Bay State Banner 12-24-2015

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business news:

inside this week:


New state program gives minority businesses a leg up pg 9

James E. Guilford, Rox legend, passes away pg 7

plus Film: ‘Concussion’ pg 11 Will Poulter stars in ‘The Revenant’ pg 12 Thursday, December 24, 2015 • FREE • GREATER BOSTON’S URBAN NEWS SOURCE SINCE 1965 • CELEBRATING 50 YEARS

Tax cut may hurt more than help State income tax drop sparks fear of harm to public services By JULE PATTISON-GORDON A change in state income tax rates is drawing praise for keeping more money in taxpayers’ wallets, while others fear the move will end up costing more in public services. “Most people will experience more loss in services than they’ll gain from a reduced-tax level,” said Harris Gruman, director of the SEIU State Council. Meanwhile, Chip Faulkner, director for communications for Citizens for Limited Taxation, argued that the revenue cut is too small to impact services. “I don’t see how it can [cause a reduction in services],” he said. “It’s a very small cut.” On Jan.1 the state income tax will decrease from 5.15 percent to 5.10 percent, resulting in a decrease in state revenue of $74 million for the current fiscal year, ending June 30, 2016. Collections are estimated to be $152 million less in FY2016-2017. This comes at a time when

several organizations are experiencing budget crunches.

State revenue gaps

Earlier this year, the MBTA’s chief administrator declared that the agency faces a funding gap of $242 million in operating expenses and must generate $7 billion to pay for equipment repairs. Proponents of the Boston Public Schools, which primarily are funded by the district and the state, repeatedly point to lack of funding. At a recent city council hearing, Jessica Tang, director of organizing for the Boston Teachers’ Union, recounted stories of teachers who had to fundraise to afford paper in the classroom or used their own money to buy water for students during a heatwave. Last month, the Foundation Budget Review Commission said that the revenue provided to schools needs to increase by millions of dollars. The state recently has been drawing on its rainy day fund

See TAX CUT, page 6

Roxbury tree lighting


City Councilor Charles Yancey receives applause from colleagues and family members (behind) during his final council meeting last week. Yancey served 32 years on the body.

Yancey feted during final council meeting

Colleagues celebrate his 32 years on the body By YAWU MILLER City councilors last week thanked Charles Yancey, praising him during his last meeting as a representative of District 4 for his passion for human rights, his dedication to issues of equity and his laser focus on the interests of his council district. Yancey, 66, has

been known as dean of the council for his 32 years of service. While his colleagues lauded his accomplishments, Yancey, who lost to attorney Andrea Joy Campbell in the Nov. 3 election, spent most of his time thanking his colleagues and the supporters who filled a section of the council chamber before turning his focus to what he considers his

unfinished business. “I’ve used up all my time,” he said. “I was going to talk about building a high school, of passing legislation for a civilian review board, requiring our police officers to wear those body-worn cameras, insisting that we give paid leave for families wanting to visit their

See YANCEY, page 13

Rox health ctr to be charter school By JULE PATTISON-GORDON


John B. Cruz III, City Councilor Tito Jackson, Barbara Cruz and Daniel Cruz celebrate Cruz Companies’ 30th Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony at the Cox Building. Residents sang songs and shared the Christmas spirit with others committed to giving back. A community supper followed at the nearby First Church of Roxbury, sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry.

A project to turn the former Roxbury Comprehensive Health Center into the Bridge Boston Charter School site holds the promise of a permanent home for the school and easy access for students, while raising residents’ worries of a traffic headache.

The BBCS’s plans, currently under review with the Boston Redevelopment Authority, call for renovating the 36,000 square-foot health center building. An adjacent residential building is scheduled to be demolished to make room for 3,000 square feet of new classrooms and a 5,000 to 6,696 square-foot gymnasium. Other improvements include installation


of new play areas, lighting, fencing, landscaping, retaining walls, driveways and parking spaces. Pinck & Co. are the project managers and, last Friday, BBCS selected W.T. Rich, a Newton-based construction company, as the construction managers. Yully Cha, executive director of


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