1 minute read


From an Autism Mom with Love

By Diana Romeo

From an Autism Mom with Love is a collection of personal letters that gives you a look into the life of one family’s experience living with someone on the autism spectrum. These letters are written from a mom to her son, to God, and to the community at large and will bring you through a range of emotions. They share experiences spanning from diagnosis, through school years, until today, when he is transitioning into adulthood. The letters are funny, sad, poignant, frustrated, informative, and hopeful. This is a real-life look at one family’s experience with autism in a world that is not always autism-friendly and how this mom continually learns to navigate the many challenges and joys. Life with autism is often a roller coaster, but this book shows it is a ride filled with love.

“This little gem of a book packs quite a punch. The letters draw you quickly and deeply into the all-consuming world of autism…Unexpectedly powerful.” MsJoeyjay

“I thoroughly enjoyed reading this beautifully composed book. Each entry delicately details the author’s experiences and unconditional love for her wonderful son.” Randy B.

TO PURCHASE: https://www.amazon.com/Diana-Romeo/e/B08FCSMBWJ

Diana Romeo is a proud, full-time, stay-at-home mother of two children. For 19 years she has been on the front line of mothering a very sweet boy who falls on the moderate to severe side of the autism spectrum. She also is mother to a sweet and drama-filled 17-year-old daughter. She recently published her first book, From an Autism Mom with Love. She previously published articles describing her family’s adventures in autism in Autism Parenting Magazine and Exceptional Parent Magazine. She has a degree in business management and has worked in human resources.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dianalromeo/ To purchase: https://www.amazon.com/Diana-Romeo/e/B08FCSMBWJ

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