October 2017 Evolving Magazine

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E volving

October 2017 ~ Vol. IX, Issue 8

in Kansas City

A Guide for Conscious Living



October 2017

Awaken. Come Home to Yourself. Dance in the Art of Womanhood. Experience the Power of Community As we Return to Eden, together.

November 3-4, 2017 Register at: www.drjillstrom.com/return-to-eden2



October 2017

Publisher’s Letter...

Contents Dear Friend,

He called it the "joy mode." During a press trip to Lubbock, Texas, last month, I had the opportunity to interview Dean Noel Zahler of Texas Tech University’s J.T. & Margaret Talkington College of Visual & Performing Arts about 16 multi-disciplinary research groups who are using fMRI to measure the effects of the arts on healing. It's an important project and a topic dear to my heart. The studies being conducted are finding correlations between the arts—dance, theatre, visual art, music—and results in healing. Reactions to the arts, the “results” are showing positive effects for Autism, Alzheimer's, Aphasia, Stroke, movement disorders, and to a certain extent, cancer. In one story Zahler relayed, a music professor had a student who was already a skilled musician. The teacher asked the student to play a piece with the mindset that what he was doing was the most joyous activity imaginable. A brain scan was taken before and after regular play—and then again before and after the musician played in the joy mode. The results showed an improvement in the musician's performance, but also in his brain activity for pleasure and well-being. Even more intriguing is when they had a layman listen to this same musician both during regular play and while in the joy mode. The fMRI results for the recipient were the same as for the performer. The intention of the musician affected the happiness of the listener. I wanted to share this story because we focus on the topic of energy this month. It thrills me to see science authenticating that our intentions (and state of mind) affect our health—and thus, reality.

The Energy of Knowing 10

The Darker The Shadow, The Brighter The Light 11

More than a Physical Practice, What Is Yoga Really? 12

With much love and gratitude for you, our dear reader,

Jill Dutton Stay Connected all Month! *Read the magazine online: www.EvolvingMagazine.com *Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/EvolvingMagazine *Follow us on Twitter: @EvolvingMag

Publisher Jill Dutton 913-944-1298 jill@evolvingmagazine.com Editorial Assistants Sara Zimmerman Judy Kirkpatrick Print & Web Layout/Design Alea Smith

Advertising Karen E. Cowdry Jill Dutton

A Living Room for the Neighborhood Transform Your Gut Health with This Daily Ritual

Departments News Wisdom Within Journey to Wholeness Holistic Health Eating Well Horoscope Events ON THE COVER

“Portal to…” Mixed Media on Canvas by Eugenia Ortiz EugeniaOrtizArt.com eortizart@gmail.com

Monthly Columnists Gloria Gale, Jude LaClaire, Aluna Michaels, Nancy Russell, Angela Watson Robertson, Suzette Scholtes

EVOLVING© 2017 all rights reserved. The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The articles in EVOLVING are not meant to represent any form of medical or psychiatric care. No portion of the publication may be reproduced without express written permission from the publisher.


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October 2017



Unity Church of Overland Park Receives Environmental Awards Unity Church of Overland Park (Rev. Brandon Nagel, Senior Minister) is the recipient of two awards in 2017 for its ongoing efforts to be a good steward of the environment. In June, it was one of five Unity congregations internationally to receive the “Green Star Award for Congregational Environmental Excellence” from Unity Worldwide Ministries. In April, it received “R5 Certification” by the Johnson County Board of Commissioners in recognition of its waste diversion programs and environmental stewardship. The “5 R’s” stand for:  REinvest in your company, community, economy and future.  REthink your business process, how you manage resources and your purchasing power.  REduce consumption, waste and your environmental impact.  REuse products and consciously buy reusables.  REcycle as a last resort and buy recycled products to support a closedloop system. Previously in 2010, UCOP was the fourth Unity church in the world to be recognized by Unity World Wide Ministries as a “Certified EarthCare Congregation” for completing all seven

steps on The Path to EarthCare. Finally, it has been recognized by Kansas Interfaith Power and Light as a “Cool Congregation.” Since the inception of its Green Team in 2004, well over 100 campaigns or actions have been completed to promote its Vision: To promote stewardship of the environment and an awareness of our oneness with the earth. While too numerous to mention, all have been in the areas of Sustainable Living (i.e., recycling, energy conservation, waste minimization), Natural Resources, Respect for the Interdependence of the Universe, and an Earth Care Plan to integrate a comprehensive earth-oriented spirituality into the ministry. Finally, in 2016, the Board of Directors adopted a Climate Change Resolution that declared the church’s love for and spiritual interconnectedness with all beings, and to be a leader in voice and action to protect the sustainability of our environment. www.ucop.org

Accredited IAYT Yoga Therapy Training Program in Kansas City Om Prana Yoga announces a collaborative agreement with Yoga Yoga of Austin, TX to bring an accredited Yoga Therapy Training program to Missouri and Kansas. As yoga has become more mainstream in society, the average yoga asana class has become about “following the leader” and does not readily cater to an individual’s injuries or illnesses which can potentially aggravate such conditions. Yoga as a tradition encompasses a wide range of mind and body practices, including breathing exercises, deep relaxation, meditation, and the well-known postural poses. Yoga Therapy tailors these yoga practices to the specific health needs of an individual, in many cases collaborating with their medical professional. This promotes a holistic approach to improvement of

health, and can assist in the treatment of specific medical conditions. An individualized yoga therapy program is particularly helpful for many persistent chronic conditions. Yoga Yoga has been training Yoga Teachers at the 200 and 500-hour level since 1997 and offering Yoga Therapy trainings since 2014. This Professional Training was accredited by IAYT in 2016, one of the few Yoga Therapy training programs in the country to gain this designation. Upon completion of our training program, you will be eligible for certification by IAYT (C-IAYT), the most distinguished designation in the industry. For more information, contact: info@ompranayoga.com or visit ompranayoga.com/yoga-therapy-teachertraining


Shamanic Apprenticeship Year-long Apprenticeship in CrossCultural Shamanism to be taught in Kansas City KS

October 20 at Hollis Renewal Center, in Kansas City, KS. The five weekends will be spread throughout the year ending in October of 2018. Are you interested in walking a path Participants will cultivate a deeper of ancestral wisdom in the modern relationship with nature and the unseen world? Then join in an apprenticeship world, and receive multiple program and heartfelt initiation into the opportunities for self-exploration, healing power of the Pachakuti Mesa empowerment, and profound personal Tradition as originated by Peruvian growth. This apprenticeship series is curandero don Oscar Miro-Quesada. open to all people who desire to be of This program aligns the traditional service, whether they are long-time mesa shamanic arts of Peru with the needs of carriers or new to this tradition. the present day, a transformational For more information or to register moment of planetary and human history. contact: Autumn Paige Moler, This five-part weekend intensive upsidedownmail@gmail.com, apprenticeship will be taught by don 913-602-1529; or Daniel Oscar’s sanctioned teachers Autumn Moler, dmoler777@gmail.com, Paige Moler and Daniel Moler. The 913-562-8792. experience will begin the weekend of

The Cura Convergence: Healing through Science and Spirit It’s not magic, it’s science. It’s not just science, it’s miraculous. What if we knew how to engage the miraculous because we understood it scientifically? The Cura Convergence: Healing through Science and Spirit is a book written by Kansas City Native, Dr Jill Strom, that delves into the scientific explanations that blend both ancient eastern practices and traditional western medicine. If you have come to the point in your journey where you know there is something more and that this something is the key to everything, this book is for you. “The Cura Convergence is an inspiring book that should be on the shelves of every practitioner and every person seeking to understand more about the mystery of healing. We continue to learn about the relationship of our spirit to our physical body and Cura is a magnificent addition to this library of knowledge. I hope everyone reads this book—the world would be a healthier place if they did.” ~ Caroline Myss, Author: Anatomy of the Spirit

"This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand how the body works and heals. My mind was blown as Dr. Jill provides scientific explanations


October 2017

as to why and how eastern medicine works. It's not a matter of eastern medicine or western medicine - it's both/and it's a convergence of the two. Each new page of this book brought new insight and "aha" moments. I've never completely understood chi and the flow of energy, but this book provided a scientific explanation of how energy flows through the body. The analytical side of me needs that scientific explanation to truly understand and believe how things work. -A.G. “The Cura Convergence is a beautiful, meaningful, moving, and timely treatise. It is a masterfully crafted collation of all that has been gathered the last decade in science to prove the importance of the spiritual and energetic influence on healing. This is the sort of publication that, in truth, should change the course of western medicine. “ -Jim Blake, PhD, CEO Unity World HeadQuarters The Cura Convergence: Healing Through Science and spirit is now available for purchase at Cura Integrative Health Care, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble.

Wisdom Within

5 Keys for More Success



hen I became a business 2. Discipline: We profit in our daily owner 30 years ago my routines with our spiritual practice, personal mission exercise, reading, friends and so much statement sang in my more. Yes we work hard; but, keys to heart: Expand love and caring at all levels success also lie in taking care of of service. Thus The Yoga Studio was ourselves. born. 3. Pro-Active: Never procrastinate! Did Those of you who own your own you realize the choice to procrastinate business know how tough this may is an unconscious choice to punish become. It’s always on your mind. self? Override it with conscious choice. Problem-solving and future vision is Break big projects into chunks. When always in our hearts. self esteem is high, we ask for help. The personal mission and business Always ask for help whether a mission statement is essential. Then some volunteer or a paid professional. tips to help us along this twisting path: 4. Keep Priorities in Order: Work 1. Communication: The ability to demands change daily. Keep the large communicate is one of the most goals on the board and always make important keys to success in all your daily choices pro-active. If relationships. Yet for many people, someone is hurting or in pain, put communication means speaking more by Ingram aside some work time to give Image licensed Images licensed of by Ingram generously Images than listening. And even ifImage we think to help this person. ourselves as good listeners, usually our 5. Keep the Faith: More than ever, coprimary agenda is to get our point create with the highest power in your across more than to hear someone belief of faith, hope and love. These else’s point of view. If we remain key futures carry us more to love and empathic to one another all success than we sometimes realize. communication improves. Especially hope. We need to find ways


to dream, anticipate and expect the good.

Many changes have taken place in my life this year. And it’s all good. I find those who work with me are more than willing to share, talk, care, and give to one another. The community of The Yoga Studio is open-hearted and willing to help. It’s such a gift!

Suzette Scholtes’ nonfiction writing won the prestigious “Writers Digest” award. Her passions are writing and yoga and she feels one needs a sense of humor for both. She founded The Yoga School of Therapeutics where she manages one of the region’s prestige teacher training programs. 10400 W. 103rd Street, Overland Park. www.theyogastudio.com news@theyogastudio.com 913-492-9594.


October 2017


Journey to Wholeness

The Transformative Power of NearDeath Experiences

Transforming Our Approach, Is it Mental Illness or Gift? B J L C , P .D.

How the Messages of NDEs Positively Impact the World ‘This book can do more to release Drawing extensively on her career as humanity from its fear of dying an intensive care nurse and on the rethan any book in recent sults of her doctoral research into memory’. – Neale Donald Walsch NDEs, Dr. Sartori examines the NDEs from an academic perspective, whilst ‘ This book has the power within Kelly Walsh draws on the knowledge of its pages to open the hearts her own NDE from a spiritual perspecminds and souls of tive, offering a balanced viewpoint on every person that reads it ’. this phenomenon. With their combined —Anita Moorjani wisdom we learn about NDEs, and from them. With forewords by Dr. Mick s a society we are all taught to Collins and Neale Donald Walsch, and fear death, yet for those who contributions from esteemed medical have touched it, and returned professionals such as Dr. Bernie Siegel, to tell the tale, the message MD, this book offers expert insight they’ve brought back is drastically difand credibility, alongside the heartferent. Unconditional love, divine unwarming accounts by people from all derstanding, and true universal conwalks of life who experienced life nection await us on the other side. We transformations after their NDEs. can all benefit from this message, withThe book describes how NDEs have out nearly having to die first; all we helped some contributors overcome have to do is listen to what those who suicidal feelings, has led another to have had an NDE are trying to convey. come to terms with their transgender NDEs are often transformative, not identity, and it reveals the inadequacy only on an individual level, but on a of our health system that can wrongly collective level too. In The Transforma- perceive NDEs as mental health probtive Power of Near-Death Experienclems. While recent years have seen a es , NDE expert Dr. Penny Sartori and dramatic change of attitude towards near death experiencer Kelly Walsh NDEs, they are still widely misunderbring together a selection of inspiring stood, understudied, and not adequatestories from ordinary people who have ly acknowledged. This is a huge detrihad extraordinary experiences. These ment, to those who don’t receive proper have changed the course of their lives, support, and to the wider world, who empowered them to be their true are missing out on their beautiful messelves, and shown each and every one sages of peace, love, and respect; Eveof them the power of love and acryone is interconnected, and nobody ceptance. has to fear death. The contributors range in their ages, This book is crucial in transforming backgrounds, beliefs, creeds, and cathe way we perceive NDEs, consciousreers, yet what ties them together is the ness, life after death, palliative care, a remarkable metamorphoses in their more compassionate healthcare system, lives after their NDEs. Some struggled and our universal human connection. It to integrate back into regular life, and inspires people of all cultures and repressed their NDEs, whereas others faiths to see how the love experienced felt so much love and joy during their during an NDE has the capacity to heal NDEs that they actively wanted to minds, bodies, and souls. experience another. Some had their marriages dissolve as their partners The royalties from The Transformative couldn’t understand what they had Power of Near-Death Experiences will been through, and others found their go towards supporting projects aimed soulmates having been empowered to at making a positive difference in chilfinally believe that they deserve love. dren’s lives through the work of their From setting up support groups for charitable foundation. other NDEers, to founding charities and programs across the world, the Releases November 14, 2017—preunconditional love and interconnected- order now on Amazon. Paperbackness experienced by all these people $15.95 USD/$17.95 CAD has led to them putting more positivity into the world.




t is time to re-think our ideas of mental illness based on scientific data, new kinds of research, and a different perspective of the human body-mind. Gail Saltz.MD, says in The Power of Different: The Link Between Disorder and Genius, that having this perspective, “can make the difference between a diagnosis dooming one to a life of insecurity and unhappiness or a diagnosis that helps someone access their unique gifts and open up a world of opportunity.” She asks, “What are the traits—learning differences, distractibility, anxiety, eccentric thinking, melancholy, cycling mood, and lack of relatedness—associated with the most common brain differences? What are the potential gifts, talents, tendencies, and particular sparks of brilliance or insight that often accompany those traits?” Looking at traits or behaviors as indicative of brain differences helps us to de-stigmatize and look at behaviors more constructively. The British Psychological Society published a landmark document in November, 2014, entitled “Understanding Psychosis and Schizophrenia.” The authors state that hearing voices and feeling paranoid are common experiences, and are often a reaction to trauma, abuse, or deprivations. “Calling them symptoms of mental illness, psychosis or schizophrenia is only one way of thinking about them, with advantages and disadvantages.” They further state that ‘talk treatments’ are very helpful for people with these issues. They report that anti-psychotic drugs may make the experiences less frequent, intense, or distressing but that there is no evidence that it corrects an underlying biological abnormality. This is a radical departure from the vision of severe mental illness held by many Americans and mental health professionals. In 2013, Thomas R. Insel, director of the National Institute of Mental Health, announced that psychiatric science has failed to find biological mechanisms associated with specific diagnoses. The genetic underpinnings or neural circuits that had been identified were mostly common across diagnostic groups. Diagnosis was, in this new understanding, neither particularly useful nor accurate for understanding the brain and would not be useful in guiding research. A new criteria of research called Research Domain Criteria (RDC), stating that all research must begin from a matrix of neuroscientific structures (genes, cells,



October 2017


circuits) that cut across behavioral, cognitive, and social domains (acute fear, loss, arousal). This means, for example, that researchers will no longer study people with anxiety but will study fear circuitry. What does this mean for anyone who has a trait or behavior that would be diagnosed as a mental disorder? It is important to look at possible genetic links, history of trauma or abuse, any underlying medical issue, personality type, and current situation. It is important to recognize the situation, validate the experience of the behavior and then look at ways to re-focus that energy differently. Dr. Saltz talked about the experience of David Sedaris, best-selling author, who experienced anxiety and obsessivecompulsive behaviors. As a younger boy and adolescent these symptoms “interfered with his quality of life to an exceptionally painful degree.” As he matured, his ability to focus obsessively on something became more a discipline, enabling him to be a productive writer and humorist. I suspect he may also have utilized counseling and medication to support the changes. The key point is that each person can find ways to identify and manage any challenging traits in a way that can be helpful and then experienced as a gift, a talent, or a special genius. Each person is different. Counseling, nutritional support, supplements, yoga, meditation or imagery, exercise, medication, and enriching and purposeful activities are some of the many ways to help channel the energy in a productive direction. Energy can only be useful if it has boundaries and direction. Riding the wild horse of energy takes effort, awareness, the acquiring of new skills, and persistence. I hope you will re-vision your idea of mental disorders for yourself, your family, friends, and others in our community and world. It is time for a transformation in our approach to working with different brains and behavior. They just might be a gift! Jude LaClaire, Ph.D., LCPC is a counselor, educator and author. For counseling appointments, seminars, training, supervision, speaking engagements or information on Neurobehavioral Programs or Imago Couple Therapy call 913-322-5622. For more information on Jude LaClaire go to www.kcholistic.com, drjude@heartlandholistic.com

Holistic Health

Relief for Nerve Pain (Neuropathy) BY NANCY RUSSELL, M.D.


ne of the most torturous types of chronic pain is nerve pain or neuropathy. Nerve pain is described by sufferers as burning, tingling, stabbing and shooting pain; it may have an “electric” quality, like a shock. In some cases the pain can be constant. In other cases, the pressure of clothes on the skin causes pain, a phenomenon called allodynia. Over 20 million people suffer from nerve pain because so many different health problems can damage nerves. The most common causes of nerve pain include: diabetes, shingles, pinched nerve, chemotherapy, radiation, hypothyroidism, nutritional deficiencies and drug side effects. Nutritional deficiencies that can lead to nerve pain are B vitamins, particularly vitamin B-6 and vitamin B-12. Nutrients can actually help heal nerves and not just mask the pain. These nutrients may not be effective overnight and can take threeto 12 months to see their full effect. The following nutrients have been shown to give promising results: alphalipoic acid, 300 mg twice daily, acetyl-Lcarnitine 500 to 1500 mg twice daily, vitamin B-6 50mg daily, vitamin B-12 500 to 5000 mcg daily, vitamin D, 2000 IU daliy, and vitamin E 400 U daily. Acetyl-L -carnitine can be effective in diabetic neuropathy and chemotherapy-induced pain. Strategies for pain relief differ, depending on the cause of the pain. For example, treating low levels of vitamin B12 or thyroid hormone can quickly eliminate nerve pain. But for many, taking pain relieving prescription medication is needed. It is reasonable to use prescription medication while you are using nutrition to heal your nerves. For most people, using one or two of the following medications is effective. Many who prefer a natural approach to health and healing are leery of medications and side effects. However, the chronic pain can be more toxic to your body and mind than the medications. Medications to consider are: Lidocaine patches for small areas of pain under 4 by 8 inches. The topical patch delivers 5 percent lidocaine, an anesthetizing, novocaine-like medication directly to the painful area. You should see results within 2 weeks from pain, often times faster. Another medication gabapentin (Neurontin) is an antiseizure drug that wasn’t formulated for nerve pain but can

be quite effective. This medication has been shown to be good for the pain of diabetic neuropathy and post herpetic neuralgia secondary to shingles. Lyrica is a similar medicine to neurontin and sometimes more effective. Other anti seizure medications can be effective such as topamax, Lamictal, Keppra, Trileptal and Dilantin. Tricyclic antidepressants like Elavil have been used with some success in the past but has been largely replaced by Cymbalta and Effexor which impact the brain neurotransmitters of serotonin and norepinephrine. Another option are topical pain gels made by compounding pharmacies. They compound medications together such as Neurontin, Clonidine, Ketoprophen, Lidocaine and Doxepin. There are usually less side effects from these medicines when used topically rather than going through your digestive system first. These pain gels take time to work so don’t give up on them until you have tried them several weeks. Narcotic pain relievers, which are modestly effective, are considered an acceptable treatment for nerve pain. I prefer using non-addictive treatments when possible. Another topical cream that is over the counter is capsaicin cream from the hot pepper plant. It is most likely helpful for post herpetic neuralgia or post shingles nerve pain. Essential oils can be helpful with relaxation and chronic pain and should not be overlooked. Other modalities that can be considered are chiropractic and acupuncture treatments for chronic nerve pain. For nerve pain from low spine disc bulging; these can be treated with disc decompression therapy. Don’t give up when you have chronic pain and think narcotics are the only answer. Work with conventional practitioners as well as alternative practitioners and blend the best of both worlds.

Thank you to all who participated in this year’s Conscious Living Festival at Unity Temple on the Plaza—vendors, workshop presenters, and guests! See you next year!

Nancy Russell, M.D., is a holistic Internal medicine physician, blending traditional and alternative medicine in her Kansas City northland practice for over 30 years. For more information on getting to know Dr. Russell, visit her website, www.nancyrussellmd.com or call her office at Nurturing Optimal Wellness at 816-453-5545.



October 2017

A Living Room for the Neighborhood


BY GLORIA GALE ere’s a switcheroo. Ever stop by a Starbucks and wonder if anyone would even notice if you needed a Heimlich maneuver—probably not. So, if you decide to park yourself at relatively new CommuniTea, a coffeehouse/ teashop in Downtown Overland Park, there’s more likelihood of salvation. That’s because, CommuniTea is a gathering place. It’s a shop so comfy and welcoming there’s hardly a keyboard in sight. People are talking, or just enjoying their cup. Imagine that. I discovered the place while at the Saturday morning Overland Park Farmer’s Market when I stopped by the outside kiosk for an iced coffee then decided to pay the inside establishment a visit. Claire Chadwick, Café and Hospitality manager, greeted me with a smile. I sat; she talked explaining after being a former barista with Starbucks, CommuniTea was something quite different. “It’s community driven, a non-profit so anything we make we put right back into the business. A small percentage of profits are invested back into the shop but the rest—goes out! We donate to non -profit organizations as well as provide

space and donations for groups meeting here. It’s a living room for the neighborhood. ” she says. On the menu CommuniTea serves both breakfast and lunch in a space once home to many other incarnations. “We try our best to source organic with healthy food as one of our missions. Another is being able to offer a place where artists can show their work, musicians can play and yogis can come to teach,” adds Claire. On another visit, I ordered the avocado on toast ($4.10) while my buddy ordered a bagel with egg, cheese and slice of ham ($4.99). Breakfast and lunch are offered from crustless quiche bites and banana toast to Baba Ghanoush, soup of the day or Basil and Spinach Panini. Add a selection from the tea menu, coffee, steamer and a variety of other beverages and you’re set. Expect to see a diversity of folks with no hub-bub attached. Communiteakc.com

Kansas City writer, producer, and photo stylist Gloria Gale is a sleuth when it comes to discovering interesting features for the media. Most recently, Gloria profiled area restaurants as a columnist for 435 Magazine and was on KCUR's Food Critics radio program. Want to know where to find the best tastes in town? ggale@everestkc.net



October 2017


Transform Your Gut Health with This Daily Ritual B A W R Y



f you’re health conscious at all, you’ve no doubt tried juicing. If you haven’t broken down and bought a juicer and dove into the process of peeling, chopping, and slicing, then you’ve most likely at least tried some of the various fresh juice options in health food stores and juice shops. I highly recommend juicing, as long as you’re careful with the level of sugar, yet I’m often more inclined to recommend blending (smoothies) as you get all the fiber with the juice. Plus, all the juice blends out there can get a bit complicated and sometimes it’s nice to keep it simple. However, last year I discovered the powerful impacts of drinking fresh celery juice each morning on an empty stomach and my gut is healthier than it’s ever been. According to the blog on MedicalMedium.com “Just 16 oz. of fresh celery juice every morning on an empty stomach can transform your health and digestion in as little as one week.” Their blog goes on to say “Celery juice also has significant anti-inflammatory properties making it highly beneficial for those who suffer from autoimmune conditions such as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Migraines, Vertigo, IBS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne, Lupus, Guillain-Barre, Sarcoidosis, Raynaud’s, Meniere’s, GERD, Bursitis, Restless Leg Syndrome, and Gout.” Wow. That’s powerful, but I wouldn’t have believed it just from reading about it. So I decided to give the daily celery juice ritual a try. I’d had gut inflammation, gas, bloating, and other symptoms off and on for years, so I was motivated. Plus, I’d been told in the past I had IBS, Psoriasis, and Epstein-Barr Virus. If celery juice can help with that, then why not? After drinking the celery juice each morning on an empty stomach for 5 days I saw a big difference in how I felt and many of my symptoms lessened or were completely gone. Now I’m hooked and this daily celery juice ritual is a key part of my wellness plan. Here’s how you do it:

Celery Juice Ingredients: 1 bunch organic celery* (makes approx 16 oz juice) Method: Wash 1 bunch of celery, chop, and run through a juicer. Drink



Consider Chinese Cupping or Ear Acupuncture Image licensed by Ingram Images

immediately for the most therapeutic benefits. However, if you prefer, you can also blend the celery in a Vitamix, Nutribullet, or any high speed blender with a little water and either drink as is, or strain as desired.

Health Coach Tip I keep bunches of celery prepped (chopped) and in individual containers in my fridge. Each morning I take one container out of the fridge, dump the celery in my vitamix, add a little purified water, and blend. I then strain the celery juice and drink it immediately. You want to always make the juice fresh and drink it immediately so it doesn’t oxidize in order to get the most benefits. If you find the taste of straight celery juice too strong, you can add a cucumber and/or an apple to the juice, however this will slightly dilute its effectiveness. Though juice blends are yummy and have health benefits, I’ve found that in order to get the most benefits I need to drink the celery juice fresh and without anything added but water. Angela Watson Robertson, MBA, CIHC, INHC, is known as The Reinvention Warrior, host of Masters of Reinvention, and creator of the lifechanging program, Fatigue Warrior. Not only has Angela completely reinvented her own life, she has created simple, effective tools to help others transform every area of their lives-from health, career, and money to relationships, spirituality, and sex. Find her free wellness tips, course and programs at www.angelawatsonrobertson.com. Connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter.


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When You Don't Know What to Do, Where to Go or Who to Call… Call Cat Spiritual Guidance Available In Person with Internationally Known Author, Healer, Teacher, Coach and Counselor Cat RunningElk, Author of the highly acclaimed "The Healer's Charm" and "Mystic Mommy"

www.catrunningelk.com catrunningelk@gmail.com 863-529-1866

HANDS-ON DOWSING WORKSHOP for beginning dowsers sponsored by The Dowsing Society of Kansas City on Saturday, Nov. 4 at the Prairie Village Community Center, 7720 Mission Rd, 12:30 to 5 p.m. Bring your rods and pendulum or buy them there. Includes technique taught by highly experienced dowsers and personal testimonies on dowsing and its many uses from finding underground water to monitoring your health. liannearnote@gmail.com for a brochure. Limited seating. $25 prereg. $30 door.


October 2017


The Energy of Knowing


rowing up in a health-conscious family, I have always been open to alternative health therapies. My fascination grew, leading me to the exploration of energy work, for which I developed a passion. My insatiable desire peaked a curiosity in me to comprehend just what energy work was and how to do it, leading me on many interesting journeys. In a college English class, I wrote a paper on energy work, interviewing practitioners of various styles of energy modalities, searching to comprehend the difference between them and what caused this “energy” to seem so magical. I concluded that all styles of energy work, while utilizing different techniques, were channeling energy from the same “Source.” Additionally, Universal law tells us that “like energy attracts like energy,” therefore, the intention of the practitioner and the style influence the vibration set forth from that specific modality. People are drawn to the style or practitioner that most resonates with them, at that particular time, yet all are equally valid. Still a novice, I continued to search. My quest led me to a book entitled, Wheels of Light, a Study of the Chakras by Rosalyn Bruyere. D.D., which served to be a wealth of information. Bruyere, an intuitive healer, is gifted with the ability to read the human energy field and see patterns of disease and energetically transform the tissue at a cellular level. This amazing ability along with her collaborations with physicians and scientists in medical research have earned her the reputation as one of the nation’s most successful healers. Of her numerous medical research projects, the one noted in her book which captivated me, was her research at UCLA, along with Dr. Valerie Hunt. It was in this project that her skills in perceiving and interpreting auric phenomenon were first perceived. Her book diagrams each chakra showing the various waves of energy for each one. It was this that created a foundation for my understanding of energy work and continued to peak my interest. My fascination drew me to study energy work with a Shaman Healer, learning to do hands on healing and


working with crystals and gemstones. I invoked energy in ceremonial medicine wheel ceremonies, took a course at a hospital in Therapeutic Touch, extensively studied the chakras and auric field experimenting with various techniques to balance and heal them. I became a Master in Usui and Mahatma Reiki, as well as developing my own style of working with the life force energy. I studied and practiced Reflexology, Aromatherapy, and became certified in various forms of bodywork and energy work, including achieving licensure as a massage therapist, for which I have worked professionally for the past 19 years. My journey led me to work at five-star resorts and spas, chiropractic offices, healing centers, as well as having my own healing business and Image licensed by Ingram Images pioneering a successful international internet talk radio show for varied depending on the beliefs of the five years, entitled “Intuitive Living” Observer. The same experiment with an discussing spiritual and holistic topics. Observer of a different belief carried a Through all of these experiences, I different result, thus demonstrating that developed the ability to sense and “read” the energy particles respond according to the energy in the body, especially the what we believe they will do. In Gregg’s chakra centers. workshops, he validates this by showing a While hosting my radio video of a woman with a massive tumor show, I had the receiving energy healing from Tibetan opportunity to interview practitioners chanting healing mantras many reputable and expressing “it is done” and focusing on the interesting healers and tumor dissolving. The tumor is displayed authors, one of which was in real time and, as the practitioners Gregg Braden. Hearing chant, the tumor amazingly dissolves Gregg speak at various before your very eyes! In my interview workshops and reading his with Braden, we discussed these findings, books, I was enthralled along with the power of “knowing” and with his work. Gregg, a the impact it has in energy healing. When trained scientist, is gifted we think, believe or know something, it with the ability to explain changes our vibration of energy, thus difficult concepts in layman’s terms that drawing to us that which we are vibrating. people can understand. His presentations Although all are valid, the energy of are instrumental in bringing the “knowing” is more intense and dramatic realization of quantum physics to the than the vibration of “believing,” leaving mainstream. He disseminated conclusions no room for doubt or fear. of experiments demonstrating how results

“When we think, believe or know something, it changes our vibration of energy, thus drawing to us that which we are vibrating.”



October 2017

Understanding this concept made a huge impact on me. Shortly after my interview with Gregg, my cat became deathly ill due to his bowel not functioning. The vet gave little hope for him. Remembering the “power of knowing,” I performed hands on healing and Reiki for my cat, “knowing with absolute faith and trust that, it was done.” Within 15 minutes he jumped down from the table where he lay, went to the water and food bowl and began to eat for the first time in over 24 hours. In the morning, I took him to the vet where they once again x-rayed him and his bowels had completely opened! He is still with me today and I am extremely grateful for understanding and utilizing the power of “knowing” along with the Reiki I was taught. I utilize this in all of my healing sessions. To many the concept of energy work still seems foreign and imaginary—but it is science. Albert Einstein tells us: “Everything is energy. That’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want. You cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics.” Knowing and practicing this will absolutely change your life in every way. The Universe responds to the vibration that you send out. Like energy attracts like energy and it returns to you in physical form. It’s really that simple! Therese Inzerillo specializes in energy work, counseling, speaking, teaching and writing to uplift, inspire and educate. She is a LMT, Holistic Healer, Interfaith Minister and Intuitive and offers massage, energy healing, counseling, classes, ceremonies, sacred journeys and retreats through her businesses “The Blooming Lotus” and “Namaste Journeys”. Her goal is to inspire people to live their best life! She is a Kansas City native, where she currently resides, but lived and worked in Phoenix, Arizona for 15 years, where she practiced her holistic therapies at a variety of top spas and healing centers, taught at holistic colleges and spiritual centers, hosted her own international talk radio show, “Intuitive Living” and organized and produced spiritual conferences and workshops. She can be reached for classes, workshops, speaking engagements or private appointments at thereseinzerillo@gmail.com or 602-5791994.


The Darker The Shadow, The Brighter The Light


he was born to unwed teenage parents and wore feed sack dresses her grandmother made. She was molested at age 9, then again at 13. At 14, she gave birth to a son who died in infancy. She was literally dirt poor, repeatedly abused and discriminated against. Today, Oprah Winfrey has a net worth of over $3 billion and is a “ leading philanthropist. Her journey is but one example of what is possible when you experience incredible trauma, overcome the odds, do your inner work, reclaim your life force energy, and direct it toward your passion and purpose. There is a direct mirroring relationship between our dark and our light. The depth to which we must excavate to find the rejected, unloved, and hurting parts is the height to which we can soar once we reclaim that aspect of self; and, with it, reclaim that priceless life force energy. Though it may seem counterintuitive, the amount of life force, passion and creative energy that you have access to is directly proportional to the amount of inner personal work you do. Said another way, it is proportional to the amount of transformation and self-acceptance you gain from the conscious understanding of self, which can only be acquired through courageous and dedicated psychospiritual work. How is this possible? Because it takes a massive amount of effort and energy to suppress, deny and hide. It's like trying to keep multiple beach balls submerged in a pool. Lose your focus and one of those suckers will pop up and break the surface in a heartbeat. The deeper under water you hold the ball, the higher above the water it shoots up when released. Yet this is how we treat our deepest wounds, traumas, and pain. We tie up a huge amount of life force—every day—to keep our unresolved issues under wraps, to keep our secrets hidden, and to pretend that everything in our world is just fine. And the stink of it is, we don't even know how much energy this practice steals from us each day because we have been

investing this energy since we were children. This energy drain has become "normal" and, therefore, goes unnoticed. At some point as a child (actually, multiple times throughout childhood and even adulthood), we experience a trauma that we never want to experience again. It is too big and painful to process in its entirety, so we create a belief about ourselves to explain why it is happening and then send the unresolved, ” unprocessed parts of the experience underground. It becomes a wounded part of our psyche, often called the wounded child. The Sufi call this the sacred wound. The wounded child's job is to feel all the stuff you didn't want to feel when the traumatic event occurred. It gets to live with those emotions on a daily basis so you don't have to. The wounded child actually performs a critical job by taking the emotions into the unconscious so that you can function on a conscious level. It lives with the pain every day, in the shadow, so you don't have to. This wound then sets up the development of the ego structure and personality. We all have multiple core wounds, and our ego develops personality traits and defense mechanisms based on these major experiences. This is nothing new, and it is common to all human beings. Yet what we do from there is most definitely not the same. This is where the courageous and dedicated psycho-spiritual work comes in. When we go poking around in our wounds, our shadow, our unresolved issues and triggers, the ego sounds the alarm. Danger! Danger! Keep out! And we start throwing up defenses like we're boarding up the house in a hurricane. Yet the very defenses that were designed to keep us safe at one time actually hold us back and prevent us from achieving our dreams and goals. Our internal protector parts can even sabotage us, all for our own good they would say. "Don't stand out. Don't make that much money. Don't be too ambitious. Don't fall in love. Don't trust him." Have you ever experienced your own psyche sabotaging your dreams? There's a wounded child in there, and she's petrified.

There is a direct mirroring relationship between our dark and our light.



When we live in a space of fear, constantly being regressed by emotional and environmental triggers, we stay fixated in lower chakra consciousness, especially the first chakra. The first chakra is about security, safety, physical needs, a roof over our head, money, food and other daily necessities. It is home to our primal instincts. When we are unable to evolve past our core wounds, there is little chance that we will have the energy, focus or wherewithal to pursue higher level passions and dreams. When we persist—with love and compassion, not force and intimidation we eventually begin to uncover the parts of ourselves we have relegated to the shadow. We recover the disowned, denied, unloved parts of ourselves that desire more than anything to be loved, understood and embraced. This is the path to wholeness—loving, understanding and accepting all of ourselves. Not cleaving off and banishing the parts we deem as wrong, unacceptable or unworthy. This judgment only creates more fracturing, more pain. And saps more of our precious energy. When we integrate lost parts back into the whole, we no longer have to spend energy protecting, defending or denying them. We have looked at the part, accepted it, loved it, and reclaimed it. And no one can terrorize us or use it against us again. Tremendous energy is freed up that

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October 2017

we can now direct towards more grand and fulfilling purposes. We can shine our light without fear. I use the example of Oprah because she is well known, but you know people in your own community whose dedication to their inner work—and subsequent exuberance—inspires you. Use that inspiration to fuel your own transformation, to unleash your life force. Sometimes we need examples because it is truly difficult to trust that opening the Pandora's box of our unresolved issues is actually going to create any kind of benefit for us. Trust. Do your inner work. Reclaim your life force. Shine your light. Stephanie Red Feather is a shamanic spiritual healer, teacher and life coach who has been serving the Kansas City metro for over 10 years. She offers private sessions as well as multiple workshops, trainings and products to support deep transformation and spiritual growth. Her specialties include shamanism, divine feminine mysteries, thriving as an empath and embodiment. Visit her website: www.redfeatherconnections.com or call her at 913-515-3271.


More than a Physical Practice, What Is Yoga Really?

may be classified under chakra based methods. They also may develop more specific or broader labels, such as “energy focused body work.” They may develop their own “schools,” such as Brennan Shiatsu Healing Science. Some of these labels are trademarks for that school of practice. Because of this, some believe the term “yoga” should refer only to the Hindu BY SHIRLEY FESSEL, MA, MED basic practice of meditation, body posture oga” seems to be a term and breathing discipline. Practices which thrown about at will. Just seem to depart from these, however, are check any commercial still based on the participants’ inner parodying a woman crossenergy and body work with a goal toward legged on a mat with lone candle integration and unification with larger or Chakra Based Chi Healing flickering in the background selling intangible forces. Methods cereal. Yoga, a Sanskrit word “yui” Each person can find what fits a meaning “yoke” or “union,” has evolved to workable definition of a yoga practice. Examples of chakra-based healing refer to many systems of practices for The concept of yoga – a specific set of methods include: Reiki, qi-gong, mental and physical health based practices for inner and outer integration therapeutic touch, healing touch, primarily upon Eastern wisdom. and health – has proven too broad to be kundalini, quantum touch, energetic Image licensed by Ingram Images Originally part of Hindu spiritual and unwinding, EmoTrance, cranio-sacral limited to a traditional practice. Instead it ascetic discipline, yoga integrates breath more closely refers to a conscious attempt therapy, Trager® movement. control, simple meditation and body to work with physical and nonphysical Meridian Based Chi Healing Non-Chi Based Energy Healing forces for overall well-being. postures for energy or “chi” flow in the body. The concept of “chakras,” or energy Methods Hopefully having these three Examples include shamanic work, centers, is Eastern as well, beginning in classifications will serve as a beginning Matrix Energetics®, flower essences, Examples include EFT (Emotional India. Canada and the United States have Freedom Technique or “tapping”), angelic healing, dream work, and spiritual guide to the myriad possibilities for yoga joined India in being the top three yoga practice enjoyed today. Touch For Health® kinesiology forms, inquiry. practicing countries since 2011. Once you begin with a practice, feel Practitioners are free to develop their lomilomi (Hawaiian massage), Yoga is not a religion but seeks to join acupuncture, Healing Touch®, shin jin own methods out of their experiences and free to try others. There is no limit to what the individual self with higher can work for each person in a rich study. They also often develop unique jitsu, and EnergyMedicine, as coined by consciousness, universal spirit or the methodology for enhanced physical, labels for their practice. For example, Donna Eden. divine through uniting the energy body mental, emotional and spiritual “bioenergy healing/domančič method” integrative health. Some other examples are listed in the Chakra Meridian Non-Chi Based chart. There may not be agreement on which classification a specific modality  Shuddhikaran Kriya  Polarity Therapy  Laura Alden Kamm’s Intuitive belongs to. Consult the practitioners.  Faradarmany Development for Healing  Pranic Therapy  CinergE for Animals  Theta Healing (Theta Brain Waves)  Quantum Touch Shirley Fessel, MA,  Jin Shin Acutouch  Life Alignment MEd writes about a  Restorative Touch (RT)  Violet Flame Healing variety of women’s  Intuitive Healing with Spirit Energy –  Deigadda Energy Works  The Emotion Code with kinesiology concerns, especially high vibrational, feminine energy  Neuro-energy Transmission Therapy,  Arcing Light spiritual, physical and  Sacred Healing Light  Huna emotional health. Her  Shuddhikaran Kriya  Lazio Akashic Field Therapy most recent work is Beth  Bioquantum Energy Healing Moore: The Courage to be Willing, a memoir of recovery from chronic  Jin Shin Jyutsu illness with compulsive overeating, is available  Geo-pathic Stress Healing on Amazon and Kindle.  NeuroModulation Technique and Biocell Therapy


and spirit. The strict meaning of yoga involves specific practices. The broader meaning has evolved to diverse forms of energy work for healing. Devotees of a particular yoga practice are as numerous as those who use an eclectic approach, sampling many forms to find a combination that works for them. The plethora of choices can be confusing. This article seeks to clarify some of the varieties of yoga practice, many of which have local teachers featured in this issue. Here are some of the main approaches to yoga work.



October 2017

Spiritual Horoscope

October 2017 Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22) Happy birthday Libra! This will be a prosperous, fulfilling year! Starting now, make a list of goals, whether romantic, financial, physical, or whatever. Empowered, confident Mars moves into your sign this month so make your list BOLD! Be clear with the Universe about your desires so you can get clear results. You’re in a balance of being assertive, yet graceful. People will be happy you’re allowing your true self to shine through the usual people-pleasing. Much to your surprise, you’re even more likable! Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) Joyous, harmonious, desire-granting Jupiter moves into your sign for twelve months! It’s the start of a twelve-year cycle for you. Meditate to release and forgive old relationship wounds. Also practice self-compassion so you can truly feel self-love and open a channel to feel the love of others, and the love of the Universe. Open up to new romantic partnerships. Even if already coupled, see him/her with fresh eye and a healed heart. Keep a gratitude list everyday to stay tuned into abundance and happiness. Your body heals as you drop defenses and become gentler.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) Cultivate your inner life. Meditate; walk in nature; ponder the meaning of your dreams; create art. Also, examine your beliefs and see how loving they are. Old, critical subconscious messages can be uncovered and healed. Renew your mind with thoughts that embrace your deepest soul and empower you with faith and action! Bond with friends who have a strong spiritual center to reinforce your commitment to personal growth. Living from your values prospers you emotionally and financially, so stay true to yourself!

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) You can have effortless success at work! Open up to receive the blessings life wants to hand you. This makes up for times you’ve struggled in the past without reward, so please believe you deserve what’s presented now! You can even have an awesome job offer! Make time for fun. Find new groups of people who have your same interests and

passions, and who prioritize playtime as a valid, sacred healing opportunity.

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18) This is an amazing career month, and can even be the start of a twelve-year high point! Meditate and visualize prosperity, respect and success. Open to receive huge karmic rewards that are due you! On a deeper level, you’ll feel aligned with your truest self. You can be flooded with self-love. You’ll feel clear about life purpose and capable of living in that enlightened state most of the time. Being an Aquarius is not just about book-learned intellect, but also accessing the wisdom of the Universe through intuition and insights. Right now, a higher percentage of “spiritual smarts” is available to you!

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20) Often Pisces feels a split between the body and spirit. Part of your spiritual path is to feel your soul inhabiting your body and healing you at a deep level. Meditate on a loving presence permeating every cell in your body and every thought in your mind so you’re entirely surrounded by love physically and mentally. This practice heals wounds of betrayal and other disappointments. You’ll be capable of profound intimacy in relationships since you are fully trusting the essence of life!

Aries (March 21 – April 19) You can start a sizzling new romance — or rekindle the spark in your current partnership! Aries can get bored in relationships after the initial excitement fades. But Jupiter in Scorpio these next twelve months enhances your ability to


go beyond fear of abandonment that is cloaked as “boredom”. Instead, you’ll see this deeper layer of trust and love as an exciting new exploration, which is a never-ending newness that you crave. Financial prosperity will also flow!

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) Like your Aries pals, it’s a great relationship month! Things improve and you can easily communicate your heart. It’s often hard for you to find words, and to trust others want to listen and respect your ideas. Breakthroughs happen in current connections, or you can meet someone new who is a thoughtful listener. Also, become a better listener of your body. What are your cell and organs saying to you? Maybe you can change your diet, or have more rest and stress-reduction activities. Hear your body’s messages with love, just as people are lovingly listing to you.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) This is definitely an awesome relationship month! It feels fun to get to know people, and also fun to re-discover a present partner. As Jupiter moves into Scorpio for a year, recommit to health affirmations and visualizations. Eating well can be enjoyable! Incorporate stress reduction practices like yoga or daily meditation. Your witty brain works better when you dote on your body! You can also have an exciting work promotion or a prosperous job offer.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) We so often hear about our childhoods messing up our lives, but right now, you’re drawing from a “positive piggy bank” of your past! Meditate on values that have been instilled in you, and how you bless others with that internal, unwavering focus. Relationships improve as you praise yourself for how much you’ve evolved and how you’ve unfolded as an awesome soul! If single,


October 2017

you can meet someone and don't feel you’re bringing negative “baggage,” but rather armfuls of good energy!

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) Meditate on forgiving “issues” with family. See how those stories impact your ability to be happy in the present moment. Be observant of your habitual thoughts. You can keep the past alive by reliving it subconsciously — by buying into your undercurrent of negativity. Take charge of your brain, and old problems can suddenly heal because you’re not empowering them with your mind energy. Breakthroughs happen in close relationships, self-esteem and even in your career!

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22) This is an awesome money month! Meditate on prosperity. Journal about limiting beliefs about success. Write affirmations and post them where you can see them and repeat them often. Gather a few friends to be a positiveminded group that supports each other’s higher thinking. As always, Virgo, beware of self criticism. Cultivate joy and humor and you’ll advance quickly toward chosen goals without being mean to yourself!

Aluna Michaels is a second-generation astrologer. She also holds a Masters in Spiritual Counseling and has been teaching and consulting for more than three decades. Her book “Spiritual Gifts of the 12 Astrological Signs” is now on Amazon in Kindle version and as an E-book on her website. Aluna is available for appointments in her home, by phone or Skype. Call (727) 239-7179 (no texting please), or text (248) 583-1663 or visit www.alunamichaels.com


REGINA COMPERNOLLE Home Herbalist Courses, Apprenticeships, Women’s Sacred Studies, Astrology, Tarot, Consults, Women Drumming 816-547-0266; www.SacredEarthArts.com

INTUITIVE ENERGY COACHING Intuitive Life Sessions & Wellness Retreats with Master Practitioner Cathleen Miller. Limited Time New Clients Book 30 Get 30 FREE @ www.IntuitiveLifestyleSuccess.com KIRSTEN HARWICK MILLS, CHt, CAT Akashic Readings, Certified Hypnotherapist, Advanced Akashic Teacher, and Past Life Regression. In office or remote. kirsten@silentsynergy.com, 913-370-7007 silentsynergy.com

KAREN ELISE - PSYCHIC ENTERTAINER & COACH Tarot / astrology - corporate / private events Fun for weddings, birthdays & graduations. 913-636-9502 www.KarenElise.com

NEW DAY HYPNOTHERAPY, LLC Carol Henderson, CH. Stress, Fears, Stop Smoking, Lose Weight, Grief & more. www.newdayhypno.com 913-908-6907

SANCTIONED TEACHERS of Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, offering shamanic healing, education, and sacred ceremony. 913-602-1529 www.lodgeofthepeople.com

SPIRITUAL GROWTH STEPHANIE FORCIER, BA, CAP, Personalized Infinity Sessions, SoulLevel Coaching, Workshops, Events; align with profound life-enhancing truth and your infinite nature, 816260-2438, www.infiniteforcier.com

NUTRITION & WELLNESS NUTRITION CONSULTANT JACKIE CALDWELL HHC, BS Jackie works with you to restore digestive health by eating a grain free diet. Contact Jackie at 913-980-5605 www.grainfreewellness.com

REV. STEPHANIE RED FEATHER, MS SHAMANIC INTUITIVE HEALER, COACH & FACILITATOR Feminine mysteries, energy therapies, Priestess Process, initiations, shadow work, speaking 913515-3271, redfeatherconnections.com

LORI BLANKINSHIP, ND Naturopathic Family Practice. Your Source For Natural Health & Wellness. Shawnee, KS 913-602-3538 myvillagemedicine.com

WELLNESS PETS N2PAWS—Harmony & Balance for your animal companion with TTouch, Reiki, Doga, & Essential Oils (specializing in recovery, senior, & hospice) www.n2paws.com 816-522-7005 DOG’S WORLD OF FUN Boarding/Grooming/ Daycare. 1220 W. 31st KCMO 816-931-5822 www.dogsworldoffun.com Find us on Facebook

CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING SCHOOL Classes and individual sessions in energy healing and meditation. NCBTMB approved courses. www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com

HOLOS UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SEMINARY Studies in Spirituality & Health. Graduate degrees grounded in scholarship, self-development & Research: www.holosuniversity.org



KELLY MURPHY-BOULÉ —Certified Hypnotherapist, Healing Touch Energy, Intuitive Readings, Holistic Nutrition, Young Living Essential Oils. www.hypnokelly.com 913-634-7553


GIFTS & DECOR SWORDS & MORE A great shop for meaningful gifts like Candles, Fairies, Swords, Crystals, and more to meet your Holistic & Metaphysical needs. 123 S Mur-Len Olathe, KS 66062


REPATTERNING Shirley Collins, LSCSW. Change your thinking, change your life. An energy based system working with the brain for life change. $125 for 60 min session. 913-608-3424. www.insightandbeyond.com

Your Sacred Bleuprint, Beverly Friend Karmic Clearing and Numerology www.yoursacredblueprint.com 209-728-8400

SPECTRUM-A NEW AGE SHOP 7827 N Oak Trafficway, Kansas City Missouri 64118; 816-321-2658’ www.spectrumreiki.com Spectrum.newageshop@gmail.com

Helping people going through health, career, & relationship transitions gain clarity & move forward in your unique Soul Purpose. Complimentary Soul Abundance Breakthrough session. 913549-0280 www.sarahpchapman.com

AT THE HEALING PLACE Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy, Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Astrology, Tarot, Shamanic Healing, Intuitive Readings 816-415-2607 www.atthehealingplace.com

PSYCHIC PROTECTION SANCTUARY Psychic protection & energy healing education to help you live an empowered, balanced, healthy life. Facilitator Maya Zahira www.MayaZahira.com.




RETREATS GODDESS PILGRIMAGE TO CRETE WITH CAROL CHRIST, a life-transforming sacred sites journey for women, spring and fall. www.goddessariadne.org.



October 2017

RIORDAN CLINIC The Riordan Clinic has over 40 years of experience integrating lifestyle and nutrition to help you find the underlying causes of your illness. 21620 Midland Drive Suite B Shawnee, KS 913.745.4757 www.RiordanClinic.org

YOGA THE YOGA STUDIO (a division of the Yoga School of Therapeutics) 10400 W. 103rd, #14, Overland Park. All levels, teacher’s training and new flow classes 913 492 9594 www.theyogastudio.com

YOGA PATCH 19 instructors, 60 wkly classes, all levels. Pay What You Can + $5 classes available. Event Space Rentals + Classes/Workshops Galore. YogaPatch.com; 816-268-4660 GLORIA'S GENTLE HATHA YOGA Over 30 years experience, emphasis in toning, stretching and learning breathing techniques to manage stress and anxiety. www.gloriasyogacenter.com gloriasyoga@comcast.net - 913-638-3906

OCTOBER 18 AGNT RALLY AT UNITY VILLAGE The Association for Global New Thought (AGNT) is bringing together New Thought leaders for a peace rally. Unity Village Chapel, 1901 NW Blue Parkway, Unity Village, MO 64065, 816-251-3590.

OCTOBER 5 WOMEN'S FULL MOON CIRCLE Full moon ceremony with guided meditation, craft, music and other activities. Bring a snack to share and blanket or floor pillow if you like. $5 donation 7-9 p.m. Aquarius, 3939 Broadway, Kansas City, MO 64111 816-931-6303

OCTOBER 18-NOVEMBER 8 ENERGY, CHAKRAS AND YOU! Four-week series: Fun, interactive class to learn basics of energy work and chakras. Learn to cleanse and balance chakras, use a pendulum, meditation and a variety of tools. Wednesdays October 18- November 8, 6-8:30 near Englewood and Broadway. $80 for series or $25 per class. Credit/debit accepted. Pre-registration required. Instructor: Therese Inzerillo Please call 602-579-1994 or thereseinzerillo@gmail.com

OCTOBER 28 & 29 ADVANCED AROMATHERAPY This is not a “brand specific” class; it’s about the essential oil and how to use it! Hurry….Early bird pricing available! Enroll at wellspring.edu/continuingeducation/ or call Danielle @ 816-523-9140.

NOVEMBER 10 "SOME ENCHANTED EVENING" GALA & AUCTION BENEFIT AT UNITY TEMPLE ON THE PLAZA 6-9 p.m.; $50/ticket includes fabulous food, open bar, live entertainment. www.unitytemple.com

NOVEMBER 3, 4, AND 5 ORACLES OF AQUARIUS PSYCHIC FAIR Come get readings, healings, aura photographs, massages, Akashic Records and more. No admission fee. All readings $30 from leading readers. Aquarius, 3936 Broadway, Kansas City, MO 64111 816-931-6303

NOVEMBER 11 DRUM MAKING WORKSHOP at Reinvent Your Health Create and make your own 14 or 16 drum with Elk or Buffalo hide. To sign up visit www.AtTheHealingPlace.com or call 816-415-2607.

NOVEMBER 4 INTUITIVE READING AND OCTOBER 5 DRAWING NIGHT OCTOBER MOON LODGE With Tammy Barton and Sheri Gathering under the Full Moon, the Woxland At The Healing Place 816-415 women in community will craft sweet -2607 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Medicine in circle, led by Lyn Fifield. $25.00 per person. During this We will create a Dreamcatcher, a OCTOBER 20-22 Dancing String, or a Sacred Feather PACHAKUTI MESA TRADITION wonderful evening you will receive special messages from your loved ones Fan. If you have beads, feathers, leather (PMT) APPRENTICESHIP who have crossed over and guidance cording or pieces, bring to share! 7— SERIES (WEEKEND ONE) from your angels and spirit guides. 9:30 p.m. Lyn's House, 15600 Quivira A cross-cultural shamanic tradition www.AtTheHealingPlace.com or Rd., Overland Park, KS dedicated to personal and planetary RSVP lyn.fifield@gmail.com, or transformation, PMT will deepen your call 816-415-2607. 913-244-7045 relationship with the Earth and the NOVEMBER 3-4 unseen realms. Led by Sanctioned PMT WOMENS HEALTH SUMMIT AT OCTOBER 8 Teachers, Daniel and Autumn Moler 7 UNITY VILLAGE TIBETAN MONK FIRE PUJA p.m. FRI to 4 p.m. Sunday Hollis Come home. Return to Eden. Join us Participate in our fire ritual in our Renewal Center, 11414 Kansas Ave, for the Women's Health Summit at parking lot for the purpose of healing Kansas City, KS Unity Village. Register at and protecting as the monks make RSVP www.lodgeofthepeople.com, www.drjillstrom.com/return-to-eden2 offering to the deity of their home upsidedownmail@gmail.com, or monastery and we all receive the 913-602-1529 NOVEMBER 4 blessing. Donation to the monks. 6:30 HANDS-ON DOWSING p.m. - 9 p.m. Aquarius, 3936 Broadway, OCTOBER 21 WORKSHOP Kansas City, MO 64111 816-931-6303 JIM NUA--CENTERPATH for beginning dowsers sponsored by SEMINAR The Dowsing Society of Kansas City on OCTOBER 10 CenterPoint. called the greatest Saturday, at the Prairie Village CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING philosophy of life since Buddhism, Community Center, 7720 Mission Rd, CLINIC presents a complete roadmap for life's 12:30 to 5 p.m. Bring your rods and Experience the benefits of energy journey. Add a new tool to your pendulum or buy them there. Includes healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, spiritual arsenal. No charge 11 a.m. - 2 technique taught by highly experienced Mission, KS Reservations 913-831-4422 p.m. Aquarius, 3936 Broadway, Kansas dowsers and personal testimonies on 7:15 p.m. $20 City, MO 64111 816-931-6303 dowsing and its many uses from finding www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com underground water to monitoring your OCTOBER 24 health. Email liannearnote@gmail.com OCTOBER 13 CORE STAR ENERGY HEALING for a brochure. Limited seating. $25 MIND MENDING, SOUND CLINIC preregistration. $30 at the door. BENDING MEDITATION Experience the benefits of energy Mark Allen Gossman will perform at healing. 6045 Martway, Suite 104, Unity Church of Overland Park, 103rd Mission, KS Reservations 913-831-4422 & Antioch, OP. 7 p.m. $15. 7:15 p.m. $20 913-649-1750. www.CoreStarEnergyHealing.com



October 2017


SERENITY PAUSE™ MEDITATION 7 DAYS A WEEK - 365 DAYS A YEAR, 12:10 p.m. to 12:40 p.m. and 5:30pm to 6 p.m. Both chairs and mat/cushions are provided.. Includes mediation instruction and time to sit. Unity Temple on the Plaza-707 W 47th Street, KC, MO 64112. REIKI CIRCLE Unity Church of Overland Park –10300 Antioch, OPKS. 2nd and 4th Mondays 7 -9 p.m. Love offering. All welcome. Receive a Reiki treatment. For flier email karen@karenharrison.net 816-523-4440 ENERGY HEALING SESSIONS FOR CANCER PATIENTS AND VETERANS By Appointment. The Kansas City Healing Project provides energy healing sessions for cancer patients and veterans. Our clients have been experiencing a reduction of their stress, anxiety and pain levels. These sessions are provided at NO COST to the client. Contact John Hoefer at 816718-6358 for details. KansasCityHealingProject.org

U-NITE INTERSPIRITUAL SERVICE Join us at Unity Temple on the Plaza for our weekly 'interspiritual' service SUNDAYS 4:30-5:30PM (YOUTH PROGRAM available for ages 5+). www.uthrive-in-unity.com


SOMAENERGETICS PRESENTS — ENERGY VITALITY TECHNIQUES - PHASE 1 Coming soon! Learn to use tuning forks in your practice from the designers of the Solfegio Tuning Fork. Enroll at wellspring.edu/continuingeducation/ or call Danielle @ 816-5239140.



October 2017

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