Exalte' Summer Issue 2016

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Original OIL SPILLS Let’s Talk

Love through







Kymberly Soule’ Kymberly@exaltemagazine.com 251.455.0580

Associate Publisher Mike Soule’

Creative Design Kymberly Soule’ Tish Ellenberg



Lead Photographer Elle Photography

Contributing Photographer Katco Photography

Writers & Researchers Audra Warren Cara Pace

Lead Hair & Makeup

Katherine Thomasson/Katco Beauty

On the Cover

Photographer: Elle Photography Model: Veronica Ginn Hair & Makeup - Katherine Thomasson

Inside Cover

Photograpy: Elle Photography Model: Alexis Craft Designer - Parrish Makeup - Face It! Makeup Artistry by Desha' Ringe Hair- 3G UP-DO

Editor's Letter

As I look around in the world, I see COLORS everywhere! Did you know that every color represents some type of charity, cause or awareness? It is absolutely amazing all you will see if you research awareness ribbons. This might not mean anything to you now, but if will very quickly if any of these causes ever affect you or someone you love. After I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, I found out that my particular ribbon color was lime green. Really? Lime Green? Why couldn’t it be my favorite color pink? As most of you know, pink is the awareness color for breast cancer. I think by having colored awareness ribbons, people are given hope and a feeling of not being alone in the fight or battle. I pray that you never have to claim an awareness color ribbon, but I am sure you will know someone that will be affected by one. Learn about their cause of awareness and stand next to them in their journey by supporting them in their color. Take time to notice other awareness colors and find out more about how you can help give back to so many people. Our annual Colors of Awareness Calendar will be hitting the streets in September, where we bring awareness to 15 different causes in one colorful calendar. Be looking for more information on social media and our website to get your copy.

Show the World your colors and God Bless You!

Kymberly and Mike Soule’

Photographed by Elle Photography Makeup -Love Makeup

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalm 19:1

Model Dusty Rose Smith Photographer Katco KatcoPhotography Photography

Model Dusty Rose Smith

The Wedding Bell



Shelli Bell

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Traveling Officiant


Happily Ever After Starts Here theweddingbellreverend@gmail.com

ex·al·té \eg-zäl-tā\:adj, verb (French)

www.exaltemagazine.com 1. emotionally excited or elated : fanatic 2. inspiration/to be inspired 3. the official [fashion + philanthropy] magazine on the Gulf Coast


Exalte’ Magazine


Fashion meets Philanthropy


Aerial Y Total body workout:

Due to the nature of aerial yoga movements, almost all body parts are forced to move and stretch. Muscles are toned strengthened and regenerated.

Psychologically beneficial: Just like almost any other workout, aerial yoga helps rebuild your emotional system and relieve stress due to its meditative state. It also helps you combat stress throughout the day and increases creativity, leading to artistic development.

Shot on location at Pure Pilates 426 South Palafox, Pensacola, FL 32502 Owner Susan Clark www.pureaerialperformances.com


A combination of traditional yoga poses, pilates and dance with the use of a hammock, aerial on the ground, but easier in mid-air. It’s fun and acrobatic, so for those of you who dreamed of being a trapeze artist as a kid, this can give you a taste of what it is like. Yoga:

Improves balance:

While defying gravity can be exciting, aerial yoga also helps with balance and stability in daily activities. Balance is a key component in everyday life, and aerial yoga helps maintain balance both inside and out.

Heals back problems: Aerial yoga gives you the chance to hang freely, allowing your spine to lengthen. With less strain on your back, it eases tension in the spinal cord and hip joint.

Improves flexibility:

Increases strength:

acting gravity. Suspension in the air releases tension on the

Aerial yoga improves

it helps runners increase stamina and be able recover faster.

Photographed by ELLE PHOTOGRAPHY

Aids digestion:

Improves memory:

movements improve the digestive system and help to heal digestion-related issues, including constipation and indigestion.

neural connections, thereby rendering better memory power. In a way, practicing aerial yoga can increase intelligence and cognitive ability.

Improved mood:

Another key benefit of aerial yoga is that it increases adrenaline while going against gravity. It also releases “happy� neurotransmitters like serotonin, oxytocin, and dopamine, which boost your mood and increase energy.

Old age and heart disease:

Aerial yoga improves the circulation of blood, thus combating aging and its symptoms. Aerial yoga also helps detoxify the circulatory and lymphatic systems, which lowers the onset of various cardiovascular issues.

"Shades of Grey"

“We are not all weaved into perfect human beings.This world we live in is not just black and white.� Brittney Pelloquin Body Painter

Photographer: Spade TM

Let’s Talk:

OIL SPILLS Alabama the Beautiful was known for its white sand beaches and turquoise water. Unfortunately, on April 20, 2010, our shore was stained forever. When the Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig exploded: •The Gulf was flooded with 200 million gallons of oil •11 rig workers killed, 17 injured •Thousands of animals were harmed •82,000 coastal birds •6000 sea turtles •25,900 marine animals Suddenly, Alabama wasn’t so beautiful anymore. The beautiful beaches the Coast had come to know and love were destroyed. The economy plummeted, jobs were lost, beaches were closed, and fishing was prohibited. Not only were humans affected, but nearly every species of marine animal as well. Among these marine animals were bottlenose dolphins, which were recently found to still be affected today. A study took place from 2010-2014 in which 69 baby dolphins were compared to 26 others in areas unaffected by the oil spill. 88% of the baby dolphins in the oil spill zone were found to have lung problems-some even died in the womb because their lungs could not fully develop.

Photographed by ELLE PHOTOGRAPHY

•Beyond this, the oil causes marine animals to have severe difficulty breathing. When animals with blowholes, such as dolphins or whales, come to the surface to breathe, their blowholes can be coated with oil, which then enters their lungs. It can also get into their eyes and mouths, damaging internal organs and affecting their ability to reproduce. •The water’s oily surface also causes diving birds to be covered in oil, which inhibits their ability to fly, and therefore, to hunt. Because of these reasons, the coastal brown pelican became endangered in the months after the oil spill. •Five of the seven world sea turtle species can be found in the Gulf of Mexico. The oil spill occurred at the beginning of the turtles’ breeding season, and when the young turtles hatched, the thick oil had potential to inhibit their breathing and decrease their chances of survival. •Many species of fish in the Gulf eat anything that appears to be edible, and at times, this includes drops of oil. Even the dispersants, which were used to help “clean up” the oil spill, caused adverse effects in the fish and caused mutations. One study found that the oil caused heart problems in tuna, leading to cardiac arrest. Fishing in the Gulf was prohibited for over a year, affecting not only people who fished for business, but restaurants that depended on seafood.

“I’m no longer accepting the things I cannot change. I’m changing the things I cannot accept.” Angela Davis

No beaches or marine life were harmed during this photoshoot.

Although the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill was detrimental to every aspect of coastal life, it brought attention to a suppressed ongoing issue-water pollution. Future environmental disasters like the Oil Spill are entirely preventable, and the good news is that anyone can help!

Here’s how:

•Recycle! When recyclable objects are properly disposed of, they will not be leaked into the gulf, protecting one of our most valuable natural resources-water. Just one ton of recycled plastic saves 16.3 barrels of oil. •Volunteer. There are several volunteer groups in Alabama that are dedicated solely to keeping the environment clean. These groups have meetings, complete service projects, and even pick up litter-something you can do on your own! •Reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Turn lights off when they aren’t being used, take advantage of reusable water bottles, and use “green” electricity, like solar energy, if possible. •Educate! Make more people aware of the danger of offshore drilling and the potential for oil spillage.

Environmental disasters harm everyone, but it’s never too late to make a difference. Change is everywhere, and it begins with you. Alabama is becoming beautiful again, one person at a time.

For more information, visit www.neaq.org and thewildlife.wbur.org

Love Through Pregnancy

What's the single most significant relationship you'll have in your new life as a parent? Surprise: It's not the one you'll share with that beautiful baby you'll be bringing home some 30 weeks from now. It's the one you share — and will continue to share — with your spouse. But after all, fetuses grow up into babies, who grow up into children, who grow up and move away from home, but a spouse is yours into old age, so it's extra important to keep the love alive and maintain a strong relationship during pregnancy. That said, there are sure to be some changes in the dynamics of your twosome once baby makes three. This goes as well for those parents who are adding to their already existing families. These changes and potential strains on a couple’s relationship during a pregnancy are inevitable. But if you play your cards right, they can actually be changes for the better. The first thing you guys will need to do is to start thinking of yourselves as a couple again — instead of just a couple of parents (or a couple of parents-to-be). Of course, you'll want to focus plenty of attention on your pregnancy, and on your baby-to-be — that's great, as long as you also remember to keep your relationship front-and-center (no back burner for your love life). Couples should, of course, nurture the pregnancy and baby-to-be, but don't forget to take the time to — and put the effort into — nurturing each other. Your baby doesn't have to come between you (though your belly definitely will). Wondering just how to nurture your relationship? You probably have some pretty good romantic tricks you can pull out of storage; here are a few other ideas to get you started.

Photographed by ELLE PHOTOGRAPHY Models Jessica and Sean Sheldon

Mix baby business with relationship pleasure.

Cap a trip to the baby store with dinner and a movie (and don't forget to hold hands in the dark) or follow that ultrasound appointment with lunch at your favorite place

Get away.

Plan a romantic getaway (or two) before baby makes a trip for two a lot trickier (if you plan to fly during your pregnancy just get the okay from your doctor before you hit the open skies). Pick a place with comfortable beds and room service (wink, wink).

Schedule in romance.

Now's a good time to start a weekly date night — something you'd be smart to continue after baby's on board (though in the first few months, you may be taking those dates at home.…).

Be spontaneous.

Sometimes, for absolutely no reason at all, surprise your partner with a come-from-behind squeeze, a weekend afternoon delight, a compliment that makes him blush. Feel free to get frisky (and adventurous!).

Be naughty.

Chat him up.

Keep your relationship (and romance) first and foremost during pregnancy. Don't just e-mail him 20 times a day to ask him if he's remembered to pick up the dry cleaning or those paint samples for the nursery, e-mail him sometimes just to tell him you love him — and that you can't wait to see him.

Amp up the passion! Leave him suggestive messages that he'll find in his pocket when he reaches in for change and that will make him think of you (and think of you, and think of you).


Communication is always important in a relationship, but it's especially essential for couples during pregnancy. Be sure to talk through changes instead of just letting them happen. And keep those lines of communication open even once baby's on the scene; when talking — at least, hearing each other over the sound of the baby crying — will be especially challenging but more important than ever.


The Art of by Audra Warren

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as Christ God forgave you.

Ephesians 4:32

Letting Go

Photographed by ELLE PHOTOGRAPHY

In life, if you know a single person to date who has not been hurt or offended in some way by another human being, you have surely struck gold. Whether it is by words or actions, people have the ability to hurt or offend us on a deeply emotional level. Some offenses can be totally minor of course, but are held onto for so long that they create a spiral of resentment. The major ones are what really get us though. Things like: being abandoned, lied to, cheated on, bullied, or abused…and the list goes on. It’s often said, “Forgive and forget.” Simple enough…right?!?! WRONG!!! But why is that? I can tell you why…it’s because some hurts run deep, so deep in fact that you may always be left with a scar. A scar that exists as a constant reminder of the pain you’ve experienced. Some scars are totally visible, but others may only be recognizable to you alone. It’s like having a back-up chip permanently implanted in your brain that stores a catalog of these events. Even if you have the courage to forgive and think you have forgotten, a similar situation may arise and BAM…thunder startles you and like a flash of lightening those little scars become visible all over again. It will legit make you want to go to war with your mind. Like seriously…I can’t remember what I wore yesterday, but I can’t forget every detail of something that happened to me twenty years ago. That’s powerful!! Long-term memory for you…makes the brain that much more fascinating doesn’t it?? And this is precisely what makes the concept of “Forgive and forget” so tricky. If you could truly forget, you’d have no reason not to want to forgive. So why should anyone want to forgive? Plain and simple…you forgive for peace. Some people harbor resentment for years on end waiting for an apology that may never come. The thought is that forgiving someone of their wrongs may somehow condone their behavior. You wouldn’t want them to get the impression that what they have done to you is in some way acceptable. The key to remember is that forgiveness is not really for them, it’s for you. It’s often been said that holding onto bitterness in your heart allows another person to live rent free in your mind. It’s natural to want those who have hurt you to hurt as well. Don’t waste your energy trying to get revenge on another person. Be of the mindset that you will not allow another human being to steal your joy. Use that precious time to invest in yourself, and trust that the universe has a way of teaching everyone valuable lessons without your help. It’s important to remember that in most cases of major pain, forgiveness is a process that takes time. Allow yourself time to grieve and heal. I love how a guest on the Oprah Show once defined Forgiveness. He said, “Forgiveness is giving up the hope that the past could be any different.” Keep in mind that forgiving someone does not mean you have to offer them a space in your life. Forgiving means you have let go of the hurt that you’ve endured, it means that you have freed your heart and your mind of such heavy burdens, it means that you choose to live in peace and soak up every ounce of happiness that you possibly can.

“Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” – Mahatma Gandhi

“The practice of forgiveness is your ticket to clarity, vitality, and freedom.” – Iyanla Vanzant

Steps to Help You on Your Journey to Forgiveness -Pray for those who have hurt you -Ask for forgiveness from those you may have hurt -Be alone with your thoughts so that you can handle your frustrations in a logical manner -Communicate your feelings to the person who has hurt you -Recognize that most offenses have less to do with you, and more to do with the offender themselves -Remember that the best revenge is to live a fulfilling life

Three Positive Benefits of Forgiveness -Improved overall mental and physical well-being -Closer bonds and more enriching relationships -A stronger sense of self-worth

*While you’re in the processing of forgiving, don’t forget to forgive yourself. Forgive yourself for trusting the wrong people; forgive yourself for not saying or doing something that you thought you should have at the time. The past is in the past; leave it there, and live happy and free today.

Source: Mayo Clinic - Forgiveness

Coastal Kids f ashion Week 2016 Model Winners

Katie Watts Dylan McClellan

Photographed by ELLE PHOTOGRAPHY


Cf W 2016

Photographed by ELLE PHOTOGRAPHY

2016 Coastal K Fashion Week Em Designer Win Alexandra Bu

Kids merging nner ujan


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All about SELFIES


Beyond your average

Fairy Tale by: Audra Warren

Elle Photography Designer Ashley Williams

Too often we wish for material things and people to complete our happiness. The world has a tendency to teach us that happily ever after only comes when finding the love of your life, your better half, the one. This notion leads single people to believe that they are lacking something if they have yet to reach marital status. The truth is, married or not, you’ve already found that person. You are the love of your life, your better half, the one. The quicker you realize this reality, the sooner you’ll see that your “happily ever after” already exists. Finding the right person to enjoy your happy with is just a bonus. Know yourself, appreciate the struggles in your journey, learn something new from each unique experience, and always, always love yourself first. Here’s to you and your very own happily ever after...

Steve Alexander is a reporter at WALA-TV and has been involved in broadcast journalism for over 35 years. One of the qualities he has enjoyed about being in broadcast journalism is the opportunity to do good, the chance to help others. Steve has always considered it a form of public service and a privilege. He knows it is not a life-saving profession like law enforcement or firefighting but hopes that he can make a difference. Steve has worked as a reporter and anchor in five cities and remembers that the most satisfying jobs were the ones in which you could help others. He has enjoyed telling viewers how they could send clothes and donations to a homeowner whose house was destroyed in a fire or allow family members experiencing loss to talk about what that person meant to them. As a reporter, Steve also believes that you can give others a voice about an issue that can help even more people: how a person overcame a drug addiction or starting over after the horrors of physical or sexual abuse. In this process he has met some very special people. Thank you Steve for all that you do for the community and most importantly your heart.


Steve Alexander Photographed by Elle Photography

Chris Wolfe

Business Development The Taylor Agency

Allstate Insurance Company 8531 Spanish Fort Blvd, Ste 2 Spanish Fort, Al 36527 Phone: 251-725-5505 Fax 251-725-5506 Cell 251-776-4479 chriswolfe@allstate.com



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Visit our website for more information re donation drop-offs and to register your email for our Cheap Chic Sales (March/Sept/January).

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Be an OR

“I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:14

RIGINAL! by: Cara Pace

Think of someone you admire. It can be anyone. Now think of what makes that person special to you. Is it their confident personality? The way their eyes twinkle when they laugh? Their ability to see the good in others? Why do those people stand out to you? Because they live a life where they dare to be original. They are unapologetically themselves. To some people, being unapologetically themselves is scary. After all, there are so many preconceived notions about what you should or shouldn’t be, what you should or shouldn’t wear. You’re submitting yourself to possible judgment and unkindness. It’s easy to be a wallflower and blend in, but what’s the fun in that? It’s boring, it hinders you from reaching your full potential, and it isn’t honest.

“Your time is limited; so don't waste it living someone else's life.” -Steve Jobs

Tips on Being True to Yourself: •Express yourself! Wear clothes that you like. Style your hair in a way that makes you feel beautiful. Go after your dreams. Embrace the unique aspects of yourself! •Stand up for what you believe in. Be proud of your morality and show the world what makes you happy. •Remember that the traits you see as “quirky” or “different” may be what others love most.

-Dr. Seuss

Photographed by Elle Photography Hair & Makeup by Katco Beauty

While it’s great to know that other people love and accept you, the most important thing is to love yourself. Fall in love with yourself because no one else can love you in the same way. Fall in love with the dimples on your cheeks and the way you snort when you laugh. Fall in love with the freckles on your shoulders and the moles on your back. Every little bit of you, from the top of your head to the tip of your toes, and everything in between. You are wonderful just the way you are. When you fall in love with yourself, nothing in the world can stop you. You will be powerful, confident, and strong. And the people around you will fall into place and continue loving every little bit of you, too.

Drow “When you feel like you’re drowning in life, don’t worry. Your Lifeguard walks on water.”

wning Written by: Cara Pace Location compliments of S.S. Steele Homes Hair and Makeup by Katco Beauty Photographed by Elle Photography


Have you ever gone underwater in a pool just to see how long you could hold your breath? Most of us have. But do you ever feel like you’ve been holding your breath for too long? Like everything around you has stolen your momentum and made it hard to breathe. Life is sort of the same way. There are days when the water is smooth and calm, and there are days when the water is rough and unruly. It’s unpredictable in this way, and so often the rough water catches you by surprise. You know you have a lot to be grateful for, but you can’t help feeling like the trials and tribulations never end. You’re in over your head, and it’s overwhelming. Suddenly, you’re drowning. Drowning in work or drowning in sorrow. Maybe you’re struggling financially, you’ve gone through a breakup, or life in general has you down. It may feel like this now, but there are plenty of ways to tread water.


But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.� Matthew 19:26




Photography by Katco Photography On Location - Sportplex Total Fitness Mobile, AL

Braxton Gilbert is a nationally certified personal trainer and has worked with over 500 c help people achieve the body of their dreams, while educating them on training/nutrition their results after the fitness program concludes. Knowledge is power!

ess Tips

by Braxton Gilbert

clients in Mobile, AL. He loves to n ideas so that they can maintain

Focus When you are working out, make sure that you are focusing on using the muscle that the exercise is intended to work. For example, if you are doing bicep curls, make sure you focus on flexing your bicep with each curl. This ensures full stimulation of the muscle.

HIIT Cardio High Intensity Interval Training involves quick movements to get the heart rate up, burn fat, and build muscle. One of my favorite cardio movements is a burpee. Start lying down flat on your stomach, pop up to a squatting/standing position and quickly transition to a high jump. This is a great move to get the heart rate going, and it really sculpts the legs!


Boxing/Kick boxing Looking for a creative way to get a killer core/upper body workout in? Try throwing out a few combos on the bag. Boxing/hitting for 20 min is a great way to increase strength and speed in the upper body, sculpt the arms/core, and get a great cardio workout.

Sprints Sprints are a great way to elevate heart rate to burn fat while sculpting lean muscle. A great workout using sprints is to go full throttle sprinting for 30 seconds and then walk for 30-60 seconds. Alternate the two for 20-30 minutes for a kick butt workout!

Bench press Basketball Make it fun! One of my favorite ways to get a great cardio workout in is a game of basketball. Sports combine running, jumping, side-to-side movements, and everything

The bench press is a classic move to sculpt awesome pecs and build upper body strength. After a good warm up (push ups) load up a weight you can complete 12-15 times and push, push, push for 3-4 sets. Rest about 1-2 min in between sets. Keeping shorter rest periods help increase not only strength, but endurance.

What’s your goal? To get the best results from your workouts, be clear on what you want from your training. If you want to have stronger legs, make sure you aren't spending all of your time at the curl bar. If you want to have ripped abs, make sure you are hitting abs multiple times per week. Design your workout in a way that prioritizes your goal.


by: Shawna Latimer

My daughter’s name is Eliana. My pregnancy with her was healthy, and I had a normal delivery. Everything as she met her big brother and other family.

were getting ready for our last night’s stay at the hospital, when a nurse came in to take Eliana for another test. She returned a little bit later and asked to administer the test again. Soon we were told that our sweet, tiny baby girl had a heart defect and she would be transferred to another hospital via ambulance.

everything they could do for her, then informed us that and that we would have to drive to meet her there. As I watched them roll my tiny 2 day old baby girl away to get on a helicopter, everything inside of me broke down. My heart was broken. As her mommy, I was supposed to protect her. I was supposed be able to help her, but

and phone calls from the doctors that were already working to keep Eliana alive. Once we were there and reunited with her, the vision of our 2 day old baby girl with wires and IV’s coming and going from her was almost too much. With every specialist and doctor that we spoke with, we soon learned that she was in the best place possible and our faith in her team of specialists began to grow. We were able to stay by her side 24 hours

Elle Photography

and praying for results we learned that she had a coarctation of the aorta and that it would require a surgical repair that would be done once her heart gained strength. As the prayers poured in,

surgeon’s hands. Trembling on the inside, but trying to stay strong for our son, we waited... A few hours went by and we heard the good news. She did wonderfully and was on her way back to the room! As my husband and I walked back to the room, a feeling of relief came over us and soon released from the ICU and sent to a regular room. It was there that she began to feel like our baby again. With only one machine and a few

into an amazing bright eyed beauty, bringing smiles and joy everywhere she goes.

Model Training Call for Class times

Ages 6+ 1pm - 4pm


Learn from experienced trainers in the fashion industry (i.e. editorial modeling/catalog, audition/interview technique, runway, presentation)

Includes Formal Headshot 10 digital model poses


251.455.0580 exaltefashion@gmail.com

Taste of the Holidays & Gift Show

Abba Shrine Temple 7701 Hitt Rd Mobile, Alabama

November 5, 2016 November 5th


9:00 AM -2:00 PM $5 entry

I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

Godly & Fit

The vision that Deounte Coleman and his friend Marcus Smith have is for Godly & Fit to lead people to Christ first and inspire them to live healthy and fit lives. They are dedicated to spreading the word of God to people while teaching them more about their health. We are so excited to see them take the world over by storm and wish them the best from the entire Exalte’ Team! On Location at Sportplex Total Fitness Photographed by Katco Photography

Spending Time in Nature for your Health

Many adults enjoy the serenity of spending time in nature as a way to escape the stress and craziness of everyday life.

Being outside and spending time in nature is good for a person’s mental health, as it allows them to de-stress. The fresh air and sunlight have the largest benefits. For example, with increased exposure to natural sunlight, incidents of seasonal affective disorder decrease. When individuals are exposed to natural sunlight, the vitamin D in their skin helps to elevate their moods. Research has shown that spending time in nature has been associated with decreased levels of mental illness, with the strongest links to reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety, in addition to increased self esteem.


Photographed by Elle Photography



EXALTE Couture Photographed by Elle Photography Hair & Makeup Katco Beauty

Joyce Pilarsky

Elle Est Designs

Elle Est Designs

Let's face it, most of us want to feel glamorous and sexy sometimes, if not all the time. And if for no one but ourselves! And don't think you're ever too old, or too this or that. Every woman can look and feel sexy and gorgeous if they want to.

1. It's all about me! Create some

uninterupted 'me' time.

2. Clear your mind - rid your mind of all your thoughts - good, bad and otherwise. Forget about all the things you need to do, or the hassles you've had that day. Put them to one side.

3. Let your inhibitions go. 4. Think gorgeous and glamorous. Tell

yourself you're gorgeous.

5. Have a scented bath, using oils or bath salts. If you have time, light some candles and play some easy listening music. Pat yourself dry when done and apply moisturiser all over. 6. Paint your finger and toe nails, even if it's just the colour nude, it will make you feel great.

Easy ways to feel


7. Put on your makeup and style your hair. Be sure to choose a particularly gorgeous lip.

8. Dab or spray your favourite perfume

in key places: your neck, behind your ears, on the inside of your wrists and some people put it behind their knees. Never rub your perfume, it can bruise it.

9. Wear gorgeous, 'matching' lingerie. It's amazing how sexy you will feel. It needn't be expensive.

10. Put on your favourite outfit, shoes

Photographed by Elle Photography

and accessories. www.gorgeousme.com

You are Beautiful!

Shawna Whitsett

Premier Level V Lexus Achiever 251.623.1223 Shawna@skincaresuccess.com www.skincaresuccess.com www.changingthefaceofskincare.com Facebook.com/ShawnaL2


60 DAY CHALLENGE Try Rodan + Fields for 60 days - if you don’t love it, send it back for a FULL REFUND! IF I ASKED YOU TO BE A





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Queens with Dreams Ladies Social PhilanthropyOrganization For more information visit us on Facebook - Queens with Dreams or @ www.queenswithdreams.com

The Cause

Coast is our


Alabama Coastal Foundation 251-990-6002 - www.joinacf.org Alabama is the fifth most biologically diverse state in the U.S. and has 53 consecutive miles of beaches, as well as over 600 miles of tidal shoreline. Our coastal ecosystem is the fourth largest estuary in the U.S. and plays a critical role in nurturing the finfish, shrimp, shellfish, crabs, and migratory birds that are vital both to our economy and our coastal ecosystem. Over the past several decades, we have lost a significant amount of these habitats due to human destruction and natural disaster. This puts our coast and our livelihoods at risk. In the aftermath of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, we are faced with the task of rebuilding a Coastal Alabama that can be enjoyed by future generations.

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