Волонтерски Интернационален Забавен Аниматоз - Volonteer International Entertainment Magazine
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Welcome to the summer edition! Dear readers, in front of you is the summer edition of our magazine V.I.Z.A. Visa for a better entertainment, an animation visa for your free time. This is the only visa worldwide for which you’re not obliged to pay and wait. Our VISA will be here regularly to extend ITSstay In the world of positive thoughts. Responsible for Visa are young, international and local volunteers who will try to justify your “wasted” time with quite innovative and new contents.
underground villages in CapCappadocia, one of the most mysterious places in the world. padocia. Created underground Fairy chimneys, rain wind cities with tunnels that connect the villages. There are supply and flood waters are the form of cone formed by eroding the warehouses, water wells, uninstructure of tuff. The main terrupted ventilation vents, and toilets that allow thousands of formation of Cappadocia is volcanoes. The borders of Cap- people to shelter for a long time padocia drew the famous ge- without ever leaving. Cappadoography of the Roman ancient cia, which is an important place in tourism, is also famous with period Strabon for the first time in history. Formation of fairy balloon tours. If you want to see chimneys has been spreading whole Cappadocia from sky, for long period time and has you can take part in balloon tour and enjoy the travel. come to the present. There are
the guide to happiness Happiness is when a person has no hardships nor sorrow. Happiness is the wing of the person’s heart, when the big smile is not missing from the face. The happy person is always shining. With positive energy I have saved my life, it brouhgt me meaning and beauty. Sometimes a test is won, sometimes good news, sometimes a warm love promises to make us happy. But whatever the reason, happiness is the most beautiful feeling in the world. This feeling encourages the person, takes him and takes him to another world. It has been scientifically proven that people who are constantly cheerful, always smiling, have a much longer life span. Some diseases are said to be among the people who have suffered from grief. What you have to do is not let your happiness go away, happiness is something you have, sometimes you are happy to adopt happiness as a way of life, even if you are unhappy. Look at life positively, see the full side of the cup, not empty. Life is always smile to you always smile. The easiest way to do it is not to complain about the situation you are in. If you think there are people who try to save their lives in the war in the world, there are children who die hungry in Africa. Then let’s not worry ourselves for nothing, we value the things we have to be happy.
# If you want to be happy, be proud, take care of your heart. # Those who are really happy are good people. # The greatest happiness is free thinking. # We are happy, we do not sing, we are happy to sing. # Happiness is not a station but a form of travel. # There are two ways to be happy: either to reduce our desires, or to increase our opportunities. # It is a happy person who does not expect anything from people; because then it will not be disappointed.
The city (İstanbul) that I was born in and the city (İstanbul) that I live in has very big differences, however, I used to live in all conditions. But honestly, I would like to live in İstanbul as it was in my childhood. It is hard to count the all changes but I can clearly see that some sharp changes such as, the way of life, relationships, housing, etc. When I was a child, we spent a lot of time in streets or gardens in which we was playing games with friends or talking or gossiping. In that case, it helps to advance young people in the social field and I also make use of that advancement today. I can make a friend easily or I can talk anyone that I don’t know before without shame and that helps me not only social field but also my academic life. Moreover, in my childhood helping each other was the important issue. People were happy when they help someone else. So, the neighbourliness was very advanced. For example, I remember that I knew almost all the neighbours in the building and people really loves and helps each other and life was easier and better than today. When I look at today, children spent most of their times in front of their computers or other electronic devices. So, there isn’t any socialization, assistance or most of the things that I had in my childhood. Also the neighbourliness isn’t the same as it was. People don’t make any progress to know each other and almost every apartment doesn’t know the people who live in around them. Secondly, thanks to technological improvements and urbanization some changes occur. For example, every people have cell phones and they give more importance to them than the importance that they give to the human relations. People suppose that urbanization and improvement in technology is only a good think that because both of them improve the life standards which include health, education and job opportunities. Of course, these things are really important and beneficial, but, the other things that come with urbanization and technological improvements bring about the life which doesn’t require good relationships, priceless friendships. We can infer that all of these changes affect the life quality both good and bad. But I think that bad effects are more than the good effects because when I think the past times; however, life standards were worse and hard but the living with welfare and the relationships were the most prominent.
A Timelapse of
Balkan Trip
3 COUNTRIES IN 5 DAYS (SERBIA, MONTENEGRO, ALBANIA) Hello everyone, I’m Simge. I am a volunteer for short term EVS in the EVEC, Koçani, Macedonia. I am abroad for the first time in my life. I started my journey with doubts and negative thoughts, but after arriving to Macedonia all my negativity turned into positivity. I got excited for my upcoming journey. After a few days, we arrived in Macedonia, we went to a small trip to Balkans. We hitchhiked from Koçani to Skopje. We bought train ticket in Skopje train station to Belgrade. I ate a hamburger in Skopje, Seven restaurant. It was the most delicious hamburger I’ve ever eaten in my lifetime. The train left in Skopje train station on 22:20, and we arrived at the Belgrade train station on 09:00. We wander the city square, Tesla Museum in a day. The river view is wonderful at night. Especially you must wander around Kalemegdan at
night. We booked a hostel in the city centre. You should absolutely taste palachinka(desert) and srbska gibanica (serbian cheese pie) Our next stop Montenegro, we went by train again. We stayed in the city of Bar, Montenegro We wandered the city centre, Stari Bar (Old Bar). Bar is a small city of mediterranean, that is nice, pretty andnatural. Our last stop before returning to Macedonia was Albania. We went to Tirana in Albania. We wander on the river bank and in the city centre. We didn’t sleep in Tirana. We passed Macedonia through hitchiking. We walked through the border of Macedonia. When I look back now, that nothing goes as we planned but it was an adventurous, funny and great trip. Fortunatell we get out of the way. Let’s go out way, don’t overthink!
turkish traditional plates History Of Çiğköfte
The story of Çiğköfte, a local flavor of Şanlıurfa. King Nemrut, the king of an ancient civilization in the 2000s decided to burn the prophet İbrahim because he believed in one god. King Nemrut gave the public orders to collect all the woods. There is no wood to cook in houses and fire burned in homes banned. A man hunted deer and brought him home. He asked his wife to cook it but he didn’t know about the ban. The hunter obeyed the desperate orders and that’s why he couldn’t make a fire. He crushed the deer with thin stone, added rice, pepper and salt. Mixed these ingredients with the meat he crushed. This is how the hunter has found a cure for public hunger.
Lahmacun is a kind of pie baked in a stone oven. The ingredients are mixed with spices such as minced meat, parsley, onion, garlic and black pepper, red pepper on the open dough. Lahmacun is an Arabic word. The name derives from the lahm bi ajin, which means meat and dough. The word is original Arabic but the lahmacun date is based on Babiller. It is an oriental food and has a history of about 5000 years. Some places called Lahmacun -Turkish Pizzas. What to eat with Lahmacun? We may put a little garnish on the lahmacun. First, the lemon can be squeezed. If If there is not enough salt, we may add some. If you want a spicy taste peppers can also be added, but not black pepper. It doesn’t go well but it would be very delicious if you put some onions on it. Moreover, greenery i the most preferred garnish for lahmacun. For instance; lettuce, parsley, etc. Radish and tomatoes are served with lahmacun, you may eat them with lahmacun or you can put a couple of tomatoes on it. I advise you to not use much greenery because it changes the taste and it should be without oil. What do you drink with Lahmacun? Next to the lahmacun, ayran goes the best and turnip juice is also popular.
why & how to choose friends
count for it. Maybe out of all of them it is based on the protection of their reputation. On the other hand friendships may function as a strategic mechanism for future. In the conflicts the winning side is not linked to power or skill. All in all your friendship can be for any of these that mentioned here. The point is that try to At the begining of the histoknow all kind of people but you ry people always try to find make friends with people who a partner for themselves. It seems nature of living. It may- make you feel good and develop yourself . Don`t afraid make be depends on a necessary or wants. Likewise the Greek phi- mistakes when searching new friends. Everyone has a friend losopher said ‘Friendship is a virtue which is most necessary somewhere in the world that with a view to living...’ Also Ar- they haven’t meet yet. istotle said ‘We are told that we like those people who are like ourselves.’ Most of friendship growing up outside the family members and spouses so friendship is not to continue our generation. Some biologists think friendship base on mutual benefit. Another psychologists think no matter equality or racing between close relations, there is no ac-
31 мај – Ден без тутун
- Многу болести кои ги стекнуваме во текот на животот, а ги препишуваме на староста, се резултат на лошите животни навики што сме ги имале во текот на животот. Пушењето на цигари и употребата на други тутунски производи се рефлектираат во текот на животот преку побрзо стареење на кожата, болести на горниот респираторен систем, проблеми со имуниот систем и уште многу други проблеми кои се поврзани со виталноста и добробитот на организмот во целост. 31 мај од страна на СЗО (Светската здравствена организација) е одбран за ден против тутунот во кој би се истакнале сите негативности од истиот. Оваа година, Ние бевме дел од настан кој го организиравме ние и на кој напорно работевме. Преку доста илустративни цртежи се пренесе пораката за штетноста од влијанието на тутунот врз здравјето помеѓу локалното население во градот Кочани. На настанот, покрај банери со илустрации, имавме и доста креативни завиткани книжни брошури во вид на цигари и при нивно отварање беше прикажано фотографија од штетното дејство на користењето на цигари (помодрени и потемнети бели дробови, креативни пораки итн.) Целиот настан беше пропратен со краток музички репертоар и телевизиска екипа која беше дел од нашиот настан и ги известуваше граѓаните. Проблемот со прекумерната употреба на тутутн треба да се истакнува се почесто на настани како нашата со што би се укажувало на проблемите кои истита ги предизвикува.
Бројот 13 Бројот тринаесет е број за кој постои голема полемика за тоа каков е истиот. Првенствено, има негативно значење. Суеверието за „несреќниот“ број 13, го поттикнуваат и филмска и издавачка продукција со многубројни дела токму на таа тема, меѓу кои се холивускиот филмски серијал Петок 13, мистериозната новела „Тринасетмина на вечера“ од Агата Кристи и драмата околу мисијата на вселенскиот брод Аполо 13 за што е снимен и филм. Приказната продолжува. Се настојува во авионите да нема седиште со бројот 13 или пак зградите да немаат стан со број 13. Во повеќето делови во светот бројот 13 е со лоша конотација, што не е случај со Италија. Италијанците го сметаат овој број за среќен. За спротивноста кога е збор, тогаш е бројот 7, за кои се вели дека носел среќа. Трискаидекафобија — патолошки страв од бројoт 13. Трискаидекафобијата исто така имала влијание и на Викинзите - се верува дека богот Локи во Норса пантеонот бил 13-ти бог. Ова подоцна според христијанското верување е протолкувано така што Сатаната е 13-ти ангел. Има интересна приказна која се поврзува со овој број. Композиторот Арнолд Шенберг боледувал од некоја чудна болест. Се смета дека причината лежи во фактот дека неговата последна опера се вика Мојсеј и Арон, наместо правилното спелување Мозес и Аарон (Аарон со две А) првобитниот назив има 12 букви, додека правилниот назив има 13 букви. Тој се родил и починал на 13-ти во месецот. За време на студиите не сакал да живее во куќата која се издавала, бидејќи го носела бројот 13 и тој се плашел од својот 76-ти роденден, зашто збирот од броевите 7 и 6 е бројот 13. За него се врзува и една интересна приказна. Многу се плашел од петок 13-ти јули 1951 година, бидејќи тоа бил првиот петок 13-ти од неговата 76-та година од живот. Тој целиот ден го прележал во кревет, зашто се плашел дека тој ден е денот на неговата сигурна смрт. По долгите молби упатени кон сопругот да се разбуди и престане со глупостите, неговата скептична сопруга останала шокирана кога нејзиниот сопруг едноставно го изустил зборот хармонија и умрел. Времето на неговата смрт било 23:47, што е 13 минути пред полноќ. Исто така кога ќе се соберат тие цифри (1+1+4+7) го даваат бројот 13!
Paris or as the Frenchs called ‘Paris’, when we hear that name, we firstly think about romanticism and love. Actually, more than that as Audrey Hepburn said that ‘Paris is always a good idea’ and even Paris have a syndrome just for Japanese tourists. Japanese who came Paris, complain about dizziness, swelter, hallucination symptoms. Actually, there are some people who say this is a cultural shock but it’s totally about jetlag. Here is little classical or as the French said that ‘ stereotype’ information about Paris; Paris is the capital city of France with famous Seine River and Eiffel Tower which is the symbol of the city. People who lives in Paris are called ‘Parisien’. When we talk about Paris, we should also talk about fashion. This city is the capital of fashion and luxury and so has name as ‘ Light City’. The population is 11 millions and have 20 administrative territories. While walking around the beautiful streets with smell of wine,there are some places which must be seen; Louvre Museum, Pont Alexendre, Arc de Triomphe, Notre Dame Cathedral, Luxemburg Gardens, Opera National de Paris, Saint Chapelle, Moulin Rouge,.. The smell of wine is mixing with history in the streets of Paris. The artists who lived in the city; Balzac, Jim Morrison, Lafontaine, Oscar Wilde, Chopin, Signac, Picasso, Simone Signaret. As Ernest Hemingway said; ‘But Paris was a very old city and we were young and nothing was simple there, not even poverty, nor sudden money, nor moonlight, nor right and wrong nor the breathing of someone who lay beside you in the moonlight.’
Концерти Концерти Концерти
Bistra Adventure
Мостри на една случајност
Планински адреналински тури за планинари и Со сета своја безначајност, самовелосипедисти на прекрасната Бистра со старт и постоењето бара потврда во со-постоење цел во Тресонче, преку Селце, Галичник, Царевец и и затоа сме сведоци на еден раскошен свет Лазарополе. што го осознаваме откривајќи правила, Детали за Bistra Adventure 2018 наспроти неговата променлива природа. Локација: Тресонче Сите движења и промени можат да имаат Датум: Сабота и Недела, 1-2 септември 2018 непредвидливи последици кои обично ги Содржини: толкуваме како случајност и неред. - планинарски тури За денешниот светоглед , постоењето е 1. Голема тура од 12 км до врвот Мал Брзовец непредизвикан настан а животот зачнал 2. Мала тура до изворите на Тресонечка река случајно. Ако на битието му треба - велосипедски тури создавање тогаш каква е улогата на 1. Голема тура од 60 км: Тресонче - Селце - Галичник случајноста во тој чин? “Мостри на една Тони Вода - Лазарополе - Тресонче 2. Мала тура од 25 км: Тресонче - Галичник - Тресонче случајност “ бара одговор на прашањето во едно парче случајни податоци што го користи како образец кој според три правила: умножи , собери, повтори... прави правилни градби кои даваат впечаток на промисла и наликуваат на уметничко дело. Количеството случајност во делот на градбата што не може да се сведе на попрости честички, влијае на сложеноста на обликот. Уредувањето мора да биде според правила, бидејќи без нив би било како мајмуни да ги пишуваат собраните дела на Шекспир.
Thanks for reading!
Art editor: M. Vojnovska Writers: EVS Pavel Satev & EVEC volonteers