Container Art | Catalogue | 2008

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ContainerArt A project by Ronald Lewis Facchinetti Mouths A project by Gianluca Ferrari Text: Silvia Scaravaggi in collaborazione con Galleria Daniela Rallo - Cremona (Italy) Layout | Contept: Gianluca Ferrari for Italian Contemporary Visual Artists A project by Gianluca Ferrari

Printed in Italy

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C’è un luogo insolito in città dove l’arte è aperta a tutti... e non è un museo ne una galleria. ContainerArt è la prima manifestazione itinerante di arte contemporanea e d’avanguardia. Installazioni, quadri, video-opere e sculture degli artisti più innovativi sulla scena nazionale e internazionale. Decine di container nelle piazze, nelle strade e nei parchi della tua città per stimolare il dialogo e la contemplazione dell’arte. Eventi, feste e incontri con gli artisti. Inoltre, installazioni interattive che ti collegano con il mondo. ContainerArt si muove di città in città e le mette in connessione attraverso l’arte. Esplora con noi. Empty containers ambling around the world, filling with beauty wherever they stop. An urban, itinerant and adaptive art exhibit. Installations, sculptures, and paintings of the most innovative talents of the local and global artscape in many containers spread around town. A different work of contemporary art in each container, a different mix of artists in each city. Interactive containers connecting communities far away through art. We amble around the world following our impulses and interests.

Ammiro le statue. Sono immobili senza avere bisogno della bellezza. Io no, se non guardo il bello mi muovo continuamente, anche quando sto zitto e fermo. Qualcosa si muove sempre. Poi faccio un respiro profondo, apro gli occhi, chiudo la bocca e per qualche istante divento come la roccia del fiume Po. Bellezza, immobilità. Ho scelto questo luogo, Piazza C.L.N., davanti alla statua del fiume Po per ‘Mouths’. Per generare una maggiore tensione fra occhio aperto e immobilità e per farmi una domanda che qualcuno dovrà pur farsi. Come e quando si distrae una statua? Lo sguardo meduseo di un sasso si sostiene con gli occhi chiusi e la bocca aperta.

I admire the statues. They are fixed with no need for beauty. Not I, if I don’t perceive beauty I move on, even when I am silent and still. Something is always in movement. Then I breathe deeply, I open my eyes, I close my mouth and for a few seconds I become like a rock of the Po river. Beauty, immobility. For ‘Mouths’, I chose the C.L.N. square in front of the statue and fountain using the Po river’s water. In order to generate greater tension between the open eye and stillness and to ask myself the question that someone sooner or later also will ask. How and when is a statue distracted? A stone is a medusian look sustained with closed eyes and open mouth. Ronald Lewis Facchinetti

‘Mouths’ non lascia indifferenti, ‘Mouths’ impressiona. Il corpo, esposto nella sua evidenza nell’atto del parlare, esprime in uscita ed in entrata. ‘Mouths’ parla, ma tace contemporaneamente. ‘Mouths’ è azione ferma, movimento inespresso, comunicazione, scambio colto sul nascere. All’inizio ‘Mouths’ era un’unica bocca in uscita verso l’esterno; è diventata due, doppia. Una presenza che entra ed una che esce in un mutuo scambio, ancora da realizzare. ‘Mouths’ è un’attività fermata, nel tempo, nella storia della sua presenza viva nel momento in cui la si guarda. Un atto congelato come una meditazione sull’azione della comunicazione. Nel percorso di Gianluca Ferrari c’è una sempre presente riflessione sullo scorrere del tempo e sull’importanza del passato. Questi temi si legano spontaneamente con l’attuale: i nuovi media sono una presenza notevole e caratteristica nel suo lavoro, come forme in via di espressione. In ‘Mouths’ il mezzo c’è ma è un preludio al movimento; l’espressione è presente ma è un preludio alla comunicazione; il gesto è evidente ed è carico di quello che sarà stato nel passato in una tensione verso quello che potrà essere nel futuro. Allo stesso tempo la luce delle opere di Gianluca Ferrari è la testimonianza dell’intensità che permette al lavoro di concentrarsi in un atto quasi meditativo, appunto una riflessione. La bocca è in potenza la voce, il corpo è in potenza la presenza che si aggira negli spazi che abita, la luce è in potenza il movimento cinetico o meglio il video. Tendiamo a guardare e a restare in sospensione; le parole bianche in un ambiente usualmente in penombra risaltano alla luce elettrica del dia-proiettore, come un percorso di riflessione tracciato e non finito. La sospensione è dunque in tutte le cose, non ultime le parole che indicano il raccoglimento.

‘Mouths’ is not indifferent, ‘Mouths’ impresses. The body, clearly exposed in the act of speaking, expresses by entering and exiting. ‘Mouths’ speaks, but is silent at the same time. ‘Mouths’ is still action, unspoken movement, communication, rising exchange. At the very beginning ‘Mouths’ was only an open mouth facing outwards; it has become a pair. A presence that enters and one that exits in a mutual exchange, yet to be realized. ‘Mouths’ is an interrupted activity, whose story only comes to life when observed. It’s frozen in time as an act of meditation using communication. Gianluca Ferrari’s work always reflects on the meaning of time and the importance of the past. These topics are tied spontaneously with the contemporary: new media is a remarkable and characteristic presence in his work, as evolving forms of expressions. ‘Mouths’ is a prelude to movement. Expression is present but only as a prelude to communication. The gesture is evident and is charged with all that was in the past and what could be in the future. At the same time, the light in Gianluca Ferrari’s works is the testimony to the intensity that allows his work to concentrate on an almost meditative action, as a reflection. The mouth is the voice’s power, the body is the presence that wanders through living spaces, the light or the video image is the kynetic movement. We tend to watch and to remain suspended; usually white words in an shadowed environment lighted by the slide-projector’s electric light, as a traced and unending path for one’s thoughts. Suspension is therefore everywhere, not least in the words that indicate a meditative mood. Silvia Scaravaggi

MOUTHS C.L.N. square, Turin (Italy)

Gianluca Ferrari Lives and works in Parma, Italy. He has exhibited extensively in Italy in private and public galleries. From 2006 he has taken part in International projects with European artists. _

Silvia Scaravaggi Lives and works in Crema (CR), Italy.

MAIN SOLO EXHIBITIONS (A SELECTION): ‘THERE’S LIGHT. HER LIGHT’, Galleria Daniela Rallo, Cremona, Italy. 4 - 19 October 2008. A project by Silvia Scaravaggi. Progetto Zero - Associazione Contemporanea. Gallery web-site: Web-site on _

She got her Masters degree in 2004 in Theory and Technique of Audiovisual Media from the University of Pisa, and studied Cinema and New Media Art at the University of Amsterdam.

MAIN GROUP EXHIBITIONS (A SELECTION): ‘PERPETUUM MOBILE’ International exhibition. Featuring contemporary artists from Europe and Asia. Art in Perpetuity Trust Gallery, London, U.K. 8 - 27 May 2008. A project by A2arts. Gallery web-site: Web-sites: (main) ‘OBJECTS-ROOMS’ International exhibition. Featuring contemporary artists from Italy, the Netherlands and the U.K. Curators: Gianluca Ferrari and Silvia Scaravaggi. 22 - 30 September 2007, Ground’s Art Gallery, Parma, Italy. Web-site on ‘PRIMAVERA 2007’ International exhibition. Featuring contemporary artists from Italy, the Netherlands and the U.K. Curators: Els van der Graaf and Rody Luton. 13 - 29 April 2007, Punt WG Gallery, Amsterdam. Gallery web-site: Web-site on ‘PRIMAVERA 2006’ International exhibition. Featuring contemporary artists from Italy, the Netherlands and the U.K. Curator: Paul Malone for A2Arts. 6 - 29 April 2006, Tara Bryan Gallery, London. Gallery web-site: Web-site on

She is a freelance editor and curator and her research focuses on new media art, interaction design, art-science-technology.

She is currently a curator for Gemine Muse art project in Cremona, working with writers and graffiti artists (October 2008 – April 2009) and for “7 notes” project, where musicians and artists create new hybrid artworks. Among others, she has curated Gianluca Ferrari’s new video installation “There’s Light. Her Light” (October 2008), “Objects-Rooms” an International exhibition in Parma (September 2007) and “On the web”, web conferences series on art, science and technology, during Other Borders Festival in Padua. Since 2005, she has worked at the Cultural Department in the Province of Cremona. She has been working for “Techne05 - between art and technology” and “Invideo – international exhibition of video and cinema beyond”, in Milan. In 2006, she became the news editor of Digicult project and contributor for Digimag. She has written articles on video and contemporary art for


Mouths - ContainerArt 2008 No reproduction without permission.

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