Lars Slind
Model Alumnus
Dear Alumni and Friends, It’s great to be back full time as president, even with a difficult budgetary situation. My time away allowed me to fully recover from the effects of my cancer treatment and prepare myself mentally for the challenges that I needed to meet head-on upon my return. As most everybody is aware, Eastern took a pretty hard hit in its state budget allocation for the next two years. The University received a cut of about one-quarter of its base operating budget. Additional tuition authority and an infusion of federal stimulus money helped bring the cuts down to a more manageable level. The challenge EWU faces is straightforward – continue to provide an affordable and quality education, while maintaining a commitment to higher education accessibility. We will have to work hard to meet that challenge. We will rely upon our faculty and staff’s commitment to our students. We will seek help and cooperation from our alumni and friends. We will draw inspiration from the simple belief that higher education can be transformative for individuals and their communities. During the past couple months, while the University moved through the uncertainty of not knowing the level at which our budget would be reduced, I asked the campus community to remember that we are all in this together – One Eastern. I ask every one of you who receive this magazine to recognize that you too are part of “One Eastern.” Whether you are an alum, a student, an educational partner, a donor, a neighbor or EWU employee – you belong to the Eastern family. Over the next couple of years there will be a role for each of you to play as Eastern marshals its forces and moves forward into the future. Whether it’s committing some personal resources to the University or simply putting in a good word for us, the opportunity will arise. I believe Eastern can emerge from these challenging times stronger and even more committed to its core mission of providing a strong education to our students and thus delivering quality graduates to our region’s communities. Thank you for taking the time to read my message and I hope you enjoy the magazine. Sincerely,
THE MAGAZINE for Eastern Washington University Alumni and Friends
Editor – Teresa Conway Graphic Design – Ryan Gaard ‘02 Copy Editors – Kandi Carper ‘05, Darcy Creviston ‘08 Contributing Writers – Teresa Conway, Dave Meany, Dave Cook, Kandi Carper ‘05, Scott Davis, Lindsey Bekemeyer Photography – Eric Galey ’84, John Demke ‘98, Larry Conboy, Pat Spanjer ‘80 Editorial Board – Doug Kelley ’83, Jack Lucas ’77, Pia Hallenberg Christensen ’98, Kory Kelly ‘98, Gina Mauro ‘90 Vice President for University Advancement – Michael Westfall Director of Alumni Advancement – Lisa Poplawski ‘94 and ‘01 EWU Alumni Association President – Fran Bierig (Tsuchiyama) ‘76 EWU Foundation Chair – Steve Dahlstrom ‘94
Contact Us Address Changes Alumni Correspondence Class Notes Submissions E-mail: Phone: Website: Write: Fax: 509.359.4550 or 888.EWU.ALUM Office of Alumni Advancement 506 F Street, Cheney, WA 99004-2402 509.359.4551
EASTERN Magazine Letters, Comments, Queries E-mail: Phone: Write: Fax: 509.359.6422 Eastern Magazine, 300 Showalter Hall, Cheney, WA 99004-2445 509.359.4701
Supporting EWU For information about making a gift to Eastern, please contact the Office of Alumni Advancement E-mail: Website: Phone: Write: Fax: 509.359.4550 Office of Alumni Advancement 506 F Street, Cheney, WA 99004-2402 509.359.4551
EASTERN, a magazine for alumni and friends of Eastern Washington University, is published in fall, winter and spring by University Marketing and Communications and mailed free in the U.S. to alumni of record.
Rodolfo Arévalo, PhD President Eastern Washington University
EASTERN Magazine
Previous issues of Eastern magazine may be viewed at
Contents 12
Features 12
Pioneers of the Hardwood Early Eastern women’s basketball players toughed it out
Lars Slind
Keeper of History
EWU 2008 Honor Roll of Donors
A model alumnus
Eastern alum is part of digital history revolution
The Friese family finds a home at EWU
16 Click here to take the Eastern magazine survey
The Cover
Lars Slind
Model Alumnus
Lars Slind ’06 strikes a pose as a professional model in Los Angeles. Photo Credit: Scott Hoover Photography
2 4 6 15 24 26 27 30 31
Up Front On the Road Eaglegram
Sights and Sounds Class Notes Marriages In Memoriam The Back Page Alumni Events Calendar
Spring/Summer 09
On the Road with
Eastern Magazine
Aurelia (Confer) Peterson and Joel Peterson Vondel Park, Amsterdam
Joel Peterson ’04 and his wife Aurelia (Confer) Peterson ‘05 traveled to Amsterdam and brought Eastern along. The pair took the magazine on a bike ride through Vondel Park and then visited the Hard Rock Cafe. Rick Harwood ‘99 and ‘92, took Eastern magazine to all the popular spots in Paris, including the Eiffel Tower. Harwood says “I enjoyed reading Eastern magazine on the transatlantic flight and it too, served as a fun insight to my teenage daughter about the value of alumni and friends while attending such a great university.”
Rick Harwood Eiffel Tower, Paris
Alison Hilton international school in Anaco, Venezuela
Jerry Hilton Anaco, Venezuela
EASTERN Magazine
Alison Hilton ’99, took a one year leave from the Cheney School District to teach at an international school in Anaco, Venezuela. The first photo is of Hilton with her first grade students. Alison’s father, Jerry Hilton ‘73, a resident of Cheney, came down to visit during the height of the referendum of the constitution of Venezuela. He is standing in front of one of the many signs painted on walls that encourage the people to vote in favor of Hugo Chavez.
Gary Hawkes ‘05, and Sarah (Bruno) Hawkes ‘06, on their honeymoon overlooking Waikiki, Oahu. This picture was taken at the top of the Diamond Head hike. The couple married on March 28, 2009, and met at Eastern in 2005.
Sarah (Bruno) Hawkes and Gary Hawkes Waikiki, Oahu
Karen (Eddy) Johnston ‘70, and Ron Johnston ‘69, paid a visit to Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, on April 16, 2009. They proudly displayed their Eastern magazine in front of the Peace Tower at the Parliament Building on Capital Hill and at the World War I Memorial/Unknown Soldier Tomb.
Ron Johnston and Karen (Eddy) Johnston World War I Memorial/Unknown Soldier Tomb in Ontario, Canada Phil Kiver ’03, at Camp Striker, Iraq, where he’s a civilian contractor working in media relations.
Phil Kiver Camp Striker, Iraq
Warren Walker ’76, visited the southern U.S. to do advance square dancing at the Yuma Square and Round Dance Festival and pick up some birds. He’s retired from the U.S. Army.
WHERE IN THE WORLD will Eastern magazine next be sighted?
That’s up to you. Eastern alumni are invited to send in photographs of themselves holding up the current issue. Please include some information about yourself with your submission. At least one picture will be used in the next magazine. Due to space constraints, we may not be able to publish every submission, but the extras will be posted on the alumni website at
Send to: or Eastern Magazine, 300 Showalter Hall, Cheney, WA 99004-2445. Happy travels!
Warren Walker Yuma, Arizona Spring/Summer 09
Eaglegram Eastern Helps Fix Smiles for Free As part of a three-week long event, dental students from around the state took part in the Dental Team Experience, April 21-25 at EWU Spokane on the Riverpoint Campus. Five dental hygiene students from EWU, nine dental assisting students from Spokane Community College and three dental students from the University of Washington teamed up to deliver high-quality, low-cost dental treatment to people in Spokane and surrounding communities. The team provided services including x-rays, dental exams, fillings and comprehensive cleanings. Surgical procedures such as root canals, crowns and implants were not offered because of the need for follow-up care. Dental hygiene students at work in the Riverpoint Campus clinic. “This is one example of how our dental hygiene students are making a difference in the community,” said Rebecca Stolberg, Dental Hygiene Department chair. “Our students have tallied some impressive numbers by working collaboratively with the Spokane District Dental Society and volunteer dental team members from the community.” Here are the numbers: Senior Smile Day - 80 patients, 60 and older, were treated for a total of $43,852 worth of free dental care; Eagle Kids Health Day - 120 patients were treated for a total of $27,268 worth of free dental care; Give Kids a Smile Day - 65 patients were treated for a total of $36,460 worth of free dental care. “These services only skim the actual need out there, but I’m very proud to say that EWU helped provide $134,580 worth of free dental care to Spokane’s underserved and uninsured during the 2008-2009 academic year,” said Stolberg.
Crazy About Recycling! RecycleMania — a competition that pits colleges and universities in a nationwide contest to see who can reduce, reuse and recycle the most campus waste – came to the Eastern Washington University campus for the first time ever. The competition took place over a 10-week period this winter. Last year more than 400 schools participated, including eight schools from the state of Washington, recycling more than 58.6 tons of materials. This year EWU managed to recycle 7.28 pounds of recyclable material per student. With approximately 9,000 students, that amounts to just over 65,000 pounds total recycled. “With RecycleMania firmly in place we hope we can become a more formidable competitor next year,” said Laci Hubbard, president of Eastern’s Environmental Club. Hubbard said that Dining Services helped promote the campuswide effort and the dorms competed against each other. Participating schools competed in various categories that measure the success of their recycling and waste prevention efforts. EWU competed on the per capita basis, which measured the total amount of recyclables – paper, cardboard, bottles and cans – in relation to the number of students, faculty and staff on campus. Administered by the National Recycling Coalition (RRC), RecycleMania motivates campus communities to recycle more often by framing it in competitive terms, tapping into the same intercollegiate spirit that drives sports rivalries. Check out to learn more.
EASTERN Magazine
Eaglegram Forever Connected to EWU The EWU Retirees Association is conducting a preliminary survey to gather information about the interest of active and retired alumni, faculty and staff in the development of a retirement housing community associated with the University. More than 70 U.S. universities have developed retirement housing. Such communities offer many benefits for their residents, including the resources of the University (classes, workshops, study groups, athletics, music, theatre, arts and recreation), as well as opportunities to work with students as tutors, advisors and part-time lecturers. Student participation in recreation, dining and health services within the community is possible as well. Both Cheney and Spokane are being considered as possible locations. The University District campus offers proximity to downtown Spokane, health facilities, arts, restaurants and clubs with transportation to Cheney classes and programs. The Cheney campus option allows the opportunity for a slowerpaced life with easy walking to the various classroom buildings, arts, athletics, social activities and downtown Cheney. There is also a range of options for how you live – rent or buy-in, condo or single family detached home. The EWU Retirees Association wants to hear what you think of these possibilities. Check out the EWU Retirement Community Survey
Best of the West Rodger Hauge, PhD, EWU Department of Education faculty, is the “Best of the West.” Hauge was recently recognized as the 2009 West Plains Chamber of Commerce Higher Education — Educator of the Year. The award honors excellence and dedication to the nominees’ industry. Hauge received the award on April 2 at the Chamber’s Annual Best of the West Awards Gala. Reid Elementary School principal Shannon Lawson nominated Hauge for the honor. According to Lawson, Hauge has worked closely with Reid Elementary School teachers on integrating an inquiry-based model of science into the classroom. Lawson says Hauge’s work has taken teachers and students on field experiences, increased professional development for staff, and increased test scores on the state science assessment considerably. Hauge is also credited for offering support with technology and integration of math, science and technical writing in Reid classrooms. Hauge has been teaching at EWU since 2001.
Spring/Summer 09
Eaglegram Eastern Magazine Recognized for Excellence Eastern took top honors in the magazine category at the Spokane Regional MarCom Association’s annual awards ceremony held April 23, in Spokane. The magazine for alumni and friends of EWU received the 2009 Spark Award for “Excellence” in the four-color magazine category, print publication division. The magazine is produced by EWU Marketing and Communications and has a circulation of 75,000. Spokane MarCom Association created the Spark Awards to honor the process and results of a well-designed communication effort. Spark Award recipients must meet the highest standards of performance in the profession and are critiqued and judged by professional communications practitioners in various markets throughout the country.
Alumni and Friends Respond to SOS
S ave Our Scholarships
For six weeks in March and April, Eastern Washington University made an unprecedented appeal for support. Our EWU Foundation scholarship endowment – like every other higher education endowment across the U.S. – was experiencing a crisis due to dramatic declines in the stock market. The end result – far fewer scholarships would be available to our students. It was a difficult time to ask for financial support, but that didn’t stop hundreds of
you from donating to the Save Our Scholarships fund. In a short period of time, our generous alumni, friends, faculty and staff helped ensure many of our best and brightest scholarship-dependent students will continue to follow their dreams at Eastern. In all, 60 more scholarships will be awarded. Thanks for taking action to help lessen the negative impact of this global economic crisis on our endowment, and ultimately our students.
PT Professor Gains National Recognition Eastern Washington University Assistant Professor of Physical Therapy Ryan Mizner, PT, PhD, received the Margaret L. Moore Award for Outstanding New Academic Faculty Member for 2009 from the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA). The award recognizes excellence in the research and teaching of a new faculty member who is pursuing a career as an academician. Recipients are acknowledged for their excellence in teaching in the academic setting, contributions to the scholarship of the physical therapy profession, and commitment to service to their institutions and the profession. Mizner, who has been with EWU’s Department of Physical Therapy since September 2004, was recently recognized for his scholarly work regarding the benefits of rehabilitation after knee replacement surgery. He teaches primarily orthopedics and biomechanics.
EASTERN Magazine
EWU Extends Engineering Degree Options Under legislation recently signed by the Governor of the state of Washington, Eastern Washington University has the authority to pursue offering a mechanical engineering degree, in addition to an electrical engineering degree. The expansion of the engineering offerings comes as EWU President Rodolfo Arévalo looks to make Eastern a leader in promoting community programs and providing infrastructure that support science, technology and engineering. In September 2004, Eastern became the first and only public regional, comprehensive university in the state to be granted permission by the Higher Education Coordinating Board to offer the electrical engineering degree. Prior to legislation passed in 2003, only public research universities were authorized to grant engineering degrees. “Both the College of Science, Health and Engineering (CSHE) and the Department of Engineering and Design are very excited about the opportunity to expand our engineering program into the area of mechanical engineering,” said Judd Case, dean of CSHE. “This is a very natural step for us considering that we have had a mechanical engineering technology program for 21 years. Having a successful and accredited MET program means that we are already prepared with almost everything we need in regard to equipment and faculty to launch a Mechanical Engineering Program.” EWU hopes to start offering a mechanical engineering degree in fall 2010.
Fair Pay Activist Shares Story Lilly Ledbetter came to the EWU Cheney campus on May 27 to tell the story of how she – an ordinary citizen – became an advocate for equal pay for equal work. She never thought she’d have a bill named after her. Ledbetter told the group, a mix of students, faculty and staff, that after 19 years of working with an Alabama Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., she learned that she was earning 70 percent of what her male counterparts were. Someone left an anonymous note on her locker with the information. She was 59 years old at the time. When she found out her pay was lower than that of her co-workers, she said, “I thought about just moving on. But I just couldn’t let Goodyear get away with it.” She felt compelled to take action, and with the support of her husband, she left for Birmingham the next day and filed an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission complaint against Goodyear. She eventually won in U.S. District Court but the case was overturned by the Supreme Court. The justices ruled 5-4 that the statute of limitations for her equal-pay complaint ran out six months after she took the job. Ledbetter however, was inspired to continue the fight for equal pay for equal work by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s dissenting opinion, in which she strongly urged Congress to right the wrong. Ledbetter spoke at the Democratic Convention in Denver last August, but insists that equal pay isn’t a political or even a women’s rights issue, but rather, it’s a family issue. “It does not belong to Democrats or Republicans,” said Ledbetter. “This is a civil rights matter.” On Jan. 29, 2009, President Barack Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act into law.
Spring/Summer 09
Stuckey EWU Jersey Retired Consider it the Senior Day he was never able to have. Former Eastern Washington University men’s basketball All-American and current Detroit Piston Rodney Stuckey had his EWU jersey retired in a ceremony at Reese Court on Jan. 11, 2009. “I am very honored and humbled to have my EWU jersey retired,” said Stuckey. “I have so many wonderful memories from my college days and I’m thankful to the University, the fans, my coaches and my teammates.” Stuckey played his freshman and sophomore seasons at Eastern before becoming a first-round draft choice (15th overall) by the Pistons in the 2007 National Basketball Association draft. He spent three years on the EWU campus and still has many friends in Cheney. “It’s great to come back to Eastern where it all began,” Stuckey said. “It’s a special day and I’m happy to share this experience with all the people who supported me throughout my college career.” Stuckey was an All-American at Eastern – both athletically and academically – averaging 24 points per game in each of his two seasons (2005-06 and 2006-07). He helped EWU win 30 games in two seasons and had a 3.34 grade point average. A 2004 graduate of Kentwood High School in Kent, Wash., Stuckey was a NCAA non-qualifier and had to sit out the 2004-05 season at EWU. “We’ve talked about honoring Rodney by retiring his jersey for some time now,” said Eastern Athletic Director Bill Chaves. “What he accomplished here in two seasons, and Detroit in two more, is nothing short of phenomenal, and it’s thrilling to watch his progress in the NBA. We’re excited to have him back on campus to give him the recognition he deserved but didn’t get because of how highly-regarded he was by the NBA.” Although several Eastern football players have been honored previously in such a manner – including the retired No. 84 jersey of Bob Picard – it’s believed that no Eastern men’s basketball player has had his jersey retired.
Nadine Arévalo, wife of EWU President Rodolfo Arévalo, visits with Rodney Stuckey as he signs autographs for fans.
EASTERN Magazine
Eagles to Play at Qwest Field The Eastern Washington University football team will play five home games in the 2009 season, and one of them will take place across the Cascade Mountains. The Eagles will host Portland State on Oct. 31, in a Big Sky Conference game that begins at 1 p.m. at Qwest Field in Seattle. It’s the first time in Eastern’s 100-year football history that it has played a game in Seattle. More than 16,000 Eastern alumni reside west of the Cascade Mountains. There are nearly 11,000 alumni who reside in the Puget Sound area in King, Snohomish and Pierce counties. Among current Eastern students, nearly 1,500 are from King, Snohomish and Pierce counties, and nearly 2,500 are from cities west of the Cascade Mountains. “We are excited to be able to bring Eagle football to Seattle where we have a tremendous alumni base,” said Eastern athletic director Bill Chaves. “The game will also afford our team the opportunity to play in an NFL stadium.” Tickets for the “Showdown on the Sound” are available via and Costs are $30 for club seats and $15 for regular seating. Eastern season ticket holders will receive a $5 discount on each ticket price. Eastern students will be admitted free with a valid student identification card. Stay tuned for information on package deals.
9th Induction of Eastern Athletics Hall of Fame Scheduled for October 10 Planning is underway for the 9th induction of the Eastern Athletics Hall of Fame. The induction will take place Saturday, Oct. 10, prior to EWU’s football game against Weber State at 12:35 p.m. Up to five individuals will be selected for induction after a vote by the 15-person selection committee. The Hall of Fame was established in 1996, and consists of 44 individuals and five teams, and two recipients of the Hall of Fame Service and Contribution Award. Based on team voting conducted last year, the 1989 Volleyball squad will be the team inducted this fall. That squad, led by Hall of Fame coach Pamela Parks and Hall of Fame player Juli Argotow (Jones), will be celebrating the 20th anniversary of the first Big Sky Conference regular season and tournament titles that highly-successful program won, including their first-ever NCAA Tournament berth. This year’s Eastern volleyball team, which won the 2008 regular season Big Sky Conference title and will host this year’s league tournament in November, will be in action on Oct. 9 against Portland State. The 1989 team will also be honored that night. The Hall of Fame executive committee has also decided, based on last year’s voting, that the 1950 Football team will be inducted in 2010 on the 60th anniversary of its 8-2 season. The 1950 team roared to its third-straight Evergreen Conference title and fourth-straight league title overall (Eastern won the Washington Intercollegiate title in 1947) as Eastern won its final four league games by a collective 71-0 score. That team was led by 1,000-yard rusher Meriel Michelson, who was informed of his individual induction in the Hall of Fame just prior to his passing on July 18, 2007, at the age of 83. A complete list of Hall of Fame members is available at under the “Fan Zone” tab. MORE ABOUT THE EASTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC HALL OF FAME The Hall of Fame is located on the east end of the Special Events Pavilion. A plaque permanently honoring each inductee is displayed. A 15-member Hall of Fame Selection Committee votes on a list of nominated candidates presented by the Hall of Fame Executive Committee. Inductees must receive a two-thirds vote of all selection committee members, with the final decision made by the executive committee. Nominations can be received at any time. For more information, call 509.359.6334 or 1.800.648.7697, or e-mail Dave Cook (
Juli Argotow (Jones) after Eastern won the 1989 Big Sky Conference Tournament championship.
Spring/Summer 09
By Scott Davis
Take a trip through the archives of Eastern Washington University basketball history, and you’ll find stories untold on ESPN or the Internet. An evolution of sports triumphs and hardships unfolds, revealing pioneering female athletes who endured unique adversity.
EASTERN Magazine
The Cheney of today is much different than the Cheney of the early 1900s. Eastern Washington University was a State Normal School, its mascot the Savages, and its school colors green and white. Basketball was played mostly by men – but the women did have a team. In fact, girls’ basketball was one of only three sports listed in the school’s first yearbook in 1903. Even though they were allowed to play, women were considered frail. Proper women exposed only fingers, necks and heads – and wore constricting corsets – even on the basketball court. Girls often tripped over their hems during games, and Normal School girls had to sew their own “jerseys.” During the first decades of Normal School basketball, rules varied between the sexes, and boys treated games like football matches. Physical play prevailed, and girls were considered too weak for the sport. Eastern women were discouraged from playing against other schools because officials were wary of overzealous competition. “It is a bad policy, which often results in injury, to allow girls to play outside teams … no girl who seems too tired at the end of the first half should be
Lisa Comstock ‘88, Hall of Famer
I feel that those who are leaders in athletics will be real leaders in developing the coming generation. Girls are no longer willing to be called ‘weak,’ for they are developing into strong, healthy, athletic women.
allowed to play the second, even though taking her out may mean the loss of the game to her side,” reads a passage in the 1915 publication of Kinnikinick, the Normal School’s student yearbook. While basketball was ideal for men in the mid-to-late 1900s, women still faced an upward climb. Their struggle to assimilate femininity with athleticism was delayed by social norms. Terms like “gender equity” did not exist. But that didn’t keep the women from trying. Antionette Dustin, a late Eastern basketball alumna who coached from 1920 to 1932, said in 1925, “I feel that those who are leaders in athletics will be real leaders in developing the coming generation. Girls are no longer willing to be called ‘weak,’ for they are developing into strong, healthy, athletic women.” She was correct. Dustin was at the forefront of Eastern women’s basketball and paved the way for future Lady Eagle success. Her athletic skill and love for basketball gave female athletes credibility in a time of inequality. In her 11 years of coaching, Dustin won 83 percent of games with a 67-14 record — a number unmatched to this day. By 1948, Cheney Normal School had become Eastern Washington College of Education and that year the women’s basketball team won the Evergreen Conference championship with a perfect 10-0 season. They previously competed in the Spokane Intercollegiate Conference and Tri-Normal School Association from 1920 to 1923 and 1921 to 1938, respectively. “I think the evolution of it all has been really great,” said Bill Smithpeters, who coached the Eastern women’s team from 1976 (Eastern Washington State College) to1994 (Eastern Washington University). Smithpeters took the Lady Eagles to the NCAA Tournament for the first and only time in school history in 1987 and can attest to how far women’s basketball has come, not just since 1903, but since the late 1970s.
Kathleen Nygaard 04, Hall of Famer
“It’s just really great to see the changes from back when I first started with the program, because at that time women’s athletics was more a play-date type thing rather than it was a team sport,” says Smithpeters. “Actually, being a part of a [female] team was a new experience for a lot of those women at that time, as well as for myself. The women tried to copy a little after the guys they watched play. They were very eager to learn the game, and worked very hard at it.” One such player was Maria Loos Lefler, who played for Smithpeters from 1978 to 1982 and not only had her jersey retired but has also joined EWU’s Athletics Hall of Fame. “One of the things as a player that was much different then from now was strength,” said Lefler. “We started to do weight lifting back then, but the power of female athletes is much greater and faster now.” Another notable beneficiary of the evolution of women’s basketball at Eastern is Kathleen Nygaard, class of 2004. Nygaard’s jersey was hung at the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame in Knoxville, Tenn., her senior year. The jersey is the first from Eastern in the national Hall of Fame and is a tribute to the female players who began at the Normal School in Cheney more than 100 years ago. “I think that Kat is definitely one of the greatest players in EWU women’s basketball history,” said Eagle Head Coach Wendy Schuller. “The game has evolved just like many things in society, and there were many women who paved the way for our student-athletes and also for us as [female] coaches.” Today, basketball is increasingly popular, with unprecedented numbers of women playing. And while the Victorian lace-clad horrors of early women’s basketball are over, the drive to succeed and the will to compete remains just as strong as it was when the first players took to the hardwood more than a century ago. E
Spring/Summer 09
Learn Pass and
It On
When Barbara Robinson Shields graduated from William Winlock Miller High School, she didn’t have the financial means to afford a college education. She did, however, have the good fortune of becoming an employee of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company in Olympia, Wash. In the early days of her employment she served as an operator, instructor and supervisor. In time, because of her commitment and hard work, Barbara was awarded with a new responsibility: traffic employment interviewer. In this role, she was responsible for screening the best and the brightest potential telephone operators for the company. Her initiative in building a relationship with an advisor at Olympia High School eventually led to productive recruiting opportunities. In these first few years of employment, Barbara began to settle into what would be a very long and successful career in human resources as a recruiter and employment counselor. As time marched on, many things changed in Barbara’s world. In order to be with her husband who was based at Fort George Wright, Barbara transferred to the Spokane office of Pacific Telephone and Telegraph. Her company experienced a name change (to Pacific Northwest Bell, now Qwest), and she gained additional supervisory responsibilities. In fact, during her 34 years of employment at Pacific Northwest Bell, Barbara served as a supervisor/manager for 27 of those years. During these years of employment, Barbara experienced many professional accomplishments. But one lifelong ambition eluded her – a four-year college degree. With a busy career and a family to raise, Barbara never got a chance to pursue a higher education until she retired in September 1981. In 1992, after years of commitment and discipline, Barbara achieved yet another life goal by graduating from Eastern Washington University at the age of 62 with a Bachelor of Arts. Now Barbara wants to make sure others get that same chance. Recently, she established a scholarship endowment to benefit undergraduates and a graduate fellowship. Barbara’s gift is a testament to the value and importance of education and it provides a chance for students who might not otherwise be afforded the opportunity to receive a university education. For Barbara, it’s all about living, learning and passing it on. For more information on creating a scholarship of your own, contact: EWU Foundation Office 127 Hargreaves Hall Cheney WA 99004-2413
Tim Szymanowski, Director of Development Office: 509.359.6132/Cell 509.981.4496 E-mail:
High school graduation, Olympia 1947
Barbara Shields receives her EWU degree, June 12, 1992
Sights and
Sounds Bretz’s Flood The Remarkable Story of a Rebel Geologist and the World’s Greatest Flood By John Soennichsen ’97, Sasquatch Books The land between Idaho and the Cascade Mountains in Eastern Washington is characterized by dramatic coulees, gullies and deserts – in geologic terms, it is a wholly unique place on Earth. J. Harlen Bretz was the iconoclastic geologist who peered back in time to answer the riddle of how this land came to be. Conventional scientific thinking held that the scablands region was formed gradually over millions of years by rivers that had long since disappeared. Bretz thought otherwise. He hypothesized that a catastrophic flood, likely the largest in Earth’s history, had scoured the land in a virtual instant. Meticulously researched and delivered in stunning prose, Bretz’s Flood brings to life the dramatic story of how the channeled scablands came to be, and how one man perservered against the odds to change the course of geologic history. John Soennichsen is the author of Live! From Death Valley. He has an MFA in creative writing from EWU and works as a freelance writer.
Lookin’ For Something: A Life Worth Living By Malik-Hakim Kadir ’05, AuthorHouse If you, or someone you know, have been affected by the disease of addiction, this book is a must read. Based on documented real-life events of the author, this literary work is prolific and raw; intelligent and insightful; heartbreaking and hopeful. Twenty years of addiction to crack and sex led Malik-Hakim Kadir on a roller-coaster of self-destruction – surrendering to the will of God led him to recovery and a new life with positive friends. Kadir’s book isn’t for the fainthearted. With brutally explicit honesty, Kadir addresses issues that are often at the core of addiction: abandonment; physical, sexual and emotional abuse and unresolved grief and loss. Kadir has worked in the fields of mental health, youth crisis counseling and chemical dependency. He lives in Houston, Texas, where he’s a social worker.
No MSG for Me Cookbook By Lisa (DeVries) Kramer ’99 This book is an essential resource for people who cannot tolerate monosodium glutamate (MSG). With more than 100 recipes, this cookbook has brought tasty food back into the lives of people who are avoiding MSG. Lisa Kramer created the recipes over several years of experimenting with ingredients in her own kitchen. With the desire to share her recipes with those whom she shared a MSG sensitivity with, she published her first cookbook. Recipes include classics such as cheesy potatoes, sloppy Joes, au jus dip, fried chicken and other recipes that were once forbidden to anyone sensitive to MSG. In addition to the recipes, the book provides information about shopping for MSG-free products and offers a list of sources for MSG-free ingredients. Kramer lives in Everson, Wash., with her husband, Mike, and their two children.
If you are an Eastern or Cheney Normal School alum or faculty member and have written a general interest book or have a music CD on the market (self-published works will be included if space allows) and would like to have it considered for inclusion in Eastern magazine’s Sights and Sounds section, please send it (along with your contact information) to: Eastern Magazine, 300 Showalter Hall, Cheney, WA 99004-2445.
Spring/Summer 09
Picture Perfect
by Teresa Conway
Q & A with Lars Slind: Model Alumnus Lars Slind ‘06, came to EWU to play football and has since moved on to a colorful career off the field. Slind spent time living in Japan working for the international arm of Second Harvest helping underprivileged individuals throughout the world, before moving to Arizona to work in the field of personal health. These days he’s living in Los Angeles pursuing a career in modeling and acting. He recently appeared in Red magazine and is currently working with Guess apparel. Where are you from originally? I was born and raised in Seattle. I moved to Spokane for high school and then attended Eastern Washington University. Where do you live now? I currently live in West Los Angeles. What brought you to EWU? The football program offered me a scholarship and Eastern was relatively close to home. What year did you graduate? I graduated in 2006 after spending some time in Japan. My degree is in International Affairs and my minor is in Japanese. Best experience at Eastern? My best experience at Eastern would have to be the students. Everyone was friendly and had school spirit; it was pretty much an ideal campus.
EASTERN Magazine
Photos Courtesy: Lars Slind, Scott Hoover Photography and Carlos Arias Photography
What years did you play football? I red shirted my freshman year in 2001, and then finished my career in 2005. I played fullback for EWU. Best memory from football team? Back-to-back [Big Sky Conference] championships, that’s the mark I left on my career and I can honestly look back and smile with no regrets. I gave it everything I had. How did you end up modeling? Is that something you planned to do in college? I never in my wildest dreams thought one day I would be a model. I was close to 240 lbs. at EWU when I was playing football. I lost about 30 lbs. when I lived in Japan after college and I started to study a lot about fitness on the Internet. After I had been at it for a while, a photographer contacted me on MySpace for a test shoot. I thought,”what the hell” now, here I am. Who are you modeling for? What has been your “biggest” job so far? I am currently working with LA Models in Los Angeles, and my biggest job was when I went to Italy for a clothing shoot. They paid me very well and comped everything on my trip. I was pretty happy with that one. What have been some of your most interesting modeling assignments? The Italy trip was interesting, but I also like going to New York. Some of the strangest people I have ever met, or seen for that matter, live in New York. I did a natural environment shoot at the Red Rock Mountain in Las Vegas, which was beautiful.
People think of modeling as “glamorous.” Is that true? Maybe if I were 5’11 exotic, female and thin it would be glamorous. However, I am 6’0’’(yes I grew) and I am Scandinavian (we tend to be thick people, ever watch World’s Strongest Man?) so I put weight on very easy. To give you the bare bones, I do almost two hours of cardio a day and eat mostly salads and protein shakes. There is nothing glamorous about this job – it just looks that way. Do you model full time or do you have other jobs? I am a bartender on the side, which brings in some play money, but yes most of my income, savings and investment money comes from modeling. Who do you emulate or draw inspiration from? This might sound strange, but football. When I feel like I don’t want to do something or I am too tired, I just imagine that our old strength and conditioning coach Darin Lovat is hovering over my shoulder with his frightening grimace and crazy eyes. I think that’s enough to inspire anyone. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I see myself in Japan. I speak the language fluently (yes, I read it and write it too) and I just don’t want to waste it. Plus, the culture is much calmer and simple. I will make my mint in the U.S.A., so to speak, and perhaps work in Japan for an agency of sorts. Of course this could all change. Do you ever make it back to the EWU campus or get a chance to see old teammates? What do they think of you now? Yes I do, and more often then not, I get a stare of disbelief. Most of the players and coaches ask me where the rest of my body went. As I said before, I played at close to 240 lbs, and I am currently 190 lbs. That’s like giving birth, five times, ignore the imagery. E Spring/Summer 09
Larry Cebula ’92 inside the Washington State Archives building on the EWU campus.
Keeper of History By Kandi Carper ‘05
Cebula says his job is to create a “world-class Public History Program” at Eastern, with a digital emphasis and a link to the Digital Archives. It’s a big job, but he’s in the perfect position to do it. For historians, public history reaches far beyond the classroom. “We’re often too limited if we only train to be in a classroom,” said Cebula. “That’s not where most historians work. Most people with history degrees don’t end up being professors or teaching in a high school. Public historians work for corporations, national parks, museums, archives, even TV networks.”
When Larry Cebula received his master’s in history at Eastern Washington University in 1992, he never dreamed he’d return to the Cheney campus more than a decade later for the opportunity to work in his “dream job.” But that’s just what Cebula did this past fall, and that’s just how he describes his dual duties as associate professor in EWU’s History Department and assistant archivist at the Washington State Archives. 18
EASTERN Magazine
To help his students reach their full potential as eventual public historians, Cebula supervises internships, which play a key role in any public history department. He’s placed interns in the Northwest Room of the Spokane Public Library, Lukins & Annis law offices, the Washington State Digital Archives and at the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture. “What you see displayed in the collections at the MAC is just a small fraction of what they have, and their research room is phenomenal,” said Cebula. “Their staff is highly trained and is able to take our Eastern students for a quarter or two and offer [them] an experience as good as they would get at any museum in the United States.” Cebula’s own history began in Connecticut, where he was born and raised. He got his undergraduate degree from the University of Chicago and came west to work for the National Park Service in Washington’s North Cascades. The following spring, he decided to pursue his master’s degree in history. Cebula looked into all the universities in the state of Washington and got a “good feeling” about the History Department at
Eastern. “It wasn’t as big or prestigious as some, but there were a lot of
“Part of a democracy is to keep open records, and it’s one of the most
opportunities because it was smaller,” said Cebula. “They would allow
essential things a government does,” said Cebula. “There was a thought in
me to teach as a master’s student. I thought I should find out if I liked
the 1980s, as the digital revolution started, that maybe we ought to use
teaching before I enrolled in a PhD program (he received his doctorate in
digital technology to back up some of these records, and increasingly
American history at the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, Va.).
records are created in digital form as a Word file or as an e-mail.”
Teaching a class was the most fun I’d ever had in my life.”
The Digital Archives operation “ingests records.” They are digitalized
When he’s not teaching, Cebula is busy doing the other half of his
at a different location and the records are then sent here on hard drives,
“dream job,” working as the assistant archivist for the Washington State
which are loaded on to the servers. “We have a close working relationship
Digital Archives, the nation’s first archives dedicated to the preservation
with Microsoft, which donates much of the software we use,” said Cebula.
of electronic records from both state and local agencies.
“It’s a tax write-off for them and a great testing ground. If it will work for
The state-of-the-art building that houses the archives is conveniently
75 million records, it will work somewhere else.”
located on Washington Street on the EWU campus. The Archives
The digital records include copies of birth and death certificates,
building is divided into two main sections. The Eastern Washington
marriage licenses, corporate records, court records, penitentiary rolls
Regional Archives (traditional paper archives) are on the first floor, and
– everything and anything that needs to be preserved. County clerks’
the Digital Archives, complete with computer research stations, high-
offices survive by charging for their records. So if someone wants an
tech presentation classrooms and a world-class data center, are on the
actual stamped, certified copy of a record found online, they must type
second floor.
in a credit card number, and the fee goes to that county.
So how did this first-of-its-kind-in-the-nation facility end up on the
One of the newest features is audio searches, where users can hear
EWU campus?
state legislative sessions originally recorded on cassette tapes in the
“Well, the Eastern Regional branch really needed a new building,” said
late 1970s. Those tapes have been digitalized with about 6,000 hours
Cebula. “It was using a space in Tawanka Hall that was converted into a
available online. These recordings are “key word searchable.” Users can
bathroom when they moved out. The paper records they were in charge
type in “Indian” and “fishing,” and the software will run through those
of were in boxes in another place on campus. That’s the funny thing
6,000 hours, detecting each instance when anyone said those two words.
about government – it’s always easier to justify a grand building than a
The records will then be brought up for users to click on and play.
smaller one.”
“We’re the first people in the world to use the key word recognition,”
The Washington State Archives is the first and largest digital archives in
said Cebula. “It was developed by Microsoft, but it took a lot of
the world, with 75 million records online. When Cebula applied for the
tweaking by the staff here to make it work with the
job in February 2008, there were only 32 million records. That’s how fast
software. We’ve got a Cracker Jack technical staff.
it’s growing, and everyone with an Internet connection has access to
This is like a little piece of the Silicon
these records.
Valley right here.” E
Part of a democracy is to keep open records, and it’s one of the most essential things a government does.
Spring/Summer 09
G enerations T riese Family FFinds a Home by Dave Cook
For Rob Friese, home has been, and always will be, the tiny town of Lebam, Wash., in Southwestern Washington state. But the reminder of his home-awayfrom-home is the exit sign off Interstate 90 that directs travelers to Cheney, Wash. First as a student, then later as a coach, and now as a parent, those miles have added up as Friese and his family have covered thousands of miles in the past 25 years driving to “the other side of the world” at Eastern Washington University. Rob Friese suits up for the Eagles in 1986.
EASTERN Magazine
The Friese family in the early years. “I see that sign to Cheney after that 6 1/2hour drive, and I know I’m almost home,” said Friese of his frequent trips to Cheney for either track and field meets or visits to his children. “It’s great living back in my hometown, but I’m always excited to go back to my college home in Cheney.” Friese’s path to Eastern came as a result of a trip he took as a senior in high school. He instantly fell in love with Cheney and Eastern. Despite the long drive, he knew he wanted to be a student there. What he didn’t expect was to become a football player at EWU – especially since he was only about 145 pounds and came from such a small school. “It was tough my first year, trying to prove myself,” said Friese, who went on to letter at Eastern from 1982 to 1985, and helped Eastern to a 9-3 record as a senior and the quarterfinal round of the NCAA Championship
Subdivision Playoffs. His 84-yard punt return for a touchdown in the FCS playoffs in 1985 versus Northern Iowa still stands as the longest in school history. Friese graduated from EWU in 1986, with a degree in English, then began a career in teaching, coaching and administration at his alma mater, Willapa Valley High School. He is principal and football coach there and was track coach for a time as well. Since 1996, Friese has coached in, or been a spectator, at the WIAA State Track and Field Championships that EWU has hosted for the smaller schools in Washington. He knows first hand the impact that experience has had on the college decisions those high school students make. About 1,000 athletes and about 1,000 coaches and administrators attend the meet each year. “When I was going to high school, I didn’t
know anything about Eastern,” he said. “I hope the University understands how important that meet is to these small-school kids. They get to experience campus life at the State Track meet. They come back really impressed, and it gives them an idea of what the Eastern campus and community is like. Once you become an administrator in a small school, you do so much counseling too. We like to think we’ve created a pipeline to Eastern.” He certainly has for his own family. All three of his kids experienced the State Track Meet at Eastern as high school students,
Rob’s wife Lisa (Jackson), EWU class of ‘83, was a cheerleader for Eastern and won the prestigious Mary Shields Wilson award for excellence in the Physical Education Department. Lisa and Rob married in 1985, the summer before his last football season at Eastern. She now teaches preschool in Willapa Valley. For Rob and Lisa, it’s been fun and rewarding seeing their Eastern experience come full circle on the field and in the classroom. “Watching Chelsi compete at Eastern brings back many similarities of what I remember,” said
It’s neat to have my kids there and still keep in touch with the Eastern family.
Pictured this page top to bottom: Chelsi Friese competing for EWU in 2008. Shawn and Chelsi Friese enjoying an EWU football game tailgate. Lisa Friese in her early days as an EWU cheerleader.
and Friese said they came away with such a positive experience that two of them, Shawn and Chelsi, attended EWU right out of high
Friese. “Very few of the athletes who graduate from a school of 300 kids, district wide, ever get a chance to compete at the Division I level,
school. The oldest, Shawn, graduated from EWU in 2009 with an English degree. He’s currently substitute teaching and looking for a permanent teaching position. Friese’s youngest daughter, Chelsi, spent the 20072008 school year competing in the pole vault for the Eagles and finished 11th indoors and fifth outdoors at the Big Sky Conference Championships. This year, Chelsi finished second at the Big Sky Conference Indoor Championships with a vault of 12-11 1/2. That mark moved her into second on EWU’s all-time list, just five inches from the school record. With the exception of daughter Laura, who recently graduated from Washington State University, the Friese household is a flock of Eagles.
and to be very successful. Certainly Chelsi’s drive and work ethic (plus a bit of talent) have really paid off, and we are thrilled to watch her compete, regardless of how she finishes.” Friese adds that, “it has been very strange watching Shawn substitute teach at Willapa Valley High School several times this spring. He is very professional, and I can already tell that he is going to make an excellent teacher and coach.” For Rob Friese, this next generation doesn’t just make him proud, it provides a connection to a lot of great memories. “It’s neat to have my kids there and still keep in touch with the Eastern family,” said Friese. Even if Cheney does seem like the other side of the world. E
Spring/Summer 09
Thank You!
Honor Roll of Donors 2008 Visit to see the names of thousands of individuals who contributed to the success of our students in 2008. Our generous alumni and friends made a huge impact on the students, faculty and programs of Eastern Washington University. Thank you to all who truly started something BIG in 2008!
EASTERN Magazine
Gift Keeps Giving It’s
Join the growing number of Eastern alumni and friends who have specialized Eastern Washington University license plates on their vehicles. They’re not just showing their Eagle pride, but showing support for EWU students, today and into the future, with $28 of the $30 specialized plate fee going toward scholarships at Eastern. Every time an EWU plate is purchased or renewed, Eastern students reap the benefits. For the 2009-10 academic year, 35 students will receive scholarships thanks to money in the license plate fund. If you want to find out how you can add to the more than $150,000 in scholarship money raised so far from these special plates, contact the Olympia Department of Licensing or go to the EWU alumni website for an application.
Notes ’00s ’08 Matthew Howes, BA business administration and marketing, and his wife, ’00 Kim (Brown) Howes, BS dental hygiene, have opened a new restaurant, Adelo’s Take ‘n Bake Pizza, on Spokane’s north side. ‘08 Jackeline Khristine Imperial, BA government, is working as a staff assistant for Congressman Dave Reichert in Washington’s 8th District. She lives in Seattle. ‘07 Maria Gricelda Chacon, MSW, is working as a behavioral health specialist at Yakima Valley Farm Workers Clinic in Toppenish, Wash. She lives in Grandview, Wash., with husband Nelson Chacon and daughter Sujey. ’06 Adam Harki, BA general management, has been promoted to branch manager of the Abbott Carrs Branch of Denali Alaskan Federal Credit Union in Anchorage. He has worked at the company for two and a half years in both Anchorage and Eagle River, Alaska.
‘03 Shawnna Rae Hughes-Molina, BA recreation management, lives in Harpers Ferry, W.Va., and is the executive director of the Jefferson County Council on Aging in Charles Town, W.Va. ‘02 Janet Elaine (Belcher) Silcott, BA English, and her husband, ‘03 Alan Silcott, computer information systems, announce the birth of their son, Andrew Colton Silcott, on March 2, 2009. They are living in Poulsbo, Wash. ’02 Paul Van Pelt, BA education, was hired as a health and fitness instructor at Harrison Middle School in Sunnyside, Wash., in 2003. In 2007, he was hired as the varsity girls’ basketball coach at Grandview High School in Grandview, Wash. His wife Renee, whom he married in 2004, is the junior varsity girls’ coach at the school. ’01 Matthew J. Bussman, BS physical education, has accepted a new position as the head athletic trainer at Seattle University. He is excited to be working with the athletes as they make the transition to Division I sports.
‘00 Liz Powers, BS biotechnology/ biochemistry/pre-med, and ’01 Lonny Dean Powers MS biology, married July 1, 2001, in Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho. The couple resides in Spangle, Wash. with their son Marlon and daughter Marrisa. Liz works is a Lab Tech at PAML Laboratories Spokane Main Branch.
’90s ‘97 Jennifer Heidal Willey, BA liberal studies, and her husband, ‘97 Benjamin Willey, MA communication studies, welcomed a son, Ian Benjamin, Aug. 28, 2008. They live in Lynnwood, Wash. ‘95 Therese SanAndres Montenegro, BS biology, pre/med worked at the Washington State Fish and Wildlife North Bonneville Dam field station office doing scientific data entry and also worked at PAML as an Aliquoter UA processor in 2001, and as a chemist lab tech for Johnson Matthey Honeywell Electronics. ‘94 Deric Inkster, BS community health education, is working as a health inspector for the N.E. Tri-County Health District in Newport, Wash. He married Allison Reiber Aug. 22, 2004. The couple lives in Spokane.
Alumni Photo Album Winter/spring 2009 was an exciting time as Eastern alumni gathered at several events to enjoy some great times. From helping current students network and learn about future careers to sharing good wine with friends – there’s always something fun going on when Eastern alumni get together. Check out more photos from these and other alumni events and see how you can get in on the good times at
The Spokane Lilac Festival Armed Forces Torchlight Pa rade. May 16
med ilac Festival Ar The Spokane L May 16 . de ra Pa t igh Forces Torchl
EASTERN Magazine
Wine 6th Annual Spokane Tasting. May 1
6th Annual Spokane Wine Tas ting. May 1
‘93 Stephen M. Poff, MSW, has been awarded eight cash performance awards and letters of recognition since 2006, for his work as a field representative for the Federal Census Bureau and Centers for Disease Control. He lives in Ellensburg, Wash. ‘90 Dale J. Gredler, BA urban and regional planning, has been redeployed to Almaty, Kazakhstan, from Jakarta, Indonesia, with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), where he serves as a government contracting officer. ‘90 Christina Vann, BSN/RN is married to Kenneth Edward Vann. The couple lives in Portland, Ore., with their son Jonathan and daughter Veronica. She has worked at the VA Hospital for 15 years.
‘72 Robert K. Bodnar, BA physical education, retired in July 2008, after almost 36 years of teaching and coaching (28 years football, 36 years wrestling and 15 years baseball) in Idaho and Washington. He lives in Pasco, Wash.
’60s ‘60 Dean Owen, BA general business, and ’59 Janet (Ohland) Owen, BA business education, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Aug 31, 2008, in Fairbanks, Alaska. They marked the occasion with a trip to Kona, Hawaii, with their children and grandchildren.
’69 Ethan (Rick) Allen, BA journalism, was recently named the “2008 Outstanding Community-based Advocate for Children” by the Washington Association for the Education of Young Children. He was also honored in 2008, as the first recipient of the “Friend to Kids Award,” presented by the Tacoma Children’s Museum. In addition, United Way of Pierce County, where Rick has been CEO for 15 years, recently received the highest 4-Star rating from Charity Navigator, for the fourth consecutive year, one of only five local United Ways (of about 1,300 nationwide) to be so consistently recognized.
Budke Inducted into Business Hall of Fame
’83 and ’76 Jim Parrish, MBA and BA R-TV, Humboldt General Hospital CEO in Winnemucca, Nev., has been honored for his advocacy efforts on behalf of hospitals in Nevada. He was named the “Grassroots Champion for 2008.” In addition to his duties as CEO of Humboldt, Parrish has been active in the Nevada Hospital Association and the American Hospital Association. ‘81 Gregory M. White, BA journalism, was recently promoted to Resident Agent in Charge of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, ICE in Reno, Nev. He started his federal law enforcement career with the U.S. Border Patrol in 1984 in Laredo, Texas and served as a special agent with INS in Los Angeles before becoming a special agent in Reno in 1988. He is married to Renee (Crosby) White and has three children and three grandchildren. ’80 Mike Parker, MA physical education, is in his third year as superintendent of the Hoquiam School District in Hoquiam, Wash. His wife, ’82 Bobbi L. Parker, BA reading, is a firstgrade teacher in the Aberdeen School District.
’70s ’74 Catherine Palmer, MBA, is living in Pullman, Wash., where she is the Sigma Kappa House director. She retired from the Cheney School District in 1996, after 34 years in education. ‘72 Ronald Lloyd Andersen, BA chemistry, served as a U.S. Government chemist and construction cost analyst from 1986, until his retirement in August 2003. He and his wife Carol have five grown children and three grandchildren. They live in Federal Way, Wash., and spend weekends and summers at their beach house in Long Beach, Wash.
Gordon Budke pictured at the Junior Achievement Hall of Fame Event with Devon Waggoner, a Lewis & Clark High School student who aspires to attend EWU and earn a business degree.
Gordon E. Budke ’63, was recognized for his contribution to the growth of business and the economy in the Inland Northwest on April 17, 2009, when he was inducted into the Junior Achievement of the Inland Northwest’s Business Hall of Fame. The event took place at the Davenport Hotel in Spokane. Budke is a longtime member of the Eastern Washington University Board of Trustees. He has been active in the Spokane community for many years and has served on the boards of Junior Achievement, the Spokane Symphony, Banner Bank and Yoke’s Foods. A Certified Public Accountant, he retired from Coopers & Lybrand in October 1997 after 34 years. He then founded Budke Consulting, where he is now president, specializing in general business assistance to small and growing companies. In honoring Budke, Junior Achievement noted his actions have exemplified their ideals of entrepreneurship, innovation and community mindedness to help shape the local economy and inspire young people to be successful as well.
Spring/Summer 09
Marriages ’00s ’08 Taylor Jordan, BA education, married Jason Van Curler Aug. 1, 2008. The couple lives in Spokane, where she works as a supervisor for the Starbucks Coffee Co. ’08 and ’07 Brittany Mortensen, MSW and BA social work, married Richard Rumsey July 12, 2008, in Zillah, Wash. The couple lives in Dallas, Ore. ’08 Sarah Myers, BA social work, married ’08 Jordan Harrison, BS psychology, June 22, 2008, at CenterPlace at Mirabeau Point Park. The couple lives in Spokane Valley, where she works as a junior corrections officer at Martin Hall Corrections Facility. He is a graduate student at EWU. ’08 Kristin White, DPT, married Brian Shoop Aug. 30, 2008, in Springfield, Ore. The couple lives in Puyallup, Wash., where she is a physical therapist at Apple PT.
’06 Jayme Elise Green, BS dental hygiene, married Grant Anthony Richardson Oct. 4, 2008, at Columbia Community Church in Richland, Wash. The couple lives in Kennewick, Wash., where she works as a dental hygienist. ’06 Jenica Johnson, BA studio art, married Jeffery Vose Sept. 23, 2008, at the Mukagowa Fort Wright Chapel in Spokane. The couple lives in Blaine, Wash., where she works as a medical billing specialist. ’06 Janee Rij, BS athletic training, married Jeremy Barlow Aug. 16, 2008, in a ceremony in Riverfront Park. The couple lives in Spokane, where she works at Costco Wholesale. ’05 Ellen Elizabeth Clarke, DPT, married Charles Brock Moller Nov. 29, 2008, in Bremerton, Wash., where the couple lives. She works as a physical therapist in Silverdale, Wash.
’06 Melissa Francesca Boozer, BA education, married Brian Samuel DeHaan Sept. 27, 2008, in a ceremony at Mirabeau Point Park. The couple lives in Spokane Valley.
’05 Ryan C. Fleming, BAB marketing, married ’06 and ’05 Amy W. Cieplik, MA business administration and BAB professional accounting, June 21, 2008, at Lake Lawrence Lodge in Yelm, Wash. The couple lives in Hillsboro, Ore.
’06 Sarah Michelle Bruno, BA education, married ’05 Gary S. Hawkes, BA marketing, March 28, 2009, at the Hostess House. The couple lives in Vancouver, Wash.
’05 Deborah Lynn Johnston, BS dental hygiene, married Kalvin Lee Gould June 28, 2008, in Yakima, Wash. She works as a dental hygienist and as a dental hygiene instructor at
Calling all Lambda Chi Alpha Members It’s time for a summer reunion! This is the third consecutive year that Lambda Chi Alpha of Eastern Washington University is hosting a reunion in the Spokane area. Join us on July 11, 2009, at 6 p.m. at the Davenport Hotel in Spokane. The event is sponsored by Fred Alloway, Tom Boyd, Greg Erickson, Greg Cusick, Dennis Stutes and Bill Mustard. For more information contact Fred Alloway: 509.710.2633, or Bob Thorson
EASTERN Magazine
Yakima Valley Community College. The couple lives in Gleed, Wash. ’05 Ricky Robbins, BA recreation management, married Lisa Mowbray Jan. 10, 2009, in Orlando, Fla., where the couple lives. He works at Walt Disney World. ’05 and ’03 Kurt Sigler, MBA and BA business, married Teagan MacDonald Sept. 20, 2008, in Spokane. The couple lives in Eugene, Ore., where he works as an account manager for Maxim Healthcare. ’04 Michael Wiykovics, BS computer science, married ’05 Victoria Saldivar, BA special education, Oct. 18, 2008, at Eastpoint Church in Spokane Valley. ’03 Tara Fulton, BA special education, married ’02 Eric Forsberg, BA education, July 26, 2008, at her grandparents’ lake home at Bennett Bay on Lake Coeur d’Alene. The couple lives in Tacoma, Wash. She works as a special education teacher and dance coach at Auburn Mountainview High School in Auburn, Wash. He works as a math teacher at Pioneer Middle School in Steilacoom, Wash. ’03 Chelsea Longmore, BAB marketing, married Brian Weiler Aug. 16, 2008, at CenterPlace at Mirabeau Point Park. The couple lives in Spokane Valley. She works as a graphic designer in Liberty Lake. ’03 Kamie Parrish, BA communications studies, married Andy Gylling April 26, 2008, in Colfax, Wash. The couple lives in Rosalia, Wash. She works as a sales and catering manager for the Davenport Hotel in Spokane. ’02 Amanda Horobiowski, BS psychology, married Marcus Riccelli July 19, 2008, in a ceremony at the Spokane Convention Center. The couple lives in Spokane, where she works as a guidance counselor at Havermale High School. ’02 Andrea Ruchert, BA education, married Seth Claassen Aug. 30, 2008, in Pomeroy, Wash., where the couple lives. She is a fourth grade teacher at Pomeroy Elementary School.
’90s ’95 Lisa Schilling, BS communications studies, married Troy DeLatte Aug. 1, 2008, at the Arbor at Mukogawa Fort Wright. The couple lives in Spokane, where she is an office manager for Lamar Advertising.
Memoriam ’00s ’07 William Evers, 55, MSW, died Dec. 18, 2008, in Spokane. He recently resided in Colville, Wash. He had an unwavering commitment to helping people through community outreach programs. ’06 Jeanette Marie Hill, 25, BA government, died Feb. 7, 2009, in Seattle, where she was working on her national paralegal certification at the University of Washington.
’90s ’99 Coral Muscarella, 51, BA education, died Jan. 21, 2009. She and her husband, Chuck Muscarella, opened and ran Cheney PC & Photo for several years. ’95 and ’94 Lewis Griffin, 57, MA public administration and BA business, died Dec. 19, 2008, in Spokane. After 30 years of military service, he retired in 1990, as the technical advisor for the Deputy Commander for Maintenance at Fairchild AFB. In 1996, he worked as administrator for the city of Colfax. In 2001, he was selected to serve as the first city administrator of Liberty Lake, Wash. At the time of his death, Griffin served as city administrator for Connell, Wash. ’94 Vonzel Kaye Role, 61, BA psychology, died Dec. 21, 2008, in Spokane.
’80s ’89 Diana Hiatt Thrasher, 63, BA education, died Feb. 5, 2009, in Spokane Valley. For the past 14 years, she worked as a pharmacy technician in Liberty Lake, Wash. ’87 Chester Patrick (Koke) Brown, 56, BA urban and regional planning, died Feb. 12, 2009, in Spokane. He worked for the Spokane Housing Authority, and for the past several years, for the Spokane Tribe of Indians as a gaming commissioner, TERO director and senior program director. He was an active member of the Spokane Tribe’s Pow Wow Committee. ’86 Evelyn J. Hamel Henrie, 81, BA general studies, died Dec. 24, 2008, in St. George, Utah. In 1987, at age 60, she was the oldest member of her EWU graduating class. She was a dedicated homemaker and excellent seamstress and enjoyed reading, watching Brigham Young University football and Utah Jazz basketball.
’86 Stephen Rudolph Kosonen, 54, BA industrial technology, died Jan. 13, 2009, in Mount Vernon, Wash. He worked 23 years for the Boeing Company where he became an expert in Lean Manufacturing. ’86 David Phillip Skaer, 47, BA business administration, died Feb. 6, 2009. His employment in Spokane included Rexcon Exploration Co., Kinney Shoe Stores, Fred Meyer and Burke’s Distributing. ’85 Brent Barnett, 56, MS geology, died Jan. 17, 2009, in Prosser, Wash. He was a licensed geologist in Washington, Idaho and Oregon. He began his career working for George Maddox & Associates, followed by BHP Utah International, the Washington State Department of Natural Resources and the Washington State Department of Ecology in Olympia, Wash. In 1992, he began working for Westinghouse Hanford Co. in Richland, Wash. In 1996, he transferred to Bettelle PNNL where he remained for 11 years. In April 2007, he transferred to Flour Hanford Co. where he worked until April 2008, when he became ill. ’83 Janice C. Tillman, 48, BA marketing, died Dec. 13, 2008. She lived in Pasco, Wash., where she was a manager of administrative services for Energy Northwest.
’70s ’79 Jerry Dean Rose, 53, BA physical education, died Feb. 2, 2009, in Richland, Wash. He was a longtime teacher and coach at Benton City High School in Benton City, Wash.
’77 George E. Duncan, 61, BA reading, died April 20, 2007, in Othello, Wash. ’77 Sister Consuelo Fissler, 90, MA and BA French, died Jan. 29, 2009, in Sinsinawa, Wis. A member of the Dominican Order, Sister Consuelo was a teacher, serving 14 years in elementary education, 13 years in secondary education, and nine in higher education. She served in congregation leadership for the Spokane Dominicans and was a chaplain for seven years at Holy Family Hospital in Spokane. ’76 Father Thomas D. Kraft O.P., 55, BA physical education, died Jan. 22, 2009, in Seattle. During his years as a Roman Catholic priest, he ministered at the Catholic Campus Ministries at Arizona State University, Tempe, Ariz., and the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. He worked for many years as a missionary in Mexicali, Baja, Mexico, and was later appointed director of the Campus Ministry at the University of Washington in Seattle. He later served as the retreat program coordinator at Gonzaga University. ’74 John Charles Hayward, 58, BA physical education, died Jan. 5, 2009, in Spokane. While attending Eastern, he excelled in wrestling. A resident of Spokane Valley since 1960, he worked for Pennzoil Co. and A & I Distributors. ’74 Billy Jenkin Wise, 66, BA education, died Dec. 23, 2008, in Klamath Falls, Ore. He spent his entire teaching career at Peterson Elementary School in Klamath Falls. He was a retired staff sergeant with the National Guard, serving in Oregon and Washington.
Save the Date Homecoming Weekend
2009 October 23-25 More details to come:
Spring/Summer 09
Memoriam ’73 Leslie A. Gray, 58, BA journalism, died Jan. 8, 2009, in Lynnwood, Wash. She spent her entire career as a retirement plan auditor for the Internal Revenue Service until she retired in the 1990s. ’73 Judith Joan (Reynolds) Tiegs, 58, BA social work, died Feb. 17, 2009. ’72 James Patrick (Ernie) Ashby, 57, BA recreation administration, died Dec. 21, 2008. After graduation, he returned to Chelan, Wash., where he was born and raised. He worked at the U.S. Forest Service before joining his brother to run the family orchard. He lived in Union Valley, Wash., for more than 30 years. ’71 Patrick T. Downey, 67, BA professional accounting, died Jan. 15, 2009, in Spokane. He worked for Spokane Intercollegiate Research and Technology Institute (SIRTI), overseeing Finance and Facilities. He also had a small tax practice and served in the Air National Guard. ’71 Marilyn S. McConaghy, 69, MA government, died Dec. 16, 2008, in Spokane. She was a professor at Spokane Falls Community College for many years, and later became a real estate agent and developer. ’70 Earl L. “Guy” Cox Jr., 77, BA education, died Dec. 19, 2008. He taught for 22 years at Willard Elementary in Spokane before retiring in 1993.
’60s ’68 and ’66 Calvin A. Lidstone, 66, MA and BA mathematics, died Dec. 15, 2008, in Spokane. He was a math instructor at West Virginia Institute of Technology, and at Spokane Falls Community College for 28 years. He served in the Army National Guard for seven years. ’64 Col. Alex Woods, Jr., 66, BA physical education, died Jan. 13, 2009, in Reno, Nev. Woods attended Eastern on a basketball scholarship and graduated with a ROTC commission as a second lieutenant. He moved to Reno after retiring from the Army in 1992, to serve as the Washoe County School District’s director of High School Junior Reserve Office Corps programs. Woods served 28 years of active duty, including two combat tours in Vietnam and seven years in Europe during the Cold War. In the mid-1980s, he served as the national marketing director for all U.S. Army ROTC programs. He then went on to command all the college and high school ROTC programs in five western states before his retirement. ’60 and ’50 Lloyd K. Harman, 82, MA and BA education, died Feb. 25, 2009, in Spokane. He taught at several Spokane schools throughout his career, including: Wilson Elementary School (1950-1960), Sacajewea Junior High (1960-1968) and Shadle Park High School, (1968-1981), where he also coached golf. He coached
To Honor and Remember Memory bricks are a great way to remember a loved one who has passed away. Honor family members, friends or former classmates with a personally engraved brick placed in the “Hello Walk” - the pathway between historic Showalter Hall and the Gates of Knowledge. To learn more about the Pass Through the Pillars Brick Campaign and find out how you can purchase a brick, check out
EASTERN Magazine
baseball for the Spokane Parks Department, was a Boy Scout Leader, and he was a Senior Golf Champion from 1983-85.
’50s ’59 Richard “Dick” Fields, 74, BA social science, died Jan. 11, 2009, in Spokane. He taught mathematics in Mead, Wash., for 29 years, retiring in 1989. ’57 and ’53 Herbert “Herb” R. Sitton, 90, MA education and BA social science, died Nov. 18, 2008, in Spokane. He spent 28 years teaching and as a principal at many elementary schools in Spokane Public Schools District 81. ’56 and 51 Ralph Ruff, 81, MA and BA education, died Dec. 12, 2008, in Vacaville, Calif. He taught in several eastern Washington cities, including Kennewick, Pine City, Granger and Dayton. In 1962, he began teaching in Fairfield, Calif. In 1964, he became a pioneer in special education and continued to teach at schools in Vallejo, Calif., finally retiring from Hogan High School in 1991. ’55 Howard Dallas Duell, 79, BA visual arts, died Feb. 13, 2009, in Everett, Wash. The decorated Korean War veteran taught art for the Bureau of Indian Affairs in Nome, Alaska from 1964-65. He served as an art instructor at Edmonds Community College and Everett Community College from 19651989. He was a member of the NW Designer Craftsmen, NW Institute of Sculpture and Pacific NW Arts & Crafts. He showed his paintings, sculpture and crafts in exhibits and competitions, winning numerous awards. ’54 Arnold R. “Arne” Misterek, 79, BA chemistry, died Feb. 9, 2009, in Spokane. He worked 25 years teaching math and science in the West Valley School District. He spent the past 17 years struggling with Parkinson’s Disease. His interests included watching the stock market, lake fishing and tennis, and he was one of the original members of the Spokane Tennis Association. ’53 and ’50 John Donald Gibbs, 85, MA industrial technology and BA education, died Dec. 10, 2008, in Olympia, Wash. He worked in the field of education for 30 years. He is a past president of the EWU Alumni Association and the Washington Association of School Administrators.
’51 JoAnn Nacke, 79, BA education, died Dec. 23, 2008, in Yakima, Wash. She began her 33-year teaching career in the Tri-Cities, and later taught throughout Washington, in Ephrata, Yakima, Spokane, Elk and Terrace Heights, as well as in Boise, Idaho. After retiring, she volunteered at Moxee Elementary School in Yakima. ’51 Richard Patrick Sartain, 86, MA teaching, died Nov. 22, 2008, in Olympia, Wash. He first attended Eastern in 1940, on a football scholarship, and earned first team All-Washington Intercollegiate Conference honors, before his education was interrupted in April, 1942, when he enlisted in the Marine Corp. He served in Saipan, Okinawa and China. Sartain taught and coached in Wilbur, Wash., until 1950, when he returned to Eastern once again to finish his master’s degree. Before he retired in 1982, he was an elementary and high school principal and coach, he worked for the U.S. Forest Service as a Park Ranger, was director of Elementary Education in Connell, Wash., served as superintendent of Rainier Schools, and worked as the director of the Neighborhood Youth Corps Poverty Program for three counties in western Washington. In 1970, he became assistant superintendent of ESD 113, in charge of youth programs for nine counties.
’32 Josephine Childs Heywood, 97, MA elementary teaching, died Jan. 27, 2009, in Spokane. Her teaching career brought her from Omak, Wash., to Sitka, Alaska. She eventually retired from Audubon Elementary School in Spokane.
’20s ’29 Bernadine Virginia McClincy, 81, threeyear teaching certificate, died Dec. 2, 2008, in Lacey, Wash. She taught in Spokane, from 1929 through 1968 at Edison, Jefferson and Lincoln elementary schools, Libby Junior High and Lewis and Clark High School, where she retired from in 1968. ’27 Marcella Smith, 100, education certification, died Dec. 6, 2008, in Spokane Valley, where she was a retired Central Valley School District teacher and long-time resident. She died just two weeks shy of her 101 birthday. She was a member of the Spokane Area Retired Educators Association, Washington State and the National Retired Teachers Associations.
Faculty/Staff ’81 Sunya Herold, 69, BA geography, died Nov. 18, 2008, at her home in Cheney. She was a longtime Eastern Washington University men’s and women’s tennis coach. She married in 1958, and moved to the Washington D.C. area, where she lived before moving to Cheney in 1969. She was determined to earn her college degree. On a lark, she turned out for varsity tennis, even though she was 37 years old. She became the oldest student ever to letter in a varsity sport at EWU. The year before her graduation, she was asked if she would like to stay on as an assistant tennis coach. This assignment eventually led her to the position she would hold for the next two decades. Louise Prugh-Hutchinson, 92, died Dec. 12, 2008, in Spokane. In 1964, she began teaching at Eastern, where she received her master’s degree in education in 1965. In 1980, she became a full professor in charge of the Fashion Merchandising Department. She retired in 1985. She was later honored with the title Professor Emeritus. After her retirement, she returned to what she loved to do most – fly.
Dr. William H. Drummond, PhD, 1921-2008 Dr. William H. “Bill” Drummond, 87,
’46 Elizabeth MacDonald Hart, 84, BA education, died Oct. 9, 2008, in Colfax, Wash. She began her teaching career in Walla Walla, Wash. She married her husband, Don, in 1950, and they moved to a farm five miles south of Colfax, where they lived, raised three children and farmed for 43 years, until retiring.
of Gainesville, Fla., died Nov. 15, 2008.
’45 Alice Powell, 84, BA visual arts, died Sept. 6, 2008. She lived in Kettle Falls, Wash.
Instruction, he gave national leadership
the improvement of teacher education
’39 Rose Marie Artman, 91, teaching certification, died Dec. 24, 2008, in Colville, Wash. She was a lifetime resident of the Northport and Colville area.
and student teaching, and the adoption
’34 Cora Jones Anderson, 95, BA history, died Jan. 2, 2009, in Ukiah, Calif., where she lived for the past 56 years. Anderson was a teacher and took pride in educating children.
the task of selecting the best of our culture to transmit to the young. Our best ideas
Drummond was chair of the Department of Education at Eastern Washington College of Education in the 1950s. He served as director of student teaching. As associate for teacher education in the Washington State Department of Public for many programs and innovations for
of organizational management techniques. In the 1957 Kinnikinick, Eastern’s annual, Drummond wrote, “We as teachers, have are similar to the aspirations of the underprivileged and oppressed peoples of the world. Our major responsibility, therefore, is to develop these ideas in our children so that these cherished concepts may form the basis of international cooperation by governments and by people.”
Spring/Summer 09
Back Page
Education Day
State lawmakers got a healthy dose of Eagle pride when EWU students, alumni, faculty, staff, Swoop and the Eastern choir stopped by the
Capital Building in Olympia on Feb. 17. Eastern was well represented as all state-funded colleges and universities united in Olympia to share their success stories and encourage legislative support during Higher Education Day.
EASTERN Magazine
Alumni Events
Start something big at EWU events. For more information and to register, visit or call 888.EWU.ALUM.
2009 Ron Raver Memorial Golf Classic presented by Harvest Foods Indian Canyon and The Creek at Qualchan golf courses; 1 p.m. shotgun start, included lunch starts at 11:30 a.m., steak dinner to follow play, tee prize included with entry; 4-person scramble; single player: $125, foursome: $500, sponsored foursome: $800. For more information or to register, contact EWU Athletics 509. 359.2463 or
25 Homecoming 2009
2nd Annual Tailgate Decoration Contest Battle your fellow alumni for tailgate superiority. We’ll be judging the most spirited, unique displays. Parking lot 12 behind Woodward Field. Register online at
EWU Football vs. Montana State Bobcats Kick-off 1:05 p.m. Buy tickets at or call 866.4GO.EAGS Halftime – Michael Roos ‘05, starter for NFL Tennessee Titans, will have his EWU football jersey retired.
EWU Football vs. Portland State Qwest Stadium, Seattle, Wash. Kickoff 1:05 p.m. Watch for details on the big pregame party in Seattle.
25 EWU Alumni Beer Bowl (3rd Annual Fall Beer Tasting) Taste a variety of beers from Washington breweries, nosh on delicious tailgate-style food and enter to win great prizes Sponsored by Northern Quest Casino and the Kalispel Tribe. Northern Quest Casino, Airway Heights, Wash. To register, call 888.EWU.ALUM or online at
OCTOBER 10 Oktoberfest More details to come at 10 Hall of Fame Weekend More details to come at
23-24 50th Year Reunion Celebration Join classes from the ‘40s, ‘50s and ‘60s for a weekend of friends, food and memories. A weekend you will NEVER forget! Additional details and costs will be mailed out in summer. We hope you can attend. Call the Office of Alumni Advancement if you need assistance contacting friends you hope can attend. 888.EWU.ALUM.
What’s Going on in Your World? Good news to share? New job? Change of address? Tell us so that we can update records and share your news with alumni and friends in an upcoming issue of Eastern magazine.
Please send to: EWU Alumni Advancement 506 F Street, Cheney, WA 99004-2402 Call: 888.EWU.ALUM (398.2586), 509.359.4550; Fax: 509.359.4551 or visit
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Spring/Summer 09
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For questions, call the
Office of Alumni Advancement 509.359.4550 or 888.EWU.ALUM. Office of Alumni Advancement 506 F Street Cheney, WA 99004-2402