The Adaptability Issue

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Real Estate Always Evolves, How We Adapt is the Difference.



25 Leveling Up with Franchisee, Hector Castillo

30 Now What? with Franchisee, Wendy Ronberg & Sales Rep. Jenny Guth

35 Riding Out a Recession with Franchisee, Jim Hyatt Jr.

43 The Green Homes Race with Sales Reps., Jim Smardon & Deloar Khan


08 Cade's Burning Questions with Regional Director, Cade Pankonin

21 All Roads Lead Home with Sales Rep.,Betty Manrique

38 Real Estate Diversified with Franchisee, Tommy Stanton

50 Residual Ripples with Franchisee, Frank D'Angelo & Sales Rep., Dan Rollings


05 ADAPTability with Co-Chair, Tami Bonnell

06 Who Are You with U.S. CEO, Craig Witt

07 Conquer the Year with Canadian CEO, Joyce Paron

10 Distance Vision with U.S. President, Lori Muller


15 Commission Cutting, Coffee, & Personality Types with EXIT Trainer, Angel Tucker

16 Don't Be That Agent with Supvisor Growth & Dev. - CAN, Mike McCarron

19 Create Real Meaning with Annette Anthony, Dir. Corp. Engagement

54 Business Must Haves with Coordinator, Partner Program, Jules Aspesi


The EXIT Achiever is the exclusive corporate publication of EXIT Realty Corp. International. Not intended to solicit agents or franchisees already under contract with other franchisors. Each EXIT office is independently owned and operated. Any use of the contents of this publication without the express written permission of the Publisher is strictly prohibited. Despite the care taken in reviewing editorial content we cannot guarantee all written information is complete and accurate. Subsequently we assume no responsibility for any errors and/or omissions. We cannot accept responsibility for unsolicited material. The opinions expressed are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the Publisher.

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When meaning is attached to anything you do it makes it much easier to stick with when you need to adapt to shifts. According to Author, Shawn Achor, of Before Happiness, meaningful goals keep you three times more engaged, motivated, and productive. Lack of meaningful targets is the highest measure for depression.

Finding meaning can be achieved several ways such as:

-Giving back to your community (perhaps a Spirit of EXIT opportunity)

-Providing experiences for a loved one

-Connecting people you think will benefit from each other

-Helping a niche group like veterans, seniors, first time buyers, etc.

Always work to keep moving towards your targets by:

-Keeping positive, visible reminders and messages around you like vision boards or screen savers

-Meeting with one new leader a week related to your passion (do your homework on them to personalize it and get the most value out of it)

Along with a blueprint of what you want to accomplish, have an action plan. The more activity toward goals, the more likely you’ll attain them. Share your aspirations with people in your office to inspire them and keep you accountable. Share personal goals with loved ones, it makes them feel part of the process. Outlook has 70 to 75% to do with what you achieve. So, start each day by visualizing accomplishing your goals; it’ll put you in a great head space to take on your day. Determine who adds energy to you and who takes it away. Surround yourself with people who bring out the most and best in you. Rate yourself on your most important relationships, personally and professionally, so you’re always striving to improve them. Invest in your strengths for your biggest return and strive for progress every day. We feel the best about ourselves when we live with intention. I look forward to hearing your success stories!

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who you? are

The chameleon is a distinctive, highly specialized lizard best known for its range of colors and ability to change its skin color hues and degrees of brightness. Outside of their darting tongues and slow, awkward swagger, they have quite a sophisticated brain that constantly analyzes their environment and sends signals to their thin skin layer. Quite simply, they’re adaptive.

We might not be able to do this, but we can learn something from it. They were designed for the animal kingdom’s harsh “adapt or die” environment, where it’s survival of the fittest. Most animals have a defense mechanism to increase their chances of survival and, interestingly, so do humans. We can either blend in with the crowd or stand out, be vulnerable, or take a level of risk.

Brian Buffini shared his Bold Predictions for 2023 where he discussed the past year, where we are right now, and where we are headed this year. He imparted his thoughts on historical data and how it usually boils down to human nature, mentioning the need to adapt WHO you are, not WHERE you are.

I’m a believer that regardless of the situation you’re in, it’s up to you to analyze, adjust and act accordingly. Your environment has an effect on your actions but your attitude and the position you take affects your outcome. Personal responsibility and accountability are ingredients to success. Couple them with discipline, focus and a healthy, positive attitude and your chances of survival are strongest. I wrote recently about self-reflection and being your harshest critic. A simple exercise is evaluating where you are and your daily activities to see if they’re getting you closer or farther away from your goals.

This year we’ll certainly see adjustments, but isn’t that the case every year? EXIT remains all about feeding you the knowledge and guidance to adapt so you can not only survive but thrive. Let's continue to nurture the idea that our personal #growth needs constant attention, and it all starts with you. Thank you for being part of our EXIT family.

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"It usually boils down to human nature...the need to adapt WHO you are, not where you are. "



Can you see out three months or six months from now? As a REALTOR®, you’re the CEO of your business; the vision caster. Most people have given up on their goals and resolutions at this point, but you can make the decision, right now, not to be like most. Effective questions are your most powerful ally to keep you moving forward toward reaching your goals. Where can I level up or think bigger? What people or systems can I bring together to help give me the leverage I need? Who are the examples of doing it best? What actions can I take in the next 30 days to start laying the foundation? When I bring all the pieces together, what outcome do I want?

Your job is to ask the questions. You don’t need to have all the answers right now, just your end goal always in mind. After you ask, pay attention to the people and circumstances you find yourself in and around. Be mindful of the inspiration that bubbles up. The answers are always next to the problem but often too hard to see. We all have our own set of blinders on. Effective questions stretch our thinking, and flexibility is strength.

Sometimes the answers come immediately, sometimes they take time, but the asking is part of every CEO’s strategy because it offers hope and opens us up to the possibilities we haven’t entertained. Whenever you feel frustrated or stuck, things aren’t going as expected, or you need a solution, ask for the order as if it’s possible. The old expression ‘you have not because you ask not’ certainly comes to mind. But we all have this strong ability to help direct us to our destination.

So tell me, what questions do you need to ask?

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Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash



No business owner opens a company with closing their doors as a goal. An entrepreneur’s dreams of a successful future can sometimes mean that a plan for perpetuating the business goes overlooked or gets put off until too late.

Cade Pankonin, CFO and one half of the father/son team behind EXIT Realty Upper Midwest, is the region’s legacy, and ironically has an almost inherent focus on the future horizon. He’s constantly asking three vital, and burning questions that continue to fuel the region’s growth and longevity as they celebrate their 10th anniversary.

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It’s a valid question that Cade asks regularly when out in the field, always trying to move that needle. It starts a conversation with agents both in and outside of EXIT, making room to establish relationships, and share EXIT’s ownership benefits

“We're always looking for that diamond in the rough,” he explained. “The ones who get it, who run with it, and who feel it was the best decision they ever made. Those are the ones we try to find; ones that work together as a team, have the right mindset, and the right respect and culture for everything that's in their business.”

This question creates room for those looking to level up within the company, and because not all brands are created equal, it’s an opportunity to showcase EXIT’s uniqueness in the industry. Because it takes time to see if franchising is right for each individual, the region has several “team player” offices who model the true EXIT culture of mentoring through incubation systems where people can build an office within an office, share tried and true systems, and help a fellow owner get their business off the ground.


The baby boomer exodus was already underway when a worldwide pandemic’s worth of perspective suddenly caused even more people to re-think their priorities.

“There are things in life we all want. Most just want some time; time, and all the unnecessary things taken off their shoulders,” Cade shared of commonalities he’s noticing in those ready to slow down. He sends out 10 letters on this topic a week and follows EXIT’s Mergers and Acquisitions Whitepaper, which provides a framework for anyone in the industry, interested in these types of deals. “The beauty of the EXIT Formula is [owners] can sponsor in all of their agents, continue to bring in more, and earn more money. Even if they decide to stop selling, they know the brokerage they built will be supported and taken care of. They can pick and choose what they want to do.”

Building on this thinking, the region is currently expanding on a brokerage system whereby offices can offer operations management for brokerages merging into the region, taking the back office administrative tasks off an owner’s hands so they can free up their time and sunset their career.


This has proven to be the most interesting question over the last several years. Cade has seen that ownership isn’t for everyone. Sometimes unexpected life changes happen. Sometimes business partnerships can break down, but ultimately no one wants to work forever. This is where he and his father, Bill Pankonin see an increasing opportunity within the industry right now. “I've gotten very good at assignment agreements, whether it's an existing EXIT office taking over another, an office joining the brand to merge with an existing EXIT office, or owners re-organizing based on what their desires are for succession plans,” Cade said, explaining their true goal is ensuring ownership opportunities for the next generation of leadership. They keep a 30-foot view so they can support those who need it, or equally as important, help bring together those who may be looking to slow down, with those who are poised to grow. He says the answer to this question is simply being a resource, especially for outside independents who are on somewhat of an island. Cade knows that, like with many things, timing is everything with succession planning, advising, “Whether you’re two years down the road or five, it’s something you have to start thinking about today.”

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The real estate industry historically runs in cycles, and we’re experiencing a change in cycle right now. In this second part of my series on the book Leadershifts by John Maxwell, I’ll share further action plans leaders can continue putting in motion to keep their business agile and competitive.


In part one we discussed servant leadership, and it’s time to bring mentoring into yours. This is when you have the most impact as a leader, shifting from holding a ladder for others to helping them extend theirs. You go from a coach to a mentor but be sure your time is spent mentoring the right people to maintain a mentoring lifestyle.


Trustworthiness is the intersection of integrity and service. Your actions as a leader tell a story and you’re in control of that story. Take the time to make connections and find common ground with your people. Leaders who do this can move at increasingly higher speeds by making “trust me” an invitation, not a warning.


Do an audit of your team to see where you are with your diversity. Variety brings strengths to teams through increased knowledge and perspective. Navigate the sea of change by committing to moving from uniformity to diversity and you’ll see a vast, almost immediate improvement.



Be a leader that inspires others to lend you their hearts. You need to have courage which is the ability to act in the face of fear. Fear is a necessary component of courage! Moral authority is earned one day at a time, one courageous act at a time. Becoming the leader others respect will increase your influence…and that's leadership! Nothing more, nothing less!


The world can change without you, but it won’t be transformed. Being a transformational leader creates an environment where others on your team will ask, “Why not make things better?” This is a movement that will not only affect your people, your business, and your brand, but the communities you serve as well.


Share your passion with your people. Let them see what drives you, what you’re passionate about, and then peel back the layers to find out their passions. You only have one life in which to make an impact on the world, your company, and the people in it. One life, so live it well. Your calling, your passion, will take care of itself!

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Photo by Efe Kurnaz on Unsplash



For contrarian investors, inflation equals opportunity. When it rises, the value of the dollar falls, creating the perfect conditions for their buy low, sell high methodologies. Commodities like gold, treasury bonds, and property are well-known, solid investment hedges against inflation, but what about investing in yourself, owning your own business, and leveraging the power of a real estate franchise?

$ $


As the famed contrarian Warren Buffet once said, “Never depend on a single income. Make an investment to create a second source.” He also believed, “Price is what you pay, value is what you get.” By these two standards alone an EXIT Realty franchise is a sure bet that over delivers on return on investment.


Thanks to the extraordinary earnings potential of the corporation’s often imitated, never duplicated Formula, franchisees can earn more than 100% just by growing their own company. Not only can their agents and staff partake in this, but all EXIT associates can also personally enjoy retirement and beneficiary benefits as a result of EXIT’s entirely single-level, retention-oriented model. To-date, EXIT Realty Corp. International has paid out over half a billion to EXIT associates, and $1.1 million to beneficiaries.

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With roles of every level that come with a surprising number of member benefits, every EXIT franchisee and associate is backed by unparalleled corporate support, training, and powerful proprietary technology. Owners can rest easy knowing that everyone from their broker or office manager to their front desk administrator, will have access to the tools that they need to ensure the franchise and its members thrive and succeed.


From highways, driveways, to doorways EXIT’s brand is as purposeful and strategic as they come. People see countless exit signs a day but dig deeper into the safe passage meaning of the word and you understand the potent translation into the reputation of this brand in the real estate industry.

With over 25 years of excellence in the business, EXIT is one of few franchisors that provides their vast network of offices across North America with intelligent, robust marketing technologies that integrate into each franchise and real estate professional’s business with ease. Each office falls within a defined territory, but with the organization’s pillar of mentoring, it’s quite common to see owners and agents helping one another from state to province and country to country. EXIT also actively curates an ancillary network of companies that can further increase an owner’s and agent’s reach and offerings in their marketplace.


EXIT has also come to be known for its heart, which can be seen every day through their Spirit of EXIT charitable program and their Focus on Good Health initiatives that both cross real estate industry lines to build up and touch communities and reach deep within the person behind the agent. These provide meaningful opportunities for EXIT membership to connect their work with their “why.”

By this right, and taking into consideration that investing wisely is also about putting your money into something you know, EXIT provides a little bit of something for everyone who might be interested in franchising.

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Whether you’re looking for equity in business, a way to own your future, a chance to be part of something greater, or just want more out of what you invest in, maybe it’s time to start dreaming in teal.


Whether expanding existing operations or opening new doors, from veteran franchisees to burgeoning entrepreneurs, EXIT Realty is growing!

“Entrepreneurs and real estate professionals are attracted to EXIT Realty because of the opportunity to earn multiple income streams, make a positive impact in their communities, and aspire to build a lifestyle that lets them live their why. EXIT also provides the opportunity for those interested in merging their existing operation with or being acquired by one of our many successful brokerages.”


Free? What’s In It For

Everyone loves something for free, and yet the saying goes “Nothing comes for free” or worse still, the belief that “What is free is worth nothing.” Real estate professionals can challenge this thinking because of their value and knowledge, and yes, provide it to the public in a free format to build trusting relationships.

Agents have all sorts of data at their fingertips through association reporting in Canada and the U.S., not to mention they work amidst a wide variety of local businesses and tradespeople. This is all shareable content for those seeking an advisor more than ever before. Create social media community or neighborhood groups or use your professional profiles to keep connecting within marketplaces. Share local events, financial stats or outlooks from reputable sources, even forward useful municipal news that effects homeowners. The more regularly you share info in both static post and video format, the more you become a source of knowledge. Invite questions and always try to respond in a timely manner.

Another great way to engage with marketplaces is to host public information sessions. Invite the public, other professionals, and nearby business owners to a free evening of learning more about the real estate industry, first-time homebuying, or investing. Stick with what you know, or partner with other agents in the office who have differing skillsets. The brokerage provides a great space to bring people together, and some delicious, light local fare and beverages always go a long way. Have one or two knowledgeable speakers and a way for attendees to register their participation so you can follow up the event with further marketing touches. Opening the doors of your office space to the public, be it for art gallery evenings, charitable events, or the like always brings exposure.

Real estate professionals are seeing first-hand, how the unprecedented and shifting markets of the past several years have created true uncertainty in buyers and sellers. Some of the greatest value an agent can provide is a free comparative market analysis (CMA). Not to be confused with an appraisal, a CMA compares the selling prices of homes and their many features, within a specific area in order to help with pricing a property. REALTORS® have a special advantage with free access to the REALTORS Property Resource® (RPR®) database, from which members can pull together robust CMA’s and provide professional seller reports. Visit EXIT’s YouTube Channel for a quick how-to techinar on using this service.

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Offering true value and genuine service to clients during tough times is the mark of a higher echelon of real estate professional.

One of my biggest pet peeves is when a REALTOR® cuts their commission. You don’t need every deal out there. Have a business plan to see how many closings will attain goals, yes, but if you don’t understand your value, then neither will anyone else. Here's why each personality type may consider commission cutting:

“D's” may think it’s better to cut their commission than let someone else have the deal. Their remarks on social posts asking about this topic are often something like “Well someone’s going to get the listing so it might as well be me.” They feel as if they have won by taking away from their competition.

Commission Cutting, Coffee, and

“I's” don't want to be the bad person or fear rejection if they refuse to cut their commission. They think “Where’s the fun in that?” They would rather be accepted and liked than to show their value and receive what they are normally paid. Both D's and I's can get caught up in the “thrill of the chase” instead of focusing on their value.

“S's" naturally hate conflict to begin with so it’s easier for them to give in if someone is challenging their fee. They also may feel as if the person may be disappointed in them for not “helping them out” by cutting their fee. A “something is better than nothing” mentality can lead to taking the listing at the reduced fee.

“C's” are already thrifty by nature, this personality may understand why the potential lister is asking for a lower fee. They see it as a reasonable request since they would probably do the same. They

appreciate that the potential lister is trying to be cost conscious, so they support their mindset by accommodating.

Starbucks doesn't lower prices to get all the orders because they realize they only need the orders of people who understand the value of their product. They would have to work twice as hard and spend at least twice as much time to make the same amount of revenue. If REALTORS® would adopt this mindset, they will not only meet their goals, but also in far less time. The more people who understand their value in our industry, the better our industry will become as a whole.

Personality Types

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Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

The Nameless Agent

When you’re speaking with another agent on a call or text message, it’s important to introduce yourself. This simple gesture can go a long way in building relationships with your peers. You never know when you might need their help or when they might need yours. So, take a moment and let them know who you are and what you do.


The Non-Committer

The Non-Responder

When you receive communication from another agent or a client, it’s imperative to confirm receipt of it, even if you’re unable to fully answer right away. Simple confirmation lets people know you’ll be back to them shortly, and goes a long way in establishing trust and respect. It shows that you’re professional and value others’ time.

The "I Prefer Text"er

It’s important to remember that text messages and phone calls serve different purposes. Understanding your client’s communication style is also important, so you’re communicating with them in the way in which they want to be communicated. Texting is great for sending quick confirmations or sharing info, however, when you need to discuss a complex issue or work at building a relationship, consider a call.

When a client or fellow agent calls you, they should reach your voicemail and be greeted with a professional message. It should include your name, company, and a brief greeting. It should encourage callers to leave a message, and you should also check it regularly so it doesn’t come back as full. A professional voicemail message helps establish your credibility as an agent and shows that you’re committed to your business.

The Feedback Fence Sitter

This is a debatable subject, but when you’re new to the business or a client may not heed your advice, asking for listing feedback can help make necessary changes or improvements to a listing. When viewing a property listed by another agent, tactful, on point feedback can show that you’re a professional who takes their job seriously, even if it wasn't requested. Whether you decide to make an offer or not, when asked, take time to provide feedback, and always be considerate.

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Starting out in real estate can be a challenging experience. There’s so much to understand and do, but one of the most important things you can learn is proper business etiquette when dealing with fellow agents and clients.


Author and Consultant, Katie Lance, recently shared in an EXIT Webinar that social doesn’t have to be the beast or rabbit hole it can sometimes become. All it really takes is planning, batching, and being who you are to help your content to go far.

Take 30 minutes once a week (she recommends Friday) to look ahead to the next week. What events, regular content mainstays, or new business is coming down the pipe that you can post? This isn’t an automate everything, set it and forget it situation, it’s about planning and consistency which breeds trust and efficiency.


If you’re going to dress up and go through the process of recording one video, why not do several in one batch? Make video recording a regular priority. Have a reliable place to record and a comfortable content delivery routine or formula. Lean in to who you are. Stand out with your authentic voice. Tell people what it’s like to work with you! Social media is rented ground, so it’s important to have content that’s solely your own.


It might cost time, money, and/or resources but this is valuable content in your voice. Think beyond just listed, just sold, and open house posts. This is value-added, informative content based on questions you're asked all the time, timeless industry topics, your local community and the history behind it. Blog, podcast, even video content are all great uses for this.



This is about working smarter, not just harder. Each time you create content, think about how you could repurpose it. Transcribe videos for blog content. Live recordings can be downloaded and re-shared to other platforms. Even your website is a great place to start for prefab content and scripts that could be re-purposed.

The final part of creating killer content is where you use it. You don’t need to be everywhere all at once, but you should know where your clients are spending their time, and definitely include content on pages where you spend most of yours.

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tap & connect

the world’s most intelligent card™

how it works

The ShareCard™ seamlessly intergrates with EXIT Realty’s existing Mobile Business Card™ so there is no disruption or setup required.

The ShareCard™ is a new contactless way for us to allow our network to connect with potential buyers and sellers in real time.

STEP 1: Consumer taps the card

STEP 2: Consumer receives Agent’s Mobile Business Card & property search access

Questions? Reach out to our WinLocal Support Team at 844-243-2333 or


A CRM as it’s known, is a system heard of by most in the real estate business, but not familiar to all. Yet a healthy and powerful one can provide more ongoing business than any agent will ever need in the lifetime of their career. When I say “healthy” I’m referring to the quality of contacts and whether they know who you are, what you do, and that you’re a resource. If I were to randomly dial a contact in your CRM, and ask if they know you, what would they say? The goal is, “Yes, they’re in real estate and they work at EXIT Realty.” But if they’ve never experienced your resourcefulness and care you lose the power of doing business with them time and again, or worse, they’re referral of you.

I see two common mistakes made with CRM’s: when agents view it as a place to manage contacts, and when people think they don’t need one because we have social media now. Think of the name: Customer Relationship Manager. It's where you manage the relationship, and it’s all about being intentional.

8 x 8

Disciplined professionals make time for their CRM. I do this exercise by 8:00 am daily and I call it my 8x8. I take 15 minutes to look for eight interesting and or personal posts and I'll make my calls and send personal notes about the post. Then I add the notes to my CRM. It's important to pay attention and leverage posts, but also to note your engagement for future. Staying in regular touch means adding value to a contact at least once a month, checking in to see if there's a need to be filled, or reminding contacts that you’re a resource. If you have no notes, and incomplete information, that's a great indication it’s time to follow up. Think you don't have the time to do this? Wrong! You're already on social media anyway.

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Dog lover Promotion Mom of 2 Separated Downsizing

What can you do if your client posts on social about their spouse’s recent promotion? My favorite suggestion - call them. Mention that you saw the news and stopped what you were doing to congratulate them. People love to be heard, seen, and appreciated. You can also deliver a bottle of spirits, order a gift certificate at a local restaurant for them to pick up, or send a handwritten note of congratulations in the mail. A “touch” is an intentional outreach to your contacts, and there are so many ways in which you can do this and for any number of reasons. Personalized 10-second videos letting contacts know you're thinking of them are hands down one of the best ways to connect. Try sending recorded audio messages instead of plain texts. Saying something is more heartfelt than typing it. People rarely do this which also means you’ll stand out! Even if you’ve neglected your database for years, you can always start on the right path today. Don't overthink it. Dive in with a servant's heart. Your only regret will be not starting sooner.

Doing Not Just Saying Value

No, not all CRM's are created equal. The value is the regular engagement you put into your contacts in your CRM, not what you pay for it per month. Two agents could be on the same platform, one spending time focusing regularly on 100 contacts, making calls and adding value, while the other has over 4,000 contacts and only sends canned monthly newsletters. Who do you think will get the most return out of their CRM? I use one of EXIT’s Premier Partners, leveraging their landing page to auto-fill in my new contact’s info to save me time. Whenever I generate a lead using our EXIT technology it’s seamlessly added to also. Their fetch API provides up to 300+ data attributes which help me get to know each of my contacts better, not to mention, like with many of our Premier Partners, their customer support is second to none. If you're not getting the best and most out of your current CRM, it might be you not it. The discipline might be all you need, and the good news is, discipline is free.


Set daily call goals to make to contacts & check in without soliciting to show genuine care.

Connect with contacts on social noting events & posts important to them.

Update your contacts' information annually.

Ensure you know your contacts’ professions as you could send them a referral!

Collect complete info including first/last names of everyone in a household, mailing address, best contact email & phone number, occupation, birthdays, anniversary, hobbies, & interests.

X Be afraid to delete contacts & do business with people you enjoy.

X Hesitate to remind people you’re a resource & that you'll stay in touch regularly.

X Assume everyone has an agent they’re working with. Start asking & you'll see what I mean.

X Purchase a list of leads. No one loves spam.

XSolely rely on canned content & risk desensitizing your contacts delivering information that doesn't apply to them, or worse, they know doesn't sound like you.

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At 20 years old, Betty Manrique dreamed of becoming a real estate agent, but life’s circumstances pushed that dream to the back burner for 30 years. After becoming licensed and interviewing with a company known for real estate development, she was still looking for the right fit to call home. A friend mentioned knowing a real estate broker who was also a customer at her store, and that’s how Betty met Broker/Owner, Shawn Sorensen of EXIT Alliance Realty.

“Even during my first meeting with Shawn, I knew I was in the right place with the right person,” Betty recalled. “She told me all the good things EXIT does, how they give back, and how she runs her business. I signed up that day. Shawn took me under her wing and was such a good person to me,” she said of the trial and effort it took to gain traction in her new career with a sphere two hours from her home. “Before coming to EXIT, I lost both my parents within a four-month period, and I was missing that family connection. That’s what EXIT was – it was my family at that time.”

In typical industry fashion, the competition came knocking three years later, offering a signing bonus for Betty to leave EXIT and she took it, saying, "I needed the money, and I thought it would help me get my business going. It was a very tough decision, and I should have thought it out more. It was very hard to tell Shawn I was leaving.”

She spent the next six years at two different international franchise brands. A revolving door of managers spurred her exodus from the first, and she then joined a brokerage that grew from one location to 14 through the pandemic. She realized that for all the systems, tech, and free coaching they had, she just wanted to be seen amongst hundreds of agents.

“They were telling me they were helping me, but honestly they were just focused on growing their offices... They were focused on the top producers and the new agents. They would promise them the world while I felt left out. I didn’t require much and when I did have a need with a transaction it was hard to get any attention," she explained, but over the years, she still had one shoulder to lean on. “Shawn was always taking care of her agents with the right information. You need a broker who’s accessible and who protects you, right?”

In early 2023, Betty approached Shawn about returning to EXIT and was welcomed with open arms. She feels great, but was admittedly scared coming back. Shawn reassures her, it’s like she never left, and for Betty she finally feels like she’s where she needs to be saying, “All roads lead to home.”

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Visit to read more stories about why so many savvy real estate professionals across North America are choosing EXIT Realty!
Nearly a decade of real estate experience, two other international franchise brands later, and coming to find the grass is “tealer” where you were first planted.


Alabama & Mississippi

Kathy & Troy Dooley 855.811.3948

Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Utah & Washington

Rick DeLuca - 541.480.4471

Arkansas, Alaska, Colorado Indiana, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, Upstate NY, & Wyoming

Lori Muller - 920.410.8805

Connecticut & Rhode Island

Melissa Shea - 631.343.8700

Delaware, D.C., Maryland

Pennsylvania & West Virginia Janett & Jonathan Rundlett 240.450.2061

Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee & Texas Stacy Strobl & Kenny Lynn 1.877.394.8791

Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, North/South

Dakota & Wisconsin

Bill Pankonin - 612.414.4022

Idaho & Montana

Tina & Max Coleman 406.360.5278

Louisiana Wayne Hall - 337.463.1000

Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire & Vermont Mike Wohl - 617.318.7933

North & South Carolina Michael Washburn 843.343.3947

New Jersey

Jack Da Silva & Shana Meyer 973.466.0003

New Mexico & El Paso, Texas Chris Harrison - 575.496.0141

Joseph Arnone - 575.644.6300



- 631.421.3948

Bernadette Cole, Koy Banks & Randy Barrows 800.508.6800

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New York Metro
CDN DIVISION U.S. DIVISION MIKE MCCARRON, SUPERVISOR GROWTH & DEV. - CAN 1.866.206.9309 LORI MULLER, PRESIDENT - U.S. DIVISION 920.410.8805 Eastern Ontario A.J. Plant 613.706.0633 Northern Ontario Kristen Trembinski 705.942.6500 South
519.312.8644 Greater Toronto
647.404.5691 JOIN EXIT REALTY’S
Western Ontario Lynn & Greg Findlay
Area Marie Kozak


Toronto, ON - The veteran real estate news organization, RISMedia, recently announced its 2023 Newsmakers, a listing of over 300 individuals nominated by readership. Celebrating those resilient, innovators who helped to further homeownership during extraordinary times, it includes seven categories of venerable honorees, some of whom are EXIT’s finest.

Anthony Domathoti, Broker/Owner of EXIT Realty Premium in New York, along with Stacy Strobl and Kenny Lynn, Regional Owners of EXIT Southeast were recognized in the Achievers category, and several of EXIT’s leadership can also be found on the list.

Annette Anthony, Director of Corporate Engagement graced the Influencers category for her continual presence that shines a light on EXIT’s hands on approach to technology training, as well as EXIT Realty’s Chief Technology Officer, John Packes, as part of the Trailblazers Category for the innovative and integrated technology he and his team are bringing to every level of EXIT associate. EXIT’s Co-Chair, Tami Bonnell, was recognized in the Crusaders category primarily for authoring two whitepapers on affordable housing issues as well as mergers and acquisitions to further shed light on industry wide challenges where professionals of all brands can be part of a solution.

Founder & Chairman, Steve Morris rounds out the group in the Luminaries category, as the man behind the unique teal vision that is EXIT; built on a remarkable, single-level business model that’s more relevant in real estate than ever before.

In conjunction with RISMedia’s 2023 CEO & Leadership Exchange, the organization will celebrate and honor its 2023 Real Estate Newsmakers and Hall of Fame inductees during a Newsmakers Reception & Dinner on September 6th in Washington, D.C.

A few weeks later, EXIT Realty’s VP of Digital Marketing, Samantha Morris, was named among Inman News’ 2023 Marketing All-Stars, a nod to those they see as “the most effective, creative, and boundary-pushing” within the marketing and advertising community of real estate that drive success and impact.

Recognized for fostering excellence, connections, and brand awareness, Sam understands the great responsibility that comes with making first impressions saying, “It’s something my team of designers and writers work passionately and diligently on with each promotional video, social post or campaign, publication or blog. Our consistency over time has built strong and loyal relationships with brokers, agents, and consumers, and our marketing will continue to reflect and amplify our dedication and love for the industry.”

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“When I wasn’t playing in my backyard, I often found myself playing real estate in my room or in the office since I was six years old,” recalled EXIT Realty Limitless Franchisee, Hector Castillo, a moniker he shares with his father and EXIT Realty New York Metro regional owner. “My dad taught me the value of how the real estate business impacts the community from his firsthand experience in helping others. In my mind I was always a real estate broker like him. I believed it so much that I created my first business card at the age of 10.”

Young Hector was one of five children in a blended family, and watched his father build a successful career as an agent with several brands in Queens before opening an independent office in 1998 a decade after he started in real estate. He recalls “comping out properties” as a child in the office and going on drives to the various properties his father flipped.

Hector’s interest in real estate would only grow after his father and stepmother, Gigi Fernandez purchased the regional rights for what was then known as EXIT Realty Downstate New York in 2002. For the next two decades he would grow up immersed in all things EXIT Realty, learning some hard lessons, but ultimately leveling up and coming into his own career.

“[My dad] literally invested everything possible to make it happen because he knew there was a better way to make an impact for their agents. This was such a cool time to witness it firsthand. I would attend trainings with OG’s like Bill Nasby. Imagine being 10 years old listening to him speak about ‘the path to deliberate creation’ and going door knocking with a bus full of agents. I was already infatuated with real estate before EXIT, but these experiences propelled my love for this business exponentially.”

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It’s not uncommon for the younger generation to follow in their parents’ footsteps when it comes to a career path, however when you’re both named after as well as mentored by one of New York’s top real estate professionals, your journey seems almost inevitable.


Hector was eager to be a part of what became the family business. He stuffed envelopes and assisted around the office as a young boy, then handled CRM data entry and event coordination as a young man in the region. He finally got licensed at 21.

“[Real estate] is in my DNA, it’s in my heart, and it’s something nobody can take away from me,” he said recalling that dangerous feeling of arriving. “I was the man. I knew everything about everything real estate. I was always able to assume any position I got and knew I could accomplish anything. This was both a blessing and a curse because my dad poured his knowledge into me, but who listens to their parents at that age? The first three-to-four years were a little difficult for that reason until I got over myself.”

Having real clients was far from Hector’s childhood imaginary real estate world. He quickly learned that it’s a people business and struggled as an introvert. He teamed up with his sister in the beginning who helped him close his first deal, catapulting his career from making no money to being fully independent. In the beginning Hector leveraged what he knew best, technology like EXIT’s Resource Center and the Expert Marketing Suite™. He built confidence by training other agents in other offices on utilizing these features. His first big break came in the form of a $1.3M listing referral from fellow New York agent, Thomas Reid His first investment property followed shortly after thanks to the help of his attorney and business partner, Carol Jaramillo.

“One day I’m on making offers on properties with barely $5K in the bank. Who was I? I was just Hector ‘playing’ real estate analyzing properties and figuring out profit margins,” he said of winning his first bid that day, which started his investment dreams.

“When I got licensed, I felt empowered but now I was creating possibilities that I only ever dreamed of. It was an amazing experience and a hell of a ride. But after a couple flips, I leveraged too much too fast with a lifestyle I couldn’t sustain and in 2018, I literally lost everything.”

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"I knew everything about everything real estate. I was always able to assume any position I got and knew I could accomplish anything. This was both a blessing and a curse because my dad poured his knowledge into me, but who listens to their parents at that age? The first three-to-four years were a little difficult for that reason until I got over myself."
Hector's First Business Card (Age 10)


This blow resulted in his move back to his childhood home with his mother, Lourdes. Having also lost his car, he was forced to borrow hers or Uber back and forth to appointments just to keep up, which he was determined to do. It all felt too embarrassing to share with family, especially his father, but it was a necessary mistake to learn from.

“I always made it seem like I had it together. I never thought I would fail. It was one of the greatest lessons I had to experience for myself,” he admitted. “Truth be told [my father] never forced me to follow in his footsteps in real estate. He believed in me; he never placed or imposed any expectation on me. He always gave me the freedom to be me. The way I saw it from my point of view was that I was Hector’s son…I have to succeed."

There was no other option but to push through this experience, which lit a fire within him that still burns today. He realized that he had to let go of what he had in order to do it again, only better and smarter. Under the continued tutelage of his Franchisees at the time, Susan Hamblen and Jeff Mistretta, Hector got back to working in the field every day, spending late nights on the computer, eventually having enough listings on the market and under contract to pay off his debts, get another vehicle and place to live, and then COVID hit.

He recalls the nervousness that seemed to be everywhere, and although challenging, Hector said 2020 felt like nothing compared to what he’d just been through. This mindset helped him nearly double his gross commissions from 2020-2021. When doors started opening again, he rarely went into the brokerage, choosing his car as his office, and keeping a steady pace between showings, twilight open houses, and appointments. More and more he found he was helping agents around him both within and outside of EXIT, and it was then that he opened up to his dad about leveling up his career through ownership.

open minds


affirm your way to success daily with

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"I would attend trainings with OG’s like Bill Nasby. Imagine being 10 years old listening to him speak about ‘the path to deliberate creation’...I was already infatuated with real estate before EXIT, but these experiences propelled my love for this business exponentially."


He would get some good perspective from his dad, and some more experience under his belt before accepting a fateful offer.

“When [dad] opened the region in New York he owned a building that we lived in and that the office was situated in. In 2006, fellow broker brothers, Roman and Solomon Davydov purchased the brokerage from him, along with the building. These guys have one of the best brokerages in the region. They’re leaders in their office, communities, and families,” Hector shared of his real estate story coming full circle. “They were gracious enough to offer the opportunity of purchasing this existing territory to me 16 years after they first bought it from my father.”

Everything aligned his 10th year, after obtaining his broker’s license on 2/22/22. All that was left was a name. He bounced a few ideas off his father, but none seemed to fit until he remembered something from his own past saying, “The name Limitless came about years before when I was younger. I wanted to create a brand called Limitlessxdesign. The first property I bought was under Limitless Real Estate Corp...The minute I texted [my dad] he said that was the one.”


Operating for just over a year now, Hector sees how ownership was just a matter of time, even though the road from salesperson to owner was conflicting at first for a natural closer such as himself. Now he sees how both owner and agent mindsets serve him as a better leader. He has enjoyed the journey of building the office up to 20 agents, which he managed by leveraging EXIT’s Formula of sponsoring prior to opening. He surrounds himself with a trusting team, maintaining a “no BS” culture of love and support in the office, that’s action backed. He continues to share his wealth of knowledge, helping to train and mentor, believing it’s this experience that has helped him attract top producers because he can “speak the same language.” Most importantly, he feels how everything is bigger than just him now, and that what he does is for his team first and foremost.

“I really enjoy seeing the agents succeed and thrive in this business that I’m so fortunate to be a part of. I’m honored to serve the agents that I’ve attracted which I call power brokers,” Hector said. “The amount of information I’ve accumulated over the years is what I share because I’ve been coached and trained by the industry's greatest like Bill Nasby, Erica Nasby, Ed Escobar, Rick O’Neil, Floyd Wickman, Richard Flint, Steve Morris, Tami Bonnell, Bob McKinnon, Susan Hamblen, Angel Tucker, Key Yessaad, Stan Bishop, Judy LaDeur, Terry Watson, Darryl Davis, Verl Workman, Greg Reid, and my father, Hector Castillo. He’s THE MAN. I had to share this piece of my story because it’s important for the world to know. When I’m on the street I feel what he’s embedded in me, and it’s a feeling I cannot describe. I can't wait to share the next decade with all of you reading this, because I know that if anybody can do it, I can do it, and if I can do it, anybody can do it.”

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"I really enjoy seeing the agents succeed and thrive in this business that I'm so fortunate to be a part of. I'm honored to serve the agents that I've attracted... The amount of information that I've accumulated over the years is what I share because I've been coached and trained by the industry's greatest."




Why would a real estate company pay more than a million dollars to the loved ones of its sales force who've passed away?

In traditional real estate, there's no provision for an agent to build a legacy to leave for their family should something happen to them. But then, EXIT Realty isn’t your traditional real estate company.

The EXIT Formula provides the opportunity for EXIT agents to earn single-level residual income beyond commissions while they sell real estate, a lifestyle and retirement income to cover life’s twists and turns, and a beneficiary benefit for their loved ones and the next generation to come.



Agents are gladly walking off the marathon sprint that was the real estate race of the last three years, attempting to keep up with the pace of what customers wanted, which as it turns out, isn’t always right so it seems.

A growing regret is rearing its ugly head in real estate clients across not only the U.S. but in Canada as well. Hindsight is 20/20 has a new, unexpected double meaning now for Wendy Ronberg, Franchisee of EXIT Realty Vision in Ottawa, who was recently featured in a CBC article on the topic of homeowner recourse in the aftermath of the Great Relocation.

Impossibly truncated turnaround times left no room for mortgage broker consultations and left clients at risk of paying well over asking/appraisal or foregoing protective conditions just to compete. Like so many agents Wendy watched in dismay wondering how she could keep her clients safe.

“Your number one goal is to make sure you’re providing great service for your clients, and that means ensuring you're taking care of their needs and not putting them in harm's way,” she said of the Catch 22 so many faced. “We would do pre inspections, which can cost anywhere from $500-$650 depending on the property. Often, I would have clients where it would take at least four or five homes before they would win a bid. I had one client win on their 11th. Clients would spend close to $2,000 on inspections on the first two or three homes they put offers on, but after that they just couldn't do it anymore.”

A self-motivated individual by nature, with over 20 years as an educator prior to getting licensed, Wendy prioritized due diligence and learning all she could about properties for her clients. She also leaned on term clauses, seen as the friendlier, flexible inclusions to their more abrupt conditional counterparts, to still build a sense of security around things like financing, inspections, as well as insurance. She also spoke openly with clients about factoring in worst-case scenarios, as well as time of ownership for her military customers to help them weigh the risks and resale ROI.

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But the most important thing she did was keep communications in writing, a task some agents are lamenting not doing now as disgruntled clients and their litigations pop up across North America.

“From REALTOR® to REALTOR®, it’s so important to make sure that everything is documented. I can't stress that enough,” she urged. “Keep all your records with your communication, your emails, your texts. If you just had a conversation, send an email back to that client or agent saying, ‘Just so that I'm clear in our conversation…’ You restate it, and then have them confirm it so that things are on paper.” Sales Representative, Jenny Guth, recently joined Wendy’s brokerage and couldn’t agree more. Real estate is a second career for her, and a natural progression from her day-to-day law practice. She’s handled civil litigation cases since 2002, mainly with regard to insurance defense matters. This included the defense of REALTORS® for the Real Estate Council of Ontario (RECO) from 2008-2010 and title insurance defense cases since 2018.

“I cannot emphasize enough that agents ensure they keep a thorough and clear record of the entire transaction – texts and chats are difficult to download later on. I always use email myself,” she shared explaining that it's something that all real estate professionals should be concerned about. Why? Because not all agents utilize a Buyer’s Acknowledgment (Form 127 in Ontario), which in no uncertain terms ensures that clients acknowledge in writing the risks involved in and responsibility for waiving conditions.


“The Agreement of Purchase and Sale (APS) is an extremely important document that I feel isn’t treated with the respect that it should be, nor explained very well to clients. It’s a binding, legal contract once accepted – clauses should not be included or excluded lightly. I’ve seen some very poorly drafted APSs. Clear instructions on every term should be obtained from the clients (in writing), and if they do decide to waive any conditions, it’s vital that the agent has them sign a Form 127. It will at least show that the buyers were warned of, contemplated, and accepted the consequences of their decisions,” she said.

Another great addition to an APS is a version of the “LAW-3 – Legal, Accounting or Environmental Advice” clause in which the parties acknowledge that the broker or salesperson(s) have urged and recommended the signer to obtain independent professional advice before signing the document, and that no information provided should be construed as legal, engineering, zoning, accounting, tax, or environmental advice.

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“It’s so important to make sure that everything is documented. I can't stress that enough. Keep all your records with your communication, your emails, your texts. If you just had a conversation, send an email back to that client or agent... and then have them confirm it so that things are on paper.”


Jenny says sellers should fix issues with a home, or at least disclose any they’re aware of. She has seen the legal fallout when buyers’ expectations aren’t managed well, and how buyers’ agents can get dragged into those situations.

“It’s my belief that many lawsuits recently have arisen out of buyer remorse once they’ve realized that they bit off more than they could chew. There’s always recourse, but whether it actually gets [the client] what they want is another question. ‘Buyer beware’ or caveat emptor is a very important defense in these cases,” she explained. “Clients can try having their agent reach out to the selling agent to see if some sort of compromise can be reached. They can commence a lawsuit, but risk that their own REALTOR® and even their real estate lawyer will be brought into it. Even then they could lose badly. Sometimes title insurance can help them out, but that’s a very narrow type of coverage, specific to title issues. It’s not ‘home warranty’ insurance. They can also, of course, accept the decisions that they made and live by them, even if in hindsight they were not the most prudent. Unfortunately, the frenzy of the market during the pandemic led some people to take risks they might not have taken in a more normal market, but that’s the choice they made. It’s not always someone else’s fault.”

Wendy suggests aside from recommending clients seek legal advice, what separates the mediocre from the professionals is how agents can still be of help to clients who find themselves stuck with homes they’ve purchased saying, “I try to help them with the right trades people, some offer payment plans, and then I also see whether they can reach out and talk to a mortgage broker, there’s also the rental piece. Could they get the home ready to rent and get money from that and move back with their parents for example. I’ve had clients do that.”

In the end, that’s what being in real estate is about to Wendy. She aims to surround clients with a team that can help saying, “You don't work in your own silos, and you should never work in your own silos. You’re working together.” And that’s something she feels should never change, no matter the market.

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"Unfortunately, the frenzy of the market during the pandemic led some people to take risks they might not have taken in a more normal market, but that’s the choice they made. It’s not always someone else’s fault.”


When you think of making money off your home, does that conjure immediate thoughts of selling potential? If you love where you live, or can’t move, there are several ways to generate income off your home, no sale required.


Ever thought of an income property? Whether converting space already within your home, or by adding on be it attached or detached, this is a popular way people earn money according to Johnny Luis, a contractor turned property investor.

“The first and most important thing you should be starting with is running numbers to see if the project makes sense money wise," he said. And as with all of the ideas that follow in this article he suggests the next thing you research is zoning. "If you’ve decided to renovate the property, especially to a duplex or triplex, it’s good to know if bylaws will allow you to do so, then you can run the construction budget to see if your initial numbers will make sense.”

He also recommends thinking big picture as to what’s most efficient for your best ROI, improved curb appeal, but will also requires the least maintenance saying, “If you renovate a basement and turn it in to a two-bedroom home vs. adding a garage to a one bedroom; a second bedroom will typically garner a higher return rather than a garage. Also, to construct a garage with an apartment may cost a lot more than converting a basement to a legal unit. If you’re going down the rental path, a best practice is also to install materials that are durable against water and pets.”

You can use one of the many property maintenance apps available to screen tenants and handle all administrative landlord tasks in one place, or consider other family members looking to downsize or launch who can still contribute financially. If having a stranger living full-time in your space or on your property isn’t for you, you could also lease it out as an office space for a local business professional or use the new space for your personal creative studio or workshop for an income generating hobby.

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Another part-time income generating use of your space is through Short Term Rentals (STRs). Whether you want to create a full fledge BnB, or simply offer occasional boarding for business travelers, new residents, or students, there are plenty of popular online platforms you can join to help promote and market your space. Understand that some of these options may require that you leave your home entirely, while others require your onsite participation for things like meal prep, serving, housekeeping, and any other services you wish to offer guests. You can set limits on when your property is available, the number of guests, even whether you’re pet-friendly.


We’ve all heard of living off the grid, but when you’re already connected to it – as most homes are, it’s hard to disconnect. In the residential renewable energy world of solar and wind it also typically costs less to make power than it does to store it. These sectors are making greater gains, to the point where homeowners can retrofit properties, generate their own power, and often sell it back to utility companies across North America. With rooftop options, you don’t require a sprawling property, but the key is installing more than one renewable energy source to offset the “dark doldrums,” the times of year/day when, individually, these systems won’t generate enough power to last through cloudy North American winters, at which point you’d have to pay for power back from the utility company.


If you do have a decent-sized land lot and you’re partial toward animals, many residents in suburban and rural areas are turning to farming animals like chickens, goats, and rabbits, even insects like bees as a way to earn supplemental income. Each provide a food you can sell, but there are also breeding, fertilizer, and craft business opportunities that come with some. Not looking to get hands on with care? Talk to local farms to see if they’re in need of more space or hive locations and set up an agreement or contract. Most animal care comes with high-level responsibility as you must tend to livestock daily. If you’re a jetsetter this might not be a good option.


A love of plants can rake in the dough all year round growing not just income produce but florals and houseplants alike. When it comes to outdoor growing, you’ll need a lot more real estate, although there are space-saving and vertical techniques with certain crops. You’ll also have to compete with natural predators, the elements (or lack thereof), and soil conditions. If you like the idea but don’t want to get your hands dirty, again, small local farms and growers are good to approach for an agreement that fits your space. The rise in countertop hydroponic and aeroponic growing kits is a technology many are scaling up for indoor operations to grow much larger yields in smaller spaces, all year round. The drawback here is you need to provide the light, power, water, and compounds to help with indoor growing. That leaves these systems vulnerable should you lose power. You also need a certain amount of climate control here, so it’s about figuring out the right space and setup.

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No matter which option sparks your interest, there’s a real estate professional out there that specializes in or has knowledge to offer. Your agent is your greatest information resource for all things home, so don’t be afraid to ask. They might not have all the answers but will likely have a referral that does. Find an EXIT Realty agent near you today!


The near zero interest rates enjoyed across North America have jumped several basis points now, some of the fastest hikes seen since the 1980’s, making affordability now one of the greatest hurdles for many homeowners across the continent. While a mortgage is already easily one of the largest debts most homeowners carry, industry experts suggest these moves were more of a rate correction. Arrears issues haven’t been as bad as some initially predicted due to the selling power homeowners had during the recent market frenzy; power which provided equity in the form of extra cash, an opportunity that’s now shifting with the market.

“You hear the phrase, ‘marry the home, and date the rate’ a lot right now. The rates aren’t going to be forever. And honestly, during the spring and summer things start to pick back up. It's not like it was before where you had to settle for the home because you just wanted the rates and the payments,” explained Branch Manager for PRMI Mortgage Company and Co-Franchisee, Jim Hyatt Jr., of EXIT Results Realty in Maryland. He sees how many regret what they had to do in order to compete mere years ago, and how they feel they’re overpaying for it now.

Canadian clients had the benefit of being able to port their mortgages, meaning those who locked in at a fixed lower rate, had the flexibility to move and take their portable mortgage and rate with them to their new home, something Jim said isn’t unfortunately available south of the border. Another major difference in the U.S. is the length of time you lock in for, 15- or 30-year terms to be exact, whereas in Canada, terms are much shorter for three or five years, similar to the American commercial sector. Either

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“You hear the phrase, ‘marry the home, and date the rate’ a lot right now. The rates aren’t going to be forever. And honestly, during the spring and summer things start to pick back up. It's not like it was before where you had to settle for the home because you just wanted the rates and the payments.”
Photo by D koi on Unsplash

way, Jim believes everyone will be paying more in the short term, it’s just a question of when, not if. “What goes up must come down. It's timing. Eventually it'll adjust, though no one knows if it will return to where it was, but [rates] will fluctuate,” he said. Jim is personally dealing with an adjustablerate home equity line of credit, or HELOC as they’re known, where his payments can fluctuate anywhere between $900 to $1700 per month. Many aren’t fans of this fluctuation, but some are choosing adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs), hoping to take advantage of any rate decreases no matter how small or short lived.

“It's probably not as attractive as porting because if you had a 2.5% percent interest rate, you won't get a rate like that even on an ARM right now. But it’s a way to hedge the affordability for a given timeframe,” he noted. “You’ll see a lot of three-year ARMs and they'll be fixed for a certain time. Then depending on the product, it can adjust up or down by 1% per year, for so many years. It's a good option that helps those who just want to get into the property and have affordability monthly, in the beginning. If during that three-year time, or even thereafter, the rate comes down to an attractive position where [customers] want to lock in at that point, or refinance for 15 or 30 years, then at least they have the property. Hopefully, it's gained a little bit of equity over that time and can be refinanced.”

With over 24 years in real estate, 17 of those with EXIT, Jim and his business partner Tina Hyatt, are no strangers to tough times. They opened their first two offices just after the 2008 recession, and their third most recently just before the pandemic. After years of outsourcing the mortgage aspect of the business, and seeing the increasing uncertainty of clients, Jim and Tina decided to bring both the title and mortgage side of things in-house. They also partner with a local pre-licensing school, which hosts trainings out of their office.

“It just made sense. We've had really close relationships with our mortgage lenders for many years, and the real estate agent is the point of sale,” he explained. “What we've done is bring those services in to help teach our agents how to do the business. Like what mortgages are a better fit for certain clients, and how to explain the financing piece of it, or how to fill out the financing addendum on the contract. We bring in our title people, and they talk about the closing process, how to read the settlement sheet, what title insurance means, and why it’s important. We educate the agents from the very beginning, and it's been working very well. When they go to a client, they feel more comfortable when referring business.”

Jim and Tina picked a brand of mortgage company that could service their clients well, that their mortgage officers and loan originators could plug into, and had an attorney that they did business with already and just

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“What goes up must come down. It's timing. Eventually it'll adjust, though no one knows if it will return to where it was, but [rates] will fluctuate.”
Photo by Vaskar Sam on Unsplash

basically joined forces with to open a standalone title company. “I recommend, even for new brokers, trying to incubate in a system that's already working and learn from that. We incubated within another title company for a little bit to get things going and our processes setup before we actually worked on building some startup capital to launch our own," he said. "Without that partnership, it would’ve been really tough.” With mortgage companies advertised all over, Jim said they have a higher capture rate and thus cash rate on the title side, since most clients aren’t familiar with many title company options. This has seen their office through some of the harder times and filled in the gaps, and he admits it’s something he wished they’d done earlier saying, “When you open a brokerage, you have so many things going on. I know it's hard to even think about or consider the cash to open another business, but it really helped financially. Getting those things going and building those relationships early on is almost easier than everybody going off to build their own separate relationships then trying to later re-engage agents into your company.”

In hindsight, Jim admitted not knowing where to start held him back. Realizing this need he saw an opportunity while working through the processes with each entity, eventually creating a system of templates that would work with other brokerages so, “If other owners wanted to plug into what we've built, it’s easier to jump right in. It’s kind of a plug and play system we helped each entity build,” he shared, and when it comes to giving other owners advice, he says he’s “more than happy to help.”

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“What we've done is bring those services in to help teach our agents how to do the business. Like what mortgages are a better fit for certain clients, and how to explain the financing piece of it, or how to fill out the financing addendum on the contract. We bring in our title people, and they talk about the closing process, how to read the settlement sheet, what title insurance means, and why it’s important. We educate the agents from the very beginning, and it's been working very well.”



When looking for rentals, thoughts of finding a REALTOR® don’t typically come to mind, but with a growing number of savvy investor and property management agents in the industry this might be about to change as a move to multifamily real estate begs the question, what floor will you get in on?


Factors such as housing shortages, affordability, and those tapping into their equity are driving the rental necessity as Tommy Stanton, Franchisee of EXIT Realty Gulf Shores and EXIT Realty Orange Beach in Alabama has seen. As the office names imply, his markets include some of the most highly sought after, tourist waterfrontage in the state, and he’s the next generation in a family brokerage that made the calculated decision to diversify their real estate efforts decades ago.

“Right now, rental rates are so high that it would actually save someone money if they had a mortgage. The biggest hurdle I’m seeing though, is affordability. The buying prices are at an all-time high as well. Interest rates keep creeping up, and I’m seeing a lot of buyers who qualify but may not have the down payment required,” he said. Tommy believes the reason his market hasn’t flooded with foreclosures is because of 2020 forbearance and because home values haven’t declined, saying, “I also see a lot of people who’ve lost jobs or are behind in payments selling their homes because they still have lots of equity and they’re using it to pay off bills and have a nest egg while they rent or reset so to speak.”


In 2011 Tommy took the reins of the office’s entirely separate, full-service 5A Rentals & Management company which includes 6-12 month, long-term rentals and manages a total of over 115 properties. He thinks markets will continue to see a rise in rentals as long as there continues to be lack of inventory on the sale side and that’s not just in his tourist locale. He suggests a rental division would work well anywhere. Why? Because quite simply, “People need shelter. They need somewhere to lay their heads at night — even if its renting to rebuild credit, or until they know an area better prior to purchasing. They might be between homes or building a home."

Investopedia’s 2021 article The 3 Reasons to Invest in Multifamily Real Estate also states, multifamily real estate is a “better investment for investors who wish to take an active role in growing their capital, rather than passively putting their money into a fund managed by someone else.”

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“I also see a lot of people who’ve lost jobs or are behind in payments selling their homes because they still have lots of equity and they’re using it to pay off bills and have a nest egg while they rent or reset so to speak. People need shelter. They need somewhere to lay their heads at night — even if it's renting to rebuild credit, or until they know an area better prior to purchasing. They might be between homes or building a home."


Just as it sounds, multifamily means a property that can accommodate multiple units for rent in one. The term encompasses everything from a duplex all the way up to high rise apartment complexes, and according to The National Association of REALTOR’S® Economists’ Outlook it’s a trend that’s clearly, pun intended, on the rise.

Published in October 2022 the online article states that U.S. “multifamily construction has made impressive gains during the last couple of years,” suggesting that builders naturally turned to multifamily structures during a time when people were buying homes quicker than they could be built. With Canadian celebrities like Income Property’s Scott McGillivray launching his Keyspire online knowledge platform, and investor events such as The Mulitfamily Conference in Toronto (just one of a myriad that happen across North America), it’s never been easier to learn about this type of investing.


Whether you’re already investing and it’s time for the next step or just looking to lay a good foundation from the start, Tommy recommends a few important tips and technologies for working a separate rental company that he’s learned and found along the way, saying, “You must be careful and strategic in two key areas.”

1. Don't let sales agents feel second rate - Rentals provide a steady source of revenue that also come with a lot of work. Don't let it inundate staff and personnel, and make sure your agents know sales are a priority and that they’re a priority.

2. Do ensure your marketing and promotion constantly remind clients and residents that you’re their source for ALL of their real estate needs.

5A Rentals & Management is an entirely separate entity that boasts a six-person team (full-time CPA, receptionist, administrator, showing agent, inspector, and owner relations representative). They also retain an attorney specializing in the Alabama Landlord and Tenant Act, a set of laws that vary from state to province. The division handles everything from background and credit checks to financial payments, quarterly investment inspections, and reputable vender referrals. They streamline everything through property management software such as Buildium and Appfolio, each of which comes with their own pros and cons, but are tools Tommy cannot stress enough.

Tommy sees the rental market just like the sales market reminding agents and offices that, “There will always be opportunity for both in every market.” He knows he can’t please everyone, yet this remains his customer service goal in both sectors of the industry; one where there’s serious potential in diversifying.

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At EXIT Realty we know that no place feels quite like home



There’s a fascination with abandoned places sensationalized by Urbexers and social media, and over the last decade scenes of empty, dilapidated, and overgrown shopping centers have gained serious popularity. The year 2007 marked the first time since the 1950’s where no new malls were built in the U.S. according to the BBC, and by 2008, Newsweek had basically declared indoor malls obsolete. Anchor department stores closed at an alarming rate post Great Recession, and factors like a shift to online buying and pandemic restrictions, took their respective tolls on shopping centers around the world.

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The first modern mall as we know them was created in 1956 and was the beginning of an unrealized concept, intended to be about community coming together for various purposes not just shopping. The hollow skeletons left today are sadly reduced versions of Austrian Architect, Victor Gruen’s pioneering vision. He was a man ahead of his time who foresaw this moment when he cautioned, “Architecture, as a creative expression, will die if we cannot create conditions within which it can be meaningful.” And in the most ironic twist of all, it was Amazon that became one of the first companies to invest in and re-purpose these empty spaces for their distribution and fulfillment centers.

The economic fallout, not to mention the eyesores, these vast, literal concrete jungles represent is something many cities and investors are scrambling to fix. The problem is conversion costs both time and money, however, investors noticed most malls have a few great things in common: ample, buildable space and prime real estate locations. All that was needed was a bit of catalytic capital, some ingenuity, and suddenly you have mixed use development magic. From one of the largest re-urbanization plans in the U.S. like the Tyson’s Project, to school-centric urban redevelopments like the Crosstown Concourse and Liberty Station, or historic rehabilitations like The Arcade Providence, housing is once again at the heart of many of these conversions. Still, only 8% of brokerages seem to have experience with residential building repurposing according to The National Association of REALTOR’S® 2022 Sustainability Report. Maintaining an investment while adjusting to shifting buyer behaviors and remote living circumstances has meant making the switch to condo, or in most cases, rental markets and bringing together urban villages like conglomerates RioCan, and SmartCentres, two of Canada’s largest real estate investment trust companies. Well known for their big box retail shopping malls, both have recently began developing mixed retail and residential sites like eCentral, completed in 2019 at Yonge and Eglinton in Toronto, or The Millway in Vaughan, Ontario, to name a few. Here residences are merged with communal working areas, a higher echelon of in-house amenities like lounges, creative spaces or studios, and terraces, all with the convenience of walkable retail, nature, and/or entertainment. It only took some 65 years, but I dare say that Victor would be proud of these communities. He may not have lived to see them become a reality, but he certainly planted the seeds of growth now rising from the very cracks in the foundations of what he first tried to achieve.

open minds


affirm your way to success daily with

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The first mall created in 1956 was the beginning of an unrealized concept, intended to be about community coming together for various purposes not just shopping.


The Race to Zero is the movement responsible for countries, businesses, and educational institutions around the world coming together and making commitments to reduce greenhouse gases by the year 2050, an endeavour initiated by the Paris Agreement during the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference (COP21). The measures being taken differ across the globe, but the Net Zero Homes and Communities program in Canada, or Zero Energy Homes program in the U.S. are just two of several actions being taken by governments in the North American backyard.

Both invite a host of builders and innovators to bring their ingenuity to bear in the sector, as well as provide funding for homeowners interested in eco retrofitting properties in Canada or the United States. These homes already exist, they have already begun hitting markets, and will soon be the norm.

Understanding this, agents Jim Smardon of EXIT Realty Metro in Nova Scotia, and Deloar Khan of EXIT Family Realty in New York, decided to take their own action. Living green is something they both practice and obtaining The National Association of REALTOR’S® (NAR) Green designation was something they both knew they could leverage to carve out a niche for themselves in their respective markets.

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When a home uses resources and is the only thing between you and the elements, the argument that real estate and the environment have nothing in common goes right out the window. And with climate portrayals seemingly on a clock these days the world is taking action that will forever change the real estate sector and the dwellings in which we live.

“As real estate professionals we have to be educated and update ourselves to serve our clients better in the future,” Deloar explained. “I found the course very valuable as I’ve learned a lot and I’m able to connect with likeminded people and have access to sustainable products and resources to help my clients. I can easily separate myself from most of the agents in my market.”

Fifty-six percent of respondents in NAR®’s 2022 REALTORS® and Sustainability Report didn’t know whether their respective MLS's® had green data entry fields, yet 63% believe there is some value in promoting the energy efficiency of a property. Half reported they were directly part of a transaction with green features in the past 12 months, but data was muddy on a green property’s perceived time on market. Further still, over half were unsure of how the dollar value of high-performance properties stacked up against other similar homes.

The report also states that 51% of those surveyed found that consumers were somewhat or very interested in sustainability, and Deloar believes he’s in the perfect industry to help build eco awareness saying, “While I’m doing seller or buyer consultations – from the beginning I let them know that I have a green designation. I help homeowners by advising them on green practices, using smart technology, energy efficient products, and renewable energy. Real estate professionals are directly working with homeowners (the consumer) and are involved in the community, so they’re perfectly poised to do so.”

Deloar is currently working on his Energy Auditor/Advisor certification as a way to confidently offer his clients more value through their homes with things like solar power, a renewable energy source that’s grown increasingly popular in the residential market according to NAR’s® report. Retrofits are a sort of specialty of Jim’s as well. Like many agents, he often gets questions from sellers on how they can get the most for their home, or buyers wondering how they can get the home they want and be able to afford it.

“Most of the time the answer to both of these questions is tied to eco-fitting your home or purchasing one that has already had that done,” he explained. “I will always suggest getting an efficiency audit done to homes, to see exactly where the home is or would be costing the client money and what initiatives are in place to help remedy those issues.”

Unlike New York, where plans are in place to build two million climate-friendly homes by 2030, Jim says his East Coast market has been slower to adopt eco-minded projects; in fact he was the first Green certified REALTOR® on the East Coast.

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Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash
“I will always suggest getting an efficiency audit done to homes, to see exactly where the home is or would be costing the client money and what initiatives are in place to help remedy those issues.”

“Unfortunately, green homes or green retrofits are a relatively new concept here. The upfront cost tends to be the main issue or worry for people and not everyone can afford to access the long-term benefits,” he said, admitting that energy audits are at least more common now. “They give a house an energy score and allow people to make their homes as green as possible at their own speed.”

Where he wishes he’d see a faster pace is on the building code side, awaiting the day when new builds will be required to have a certain percentage of green or energy efficient components upon completion. Despite the many federal and provincial programs, he says there’s still a public disconnect in Canada.

“It’s great to see but I think programs need to be easier to access and quicker to payout. So much participation is lost due to confusion on all sides. But hopefully these programs will lead to a new norm of what’s to be expected when you walk into a house to sell it. Kind of the way it’s more common to see a dishwasher in a home now than not.”

The irony of being a REALTOR® and the effects of current development practices on the environment is not lost on Jim, in fact it fuels his passion that much more because he believes the answers can be found within this industry saying, “The norm seems to be mass clear cutting for neighborhoods, increasing urban sprawl when we should be increasing urban density instead. When permits and approvals are given out, there should be more focus on maintaining a natural green space of old growth trees, rather than just trying to replant. Also, when a new development has been approved, plans should maximize renewable energy usage. Repurposing and retrofitting older neighborhoods would be a far more efficient way forward and cause far less of an environmental impact.” He would also love to see governments incentivizing rainwater catchment and greywater systems.

Not only ahead of the rest, these two EXIT agents are a pivotal part of a powerful trickledown effect. They do their best to inform and support clients who in turn want to do their best to reduce their footprint, proving that each of us plays a small part in making big changes in the environmental impact our need for housing creates.



The R-2000 Net Zero Energy Pilot was launched in 2013, making way for a Natural Resources Canada ratings system for net zero energy homes. Look at the resulting 23 homes built by six different builders by the end of 2016.


To view homes across the U.S. that are also working toward Zero Energy, you can visit the Department of Energy’s website online, and search based on state/climate at buildings/doe-tour-zero.

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“As real estate professionals we have to be educated and update ourselves to serve our clients better in the future. I can easily separate myself from most of the agents in my market.”


While one pandemic’s narrative slowly dissipates, those watching housing needs across the continent have seen another’s arise in the form of homeless encampments. Homeless demographics are both vast and complex to tabulate in both Canada and the U.S., meaning so is the effectiveness of government and private programs in place, however new Point In Time (PIT) data is shedding a clearer light on successes such as in the case of veterans in the U.S.

“The number of homeless veterans has decreased by about 50% since 2009,” according to the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans website. And with highly active programs such as Homes for Heroes, it’s easy to understand why. Canada has a similarly named, unaffiliated organization, however statistics still don’t look good north of the border. Canadian veterans go through a federal government screening process and the Canadian Foundation focuses on a housing first and harm reduction philosophy that includes tiny living developments. Both organizations started as a way to help the many veterans who struggle to transition into civilian life, the difference is, it’s a real estate program run through affiliates in the U.S., which has grown to financially give back to first responders, healthcare professionals, teachers, and veterans.

“We complement any other program out there,” explained Abby Waltz, National Director for Homes for Heroes. “Whether it's conventional, FHA or VA loans, downpayment assistance programs, or one of the tens of thousands of other programs across the country, we're an additional savings program to that. When heroes work with one of our affiliate agents, they get a check back to use however they see fit. We're just here to help make it a little more affordable for people who are putting their lives on the line every day to serve and better our communities in our country.”

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"We're just here to help make it a little more affordable for people who are putting their lives on the line every day to serve and better our communities in our country.”


Heroes receive an average of $3,000 back when working with Homes for Heroes. The program also goes full circle by giving a portion of every home sale commission back to their non-profit Foundation, a charity aimed at assisting heroes in need through avenues such as disaster relief, tragedies in the line of duty, and also housing assistance amid the housing crisis.

George and Julie Green, Franchisees of EXIT Realty Green & Associates out of Kentucky, are that much closer to their goal of giving back $1 million to charity, thanks to their work with Homes for Heroes. Since becoming affiliates, they’ve made the 100 Heroes Served Club – having helped over 200 families through their office alone, and most recently ranked fifth in the nation within the organization as real estate specialists. Though not a hero himself, George is humbled to be surrounded by many saying, “The drive and determination for those who ‘run forward’ when everyone else is running away has always weighed heavy on my heart. The ability to thank people in a quantifiable way seems like the right thing to do for our industry.”

His wife Julie, who has both veterans and active-duty members in her circle, agrees from the perspective that a real estate professional is often the first person heroes or their families turn to when thinking of buying or selling a home. “It really should be the agents who are equipped with the tools and education to assist these individuals…In fact, that first call, and the direction the service member takes based on that first interaction with a real estate professional could have very long-term effects, positive or negative, so the more we can keep agents informed and educated to the unique needs of this population, the better,” she said.

Wanting to gain as much knowledge as possible, both of the Greens and members of their team obtained their Military Relocation Professional designation in addition to the training provided by Homes for Heroes. It’s both a personal and professional decision because they admit carving out a niche can make all the difference these days, but they also wanted to best serve their agents as well as their community which happens to be in very close proximity to the renowned Fort Knox.

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“The drive and determination for those who ‘run forward’ when everyone else is running away has always weighed heavy on my heart. The ability to thank people in a quantifiable way seems like the right thing to do for our industry.”


"It's really simple. You go through an interview process with us, we walk you through what the program looks like, and you agree to honor every hero that you work with,” Abby explained, which she admits is a real deal breaker for the organization. “If you won't honor every single hero, we won't allow you to become a part of our program because we feel it ruins the integrity of the program and can ruin the reputation of the agent locally. We never want that to happen for anybody. We coach and train agents on how to best serve the heroes in their community and in turn to grow their business on purpose. Much like EXIT Realty, we focus and lead with a service mindset which isn't always the case in our industry which has a tendency to focus on our own results instead of the successes of others. That's what differentiates our real estate affiliates and helps them stand out amidst a vast sea of agents." That attraction is what retired Wisconsin police officer and Sales Representative, Patrick Reese was looking for when he first got into real estate. Initially working with an independent office, Patrick was looking for marketing that would help him stand out, and knowing first-hand what it is to be a public servant for so many years, the Homes for Heroes program made complete sense to him.

“I’m around these extraordinary people every single day. They work hard, are selfless and Homes for Heroes was a way I could give back to the heroes I already knew,” he explained. “Prior to joining EXIT, I needed the branding. What has happened is I feel like I’m part of something bigger than me and there’s natural growth in the program through organic referrals. The networking it has provided me is priceless and I feel so great every time I’m able to give back.”

Patrick passionately believes the industry can be its own solution saying, “We can't just sell houses and move on to the next. We need to help the profession while serving others. We can help grow new clients by finding a pathway to homeownership. I strongly feel that if we can build smaller homes, in smaller communities, we can get the houses to a price point a veteran can afford to purchase. It would be life changing to the hero, but it would also secure and sustain the real estate industry for years to come.”

“I’ve often wondered what our communities and especially our heroes and their families’ lives would be like if EVERY agent, loan officer, and title company committed to the Homes for Heroes program and to giving back in such a tangible way,” Julie mused of the powerful compound effect programs like this can have. “How much better would we ALL be positioned just by doing the right thing?”

Homes for Heroes, Inc. is a licensed real estate company in the state of Minnesota.Hero Rewards not available in all states. Hero Rewards offers are limited and/or restricted in Alaska, Kansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. All savings amounts are estimates. The actual Hero Rewards amount may vary based on the services used, sale price of the home (less appropriate credits), and in special circumstances, including, but not limited to, new construction, below average commission, and For Sale By Owner sales. You must be enrolled with Homes for Heroes and be represented at closing by a Homes for Heroes Real Estate Specialist to be eligible for home price savings. You must work with a Homes for Heroes Mortgage Specialist and business affiliates to be eligible to receive additional service-related savings. Contact Homes for Heroes for further details.

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“We can't just sell houses and move on to the next. We need to help the profession while serving others. We can help grow new clients by finding a pathway to homeownership. I strongly feel that if we can build smaller homes, in smaller communities, we can get the houses to a price point a veteran can afford to purchase. It would be life changing to the hero, but it would also secure and sustain the real estate industry for years to come.”













2022 Charitable Impact

A portion of every transaction fee received by EXIT Realty Corp. International is applied to its charitable fund. Through the Spirit of EXIT Charitable Program, EXIT associates and offices can raise money for local, approved, registered charities and apply to have EXIT’s head office match those monies from the company’s pool of funds. In 2022 funds were raised benefiting animals, children, Habitat for Humanity, medical support and research, community support, those living with cancer and veterans.



When a career transcends the definition of work to evolve into a sense of purpose, fulfillment, or joy it becomes a part of you, not just something you do. This is the essence that flows through each moment of residual impact at EXIT Realty; a ripple effect that far surpasses any average “side hustle,” transforming it into life-altering stories of humanity, self-discovery, and compassion in perpetual motion.

In 2022, EXIT Realty Nexus Sales Representative, Dan Rollings would experience this firsthand, playing a supporting role in friend and dear colleague, Greg Peterson’s residual story. It was during EXIT’s Annual Convention that year, when Dan walked across the stage to accept a Bronze Award. As a top producer, he was no stranger to this, having won several production awards over the years, including a Silver Award just moments before. But this time was very different, because this one he didn’t earn. He accepted it on behalf of Greg, who passed away mere months before.

“I can still see that huge smile of his. I’ve known Greg for 13 years and he was a competitive guy. I know he was looking down on us when I was accepting that award, and boy was that an honor,” Dan recalled. “I just know he would’ve done the same for me.”

Their EXIT story began five years ago, when Dan was working as a top producer in Greg’s independent office which he chose to merge with EXIT Realty Nexus so long, as the story goes, as Dan came too. For Franchisee, Frank D’Angelo though, the story truly began several years before that when he first met Greg co-brokering a deal.

“I was immediately struck by his magnetic personality. He always wanted to make sure that everyone involved was happy and confident, and they knew that he was there to help,” he said. He asked Greg if he’d be open to a conversation about the industry and while Greg said yes it would take another three years before getting that appointment with such an incredibly busy broker. “What attracted Greg was the ability to merge into our firm and focus on what he did best, develop land, list, and sell new and existing homes to the public and his sphere without the supervisory roles he inherited as a broker owner.” Frank would sponsor Greg into EXIT, and Greg did so with Dan. That meant, every time Dan closed a

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“What attracted Greg was the ability to merge into our firm and focus on what he did best, develop land, list, and sell new and existing homes to the public and his sphere without the supervisory roles he inherited as a broker owner.”

deal, EXIT Realty Corp. International paid Greg a thank you bonus in an amount equivalent to 10% of the gross commission Dan earned on each of those transactions. As part of the sponsoring process, Greg had to name a beneficiary for these bonuses, should anything happen to him, not realizing just how important this aspect would soon become. What started with mysterious weight loss about a year before he passed, quickly evolved into unusual confusion exhibited during the familiar process of developing land to build a new, merged office with Frank.

“We were well into the planning stages and ready to break ground when I began noticing some confusion in his face during our final phases of the development. I personally reached out to his wife, Debbie, who at that stage wasn’t noticing anything significant in those related areas,” Frank recalled. A few months later, after a doctor’s appointment however, Greg was given a double diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and dementia. Knowing Greg so well, Dan also felt something was off, saying “I was amazed. Once he knew what exactly he had, you’d still see him come into the office with that huge smile on his face, jamming away to music every chance he had. Even with his disease, he could still light up a room and make you smile.”

Sadly, this is the seventh time Frank has been faced with a similar crisis in his tenure as an owner, and although it never gets easier, the harsh truth in business is that the show must go on. Not knowing exactly what to expect, Frank and the office gathered around Greg and his family. And because Dan was one of eight associates Greg sponsored into the company, Frank was able to create an action plan for Greg’s existing book of business, and align one of his other sponsors, Jason Roberge, who also worked in new construction to meet with clients and investors to discuss the situation. “Jason literally took over the entire new construction operation and split all listings with Greg as we sunsetted his license into our referral brokerage and kept him in the EXIT system. We also closed out all his existing listings and buyer sides so the family could continue receiving the income Greg would have normally earned prior to becoming ill,” Frank explained. “When he could no longer drive, family would get him to our weekly meetings so he could be a part of his EXIT family. The agents in our office also put on two major events, one being a family benefit for the Petersons that included a silent auction. When ALS quickly crippled Greg and his business, we quickly rallied with his wife, family, and his sponsors to keep things moving forward.”

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“I was amazed. Once he knew what exactly he had, you’d still see him come into the office with that huge smile on his face, jamming away to music every chance he had. Even with his disease, he could still light up a room and make you smile.”

Following a valiant struggle, Greg passed away at home surrounded by friends and family on August 13th, 2022. Frank admits it’s not uncommon for families to reach back out wondering why they’re still receiving checks from EXIT’s head office after their loved ones die, and he’s proud to share the company’s extraordinary Formula with them. The office keeps in close touch with Greg’s family, including his son, Conner and daughter, Cally. In fact, Frank keeps a special place waiting for them.

“We have offered both a free real estate scholarship should either wish to follow in their father’s footsteps. Cally is going to take us up on that as she's a graduating senior and wants to jump right into real estate. We've kept Greg’s office intact for when Cally and/or Conner decide to pick up where Dad left off.”

Since joining, Dan too has taken to sponsoring, and says watching what happened to Greg has not only given him greater perspective in life, but also greater meaning to his career. Seeing how Greg's 10% sponsoring bonuses convert into 5% beneficiary benefits for his family has really humanized the true power of EXIT’s Formula for Dan.

“I’ve always thought the residual income was a great bonus and never really thought more into what it could do in certain situations other than just collecting a check,” he admits. “After seeing what Greg went through, knowing the situation with his family, and how the residuals are now giving back to them, just amazes me. Knowing the hard work I’m putting in now and that they’re benefiting from these awesome residuals, I’m so happy for Greg's family that he convinced me to make this change six years ago. I was always one to hear about the residual stories, now I have one of my own to tell.”

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“After seeing what Greg went through, knowing the situation with his family, and how the residuals are now giving back to them, just amazes me. Knowing the hard work I’m putting in now and that they’re benefiting from these awesome residuals, I’m so happy for Greg's family that he convinced me to make this change six years ago. I was always one to hear about the residual stories, now I have one of my own to tell.”
Sales Representative, Dan Rollings (center) accepting Greg's posthumous award during EXIT Realty's 2022 Annual Convention


Like most people, at the beginning of the year I had a list of goals I wanted to achieve in 2023. After the last few years of disruption, I felt it was time to refocus - after all, I’m not getting any younger – and I like to work towards SMART goals. Certainly, one can have a goal, but without applying the SMART concepts, it remains only a dream. To make progress, one has to create a plan. See it, plan it, do it. Part of that plan should be surrounding yourself with a likeminded tribe; a group of people who support and encourage each other. Unfortunately, you can encounter quite the opposite when deciding to better yourself. People in your sphere might be uncomfortable with change. I believe that’s because when a person changes, it can cause others around them to look at themselves, and some prefer to avoid self-examination. As a result, instead of having a tribe, it can feel like the people closest to us are actively working against us. Think of the person trying to do dry January. They're at an event, happily sipping soda, when someone close to them suggests "just one won't hurt," or "come on, lighten up." It may seem innocuous, but when you're trying to level up, you're already in the middle of a personal challenge. You don't need negative input from someone who isn't on your team.

My personal circle is small, although every single person in it is supportive of my goals. Since not everyone is fortunate to have a circle like mine, I thought that Facebook would be an ideal forum to provide encouragement and inspiration to anyone - EXIT or not - who is looking to find a like-minded tribe while they work on leveling up. Enter EXIT Realty's Facebook Goal-Setters group. Members need not share their particular goal and can join just for the inspiration of watching others work on their goals.

There’s also the accountability factor. I tend to be self-motivated. But when you're only accountable to yourself, it's easy to make excuses to postpone hard things. After all, no one sees your procrastination but you. Once you put something out there, though, it adds a layer of accountability. I shared wanting to be able to do a push-up by the end of the year. While I want to do this strictly for myself, I know people are watching (in a good way) and that helps get me to the gym. It has taken me a lifetime to recognize that, while I'm comfortable working on my own, it really is better when you have a tribe. Like the African proverb goes: "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

Tami Bonnell, EXIT's Co-Chair, offers inspiration and actionable activities to members, while Erika Gileo, C.O.O., coined our G.O.A.L. directive: Growth On All Levels. EXIT Realty leaders lead by example, and it’s my hope that by the end of the year, members will have achieved the goals they set out to accomplish. More importantly, though, is my wish that all members find a tribe that cheers each other on, every step of the way. The thing about a goal is not so much reaching it, although that’s very rewarding, but it’s who you become while working towards it.

(As of this writing, Sharron has made measurable progress towards her push-up goal.)

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Photo by KIMO on Unsplash


In today’s competitive landscape, real estate professionals need resources and systems to help grow their business and separate them from the competition. Here are just a few must have offerings from EXIT’s Ancillary Network that’s committed to providing incredible services to EXIT associates across North America.

With a software suite that includes tools for listing, marketing, and scheduling your showings, this easyto-use app syncs with your personal calendar and sets up a private communication channel with your clients. Manage multiple offers and showings in real time across any device. Smart route technology even recommends a driving route, keeping time with clients as efficient and worry free as possible or schedule a professional photographer to capture high-resolution listing photos, virtual tours, interactive downloaded floor plans, and aerial photos. You can even send a professional side-by-side comparison of all offers received on a home to a seller, in seconds. Experience ShowingTime’s ‘right now’ efficiency hack and performance enhancer at

This one system has you covered from first click to closing. BoomTown can attract leads to your site and help you get to know them with automated marketing tools that make building relationships simple, and predictive intelligence that provides insight you can act on. Take the guesswork out of managing your team and put data in its place: at your fingertips. But more than that, BoomTown provides guidance at every step with proven strategies and support, so you can combine world-class lead generation, #1-rated CRM technology, consumer-facing websites, and unparalleled support to empower your nextlevel growth. Visit to discover why agents who use it do more transactions on average than their industry peers.

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DepositLink is EXIT Realty's Premiere Partner for digital payments in real estate. With DepositLink, you can eliminate the inefficiencies and liabilities caused by paper checks and delayed bank wires. Payments can be requested and sent from any device and tracked in real time. There’s NO COST to EXIT brokers and agents to use DepositLink, and the setup process is simple. Request earnest money deposits from buyers or rental deposits and commissions from tenants. Send payments to landlords and management companies, pay EXIT agent commissions, issue refunds instantly, and payments clear in one business day. Your administrative life just got easier. Visit

Imagine a mini podcast for every listing where you tell the story of the home behind the house for sale. DirectOffer Audio Tours brings a competitive advantage in a way that increases engagement, builds trust, drives relationship-based business, and serves homebuyers in any language, including those who are learning, hearing, or visually impaired. Today’s client seeks both transparency and authenticity, DirectOffer gives real estate professionals the vehicle to rise above the online noise, help the community, and deliver a richer customer experience. Visit and share your voice, your enthusiasm, and your passion with DirectOffer.

Technology, coupled with deep knowledge, allows Pillar To Post to provide the ultimate home inspection with unique and innovative features, all delivered within a seamless brand experience. Home inspection packages include even more exclusive and innovative features than ever. These new services deliver speed, ease, and convenience, getting you to closings faster, saving you time and delighting your clients with three exclusive home inspection packages that allow customers to select the services they prefer. With Pillar To Post your customers will know exactly what they’re buying and you can sell with confidence. Visit today!

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EXIT Realty provides exceptional resources and extraordinary possiblities by continually establishing relationships with innovative companies, each bringing credibility in their industry, and a special incentive for EXIT associates and offices. For a full list of participating companies visit EXIT's Resource Center today!
THAT BRINGS YOUR BRAND BEST. THE OUT Growth is in EXIT's DNA because we’re built on human potential, forever learning, and we’re not just high tech but high touch. EXIT Realty is a company that’s about so much more than just the numbers. We grow together when we start from the inside out. SET YOUR SIGHTS ON SUCCESS WITH

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