Bay State Banner 11-12-2015

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inside this week:

Public records laws targeted by pending reform bill pg 3


business news:


SBA Administrator visits Boston area to plug lending programs pg 11

plus Alice Walker reflects on ‘The Color Purple’ pg 14 On stage: ‘Saturday Night/ Sunday Morning’ pg 15 Thursday, November 12, 2015 • FREE • GREATER BOSTON’S URBAN NEWS SOURCE SINCE 1965 • CELEBRATING 50 YEARS

Hub housing scarce for mid-income

Middle class squeezed as city builds luxury housing BANNER PHOTO

District 4 candidate Andrea Joy Campbell embraces supporters during her victory party last week at the Blarney Stone in Fields Corner. Campbell supporters credited a strong grassroots campaign for her victory over longtime incumbent Charles Yancey.

Election upsets reveal new city voting trends White conservative voter influence seen waning By YAWU MILLER

After the polls closed last Tuesday and the results began rolling in, the story of two upstart challengers defeating the city’s two longest-serving city councilors dominated news coverage —as well it should have. Back in April when Andrea Joy Campbell announced her challenge to the 32-year reign of District 4 Councilor Charles Yancey, many political insiders

viewed the bid as a long shot. And when Anissa Essaibi-George announced her second bid for an at-large seat on the council, pundits said the low turnout in a non-mayoral election year would favor incumbents. So when Campbell and George won decisive victories, with the latter bumping 19-year veteran Stephen Murphy in a five-way race for the four at-large seats, the news media zeroed in on themes including the growing clout of women in local politics and the

generational divide between the youthful campaigns of the upstarts and those of the older candidates they defeated. Another compelling story emerges in the voting patterns that for the last few election cycles have revealed a city in the midst of significant political change. For the third straight electoral cycle, at-large Councilor Ayanna Pressley was the top vote-getter, relying on a base that extends from

See ELECTION, page 10


Boston’s middle class is growing and if more housing does not become available, it also may be leaving. The latest report on the mayor’s housing plan — released last month — found the city building middle income housing at 85 percent of the speed needed to reach its 2030 goals. “The challenge really is, [in Roxbury] we’re not getting middle-income housing because developers can’t make any money producing it, yet that’s by and large what we need the most,” said Roxbury resident Rodney Singleton. The city defines middle class as households earning $50,000125,000. As housing prices soar and wages stagnate, middle income families face the risk of being forced out of their neighborhoods or the city entirely. Between 2011-2012, the city’s median rent rose by 13 percent, wrote David Price, executive director of Nuestra Comunidad, on the community development corporation’s website. The city aims to create 20,000

new units by 2030, with a fifth of them deed-restricted. The remaining 16,000 units are for placement on the open market in areas deemed middle-income affordable.

Homes evade the middle class

In many neighborhoods, rents are out of reach. Only 9 percent of 2013 rental listings were affordable to families making $50,000. Even for families making $90,000 that number rose to only 65 percent, according to Boston 2030’s Oct. 2014 report. Roxbury residents seeking to buy homes in their neighborhood face unattainable prices, with market price homes at $400,000 and up, Singleton said. He anticipated an increase in gentrification and a squeeze-out of the middle class. “Folks who are in the middle aren’t going to be able to qualify for subsidized units and they won’t be able to afford the market rate units,” Singleton said.


$30M more state spending on MBEs Supplier Diversity Program expands By JULE PATTISON-GORDON

Patty Bruce and other representatives of small and diverse businesses managed tables at the gym-turned-exhibition-center at Roxbury Community College’s Reggie Lewis Center last Thursday. Bruce was networking at the Massachusetts Supplier Diversity Regional Series event on behalf of Bay State Envelope, a printing services company owned and operated by women. The turnout for

this exhibition, she said, was significantly higher than the last such event she attended, and she was able to get many promising sizeable prospects. Bruce credited the high attendance to the expansion of the state’s supplier diversity program benchmarks, announced by Governor Charlie Baker the day before. “With Baker’s announcement last night, there’s three times the turnout of the last meeting,” she said. Baker expanded the minimum percent of state government

spending designated for Massachusetts-based small businesses, Minority-owned Business Enterprises and Women-owned Business Enterprises; a streamlining of the certification processes and new certifications to acknowledge businesses owned by veterans, LGBT people and people with disabilities.

Women and minorities get $60 million boost

This marks the first expansion of MBE and WBE state procurement and discretionary spending benchmarks in four years.

See DIVERSITY, page 13


Governor Charlie Baker announced benchmark increases, streamlined certification and new diversity categories for the state’s Supplier Diversity Program.

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