Teen Exalte' Magazine

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A Teen Fashion Magazine With A Purpose

FALL 2013




Fall Fashion

Hot Playlist of 2013

Be Smart, DON’T Start



Trends for 2014

‘ TEENEXALTE Publisher

Exalte’ = in·spire (n-spr)

Kymberly Soule’ Kymberly@Exaltemagazine.com

Co-Publisher Michael Soule’ Mike@Exaltemagazine.com

to fill with enlivening or exalting emotion: to stimulate to action; motivate to breathe life into

Desha’ Ringe Desha@Exaltemagazine.com

Managing Editor Tambra Carter Tambra@Exaltemagazine.com

to encourage by filling with confidence, enthusiasm artistic idea

Editor in Chief

Graphic Design Kymberly Soule’ and Tish Ellenberg Graphics@Exaltemagazine.com

Photographer Elle Photography

To advertise contact info@Exaltemagazine.com Makeup and Hair


Sara Sisler

Fashion Stylist Shanavia Rivers-Reed

Styles Provided By Cadouri’s


Cover by

Gavin Ward Photography

Chrissy Hakins Jodi Hallum Jennah Lee Jessie Harris De’Andre Pettaway Gavin Cooley Zachary Calci

Editor’s Note This month’s anti-bullying campaign holds a special place in my heart, as I was at the center of harsh bullying for a majority of my school career. I was overweight as a pre-teen and an object for nasty comments daily from my peers. I spent most of my time eating lunch alone and pretending the other kids weren’t laughing at me. When I was 10, I was diagnosed with diabetes and lost over 70 pounds; then I was the weird kid with the disease. As I got older, went through middle school, and entered high school, I was bullied for a number of things: my braces, my glasses, my good grades, and mostly my height of 6’3”. Once I turned 16, lost the glasses and braces, and started modeling, I just knew that people would start to accept me and stop bullying me. I was wrong. My house was toilet-papered on my birthday, my name had become a normal thing on the bathroom stalls, people taunted me and physically harassed me in the hallways at school, and a group of kids even showed up to my first runway show to boo me. I was made to feel as if I were a loser and would never be anything; I was insignificant, even though I tried everything I could to “fit in.” When I was in school, bullying was usually only face-to-face. These days, kids have so many other outlets to take advantage of in bullying: the Internet, Facebook, text messaging, etc. It’s almost impossible to ignore. You have to find the strength within yourself to know you’re better than what these bullies are trying to make you feel like and that one day, you will rise above. I had amazing parents who loved me and taught me to have a thick skin, a few good friends who stood by my side and stuck up for me, and a wonderful pastor who gave me a message from God, “He sees you standing tall, the tallest of buildings. And He’s giving me one word for you…‘concrete.’” At 25 years old now, I am successful in life with a wonderful husband and family and friends, in my career as a professional model and now Editor-in-Chief of this amazing inspirational magazine, and in my spirit as God has continued to bless me and keep me strong through all adversity. To the readers of this magazine, never give up and never let the bullies get the best of you; it always gets better. To my 14 year-old self who always clung to the word “concrete” in a world of people who tore you down…dreams do come true.

Desha’ Ringe

Teen Advisory Board Members

Teen Advisory Board Members

Isabel Franklin Isabel Franklin

Blakley Parker

Madison Bufkin Madison Bufkin Michelle Bosarge Michelle Bosarge

FALL 2013


To View

5 What’s HOT Right Now!! Top tracks and Twitter feed to follow 6 A’s Pays

Getting good grades

7 What Does Your Nail

Polish Say About You? Are you bold, glamorous, Creative?

9 Social Media

Our daily routine

10 How to Glamour

Your Room on a Budget!

Cover Reads 8 Music Hot

Playlist of 2013

13 Makeup Trends for 2014

14 Holiday Fashion

Whats your Holiday Dress

16 Anti-Bullying

Be Smart Don’t Start

12 Pinteresting Your Room 15 What’s Up What guys and girls think

22 Holiday Craft 23 Holiday Dessert 24 Girls Night Sleepover 26 Teens Without Technology 32 Career of the Month Life as an Equestrian

What’s Top Tracks 1. “Royals” by Lorde 2. “Wrecking Ball” by Miley Cyrus 3. “Roar” by Katy Perry 4. “Wake me up” by Avici 5. “Hold On, We’re Going Home” by Drake 6. ”The Fox” by Ylvis 7. “Holy Grail” by Jay-Z ft. Justin Timberlake 8. “Applause” by Lady Gaga 9. “ Blurred Lines” by Robin Thicke ft, Pharrell &TI 10. “ Summertime Sadness” by Lana del Ray

For the Girls!

Oversized Sweaters Forever 21 $24.50

For the Guys! Skinny Jeans Bai Boutique $35.00

Twitter Feeds To Follow

Fitted Sweaters Express $70.00

Faux Leather JAckets Belk $54.00

Chloe Grace Moretz @chloemoretz “Bully” movie @bullymovie Taylor Swift @taylorswift13 Justin Timberlake @jtimberlake Katy Perry @katyperry Tyra Banks @tyrabanks One Direction @onedirection Rihanna @rihanna Lady Gaga @ladygaga Bruno Mars @brunonars

A’s Pay ! Going to college is always a scary thing; but if you have the right grades, it can be an exciting experience. Everyone stresses about having grades that are good enough to get into the college of his/her dreams, but most of the time, students don’t even know what they need to get into these schools. So many aspects come into play when choosing a college. High scores on the SAT and ACT are important, but a good GPA in High school is also very important. Colleges look at all of your high school and extracurricular activities, including your participation in activities and clubs, volunteer time, leadership roles, and job experiences. Colleges look for well-rounded people, so extracurricular activities are a great way to make your transcript look better. Look into finding an internship with a local business that focuses on the career you may choose to pursue in the future. Even if the job will not be your career of choice, it still looks great to show that you have initiative and desire. Getting into the college of your dreams is not going to be easy, but working hard toward your goals will be worth it in the end. As long as you strive for your best, work hard, and prove that you are a well-rounded person, colleges will definitely take you into consideration!

Good luck! -Isabel Franklin

What does it take to get into a Southern college? University of Alabama SAT 1350, ACT 18, GPA 2.6 University of Georgia SAT 1700, ACT 23, GPA 2.6 Auburn University SAT1700, ACT 23, GPA 2.6 University of South Alabama SAT 1350, ACT 19, GPA 2.0 University of Southern Mississippi SAT 860, ACT 18, GPA 2.0

What does your nail polish say about you? Metallic- You're Strong Looking to make a statement as bold as your personality? Choosing a liquid metal polish shows you have a deep strength inside. Try OPI's Haven't the Foggiest. Glitter- You're Glamorous Girls just want to have fun! If your go-to polish is a glitter, you're not afraid to show how fabulous you feel! You add sparkle to any conversation, and you're girlishly charming! Try Essie's Pure Pearlfection.

Matte- You're Unique You're the girl who likes to stand out and do things differently. You're a trendsetter and someone to watch! Check out Zoya's Harlow.

Nudes- You're Natural Less is more! Choosing a nude polish means you're not afraid to be yourself. You're comfortable in your own skin! Check out Dior's Greige. Red- You're Passionate Any shade of red says you're passionate about life. Choose a color with an orange undertone for a playful look or a blue undertone to make a bold statement. Check out Chanel's Coromandel.

Neon- You're Bold Whether you want to stand out in the sand or light up the night, neon colors are perfect for the girl looking to get noticed! Try China Glaze in Yellow Polka Dot Bikini

Nail Art- You're Creative Are you the next Picasso or Pollock? Your nails are your canvas, and you love to show your creative side and express yourself. With DIY nail art, your opportunities are endless.

2013 TEEN CHOICE Music Award Winners Teens Cast More Than 150 Million Votes Choice Male Artist

Choice R&B Artist

Choice Music Group

Choice Female Artist

Bruno Mars

Justin Bieber

One Direction

Demi Lovato

Choice Rock Song

“Radioactive”- Imagine Dragons

Choice Break-Up Song

Choice Summer Tour

“Come and Get It”- Selena Gomez

One Direction - ”Take me Home”

Choice Love Song

Choice Single Group

“Little Things”- One Direction

“Live While We're Young"- One Direction

Choice Country Song

"We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" -Taylor Swift

Choice Single: Male Artist

“Beauty And A Beat”- Justin Bieber, Featuring Nicki Minaj

Choice Summer Music Star: Male

Choice Music Breakout Group

Bruno Mars


Choice Summer Music Star: Female

Choice Single: Female Artist

Selena Gomez

Choice Summer Song “We Can’t Stop”- Miley Cyrus

Choice Music Breakout Artist Ed Sheeran

“Heart Attack”- Demi Lovato

Choice R&B/Hip-Hop Song

“Can’t Hold Us” - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Featuring Ray Dalton

Choice Summer Music Star: Group Maroon 5

Teen Choice Awards playlist includes 15 favorite songs from this year's nominees. 1. “Best Song Evr” / One Direction 2. “True Love” / Pink 3. “Cruise” - Remix / Florida Georgia Line ft. Nelly 4. “Made In The USA” / Demi Lovato 5. “Treasure” / Bruno Mars 6. “Still Into You” / Paramore 7. “Love Somebody” / Maroon 5 8. “Hold On We're Going Home” / Drake 9. “Hopeless Wanderer”/ Mumford & Sons 10. “Same Love” / Macklemore & Ryan Lewis 11. “I Need Your Love” / Calvin Harris ft. Ellie Goulding 12. “Demons” / Imagine Dragons 13. “Night Train” / Jason Aldean 14. “See You Again” / Carrie Underwood 15. “Goodbye Town” / Lady Antebellum Source: The 2013 Teen Choice Awards Playlist - 15 Songs From This Year's Nominees | MetroLyrics

What’s the first thing you think about before you click that “done, send or post” button?” by Blakley Parker


We all catch oursel ves spending so m Whether it’s postin uch of our time on g a status, tweetin social media. g ly ric Birthday”, selling s, sharing feelings items, or simply po , saying “Happy sting an emoji, we a daily routine. We all do it! It has beco think that we are m me issing out on som constantly updatin ething if we are no g the feed, or chec t king the timeline. W you think about be hat’s the first thing fore you click that “d one, send or post” isn’t “I could lose button? Certainly a job for this”, “Wou it ld she really comm “The world can se it suicide over that e this”, or “This is ”, on here forever” way kly growing ic u q ry e v eeking a usinesses s b lar word, it’s t u s p o o p m r a t fo s isn’t ju e source eople will Social Media ve it or not, a referenc job, most p a time r fo g in ly e eli Every single n app ? e h re w a ’ t a Y L th of life and b L y, A w E Did you kno t visually sta who you ‘R . o e s n e e s y e a y to m lo s p It rk m r. e two foreve d hard ial media ne it stays there mething, think long an t, e e tw jump to soc a r o o ou post s st a status that you po So, before y ! y a w a s e o Rg but it NEVE you. reflects on it w o h t u o b a

How do you feel be ing bullied by a ru de post, a nasty co mean message? So mment, or a many people now adays go for soci bully, because ou al media networks r generation does to n’t know how to co behind a phone or nfront people. We a computer so that hi de we don’t have to fa than 4,500 deaths ce our fears! More a year occur beca use of people getti media! WE are the ng bullied over so cause of so many cial deaths. You may no rude comment, or t realize it, but on something as sim e ple as a mean stat someone’s life. Th us could be the en ink about it. What d of if that person…. w ere you?


Glamour Your Room on a Budget


Nail Polish Shelf- $8 Lowe’s Magnetic Wall and accessories- $30 Target Table (2 plastic cake plates, 2 Christmas Balls, & Boa)- Dollar Store Large Oval Mirror $5 -Target Lights- $10 Target Glue Glitter, Beads- .50 each Dirt Cheap or Dollar Stores Peg Board -$10 Lowe’s Vanity (2) 8ft Manufactured Boards- $75 each Lowe’s Glue scrapbook paper inside & out 3000 Rhinestones eBay- $150 Vanity Chair-Old twin head board cut in half- Yard sale Glue & pegged together 3 Rolls of tulle- $1.50 Walmart 3ft ribbon $3.00- Walmart Bedspread $35 Throw Pillows $5 each

Total Cost= Less than $500.00

By Shelly and Raven Frazier

Pinteresting Your Room At any local craft store you can buy your initial and paint or decorate it however you like! Super cute way to decorate an empty space on your wall.

Add a cute art piece and decorate a shelf with your favorite picture frames or dĂŠcor. Even lining the shelf underneath with ribbons is a fun idea!

Take some of your favorite photos and place them on your wall to spell out a word. This is a unique way to show off your fun pictures and hang them up in style!

About Face Beauty Tips for Teens How safe is it REALLY to share your makeup? Lipsticks & Glosses: never Share! Lip products can spread the cold sore virus. Powders & Blushes: You can share! Bacteria can live on brushes and sponges, so be sure to use your own. Wipe off the powder before using. Eyliners & Mascara: Never Share! Bacteria and viruses that cause Pink Eye Want clear skin? are easily transfered.

Switch Cleansers If breaking out is an issue, you may not be using the right cleanser. Find one that addresses your skin concerns and is made for your skin type.

“Beauty is how you feel inside, and it refects in your eyes. It is not something physical.” -Sophia Loren

Exfoliate! Use and exfoliator 2-3 times a week to help slough off dead skin. If you have acne-prone skin, opt for one with salicylic acid. It unclogs pores!

Moisturize Twice a Day! Even if you have oily skin, you still need to moisturize. Find a gel formula that’s made for oily-combination skin.


What’s Your


I usually wear ____ colors A. Bright B. Dark C. Neutral

Party Dress?

I always take fashion risks A. Yes B. No C. Sometimes My favorite beauty product is A. Colorful eyeshadow B. Black eyeliner C. Shiny lipgloss I like accessorizing my outfit with A. Jewelry B. Belts C. Clutches My favorite color is A. Blue/Purple B. Black C. Pink/Orange I'm more likely to wear ____ printed clothing A. Animal B. Chevron C. Floral

Mostly A's

Glitzy Glam You love being the center of attentionand will wear anything that sparkles.Turn heads in a gold sequin dresslike this one shoulder from Lulu's

Mostly B's

Mostly C's

Little Black Dress Pretty Ruffles You don't need to wear an over-the-topdress in order to stand out fromthe crowd. Throw on a cute blackdress like this strapless one fromForever 21!

You're a total girlygirl. Wear a flirty ruffle dress in a soft color, like thispeach dress from Lyst. So beautiful!

s ʻ t a h W ? p U Hey Boys!

ons you’re i t s e u q e h t We asked wers to! s n a e h t w o dying to kn

Q. Where do guys like to take girls on a date? A. We let the girl pick. After all, we just want to make her happy! Q. How do guys prefer a girl to dress? A. We want a girl that we can take home to mom. We like neat, modest girls. Q. What do guys really think about makeup? A. It just depends if they wear a lot. Less is more! We like girls who can be completely comfortable and themselves around us. Q. Why do guys tend to act different in front of their friends? A. We act different, mainly, because we don’t want our friends to think we are weak. Yes, we do know that sometimes we can be rude about it, but that’s when we need a good whip into shape!

Girls, Please! Q. What do girls prefer a guy to smell like? A. We like for a guy to smell clean and with just a touch of cologne. Never too much! Q. What can a guy do to win over a girl? A. Boys, we like the simple things! A thoughtful text, a random kiss, making us your WCW (Woman Crush Wednesday), planning a surprise date…these are just a few of the things that melt our hearts. Q. Why are girls afraid of sharing their feelings first? A. We like for our guys to “man up” and tell us first! We want to see initiative because we are afraid of rejection. Q. How do you feel about guys talking to other girls while they are in a relationship? A. If a guy has a really close girl friend, it is okay. But if he is texting and chatting with another girl nonstop, maybe it’s best to end the relationship. Set rules beforehand!





ELLE Photography On location at Fatih Academy

Don’t just sit on the Sidelines GET involved...be a friend to a victim of bullying today!


O K A E P S ! UP



! T U O

Unless you’ve directly experienced bullying, you may not realize just how devastating it can be. As well as being deeply hurtful, bullying can leave anyone feeling frightened, angry, depressed, and totally undermined. But bullying should never be tolerated. Whether you’re the one being bullied or you know someone that is. The damage that may come from it can last a lifetime, so join in the fight against BULLYING!

Teen Exalte’ asked each teenager who came out

for the anti-bullying campaign to bring balloons in their school colors for a balloon release. As the balloons ascended into the night sky together, it symbolized these amazing teens coming together, each from different schools and different towns, to show they were united against all bullying.

Teens from across the Gulf Coast came together at Faith Academy’s football field in an effort to bring awareness to bullying. This campaign, named “Football United”, a play on “House Divided” about sport rivalries, proved that kids of all walks of life can come together and unite against a problem that has affected us all in one way or another.

Peer Counseling By Tori Clark As an 8th grader at Perdido School, I was chosen to be a part of the peer counseling group for our school. Basically, this was a group of students, chosen becauseof our involvement with other activities and our association with a variety of other students, who were trained to help other kids who may be at risk of being bullied. We were trained for a week by our guidance counselor, and she taught us how to recognize our friends who may be having problems being bullied, either at home, on the bus, or at school. One of the main things is to be aware of what our friends and fellow students are going through. Don’t be so focused on ourselves. Pay attention if a friend is crying in the bathroom. Ask what’s wrong. Don’t just walk out and go talk about her to some other friend. If you find out there is a real problem, find an adult you trust to talk to about the problem. A lot of times, kids don’t have anybody to talk to. Be there for them. Don’t be a bully, simply by ignoring them. Bullying takes many forms. It’s not only physical. Words can be more painful and being invisible to the people you go to school with is frustrating. Be nice to people with disabilities. What I learned is that you don’t have to be an adult, or have a degree in psychology to help your friends and the people you go to school with.

Just be there. Listen and pay attention.

How you can help Decorate for Christmas Dinner Easy to Make Napkin Holders

Things you need:

Leftover wrapping paper, rickrack, and double-sided tape.

To do:

Snip strips of paper roughly 1 1/2 inches wide and five inches long (test one on your linens, as the size varies depending on your rolled-up napkin’s thickness). Wrap the paper around the napkins, using double-sided tape to affix. Cut out 6-inch lengths of rickrack, and tie around the bands for a finished look.

Set the table and wait for guests to open them.

Chocolate Filled Crescents Ingredients

1 8-count tube refrigerated crescent rolls 1/3 cup semisweet chocolate chips or chopped semisweet chocolate


1. Heat your oven to 375° F. 2. Unroll the dough and separate it into 8 triangles. Place about 10 chocolate chips on the bottom of each triangle and roll the dough up around the chocolate. 3. Place the croissants on a baking sheet (for easier cleanup, line with parchment paper). Then bake until golden brown, 12 to 14 minutes. Serve warm or at room temperature. You can also add some Confectioners’ Sugar and drizzle with Chocolate YUM!

Girls’ Night!

Wanna throw the sleepover of the year? We have all the essentials you’ll need! Throw a party you and your girlfriends will never forget! Have everyone bring their favorite nail polishes, makeup, and hair accessories; and glamorize each other with fun makeovers. Don’t forget to dress in frills and feathers, and take Glamour Shots with your camera. You can even print out your pictures and decorate them on a poster board to hang up in your room. Markers, glitter, andyour imagination are all you need to make a great memory board to remind you of the night!

Board games! Truth or Dare! You can’t go wrong with the classics. Bring your favorite teen magazines out, and survey each other with the quizzes. Don’t forget the juicy gossip about your favorite stars, too. Winding down with a good chick flick is a must! Make your own snacks, like this twist on sweet and salty: Pop a bag of popcorn, and mix it with a favorite chocolate treat like M&Ms!

A pillow fight is a must! Make sure you have plenty of pillows and blankets to end your night warm and cozy! Those are the sleepover essentials, but make sure you put your own fun twist on the activities with your friends!


On Location at Hanli Farm by Elle Photography



Make new Friends!

Find other teens who enjoy the same hobbies as you.

What is your go-to pastime? Video games? Computer? Cell phone? Technology rules our lives these days, sometimes, so much so, that we forget how to live without it. We have to update our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter every time we do something; and we have to Snap Chat our friends silly pictures. We have to beat the next level of our video game or get a high score on Candy Crush. While technology is great and has made our lives much easier, sometimes we need to step out and live Outside of the XBOX.

Get out on the farm! There is nothing more exhilarating than riding a horse through the fields. There are local equestrians, like Jenna Wyatt, who train people to ride and care for horses. Places like Hanli Farms have dozens of animals you can help take care of.


Not only does volunteering make you feel good, it looks great on a resume for college. Find a local animal shelter, Goodwill, or even soup kitchen. Places like these are always in need of helpers.

Life on the Farm

There’s an entire world outside, waiting for you to the days of riding bikes in the neighborhood, up a game of touch football at the park. Learn and go to a skate park where you can try and

to conquer it! Get active! Let’s get back , playing basketball with our friends, and picking a new sport like skateboarding or rollerblading, better your skills.

Career of the Month


By: Isabel Franklin

“Equestrian” may sound like just a hobby, but it is so much more: it’s a career. Being an equestrian is an extremely hard career, and very few people actually make it. Someone who has succeeded in this career is my personal trainer, Ms. Jenna Wyatt. I asked her a few questions to get an up-close and personal look into her job.

When did you start riding?

Well, I guess you could say I was riding before I was born. My parents owned a farm with horses. While my mother was pregnant with me, she would still ride the horses.

When and why did you choose the equestrian career?

I didn’t choose the equestrian life; the equestrian life chose me! it just naturally progressed into what it is today. The reason is because I love, live, and breathe horses! The horses make me happy. It is always good to do what you love and love what you do

How many years have you been competing?

It feels like forever, but it’s only been thirty years. If you can think of a discipline in riding, I have most likely done it. I have done AQHA, Hunter/Jumper, Barrels, Tennessee Walkers, Eventing, and Dressage. So far, Dressage is my favorite.

What awards have you received over the years?

I honestly cannot remember all of them. The ones that I can remember are: USDF, Pre St. George through training performance titles, Corner Stone FEI back-to-back champion 2004 and 2005, GDTCA high point of the year, and multiple regional champion awards.

What are some advantages and disadvantages of this career? There are always going to be advantages and disadvantages in any career; but with riding, there are so many more advantages. The job is endless, leading to a good life. You get to work with something you love and people who share the same passion, every day. Being around the animals and people creates multiple life-long, amazing relationships. The are only a few disadvantages. There is always the risks of working with animals that have their own minds. Then there is always Mother Nature. Sometimes you have to work in the freezing, boiling hot, or stormy weather!

“Being a part of the animal’s and people’s lives is amazing, but being able to influence them is so rewarding. I love helping young people grow in their riding careers and as people.” -Jenna Wyatt, Equestrian

Lessons - Training - Sales

Confident 251-725-8668 Compassionate Driven Dedicated ...we are EQUESTRIANS!!!

Coming this January

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How to ROCK the New Year Jackets & Jewelry of the season Paintball vs.

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