Excellence in Giving Prospectus

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Excellence in Giving the joy of generosity

Excellence in Giving the joy of generosity

Table of Contents I.

Client Endorsements . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1


Transformation from "Good to Great" Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2


The Excellence in Giving Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3


The Excellence in Giving Client Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


Discovery - Sample Deliverables a. Joy-Filled Giving Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

b. Giving Game Plan . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8


Evaluation - Sample Deliverables a. Analytical Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 b. Organizational Evaluations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4


Participation - Sample Deliverables a. Giving Dashboard .................................................16 b. Giving Forecast ....................................................18 c. Client Services Activity Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9


Celebration - Sample Deliverables a. Grant Impact Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 b. Celebration & Service Trip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3


Excellence in Giving Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5


Client Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . .3 0


Summary of Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1


Frequently Asked Questions . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. 3 2


Excellence in Giving in STANFORD REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .3 3


Excellence in Giving article in WORLD magazine . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 6

IMPORTANT NOTE: These materials represent Excellence in Giving's intellectual property and are solely for the use of prospective clients and their advisors. The recipient agrees to use reasonable efforts to prevent duplication and/or distribution of these materials without prior written approval from Excellence in Giving, LLC.

phone 719.329.1515 fax 719.314.1191 web www.excellenceingiving.com

Client Endorsements “Al Mueller’s personal advice, involvement, and partnering with my family is invaluable and greatly responsible for any accomplishment we enjoy with the Fort Worth/Empart partnership. God certainly has His hand on you and what you bring to His Great Commission.” — Tom Chambers “We would not have reached the charities we are now supporting without [their] experience. [Excellence in Giving] is helping us make sure the money is being used in the ways we intended.” — Paul Kuehner “We even feel better about what we are doing, and how we are doing it. Thanks to you and EIG, I really can say that our impact and joy have increased!" — Tom Lewis "Excellence in Giving has made our giving low maintenance and high impact!” — Pete Chambers “I just finished reading the report. What a blessing it is to have such a report for all parties. Most important as a road map for [the ministry’s] future success. Just wanted to say GREAT JOB!" — John Esler “I am impressed with the thoroughness of your work and the insightful observations presented in a sensitive way.” — Dale Brown “The Rowling Foundation benefitted from the knowledge, network, and professionalism of Excellence in Giving. As Executive Director, I appreciated the responsive service to our requests. Excellence in Giving delivered on their promises and lived up to their name." — Bill Dunlap “Martha Lu and I have grown a great deal in our joy, strategic approach and unity in our giving since beginning to work with you, and we want to thank you and your organization for begin such a blessing in our lives." — Kurt Knapton

We appreciate our clients providing personal endorsements. If you would like to speak with these clients directly, please contact Excellence in Giving to obtain the appropriate contact information.

Excellence in Giving the joy of generosity

201 E Las Animas St, Ste 101, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 | t. 719.329.1515 | www.excellenceingiving.com ©2016 Excellence in Giving. All Rights Reserved. The Excellence in Giving logo is a trademark of Excellence in Giving.

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Good to Great Giving BEFORE


Reactive Giving

Proactive Giving

Constant Requests

Screened Projects

Financial Partner

Strategic Partner

Individual Involved

Family Involved

Unknown Outcome

Measured Results

Excellence in Giving the joy of generosity

201 E Las Animas St, Suite 101, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 | t. 719.329.1515 | www.excellenceingiving.com Š2016 Excellence in Giving LLC. All Rights Reserved. The Excellence in Giving logo is a trademark of Excellence in Giving LLC.

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Excellence in Giving Process Excellence in Giving's advisory role begins by identifying our Clients' passions, values and focus for their philanthropy. We manage the giving portfolio by reviewing grant requests, performing appropriate levels of due diligence, conducting family meetings, establishing benchmarks for each gift, and gathering measurable postgrant data to celebrate the impact of philanthropic investments.

1. Discovery

2. Evaluation

Explore issues you care about, the values you want to pass on, and the legacy for which you’ll be remembered. TOOLS: Discovery Process, Joy-Filled Giving Profile, Giving Game Plan

Review your giving history. Take a closer look at nonprofits you want to support. Define the focus, scope and priorities of future giving. TOOLS: Analytical Overviews, Levels of Due Diligence

2 3

1 4 4. Celebration

3. Participation

Witness the results of high impact giving and experience the joy of generosity. TOOLS: Grant Impact Reports, Celebration Trips

Confidently execute your personalized Giving Game Plan with the Excellence in Giving team. TOOLS: Giving Dashboard, Forecast, Family Meetings

Experience the joy of generosity. Excellence in Giving the joy of generosity

201 E Las Animas St, Suite 101, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 | t. 719.329.1515 | www.excellenceingiving.com Š2016 Excellence in Giving LLC. All Rights Reserved. The Excellence in Giving logo is a trademark of Excellence in Giving LLC.

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Excellence in Giving


Define your Philanthropic Mission • Client completes Discovery Questionnaire • Discuss answers with EIG


Create Giving Game Plan

• EIG creates Joy-Filled Giving Profile ( includes mission statement and priorities)

• Client provides EIG with giving records • EIG prepares Giving Game Plan • EIG and Client set giving goals (amounts, number, topics, locations, etc.)

Ongoing Interaction

• EIG and Client evaluate previous grantees and discuss new potential grantees


• Initial Giving Forecast created Quarterly Activity • EIG prepares summary of Clients’ year-to-date giving • Client receives Giving Dashboard • Client sees progress toward giving goals


• EIG prepares a customized summary of the Clients’ giving impact

• Client calls or emails EIG about any giving issue • EIG contacts Client to discuss meaningful new giving opportunities • Client sends any or all incoming gift requests to EIG • EIG acts as liaison between the Client and supported organizations

• Client receives Grant Impact Report Semiannual Services

• Client pays quarterly invoice


• EIG meets with Client inperson to discuss progress towards giving goals

Celebration • EIG informs Client of site visit oppor tunities to celebrate the work that was funded

• EIG acquires progress reports to update Client on the impact of funded organizations

CELEBRATION Annual Giving Review

• EIG is available to create a giving report package for family and/or foundation meetings

• EIG reviews previous years’ giving with Client


• EIG and Client adjust giving goals and allocations for next year’s giving • EIG and Client evaluate the retained relationship and make appropriate contractual changes 4 of 36

Discovery Sample Deliverables

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Excellence in Giving

Joy-Filled Giving Profile


John and Mary Smith: Smith Family Foundation January 31, 2017

The Purpose of Our Giving We both affirm that the purpose of the wealth entrusted to us is to serve (1) strategic international and regional organizations committed to caring for and educating orphans, and meeting the needs of the poor and widows, and (2) select local organizations that foster the welfare of the community. We will serve by providing financial resources and investing personal time.

Our Giving Priorities We have learned that wise stewardship involves not only funding effective organizations but also following the passions and interests we have gained through our life experiences. The following “giving priorities” will guide the use of our time, talent, and treasure.













Our children are our most important asset and most critical investment. We want to serve as models of generosity for them and involve them actively in our giving decisions.

We believe firmly in our responsibility to care for the poor and widows. We want to assist disenfranchised people by helping them discover a purpose for their lives and by encouraging them to follow sound principles. Through our travels, we have widened our perspective of the needs around the world. We will not only be involved in our community, but also focus globally to help social agencies changing lives in the international contexts we feel called to support.

Our family experiences of dealing with the pain of childhood loneliness helps us appreciate the need for sustained physical, social and emotional care. Our giving will focus on meeting the needs of orphans around the world to foster self-sufficiency.

We want to be responsible as wise stewards of our giving. Our giving will focus on organizations that demonstrate high integrity. We will give preference to projects that are innovative and have a high probability of success.

Both of us are energized by encouraging others. We will seek out specific opportunities in our giving to be an encouragement to those we give to. We want them to realize the source of our love and our generosity.

Proprietary & Confidential

Copyright ©2017 Excellence in Giving. All Rights Reserved. All information and data presented on this sample document is fictional and any likenesses or similarities is purely coincidental.

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Joy-Filled Giving Profile

John and Mary Smith: Smith Family Foundation

What Gives Us Joy in Giving We realize that we have unique sensitivities to experiencing joy that have been shaped through specific life circumstances. We desire to experience increased joy by: 1. Regular giving: We will make a portion of our giving regular and systematic. We also want to respond to organizations that present requests for spontaneous gifts. 2. Active involvement: We prefer to be actively involved in organizations we provide with significant support, giving not only our financial resources but also our time. 3. Witnessing results first-hand: We enjoy seeing the organizations we support in action and hearing stories of lives that were changed. We want to visit sites and read regular reports. 4. Increasing in wisdom: We want to continue to discover and understand the purpose for our resources. We want to model wise philanthropy for our children.

What Keeps Us From Joy in Giving We have taken on the responsibility to support social agencies that reach out to orphans, the poor, and to widows. In allocating philanthropic resources, however, we want to avoid: 1. Ineffectiveness: We want our giving to fund innovative projects. We desire high-impact opportunities with measurable outcomes. We have been entrusted with wealth, and we take seriously our responsibility to give it away wisely. 2. Family wealth: We recognize that our wealth should serve a purpose. Our children should be trained appropriately, but the responsibility to give it away lies with us. 3. Disorganized giving: We desire to have a well-reasoned plan for our giving. We want to carefully examine how we give, where we give, and why we give. 4. Over-commitment: We realize there are unlimited requests for our time and resources. We need to maintain a healthy balance in our lives and avoid saying "yes" to every request to serve and/or give.

Proprietary & Confidential

Copyright Š2017 Excellence in Giving. All Rights Reserved. All information and data presented on this sample document is fictional and any likenesses or similarities is purely coincidental.

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Excellence in Giving

Giving Game Plan


John and Mary Smith: Smith Family Foundation


Purpose Statement: The foundation exists to provide resources to meet the physical and emotional needs of disadvantaged people in Texas and worldwide.

Desired Legacy: John and Mary Smith will be remembered as wise stewards of their resources. They maximized the impact of their generosity by carefully selecting effective organizations and by transferring their values to their children and grandchildren.

$ 1,500,000

10-Year Goal

$ 20,000,000

Legacy Goal

$ 35,000,000

ph 555.441.1123 fax 555.334.5512 www.smithfamilyfdn.org Contact: Mary Smith Year Founded: 2002 Geographic Focus: - Local/Regional (75%) - China (15%) - Latin America (10%)

Giving Goals and Targets: 2017 Target

Smith Family Foundation 14319 Highview Ln. Dallas, TX 75225

Meeting Frequency: Quarterly Annual Board Meeting: August Disbursements: Semi-Annual Gift Size (max): $1,500,000 Gift Size (min): $2,000

Target Category Allocations: 10% Latin America

10% Education

15% China

25% Advocacy & Public Policy

75% Local/Regional

FY16 Assets: $7,360,000 FY16 Total Giving: $1,509,850 FY16 Expenses: $77,520 Total Orgs Supported 2016: 53 EIN: 351-87-2803

65% Healthcare

Target Geographic Allocations: The Smith Family Foundation actively supports local charities in Texas that provide guidance and aid to the sick. In both the United States and worldwide, education is an important theme in their generosity. In addition, the foundation provides ongoing funding for organizations in China and Latin America, providing for their physical and emotional needs in a nurturing environment.

UNITED STATES - Healthcare - Education - Advocacy & Public Policy

LATIN AMERICA - Humanitarian - Evangelism/ Discipleship - Community Development



Proprietary & Confidential Copyright ©2017 Excellence in Giving. All Rights Reserved. All information and data presented on this sample document is fictional and any likenesses or similarities is purely coincidental.

. CHINA - Humanitarian - Orphan Care

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2011-2016 Giving Analysis John and Mary Smith - Smith Family Foundation Total Giving by Program Area: A review of your total giving by program area, 2011 - 2016 Allotment

# of Orgs

Total Giving






Advocacy/Public Policy








Humanitarian/Mercy Ministry








Personal/Social Development




Adoption/Foster/Orphan Care








Community Development








Social Justice




Support Services







Top Gift Recipients: Organizations that received the highest proportion of your total giving, 2011 - 2016 Total Gifts MD Anderson Cancer Center




H      M      L

Cook Children's Medical Center


H      M      L

Texas Christian University

$ 731,111

H      M      L

International Justice Mission

$ 579,000

H      M      L

Texas Public Policy Foundation

$ 564,273

H      M      L

Liberty Institute

$ 286,000

H      M      L

Samaritan's Purse

$ 275,000

H      M      L

Alzheimer's Association

$ 209,260


Show Hope

$ 173,200

H      M      L

Fort Worth Zoo

$ 150,000

H      M      L

Dallas Arboretum

$ 130,000

H      M      L

Good News Jail & Prison Ministries

$ 126,500

H      M      L


Overall Giving Trends: Overview of how your giving has changed, 2011 - 2016 Total Gifts, 2011-2016 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 2011







Total Gifts

Orgs Supported

$ 692,750 $ 2,895,253 $ 577,615 $ 715,537 $ 1,205,426 $ 1,509,850

53 51 39 48 60 53

Foundation Activity, 2011-2016

Number of Organizations Supported Annually

Into Foundation







20 0

Out of Foundation








Proprietary & Confidential Copyright ©2017 Excellence in Giving. All Rights Reserved. All information and data presented on this sample document is fictional and any likenesses or similarities is purely coincidental.







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2011-2016 Giving Analysis John and Mary Smith - Smith Family Foundation Category Trends: Overview of how your giving has changed in each category, 2011-2016 Healthcare: $3,641,994

Advocacy & Public Policy: $1,567,775









$0 2011





$0 2011


Education: $788,481





$100,000 2012











Humanitarian/Mercy Ministry: $602,965


$0 2011





$0 2011


Environment/Animals: $285,750



Personal/Social Development: $244,200


$80,000 $60,000


$40,000 $50,000 $0 2011

$20,000 2012




$0 2011




Overall Giving Trends: Overview of giving by program area, 2011 - 2016 2013












Advocacy & Public Policy
















2011 Healthcare

Humanitarian/Mercy Ministry

















Personal/Social Development








Adoption/Foster/Orphan Care
















Community Development
















Social Justice















Support Services Total

$ 692,750

$ 2,895,253

$ 577,615

$ 715,537

Proprietary & Confidential Copyright Š2017 Excellence in Giving. All Rights Reserved. All information and data presented on this sample document is fictional and any likenesses or similarities is purely coincidental.

$ 1,205,426


$ 7,596,431

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Evaluation Sample Deliverables

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NONPROFIT Analytical Overview GENERAL Year Founded 2008 26-1817966 Zip 32806 HQ Street Address 51 Pennsylvania Street City & State Orlando FL HQ Nation USA Phone 407-936-2785 Website(s) www.gracemedicalhome.org Contact Email lynn@gracemedicalhome.org Primary Contact & Title Lynn Fleming Ivanek, Director of Philanthropy Annual Report Link https://goo.gl/dfm26p Organization Type Independent Public Charity Orlando Health Hospital System; Florida Hospital System; Primary Charity Navigator BBB (give.org) Nonprofit Strategic ✔ Charity Watch Guidestar Care Access Network; multiple churches + private foundations Accountability Organization Name Grace Medical Home


U.S. Tax ID#


Ministry Watch


Primary Program Area Healthcare

Federally Qualified Health Centers Clients Served Sick People Single Parents GROWTH TRENDS Peer Group

Other Program Area(s) Prayer

Reconciliation FY 2012

FY 2013

FY 2014

FY 2015

Paid Staff





36 % New Development Manager hired in 2015

Clients Served





33 % Patients; growth from increased community awareness

Annual Income










% Change


32 % Implemented board stewardship program 5 % 2015 growth from matching grants of recurring donors %

Key Activity

FUNDRAISING Donor Retention Rate Largest Gift for FY 2015

7% % of Gift Income from Largest Gift 6.0%

55 % $100,000

Gift Size: Donors Listed by Gift Size for # of Donors: FY 2015 Total Amount:

Government Funding %

$ 0.11

Cost to Raise $1


Self-sustainability %

< $1,000

$1K - 4,999

$5K - 24,999

$25K - 49,999

$50K - 99,999

$100,000 +

686 $ 304,742

169 $ 280,009

56 $ 451,823

2 $ 55,000

6 $ 367,255

2 $ 200,000

FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Current Cash Reserves Written Financial Controls FISCAL YEAR

01/01 TO 12/31 INCOME

Earned Revenue Gifts in Kind Cash Donations


Total Income Program Services Administrative Fundraising Total Expenses


6+ Months Yes


Current Net Assets No

Independent Financial Audits


$8,072 Reserve Coverage % 38%

Total Current Debt No

FY 2013

FY 2014

FY 2015

$64,676 $460,397 $1,599,306 $2,124,379

$82,471 $352,901 $1,490,480 $1,925,852

$96,255 $1,002,080 $1,615,110 $2,713,445

$76,956 $1,065,583 $1,658,829 $2,801,368

$77,000 $0 $1,693,830 $1,770,830

19 % 131 % 4% 32 %

$1,469,172 90 % $102,852 6 % $55,438 3 % $1,627,462 $496,917

$1,556,275 89 % $134,057 8 % $49,940 3 % $1,740,272 $185,580

$2,322,790 90 % $151,101 6 % $120,558 5 % $2,594,449 $118,996

$2,352,144 88 % $154,388 6 % $175,767 7 % $2,682,299 $119,069

$1,558,330 88 % $106,250 6 % $106,250 6 % $1,770,830 $0

60 % 50 % 217 % 65 %

Copyright ©2017 Excellence in Giving. All Rights Reserved.



FY 2012


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LEADERSHIP Marvin Hardy, Medical Director

CEO Name & Tenure CEO Annual Evaluation


No PT: 5

Total Paid Staff y Type FTE: 14

8 yrs


CEO on the Board


Staff Turnover Rate

26 % %

40-49 yrs

Total CEO Compensation


CEO Successor Identifie

17 Term Limits 3 yrs Board Size

Up-to-date Board-approved Strategic Plan

# of Board Members Related to Founder/CEO





400 6

Total Volunteers

Marilyn King 6 yrs Revenue % from Board 4 % Board Committees 4 Board Chair & Tenure

$ 91,193

Annual Board Meetings Board Compensation




"ELEVATOR SPEECH" (communicate your solution) What problem are you solving?

Access to quality, comprehensive health care for the uninsured, working poor of Orange County, Florida.

How do you solve the problem?

Provide comprehensive medical services (primary and preventative care, and 18 specialties) to Orange County residents who are uninsured and do not qualify for any government funded health programs. Currently 1 in 4 in our community (250,000 people) fit this criteria.

Exemplary Project

Grace was selected as one of 7 clinics nationwide to participate in a Clinical Trial Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) focusing on prevention of Type 2 Diabetes and heart disease. We launched 5 classes with more than 50 participants who gained the support and tools needed to lose a combined total of 550 pounds.

Big Organizational Goal

To continue being the expert on provision of continuous, comprehensive, primary and preventive care, for Central Floridians who fall into the 'gap' of health care; who don't qualify for government-assisted health care programs and cannot afford private health insurance.

STRATEGY (based on the 5 Drucker Questions) 1. What is your mission?

The mission of Grace Medical Home is to provide comprehensive, excellent medical care for the whole person through an ongoing relationship for the underserved of Orange County, Florida.

2. Who is your customer?

Grace Medical Home serves uninsured residents of Orange County, age birth to 65, who reside at or below 200 percent federal poverty line. Patients must be currently employed or employed within the last 6 months, a full-time student, or a single parent.

3. What does your primary customer value?

Being Christ-centered and led, experiencing ongoing relationships, and to be provided with compassionate care by an organization committed to excellence.

4. What are your most significan results? Report outcomes not activities.

We conducted a longitudinal evaluation of our patient satisfaction surveys which we implement 2 x's/year. 3 key outcomes: 90% of our patients agree or strongly agree they miss fewer work days now that their health care needs are met, an increase of 5% from 2013. 89% agree or strongly agree their children miss fewer school days now that their health care needs are being met, an increase of 9% since 2013. 97% agreed or strongly agree their overall experience at Grace encourages their faith in God! (98% in 2013 and 96% in 2016) Although this is a decrease, the overall rate is so high we do not interpret this as a meaningful.

Measure outcomes against benchmarks



Track Key Performance Indicators



Completed program logic model(s)



Completed independent evaluation



Survey program beneficiaries



Cut program in past 3 years for bad results



Recently hired a feasibility consultant who interviewed 20 community leaders and key supporters face to face to determine their 5. What is your 1-3 year plan? willingness to support Grace in a possible building expansion. He is conducting 10 interviews via phone and we estimate a strategic List clear goals & deadlines. plan completion by 6/30/16. Our building lease expires 1/1/17 and we hope to have a contingency plan by then.

Added pre-med student "care managers" to work alongside our physicians during patient visits to input data in our electronic medical records. We have 3 students currently involved in this activity volunteering 3-4 days/week serving up to 8 hours/day.

* Cite 1 recent & significan program improvement.

GEOGRAPHIC SCOPE Where do your programs operate?



National (USA)

International (List nations or regions served below alphabetically)

One location - Orlando, FL, USA. We have been invited to present in several national conferences as a model for free health care clinics. Grace now has representation on the board of a national association for free and charitable clinics.



Committed and dedicated board/staff and volunteers Strong donor support Recognition of community leaders Clarity of Core values


Physical space constraints Lacking in bi-lingual staff Increased need for specialty services Confusion about who the uninsured are and why there is a need for Grace

Completed By:

Copyright Š2017 Excellence in Giving. All Rights Reserved.

Lynn Ivanek

OPPORTUNITIES Expanding services Expanding physical space New specialty partners Increasing awareness in community

THREATS Political climate Uncertainty of healthcare system Physician and volunteer fatigue Donor fatigue Date: 05/13/2016 www.excellenceingiving.com

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RESEARCH METHODS Data Sources Analyzed ✔️

Strategy & Finances

2 bullet points

4 bullet points


Leader Phone Interviews 2-day in-person HQ Site Visit

REPORT CONTENT Nonprofit Analytics


2 bullet points

SWOT Analysis

Leadership Recommended Improvements Fundraising & Impact Metrics Communications & Tech Peer Comparison


1-2 Months

1 Page



are evaluations needed? 1. Big Donation Decision 2. Leadership Transition

✔ ️

✔ ️

✔ ️



Level 1

✔ ️

✔ ️

✔ ️

✔ ️



Level 2








Level 3

3. Strategic or Growth Planning 4. Financial Challenges

✔ ️

✔ ️


Nonprofits get better Donors give smarter

benefits from evaluations?

§ §











Level 4












Level 5




5-7 Pages

3 Months

10-12 Pages

3-4 Months

15-20 Pages


5-6 Months

25-35 Pages



2-3 Pages

2-3 Months



2 Months


14 of 35

** International travel expenses plus $1,000 per day for work done outside USA creates higher Level 4 price range.



$3,000-$5,000 * Size & complexity of nonprofits affect cost



Participation Sample Deliverables

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Giving Dashboard YTD thru June 30, 2016

John and Mary Smith - Smith Family Foundation Organization


Geographical Area Program Area

Summit International

35,000 Europe

Economic Development

Cure International

35,000 Haiti


Thai Farmers Foundation

25,000 Myanmar

Humanitarian/Mercy Ministry

Floresta USA, Inc

20,000 Dominican Republic Community Development

Esperanza Ministries

20,000 Worldwide

Economic Development

Police Foundation

20,000 Colorado

Personal/Social Development

Morningstar Development

10,000 Middle East

Community Development

Good News Jail & Prison Ministry

10,000 Colorado



Fostering Hope Foundation

5,000 Colorado

Adoption/Foster/Orphan Care

Young Life

5,000 Dominican Republic Evangelism/Discipleship

Young Life

5,000 USA


Springs Rescue Mission

5,000 Colorado

Humanitarian/Mercy Ministry

Living Water International

5,000 Worldwide

Humanitarian/Mercy Ministry

Regent High School

4,388 Colorado


Habitat for Humanity Colo Spgs

3,000 Colorado

Humanitarian/Mercy Ministry

Compassion International

1,500 Haiti

Humanitarian/Mercy Ministry

Micah Project

1,100 Honduras

Adoption/Foster/Orphan Care Matching Gift

Helping Hands Development

1,100 Illinois

Community Development

Matching Gift


1,100 USA


Matching Gift

Athletes International

1,000 Haiti

Humanitarian/Mercy Ministry

Matching Gift


500 Haiti

Humanitarian/Mercy Ministry

Matching Gift

Catholic Charities

500 Haiti

Humanitarian/Mercy Ministry

Matching Gift

American Red Cross

220 Haiti

Humanitarian/Mercy Ministry

Matching Gift

World Vision International

200 Haiti

Humanitarian/Mercy Ministry

Matching Gift

Matching Gift Matching Gift

Total: $214,608 * Matching Contribution Total:

Smith Family Foundation Giving thru 06.30.2016


Prepared by Excellence in Giving, LLC 16 of 36

Geographical Area

Worldwide 12%

Matching Gifts

Colorado 22%

Myanmar 12%

Middle East 5%

Dominican Republic 12%

USA 3% Honduras 0%

Nonmatching Gifts 95%

Haiti 18%

Matching Gifts 5% Europe 16%

Program Area Adoption/ Foster/Orphan Care 3% Personal/Social Development 9%

Community Development 14%

Humanitarian/ Mercy Ministry 20% Economic Development 26% Healthcare 16% Evangelism/ Discipleship 10% Education 2%

Smith Family Foundation Giving thru 06.30.2016

Prepared by Excellence in Giving, LLC 17 of 36

John and Mary Smith - Smith Family Foundation Organization

2017 Giving Forecast




Christian Academy




Year 3/3 - $1M Pledge

Bible Study Fellowship




Year 3/5 - $1M Pledge

Liberty Institute




Texas Public Policy Foundation




Mercy Corps




Family Research Council




Doctors Without Borders




Campus Crusade for Christ




Ransomed Heart Ministries








Good News Jail & Prison Ministries




Citizen Leader Alliance




Fellowship of Christian Athletes




City Church




Children's Business Fair Foundation




Living Water International




The Life Center




College Golf Fellowship




United World Mission




American Red Cross




Compassion International





Forecast Notes

Jones Family Ministry

1,276,753 1,266,753 1,249,253

Smith Family Foundation Giving Forecast, Prepared 01.31.2017

Prepared by Excellence in Giving, LLC 18 of 36

Activity Report Excellence in Giving

John and Mary Smith - Smith Family Foundation October 1 – December 31, 2016

the joy of generosity

Sourcing Giving Opportunities 1. 2. 3. 4.

Received proposal from Boys Club in the amount of $20,000 Received proposal from Helping Animals (no specific amount was requested) Researched giving opportunities for orphans in China Wrote decline letter to Project Work

Meetings, Site Visits, and Vision Trips 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Presented option for summer Family Mission Trip to Guatemala Scheduled and coordinated site-visit to Touching Hearts Conference call with Greg Patterson to discuss progress on new water system in Guatemala Met with the president of Borders to discuss designated gift ($40,000) on 10/21 Attended The Water Project’s annual conference on 12/15-17

Grant Administration and Impact Reporting 1. 2. 3. 4.

Processed $10,000 gift to Camp Peak Processed $50,000 gift to Orphan’s International Received pictures of California University’s new science building from Mr. Day Requested and Received Impact Reports from: • Stepping Out • Impact to the City • California University • The Water Project

Pending Actions 1. Schedule call to discuss proposal from Boys Club and Helping Animals 2. Discuss Level 4 Evaluation on The Water Project 3. Finalize plans for Family Mission Trip to Guatemala

John and Mary Smith Activity Report October 1 - December 31, 2016

Prepared by Excellence in Giving, LLC

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Celebration Sample Deliverables

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Grant Impact Report The Smith Foundat ion

Excellence in Giving

Reporting Period: October 1 - December 31, 2016 Grant Recipient

Grant Amount

Orlando Union Rescue Mission


Grace Medical Home

Lifesong for Orphans

for food service expansion & social enterprise creation

$50,000 for general support of $1.6 mm budget

$30,000 for Zambia school operations and classroom expansion


the joy of generosity



• Social enterprise set-up completed prior to the launch of All Things Sweet. • Grand Opening launched All Things Sweet by O.U.R. Mission with 450 guests in attendance from the Central Florida community. • All Things Sweet by O.U.R. Mission’s food truck completed and attended its first food truck stop at East River High School. • Truck has attended several events across Central Florida with audience ranging between 15020,000 in attendance. • 2,000 Residents of Central Florida now have a place to go for comprehensive, high-quality care.

• 72% reduction in non-acute emergency room visits by Grace patients.

• 18 specialty practices have joined Grace since opening.

• 72% of Grace patients have not returned to hospital emergency rooms for chronic treatments such as asthma, hypertension, diabetes, etc.

• $100,000 in much needed prescription medications administered or distributed to patients free of charge • 4 volunteers oversee this massive program

• 95% of Grace patients report missing fewer work and/or school days now

• Added curriculum and scripture memorization has deepened biblical understanding and practical application of principles.

• 100 jobs created for 50% of orphans’ caregivers through 80 micro-loans and 20 farms

• Test/Exam Scores for students in grades 1-7 are now 20-30% above the national average.

• 100% of farm workers/caregivers in the same job 1 year later

• Provided over 174,690 meals to students daily, increasing attentiveness, academic retention, and prevents disease/illness.

• Increased strawberry plant production from 80,000 plants to 200,000 plants.


• 3,043 total guest visits for services in 2014.

for general support of $150,000 budget

• 317 new guests with 40% being women and children. • Provided 5237 meals, 1,291 showers, and washed 1,155 loads of laundry. • 204 guests worked a total of 2,269 in Reward Point program for assistance beyond the basic services. • Opened Garden of Eatin’ Food Pantry, where guests use reward points to purchase donated food.

$ 188,000

• Culinary training program student, Felicia, obtained additional Food Safety Trainer license designation from the FL Dept of Business and Professional Regulation. • Felicia is able to certify all OURM kitchen personnel, All Things Sweet students and outside/external food service workers with their food Safety Certificates.

• Increased orphans enrolled in Lifesong-Zambia School by 20% (now 295 total). Matthew’s Hope

• First culinary training program student, George, progressed to course 4 and is within 2 months of graduating the program and locating permanent employment.

• On pace for $85,000 annual net profit to be used to reinvest in business and fund operation costs for Lifesong-Zambia School. • 42 individuals and/or families received emergency shelter or rental assistance in 2014. • 28 guests received full eye exams and glasses. • 21 guests received dental services including emergency visits for pain and cosmetic procedures to help people look normal again. • Guests received $5,366 worth of food items through Reward Points or Blessing Bucks given on their first visit or for other accomplishments.

3,043+ Beneficiaries

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Personal Impact Report

Excellence in Giving

The Smith Foundation Reporting Period: October 1 - December 31, 2016 Grant Recipient

the joy of generosity

Personal Stories of Impact

Personal “Thank Yous”

Orlando Union Rescue Mission

Jesse came to OURM after realizing that his 10 year drug addiction was not only robbing him of his right mind, but of his capacity to maintain a sustainable lifestyle. He found that a relationship with Christ was the only solution powerful enough to help him overcome his addiction. Though he was assigned a different area in our Discipleship Work Program, a need for a cook arose and Jesse offered to help since he had previously worked in the food service industry. This gave Jesse an outlet to use his talents while gaining additional culinary skills. Jesse successfully completed OURM's program and currently works as a Chef in a large hotel chain.

We are so grateful for The Smith Foundation's generous support! By coming along side the Orlando Union Rescue Mission (OURM) as we work toward a centralized kitchen and sustainable food services, you are coming alongside the thousands of hurting and desperate men, women, and children in greater Orlando. Thank you, so very much, for joining us in the work of life transformation. We are tremendously grateful and look forward to future partnership opportunities as our food service expansions continue.

Grace Medical Home

Jen Radloff- Mother of 6. She had not seen a physician in 10 years. After becoming a patient of Grace, she received a mammogram and soon learned that she had breast cancer. Jen was about to get treatment (surgery and chemotherapy) through one of the local hospitals. Today Jen is healthy and cancer free. When asked how Grace changed her life, Jen responds, "Grace didn't change my life--- they saved my life."

Grace Medical Home is so grateful to the Smith Foundation for their partnership and support. Truly, we are humbled by their generosity. In addition to the generous financial support, we are so grateful for Smith Trustee Jackie Smith’s ongoing, handson participation at Grace. We greatly value her friendship and thoughtfulness.

Lifesong for Orphans

Hi. My name is Richard. I am in grade 7. I stay with my sister, Josephine. I have three brothers and two sisters. My other sister attends Lifesong and is in grade 5. Her name is Emelia. My mother stays in a village far away. My father died in 2006. Thank you for supporting me and may God bless you and add more days to your life. My favorite subject is art.

THANK YOU! For generously sharing your blessings and creating SOLUTIONS with 253 orphans/vulnerable children! You are giving them something priceless: gospelcentered loving care, quality education, jobs/income earning ability for caregivers of kids, etc. Your Giving has helped fund nutritious meals that have kept dozens of children alive - we fear they would likely have died without it this year. Thank you for helping make such INCREDIBLE impact in kids' lives this past year!

Matthew’s Hope

Alcoholism and unemployment had Butch Preston living in the woods and out of hope when he came to the shelter during the first week of the Freeze Warning ministry in 2010. Working with Matthew's Hope, Butch quickly found employment and housing, but alcoholism caused him to lose everything he had gained. Facing homelessness again, Butch contacted Scott Billue who convinced him to go into a long-term program at Orlando Union Rescue Mission, one of our key partners. Butch is now a strong Christian, is drug, alcohol, and tobacco free, and is gainfully employed. He has reconnected with his sons, sister, and parents after 14 years and, with the help of Matthew's Hope, was able to attend his son's wedding in Tampa. He has also proven to be an effective spokesperson for Matthew's Hope at various events.

We are truly grateful for past support. We take no government funding and rely on individuals and the community to be able to provide services to our guests each week. Consistent public support has allowed us to keep our doors open, but it is because of the larger gifts, like the one from the Smith Foundation, that we have been able to expand our services and develop new programs like our Thursday Support Group, the Harvest of Hope Community Garden, and the Education Program.

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Celebration & Service Trips How do you help the next generation understand international charitable giving? ...show them! Excellence in Giving creates customized trips for client families who have interest in global causes. Trips are more comprehensive than typical donor "vision trips" that major international organizations organize. Excellence in Giving clients see projects in places that are selected with the family's priorities in mind. Each trip is customized for your family and includes a client defined blend of (1) education, (2) service, and (3) fun. Education • • •

Learn about cultural dynamics in communities around the world Expose your family to global challenges and understand the solutions being offered Observe organizations effectively meeting the needs Service

• •

Participate in service projects in partnership with local organizations Experience the satisfaction of making a difference in someone's life Fun

• •

Visit internationally renown hotels, restaurants, and entertainment venues Experience outdoor adventures and the natural beauty of international landscapes

All you have to do is show up! Excellence in Giving, LLC provides everything you need: (1) Customized trip itinerary (2) Pre-trip instructions (3) Excellence in Giving trip guide

(4) Personalized trip journals (5) Knowledge of best-in-class international programs


Meet the people whose lives are improved by your gifts

Expose your family to the world's needs and learn the most effective ways to help

Create lasting family memories through exciting adventures and service projects

Excellence in Giving the joy of generosity

201 E Las Animas St, Ste 101, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 | t.719.329.1515 | www.excellenceingiving.com ©2016 Excellence in Giving LLC. All Rights Reserved. The Excellence in Giving logo is a trademark of Excellence in Giving LLC.

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Celebration & Service Trips TRIP EXAMPLES Excellence in Giving organizes trips for the families we serve on a regular basis. Clients are guaranteed the most highly recommended and safest accommodations and transportation that each country has to offer. In the last few years, Excellence in giving has planned and successfully executed a number of Client trips, including:

4-Day Dominican Republic Trip •

Meet with children and families whose lives have been radically improved through your giving

See how microfinance, water purification, and orthopedic hospitals are changing lives

Install fuel-efficient stoves in poor households to reduce respiratory illness and fuel costs

Create lasting family memories through exciting adventures, and service projects

6-Day Kenya Trip •

Meet with children and families whose lives have been radically improved through your giving

See how microfinance, microfranchises, and livestock empowerment programs change lives

Kids play soccer with African children at holistic sports outreach center and come to love them

Experience an African safari and then the Atlantis resort in Dubai on the way home

8-Day India Trip •

Meet with children and families whose lives have been radically improved through your giving

See how medical kiosks, private education, and economic empowerment programs change lives

Kids ask questions and witness firsthand the philanthropic values of their parents

See the Taj Mahal, watch snake charmers in action, and visit the famous Ganges River

Excellence in Giving the joy of generosity

201 E Las Animas St, Ste 101, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 | t.719.329.1515 | www.excellenceingiving.com ©2016 Excellence in Giving LLC. All Rights Reserved. The Excellence in Giving logo is a trademark of Excellence in Giving LLC.

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Leadership Al Mueller President

Mr. Mueller provided investment advice to institutions, individuals and families of significant wealth for more than 20 years. From the beginning of his career with Morgan Stanley in New York City in 1984, Mr. Mueller had responsibility for evaluating and recommending investments in virtually every asset class. His clients relied on his ability to construct and manage portfolios to achieve their investment objectives. Mr. Mueller's professional experience on Wall Street and personal experience as a major donor and board member have prepared him to provide Excellence in Giving clients with valuable insight into the effective use of their philanthropic capital. During Excellence in Giving's first 15 years, Mr. Mueller has guided clients as they gave $240 million in charitable gifts, making him one of the most respected and sought after thought leaders in philanthropy today. Mr. Mueller, a native of California, is a graduate of the University of Arizona and holds an MBA from the Anderson School of Management at UCLA. He and his wife Susan have three adult children.

Thor Iverson

Chief Financial Officer Mr. Iverson brings a personal and professional passion for wise stewardship and high-impact giving to the role, having served as chief financial officer for family-owned businesses with high-capacity, philanthropic owners. Thor brings more than twenty years of senior management experience to Excellence in Giving including executive positions at Echelon Corporation, BeAtHome.com, Amity Technology, Concord, Inc., and Great Plains Software. Mr. Iverson's professional experience includes extensive international business in Russia, Ukraine, and Scandinavia. He received his MBA from Stanford University and his B.S. in Computer Science and Business Administration from North Dakota State University. Mr. Iverson is a published author and a patent holder. He lives in Colorado Springs with his wife Dana and their two children.

Regional Advisors Mark Percy

Regional Philanthropy Advisor, California Mr. Percy focuses on unifying high capacity families around a significant common purpose, and seeks to elevate their positive social impact as well as highlight creative ways to invest in the next generation. Mark was the Executive Director of Kay Family Foundation, one of the leading family foundations in Orange County, from 2010 - 2013. He also serves as a leadership advisor to the Oates Family in Sacramento and is a board member of the Marvin Buzz Oates Charitable Foundation. From 1986 to 2008 Mark held executive positions in privately held firms - including president of a family business that strategically empowered US companies, including AT&T, Motorola, Westinghouse, and United Technologies to expand in emerging market economies. For four years he lead the government business development initiatives of a Fortune 500 corporation. Mark lives in Aliso Viego, CA, with his wife of 30 plus years, Leslee. They have two married adult children and two adorable grandchildren. Copyright Š2017 Excellence in Giving. All Rights Reserved.

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Leadership Ruth Samuelson

Regional Philanthropy Advisor; Southeast Mrs. Samuelson brings both public and private sector experience to the Excellence in Giving portfolio. She rose to leadership in the North Carolina House of Representative serving as Majority Conference Leader and chair of both the Banking and Environment Committees. Her years of public sector service were recognized in numerous awards but most notably by the governor of North Carolina with the “Order of the Long Leaf Pine,” the state’s highest commendation for public service. To set the stage for those political years, Ruth worked as a personal philanthropist, advisor to other donors, and as a board member for numerous local and national organizations. A licensed real estate broker, foster/adoptive parent and former securities/insurance agent, Ruth was featured in Laws of Lifetime Growth, a national In Memoriam best seller on leadership by Dan Sullivan. January 23, 2017 Yet, with all her civic, political and professional responsibilities, Ruth, based in Charlotte, still considers her commitment to be a loving wife to Ken and a caring mother of four adult children and three grandchildren as her primary responsibility and greatest delight.

Andy Thompson

Regional Philanthropy Advisor; Northeast Mr. Thompson brings over 25 years of comprehensive nonprofit and philanthropic experience to Excellence in Giving. Throughout his career Mr. Thompson has held leadership positions in development offices at non-profit organizations, independent schools, colleges and universities including Brown University and Boston College. He has specific expertise and experience working with high net worth individuals and their families, and maintains personal connections and long standing relationships with many former donors. In addition to his development work, Andy spent five years at a nonprofit consulting firm working with clients from the healthcare, education, arts and culture, and human service sectors. As an entrepreneur, he also co-launched a social media technology company targeted at engaging donors and constituents. Andy, a native of Massachusetts, earned his B.A. in English from Ohio Wesleyan University. He lives in Dover, Massachusetts with his wife and three children. He is an active volunteer for many local organizations and enjoys playing golf, skiing, and coaching his children in various youth sports.

Keith Waggoner

Relationship Manager, Dallas Office During his 30 plus year career, Mr. Waggoner has gained expertise in leading teams of people, building relationships, developing processes to achieve a vision, honing entrepreneurial skills, and transitioning organizations in need of change. He began his career in real estate in 1985 and spent time developing his commercial real estate skills. In 1997, he joined Macfarlan Real Estate Investment Management where he was responsible for all of the firm’s commercial asset management and corporate operations. He helped launch nonprofit Behind Every Door Ministries, Inc in 2009. Behind Every Door combined private real estate investment partnerships, which purchased C-grade apartment communities, with a nonprofit entity for the purpose of improving the lives of the residents and transforming communities. Behind Every Door is making a tremendous impact on two very underserved neighborhoods in Dallas. Keith was born in Little Rock, Arkansas and raised in Wheaton, Illinois. He moved to Texas to pursue his Bachelor’s degree in business at Baylor University and holds his MBA from Southern Methodist University. Keith is an avid golfer, enjoys photography, and tries to find time to read good books. He lives in Dallas with his wife and has two grown children. Copyright ©2017 Excellence in Giving. All Rights Reserved.

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Leadership Craig Saeman

Relationship Manager, Denver Office Mr Saeman started his business career in Los Angeles and New York City where he managed a multi-billion-dollar fixed income portfolio. After returning to Denver, he was active in private equity. More recently, Craig was responsible for launching and managing a hedge fund, fundraising for numerous deals, and investments in private equity. Craig has an extensive background in both the business and charitable sector and is well connected in the Denver community. Craig has been active on many boards including The Colorado Family Action board where he serves as Chairman; The Families of Character and the Legatus-Denver boards where he served as President in 2015. Craig also has extensive knowledge of family charitable foundations through his participation on the board of the Saeman Family Foundation. Craig and his wife Shelly are members of the Papal Foundation, which provides about $15-million annually to the Holy Father and benefits third world countries. Craig has a bachelor's degree in Finance and Economics from Regis University. He and his wife Shelly have five children and five grandchildren.

Research Team Paul Penley, PhD Director of Research

Dr. Penley performs research and outcome-based evaluations of nonprofit organizations to inform effective grant making strategies. He has refined methods for nonprofit due diligence and published and presented his work at community foundations, the Philanthropy Roundtable, the Council on Foundations, and the Alliance magazine. Paul has developed evaluative formulas for assessing the costeffectiveness and cost-efficiency of product delivery within programs of mercy and justice. These activities demonstrate his commitment to finding the most effective projects around the world and guiding clients toward successful philanthropic investments. Dr. Penley has international relief work and ministry experience in Mexico, Bolivia, Kosovo and Uganda. He has studied abroad in Israel, Turkey, Greece, and Egypt, adding to his understanding of international culture and history. Paul and his family reside in Colorado Springs and enjoy the endless trout streams for fly fishing that Colorado offers.

Keith Okano Evaluation Officer

Mr. Okano has served as the president and chief operating officer for multiple entrepreneur and family-owned businesses. He brings more than 25 years of senior management experience to Excellence in Giving including executive positions at Bridgeway Software, Lloyd’s Register, Global Software, and Andrews Consulting Group. Mr. Okano's professional experience includes strategic and operational advisory services for Fortune 1000 companies. Mr. Okano earned an MBA in Technology Management and B.S. in Business Administration from the University of Phoenix. He is an active volunteer serving non-profit organizations and a former Board Member of Fort Bend Christian Academy. Mr. Okano currently resides in the Greater Houston Area with his wife and two adopted children. Copyright Š2017 Excellence in Giving. All Rights Reserved.

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Leadership Tim Van Vugt Research Analyst

Mr. Van Vugt sets up systems to measure program outcomes for charities that Excellence in Giving clients support. He specializes in designing research plans and analyzing impact data to evaluate program effectiveness and recommend improvements. His work gives our clients confidence they are supporting great organizations committed to getting better. Mr. Van Vugt earned a BA in Finance from Calvin College and an MA in International & Development Economics from the University of San Francisco. He began his career in Kenya working with microfinance institutions and has extensive experience with a variety of international development organizations and social enterprises around the world. Most recently, Mr. Van Vugt worked as an independent consultant, helping nonprofits better measure and understand the impact of their programs. He has led rigorous research projects in several countries throughout Africa and Latin America for clients including Compassion International, Living Water International and Partners Worldwide. In his spare time, Tim enjoys golfing, skiing and travel. His claims to fame include cameo appearances in Kenyan music videos and competing in the World Skeeball Championships.

Jacob McClure Research Assistant

Mr. McClure manages, updates, and provides quality control for the company nonprofit database and maintains strong relationships with nonprofit leaders. His collection of nonprofit performance data allows Excellence in Giving to assess the health and performance of charities our clients care about. He also creates outcomes measurement surveys and analyzes data to determine the impact of nonprofit programs. Mr. McClure earned a B.S. in Business Administration from the School of Business at The University of North Carolina at Pembroke in 2015. He was a member of several honor societies. Jacob has experience working as an intern with the Cape Fear Valley Health Foundation in Fayettesville, NC. In his spare time, Jacob enjoys hiking, running, and biking on the trails of Colorado Springs.

Copyright ©2017 Excellence in Giving. All Rights Reserved.


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Leadership Client Services Team Jessica Bocker

Director of Client Services Mrs. Bocker leads the Client Services initiative to support each client’s unique giving passions and priorities. She brings diverse experience in operations management, human resources, marketing, public relations and customer service. Jessica served as Vice President of Operations and Marketing at Biowatch Medical, a medical device and service company headquartered in Columbia, SC. In this position, she was effective in improving the quality of customer service and scaling the company's operational capacity. Jessica now coordinates the Excellence in Giving suite of services to ensure that every client exeprience the joy and significance of giving well. Jessica is a graduate of the University of South Carolina where she studied English and French. She spent 6 months studying in France and expanded her understanding of international culture with visits to a dozen other European countries. She lives in Colorado Springs with her husband and son where they enjoy hiking, camping and other outdoor activities.

Lexi Peterson

Client Services Assistant Ms. Peterson joined the Excellence in Giving team as Client Services Assistant. She brings experience in Higher Education Academic Affairs from her time working at Texas Christian University in the John V. Roach Honors College and serving for numerous programs within Student Development Services. Lexi loves organization and working with people which is why she is thrilled to be joining the Client Services Team to assist clients in joyful giving. Lexi, a native and proud Texan, is a graduate of Texas Christian University, where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. She loves to travel and spend time with friends and family. She currently resides in Dallas, where you'll likely find her eating mexican food.

Copyright Š2017 Excellence in Giving. All Rights Reserved.


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Client Profile The Excellence in Giving “Bullseye� Client Profile Our services are targeted to families and individuals who fit the following criteria:

1. Business owner or executive with significant demands on time. 2. Widows, widowers, and heirs particularly those whose spouse or parent made most financial decisions. 3. Frustration responding to incoming requests for charitable gifts. 4. Desire and capacity to give $500,000+ annually from current income and/or assets. 5. Actively deciding how to raise their standard of giving rather than their standard of living. 6. Families who desire to train the next generation and increase communication in the family about giving. 7. Values information from nonprofits about the specific, measurable outcomes from gifts.

201 E Las Animas St, Ste 101, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 | t. 719.329.1515 | www.excellenceingiving.com Š2017 Excellence in Giving. All Rights Reserved. The Excellence in Giving logo is a trademark of Excellence in Giving.

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Excellence in Giving Services Discovery Process


A comprehensive assessment of your personal giving priorities and philanthropic mission using our Philanthropic Discovery Questionnaire. The results enable you to strategically concentrate your giving plan and legacy, including: Joy-Filled Giving Profile, a philanthropic mission statement with giving priorities and values, and Giving Game Plan, a detailed look at your 5-year giving history and trends.

Level 1-5 Organizational Evaluations


Evaluate organizations before you give. We perform 5 levels of organizational evaluations ranging from an overview (Level 1 = $2,000) to a comprehensive evaluation on-site with an industry analysis (Level 5 = $25,000).

Community Solutions Assessment


Research community trends and nonprofit solutions o give strategically in a local community. The final use -friendly report produces concise conclusions about what is getting better or worse and why, and offers: (1) root causes of community problems, (2) success stories of improvement, and (3) recommended grant ideas.

Outcomes Measurement Project


To help clients support high-impact organizations, we build processes to measure the lasting transformation linked to nonprofit p ograms. Nonprofits eceive the benefit of an ongoing ou comes measurement process while donors get concrete impact data to make smart giving decisions.

Giving Advisor

$25,000-50,000 per year

Giving Meetings: Excellence in Giving will organize and prepare information to conduct productive meetings, including sourcing giving opportunities, managing requests with appropriate diligence, reviewing grant history, and providing a forecast of future plans. Grantee Evaluation: Ongoing research and analysis of your favorite nonprofits o determine the best ways to help them fulfill their mission. Excellence in Giving will annually gather Analytical Overviews with up-to-date operational and impact data and collect Grant Impact Reports following gifts at appropriate timing to ensure the outcomes met the initial goals. Experience Your Impact: Celebrate and personally experience the results of your philanthropic investments. Organize site visits, conference calls with nonprofit leader , and connections to grantee accomplishments. Grant Administration: Regular tracking and reporting through Giving Dashboard and Giving Forecast reports, so it’s clear you’re accomplishing everything you set out to do.

Full-Service Philanthropy Advisor

$50,000-90,000 per year

All Giving Advisor Services with Expanded Time and Value Plus: Family Meetings: Share family history and values, discuss how wealth will transfer and establish legacy you desire. Next Gen Philanthropy Training: Train the second and third generations in effective philanthropy and enjoy giving as a family through a regular, organized process. Gift Optimization: Utilize Excellence in Giving’s national and international network and experience to structure grants, connect with partners, support your favorite nonprofits with the best pra tices, and leverage your gift. Special Projects: Options for add-on projects include: (1) Corporate Generosity, (2) Community Meetings, (3) Service Trips/Family Trips, (4) Special Event Planning

201 E Las Animas St., Ste 101, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 | t. 719.329.1515 | www.excellenceingiving.

Excellence in Giving the joy of generosity

©2016 Excellence in Giving LLC. All Rights Reserved. The Excellence in Giving logo is a trademark of Excellence in Giving LLC.

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Excellence in Giving FAQ Frequently Asked Questions Why do families choose to be Excellence in Giving clients? It’s simple really. Families are drawn to us for three main reasons: our expertise in the philanthropy sector, our customization for each client, and the increased joy we facilitate in their giving. Our services create a disciplined yet flexible process for intelligent giving. We help our clients prioritize gifts in areas that are important to them and will bring them the most joy. Clients feel confident in their giving decisions because of the services we provide in due diligence, reporting, and measurable results. When should someone consider becoming an Excellence in Giving client? We serve families who seek to maximize the impact of their charitable giving. Our services include those typically provided by a foundation executive director. Families who have the capacity to give over $500,000 annually will find the most benefit from our services. Does Excellence in Giving decide where their clients will give? Absolutely not. Our goal is to increase the confidence and the joy our clients experience from their charitable giving. We do that by helping our clients discover the areas and organizations they are passionate about. We are happy to make recommendations on organizations we trust. At the end of the day we are here to make the process easier and the joy greater. How does Excellence in Giving charge for its services? We are a fee-only professional services firm. We’ll send you a written service agreement with our rates based on projected work effort. Fees can be based on a specific project or on an annual retainer. We don’t take a percentage of grants, and we don't charge you more if you give more. Our motto is totally satisfied clients, and if our clients aren’t totally satisfied we will adjust their bill or provide additional services at no charge. As a bonus our fees are fully tax-deductible as a legitimate giving expense.

Excellence in Giving the joy of generosity

Why doesn't Excellence in Giving charge a percentage of charitable giving? Alignment of interests. Excellence in Giving never wants clients to think there is any motivation to increase clients' annual giving in order to make more money for themselves. Charging for services rendered is best for both parties and allows clients to have a variable expense that they control. How often does Excellence in Giving meet with its clients? Our approach is customized to the needs of each client. We recommend at least three client meetings annually to make decisions on grant requests, review grant activities, and celebrate results. Phone calls are scheduled as needed to implement and monitor grant progress. Travel costs for regularly scheduled meetings are included in the full service engagement. Can Excellence in Giving help me train my children? Yes! We believe one of the most important gifts you can give your children is wisdom along with wealth. By involving and educating children of all ages, parents can use family giving as an opportunity to pass on their values and teach lessons of stewardship. This is one of our areas of expertise, and we love to provide education and resources on next generation philanthropy. Should I pay someone to help me give money away? Writing a check is easy; making a lasting impact is difficult. The wealthiest men of this generation have publicly stated that "it is more difficult to give money away intelligently than it was to make it." Sorting through worthy causes and making wise giving decisions is a challenging and time-consuming task. Excellence in Giving provides an unparalleled level of service while offering our clients complete control and freedom in their giving decisions. To sum it all up, through Excellence in Giving, our clients gain confidence in the organizations they support, they receive updates on projects, and celebrate the impact their gift has made.

201 E Las Animas, Ste 101, Colorado Springs, CO 80903 | t. 719.329.1515 | www.excellenceingiving.com ©2016 Excellence in Giving LLC. All Rights Reserved. The Excellence in Giving logo is a trademark of Excellence in Giving LLC.

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Smart Gifts Keep On Giving | Stanford Social Innovation Review


Smart Gifts Keep On Giving A philanthropic investment in Guatemala has established an ongoing stream of revenue to reach at-risk kids. By Paul Penley | 2

| Oct. 7, 2013


imited resources require smart giving. Giving the same money to do the same thing year after year is not sustainable. As the impact investing market struggles to find itself and overall giving hardly grows at the rate of inflation, how can we give in a sustainable way? The answer is through what we at Excellence in Giving call ”philanthrovestments”—that is, grants designed to build capacity at a nonprofit organization to provide ongoing revenue streams for operational self-sustainability. Instead of a small gift to cover budget commitments, a major donor or pool of donors make a big gift to launch an enterprise. That enterprise creates jobs, and uses profits to fund the charity’s programs and/or expansion. But does it really work? From family philanthropy trip to philanthrovestment

Four years ago, one of the 18 families that we assist with giving (let’s call them “the Willards”) wanted to involve the next generation by taking a family philanthropy trip. Since the Willards supported a domestic adoption agency with connections to an orphanage in Guatemala and three of the four Willard children play soccer, we recommended visiting a soccer program for at-risk kids in addition to other charitable projects. The family ended up spending a day playing soccer, meeting Guatemalan kids, and handing out backpacks full of soccer equipment. The Willards built a connection with Global Soccer Ministries Guatemala (GSM), which works to reduce gang involvement by engaging youth in soccer academies.

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Smart Gifts Keep On Giving | Stanford Social Innovation Review


Creative grantmaking for Guatemala

When the Willards returned home, they wanted to make a gift. GSM Guatemala had a $40,000 budget that needed funding, but the Willards wanted to do something bigger. So we worked with GSM Guatemala to develop a project proposal to double the number of kids served and fund programs for years to come. GSM Guatemala created a plan to build a multi-field soccer complex in Guatemala City with the best synthetic turf in the country. The complex would facilitate all special events for GSM Guatemala youth soccer academies and earn rental income from outside use. It projected $210,000 in annual revenue at its peak. GSM Guatemala partnered with the Guatemalan local government for donated land and with the Community Sports Development Council in the United States for discounted turf. The Willards donated only $600,000 to build a $1.2 million complex. Initial returns

Since the official opening of the complex, the GSM Guatemala "BRIO" Soccer Complex. (Photo courtesy of GSM Guatemala) community has embraced it and the organization is serving more kids. By the second quarter of business in 2013, GSM Guatemala hit its projected quarterly revenues and could cover all costs associated with the complex and running soccer academies for at-risk kids. The Willards’ gift of $600,000: Built a $1.2 million soccer complex for half price.

Created 32 new marketing, operations, referee, and maintenance jobs for Guatemalans (an 800 percent employment growth). Reached 40 percent more neighborhood kids through soccer academies in first year. Funds the entire operation and expansion of GSM Guatemala.

Will generate the projected $210,000 in revenue each year with potential to reach $300,000 based on third quarter 2013 results.

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Smart Gifts Keep On Giving | Stanford Social Innovation Review


The process was as difficult and time-consuming as any start-up normally is, but now the revenue pays the 36-member Guatemalan staff and benefits about 500 at-risk kids through soccer academies in some of Guatemala City’s most dangerous areas. The case for philanthrovestments

The philanthropic sector is under pressure to leverage gifts for greater impact. Impact Investing promises a way forward, but it is mired in debate about what it is and its impact. We still live in a world where, for example, Philanthropy Impact’s London-based Philanthropy Programme spends an entire day trying to figure out if “social investment” is an investment or philanthropy. Philanthrovestments are real opportunities for philanthropists to realize returns and then relinquish the benefits to charitable organizations they trust. In the next 10 years, the Willard’s philanthrovestment is on track to more than quadruple, generating $2.5 million of revenue from the original $600,000 gift. It’s not an impact investment because the financial returns do not come back to the investor. It’s not a normal grant needed every year to run the same programs. It’s a grant that invests in a revenue-generating, job-creating project so that the organization doesn’t need additional grants to run its programs. It invests in public benefit organizations with the agreement to donate all ongoing profits to the cause. This model will not work for all charitable tasks (for example, it won’t work for immediate disaster rescue and relief ), but for some, it enables a gift to keep on giving. Paul T. Penley is director of research at the philanthropic advisory firm Excellence in Giving and creator of the up-to-date, impact-

oriented online charity evaluator IntelligentPhilanthropy.com. He performs research and outcome-based evaluations of charities to

inform effective grant making strategies for Excellence in Giving clients whose giving totals more than $22 million annually.

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THIS WEEK | "'To stay is to be killed'" November 29, 2008

Tearing down storehouses CHARITY: How to leave a legacy and die broke | Warren Cole Smith_____ F. Scott Fitzgerald said, "Rich people are different from the rest of us." Ernest Hemingway wryly added: "Yes, they have more money." Rich people who want to give away their wealth in their lifetimes have special problems. Bill Gates famously said, "Giving away billions of dollars without ruining the organizations you give to is not easy." That's why a small industry has arisen to help Christian philanthropists give away their fortunes in ways that are consistent with their values, produce what they call "kingdom returns," and don't create a culture of dependence on the part of the ministries supported. One such organization is Colorado Springs-based Excellence in Giving. Al Mueller, the president and founder, works with what he calls "high capacity families" to clarify their giving objectives and track the results. "We typically work with Christian families that can give away $1 million or more per year," Mueller said. The approach Mueller takes is to help his clients write what he calls a philanthropic mission statement, which identifies the family's "passions, purpose, and priorities." "We encourage individuals and families not to be reactive givers, merely responding to incoming requests," Mueller said. "We help them proactively seek out projects and organizations [that] can help them accomplish the goals of their philanthropic mission statement." Mueller said that almost every wealthy family has a story to tell about giving money that failed to accomplish the donor's goals, and in some cases produced unintended consequences. A planned giving approach, Mueller believes, produces "greater joy for the giver, and more impact in the giving." Paul Kuehner, a Connecticut Christian businessman, had set several goals for his family. He wanted "to give our money away while we were still alive, to help the poorest of the poor, and to teach our children how to be givers." Kuehner said that because there are many "relief organizations" that feed and clothe the poor, and even many Christian relief organizations, the task of finding the organizations whose work matched his family's values was daunting. Mueller and Excellence in Giving arranged what Kuehner called a "family mission trip to see the work of charities we were considering." Excellence in Giving, and other philanthropy consulting agencies—including Atlanta-based Calvin Edwards & Company—do not work for free, nor do they raise money as charities themselves. Mueller said some of his dozen or so clients pay him a monthly retainer that covers ongoing research and follow-up. Others pay 1 percent of the total amount given away. "We receive no money from recipient organizations," Mueller said. "We work for the donors in a completely conflict-free arrangement." Calvin Edwards & Company typically doesn't work with retained relationships, but on a project-by-project basis. Is the service worth the price? Kuehner says yes: "We would not have reached the charities we are now supporting without Al's experience. He did the front-end leg-work, and he is helping us make sure the money is being used in the ways we intended." Copyright Š 2009 WORLD Magazine November 29, 2008, Vol. 23, No. 24 36 of 36 EIG-051-0116

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