four and a half years ago, Tom receives a reaffirmation with every client he sees. Each time he gives a massage or performs Rieki he receives a personal healing. Scientists believe that deep, healing massage triggers the release of certain chemicals in the brain and body that help you combat illnesses and speed recovery. For Tom, massage triggers a connection with humanity, which helps him conquer his own fears and motivates him to actively participate in life. He knows his enthusiasm is an experience he can share one person, one touch, one hour at a time. Tom Wolford Wolford Clinic 7509 Nall Ave., Pairie Village, KS 913-961-8583 Jayana DeWolf is forging new ground as a business and marketing consultant dedicated to helping small businesses, nonprofits and independent professionals. She believes both the business entity and its leadership have a unique personality. For more information visit www.cbizconsulting.com


Journey to Health By Connie “Crash” Humiston In mid-March I was so exhausted I fell asleep in the dental chair, of all places, dreaming of an affordable vacation, away from humans and obligations. I “attracted” an e-mail from my “now-new-best-friend” Karen Kipp that told of a weekend Organic Juice Fast Retreat she was hosting at The Light Center in Baldwin, Kansas. “All three-day retreats include fresh, organic juices, nutrition education, daily yoga/movement, meditation, beautiful natural settings and restful space,” the e-mail read. “Massage, reflexology and energy healing are optional services available on Saturday afternoon. Saturday evening includes a gentle sweat lodge.” Right on! I also found the benefits of detoxing to be appealing: more energy, craving healthier foods (and weight control), a strengthened immune system, reduction of allergy symptoms, reversal of the negative effects of stress, deep relaxation, feeling more connected, fostering creativity … Sign me up!!! Wait, not eating—what kind of vacation is that? But in the back of my mind, I knew that if others could fast without hunger, I could, too. I’d been selling ads for Evolving for a year, learning so much from our awesome advertisers and writers, working on my health with my chiropractor/nutritionist Dr. Jackie Devaney, and taking steps to live, to evolve, more consciously. So saying “yes” to this vacation was my Statement to the Universe that I was taking yet another step toward conscious living. This little hard-headed, undisciplined Aries carnivore, Type A personality (prior to spirituality) and blood type, would give up food, coffee, dairy products and cigarettes (all of my favorite things) on the weekend of April 30—and I DID, with no withdrawal symptoms!!! This was accomplished amongst the love and support of eight amazing new best friends from around the country. The ages and circumstances of my fellow fasters were as diverse as their geographic locations. Some were seven-time veterans; some were fasting virgins like me. The common denominator was releasing anything not in our highest good, while learning the benefits of healthy eating, fasting and removing toxins through Karen’s extensive experience and handouts. And that cellulite is nothing but trapped toxins! I began my vacation with an amazingly effective and nurturing hydro-therapy colonic from one of our favorite advertisers, Linda Laskowski at Viable Options. What a way to get to know an advertiser—“up” close and personal with Linda “rubbing me the right way!” I felt nurtured, healthy, in touch, and light—in body and spirit. The main thing I learned is you don’t have to radically change your lifestyle overnight. While my goal is to move to eating 50 percent of my food raw, currently I’m concentrating on: ♦ Incorporating more whole, alkalizing, organic foods. ♦ Limiting dairy/animal products, added sugar and artificial/chemical agents. ♦ Removing sources of toxicity (more consciously reading labels—food, cleaning products, cosmetics, lotions, fingernail polish remover, toothpaste, little things).

Human Emergence And Rapid Transformation (H.E.A.R.T.) “Shifting humanity from lower brain to higher brain living” Discover what “The Secret” didn’t tell you, what Deepak Chopra doesn’t know, and why Eckhart Tolle only has half the story. Find out how to turn on your higher brain, the key to a stress-free life of purpose and passion. Tuesday June 15th from 7:30-8:30pm; Cost: Free Where: AWAKEN Higher Brain Living 6700 W 121st St #102 Overland Park

♦ ♦ ♦

Drinking more purified water and fresh juices at least twice per day. Completing a weekend juice fast at least twice per year (seasonal is optimal). Additional colonics and other liver, gallbladder and kidney cleanses.

The thing is it wasn’t hard! I already need less sleep, yet have more energy and a major feeling of accomplishment, and I’m a Clean Air Breather for life!! As I wrote to Dr. Jackie: “I feel great. No withdrawals! I attribute my success to getting my body healthy with you, my wonderful colonic, removing toxins during the fast, and AURICULOTHERAPY—there simply is no other explanation for my not having withdrawals or feeling ‘deprivation’ from not having a cigarette, the word that came to mind with other attempts to quit. This time felt more like a ‘choice’.” And thank you, Karen Kipp!! Dr. Jackie summed it up perfectly: “Thanks, Connie. I am thrilled for you. You have been a model patient, but YOU are the one who has had the discipline and willpower to keep following this new path for health. Remember, it's a journey—not an endpoint.” An account executive for Evolving, Connie can be reached at conniecrash@kc.rr.com or 913.322.3378. Karen Kipp is a reflexologist and holistic health care practitioner who teaches workshops on juicing, detoxing and whole/raw food preparation. Retreats are available for public and private groups by contacting Karen at www.nexstepretreats.com or 913.302.4420. Remaining scheduled retreats for 2010: September 17 -19 (Light Center, Women only), October 8-10 (Unity Village, Co-ed) and November 12-14 (Light Center, Women only). Viable Options: www.viableoptions.com. Dr. Jackie Devaney: 816.786.2623.

RSVP today to reserve your spot! To RSVP Email with your name to: opcenter@higherbrainliving.com

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MCKS Pranic Healing Sessions (Also see Ongoing event listings in this issue.) ~ Long Distance Healings ~ Clairvoyant Readings ~ Financial and Relationship Healing ~ Pranic Energetic Facelift ~ Feng Shui for love, health and prosperity—home, office, or business ~ Space Clearing—helps disintegrate stress energies and residue from the past, relieves sports injuries, backaches, headaches

Rocky Patel: rcky1120@aol.com; 816.916.1823 or Sherry Sutera: s.sutera@att.net; 913.488.6651 EVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


June 2010

Have You Hugged Your Alternative Healthcare Provider Today? By David Laskowski How many of you have ever heard of the Flexner Report? Back in 1910, this report was influenced by the AMA and the need for the fledgling pharmaceutical industry to assure that patented medicines would be taught in medical schools as the sole property of scientific medicine. By 1913, all the homeopathic schools in the US were doomed and “scientific medicine” prevailed. All the diversity of thought in medicine was very quickly eliminated and making money while treating anything became the norm. As long as symptoms were repressed and pain was masked, the masses could always be lead along with the “hope” of a cure. Bottom line, there is no profit in a cure. The top three health issues in America are trillion dollar businesses and the healthcare providers that stand under these umbrellas have made a career of “looking for a cure.” In my opinion, for them to actually cure anything would be like oil companies supporting an engine that gets 100 miles to a gallon of gas, they would be cutting their own corporate throats, it’s not going to happen. Even our own federal government has, by proxy and act, admitted that our healthcare system is flawed and the only thing keeping us from getting healthy under the current system is the desire for higher profits. As long as the money keeps flowing we are supposed to have hope. I am tired of the allopathic/ pharmaceutical money flow game, how about you? The reason I suggested that you hug your alternative healthcare provider today is because as long as they are around, we will have that diversity of thought was nearly wiped out a hundred years ago. Even though the Vanderbilt’s and the other wealthy families of that day put their money into allopathic medicine, they kept their homeopathic medical doctors as personal physicians! They knew how to stay healthy, what to embrace and what was appropriate for the problem at hand. It’s like the old story, if you always walk around with a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail! If all we do is support one system of health, one scope of practice, one school of thought then why are we surprised when the problem doesn’t get resolved? Let me take you down a different path….. Let’s say you have back pain. You head for the hospital that embraces all types of medicine. When you are evaluated, the team that is assembled to help you is an orthopedic surgeon, a chiropractor, an acupuncturist and a massage therapist. All four of them, each with their own

scope of practice, training and professional experience, are there to achieve only one goal, get rid of your back pain. Since it’s a hospital, they have all the gadgets to check you out and each member of your team has access to them. After your evaluation, each team member offers a plan, for you to decide on, how you want your problem to be solved. The surgeon sees your issue being resolved with surgery, physical therapy and pain medication. The chiropractor feels that with adjustments three times a week for a month the problem will resolve itself. With acupuncture we can get good blood flow to the affected area and your pain can be handled. If all you did was pull a muscle seeing a massage therapist twice a week for 6 weeks will relax and support that area and the problem will be solved. In spite of how much sense it makes, no matter how much money it would save, no where on this planet, has any society embraced a healthcare system like this. Why? I am blessed being able to have embraced many modalities in my past health challenge. Five years ago a brilliant surgeon and his team at KU Med fixed my heart, damaged from a birth defect and left undetected for many years. I was given less than a 30 percent chance of making it through surgery. Prior to my operation, I had Resonance Repatterning sessions with BobEVOLVING… A GUIDE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING


bie Martin that helped me overcome my fear of death. Allowing me to face my fears, I could then put all my energies towards healing. After surgery my chiropractor, acupuncturist, massage therapist, Reiki Master, colon therapist, along with my own herbal skills formed my specialized team. I am a living, breathing example of what blending different healthcare modalities can do. By being open to what they had to offer, having a willingness to move past my fears and unresolved emotional baggage reduced my recovery time from six months to less than 6 weeks. Remember there are no magic bullets, only commonsense, positive thinking and prayer. Sometimes it is a nail and you do need a hammer, just remember to give a hug to the one carrying the hammer.

June 2010

David Laskowski is a clinical herbalist specializing in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Homeopathy. He is co-owner of Viable Options. Together with his wife Linda, they also offer Gravity Flow Colonics, Therapeutic Massage , Bellanina Face Lift Massage, Far Infra-Red Sauna, IonChi Foot Baths, Zyto COMPASS evaluations, and New Sun supplementation products. Visit us on our website: www.viableoptions.com for further information and to enjoy our monthly in house newsletter, SHOW ME THE NEWS.

Everything Carries a


By Julia Luton Quantum Physics tells us that the cells in our body have certain vibrations. Heart cells vibrate at a different rate than lymph cells, which vibrate at a different rate than brain cells, and so on. Good health may be nothing more than that our cells, and our energetic systems, are vibrating at the rate they were designed to vibrate and are in harmony with each other. When we are stressed we are subject to disease-causing conditions. The vibrations of the cells slow down, and they stop functioning properly. The Scientific Consciousness Interface Operating (SCIO) system of Quantum Biofeedback was developed by a former NASA scientist. Astronauts in space need to be able to optimize their health and to balance themselves medically, if necessary, having the choice of a vast range of Quantum Biofeedback programs. These must cover every possible form of physical illness, as well as emotional and mental well-being. The SCIO system does just that, using state-of-the-art quantum technology to help restore balance on the physical, emotional and mental levels. This bio-energetic retraining system is gentle and yet profound, using harmless electromagnetic signals to give and receive subtle information impulses to and from the body. During restful sessions, these natural impulses or energetic frequencies are read and interpreted by the SCIO device and computer.

The client is scanned through a database of literally thousands of energetic frequencies. It functions in a similar way to a virus scan on a computer. It detects weaknesses and abnormalities such as viruses, nutritional deficiencies, allergies, hormonal imbalance, fungal infections, food sensitivities, etc. Additionally, the balance and health of your immune system, stress, body organs, meridian energy flow and many other factors are also checked. Based on the results of SCIO Biofeedback, each individual case receives tailor-made re-education in order to get optimum results. Dysfunction and imbalance can be retrained using the most appropriate of the numerous energetic pulses, for example: allergen desensitization, spinal retraining, pain reduction, injury repair and needle -free acupuncture. The system constantly monitors the client's reactions to ensure a safe level of physical, mental and emotional status at all times. This allows a maximum re-education benefit at a pace that is appropriate to the client's state of health in each moment. The results are many and varied, often including a noticeable energy boost, increased mental clarity and a lightening of the emotional load, along with improvement of physical discomforts. SCIO is great for a wellness checkup and is also used as a series of sessions to scan specific problems. For some people, it is a wake-up call. Connie "Crash" Humiston's

first session in January showed some serious problem areas. "My friends extolled the benefits of SCIO, so I made an appointment. I knew I hadn't been eating properly or taking very good care of myself, but I had no idea of the damage to my body," Connie relates. "Not much rattles me, but seeing the results—and with someone I implicitly trusted—made a believer out of me. I followed the re-education directions and worked hard with my chiropractor/ nutritionist Dr. Jackie Devaney. My second session in April showed a night and day difference. It wasn't that the major problem areas were better—they were gone, zap!! So I started working on (and the SCIO system started working on)



June 2010

the less serious areas for overall health. To me, SCIO is my health insurance and my peace of mind." Quantum Biofeedback is an ideal way for a person to get back to optimal health. This system is great for improving your mental health, which is crucial to the balancing of your body. By harmonizing your physical, emotional and mental levels, quantum physics allows you to feel and look your best. Julia Luton is a Quantum Biofeedback Specialist, also specializing in Numerology, as well as a Nikken and Vemma/Verve distributor: www.quantumenergetics101.com or 913.907.6766.

“Allergies are SO Bad this Year!” by Hana Solomon

With as many as 40-60 million Americans fighting allergies and sinusitis and tiring of antibiotics, antihistamines and decongestants, nasal irrigation is the natural alternative. This is a common complaint that I overhear at the gym, in the grocery store and at countless other social gatherings. This statement is usually followed by, “I’m taking every medicine I can find, and I’ve even seen my doctor . . . but I still feel congested, I itch, I sneeze, I cough, and I miss my sense of smell and taste. It’s just awful!” Allergies are often caused by airborne particles. Hiking, riding bikes, and simply moving through the air on any day exposes us to countless allergens. During allergy season, the air is ‘allergy soup’ with pollen, dust and animal dander entering our bodies through our nose, mouth, and eyes. Mucus membranes become overwhelmed with these tiny particles causing allergic reactions that make us miserable. What I want to tell all the people complaining about allergy symptoms is: You need to be washing the allergens away from your eyes and nose. Exposure to irritants causes swelling of the membranes and an increase in thick and sticky mucus production, impeding the normal flow of drainage. A pH balanced buffered hypertonic salt solution will wash those irritants out, shrink the swollen membranes, increase the filtering efficiency of the nose hairs, thin secretions, and allow the tiny sinus openings to drain effectively and naturally. Washing your personal filter makes as much sense as cleaning any filter, it simply helps the machine work more effectively. If the nose is kept clean, it can function.

Controlled studies support that regular nasal washing will remove 80% of irritants and pollen, called ‘inflammatory mediators’. When cleaning the filter is done correctly, it will reduce both the symptoms of and the use of medications related to the allergy season. The simple technique is easy enough for those as young as 2 years of age or even during pregnancy, and is safe, effective and economical. The Neti pot was the original device used but many delivery systems are now available such as the syringe, squeeze bottle and my personal preference, Nasopure. The Neti offers a gravity flow while Nasopure offers gentle positive pressure and flow, controlled by the user. This gentle positive pressure can draw or vacuum the mucus from the sinus cavities, allowing the secretions to drain naturally. The overall goal is to have a flow of warm saline water inserted into one nostril and exit the opposite one. The water drains out, flushing the nasal passages and the linings thoroughly. This is simple and effective, an obvious solution to air pollution. It is clear that antihistamines, decongestants, nasal sprays with steroids, leukotriene inhibitors and antibiotics all have a place in the treatment of nasal health. But these medications DO NOT address prevention. Medications should not be taken lightly. Side effects, expense, drug-drug interactions AND most concerning, the development of bacterial resistance should be considered before popping pills. I tell my patients when discussing any recommended treatment option, “You should

look at the pros and cons of each option offered to you prior to making your decision.” With as many as 40-60 million Americans fighting allergies and sinusitis and tiring of antibiotics, antihistamines and decongestants, nasal irrigation is the natural alternative. It is no surprise that with the assault of chemicals, fragrances, pollution, dust and pollen that our nostrils are under enormous stress. The common wisdom behind treating allergies with nasal cleansing is simple: if the filter is not clean, it will not work. The nose is the body’s filter, our great defender. Just as you clean the air filter



June 2010

in your car and the lint filter in your clothes dryer, function is improved when the filter is clean. Washing hands makes sense, brushing teeth makes sense and nasal washing makes sense too! When she is not encouraging everyone to keep their noses clean, Hana R. Solomon, M.D., pediatrician, speaker and author who enjoys gardening, pottery and being outdoors enjoying nature. She has four children and lives in Columbia, Missouri, with her husband, who is also her best friend of 21 years. Contact her at drhana@nasopure.com.

Is Your Compassionate Heart Burning Out? By Suzanne Scurlock-Durana Are you someone who cares about other people? Are you among the first to notice if someone is upset? Do you like to help those in need around you? Are you someone who often thinks of others’ needs before your own? If you answered yes to any of the questions above, you are probably a person with a lot of empathy. When you are someone who has a lot of empathy it can be difficult to learn how to have both healthy connections and healthy boundaries. Yet, both are required in order to enjoy your life and not burn out as a caring, empathic person. Empathy increases our ability to feel exquisite joy and deep connection to life. It also increases your capacity to feel everything else–which can include pain, confusion, frustration and fear. The key for keeping your capacity to receive life fully without being drained is in knowing how to take care of yourself so that you stay energized. Many people with high empathy find their attention often goes externally to helping others. They may even get most of their self-esteem from how well they can help those in need around them. Noticing what is happening around you is not the issue. The problem is when we lose our ability to sense what is going on inside ourselves because of the habit of paying more attention to what others need. In simple terms, do you know how to turn your attention inward? Often it comes down to habits– what were you rewarded for in your family growing up? If you were rewarded for taking care of everyone else, it often was at the expense of taking care of yourself. In order to know what you need, it is necessary to know how to sense what is going on inside yourself. Do you know what your needs are? Do you think it is somehow selfish or self-centered to pay attention to your own needs? What we are discovering in today’s world is that with the stress we all live with on a daily basis, it is paramount that we learn to take care of ourselves. The airlines have it right–you must put your own oxygen mask on first before helping those in the seat next to you. If you don’t, there will no one to help the child or the person in need beside you. It runs counter to how most of us were raised. Yet when we know how to fill our own containers, it gives us a lot more to offer the world around us. Our gifts are more fully and easily expressed.

What we are discovering in today’s world is that with the stress we all live with on a daily basis, it is paramount that we learn to take care of ourselves. The other interesting fact about this is that when you feel good and energized it makes you more effective and often more efficient. Have you ever noticed that when you are tired or frazzled that you make more mistakes? Research has shown this to be true across all professions, not to mention our private lives. And, there are distinct skills in how to listen to your inner wisdom that can be taught and learned. I have been gathering these skills from many different sources for a number of years. Initially I taught primarily healthcare profession-



June 2010

als. But today more and more regular people are realizing the importance of these skills. So how do we learn the skills of staying full and energized? Can anyone learn these? Absolutely! First, start by being curious as to what is going on inside of you. Allow yourself to slow down and take your attention inward. You may need to partially or fully close your eyes. Simply notice what is happening inside your body with no judgment. Whatever shows up is fine. Once you are paying attention inside, notice sensations, intuitive hits, physical awareness that is new or familiar. Register it all with a neutral mind. Be curious. You are simply drinking in your experience – it may offer you important information that only your inner landscape can give you. Next allow yourself to feel the underside of your body. If you are sitting, feel your sitting bones on the surface you are resting on. Feel the bottoms of your feet on the floor. Allow you awareness to drop underneath of you into the earth. With gravity you are connected to the earth all the time—so feel it! Once you are aware of this connection, allow yourself to soak up nurturing energy from this connection with the earth. Like a sponge in a clear pool of water, simply allow nourishing sensations to begin to fill you up a pace that works for you. What would that feel like? Do you best to feel it as well as seeing it. And take your time. When you are ready to move on, notice how you feel compared to when you started this inner inquiry. You have taken the first steps to full body presence. Over time, this simple practice will help you develop a fuller sense of trust and confidence in yourself and the world. Enjoy! SUZANNE SCURLOCK-DURANA, CMT, CST-D, is the author of Full Body Presence. She teaches and speaks around the world and lives in Reston, VA. Visit her online at www.fullbodypresence.com. Based on the book Full Body Presence: Learning to Listen to Your Body’s Wisdom ©2010 by Suzanne Scurlock-Durana. Printed with permission from New World Library www.newworldlibrary.com.

spiritual horoscopes

Spiritual Horoscope for June By Aluna Michaels, M.A.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) Happy birthday Gemini! You’re going to have an exciting year. You’ll make many friends and develop new interests. It would also be good to meditate on your goals. You can manifest these dreams through creative visualization. By being spiritually open and not setting limits on divine possibilities for your life, you’ll attract people and circumstances that almost “magically” make things happen!

Happy birthday Gemini! You’re going to have an exciting year. You’ll make many friends and develop new interests. It would also be good to meditate on your goals. courage now to cut loose from people and situations that drain you or take advantage of you. Meditate on prosperity and be open to exciting avenues of finances!

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Your confidence is high and you’re feeling good about taking risks. You might be getting a new job, or an exciting project at work. It’s also a great time for personal growth work. You can break through many old “programs” that keep you from being your best self. Create a meditation routine that nurtures these changes, otherwise, old voices can creep back in. Keeping your mind empowered is like weeding a garden; don’t get discouraged! Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) This is the time to make a commitment to your spiritual growth. Explore new paths, philosophies and disciplines. When you find a system that resonates with your soul, stick with it. This next year will yield amazing insights and a strong increase in intuition. The best methods might involve movement – yoga, tai chi, martial arts. You’ll also be attracting money and it’s a good time to set financial goals. Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) Mars has moved into your sign, filling you with energy and enthusiasm! It’s a great time to start a fitness program and set goals about improving your self-esteem. You’re growing so much, so examine close relationships to see if they match your ethical standards. You have the

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Jupiter is opening new doors for happiness in relationships! If partnered, you’ll have a “second honeymoon”; if single, you can meet a great new person! Meditate on releasing emotional baggage and disappointments from the past. Being in the present moment with an open heart will multiply your joy and bliss! You might also be interested in starting a martial art, or some sort of esoteric practice to increase the power of your internal “chi” energy. Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Make changes regarding your health and you ability to handle stress. You don’t like to admit weakness, but it’s not weak to respect your physical and emotional limits! It’s not about being defeated, it’s about replenishing your energy so you can be more successful in the future. You could also get an exciting new job, but make sure it won’t ask too much of you. Your new mantra is respecting your vital energies, no matter what! Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) You’re a positive person and are reaping good karma in relationships and work. You could meet a great person and start truly wonderful relationship. If partnered, you’ll be

able to reinvent your connection. Either way, you can truly release the past through meditation and your natural joy! You might also have a job offer, or be happily busy at work. People enjoy being around you–be aware of the spiritual light you bring to everyone you encounter. Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) Get excited about meditation and spiritual growth. You’ll have amazing insights into the mental “junk” that holds you back. Trust that your spiritual efforts over many years have led you to freedom. You’re so used to being emotionally jailed and limited, that it could feel uncomfortable to be free and easy—but this is your new reality! Use your spiritual seeking to receive joy instead of struggling to solve problems. Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) You mind is completely open! This is good, because as an Aquarian, you can be stubborn and stick to old concepts that limit you. The higher plane for Aquarius is having a fluid mind that is open to receive intuition and guidance form the Universe. Even if ideas seem illogical, try to follow your heart – don’t analyze them with your head. You’ll feel any depression lift and gain simple solutions to complex problems! Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) This is an exciting time for prosperity! Be open to receive! It’s also a great time for personal growth. A



June 2010

good exercise is to thank people when they compliment you, rather than ignoring it or arguing why you aren’t as they perceive you. People see your spiritual light—the result of your meditation and faith. Be grateful that the Universe is reflecting itself through you! You might also start a sexy new relationship, or revitalize the chemistry in your current one! Aries (March 21 – April 19) This is truly a time of new beginnings for you! Meditate on personality traits you’d like to release and overcome. Think about qualities you feel are a permanent part of you and ones you’ve giving up on healing. This is a time of miraculous changes, so think big! Make a change to your appearance as a symbol of moving into a new consciousness and into a new phase of your life. Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Your intuition is on fire! Ask for guidance as often as possible, because you have such a direct channel to the wisdom of your soul right now. Also, analyze your dreams for insights and creative ideas. Enjoy your playful side. You might begin a new hobby, spend more time with your kids, or start a new romance. When you surrender to your higher self, life gets streamlined and there’s more time for fun! Aluna Michaels is a secondgeneration astrologer and soul evolutionist practitioner. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than two decades. Aluna is available for appointments in her home or by phone. Call (248) 583-1663 or visit www.alunamichaels.com


Include photo or logo, name, brief description and contact info. Will be edited to fit four lines. Due by the 15th of the month. $75 for three months, $120 for six months or $180 for a full year. Must be prepaid. Contact jill@evolvingmagazine.com.

ALTERNATIVE HEALING Schaal Health & Wellness Center Network Spinal Analysis for Fibromyalgia, Allergies, Wellness. Also Quantum Touch. www.schaal.com, 913-685-1414 Dr. Jackie Devaney, Devaney Acupuncture, Chiropractic, Auriculotherapy, Nutrition, Allergies. Specializing in relieving chronic pain. Sliding scale fees. 30 yr. exper. 816-786-2623. At the Healing Place, Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reiki, ChanRi, Chakra Balancing, Astrology, Tarot, Past Life Regression, Intuitive Bodywork (816) 415-2607 www.atthehealingplace.com Raymond W Smith, Holistic Health Consultant Finding solutions to chronic problems through Structural Massage, Holistic Nutrition, Energy Healing, & Reiki. healingkc.com 816-682-5819 Neshamah Healing, Debbie Lewis, Practitioner Hands-Off Energetic Techniques. 913.636.0271 debbie.lewis91@yahoo.com InstituteofTransformationalStudies.com Nature Spirit Holistics Energy Medicine expert Author Cathleen Miller—Intuitive therapies, Conscious life counseling, Spa events, seminars www.livingthespiral.com 913-499-8514

BODY THERAPEUTICS Carol Ann Brown Massage, Reiki, CranioSacral,, Intuitive, Rebirthing, DNA Activation thebodytherapeutics.com 785-317-0448

BUSINESS SUPPORT Kenton R. Cowdry / Shop Marketing Tools Web & blog design, creativity coaching, newsletters, private social website design 913-871-0678 - ShopMarketingTools.com

COLOR THERAPY AuraAura-Soma Heart of America— America—Leiola Reeder Certified Advanced Teacher and Consultant. Offering CEUs for Massage Therapists and Nurses.816-217-3722, leiola@sbcglobal.net Monica Schaal. Schaal Use the living energies of AuraSoma color therapy to enhance your well being. Also NSA & ionCleanse. www.schaal.com, 913-685-1414

COUNSELING Dr. Jay Peters Marriage & Addictions Counselor. Smoking/ Weight Mgmt. Hypnosis. Regression/Past Life Hypnosis 913-339-9591 www.drjaypeters.com NATURAL MIND: DrugDrug-Free Mental Wellness Courses (see events), Live & Distance Coaching. Sue Westwind, MA, Holistic Mental Health Coach www.NaturalMindWellMind.com, 785-331-9630



Pranic Healing Sessions, Feng Shui, Space Clearing Rocky Patel; rcky1120@aol.com; 816-916-1823; Sherry Sutera: s.sutera@att.net; 913-488-6651 Synchronistic Healing, Casey Lesmeister Reiki for People and Pets, Quantum Touch, Sound Healing w/ Tuning Forks, Crystal Healing, Space Clearings. www.synchronistichealing.com, 913-593-4002.

ENTERTAINMENT Karen Elise - Psychic Entertainer & Coach Tarot / astrology - corporate / private events Fun for weddings, birthdays & graduations 913-636-9502 - www.KarenElise.com

Palmist, Sandy Jorgensen is available for birthdays, showers or private readings. Informative and fun! sandyj88@hotmail.com; 913-626-4554

New Day Hypnotherapy, LLC www.newdayhypno.com Smoking, weight, stress and more 913-908-6907

Simply Raw Lifestyle LLC, Tracie Walker Certified raw food chef and teacher. 816-210-8318; tracie.walker@hotmail.com

REAL ESTATE Jason Nowlin / NowlinRE Full Time, Full Service Real Estate Consultant for KS and MO. 816-994-9904, Jason@NowlinRE.com; www.NowlinRE.com


Diane Davis Reed, Reed Pathfinders Consulting Shamanic Counseling, Bioenergetic Integrative Healing, Psychosynthesis, Red Moon Lodge, pathfinder@kc.rr.com, 816-741-0820

LIFE COACH Sally L. Ford, MBA. Personal Life Coaching One-on-one, group and lazer coaching. MasterMind Groups and Power workshops. sallyford@mylifebeautiful.com 816-769-5770

NUTRITION & WELLNESS Sherree Ross, AADP, EFTEFT-ADV, ADV Reiki Master Certified Health and Wellness Coach, Workshops, Cooking Classes, EFT, Reiki, 816-808-6606, Sherree@SherreeRoss.com Tamara Creighton, Holistic Nutrition Coach, Cleanse With Friends, and Hawaiian LomiLomi tamara@tcreighton.com, 913-232-6419 www.tcreighton.com

POTENTIAL Turn on your higher brain to realize your potential. See a presentation about this revolutionary process. rsvp at www.higherbrainliving.com

PSYCHIC Traci Bray, Bray BS, MA ~ Psychic MEDIUM connecting the living with those past. Individuals and groups, small to large. Ethical, respectful, confidential. 913-940-0754 http://tracibray.com Jackie Mullinax, Mullinax Spiritual Psychic Medium. Channeled readings by phone or in person. $45 for one hour, CD included. 913-206-1294 WhenAngelsSpeak5@aol.com Angel's InSight With Steffany Barton, RN Psychic Medium, Reiki Master, Certified Past Life Regressionist. Bring Heaven to Earth! www.angelsinsight.com; 913-451-4567 21


Daniel Baxley, Shamanic Healing and Teachings, Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Sweat Lodges, Workshops. 816-769-7343, www.shamanicpathways.net



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June 2010

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YOGA Everyday Yoga & Wellness Center Yoga -Class or Private, Reiki, Massage Nutrition Counseling, IonSpa Foot Detox. 816-809-9574 www.myeverydayyoga.com Northland Yoga Center Your Yoga ~ Your Sanctuary ~ Find your Center. www.northlandyoga.com Catherine Martin, owner, 816-520-2247

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CLASSIFIED FOR SALE: StimFlex 400A Ear Acupuncture "Auriculotherapy" Device. $2000. drklug@bethanyklug.com, 913-642-1900

events June 1 Cleanse With Friends™—Whole, Natural Food Cleanse 12 noon –Kickoff first ONLINE GROUP! Jump start weight loss! Tune up your health! This is an “eating” cleanse. Kickoff 6/1 online via webinar. www.meetup.com/cleansewithfriends/calendar for more info. June 1 RAINDROP THERAPY USING ESSENTIAL OILS 6:30-8:00 p.m. Each person receives an individual raindrop treatment to boost immune system and more. $50, oils provided. Register: 913-8515100, www.rhythmicmedicine.com. Starting June 3, 2010 Eating Live, Becoming Whole Workshop Series Introduction to Live and Whole Food Nutrition 1st & 3rd Thursdays 6-8 p.m. $150/6 class course Are You Feeding What’s Eating You? – Understand Your Relationship With Food 2nd Thursday 6-8 p.m. & 3rd Saturday 3-5 p.m. $150/6 class course. Accepting the Sweetness of Life – How To Truly Live Without Diabetes 4th Thursday 6-8 p.m. & 3rd Saturday 10 a.m. – noon; $150/6 class course. All classes are limited to 10 students and require pre-registration and prepayment. For more information please contact – Dr. Kat Bowie 816.960.4525 www.thestruancenter.com June 3, 10, 17, 24 RADIANT LIVING PROXY SERIES Radiant Health, Love Singles, Love Couples or Prosperity using Resonance Repatterning®. Choose any or all sessions ... Single session $20. Teri Higbee, 913-219-6788 or www.lovewisdomwellness.com/RR_proxy.htm. June 3 Everyday Yoga Open House New Name! New Location! Open House from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. www.myeverydayyoga.com 816-809-9574 June 4 HEALING POWER OF NATURE WORKSHOP 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Learn a specific technique for gaining insights and problem solving through nature. 6 CEUs. $60—lunch included. www.rhythmicmedicine.com 913-851-5100. June 4 Ashana in concert A Transmission of Love To All Beings. Experience the Gift of Ashana’s music as she transmits the Universal Consciousness into your being through the Awakened Consciousness of Crystal Singing Bowls. Align with higher states in a full group healing. Feel the Divine Presence within a Sacred Union of Sound and Light that will take you places you’ve always dreamed of going. Darling Yoga 11711 College Blvd. Overland Park, KS 66211. Tickets: $30.00 in advance/$40.00 at the door 913-498-1144 June 5 BRUNCH & LEARN: DEPRESSION & ANXIETY TRADITIONAL AND ALTERNATIVE TREATMENTS 10:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Call Sastun Center (913) 345-0060 to register. $35 per person.

Include date, title, text and contact info. Events are due by the 15th of the month. $18 for up to 25 words; $.25 a word after that. Featured events include a boxed frame with a graphic: $33 per column inch. All events are prepaid. Contact jill@evolvingmagazine.com. June 5 MARIPOSA VETERINARY CENTER’S 1ST WHOLISTIC PET FAIR 12:30p- 3:30p 13900 Santa Fe Trail Dr. Lenexa, KS 66215; 913-825-3330 Events: Acupuncture Demonstrations 1:30p, Dog Training Demonstrations, Animal Chiropractic, Holistic Allergy Care T-Touch, Nutrition Talk , Animal Communication, Pet Photography June 5 Happy Dog Rescue Noon – 4pm. Join Brookside Barkery & Bath at their Olathe location. www.barkerybath.com June 5 Classical Feng Shui meets Quantum Biofeedback 7 to 9 pm ION’s/SEEM meeting Lawrence FREE Ancient meets quantum technology, powerful ways to reprogram stress. rondareinke@yahoo.com www.happyhealthyhomes.com June 5 PSYCHIC FAIR 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Intuitive Card Readings, Channeling, Tarot Reader, Palm Reader, Reflexology, more. www.whitelightbookstore.com, (816) 931-0116. June 6 TTouch for Dogs Workshop 1:00-5:00pm – Introduction to TTouch: modify behavior, enhance health, and build a better bond with your canine companion. Olathe, KS $80 w/dog, $45 to audit June 8 SPEAK YOUR MIND...AND ENJOY THE RESULTS! The life story of a 105-year-old lady through the eyes of her granddaughter, Ann Butenas. 6:30- 8 p.m. at Blue Valley Recreation Center: (913) 685-6000, www.bluevalleyrec.org/d/ currentguide.pdf. June 8 Cleanse With Friends™—Whole, Natural Food Cleanse 6:30 pm, Lenexa—KICKOFF! Jump start weight loss! Eat more healthfully! This is an “eating” cleanse. OP and Lee’s Summit groups begin this week, too. More info at www.meetup.com/ cleansewithfriends/calendar. June 12-13 Get Certified as a Life/Executive Coach: 2-Day, Hands-on, Overland Park Class Become an accredited Certified Coach Practitioner: 1-year continuing education, marketing, NLP. www.CertifiedCoachesFederation.com 817 657-5301, 866 455-2155 June 12 CELESTIAL TIMINGS REPATTERNING TELE-SESSION 11:30-1:30 p.m. A key celestial event is chosen monthly. Using Resonance Repatterning®, flow with the energies of the Universe affecting you. Single session $13. Teri Higbee, 913-219-6788 or www.lovewisdomwellness.com/RR_proxy.htm.

June 12 SWEAT LODGE At Gardens of Delight, Parkville. Cleanse, renew and restore the spirit. Gardensofdelight.org for more info. 816-584-0777 to register with Lynn Johnson.

Align your life intentions with this revolutionary system, and empower yourself in manifesting your dreams through the implementation of dozens of sound, color, movement and breath therapies designed to yield instant shifts in consciousness. For more information, visit www.bobbiemartin.com or call (816) 866-0075.

June 12 ENERGY WORK DAY Featuring Rich Fine. 10 a.m.-6 p.m. 10-minute energy work session, various modalities. Donation of non-perishable food item. At Mystic Treasures, 7711-E N. Oak Trfwy, 816-420-0820. mystictreasureskc@yahoo.com.

June 19 AKASHIC RECORD READINGS Noon to 5 p.m. Insights with Gretchen Grace at Mystic Treasures, 7711-E N. Oak Trfwy, 816-420 -0820. mystictreasureskc@yahoo.com.

June 12 AURA READINGS & ANGEL PORTRAITS Susan Prout, 1-5 p.m., Crescent Springs, OP. Get your Aura check up, or connect w/your angels. 816.377.3507 www.AngelDrawings.com

June 19 THE HERBAL APPRENTICESHIP At Gardens of Delight, Parkville. Introduction: 12 -month program. Hands-on school: medicinal herbs, uses, preparations, growing and healing with plants and essential oils. Lynn Johnson: 816-584-0777.

June 13 Dog-N-Jog 7 – 10:30am Join Brookside Barkery & Bath on the Country Club Plaza to benefit The Humane Society of Greater Kansas City. Details and registration at www.hsgkc.org. June 14 FIRST LINE THERAPY™ A lifestyle plan for real change for people with diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol; 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free introductory session. Call Sastun Center (913)345-0060 for information. June 15 SHIFT FROM LOWER BRAIN TO HIGHER BRAIN LIVING 7:30-8:30 p.m. Free demonstration of H.E.A.R.T. —a new way to energize your higher brain and begin to live your authentic life! RSVP at www.higherbrainliving.com. June 16 Conscious cleansing to balance your whole self with author/Energy medicine expert Cathleen Miller. 6:30-7:30pm @ Whole Foods 6621 W 119th St Overland Park. Sharing from her first book 'Living the Spiral':30 day chakra cleanse, Cathleen offers insights about conscious lifestyle choices to harmonize your whole system for optimum balance www.livingthespiral.com June 16 and repeated June 26 Symbols, Archetypes, and Metaphors of Dreaming Presented by Dr. Raphael Smith $20 per person, per class. Class size limited to 10 participants. For more information www.thestruancenter.com June 17 ENERGY, CHAKRAS, AURAS & RECLAIMING YOUR ENERGY Learn to control energy, understand how the chakras work, and how to see auras and what their colors mean. 7 p.m. $20. www.whitelightbookstore.com. June 18, 19 or 26 Empowering Yourself Through Resonance Repatterning



June 2010

June 19 ODEN REIKI & TRADITIONAL REIKI FIRST DEGREE Earn a traditional Usui Reiki First Degree Certification and receive an Oden Attunement as well (creating a sacred space and more). 8 a.m. www.whitelightbookstore.com June 21 GROUP CHANNELING This is Summer Solstice. Today we honor the longest day of light. 7 p.m. Sug. Donation: $33 Overland Park Call Maitreya at 913-839-8745 Maitreya912@gmail.com June 21 Beyond the Big Bang 6:30-8:00pm – Learn about tools & techniques to help comfort your canine companion through loud noises. Overland Park, KS $25 pat@n2paws.com ~ 816-522-7005 June 22 HOW TO CLEAR YOUR HOME SPACE And Other Ceremonial Basics Learn to use sage, fire, water, crystals and more to clear your energetic environment. 6:30–9:00 p.m. Mystic Treasures, KCMO. Love offering. Stephanie Roth: 913-515-3271, www.redfeatherconnections.com June 23 LIFE FORCE ENERGY CLASS 6:30-7:30 p.m. Introduction to energy work with Rich Fine. $20. At Mystic Treasures, 7711-E N. Oak Trfwy, 816-420-0820. mystictreasureskc@yahoo.com. June 26-27 AURA READINGS & ANGEL PORTRAITS Susan Prout, Building Awareness Fair, 3120 Harper St. Lawrence KS (Douglas County Fairgrounds) Get your Aura check up, or connect w/your angels. 816.377.3507 www.AngelDrawings.com June 26 Begins RADIANT PROSPERITY REPATTERNING 6 WEEK TELE-SERIES

June 26 TTouch for Dogs 1:00-5:00pm – Introduction to TTouch: modify behavior, enhance health, and build a better bond with your canine companion. Liberty, MO $80 w/dog, $45 to audit. pat@n2paws.com 816-522-7005

PRAY, PLAY Weekend Retreat: InterPlay awakens the human body, soul and creative mind to its peak essence. Simple forms and practices are introduced to elicit the spark of spontaneous play, dance, song, stillness and movement tempered by a bit of personal magic. Join InterPlay cofounder, author and international teacher Cynthia Winton-Henry for an unforgettable weekend where your soul takes flight, you move with the physicality of grace and the remembrance of how easy it is to play. Location: Sanctuary of Hope, KCK. Devi Wetterer 816-830-7778 or d.light18@gmail.com.

June 25-27 Journey of the Chantress with Marie Summerwood, 80 Acres, Leavenworth, Kansas. A time of chanting, drumming and dancing for women and men in skirts. $125 with $50 meal ticket. Contact: Kahla Wheeler, prairiewise@att.net or call 913-682-1198.

July 9 The Rosetta Stone Tarot Reading Method Presented by Jeanette Roth of TarotGarden.com. This is a method of reading that uses more than one deck and is terrific for any type of relationship. $25. Limited seating, 6:00pm Ramada Inn, Overland Park, KS www.kcmetaphysical.com

June 26, 10:00-7:00; June 27, 11:00-6:00 BUILDING AWARENESS FAIR 2120 Harper Street, Lawrence, Kansas Douglas County Fairgrounds, Building 21 Intuitive readers, tarot deck readers, angel messages, connections to your loved ones, dream analysis, handwriting analysis, past-life regressions, astrologists, numerologists, handson healers, BioGenesis, Reiki, therapeutic touch, sound therapy, intuitive drawings, spiritual artwork, fairy, angel and dragon memorabilia, incense, herbs, sage, gemstones, minerals, candles, card decks, specialized custom jewelry, Baltic Amber, crystals, bee products, auric field photography, organic bath salts, body/room sprays, oils, soul prints, music for the soul, amber lamps, self-awareness CDs, Teas, herbalinfused wraps. *Suggested Love Donation $5* Return 2nd Day ½ OFF. For vendor list and further details: www.thebodytherapeutics.com

July 10-11 ONENESS AWAKENING WEEKEND 9 a.m.-6 p.m. A special initiation empowering you to share the Oneness Blessing! At Hollis Renewal Center with Trainers Debra Garver and Catherine Frink. Info: Rainbow Mooon, 913.669.9185; rbmooon@att.net.

~Unlock the Mystery of Money~ Using Resonance Repatterning®, change the patterns underlying your money issues and learn true abundance and prosperity! Teri Higbee, 913-2196788 or LWW@LoveWisdomWellness.com.

June 26 THREE SISTERS MYSTERY SCHOOL 1-day intro to 9-month program on 3 ½ acres at Gardens of Delight, Parkville; 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. $45. Tap into the mysteries of the divine feminine, Ceremony, Elements of Nature, Creativity, Healing, dance your own dream! Lynn Johnson: 816-584-0777; www.gardensofdelight.org, or Catherine Martin: 816-520-2247; www.kcyogamama.com. July 6 SHIFT FROM LOWER BRAIN TO HIGHER BRAIN LIVING 7:30-8:30 p.m. Free demonstration of H.E.A.R.T. —a new way to energize your higher brain and begin to live your authentic life! RSVP at www.higherbrainliving.com. July 8 PRAYING THE BODY Open Free Public Session with InterPlay cofounder Cynthia Winton-Henry 7-9 p.m. When body and prayer unite, expect a masterpiece. Discover a soulful place to discern and welcome the wisdom of the body through practices that develop ease in movement, inner authority and stillness. Location: Sanctuary of Hope, KCK. Devi Wetterer 816-830-7778 or d.light18@gmail.com. July 9-11 INTERPLAY AS SOULWORK: CREATE,

July 10 & 11 KC Metaphysical Fair See coupon in this issue. Ramada Inn, Overland Park, KS. www.kcmetaphysical.com. Kansas City’s newest gathering of metaphysical practitioners and vendors. Aura photos, Handwriting Analysis, Tarot readings, and so much more! July 12 Introduction to Classical Feng Shui 7 to 9 pm Lawrence Public Library FREE Identify directions, elements and color that support you, your family and your home. rondareinke@yahoo.com www.happyhealthyhomes.com July 13 Introduction to Classical Feng Shui 6:45 to 8:45 pm. www.UMKC.edu/commu KCMO limited enrollment $9. Identify directions, elements and color that support you, your family and your home. rondareinke@yahoo.com www.happyhealthyhomes.com July 15, July 16-18 “THE AKASHIC RECORDS” PSI Presents LINDA HOWE July 15: Leading expert & author of How to Read the Akashic Records. Program & book signing, 7:30 p.m. Unity Temple on the Plaza, $10 Public, $5 PSI Members. July 16-18: Beginning & Advanced Akashic Records Training with Linda Howe . More info: www.psychicstudiesinstitute.org or www.akashicstudies.com July 23(9AM)-25(4pm) Kansas City Workshop July 26-27 Kansas City Private Consultations Preventing and Healing Maternal and Infant Birth Trauma with William Emerson, Birth Psychologist This workshop is for parents who gave birth or are about to, for professionals who attend birth, and for those who suffered trauma while being born. Identify the negative birth patterns impairing your life now, and what to do to align

with healthy birth experience. Find out how giving birth affects your child(ren), and if you are a birth professional, find out how to prevent birth trauma during childbirth. Bobbie Martin 816-363-0091 or bmartin6803@everestkc.net

July 30 FIFTH FRIDAYS: A LIVE MUSIC YOGA EVENT AND OPEN HOUSE 5-9 p.m. Northland Yoga Center, www.northlandyoga.com, 816-520-2247

ONGOING ONENESS BLESSING MEDITATION Every Wednesday 7:45–9:00 p.m. Join Rainbow Mooon and other Blessing Givers at Plaza Wellspring, 4901 Main #400, KCMO (US Bank Building).Love offering (optional). 913.669.9185; rbmooon@att.net.

REIKI CIRCLE Reiki Circle at Unity Church of Overland Park – 10300 Antioch, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 79pm. Love offering. All welcome. Receive a Reiki treatment. For flier email karen@karenharrison.net. 816-523-4440

BASIC LIVE & WHOLE FOOD PREPARATION 3rd Saturdays 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. $35 per class includes food, recipes, demonstration and class. drkat@kc.rr.com

WEEKLY CLASSES OFFERED IN PSYCHOLOGICAL TRANSFORMATION At Gnostic Confraternity. Create Soul & Spirit! Wed. 7:30 pm, Sat. 5 pm. All are welcome, no fee. 1507 S. Noland Rd. Independence, MO 64055 (816) 836-3384

YOUTH HEALTH, ART, & CIRCUS SKILLS SUMMER CAMPS (ages 7-17) Monday-Thursday 8:30am-3:30 Our intention at Learning2Fly is to educate, empower, and inspire youth towards a lifelong love of health: nutrition, art, exercise. Each week includes: Weight training, core conditioning, Yoga, meditation, art, craft making, painting, working in community garden, make their own hula hoop, creative movement, watching videos about human body, environment, nature hikes, and more! BYOL&S (lunch, snack) $175 www.IAmLearning2Fly.com Sumya Anani ~ 913-961-3838 HAWAIIAN LOMILOMI MASSAGE Fridays in June. A deeply rejuvenating massage for body and spirit! Lomi is performed with prayerful intentions, music of the islands, hot stones, and guided visualization. $20 off with this ad. www.tcreighton.com. AWAKEN YOUR HIGHER SELF Through a hands-on, facilitator-led process, the highest part of the human brain can be awakened—opening the door to your unlimited potential. Presentation opportunities: mona@higherbrainliving.com. YOGA FOR LUNCH Kundalini Yoga Classes each Wednesday, lunchtime (12:30-1:30). Northland Yoga Center. Call Lynn Johnson to enroll: 816-584-0777. www.gardensofdelight.org. ANUSARA INSPIRED YOGA CLASSES Meet Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9:30 a.m. at the Northland Yoga Center. $15 for a drop in class. $72 for a 6 week series. Call Lynn Johnson @ 816-584-0777. WOMEN'S WEB An evolving group of down-to-earth, real women of all ages exploring, honoring, and celebrating Goddess energy through ritual. We meet twice a month in Lawrence. For more information, email kansaswomensweb@sbcglobal.net LINK UP AT WHITE DEER LODGE 1st Wed. of every month, 7 p.m. Prayer, meditation and healing in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition. Free. No experience necessary. Daniel Baxley: www.shamanicpathways.net; 816.769.7343.



June 2010

4 DAY BIOENERGY HEALING CLINIC First Tues of the month 7-9 PM Fee: Donation. Reservations: Kim Meisinger 913-685-9939 http://web.mac.com/bioenergy/ HealingBioenergy/Movies_BLP.html GRATITUDE OPEN MIC NIGHT At the Rime Buddhist Center. Every First Friday. Search for Gratitude Open Mic on Facebook for more information. KIDS YOGA CLUB April 3, 10-11a.m. Every First Saturday for ages 5-12. Learn yoga * have fun * balance for busy little minds. 816-520-2247 www.northlandyoga.com RAIN NUTRITION MEETINGS At Viable Options (www.viableoptions.com). Wednesdays 2 p.m. Thursdays 2 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Fridays 2 p.m. Saturdays 11 a.m. RSVP for class confirmation: 816.283.0685. SPIRIT SHOW-UP 7 p.m. on the 2nd Tuesday of every month in OP to share the energy and joy as Spirit guides us. Love offering. Maitreya: 913.839.8745, Maitreya912@gmail.com MOVIE SCREENINGS, WORKSHOPS, CLASSES Sundays 5:30 p.m. Experience community, clarity, enlightenment and inspiration. Gratuity accepted. Schedule: www.likeadayatthebeach.com. Like a Day at the Beach, 11032 Quivira (College & Quivira). 913.327.3938. RESTORATIVE YOGA AT NORTHLAND YOGA CENTER Every Second Saturday, 10 a.m.-Noon. Release * Relax * Renew www.northlandyoga.com 816-520-2247 YOGA IN THE PARK IS BACK! Saturdays 8:00-9:15am. Briarcliff Lake Area. A brilliant way to start your weekend! www.kcyogamama.com 816-520-2247 Catherine Martin MCKS PRANIC HEALING CLINIC & MEDITATION Aura cleansing for emotions, pain, addictions. Every Wednesday in May, 6:30 p.m. Unity Village Fellowship Lounge. Love offering. Rocky Patel, 816.916.1823.



June 2010

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