2013 GLA Catalog

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Co s t a R i c a

D o m i n i c a n R e p.



Ta n z a n i a



In d i a









Our Mission To inspire the next generation to realize their potential to transform the world and their role in it.

Our Values Our Integrity is unspoken. It is the unfailing framework from which we build every program, human relationship, and bridge into a community. Respect is inherent in all of our interactions among students, staff, and all of the members whose communities we serve. Respect means accepting and celebrating differences. Respect means considering all points of view, always. Cooperation is key to our accomplishments. We are a traveling community, helping to serve other communities. We work together, learn from one another, and build valuable friendships in the process. Compassion is what drives our service, and that compassion extends to students, parents, and host communities. Our care for people extends to everything we do. We are invested in the Personal Growth and development of all of our students and staff. We foster an environment for students to safely explore, experience, and self-discover. Optimism is at our core. We believe that anything is possible, and that every person is capable of driving and adopting positive change in the world.

Our History Although we are an American organization, our roots are global. In 2003, the African Leadership Academy (“ALA”) began as a dream to develop future leaders of Africa, regardless of income. The idea sprung from the visionary mind of Fred Swaniker, a Stanford MBA who is originally from Ghana. Growing up and working all over Africa, he realized that the greatest obstacle to African development was a lack of ethical leadership. In an effort to combat this problem, he began developing a pan-African high school which would offer a world-class education and promote ethical and principled leadership among top high school students from all over the continent. As a way to develop the curriculum and bring together students from Africa and around the world, Fred created the ALA Summer Academy. After two years, believing in the potential of every young adult to be a global leader and make an impact, he changed the name of the organization to Global Leadership Adventures and brought on Andrew Motiwalla, a 15 year veteran in international education and Returned Peace Corps Volunteer, to lead the organization and replicate the successful model around the world. With this significant expansion came a greater opportunity to serve and to apply core values of integrity, respect, cooperation, compassion, growth, and optimism to many more communities around the globe. Global Leadership Adventures is a division of Terra Education (“Terra”), a leader in the field of international service-learning. Terra also operates Discover Corps, one to two week volunteer vacations for adults and families, in collaboration with the National Peace Corps Association. For more information, please visit www.discovercorps.com.

Innovation is what makes us stand out in international education. Open to new ideas and always striving to work better and smarter to serve our communities, students, and parents.

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Global Leadership Adventures:

A Life-Changing Experience

On Developing Leadership Skills Mackenzie K. Highland Hall High School Hometown: Los Angeles, CA


The most striking thing I learned was how to lead effectively. On my program, each GLA student was required to lead the entire group for one whole day. During the program, I realized that a leader must have deep convictions of his goals, be clear about what needs to be achieved, find the strength of each individual, and capitalize on that strength.

On Opening My Eyes to New Possibilities Evert D. Willem de Zwijger High School Hometown: Bussum, The Netherlands

On Unlocking My Passions Elyssa-June S. Bermuda High School for Girls Hometown: Bermuda

GLA has inspired me to see the world in a more loving and open way. It introduced me to new cultures and people that have impressed me in the most wonderful ways. I experienced the raw soul and the real people of Tanzania, not the tourist or city life. I learned to appreciate the details in life more and to really pursue the things I want in life.

My GLA experience in Ghana was the most memorable three weeks of my life so far, and I continue to tell my friends and family that I wish I could have remained there for the entire summer. Volunteering at the Keta hospital allowed me to learn hands-on about healthcare management. I was able to see how healthcare was provided to patients in a rural context. The few hours I spent at the hospital reconfirmed my interest in healthcare, and I’ve decided to study international health, humanitarian relief and development in university.

On Learning About My Role in the World Kelly V. Currently Attending: Stanford University Lewis Palmer High School Hometown: Monument, CO


GLA was an eye-opening experience, both in seeing a new part of the world and gaining perspective on issues that cross societal boundaries. The people I met at GLA – the children, the grassroots leaders, and our fantastic program director and mentors – have hugely inspired me to continue to act as a global citizen throughout college and my future career.

On Uncovering New Career Options Rishi T. Currently Attending: UC Berkeley Saratoga High School Hometown: Saratoga, CA

GLA instilled in me a passion for international relations because it gave me the unique opportunity to look beyond words, photographs, and statistics and truly experience firsthand the workings of another culture. The community service and immersion into the village really pushed me to embrace the Spanish language and mold a global leader out of me. In college, I’m majoring in International Relations and Economics and hope to pursue a career in international corporate law.

On Helping Me Appreciate What I Have Valerie L. Walnut High School Hometown: Yorba Linda, CA

I learned to appreciate the things I once took for granted. GLA opened my eyes as to what really matters. Seeing the poverty-stricken families struck a chord in me because they worry about problems that don’t even come up in the minds of American teenagers. The question of how am I going to feed my children or where am I going to sleep tonight is always asked by families in Asia which is why I came to realize many of my problems are insignificant compared to those of these families.

On Improving the Lives of Those Less Fortunate Kevin and Sara V. Ocean City High School Hometown: Ocean City, NJ GLA Repeat Alumni

Each summer that we did GLA, our experiences were some of the most memorable times in our lives. Guatemala, the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica were all awesome. We did not know anyone else going into the programs, but we ended up making so many great friendships. The trips themselves are great, but it is so gratifying to be able to give back to countries in need throughout all of our volunteer work.

On Influencing College Applications Shaomin C. Currently Attending: Harvard University Choate Rosemary Hall High School Hometown: Singapore

What GLA did for me is show me the world in its most raw form and at the very same time, give me hope that I might play a role in giving these communities a brighter future. In the face of despair, I saw the smiles of children. It showed me poverty at a level that was very extreme and I had not seen that before. My reflections on what I experienced and learnt during GLA played a key part in two of my college essays and I talked about it extensively in the interviews.

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the GLA difference the service


adventure ™





point safety system ™

& transformation Leadership is at the core of every GLA program. We empower students to discover what they are passionate about and teach them how to begin affecting change within themselves, their communities, and the world. Through group discussion, meaningful service, workshops, speakers and excursions, GLA students work with skillful mentors and local partners to tackle tough questions: Where do we fit in? How do we connect our knowledge and talents to those in need? How do we create and motivate change, both at home and abroad? Students learn to demonstrate a thoughtful global perspective and be open-minded to differing opinions. They become inspired to transform the world. Our adventure is change, and it begins with us.



expert staff Language



parent support Flagship


home base lodging

and this is how we do it 6





learning™ adventure

GLA crafts life-changing Service Learning Adventures. Each adventure is unique and purposeful, preparing students from across the world to be extraordinary leaders both abroad and in their home communities. We empower our students through a dynamic, integrated experience that combines three key components: Community Service, Hands-On Learning, and Adventure. These components remain at the core of every program, because we’ve seen them transform students year after year.

Hands-On Learning

Community Service It is at the heart of each of our programs. Side by side with our local partners, our students extend a hand and learn about the impact of their service. Remote issues and concepts become people with faces, names, and needs. Some walls are torn down while others are rebuilt again, together, as classrooms and community projects. GLA students develop deep and lasting bonds with our partners and leave behind real, positive change.

the GLA difference

The world is our classroom, and our students are also our best teachers. We learn as a community, through immersion and exchange, as we come to know others’ arts, cultures, and histories in ways that no textbook alone could ever convey. We also learn about ourselves and our roles in the world, discovering new passions and leadership skills. GLA students emerge as bold actors for change, building sustainable communities across borders. They also emerge with a deeper understanding of today’s global challenges such as healthcare, economic and political issues, children’s rights, animal protection, the environment, indigenous and women’s rights, and poverty, among many others.

Adventure That’s the “A” in G-L-A, and no GLA program would be complete without it! Each host community boasts its own historical and cultural treasures, which are exceptional opportunities for you to learn, grow and challenge yourself in ways that you might never expect. Imagine exploring the ruins of Machu Picchu in Peru, ziplining through the pristine rainforests of Costa Rica, photographing lions and zebras on a safari in Tanzania, or just trying a new food and making a new friend a world away. Which adventure is up to you.

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safety system ™ Safety is our #1 priority. That’s why GLA has implemented the GLA Five-Point Safety System ™ to help ensure students’ safety and health and your peace of mind:

Safe and Secure Lodging the GLA difference

Each program has a GLA Home Base, a place for GLA students. It’s their home away from home – to relax, enjoy meals with GLA staff and other volunteers, and reflect. Students room together in gender-segregated group lodging.

Caring Supervision GLA policy is for no student to ever be by themselves at any point in time. Students should be either with staff members, in groups, or assigned to a buddy. Our student-staff ratio is 6:1.

Healthy Meals and Pure Water Meals are prepared fresh daily, with a healthy mix of fruits, vegetables, meat, dairy, and bread. Students may sample local cuisine, but Western-style and vegetarian options are also available. Students also have access to unlimited safe drinking water.

Expert Local Knowledge


Our in-country staff members have intimate knowledge of the host community. They have established relationships with medical professionals in the area, as well as local organizations where students do community service.

Safe and Comfortable Transportation Students are transported in GLA-approved vehicles by experienced, licensed drivers. At time of arrival, GLA staff will be at the airport to meet and greet students. If the plane is delayed, they will wait until students arrive. At airport drop-off, GLA staff will help direct students on how to check in and find their flight.


expert staff In the GLA experience, bright students connect with accomplished mentors. This is because our staff are not chaperones; they’re experts. By design, each GLA program is co-managed by both a local and international director. The combination is key: each local director has intimate knowledge of the host community and culture; each international director comes from the U.S. or U.K. and has in-depth professional experience working with youth. All of our staff hold college degrees – most with graduate degrees. Many also return year after year to work with GLA. Explore some of our expert staffs’ backgrounds below:



More of our staff bios can be found on page 58 and 59.

Orlando Arizandieta

Esther Simba

Dave Addison

Ryan Feinstein






Annabel holds a BA in International History and MS in Human Rights from the London School of Economics. She has taught in the UK, the US and East Africa, and was most recently the Director of Global Studies and Community Partnerships at the American School in London. Her passion for human rights education led her to join GLA. She has directed GLA programs in India and Tanzania.

Orlando studied Business Administration and is trilingual in Spanish, English, and Norwegian. In addition to having over a decade of experience facilitating service-learning programs for youth, Orlando has also worked for the Guatemalan government and with high school students and Returned Peace Corps Volunteers. He has worked to eradicate poverty, produce green energy, and promote multiculturalism and ethnic diversity. He finds sharing his culture and language with GLA students very rewarding.

Country Director for GLA programs in Tanzania, Esther has a wealth of experience in education and volunteer programming. She has taught primary school and secondary school, trained teachers at multiple teacher training colleges, consulted for the US Peace Corps, and was the founding Country Director for Cross-Cultural Solutions Tanzania. She also co-facilitates international women’s empowerment workshops. Through the development of her own organization, Experience Tanzania, Esther has partnered with local and international organizations working to be the change.

Dave holds a BA from the University of the State of New York in International Relations and a PhD in Global Sustainability. Prior to working with GLA, Dave was a US Navy Seal and a financial analyst on Wall Street. Having raised three children, he now lives in the Dominican Republic working on environmental sustainability and humanitarian projects with high school students and Returned Peace Corps Volunteers. Dave loves sharing his knowledge with students and inspiring them to build a healthy, habitable planet for future generations.

Ryan is the founder of the Global Youth in Action Programs and was Project Director for the third international “Awakening Global Action” gathering in Bali. He has helped design and host all three “Quest for Global Healing” conferences with more than 1200 people from around the world. When not in Bali, Ryan runs leadership development programs for young people. Most recently, he was in charge of leadership programs at the Jewish Community Center in La Jolla, CA. Ryan received his BA in International Studies from UC San Diego.

the GLA difference

Annabel Smith

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parent support


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At GLA, we are your tireless mission control. In other words, we’re with you every step of the way. We understand it can be challenging to leave your teen to the care of others, so we take equal care in providing superior support for every parent, before, during, and post-program:

Full Pre-Departure Support

Once you’ve registered for one of our programs, the GLA Team is at your disposal to provide full support for all your preparations:



the GLA difference

• Where and how to book a flight • Flight recommendations and suggested group itineraries so that students can travel with other students • Understanding the passport and visa application process, step-by-step • Full access to the online GLA Travel Portal – network with other parents and students on your program and have all pre-departure info at your fingertips

Sam H., Winnetka, IL “We are so thankful to find a program that is so safe as that was my biggest concern when she first thought of going. I would rate my experience with GLA a 10 out of 10! My daughter participated in the Ghana and Guatemala programs and loved both of them. She hopes to go to Galapagos next year! Thank you all so much for working so hard to provide such a great experience for the kids.”

In-Country Support and Updates

During the program, we are your direct link, 24 hours a day: • Offering a 24-hour Emergency Hotline • Requiring all students to call home upon arrival in the country • Making you aware of any emergencies, changes, or updates • Relaying urgent parental messages to students and student messages to parents, via in-country staff • Providing evacuation and secondary medical insurance for all students • Linking you to periodically-updated student blogs, with pictures and accounts of students’ experiences, so parents can share in the journey (available for most programs)

Post-Program Follow-Up

After the program, our staff follows up with every parent to: • Get your feedback on the program • Get your feedback on the level of parent support • Ensure we’ve provided the best possible service to you and your family


Ruth C., Los Angeles, CA “Once Christine was set to go, I started feeling a little insecure. I contacted GLA by email, and received an immediate and detailed response, alleviating my concerns. I was especially happy to be able to follow along with the trip events on the GLA blog, enabling me to have a visual of how happy my daughter appeared... and she was truly, truly happy. When Christine came home and shared some of her experiences and stories with me, I had a question for GLA administration. My concerns were dealt with in a professional and courteous manner. I feel that GLA has a great deal of integrity in dealing with families. The concern for student’s well-being was consistent from pre-departure right through to the safe return home, and the weeks that followed.”

Program Types Throughout the catalog, you’ll notice certain programs are marked “Flagship” or “Language”. Students have given these programs the highest ratings, and this is why:

home base






the GLA difference

Our 21-day Flagship programs provide the ideal amount of time to satisfy every dimension of the GLA experience. Although many of the same objectives can be achieved on shorter programs, students and parents report that three weeks is the optimal time to develop lifelong friendships with local people and fellow students, to make a greater impact on the community, to fully immerse themselves in a culture, and to explore different facets of the host country.

The GLA Home Base is one of many features that sets us apart from the rest. It is each GLA student’s homeaway-from-home. Home Base is a space reserved for GLA students and staff, providing safety and security within a controlled, supervised environment. Whether it’s a spacious house, a floor of a building, or a hostel we’ve taken over, the GLA Home Base is where students can relax, unwind, share stories, and build lifelong friendships. Here students experience a group-living dynamic, creating a sense of community, support and reflection throughout their experience. Many GLA students find that it also helps prepare them for the experience of living at college.


Interact on a deeper level, and take your language skills to the next level. Designed for high school students, our GLA Experiential Language Curriculum ™ seamlessly integrates language into many aspects of the program, including community service and cultural activities. Our teachers use classroom time to prepare students to speak the language as they interact with local people. We currently offer Language programs in Spanish in Peru, Costa Rica, and Guatemala.

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Children of Africa


ΩΩ Volunteer at a village primary school Ω Confront history at a slave fort Ω Absorb social issues facing women and children Ω Hike to the tallest waterfall in West Africa Ω Learn traditional African dance and percussion


Its villages will charm you, its scenery amaze you, and its children welcome you. Ghana is often called the heart and soul of West Africa because of its welcoming, passionate, and peaceful people. It is a particularly important place, because it is to where many African-Americans can trace their roots. Besides volunteering to help local children, you will immerse yourself in the vibrant African culture, visit a historic slave fort, and hike through lush tropical forests and large natural reserves home to monkeys and hundreds of species of birds and butterflies.

Community Service Service is an integral part of this program. You will volunteer in orphanages and schools working with Ghanaian children. Many children do not have access to education, and there is a lack of adequate facilities, books and qualified teachers. You may find yourself teaching a group of kids in a classroom with no electricity or even under a tree with only a chalkboard and your own skills to share. Other service activities include making bricks that will be used in the construction of classrooms or engaging a group of youth in a soccer tournament.

Hands-On Learning 21-DAY FLAGSHIP PROGRAM June 21 – July 11 July 14 – August 3 Tuition: $4,499 Service hours: 60 14-DAY PROGRAM August 6 – August 19 Tuition: $3,199 Service hours: 40

Through a variety of cultural activities, you will become immersed in this rich African culture. We’ll participate in workshops such as cloth dying, drumming, and Ewe language crash courses. Additionally, we will meet with inspirational grassroots leaders to learn how they are addressing the pressing issues facing Ghanaian women and children today.


You will have the unique opportunity to meet with local tribe members and chiefs to engage in a deep analysis of traditional religion, the social construction of gender, the tribal system of chiefs, as well as the distinctive history of Ghana. Originally one of the hubs of the Atlantic slave trade, today Ghana has become a peaceful, democratic state.

The Home Base is in southeast Ghana, approximately 3.5 hours from Accra, the capital city. It is located along the coast, in a rural village setting. Accommodations are basic, but clean and safe. There are shared bathrooms and cold-water showers. All students sleep in gendersegregated rooms with roommates.


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Experience and learn about life in a fishing village by traveling to a local island via canoe. TANZANIA Heart & Soul of Africa, P. 18, 6/21-8/1, 7/14-8/17 Start to understand how traditional religion can impact the everyday lives of people in this community. Explore outdoor markets with unique fruits and vegetables, beautiful cloth, and handmade crafts. Connect with history at the Keta Slave Fort, one of 45 slave forts built by the Europeans along the West African coast during the 1500’s. On the 21-day Flagship program, spend a weekend travelling deep into the Volta Region where we’ll hike to one of the tallest waterfalls in West Africa and visit a monkey sanctuary. Download program schedule at + 1 858 771 0645 www.experienceGLA.com experienceGLA.com/info



Building Healthy Villages

ΩΩGain exposure to modern and traditional medicine in Africa Ω Examine public health issues facing the community 16Ω Improve local health and living conditions through volunteer initiatives Ω Confront history at a 16th century slave fort Ω Journey down the Volta River Ω Explore African dance and percussion Ω Live just steps away from the beach


Apply your interests in health and humanitarianism on a life-changing African adventure. Though hard to fathom, four-fifths of Africa’s population still lives on less than $1 a day. Improving health conditions is central to the solution to persistent poverty. This program is an unparalleled primer for those interested in the medical / public health fields. It will expose you to the unique spectrum of medicine in the developing world as well as the rich textures of African culture and landscape. You will visit hospitals, clinics and traditional healers. In addition to volunteering, you will visit a slave fort, travel down the Volta River, and discover African dance, music and visual arts.

Community Service This is a rare opportunity to affect the health of a rural community. One widespread challenge facing African communities is a lack of toilets. This means many must resort to using the open beach or bush to meet a basic need, resulting in a host of health concerns. We will combat this problem by constructing eco compost toilets for families. As well as helping to improve local health conditions, the compost toilets will generate high quality fertilizer to enhance crop yields.

Hands-On Learning

14-DAY PROGRAM June 18 – July 1 July 4 – July 17 Tuition: $3,199 Service hours: 40

You’ll have the opportunity to learn about public health not only through your service work in the villages, but also through conversations with local chiefs, assemblymen, and grassroots leaders. We’ll visit local hospitals and clinics as well as traditional healers. Additionally, this program will immerse you in this rich African culture. We’ll participate in workshops such as drumming, Ewe language lessons, and coconut tree climbing.

Adventure You’ll live steps away from the beach, where most mornings you’ll wake up to the sights and sounds of fishermen. In the evening, you can even join them pulling in the nets! You’ll connect with history at the Keta Slave Fort, one of the 45 slave forts built along the West African Coast during the 1500’s. You’ll explore outdoor markets and discover fruits, vegetables, clothes, and handmade crafts found nowhere else on Earth. You’ll sing and drum as you cruise down the Volta River to the sea, experience the mangroves, and celebrate your accomplishments with a bonfire on the beach.

Lodging The GLA Home Base is a cluster of simple beachfront chalets located near a fishing village on the southern coast of Ghana. It is approximately 2.5 hours from Accra, the capital city. Accommodations are basic, but clean and safe. Students will be staying in gender segregated rooms with roommates. Each room has a fan. Students will be using shared bathrooms with cold water showers. In the afternoons, you can cool down after a day of work in a large salt water lagoon in front of the Home Base. This GLA Home Base exclusively houses our students and staff.

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Heart & Soul of Africa


ΩΩVolunteer at a village primary school Ω Learn basic phrases in Swahili Ω See zebras, elephants, lions, rhinos and more on an authentic African safari Ω Hike to a waterfall on the side of Mount Kilimanjaro Ω Spend a weekend among the Maasai to learn about their culture Ω Learn African dance, percussion, bead making and even how to throw a spear


Explore the myth and magic of the real Africa. Go beyond the movies and discover the real Africa: welcoming people, zebras, giraffes, lions, percussion, Maasai warriors and the astounding Mount Kilimanjaro. Work side-by-side with local leaders in orphanages and village schools. During the weekends, experience a real African wildlife safari and live among the Maasai people and learn first-hand about their unique culture.

Community Service You will work at the local village schools and orphanages fixing up facilities by painting and building playgrounds and classrooms for the children. In addition, we will teach English and math by playing educational games as well as engage local kids in sports.

Hands-On Learning

21-DAY FLAGSHIP PROGRAM June 19 – July 9 July 6 – July 26 July 12 – August 1 July 29 – August 18 Tuition: $4,599 Service hours: 45 14-DAY PROGRAM June 20 – July 3 August 4 – August 17 Tuition: $3,199 Service hours: 30

You will learn about Tanzania’s rich culture. Specifically, you will experience the traditions of the Chagga people who live around Mount Kilimanjaro, including visits to their coffee farms and banana plantations. You will also learn about and meet members of the Maasai nomadic tribes who follow their livestock and do not adhere to national borders. Although English is widely spoken, you will also learn to speak some Swahili. You will hear from guest speakers about social issues facing the community, such as the HIV/AIDS epidemic and the history of East Africa and even participate in art workshops such as batik and bead making.



In addition to spending a day hiking around the base of Mount Kilimanjaro to a stunning waterfall, you will also visit some of the world’s most spectacular safari parks. During the first weekend you will visit two of the world’s most famous wildlife reserves: Ngorongoro Crater and Tarangire National Park. During the weekend safari, you will have the opportunity to get up close to zebras, lions, leopards, elephants, wildebeest, rhinos, and many other species in their natural habitat. For those on our 21-day Flagship Program, the second weekend will take us to a Maasai village where we’ll live in a traditional community and learn about their unique nomadic culture. Here, we’ll learn to throw spears, make bead jewelry and identify medicinal plants in the wild.

GLA has two Home Bases; both are located 45 minutes from Kilimanjaro airport. They are both typical walled African compounds located in villages outside of Arusha and Moshi. Each room has bunk beds and a private bathroom with western toilets.

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Children of Africa, P. 14, 6/21-8/1 • 7/14-8/17 Building Health Villages, P. 16, 6/20-7/17

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Empowering Island Communities


ΩTeach Ω English in local public schools Ω Dine at the palace of the Prince of Ubud Ω Learn firsthand about the challenges of leadership Ω Discover hidden treasures as you snorkel over a shipwreck off the island’s east coast Ω Explore sacred temples and participate in ancient Balinese ceremonies Ω Tackle the rush of the Ayung River on a white water raft

Inspire local children in one of the most enchanting corners of the Earth.


Journey to the Indonesian island of Bali this summer and plant powerful seeds of opportunity for the next generation. Bali, also known as the Island of the Gods, is one of the most peaceful, scenic destinations on earth. Despite its famed fusion of spirituality and ecology, there are educational gaps waiting to be filled. You’ll volunteer in a local school, teaching English and inspiring children in the community. In the afternoons, you might bathe in the waters of a sacred hot spring, hike to a waterfall, or hop on a spider boat to catch the sunset over the mountains. Your weekends will be packed with excursions such as white-water rafting and snorkeling over a shipwreck! Engage cutting edge non-profit organizations, influence local students, journey off the beaten path, and relish a warm and vibrant local culture.

Community Service Step into the shoes of an English teacher in a public elementary school minutes away from the beach on the northern coast of Bali. Creating meaningful relationships with your students as you teach them crucial language skills will give you memories to last a lifetime. Community service will be your opportunity to interact with the local people and get a closer look at the culture and daily life of the Balinese.

Hands-On Learning

21-DAY FLAGSHIP PROGRAM July 3 – July 23 July 26 – August 15 Tuition: $4,499 Service Hours: 60

In Bali, amid the spectacular views, green rice paddies, and holy temples, you will be immersed in the culture of sustainable communal living. You will learn about the intersection of traditional spirituality and the modern world, and take lessons from how the Balinese express their harmonious balance through the arts. You will attend hands-on workshops to learn the Balinese Gamelan drum and Legong dance, participate in a dialogue with the Prince of Ubud about current issues facing this community, and play traditional games with local high schoolers your own age. Every aspect of the program is designed to put you on the ground in Bali, outside of the tourist areas and into the streets, to uncover your potential to create life-changing experiences by deeply engaging with the host culture.

Adventure Every day is an adventure in Bali, and you’ll spend the weekends and afternoons exploring the island and all its breathtaking sites. You’ll surely understand why the Balinese culture is based on living harmoniously with the natural world when you white-water raft through its luscious rice paddies, visit remote temple sites, snorkel through the coral reef, and take a surfboard out and ride shoulder to shoulder with some of the world’s best surfers in the waters of southern Bali.

Lodging Your home in Bali will be Lovina, a quiet coastal town on the Balinese coast. Seven traditional villages merge to form Lovina, and the coast is fringed by black sand beaches. This fascinating village has all the comforts of home, but has the distinct essence that draws people from all over the world to witness its serenity, beauty, and power.

Link this program to » THAILAND Cultural Kaleidoscope, P. 24, 6/20-7/23 • 7/6-8/15

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Cultural Kaleidoscope™


ΩVolunteer Ω at an orphanage Ω Experience Thai food, arts, & music Ω Bathe elephants in a river and take them for a ride through the jungle Ω Go on a night safari and see zebras and other exotic animals Ω Zip-line through the rainforest Ω Visit Doi Inthaon, Thailand’s tallest mountain Ω Trek to visit distant hill tribes

Find yourself in a potpourri of saffron robes, green mountains, golden temples, & technicolor markets. Journey to enchanting Thailand – a kingdom rich in culture, arts & tradition. In this program, we’ll volunteer at a local orphanage and also trek to visit hill tribe communities. We’ll also bathe elephants and learn about their lives at a local conservation camp.


In our off-time, we’ll go bicycling and kayaking in the mountains, zip-line through the lush rainforest, and even get a Thai massage. We’ll learn how to cook Thai food and explore the night markets and famous temples of Chiang Mai.

Community Service Service is an integral part of the program. You will volunteer at an orphanage helping children who have been abandoned or whose parents have died. Volunteer work ranges from building new facilities to teaching English and playing soccer. We’ll also work at a home for single mothers that have been exiled from their homes and communities.

Hands-On Learning We’ll experience the diversity of Thai culture. You’ll have the opportunity to converse with grassroots NGOs, get an authentic Thai massage, visit the morning market to gather fresh ingredients for a Thai cooking class, learn Muay Thai boxing, and hear about Buddhism’s influence on Thai culture and society. Chiang Mai, where we will be based, is a hot spot for groundbreaking NGO activity. Finally, work at an elephant conservation camp and gain hands-on experience bathing, training, and caring for elephants. 21-DAY FLAGSHIP PROGRAM July 6 – July 26 July 29 – August 18 Tuition: $4,499 Service hours: 64 14-DAY PROGRAM June 20 – July 3 Tuition: $3,199 Service hours: 48

Adventure This program is filled with adventure, as Thailand is complete with not just culture but also beautiful landscapes. We’ll go bicycling and kayaking in the mountains, zip line through lush vegetation, ride a bamboo raft, and shop for handicrafts at the Chiang Mai night bazaar. Student participating in the 21-Day Flagship Program will visit Sukhothai, the ancient capital of Thailand and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Along the way, we’ll stop at Lampang to see a famous temple and ceramics factory and take a horse and carriage ride around the city. Students on this program will also go trekking through the jungle.

Lodging The GLA Home Base is a small resort on the outskirts of Chiang Mai. The resort contains a swimming pool and a cluster of chalets on the banks of the Mae Ping River.

Link this program to » BALI Empowering Island Communities, P. 22, 6/20-7/23 • 7/6-8/15

INDIA Service in the Himalayas, P. 26, 6/20 -7/23 • 7/6-8/15

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Service in the Himalayas


ΩWork Ω in rural day care centers and organize a summer camp for children Ω Gaze in wonder at the Taj Mahal Ω Tackle issues of sustainability in a remote community Ω Meet cutting-edge non-profit organizations Ω Hike the snow-capped Himalayan mountains Ω Reflect in the temple of the Dalai Lama Ω Hear from leaders of the Tibetan refugee community

Discover a great civilization from majestic Himalayan peaks to the Taj Mahal. INDIA

Full of life, energy, color, and fragrances, India is an extremely diverse country. It is filled with vast differences in geography, climate, culture, language, and ethnicity. You will be immersed in local community life in the small township of Dharamsala, in the majestic Himalayan region. In addition to working in day care centers and running a summer camp, you will experience both traditional Himalayan culture and that of the Tibetan exile community. You’ll learn about prominent issues regarding environmental sustainability. Of course, the journey would not be complete without a visit to the Taj Majal, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Community Service We’ll juggle rewarding projects during the program that will give us a glimpse into the lives of the region’s people. Helping to run a summer camp for Himalayan children, ranging from 4 to 15 years of age, we’ll develop arts and crafts projects, sports games, and informal educational activities. We’ll also work in day care centers where the teachers and staff run their establishments with minimal resources.

Hands-On Learning

21-DAY FLAGSHIP PROGRAM July 3 – July 23 July 26 – August 15 Tuition: $4,499 Service hours: 50

We’ll learn about the diversity of Indian culture, pressing social issues and about India’s role on the global stage. You will have the opportunity to converse with grassroots leaders, environmental activists, and local political figures. While you’re spending time in a Tibetan refugee town, you’ll learn about Tibetan Buddhism, arts, and music. You’ll also taste the flavors of Indian and Tibetan cuisine and even learn to cook some meals.

Adventure The journey begins and ends in Delhi. We’ll travel south to the Taj Mahal, one of the great architectural marvels of the world. A private air-conditioned taxi will take us to Dharamsala, in the Indian Himalayas, one of the most visually stunning regions on earth. During one weekend, we’ll hike out to a rural village where we’ll camp out and live among the semi-nomadic Gaddi people and learn about their culture. We’ll spend the other weekend exploring Dharamsala and significant places related to Tibetan Buddhism.

Lodging In Dharamsala, the GLA Home Base is a large house in a residential part of the town where our staff and students will live together in shared rooms and enjoy home-cooked meals. In Delhi, we’ll stay at a hotel. Outside Agra, we’ll spend a night at a royal palace converted into a hotel.

Link this program to » THAILAND Cultural Kaleidoscope, P. 24, 6/20-7/23 • 7/6-8/15

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Preserving Nature’s Wonders ™

ΩVolunteer Ω to restore the habitat of native Galapagos wildlife ΩLive in a world where animals have no fear of humans Ω Snorkel with sea lions 30 and multi-colored exotic fish Ω Straddle the northern and southern hemispheres at the actual Equator line Ω Kayak around untouched islands and see animals up close Ω Wander the cobblestone streets of colonial Quito

Live alongside exotic marine life in one of the last untouched places on earth. The Galapagos Islands, located off the coast of Ecuador, are so unique that UNESCO has designated them a World Heritage Site. These 19 islands have been called a “living museum” and “showcase of evolution.” While the archipelago has been the center of attention from conservationists around the world, it is under constant pressure from environmental threats. Come and experience one of the most pristine natural environments where conservationists are working to protect this unique ecosystem. Besides volunteering, you will also have the opportunity to hike lava fields, snorkel with seals and explore islands, volcanoes and reefs.

Community Service Of the nine days you spend on the Galapagos Islands, six of those days will consist of community service. The other three days will focus on exploring the islands and learning about the biology and geology of the Galapagos archipelago. The native wildlife of the islands is in danger because the animals’ natural habitat is under attack by invasive plants, litter, and foreign species. Students work to restore the natural habitat of the animals so that they can reproduce and grow. Our projects are in partnership with tortoise breeding centers on the islands of San Cristobal and Isabela. In all programs, students will have the unique opportunity to work on service projects on these two distinct islands.


14-DAY PROGRAM June 16 – June 29 July 2 – July 15 July 19 – August 1 August 4 – August 17 Tuition: $3,499 + $500 flight supplement* Service hours: 24 * The $500 domestic flight supplement covers roundtrip airfare from Quito to the Galapagos Islands and includes $110 of taxes, fees and permits paid upon arrival at the Galapagos airport.

Throughout the program, you will be in a “living classroom.” We will learn about issues related to the challenges of balancing the needs of humans with the imperative for biological protection and preservation. You will also witness firsthand the diversity of species that led Darwin to formulate his thinking on natural selection and adaptation. The entire journey will shed light into the history of these islands, human interaction and habitation, and the struggle to conserve the wildlife and fauna of this area.

Adventure This journey through the Galapagos Islands will prove to be the experience of a lifetime. This is not simply because of the rich and varied diversity of animals that you will see or their staggering numbers, but also because of their sublime indifference to you while observing them. Swim with sea lions. Blue-footed boobies perch on rocks. The skies are filled with wheeling, courting, red-throated frigate birds. The lava rocks are piled high with motionless marine iguanas. A mind-boggling array of creatures lives in a paradise of crystal blue waters, white beaches and cool mangrove stands. Students will hike up to a volcano and explore the second largest crater in the entire world. We will swim through lagoons, snorkel through reefs and see wildlife that you have until now only read about.


Hands-On Learning

At the start and end of our journey, we will stay at a local hotel in Quito. In the Galapagos, we’ll spend the first four nights on Isabela Island and the next four nights on San Cristobal Island. We’ll have two Home Bases, one on each of the two islands. Each is a small hotel run out of the home of a local family. Students will share a room with two to four other students. Each room has a private bathroom. Students will eat meals with the local families. The families will share their home, culture, and personal experiences of living on the islands with us.

Link this program to » COSTA RICA Protecting the Pacific, P. 42, 6/19-7/15 • 7/6-8/1 • 7/22-8/17 Beachside Service Adventure, P. 44, 7/9-8/1 Sports Service Adventure, P. 46, 7/9-8/1 Spanish Service Adventure, P. 38, 7/19-8/21 • 7/19-8/14

PERU Service in the Sacred Valley, P. 32, 6/19-7/15

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+ 1 858 771 0645 31 www.experienceGLA.com


Service in the Sacred Valley


ΩVolunteer Ω to improve the health and education of children Ω Bike through the Sacred Valley Ω Visit key archaeological sites of the Inca Empire ΩHands-on workshops on Andean music and dance Ω Whitewater rafting through the Andes mountains Ω Be dazzled by the colors of the indigenous craft markets Ω Visit the lost city of Machu Picchu

The ancient Inca Empire is yours to discover while making a difference in the lives of families. Discover Cusco, the heart of the ancient Inca Empire, a 5,000 year old civilization shrouded in mystery and tradition. Volunteer with non-profit organizations that work to improve the health and well-being of indigenous children. On the weekends, explore the Sacred Valley by bike, raft and even hike to the lost city of Machu Picchu.

Community Service Our community service projects focus on improving public health for women and children. At one site, we work on a project to build clean-burning stoves to improve the respiratory health of women and children. We also build greenhouses so rural families can plant vegetable gardens to combat malnutrition in children as well as traditional medicinal plants. At the other site, we volunteer at a village school, helping to build and re-paint classrooms.

Hands-On Learning

14-DAY PROGRAM June 19 – July 2 Tuition: $3,199 Service hours: 33

Adventure The Sacred Valley surrounding Cusco is full of archaeological marvels built by the Inca Empire. We’ll visit many of these famous sites and even visit the lost city of Machu Picchu. On our 21-Day Flagship program, you’ll also spend a weekend delving deep into the Sacred Valley by visiting ancient ruins on bicycles, camping in the hills and whitewater rafting down rivers winding through the Andes Mountains. We’ll also visit Pisac, one of Peru’s largest artisanal markets.


21-DAY FLAGSHIP PROGRAM July 5 – July 25 July 28 – August 17 Tuition: $4,499 Service hours: 51

The Quechua people of the Peruvian Andes are the direct descendents of the Inca Empire. We will learn first hand about their unique and rich culture through Andean music and dance workshops, a Quechua language crash course, talks on Andean cosmology and meetings with traditional healers. Informally, you’ll experience the local culture through soccer games with local youth, meetings with farmer communities and engaging discussions with non-profit organizations.

Lodging The GLA Home Base, which also hosts the Spanish Service Adventure program, is located in a beautiful hotel. There are two students per room. Our cooks will prepare Peruvian cuisine. On the 21-Day Flagship Program, we will camp in tents provided by GLA during one weekend.

Link this program to » GALAPAGOS Preserving Nature’s Wonders, P. 30, 6/19-7/15

COSTA RICA Nature’s Kaleidoscope, P. 40, 6/19-7/15

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Building a Sustainable World, P. 48, 7/5-8/14 Beachside Service Adventure, P. 50, 7/18-8/17

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+ 1 858 771 0645 33 www.experienceGLA.com


Spanish Service Adventure


ΩΩTake your Spanish to the next level Ω Volunteer to improve the health and education of Peruvian children Ω Visit key archaeological sites of the Inca Empire Ω Whitewater raft through the Andes mountains Ω Shop and barter at the local indigenous craft market Ω Visit the lost city of Machu Picchu

Where ancient civilization and vibrant modern culture combine, your language skills will soar. Catapult your Spanish skills to the next level while discovering Cusco, the cultural heart of the Inca Empire. Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of ancient flutes, colorful clothes and cobblestone streets. Volunteer to improve the health and wellbeing of indigenous children. On the weekends, explore the Sacred Valley and hike to the lost city of Machu Picchu. The GLA Experiential Language Curriculum™ integrates Spanish language learning into all aspects of the experience, allowing students to take away more of the culture, and also leave more behind. From community service to excursions and cultural events, language is given a new context. Spanish class will never be the same.

Community Service Our community service projects focus on improving public health for women and children. At one site, we work to build clean-burning stoves to improve the respiratory health of women and children. We also build greenhouses so rural families can plant vegetable gardens to combat malnutrition in children as well as traditional medicinal plants. At the other site, we volunteer at a village school, helping to build and re-paint classrooms.

21-DAY LANGUAGE PROGRAM June 17 – July 7 July 10 – July 30 Tuition: $4,599 Service hours: 50

The ultimate language learning happens when you can practice that language with native speakers in everyday conversation. We use a unique immersion curriculum that combines classroom time with spoken Spanish in the community – during service, cultural activities and excursions. No prior knowledge of Spanish is required; you’ll be placed according to your ability. You will receive about 45 hours of Spanish immersion over the three weeks. The Quechua people of the Peruvian Andes are the direct descendants of the Inca Empire. We will learn firsthand about their culture through Andean music and dance workshops, talks on Andean cosmology, and meetings with traditional healers. You’ll experience the local culture through soccer games with local youth, meetings with farming communities, and engaging discussions with non-profit organizations.

Adventure The Sacred Valley surrounding Cusco is full of archaeological marvels built by the Inca Empire. We’ll visit many of these famous sites, including the lost city of Machu Picchu. You’ll spend a weekend delving deep into the Sacred Valley by visiting ancient ruins by bicycle, camping in the hills and whitewater rafting through the Andes. We’ll also visit Pisac, one of Peru’s largest artisanal markets.


Hands-On Learning Lodging This GLA Home Base also hosts the Service in the Sacred Valley program. It is located high up in the quaint mountain town of Cusco (elevation: 10,850 feet, 3.3 KM) in a beautiful hotel run by a Peruvian family. There are two students per room, with a private bathroom for each bedroom. There is wi-fi internet access and students may purchase calling cards to call home. Our local cooks will prepare authentic Peruvian cuisine, which is among the most diverse and delicious in the world. On this program we will camp in tents provided by GLA during one weekend.

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+ 1 858 771 0645 37 www.experienceGLA.com


Spanish Service Adventure


ΩΩVolunteer at a village school Ω Learn Spanish while serving a community Ω Camp on the beach and learn to surf Ω Ride down roaring rivers on inner tubes Ω Zip line through the rain forest Ω Hike the base of a volcano

On this adventure, you’ll learn all of the important Spanish words for: climb, zip, hike, swim, serve! This is the best way to learn Spanish – in a fun and meaningful way! Costa Rica is home to some of the world’s most beautiful beaches, mountains and forests and warm and friendly people. Catapult your Spanish skills to the next level while volunteering at rural schools, studying the language, and enjoying the breathtaking biodiversity of Costa Rica. In our free time, hike to waterfalls, try your hand at surfing, snorkel through crystal blue waters and coral reefs and relax on pristine sand beaches.

Community Service You will volunteer at a high school serving students coming from the surrounding communities. Through an exchange, you’ll help students improve their English as they help you improve your Spanish. This is a valuable service as students are preparing for exams and many will need to speak English for future careers. In addition, we will assist in projects to improve the school’s infrastructure, such as building a library or an outdoor basketball court. On days when classes are not in session, we may also develop activities for an informal summer camp for kids.

Hands-On Learning

14-DAY LANGUAGE PROGRAM August 1 – August 14 Tuition: $3,199 Service hours: 30

Adventure We will explore a wide range of places in Costa Rica. We’ll visit a local coffee farm and learn about the production of organic coffee. During the weekends, we will do some excursions that will get your adrenaline pumping. You’ll zip line through the treetops of a rain forest, ride river rapids, spend a weekend at one of Costa Rica’s pristine beaches, and visit a volcano surrounded by nature.

Lodging The GLA Home Base is a small hotel located across the street from a beach popular with the local people. The Home Base has a small pool and wi-fi. It is exclusively used by our staff and students.

Link this program to » COSTA RICA Protecting the Pacific: P. 42, 6/15-7/19

PERU Service in the Sacred Valley: P. 32, 6/15-7/25

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Beachside Service Adventure: P. 50, 6/15-7/15



21-DAY LANGUAGE PROGRAM June 15 – July 5 July 8 – July 28 August 1 – August 21 Tuition: $4,599 Service hours: 45

There’s no better way to learn Spanish than living in the country and practicing with native speakers, while being coached in the classroom by experienced teachers. Designed for high school students, our GLA Experiential Language Curriculum™ seamlessly integrates language into many aspects of the program, including community service and cultural activities. Our unique combination of classes and community service allows beginners to quickly learn the basics and gives advanced speakers the confidence to use their skills with native speakers. On the 21-day program, students will have 45 hours of language immersion. In addition to language, you’ll also learn about Costa Rican culture through workshops on dance, cooking, music and social issues.

Preserving Nature’s Wonders: P.30, 7/19-8/21 • 7/19-8/14

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+ 1 858 771 0645 39 www.experienceGLA.com


Nature’s Kaleidoscope ™

ΩΩExperience massive biodiversity Ω Zip-line through the forest Ω Hike along the base of a volcano Ω Live in an experimental forestry station Ω Volunteer in rural communities surrounded by rain forest Ω Learn to identify species of tropical flora and fauna 40 Ω Swim in a natural hot springs in the rainforest

Five unique ecosystems. One adventure. See it with your own eyes. Rain Forest. Cloud Forest. Coastal Beach. Mangroves. Dry Forest. Our nature lover’s program is based in the Guanacaste Conservation Area – one of the most unique places on earth, with so much biodiversity that UNESCO, a UN body, named it a World Heritage Site. The conservation area, located directly on top of the Continental Divide, is where the Atlantic and Pacific ecosystems collide to create a natural kaleidoscope unmatched anywhere else in the world. Besides living in two distinct ecosystems, we’ll also explore natural wonders through hiking, inner tubing, zip lining and horseback riding.

Community Service The first project is working with an experimental forestry project in the lowland dry forest that is trying to recover deforested land. In the mornings, we will build tree nurseries and plant trees to reforest the area. We’ll also clear trails through the forest to prevent degradation by hikers and other visitors. A couple of afternoons we’ll go out with biologists to collect species as part of a larger research project going on in the national park. During the second week when we move to the cloud forest, we will work in an impoverished community where we’ll volunteer working on environmental projects in the area.

Hands-On Learning 14-DAY PROGRAM June 16 – June 29 July 2 – July 15 July 18 – July 31 Tuition: $3,199 Service hours: 25

You will experience a range of distinct ecosystems and be able to compare and contrast each one. While living in the cloud forest, we’ll examine issues related to water, public health, and ecological conservation. Working first-hand in a watershed area is the perfect setting to discuss the global water crisis and its affect on impoverished communities. See first-hand the challenges locals face with regard to access to natural resources. Along the way, you’ll discover a whole new world of animals and plant life. See tropical birds swooping through the forest and exotic monkeys playing in the jungle treetops. If you look closely enough you may even spot a rare sloth.

In both locations, you’ll be living in rustic bunkhouses surrounded by nature. There are two bunk beds and a fan in each room. Bathrooms are not attached to the rooms and are shared by all students. Cold water showers and western style toilets are available. While both are very simple living conditions, the rain forest location has cooler temperatures.

Link this program to » COSTA RICA

You’ll engage in just about every outdoor activity imaginable! The huge range of ecosystems concentrated in a relatively small geographic area provides a vast array of exciting outdoor adventures. We’ll explore the forests by hiking and zip lining. You’ll also hike along the base of an active volcano, relax on a remote beach, ride inner tubes down a roaring jungle river, bathe underneath a waterfall and ride horses through the forest.

Protecting the Pacific, P. 42, 6/19-7/15 Beachside Service Adventure, P. 44, 7/9-7/31 Sports Service Adventure, P. 46, 7/9-7/31

PERU Service in the Sacred Valley, P. 32, 6/19-7/15

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+ 1 858 771 0645 41 www.experienceGLA.com


Protecting the Pacific

ΩΩVolunteer alongside local community members to preserve and protect the Pacific Ω Learn to surf in Costa Rica’s first Marine National Park Ω Cruise through pristine waters, scouting for dolphins, whales, turtles, and tropical fish 42 Ω Hike through lush rainforest Ω Snorkel along the reef of an island biological reserve Ω Zip line through the forest

Turn your passion for Earth’s oceans into an experience you’ll never forget. Observe, explore, and protect one of Costa Rica’s pristine National Marine Parks. Here you’ll volunteer to preserve the park and the ocean as you discover what issues are critical to local coastal sustainable development. You’ll join a team to examine the primary challenges of marine conservation, from socioeconomic to ecological factors. You’ll have stimulating exchanges with grassroots leaders, environmentalists, and community members about local preservation initiatives. You’ll also set out to explore an abundance of coastal wildlife, with the possibility of seeing tropical fish, dolphins, whales, sea turtles, and other sea creatures. This program is tailor-made for those interested in marine conservation.

Community Service In coastal communities, greywater (waste water generated from activities such as laundry, dish washing, car washing, boat washing, etc.) often finds its way into the ocean, harming the ecosystem and the marine life. We’ll work to combat this problem by building biogardens. Our process is designed not only to filter the greywater, but also to provide the community with an aesthetically-pleasing environment. Additionally, we’ll support an ongoing community project that uses geospatial technology to locate waste problems in the community. Time-allowing, we’ll build recycling centers to help the community keep harmful trash from making its way into the ocean. These contributions you make to the marine ecosystem will help sustain its beauty and wildlife for years to come.

Hands-On Learning

The Home Base is a hotel close to the ocean. Students stay in gender-segregated rooms with fans and bathrooms with cold water showers. There is also a pool. Meals will be hearty and healthy, consisting of meats, beans, rice, vegetables and fruit.

Swim. Surf. Snorkel. Kayak. Hike. Zip line. Through a variety of activities, you’ll get to know this community and its deep connection to the rainforest and ocean. You’ll immerse yourself in the history of the marine park, connect with grassroots leaders working to implement best practices for sustainable marine tourism, and participate in workshops such as artisanal fishing. You’ll even learn about sustainable lodging and take a cooking class from the leaders who operate the GLA Home Base!

Link this program to » COSTA RICA

Adventure Adventure is an inescapable constant of the program. You’ll zip through treetops, swim in a waterfall pool, learn to surf, kayak through the mangroves, snorkel in waters teeming with tropical fish, corals, and sponges, and hike through the rainforests of Corcovado National Park, crowned by National Geographic as “the most biologically intense place on Earth in terms of biodiversity”.

Nature’s Kaleidoscope, P. 40, 6/19-7/15 Beachside Service Adventure, P. 44, 6/27-7/19 Spanish Service Adventure, P. 38, 6/15-7/19 Sports Service Adventure, P. 46, 6/27-7/19

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Beachside Service Adventure, P. 50, 7/30-8/21 Building a Sustainable World, P. 48, 6/19-7/22 • 7/2-8/4

GALAPAGOS Preserving Nature’s Wonders, P. 30, 6/19-7/15 • 7/6-8/1 • 7/22-8/17

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14-DAY PROGRAM June 19 – July 2 June 6 – July 19 July 22 – August 4 August 8 – August 21 Tuition: $3,199 Service hours: 30


+ 1 858 771 0645 43 www.experienceGLA.com


Beachside Service Adventure

Ω44 ΩLive in a coastal village at the edge of the beautiful Salinas Bay Ω Volunteer to work with local children Ω Ride inner tubes down a jungle river Ω Hike along the side of a volcano Ω Zip line through the forest

From the jungle to the classroom, experience all Costa Rica has to offer – and all you have to offer her. Its name captures the richness of its nature and its spirit, but words pale in comparison to the real thing. Join us on the shores of the Pacific where you’ll volunteer in underserved communities, helping with building projects, cleaning up beaches, and playing sports with local children. Living on our sprawling beachfront Home Base will also give you the chance to enjoy sports, swimming, games, and other activities with your new friends.

Community Service We’re living and working in an rural community where most people are farmers or fishermen. We’ll be working with the local community on a variety of projects depending on the need of the community. We may assist in projects to improve a school’s infrastructure (such as a building, playground or outdoor basketball court), provide after-school activities for children, or help the local Development Association and Women’s Group.

Hands-On Learning Living in an authentic community is a great way to learn about Costa Rican culture. You’ll spend the afternoon with a local family, learn to dance salsa and cumbia, taste exotic fruits, try your hand at cooking local cuisine, and learn about current social issues in Costa Rica. 10-DAY PROGRAM June 15 - June 24 June 27 – July 6 July 9 – July 18 July 21 – July 30 August 2 – August 11 Tuition: $1,999 Service hours: 20

Adventure Costa Rica offers many exciting excursions in a natural setting. We’ll zip line through a forest, ride horses through a jungle paradise, and ride inner tubes down a roaring river. You’ll also hike along the base of an active volcano and spend time on pristine beaches. Our location on a private beach resort allows us space for impromptu soccer and volleyball games as well as a variety of water sports.

Lodging The Home Base, which also hosts the Sports Service Adventure program, is a campus close to the beach in a rural community that most travelers never get to see. The campus has dorm rooms with three beds in each room and a private bathroom. There is an eating area with a beautiful thatched roof that looks out over the pool. To cool off, students can take a dip in the large swimming pool.

Link this program to » Protecting the Pacific, P. 42, 6/27 - 7/19 Nature’s Kaleidoscope, P. 40, 7/9 - 7/31

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Beachside Service Adventure, P. 50, 6/15-7/3 • 6/27-7/15 • 7/9-7/27 • 7/21-8/8 • 8/2-8/20

GALAPAGOS Preserving Nature’s Wonders, P. 30, 7/9 - 8/1

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Sports Service Adventure

ΩΩLead a youth soccer clinic and create memories for local kids Ω Live in a coastal village at the edge of the beautiful Salinas Bay Ω46 Ride inner tubes down a jungle river Ω Hike alongside a volcano Ω Practice your spike and serve in the sand ΩFind a new rhythm with Central American music, dance and tradition Ω Propel through a tropical forest on a zip line

Your sweat, your energy, your bravery and your mark belong here. As you know, playing a sport can boost your self-esteem, promote collaboration, and motivate you to succeed in other areas of life. Sports Service Adventure gives you an opportunity to connect with local children in an active, meaningful way and to impart some of these tools. The ocean will serve as your own backyard at our sprawling beachfront Home Base. Here you’ll have plenty of time to tackle other sports and games, take a swim, and catch up with your new friends.

Community Service You’ll live and volunteer in a rural community where most people are farmers or fishermen. Children are only able to attend school for half the day. During the half of the day when they are not in school, we will organize and run a soccer clinic. Additionally, we’ll help make improvements to their soccer field.

Hands-On Learning Living in an authentic community is a great way to learn about Costa Rican culture. You’ll spend the afternoon with a local family, learn to dance salsa and cumbia, taste exotic fruits, try your hand at cooking local cuisine, and learn about current social issues affecting Costa Ricans. 10-DAY PROGRAM June 15 – June 24 June 27 – July 6 July 9 – July 18 July 21 – July 30 August 2 – August 11 Tuition: $1,999 Service hours: 20



Costa Rica offers many exciting excursions in a natural setting. We’ll zip line through a forest and ride horses through a jungle paradise. You’ll also hike along the base of an active volcano and spend time on a pristine beach. Our location on a private beach resort allows us space for impromptu soccer and volleyball games as well as a variety of water sports.

The Home Base, which also hosts Beachside Service Adventure, is a campus close to the beach in a rural community. Each room has three beds and a private bathroom. There is an eating area with a beautiful thatched roof that looks out over the pool.

Link this program to » Protecting the Pacific, P. 42, 6/27-7/19 Nature’s Kaleidoscope, P. 40, 7/9-7/31

DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Beachside Service Adventure, P. 50, 6/15-7/3 • 6/27-7/15 • 7/9-7/27 • 7/21-8/8 • 8/2-8/20

GALAPAGOS Preserving Nature’s Wonders, P. 30, 7/9-8/1

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+ 1 858 771 0645 47 www.experienceGLA.com


Building a Sustainable World ™


ΩΩVolunteer to implement ecologically sustainable projects in rural areas Ω Visit Haitian resettlement villages Ω Hike to stunning waterfalls Ω Ride a catamaran in the Caribbean and explore pristine beaches Ω Meet dynamic leaders and NGOs implementing cutting edge social programs Ω Explore the colonial city of Santo Domingo

Dive deep into environmental sustainability issues and develop leadership skills to address humanity’s greatest environmental challenges. Led by Dave Addison, our international director, who holds his PhD in Global Sustainability, the group will meet with major NGOs and local leaders who are making great progress on sustainability in the Caribbean. You will be given the tools and support to design your own project as you collaborate with your peers to determine ways to empower change in a Dominican community, as well as in your home communities. You will evaluate the role of natural resources in your life and determine the vital purpose they play in the future of the world.

Community Service Our group will volunteer on various sustainability projects throughout the country including the construction of clean-burning stoves in rural communities and installation of water filtration devices; we will also assist in the development of agriculture and reforestation systems. In addition, you can share your talents doing arts and crafts, playing sports and games, and teaching basic conversational English with local children that our group will meet along the way. We’ll even visit Haitian resettlement villages and brighten the lives of those who have lost everything and now live in the Dominican Republic.

Hands-On Learning

Adventure We’ll explore the tropical countryside through long hikes out to a chain of hidden waterfalls and remote villages. We’ll ride a catamaran in the Caribbean, snorkel through crystal blue waters and coral reefs, and sunbathe on pristine white sand beaches. In addition, we will explore urban life in the colonial capital, Santo Domingo. The Dominican Republic is an ideal place for those looking for fun and adventure in the sun while making a difference.

Lodging The GLA Home Base is a functioning organic farm tucked in the hills just 20 minutes away from the ocean. There is a small swimming pool, acres of land to explore and beautiful scenery. Students will have two to three roommates per room. Bathrooms have western style toilets and hot and cold showers. This Home Base is exclusively used by our students and staff.

Link this program to » COSTA RICA Protecting the Pacific: P. 42, 6/19-7/22 • 7/2-8/4

PERU Service in the Sacred Valley, P. 32, 7/5-8/14

Download program schedule at experienceGLA.com/info


21-DAY FLAGSHIP PROGRAM July 2 – July 22 July 25 – August 14 Tuition: $4,499 Service hours: 80

We will explore topics in environmental sustainability, the most critical issue of the 21st century. Through the service work and seminars, you will learn for yourself how to envision and change your life to become more sustainable. These seminars are carefully designed to allow you to make connections between the work at the community service project and issues facing the rest of the world. You will also learn about the vibrant Dominican culture through music, dance, and food.

+ 1 858 771 0645 49 www.experienceGLA.com


Beachside Service Adventure

ΩΩPlay a key role in ecologically-sustainable development projects Ω Hike and scale a series of 12 spectacular waterfalls in the rainforest Ω Snorkel among multi-colored fish Ω Ride a catamaran over crystal blue waters Ω Witness up-close the role of 50 dance, folklore and baseball in this society

Appreciate the beauty of the island and its people; be part of sustainable solutions to end its poverty. To most visitors, the Dominican Republic is a travel destination famous for its enchanting resorts and beaches, as well as its friendly and vibrant people. But this Spanish-speaking country on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola is also a destination ripe for positive change. You’ll spend ten days working directly with impoverished rural communities to better their lives: in the mountains, helping to build their water systems and homes, and in the lowlands, contributing to reforestation projects. Unmatched natural beauty and human interaction will allow you to share in the spirit and strength of the Dominican people.

Community Service Students will volunteer in rural and urban communities working on sustainable projects such as reforestation, construction of clean-burning stoves, and installation of water filtration systems. Students will also work with local children at Haitian resettlement villages, sharing their talents doing arts and crafts, playing sports and games, and teaching basic conversational English. Most important, you will be a friend and role model to young children who have limited exposure to the rest of the world.

Hands-On Learning Lodging The Home Base is a beachfront cluster of chalets around a pool near Playa Las Canas. Students will have one roommate. Each bedroom has its own bathroom. Meals will consist of meats, beans, rice, vegetables and fruit.

Link this program to »



We’ll get out and explore the tropical countryside through long hikes out to a chain of hidden waterfalls, ride a catamaran over the blue Caribbean sea, and check out the pristine sand beaches and remote mountain villages.

Sports Service Adventure, P. 46, 6/15- 7/3 • 6/27-7/15 • 7/9-7/27 • 7/21 - 8/8 • 8/2 -8/20

Beachside Service Adventure, P. 44 , 6/15-7/3 • 6/27-7/15 • 7/9-7/27 • 7/21-8/8 • 8/2-8/20

Spanish Service Adventure, P. 38, 6/15-7/15

PERU Service in the Sacred Valley, P. 32, 7/18 - 8/17

Download program schedule at experienceGLA.com/info


10-DAY PROGRAM June 12 – June 21 June 24 – July 3 July 6 – July 15 July 18 – July 27 July 30 - August 8 August 11 - August 20 Tuition: $2,199 Service hours: 40

Sustainable development has become a necessity for all of humanity. We must learn to live in harmony with our environment. Through the service work and seminars, you will learn for yourself how to envision and think about the home and life of your family. While living sustainably we will work to empower each other to become more sustainable in our practices. We will also learn about the vibrant Dominican culture – a mix of indigenous, African, and European - through music and dance and interactions with locals living in the villages and coastal communities.

+ 1 858 771 0645 51 www.experienceGLA.com


Spring Break Service Adventure


ΩΩVolunteer to implement ecologically sustainable development projects Ω Hike to stunning waterfalls Ω Ride a catamaran over crystal blue waters Ω Explore pristine beaches Ω Soak up the rhythms of the Caribbean

Spring Break will always be fun… but meaningful, too? The Dominican Republic is home to the world’s most enchanting beaches, and is well known for its friendly and passionate people. You’ll spend the week helping impoverished rural communities and also enjoy some fun in the sun hiking to waterfalls, riding a catamaran in the Caribbean, snorkeling through crystal blue waters and coral reefs, and relaxing on pristine white sand beaches.

Community Service Students will volunteer in rural and urban communities working on sustainable projects such as reforestation, construction of clean-burning stoves, and installation of water systems. Students will also work with local children at Haitian resettlement villages, sharing their talents doing arts and crafts, playing sports and games, and teaching basic conversational English. Most important, you will be a friend and role model to young children who have limited exposure to the rest of the world.

Hands-On Learning The Dominican Republic has a rich culture that combines African, indigenous and European traditions. You will learn about the vibrant Dominican culture through the music and dance and interactions with locals living in the mountain villages and in coastal communities. In addition, you’ll gain a deep understanding of sustainability and how development can happen in harmony with the environment. 8-DAY PROGRAM March 16 – March 23 March 23 – March 30 March 30 – April 6 April 6 – April 13 Tuition: $1,699 Service hours: 20


The GLA Home Base is a gorgeous beachfront cluster of chalets around a swimming pool near the beach. The lodge is located in a village approximately 30 minutes east of the town of Puerto Plata. Students will be staying in gender segregated chalets. The GLA Home Base is used exclusively by our staff and students. Food will be hearty and healthy, locally grown food that consists of meats, beans, rice, vegetables, and fruit. Scan the code to join the facebook group and chat with Dominican R. alumni, or visit: http://on.fb.me/2012DRep Download program schedule at experienceGLA.com/info


This program takes you away from the typical tourist resorts of the Dominican Republic and exposes you to regular life in a rural part of the country. You’ll be welcomed into the local community while you dance to the beats of merengue and bachata music with the children of the neighboring village. You’ll hike to incredible waterfalls, ride an ocean catamaran, and explore history on the northern coast. One afternoon we will challenge the children to a game of baseball and learn about the cultural significance of baseball in this country.


+ 1 858 771 0645 53 www.experienceGLA.com


Spanish, Service & Maya Culture


ΩΩTake your Spanish to the next level Ω Hike to the crater of a dormant volcano Ω Explore exciting works of indigenous art Ω Sample coffees straight from the source on an organic coffee plantation Ω Meet a traditional Maya shaman

This is the end of vocabulary words and sample conversations, and the beginning of stories and accomplishments. Todo en español. Step directly into the 4,000 year old world of the Maya: a civilization rich with history, art, culture, and breathtaking mountain scenery. In Guatemala, you’ll learn first-hand about how Maya traditions have both evolved and been preserved through a combination of globalization, civil wars and subsequent peace accords; see how grassroots community leaders are working to preserve their culture; get a glimpse of the complex relationships between Central America and the rest of the world. This GLA Language Program integrates the Spanish language learning into all aspects of the experience, allowing students to take away more of the culture, and also leave more behind. From community service to excursions and cultural events, language is given a new context. Spanish class will never be the same.

Community Service You will volunteer at a local school by refurbishing it and working with the children. The school is unique in that it is run by Maya teachers and actively promotes indigenous language and culture. You will fix up the school by painting or building classrooms as well as organizing games with the children. In addition, you can share your talents doing arts and crafts, playing sports and games, and teaching basic conversational English. This is more than just a teen community service trip, it’s also an opportunity to connect with a whole new culture.

Hands-On Learning

21-DAY LANGUAGE PROGRAM July 21 – August 10 Tuition: $4,599 Service hours: 45


Lodging The GLA Home Base is a lodge on the outskirts of Xela offering students a peaceful escape. Students and staff live in gender segregated rooms with 2-4 bunk beds per room depending on the size of the room. Bathrooms are shared and have hot water. The Home Base is modest yet very comfortable. Students will not have internet access at the home base but will be able to use an internet cafe once a week.

Scan the code to join the Throughout the program, we’ll embark on a range of adventures and visit many small towns facebook group and chat and villages along the way. Over the weekends we’ll visit Lake Atitlan, the Maya market town with Guatemala alumni, or visit: of Chichicastenango, archaeological ruins at Takalik Abaj, organic coffee farms, and the http://on.fb.me/2012Guatemala sacred Laguna Chicabal, located at the top of a dormant volcano. During the weekdays, we’ll meet with a traditional music group, visit a Maya artist’s studio, try our hand at weaving colorful textiles and meet inspirational grassroots leaders. At the end of the program, Download program schedule at + 1 858 771 0645 we’ll spend a day in the charming colonial town of Antigua. www.experienceGLA.com experienceGLA.com/info


28-DAY LANGUAGE PROGRAM June 21 – July 18 Tuition: $5,599 Service hours: 60

Learning Spanish is best when you can practice it with native speakers in everyday conversation. Designed for high school students, the GLA Experiential Language Curriculum ™ seamlessly integrates language into many aspects of the program, including community service, cultural activities, and excursions. Our unique combination of classes and community service allows beginners to quickly learn the basics and gives advanced speakers the confidence to use their skills with native speakers. You will receive 60 hours of Spanish immersion for the 28-Day program and 45 hours for the 21-Day program. We will also learn about the local culture through hands-on workshops with musicians, artists and weavers and even meet a traditional shaman who will teach us about Maya cosmology.



Children of the Maya ™

ΩΩVolunteer at a Maya school Ω Journey across sacred Lake Atitlan Ω Attend a ceremony with a Maya shaman Ω Explore 56

ancient archaeological ruins Ω Shop at the largest indigenous craft market in the hemisphere

See the world of the Maya through the eyes of a future generation. Observing the traditions of an ancient culture, while navigating an increasingly globalized world is the exciting challenge of this, and future generations. Experience and interact with the art, artifacts, landscape, and inspiring young minds of Guatemala in this immersive program. Based in Quetzaltenango (or “Xela” – shay-lah – as it’s referred to by locals), four hours from the capital city, students will get to know the Xelaju people in this historically-treasured town of great scenic beauty.

Community Service You will spend the week volunteering at a local school refurbishing and building classrooms and working with the Maya children. The school is unique in that it is run by Maya teachers and actively promotes indigenous language and culture. In addition to building classrooms, you can share your talents doing arts and crafts, playing sports and games, and teaching basic conversational English.

Hands-On Learning

14-DAY PROGRAM June 15 - June 28 July 1 – July 14 July 17 – July 30 August 2 – August 15 Tuition: $2,999 Service hours: 30

Rural Guatemala is the perfect place to learn first-hand about Maya culture. We will meet a traditional shaman who will teach us about Maya cosmology, and also learn about medicinal plants used by the Quiche people of the region. You’ll dive into Guatemala’s rich culture by learning how to make colorful indigenous textiles, play the marimba (the national instrument of Guatemala) and even soak up art by indigenous painters. You will meet with grassroots leaders to learn about the challenges the Maya community faces to preserve their heritage in the face of globalization.


The GLA Home Base is a lodge on the outskirts of Xela surrounded by beautiful mountains and fields offering a peaceful escape for students. Students live in gender-segregated rooms with two to three bunk beds, depending on the size of the rooms. Bathrooms are shared and showers have both hot and cold water. The Home Base is modest, yet comfortable for students. Student will not have internet access at the home base, but will be able to use an internet cafe once a week. Scan the code to join the facebook group and chat with Guatemala alumni, or visit: http://on.fb.me/2012Guatemala

Download program schedule at experienceGLA.com/info


Xela is located near many important cultural treasures such as the famous Maya ruins at Takalik Abaj. We’ll participate in a traditional ceremony with a Maya shaman. We will visit Antigua, a charming colonial town with gorgeous architecture and cobblestone streets, Lake Atitlan, which rests at the foot of three massive conical volcanoes, and Chichicastenango with the largest Maya craft market in the world.


+ 1 858 771 0645 57 www.experienceGLA.com

Staff Profiles


Andrew Motiwalla

Jessica Rose Miller

Andrew serves as the Executive Director of GLA. He served in the Peace Corps and has extensive experience operating international educational programs around the world. He served as Senior Vice President for the non-profit international volunteer program Cross-Cultural Solutions, where he helped build programs from scratch into a network of 14 countries and 2,500 volunteers. Andrew is a graduate of Lawrence University and has done graduate studies in non-profit management at New School University in New York City. He speaks Spanish and Portuguese.

Jessica is our Director of Admissions and has worn many hats over the years at GLA. She currently oversees the enrollment, pre-departure coordination process and support for families during programs. Jessica has a passion for international education and social entrepreneurship that stems from experiences living and working abroad. Jessica is a graduate of Oregon State University, where she studied History, Anthropology and Spanish. She has managed and led almost all of GLA’s programs on every continent and knows that the next generation can “be the change” through witnessing GLA alumni in action.

Mike Shangkuan

Sandy Cooper

Mike is the Managing Director of GLA. Although he was born and raised in New Jersey, he is the son of parents who emigrated from Taiwan. His passion for travel and immersing himself in other cultures began in high school when he took his first trip outside of the States to France. It was a life-changing experience. Since then he has lived in eight countries across Europe, Latin America, and Asia. Mike is fluent in Mandarin and Spanish and likes to travel, lift weights, and sing in his free time. He has a BA in Economics from Yale and a MBA from Harvard Business School.

Sandy, a Senior Manager of Programs, believes global consciousness that comes from authentic experiences abroad, cross-cultural understanding, and service learning empowers individuals to become leaders. She first lived abroad at age 15 and has traveled and worked in over 20 countries. After graduating from Skidmore College, Sandy served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the Republic of Kiribati. Returning to the USA, she co-founded Thinking Beyond Borders, a Gap Year program that explores international development through service learning and academic study. Sandy is certified in non-profit management and speaks Spanish and Kiribati.

Judy Calkins

Lisa Likens

A California native, Judy is the Financial Controller, earning her degree from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA. She has held several finance, leadership and IT positions during that time. She has traveled internationally to Costa Rica, Ireland, Scotland, Mexico and Peru. She has volunteered in Peru, with Big Sisters and in youth sports. She loves reading, hiking, snow skiing and trying new adventures. She has a passion to help broaden high school students’ knowledge of life experiences through international travels and understanding other cultures.

Lisa is a Program Coordinator. She has staffed the GLA Dominican Republic program and traveled to Costa Rica and New Zealand as an international student volunteer. She is a graduate of San Diego State University and is thrilled to help high school students embark on volunteer and international experiences that will change their lives.

Charlotte Romero

Melissa Guerrero

Charlotte is the Bookkeeper for GLA. She is the current Treasurer for The Kiwanis Club of Hidden Valley and Club Coordinator for The Eliminate Project. The Eliminate Project is a joint venture between UNICEF and Kiwanis to eliminate Maternal/Neonatal Tetanus from the earth. She is a strong believer in giving back to the community, at home and abroad. As a Kiwanian she believes in changing the world one child and one community at a time. She has her BA in Accounting from Columbia College.

Melissa, a Program Coordinator, was born in Guayaquil, Ecuador and immigrated to Southern California when she was 2 years old. Before earning her BA and BCLAD credential at San Diego State University, she spent time abroad in Spain where she discovered her passion for education and travel. Prior to GLA, she worked as the Assistant Project Director for the Department of Defense in their Child, Youth and School Services program, where she lived on military bases in Germany, Japan, Italy and England. She once again calls San Diego home and hoping to carry on her mission of transforming future generations through travel and education.

Our Expectations Bridget McFaul Bridget is a Senior Enrollment Advisor for GLA and has led programs in Brazil, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Ghana, and Tanzania. She enjoys helping students find international experiences which will benefit them for the rest of their lives. Bridget, a graduate of San Diego State University, has a deep passion for international relations, community service, and working with youth.

Our mission at GLA is “to inspire the next generation to realize their potential to transform the world and their role in it.” To that end, we expect GLA students to maintain high standards of personal behavior and to be open-minded. The culture will be different, sometimes shockingly so. We expect everyone to respect and learn from these differences. GLA will challenge students as they are expected to work hard and really be present physically and mentally for all activities. They will get hot, dirty and bug bitten along the way, but their contribution will transform the community. The goal is for each student to return home with a life-changing experience. GLA has a no tolerance policy toward drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and disruptive behavior. Those who violate or are suspected of violating this policy will be immediately dismissed from the program at the sole discretion of GLA staff.

Korissa Dyle As an Enrollment Advisor, Korissa believes that one of the best ways to learn about yourself and the world is through meaningful international experiences. While earning her Spanish degree at the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire, she studied in Spain and in Mexico and also travelled extensively in those regions. She has worked in travel & tourism in both the U.S. and in Ecuador as well as in the study abroad field. She is thrilled to assist youth in the process of preparing for an experience they’ll never forget.

GLA makes every effort to offer well-thought-out programs crafted for high school students and we do thorough planning. However, the descriptions in this catalog and itineraries are based on previous programs and plans for the coming year. Actual order of activities may vary by program session depending upon the needs of our local community partners, various celebrations and customs, and the weather. Occasionally, activities may be replaced by other activities.

Custom Programs

Carly Tucker Carly is an Enrollment Advisor and Program Director for GLA. Carly has been to Australia, New Zealand, and numerous countries throughout Southeast Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Through her travels she has learned to look at the world with open eyes while respecting all cultures. With a degree in Natural Resources from Oregon State University, Carly leads programs for GLA, spending the last three summers in Costa Rica, Tanzania and the Galapagos Islands. Carly believes strongly in experiential education as a means of inspiring youth to learn more about themselves and their world.

Sydney Miller Sydney serves as the Social Media Marketing Manager for GLA. She believes that the future depends upon people being thoughtful, dedicated global citizens, and traveling abroad is one of the best ways to achieve this. She earned her BA from Oregon State University and has traveled extensively throughout Europe. Additionally, she has staffed a GLA program in Costa Rica and hopes to help students fulfill their dreams of traveling to other countries as well.

for Groups

Whether you teach Spanish, science, history or are a faculty advisor to a student group, GLA staff will work with you to create a program that matches the unique goals and topics you want to address. Custom programs can range from a few days to a few weeks, and are always assembled with great care and led by our experienced staff. Our US staff has worked extensively in all of our countries and our local staff has deep roots and a wide web of connections in their countries. We will definitely be able to tailor a program to fit your interests. We have a simple 3-Step Process for setting up and running your custom group program. We support you every step of the way with promotional materials, video conferences or whatever you require. Contact Bridget McFaul, Groups Coordinator, today to get started: groups@experienceGLA.com.

For more staff profiles, please see page 9.

Download program schedule at experienceGLA.com/info

+ 1 858 771 0645 59 www.experienceGLA.com

FAQs For a more detailed FAQ, go to our website at www.experiencegla.com/program-details/faq How is GLA different from other programs? GLA is different for three reasons. First, GLA believes that leaders are made and not born. Leadership Development and Personal Transformation are at the core of every GLA program and interwoven in the service, workshops, and excursions (See page 6 for details). Second, GLA operates only in developing countries in cultures significantly different from the West in authentic, nontourist communities so that student have a life-changing experience. Third, GLA works only with high school students. Our safety standards (The Five Point Safety System ™) and curriculum (The Service Learning Adventure ™) are tailored to the growth and development of teens. How do you help ensure safety? Safety is our #1 priority. Because we work only with high school age students and only in developing countries, we are aware of the unique safety issues and concerns of this age group. That’s why GLA has implemented the GLA Five-Point Safety System ™: 1) Safe and Secure Lodging, 2) Caring Supervision, 3) Healthy Meals and Pure Water, 4) Safe and Comfortable Transportation, and 5) Expert Local Knowledge. To learn more about the GLA Five-Point Safety System ™, take a look at page 8. How do you assess the safety of your destinations, and what happens if there is an incident that compromises the student’s safety? In addition to regular reports that we get from the US, Canadian and British Departments of State, we liaise with consular offices in the countries to which we travel. We also rely on our own in-country contacts: the people with whom we set up our programs and the current international and local staff with whom we work to determine the safety of a particular country. If we ever determine a country or region to be unsafe, we will close the program and fully refund all enrolled students. What happens if a student gets sick or injured? We work with emergency response service providers, and have carefully researched in-country medical facilities. GLA purchases secondary emergency medical insurance and evacuation insurance for all students while they are on our program. If a student becomes ill, we respond immediately to ensure appropriate medical care. If it is determined that a higher level of care is necessary than can be provided in the country, the student will be evacuated. How do students travel to the destination country? Once you enroll in a program, we will provide exact information about which airport to fly into and any restrictions in terms of arrival times. However, for students coming from the USA who wish to fly together with other students, we offer a suggested group flight itinerary for each program. This flight departs out of a US gateway city. This is not a chaperoned flight, but students can meet at this gateway and fly to the destination country together. Once you enroll in a program, we will provide the suggested group flight information to you. Can I fund raise? You can absolutely fund raise. Every year, students fund raise a part or all of their tuition. We have a kit full of ideas and letter templates you can use to help you fund raise. Please e-mail info@ experiencegla.com for one, visit www.experienceGLA.com/fundraising for more information, or


call +1 858-771-0645 to ask an Enrollment Advisor for advice on fund raising. You can also log on to our Facebook Fan Page @ www.facebook.com/globalleadershipadventures and connect with other students who are fundraising. Who meets my student in country? GLA staff picks up every student at the airport upon arrival to the destination country. If the plane is delayed, they will wait until students arrive. Upon arrival, students will phone parents to inform them of their safe arrival. Students will either be provided with a phone card to phone home, or use a staff member’s mobile phone. Students are also encouraged to bring their own phones if possible. Do you have references for your programs? Yes! We have an extensive list of references which includes students, parents and teachers who you can contact via phone or email to learn about their GLA experience. To obtain a copy of our reference list please call us at +1 858 771 0645 or email info@experienceGLA.com. How competitive is the application process to join a GLA program? We do not have a specific GPA requirement or test score. We require essays and an evaluation to determine the fit of a student for a GLA program. Our intention is not to restrict participation on our programs. The application process is a time when we can assess if the needs and desires of the student are aligned with what GLA offers. Ensuring that students and parents have the correct expectations about the program will allow all parties to avoid misunderstanding later on. What is the admissions process? Apply online www.experienceGLA.com/apply or with a downloadable paper application. There are three required parts of the application: $395 deposit ($30 nonrefundable application fee, $365 deposit applied toward total tuition), two short essays, and one student self-evaluation. Once an application has been submitted our admissions staff will review it and inform you about our decision within two business days. Once enrolled, you will receive all pre-departure information and required paperwork. When is the GLA application deadline? We do not have an official deadline. We have a rolling admissions process. As long as we have space on specific programs, we will continue to review applications until 30 days before a program start date. Some programs fill up very quickly and have group size limitations. We recommend applying early to secure spots on programs. Please check specific program details for group sizes. Do you offer custom programs for groups? Absolutely. GLA has extensive experience designing customs programs for high schools, families, clubs, universities, and other types of groups. Our Program Managers will work with you to create a program that matches the unique goals and topics you want to address. We can provide you with promotional materials, speak with prospective families and students, and send out necessary predeparture information. In country, we take care of all logistics. To inquire about a custom program, please call 1-858-771-0645 or e-mail us at groups@experienceGLA.com.

Find the Program that Fits Your Summer GLA has more than 50 programs to choose from. Here’s a timeline to help you figure out which programs work in your schedule.




12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Children of Africa


Building Healthy Villages

Children of Africa


Children of Africa

Building Healthy Villages

Heart & Soul of Africa

Heart & Soul of Africa F Heart & Soul of Africa

F Heart & Soul of Africa


Heart & Soul of Africa


Heart & Soul of Africa F

Empowering Island Communities Cultural Kaleidoscope Preserving Nature’s Wonders

Preserving Nature’s Wonders

Service in the Sacred Valley L

Spanish Service Adventure Spanish Service Adventure



Preserving Nature’s Wonders

Service in the Sacred Valley



Spanish Service Adventure Spanish Service Adventure



Cultural Kaleidoscope Service in the Himalayas


Preserving Nature’s Wonders

Service in the Sacred Valley


Empowering Island Communities F

Cultural Kaleidoscope Service in the Himalayas

Spanish Service Adventure



Spanish Service Adventure Nature’s Kaleidoscope

Nature’s Kaleidoscope

Protecting the Pacific


Nature’s Kaleidoscope

Protecting the Pacific

Protecting the Pacific

Protecting the Pacific

Beachside Service Adventure

Beachside Service Adventure

Beachside Service Adventure

Beachside Service Adventure

Beachside Service Adventure

Sports Service Adventure

Sports Service Adventure

Sports Service Adventure

Sports Service Adventure

Sports Service Adventure

Beachside Service Adventure

Building a Sustainable World Beachside Service Adventure Beachside Service Adventure

Building a Sustainable World Beachside Service Adventure Beachside Service Adventure L

Spanish, Service & Maya Culture Children of the Maya

Children of the Maya



Beachside Service Adventure L

Spanish, Service & Maya Culture

Children of the Maya

Children of the Maya

* Spring Break Programs available in the Dominican Republic.

F =

L =












Ta n z a n i a



In d i a



Co s t a R i c a

D o m in i c a n R e p.






+ 1 858 771 0645 61 www.experienceGLA.com

Find the Program that Fits Your Interests GLA has more than 50 sessions to choose from. Find the programs that focus on your topics of interest.

For Students Interested In A F R I CA Ghana: Children of Africa Ghana: Building Healthy Villages Tanzania: Heart & Soul of Africa ASIA Bali:Empowering Island Communities Thailand: Cultural Kaleidoscope India: Service in the Himalayas S O U TH A M E RICA Galapagos: Preserving Nature's Wonders Peru: Service in the Sacred Valley Peru: Spanish Service Adventure C E NT R A L A MERICA & CARIB B EAN Costa Rica: Spanish Service Adventure Costa Rica: Nature's Kaleidoscope Costa Rica: Beachside Service Adventure Costa Rica: Protecting the Pacific Costa Rica: Sports Service Adventure Dominican Republic: Building a Sustainable World Dominican Republic: Beachside Service Adventure Dominican Republic: Spring Break Service Adventure Guatemala: Children of the Maya Guatemala: Spanish, Service & Maya Culture


1= a little; 2=some, 3=a lot

Language Learning

International Relations

Poverty Alleviation

Environment & Ecology

Leadership Activities

Children Issues

Traditional Culture

Animals & Wildlife

Public Health


How to Apply

Need more Information to Enroll? Here are several ways for you to learn more about our programs.


Call us at +1 858-771-0645 Our staff have been on the programs and can help you decide which program is right for you!

Visit our Website Go to www.experienceGLA.com/apply



Hold a space in the program Hold a space in a program by completing the Online Application. Submit a $365 deposit and $30 application fee using our secure online system (Visa or Mastercard accepted) or mail a check to Global Leadership Adventures. You may also call +1 858-771-0645 from 8am - 6pm PST to submit credit card information over the phone.

Complete the Online Application Before a final admission decision can be made, we need a completed application. After setting up your account by creating a username and password and inputting your contact information, you’ll be asked to pay the application fee and deposit. You can then move onto the short answer essay questions and self-evaluation. A completed application includes: - Application fee - Deposit - Short answer essay questions - Self-evaluation - Signed agreement forms

Part of the application process is for you to evaluate yourself as an applicant. This allows us to get to know you better in terms of how you think and your learning style. It also ensures your motivations and interests are aligned with what the program offers. We review completed applications in two business days and notify students of final decisions by e-mail. If you do not have access to a computer, please contact us for an application to be e-mailed or faxed to you.

Attend an Open House, Summer Fair, or Webinar Our staff, student alumni, or parents will be at these presentations to share their experiences and answer questions. Go to www.experienceGLA.com/meetup for details. To RSVP, call +1 858-771-0645 or e-mail rsvp@experienceGLA.com. Check out our website: www.experienceGLA .com Ask for program schedule and details E-mail info@experienceGLA.com for specific program schedules and questions. Chat with former and future students on Facebook Join a GLA Country Facebook group. We have created communities for students to interact. You’ll be able to ask questions of past participants. Check out photos and videos. (high school students only). Main Page http://on.fb.me/glahome Ghana http://on.fb.me/2012Ghana Tanzania http://on.fb.me/2012Tanzania Peru http://on.fb.me/2012Peru Galapagos http://on.fb.me/2012Galapagos Costa Rica http://on.fb.me/2012CostaRica

Dominican Rep. Guatemala Bali India Thailand

http://on.fb.me/2012DRep http://on.fb.me/2012Guatemala http://on.fb.me/2012Bali http://on.fb.me/2012India http://on.fb.me/2012Thailand

Speak with references Call 1-858-771-0645 or e-mail info@experienceGLA.com to get the reference list.

Refund Policy Up to five months prior to program: all but $30 application fee is refundable. Four months prior: 75% of total program fee is refundable. Three month prior: 50% of total program fee is refundable. Two months prior: 25% of total program fee is refundable. Less than two months prior: none of the program fee is refundable.

+ 1 858 771 0645 63 www.experienceGLA.com

photo credits: Carol della Croce, Kit Oates, Eve Oppenheimer, Leah Muskin-Pierret, Zao Wang, Lauren Allik, Emily Putnam, Abby Freemire, Ryan Feinstein, Brandon Grant, Carol Chan, Jan Marc Castlunger, Sadie Dix, Katherynn Deus, Brooke Robinson. catalog design and graphics: Carol della Croce

Global Leadership Adventures 10509 San Diego Mission Road, Suite A-1 San Diego, CA 92108 USA

Apply Online www.experienceGLA.com/apply

Questions? Call or e-mail us. +1 858 771 0645 | +1 888 358 4321 | info@experienceGLA.com

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