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Navigating Autism: 9 Mindsets for Helping Kids on the Spectrum

Temple Grandin and Debra Moore’s new strategies for empowering kids on the spectrum

By Temple Grandin, PhD and Debra Moore, PhD

International best-selling writer and autist Temple Grandin joins psychologist Debra Moore in presenting nine strengths-based mindsets for successfully working with young people on the autism spectrum. Examples and stories bring the approaches to life, and detailed suggestions and checklists help readers put them to practical use.

Temple Grandin shares her own personal experiences and anecdotes from parents and professionals who have sought her advice, while Debra Moore draws on more than three decades of work as a psychologist with kids on the spectrum and those who love and care for them. So many people support the lives of these kids, and this book is for all of them: teachers, special education staff, mental health clinicians, physical, occupational, and speech therapists; parents; and anyone interacting with autistic children or teens.

Readers will come away with new, empowering mindsets they can apply to develop the full potential of every child.

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Temple Grandin is a professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University. She had no language until age four, and good teachers and her mother helped her develop her strengths. She has a successful career as both a designer of livestock handling systems and as a scientific researcher. She also lectures widely on her experiences with autism.

Psychologist Debra Moore has worked extensively with autistic individuals of all ages and their families. She believes in focusing on strengths and interests and fostering confidence and potential. She currently devotes her time to writing. This is her second collaboration with Dr. Temple Grandin, previously coauthoring The Loving Push: How Parents and Professionals Can Help Spectrum Kids Become Successful Adults

Learn more about Navigating Autism: 9 Mindsets for Helping Kids on the Spectrum at wwnorton.com/rd/autism

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