ARIZONA Fort Huachuca, underground storage facility, NSA and Army Intelligence complex near Ft. Huachuca underground storage of extraterrestrial spacecraft and previously autopsied extraterrestrial life forms Others Utah underground complex southwest of Salt Lake City, accessible only by air Redstone Arsenal underground complex Alabama Lawrence Livermore Labs Cheyenne Mountain Colorado Deep Space Network, dedicated console for tracking UFOs US Government Agencies with Current or Past Involvement (Activities are compartmentalized into super-secret USAPS -Unacknowledged Special Access Projects, which means that they are not acknowledged to anyone, even those senior in the chain of command.) NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) NSA (National Security Agency) CIA Military Intelligence divisions (Army, Air Force, Navy) Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) DARPA FBI Space Commands others Private Corporate Entities Believed To Be Involved Northrup Aerospace Boeing Aerospace Lockheed Martin (various facilities including Denver research center) BDM E Systems EG&G Wackenhut Corp. Village Supercomputing, Phoenix AZ Phillips Labs McDonnell Douglas Corp. TRW Rockwell International Booz-Allen and Hamilton, Inc. MITRE Corp. SAIC (Science Applications International, Inc.) Bechtel Corp. others
Brigadier General Stephen Lovekin: Army National Guard Reserves “But what happened was that Eisenhower got sold out. Without him knowing it, he lost control of what was going on with the entire UFO situation. In his last address to the nation, I think he was telling us that the Military Industrial Complex would stick you in the back if you 35