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Travel Council
It is often said that a rising tide floats all boats. Our marketing campaigns are what is known as the “top half of the sales funnel” in that they’re designed to boost awareness of, interest in and desire for travel to the Charleston area. Our group sales initiatives create demand generation and lead generation. It is then up to individual businesses to convert those opportunities into sales.
Travel Council is the membership division of Explore Charleston and over 800 businesses participate. Local tourism-related businesses can apply for membership in order to access various services offered that are above and beyond destination marketing. These opportunities include:

• Bi-monthly tourism industry meetings.

• Robust education and training programs. (See page ____)
• Online listing at ExploreCharleston.com
• Printed listing in the Official Charleston Area Visitors Guide.

• Opportunity to purchase various forms of print and digital advertising.
• Opportunity to display brochures at local area visitor centers and sell tour and event tickets.
• Business referrals from both Group Sales and Visitor Inquiry Services teams.
• Qualified social media opportunities.
Explore Charleston utilizes a web-based Customer Relationship Management (C.R.M.) system and internal database hosted by Simpleview, a software firm catering to DMMOs since 2001. The Extranet, Simpleview’s online portal allows members access to their account within the C.R.M. database. Member businesses have the ability to make changes to their account information, staff contacts, add special offers, submit hotel packages, review and edit listings, view and respond to leads, service requests and referrals, learn about new Explore Charleston opportunities, find important membership information, and access research tools all via one portal and in near real time.