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How Do Websites Work?
There are several components to a published website. There is the URL that a user would type in a browser bar to go to your website, for example, superstardemosite.com. This is also known as the domain and we’ll use those terms interchangeably in this guide. Then there is the content itself comprised of the website design, text, pages, widgets, photos, videos, fillable forms, etc. All of this has to be housed somewhere on the internet. That’s called hosting. Costs come into play with all three of these components.
• The URL, or domain name, must be purchased from a domain provider such as GoDaddy. Costs vary, depending on what you want, but typically a domain costs under $10/ year.
• The site itself – design, layout – is something you purchase from a website provider such as Top Producer or Market Leader or you can design it yourself.
• The hosting costs money. Often, the domain provider or the website provider also provides hosting services.
You will need to continually renew your domain name, your contract with your website provider as well as your hosting services, typically once a year or every two years, whatever you determine.