Bay State Banner 11-26-2015

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business news:

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Gwendolyn McCoy handles events from flowers to marketing pg 14

New policies needed to fight city’s income gap pg 3

plus ART 100 BOSTON makes art accessible to all — open Dec. 4 at Piano Craft Gallery pg 16 Film review: ‘Creed’ pg 17 Thursday, November 26, 2015 • FREE • GREATER BOSTON’S URBAN NEWS SOURCE SINCE 1965 • CELEBRATING 50 YEARS

BPD promotion test ruled biased Judge says 2008 lieutenant test biased against blacks, Latinos By JULE PATTISON-GORDON

A federal judge ruled last week the exam used by the Boston Police Department in 2008 to determine promotions of sergeants to lieutenant was biased against blacks and Latinos and unable to accurately predict success in the new position. The case, Smith v. the City of Boston, was brought by ten sergeants in 2012. The ruling comes at a time when the BPD already expects a loss of diversity due to black officers’ retirements. Meanwhile, a similar case challenges the exam for determining promotions to sergeant used by Boston, Lawrence and other cities.

The 2008 test

For the last six years, the 2008 test scores have determined who gets promoted to lieutenant. In order to qualify for promotion, officers must get at least a 70 on a 100-question multiple choice test. Then the officers are given a rating for their education and experience, which, taken with performance on the written test, creates the final score. When a lieutenant position opens up, the BPD offers it to those who passed the test in order of their scores. The court found that the written exam — which is weighted as 80 percent of the final score — failed to asses a variety of skills

and abilities important for success as lieutenants. The test focused on knowledge and reading and interpreting written materials. What it left out were reasoning, judgment, interpersonal skills, ability to make quick decisions, oral communication and ability to counsel subordinates. High scores did not necessarily reflect top lieutenant performance.

Troubling signs

Based on results of the 2008 exam, blacks and Latinos in the BPD were promoted at less than half the rate of whites, noted U.S. District Judge William Young in his ruling. Ninety-four percent of the whites who took the exam passed, compared to 69 percent of minorities. “[The 2005 and 2008 exams] had fairly severe adverse impact on minority candidates, black and Hispanic,” concluded expert witness Dr. Joel Peter Wiesen, an industrial organizational psychologist. Based on these results, only five black sergeants were promoted during the last six years, out of thirty-three sergeants promoted in that time period. The discrimination evident in the results was not intentional, the judge said. “This is not a case about conscious racial prejudice,” he wrote.

See BPD, page 9


Supporters of lifting the cap on charters rallied on the Boston Common before marching on the State House.

Two sides, strategies in charter cap fight Anti-cap side acts sooner, shows more funding By JULE PATTISON-GORDON

Supporters of lifting the cap on charter schools made an impressive show on the Boston Common last Wednesday. Parents, educators and children wearing matching blue T-shirts reading “Great Schools Now,” waved signs, chanted and marched down the paths of the Common, which

were lined with pro-charter banners. They progressed to the State House where a temporary stage, large video screen, and a professional video and audio production crew awaited. Nikki Barnes, principal of the Kipp Academy Boston charter school, urged the gathered crowd to pressure the Senate to lift the charter cap. “We’re going to fight,” she said.

“If the state Senate refuses to lift the cap, they’re going to have to answer to us.” Both sides of the charter cap debate are gearing up for a vote in the House and Senate and a statewide ballot on the issue. Supporters of lifting the cap appear to be outspending their opposition and getting their message out quicker,

See CHARTERS, page 8

Funders seek housing solutions Competition for affordable housing ideas By SANDRA LARSON


A competition sponsored by Home Funders aims to spur more housing for Extremely Low Income families. Above, Mayor Martin Walsh joins the Chinatown community to cut the ribbon on One Greenway, a 363-unit development with a relatively high proportion of affordable units: of its 95 affordable apartments, 31 are designated ELI.

A Boston-based private funder collaborative has launched a competition for innovative strategies to increase the supply of permanent affordable housing for the lowest-income Massachusetts families. In the competition, announced at the Massachusetts State House Nov. 19, Home Funders plans to offer cash awards of $10,000 to $25,000 to organizations or teams that propose “well-crafted, innovative, feasible and sustainable”

ON THE WEB Innovation Competition information: www. Urban Institute:

solutions to build or preserve housing for Extremely Low Income families. Affordable housing often means units designated for households earning 50 to 80 percent of the Area Median Income defined by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Extremely Low Income, or “ELI,” refers to 0 to 30 percent

of AMI. People in this income range are often homeless or struggling on the brink of homelessness. Statewide, a family of four with income at or below $26,250 falls in the ELI category; for a Greater Boston area family of four, the figure is $29,550. To put these numbers in context, an individual head of household earning Massachusetts’ minimum hourly wage of $9 earns just $18,720 in 52 week of full time work. “We have an overall housing shortage, and housing for those at the lower end of the [income] spectrum is particularly scarce,” said Home Funders Executive

See HOME FUNDERS, page 11

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