Bay State Banner 12-03-2015

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business news:

inside this week:


Yooree Losordo sets up shop in Dot2Dot Cafe pg 14

In future of MBTA, how public is public transit? pg 3

plus Nick Cannon stars in Spike Lee’s ‘Chi-Raq’ pg 16 Theater couple team up for ‘The Little Mermaid’ pg 17 Thursday, December 3, 2015 • FREE • GREATER BOSTON’S URBAN NEWS SOURCE SINCE 1965 • CELEBRATING 50 YEARS

Trump plays race card, wins support Appeals to white racial anxiety By YAWU MILLER

One year after Ferguson, Missouri activists drew attention to the issue of police abuse of blacks, the fault lines between blacks’ and whites’ views of race and racism remain as stark as ever. Events over the last week have underscored a continuing deep divide. Last Sunday, a demonstrator was beaten by a group of Donald Trump supporters after he yelled “Black lives matter” during a Birmingham, Alabama rally. The next day, the presidential candidate sided with his supporters, telling a reporter “…maybe he should have

been roughed up.” The next day, five people demonstrating in protest of a Minneapolis Police Department shooting that killed an unarmed black man were themselves shot by masked assailants in what appears to be part of a wider backlash against the Black Lives Matter movement. Of course, Trump is not the only Republican candidate using divisive rhetoric to appeal to a base of conservative and mostly-white voters. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush suggested that the United States should accept Syrian

See TRUMP, page 12

Baker admin’s new plans to keep, grow businesses Links education to employer needs By JULE PATTISON-GORDON

Ten months after its founding, members of Governor Charlie Baker’s Workforce Skills Cabinet, announced the group’s first policy priorities. They aim to bring, keep and grow businesses in the state by better preparing the workforce with the skills employers need. “The skills gap is leaving thousands of vacancies unfilled across the commonwealth,” said James Peyser, secretary of education. The Cabinet represents a new cross-collaboration of educational,

ON THE WEB BizWorks:

ment-services/services-for-employers/expanding-business-engagement/ economic and workforce sectors. Its members have taken an employer’s-eye view and developed three initiatives: a one-stop resource for connecting businesses with assistance and services; expansion of career-focused education in manufacturing, trades and STEM; and state grants to support programs in

See WORKFORCE, page 9


City Councilor Charles Yancey convened a hearing of the Post Audit and Oversight Committee, a legacy of his time in city government, sharing worries about Boston Police and Fire.

Yancey continues push for diversity

Highlights inequities in hiring, pay By JULE PATTISON-GORDON


Governor Charlie Baker (left), Secretary of Labor and Workforce Development Ron Walker II and other members of the Workforce Skills Cabinet announced new approaches to support businesses and train state residents to fill their hiring needs.

With the end of his term approaching, City Councilor Charles Yancey convened on Monday a hearing of a committee that’s been part of city government almost as long as he has. The Post Audit and Oversight Committee, founded in 1984 by Yancey one year after he entered office, reported that the Police and Fire Departments spent vastly above budget on employee overtime last fiscal year, while also failing to hire enough people of color.

“If the trend continues, the Fire Department will be less, not more, representative of the city of Boston,” said Yancey, who chairs the committee. The city government as a whole also showed marked racial disparities in pay for FY20142015, especially among the top earners, Yancey announced.

Overruns in overtime

Both Fire and Police ran past their overtime budgets, to the tune of approximately $5 million and $25 million, respectively. “That deficit is larger than

most city departments’ [budgets],” said Yancey, speaking of the BPD. For public safety jobs, some amount of overtime comes with the territory. But, Yancey said, this is far from the first year such expenses have come from the departments, and the extent and frequency of overspending in this area suggests need for re-examining schedules or hiring. That is not the only reason to focus on hiring. Boston is nearly 47 percent white non-Latino,

See YANCEY, page 6

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