ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT Walsh announces financial empowerment initiative 9
Dear White People pg. 19
Thursday • October 23, 2014 •
City councilors take landlord to task Sandra Larson
evictions. He had appeared with protesters at a September rally in Boston city councilors on support of small businesses in an Monday grilled the owners of a Egleston Square building that City Brighton real estate company that Realty recently purchased . has purchased some 200 distressed “It’s our job to fight for those and foreclosed properties in the who don’t have a voice,” Jackson city over the past 10 years and said at the hearing. “We are here whose tenants report steep rent in- to hear the voices of folks who creases, evictions and disrespectful work hard every single day to pay treatment by the company. rent. We care about this issue and Representatives of City Realty we do not want poor folks to be Group appeared at a hearing called displaced.” by District 7 City Councilor Tito Councilors Ayanna Pressley, Jackson to address issues of gen- Josh Zakim, Matt O’Malley and trification and the role of corpo- Frank Baker, who chaired the rate landlords meeting, also in rent escalaengaged with tion and tenant the panelists. displacement. Councilors “You have “We are here to hear Michelle Wu, said you’re Charles Yancey b u i l d i n g u p the voices of folks who and Michael Roxbury, but work hard every single Flaherty atyou’re not tended briefly building the day to pay rent. We care and offered type of Rox- about this issue and we statements in bury I want to of the do not want poor folks to support see,” Jackson hearing and of said to the two be displaced.” neighborhood City Realty servation — Tito Jackson pinr ethe owners, Fred face of Starikov and gentrification. Steve Whalen, The hearwho were acing started at 4 companied by an attorney and a p.m. and went on into the evening, property manager. “You bought with testimony from two panels of distressed units — and you have City Realty tenants and a panel of put a lot of residents in distress.” tenant advocates and data experts, Company representatives in addition to City Realty’s testitestified that City Realty owns mony. The scheduled panels were about 600 units in 200 properties followed by an opportunity for inin Boston, mostly triple-decker dividuals to step up to the microhomes. Many of them were pur- phone to speak their piece. chased after foreclosures. While some said they had Jackson ordered the hearing never had a problem with City after receiving complaints from Realty as their landlord, the preresidential and commercial ten- vailing sentiment toward the ants in Roxbury, Jamaica Plain and company by residents and counother neighborhoods, and from the cilors was negative. City Realty, continued to page 8 organizers helping tenants fight
Attorney General Martha Coakley rallies Democratic Party activists during a campaign stop in Brockton. Looking on are Democratic City Committee co-Chairman Ossie Jordan (far left), at-large Brockton City Councilor Moises Rodrigues and Gov. Deval Patrick. (Banner photo)
Coakley campaign revving up get-out-the-vote effort Yawu Miller Attorney General Martha Coakley spent much of the last few weeks rallying troops in the traditional Democratic strongholds: at Dorchester’s Strand Theatre with Michelle Obama, in Worcester with former President Bill Clinton and, last Friday, in Brockton with Gov. Deval Patrick and a host of Metro South and South Coast elected officials. With just two weeks until the Nov. 4 election, Coakley and Democratic Party activists are pulling out the stops in a race where the Democratic and Republican candidates for governor have been locked in a dead heat. Crowded into a Brockton strip
mall storefront packed with black, white, Cape Verdean and Haitian activists and elected officials, Coakley spoke with a sense of urgency. “If you have my back for the next two-and-a-half weeks, I will have your back for the next four years,” she said. Like many of Coakley’s events in communities of color, the Brockton appearance was part rally, part volunteer recruitment event. Attendees signed up for canvassing and phone banking as part of the campaign’s effort to mobilize tens of thousands of voters across the state, particularly in the cities. Republican Charlie Baker can expect to draw votes from
the conservative-leaning towns in the South Shore and South Coast, from the North Shore and Worcester County — the traditional base of Republican votes in the state’s hinterlands. Coakley, on the other hand, will likely win in the state’s cities, the Metro Boston suburbs and in the Berkshires. Both campaigns are channeling considerable resources into getout-the-vote efforts. For Coakley, the cities are a key battleground and black elected officials are a key component of that battle. While Coakley has a lock on black and Latino elected officials in Massachusetts, Baker’s campaign has been making a play for voters in black and Latino communities, Coakley, continued to page 28
Baker releases ‘urban agenda,’ touts support Yawu Miller
ubernatorial candidate harlie a er discusses his urban agenda with reporters during the official opening of his lue ill office in Dorchester. oo ing on are uis ru Regla on ale and lifton raithwaite. ( anner photo)
Republican Charlie Baker opened an office on Blue Hill Avenue in Dorchester, unveiled an “urban agenda” with policies he said were informed by his discussions with people in black and Latino neighborhoods and touted support from blacks, Latinos and Asians. Packed into the Blue Hill Avenue storefront, about 50 supporters, reporters and onlookers attended the event Wednesday morning last week, as Baker
unveiled his priorities in education, affordable housing, criminal justice reform, economic development and public safety. Baker said the plans — outlined in broad strokes — were culled from meetings with supporters in the black and Latino communities. “The conversations and the dialogues that came out of these meetings ... informed in a very significant way many of our economic development and education plans,” he said.
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Baker, continued to page 26