Bay State Banner 12-10-2015

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inside this week:

Low-demand for charters among most aided pg 6


business news:


Financial literacy: State lags in teaching students to manage their money pg 10


Kuumba Singers of Harvard College pg 15 Film review: ‘Youth’ pg 15 Boston Baroque breaks down barriers to classical music pg 16 Thursday, December 10, 2015 • FREE • GREATER BOSTON’S URBAN NEWS SOURCE SINCE 1965 • CELEBRATING 50 YEARS

School plan process draws fire

Mayor tours Grove Hall business district

Critics caution against siting charters in BPS buildings



As the statewide battle over charter school expansion heats up, a local battle is brewing between Mayor Martin Walsh and a group of parent organizers who are alleging the city plans to transfer Boston Public Schools buildings to charter schools. The local dispute centers around a Sept. 29 meeting Walsh had with the Boston parent group Quality Education for Every Student. Organizers say Walsh told them the BPS would reduce the number of school buildings it operates from the current 126 to 90. The allegation comes at a time when charters are seeking to expand in Boston, potentially taking funds away from the BPS. “I never said that,” Walsh told the Banner when questioned about the conversation. Walsh notes that the school department is undertaking an audit of its facilities to determine the needs of the city’s students and the

school buildings that serve them. “It’s too early yet to talk about it,” he said of school closings. “When you talk about closing schools, you don’t close schools unless you have an operational plan. I don’t want to speculate about what’s going to happen. We could be merging schools. We could be looking at a redesign of high schools and building new schools.” QUEST member Kevin Murray says he remembers clearly that Walsh told the group the department would pare their buildings down to 90. “I think he realized he’d made a mistake,” Murray said. “People looked at him like he misspoke. People asked him questions, but there was no further clarification.”

Structural deficit

Whether or not Walsh cited 90 schools, there has long been talk of merging and consolidating schools, as the cost of salaries, benefits, transportation and operations

See SCHOOLS, page 8

Mayor Martin J. Walsh speaks with Ed Gaskin, Executive Director of Grove Hall Mainstreets (second from left), while touring the area with members of the community. See story on page 7.

Rox residents plan for more say in development Call to gather info, identify voices and look to past By JULE PATTISON-GORDON

One-hundred and fifty residents gathered at Roxbury Community College last week to identify how they and other community members can take charge of the development projects shaping their neighborhood. At the “Roxbury Planning for Roxbury Residents” meeting last Thursday, attendees looked for ways to increase awareness of upcoming

construction projects and ensure community members have a say in the development process. They also brainstormed first steps that can be taken within the next two to three months. “If we don’t have a cohesive plan, we will be acted upon rather than the actors,” said City Councilor Tito Jackson, co-convener of the meeting. “This is about what is happening in our community, not necessarily for us, but to us.” Attendees broke into groups to

ON THE WEB Roxbury Strategic Master Plan: planning/planning-initiatives/roxbury-strategic-master-plan discuss the current situation and generate ideas for actions. They concluded that important next steps were to examine previous planning processes in Roxbury,

See ROXBURY, page 20

Fenway fights to keep affordability City faces risk of economic segregation By JULE PATTISON-GORDON

In the latest manifestation of Boston’s housing crisis, residents and activists marched last week from Clearway St. to Berklee College of Music’s building on 1140 Boylston St. to protest what they say could be the loss of the last non-subsidized affordable housing in the Fenway neighborhood.

The battleground: housing on Clearway St. BANNER PHOTO

Marchers protest push-out from Clearway St. as students take leases.

“The Fenway is again at a crisis point,” said a press release issued

by Right to the City Boston. “Apartments on Clearway Street were some of the last lower-cost units left.” No new affordable units have been built in the Fenway/Back Bay area in the past decade, said Richard Giordano director of community organizing for Fenway Community Development Corporation. Earlier this year, approximately 100 long-term residents either were not given the option to renew their leases or, in the case of at-will tenants, received a 30-day notice, said

members of Fenway CDC and other protestors. The units were then leased to Berklee College of Music students for rents of $1,000 more per month. Protestors also decried an agreement between the college and the property owners and managers to reserve space and facilitate leases for the students. Previously, Berklee administration sought to take out its own lease on the units, a request the city rejected. Activists charge the new arrangement achieves the same effect by turning many of the rooms into dorms.

See FENWAY, page 7

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