Bay State Banner 12-17-2015

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business news:

inside this week:


Mattapan Square salon stands test of time pg 11

Black educators celebrate 50 years of advocacy pg 6

plus MA Conference for Women hits milestone pg 14 ‘Blackface’ director Roger Ross Williams pg 15 Thursday, December 17, 2015 • FREE • GREATER BOSTON’S URBAN NEWS SOURCE SINCE 1965 • CELEBRATING 50 YEARS

Black firm to develop in Back Bay

Developer pledges contracts, jobs for minorities, women By YAWU MILLER

If all goes according to plan, the Peebles Corporation’s mixed-use development will rise 11 stories over the Massachusetts Turnpike at the corner of Massachusetts Avenue and Boylston Streets. The $400 million, five-year project will employ more than 200 construction workers. Peebles will contract with dozens of local businesses — 30 to 50 percent of them owned by women and people of color. The construction workforce also will be 30 to 50 percent women and people of color, according to Tawan Davis, Peebles Corporation’s chief investment officer. While construction firms in Boston consistently have failed to meet more modest goals for minority and women hiring and contracting, Davis said the marks are well within reach for his firm. “I hate the word impossible,” he told the Banner in a recent interview. “Given my background, nothing is impossible.” Davis was raised in Vanport,

Oregon by a single mother and was the first in his family to attend college. He graduated from Georgetown University and went on to earn a master’s degree from Oxford University in England and an MBA at Harvard Business School. He said Peebles Corporation, a black-owned firm with offices in New York and Miami, consistently meets its goals for minority participation. “It’s part of the culture of our firm,” he said. “Don Peebles has $100 million in the bank. We get to choose between contractors. If one doesn’t want to do it, another will.” The Peebles Corporation recently fired a construction firm on a $500 million project in New York, Davis said, after the firm failed to meet hiring goals during the demolition phase of a project. “It’s that important to us,” he said. The Peebles Corporation was founded in 1983 by R. Donahue Peebles and has developed projects in Miami, New York, San


At an Opportunity Youth United meeting at the State House, youth activists and other supporters testified and called for political action on issues important to their lives.

Group calls for youths to form national movement Opportunity Youth United mobilizes in Boston



Tawan Davis is chief investment officer at the Peebles Corporation, the largest blackowned real estate development firm in the nation.

Local organizers of the Opportunity Youth United movement gathered youth workers, public officials and other supporters at the State House last week to share stories and call for a national agenda aimed at increasing opportunities and fighting poverty among youth. The burgeoning movement seeks to mobilize young people across the U.S. into a political force that advocates policy on issues affecting them. OYU chose Boston as a testing zone for advancing action on a local level. Their message: Youth, including those regarded as “at-risk,” are not a problem to be solved by adults, but must be active players in the solution. As the congressional budget

ON THE WEB Opportunity Youth United deadline looms and the candidates campaign for the 2016 presidential election, youth leaders at the “Opportunity Youth Speak: Our Voice, Our Vote, 2016” event said there is urgent need to expand a base of politically-engaged youth capable of promoting their concerns. Members of the OYU movement hope to inject their priorities into the presidential candidates’ discussions, said James Mackey, program coordinator at the Center for Teen Empowerment and organizer of Opportunity Youth United’s Boston community action team. These priorities include providing pathways out of poverty

for youth, particularly through increased mentorship; training and education programs; expanded national service opportunities; greater access to higher education and year-round jobs. Activists at the State House meeting also called for more systemic changes to reduce youth incarceration and recidivism. The National Council of Young Leaders, organized in 2012, aims to use local community action teams to generate grassroots support and push their agenda further. Council members also selected Boston as the pilot city and the Center for Teen Empowerment to lead the action team, said Dorothy Stoneman, founder and CEO of YouthBuild USA. They will serve as a model for other cities across the nation.

See YOUTH SPEAK, page 19

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