ﻣﻦ اﻟﺠﺰر اﻻﺳﺘﻮاﺋﻴﺔ اﻟﻜﺒﻴﺮة١٣٤٦٦ اﻧﺪوﻧﻴﺴﻴﺎ ﻫﻲ أرﺧﺒﻴﻞ ﻓﻲ ﺟﻨﻮب ﺷﺮق آﺳﻴﺎ ﻳﻀﻢ
Indonesia is an archipelago in Southeast Asia comprising 13,466 large and small tropical islands fringed with white sandy beaches, many still uninhabited and unnamed. Indonesia straddles the equator, situated between the continents of Asia and Australia and between the Pacific and the Indian Oceans. Its neighbour to the north is Malaysia and to the east is Papua New Guinea. Because of her location, and geology, Indonesia is blessed with the most diverse landscape, from fertile rice lands on Java and Bali, the luxuriant rainforests of Sumatra, Kalimantan and Sulawesi, the savannah grasslands of the Nusatenggara islands to snow-capped peaks of West Papua. Her wildlife ranges from the prehistoric giant Komodo lizard, the Orangutan and the Java Rhino, the Sulawesi Anoa Dwarf Buffalos and birds with exquisite plumage like the Cockatoo and the Bird of Paradise. This is also the habitat of the Rafflesia, the world’s largest flower, wild orchids, an amazing variety of spices, aromatic hardwood and a large variety of fruit trees. Facilities-wise Indonesia’s hotels are second to none. In fact, many of Indonesia’s luxurious and unique hotels have constantly been listed as some of the best in the world.
، ﻻ ﻳﺰال اﻟﻜﺜﻴﺮ ﻣﻦ ﺗﻠﻚ اﻟﺠﺰر ﻏﻴﺮ ﻣﺄﻫﻮل.واﻟﺼﻐﻴﺮة ذات اﻟﺸﻮاﻃﺊ اﻟﺮﻣﻠﻴﺔ اﻟﺒﻴﻀﺎء
وﺗﻘﻊ ﺑﻴﻦ، ﺗﻤﺘﺪ ﻣﺎﻟﻴﺰﻳﺎ ﺑﻤﺤﺎذاة ﺧﻂ اﻻﺳﺘﻮاء.وﺑﻌﻀﻬﺎ ﻟﻢ ُﻳﻄﻠﻖ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ اﺳﻢ ﺣﺘﻰ اﻵن ﺗﺤﺪﻫﺎ ﻣﺎﻟﻴﺰﻳﺎ ﻓﻲ اﻟﺸﻤﺎل. وﺑﻴﻦ اﻟﻤﺤﻴﻄﻴﻦ اﻟﻬﺎدي واﻟﻬﻨﺪي،ﻗﺎرﺗﻲ آﺳﻴﺎ وأﺳﺘﺮاﻟﻴﺎ .وﺑﺎﺑﻮا ﻏﻴﻨﻴﺎ اﻟﺠﺪﻳﺪة ﻓﻲ اﻟﺸﺮق
،ﺗﺘﺤﻠﻰ اﻧﺪوﻧﻴﺴﻴﺎ ﺑﻠﻮﺣﺔ ﻃﺒﻴﻌﻴﺔ ﺧﻼﺑﺔ ﻧﻈﺮاً ﻟﻤﻮﻗﻌﻬﺎ اﻟﻤﺘﻤﻴﺰ وﻃﺒﻴﻌﺘﻬﺎ اﻟﺠﻴﻮﻟﻮﺟﻴﺔ
إﻟﻰ اﻟﻐﺎﺑﺎت اﻟﻤﻄﻴﺮة اﻟﺮاﺋﻌﺔ،ﺣﻴﺚ ﺗﺘﻨﻮع أراﺿﻴﻬﺎ ﺑﻴﻦ أرﺿﻲ اﻷرز اﻟﺨﺼﺒﺔ ﻓﻲ ﺟﺎوه وﺑﺎﻟﻲ ، إﻟﻰ ﻣﺮاﻋﻲ اﻟﺴﺎﻓﺎﻧﺎ ﻓﻲ ﺟﺰر ﻧﻮﺳﺎ ﺗﻴﻨﺠﺎرا،ﻓﻲ ﺳﻮﻣﻄﺮة وﻛﺎﻟﻴﻤﺎﻧﺘﺎن وﺳﻮﻻوﻳﺴﻲ
.وﺣﺘﻰ اﻟﻘﻤﻢ اﻟﻤﻐﻄﺎة ﺑﺎﻟﺜﻠﻮج ﻧﺎﺻﻌﺔ اﻟﺒﻴﺎض ﻓﻲ ﺑﺎﺑﻮا اﻟﻐﺮﺑﻴﺔ
ﻓﻨﺠﺪ ﻓﻴﻬﺎ ﺳﺤﻠﻴﺔ ﻛﻮﻣﻮدو،ﺗﻌﻮد اﻟﺤﻴﺎة اﻟﺒﺮﻳﺔ ﻓﻲ اﻧﺪوﻧﻴﺴﻴﺎ إﻟﻰ ﻋﺼﻮر ﻣﺎ ﻗﺒﻞ اﻟﺘﺎرﻳﺦ . وﺣﺘﻰ ﺟﺎﻣﻮس أﻧﻮا ﺳﻮﻻوﻳﺰي اﻟﺼﻐﻴﺮ، ووﺣﻴﺪ اﻟﻘﺮن ﻓﻲ ﺟﺎوه، وأوراﻧﺞ أوﺗﺎن،اﻟﻌﻤﻼﻗﺔ
وﺗﻌﺘﺒﺮ.ﻛﻤﺎ ﻧﺮى ﻓﻲ ﻣﺎﻟﻴﺰﻳﺎ اﻟﻄﻴﻮر ذات اﻟﺮﻳﺶ اﻟﻤﻠﻮن اﻟﻤﺒﻬﺞ ﻣﺜﻞ اﻟﺒﺒﻐﺎء وﻃﻴﻮر اﻟﺠﻨﺔ وﻣﺠﻤﻮﻋﺔ، وزﻫﻮر اﻷورﻛﻴﺪ اﻟﺒﺮﻳﺔ،ﻣﺎﻟﻴﺰﻳﺎ أﻳﻀﺎً ﻣﻮﻃﻨﺎً ﻷﻛﺒﺮ زﻫﺮة راﻓﻠﻴﺴﻴﺎ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻢ
ﻣﺬﻫﻠﺔ ﻣﻦ اﻟﺘﻮاﺑﻞ واﻷﺧﺸﺎب اﻟﻌﻄﺮﻳﺔ ﺑﺎﻹﺿﺎﻓﺔ إﻟﻰ ﺑﺎﻗﺔ ﻛﺒﻴﺮة وﻣﺘﻨﻮﻋﺔ ﻣﻦ أﺷﺠﺎر ﺣﺘﻰ أن اﻟﻌﺪﻳﺪ ﻣﻦ اﻟﻔﻨﺎدق، ﺗﺤﻈﻰ ﻓﻨﺎدق اﻧﺪوﻧﻴﺴﻴﺎ ﺑﺠﻤﺎل ﺧﻼب ﻻ ﻣﺜﻴﻞ ﻟﻪ.اﻟﻔﺎﻛﻬﺔ
.اﻟﻔﺎﺧﺮة واﻟﻔﺮﻳﺪة ﻓﻲ اﻧﺪوﻧﻴﺴﻴﺎ ﺗﺼﻨﻒ ﺿﻤﻦ أﻓﻀﻞ ﻓﻨﺎدق ﻓﻲ اﻟﻌﺎﻟﻢ ﺑﺎﺳﺘﻤﺮار
Wi-Fi Connection in Room ﺧﺪﻣﺔ واي ﻓﺎي ﻓﻲ اﻟﻐﺮف
Wi-Fi Connection with Charges ﺧﺪﻣﺔ واي ﻓﺎي ﻣﺪﻓﻮﻋﺔ اﻷﺟﺮ
Wi-Fi Connection in Public Area Wi-Fi Connection in Public Area with Charges ﺧﺪﻣﺔ واي ﻓﺎي ﻓﻲ اﻟﻤﻨﺎﻃﻖ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ ﻣﺪﻓﻮﻋﺔ اﻷﺟﺮ ﺧﺪﻣﺔ واي ﻓﺎي ﻓﻲ اﻟﻤﻨﺎﻃﻖ اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ
Swimming Pool
Fitness Centre
BBQ Horse Riding
اﻟﻤﻨﺘﺠﻊ اﻟﺼﺤﻲ اﻟﻐﻮص اﻟﺸﻮاء رﻛﻮب اﻟﺨﻴﻞ
DJ / Karaoke Squash
ﺣﻤﺎم اﻟﺴﺒﺎﺣﺔ اﻟﺴﺎوﻧﺎ ﻛﺎراوﻛﻲ/دي ﺟﻲ اﻻﺳﻜﻮاش
Ping Pong
Fishing Golf
ﻣﺮﻛﺰ اﻟﻠﻴﺎﻗﺔ اﻟﺒﺪﻧﻴﺔ (ﺑﻴﻨﺞ ﺑﻮﻧﺞ )ﻛﺮة اﻟﻄﺎوﻟﺔ ﺻﻴﺪ اﻷﺳﻤﺎك اﻟﻐﻮﻟﻒ
Water Sports
Sun Deck
Tennis Snorkeling
اﻟﺮﻳﺎﺿﺎت اﻟﻤﺎﺋﻴﺔ
اﻟﺘﺸﻤﺲ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﺴﻄﺢ ﻟﻌﺒﺔ اﻟﺘﻨﺲ اﻟﻐﻮص
Capital of the Republic of Indonesia, known as the “City of a Thousand and One Faces”, Jakarta is a huge sprawling metropolis home to 9 million people. Jakarta is a dynamic city of daunting extremes developing at a pace that throws up challenges and surreal juxtapositions on every street corner.
Located on the northern coast of Java, the province of Jakarta has rapidly expanded through the years, absorbing many villages in the process. In fact Jakarta is a conglomeration of villages known as kampungs, now crossed by main roads and super highways. This metropolis has become a must-visit destination to travellers for its diverse attractions that include from Old Dutch colonial buildings to luxury hotels & exotic food.
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أﻣﺎﻛﻦ ﻣﺜﻴﺮة ﻟﻼﻫﺘﻤﺎم
National Monument
Istiqlal Mosque
Taman Mini Indonesia Indah
Grand Indonesia Shopping Town
The National Monument is a 132 m tower in the centre of Merdeka Square, Central Jakarta, symbolizing the fight for Indonesia. It is the national monument of the Republic of Indonesia, built to commemorate the struggle for Indonesian independence.
Istiqlal Mosque, or Masjid Istiqlal, in Jakarta, Indonesia is the largest mosque in Southeast Asia. This national mosque of Indonesia was built to commemorate Indonesian independence and named "Istiqlal", an Arabic word for "independence"
Taman Mini Indonesia Indah or “Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park” is a culture-based recreational area located in East Jakarta, Indonesia. It has an area of about 250 acres.
Grand Indonesia
ﻣﺴﺠﺪ اﻻﺳﺘﻘﻼل
ﺗﺎﻣﺎن ﻣﻴﻨﻲ إﻧﺪوﻧﻴﺴﻴﺎ اﻧﺪاه
اﻟﻨﺼﺐ اﻟﻮﻃﻨﻲ
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Shopping Town is a multifunctional complex consists of Grand Indonesia Shopping Mall, Menara BCA, Kempinski Private Residences and Hotel Indonesia.
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ﻣﺠﻤﻊ ﺟﺮاﻧﺪ إﻧﺪوﻧﻴﺴﻴﺎ
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National Museum of Indonesia The National Museum of Indonesia, is an archeological, historical, ethnological, and geographical museum located in Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Central Jakarta, right on the west side of Merdeka Square.
اﻟﻤﺘﺤﻒ اﻟﻮﻃﻨﻲ اﻹﻧﺪوﻧﻴﺴﻲ
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أﺳﮑﻮت ﺟﺎﮐﺮﺗﺎ
ﺍﻟﻔﻨﺎﺩﻕ ﻓﻲ ﺟﺎﻛﺮﺗﺎ Hotel Indonesia Kempinski
ﻓﻨﺪق إﻧﺪوﻧﯿﺴﯿﺎ ﮐﻤﺒﯿﻨﺴﮑﯽ ﺟﺎﮐﺮﺗﺎ
+62 21 391 6868
+62 21 2358 3800
Jalan Kebon Kacang Raya No.2, Jakarta 10230, Indonesia
Jalan M.H. Thamrin No.1, Jakarta 10310, Indonesia
Ascott Jakarta conveniently located amid Jakarta’s business and shopping district, the Golden Triangle; it is minutes away from the bustling convention Centre, embassies, various corporate offices and attractions. High-end shopping malls such as Plaza Indonesia Shopping Complex, Grand Indonesia Shopping Town as well as dining and entertainment choices are all within easy reach. Each of apartments provide a fully-equipped kitchen, separate living and dining areas, LED Smart TV, complimentary in-room wireless internet access and other modern amenities. =·√=—Ú_œÇ=≈óf=ɃgÈÁ=IŸ©_È^áj=‚É◊Ër=Ó–�‡€=I_já”_r=º=“ËãjÁ=⁄_‹√`=Ó–�‡€=›„`=ΩäÁ=º=_já”_r=mË‘ä`=≈–È =â”^á€=≤d=‡€=⁄ËíË◊^=Ÿ‰ãÈ=_‹”=KÓÍv_Íã◊^=%_ƒ∫^Á=IÓÃÿk ∫^=m_”áè◊^=hj_‘€Á=Im^Ü_Ãã◊^Á=Ih~_ì◊^=m^ᥘ∫^=â”ဠ=ŸóÀ` =·€ =Âfᜠ=≤d =ÓÀ_ñ˛_f =I‚Á_j =…‡ÍfËé =_ÍãÍflÁÉfld =Éfl^á«Á =I“Ëãkÿ◊ =_ÍãÍflÁÉfld =^à˘f =≈‹¶ =Ÿo€ =ÓÍœ^á◊^ =“Ëãk◊^ =ÓÿìÇ€ =—ú_‡€Á =IŸ€_‘◊_f =≶ =Äg�€ =Ôÿ√ =_já”_r =mË‘ä` =º =Ó–é =Ÿ” =ÏËk°Á =KÓ͉ÍÀ3◊^ =·”_€˙^Á =›√_�∫^ =ŸÚ_äÁ=·€=_„4«Á=Œá»◊^=Ÿ~^Ç=ÓÍfl_¶=ÓÍ‘ÿä¯=lfl3fld=Ó€É~Á=ImÜ_5=ÏÇ=d=⁄d=‚ËÈâÃÍÿjÁ=I›√_�∫^=⁄Á_‡jÁ=Óè̓‹ÿ◊ KÓoÈɧ^=Óv^á◊^
English, Bahasa Indonesia
Intercontinental Jakarta MidPlaza
Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta enjoys an excellent location in the city center of Jakarta. The hotel features spacious guest rooms and suites, seven restaurants to cater to any food preference. Nearby attractions include the Grand Indonesia Shopping Town - Southeast Asia's largest shopping and entertainment complex.
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English, Bahasa Indonesia
إﻧﺘﺮﮐﻮﻧﺘﻨﻨﺘﺎل ﺟﺎﮐﺮﺗﺎ ﻣﯿﺪﺑﻼزا
Keraton at The Plaza
ﻓﻨﺪق ﮐﯿﺮاﺗﻮن آت ذا ﺑﻼزا
+62 21 2510888
+62 21 5068 0000
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 10-11: Jakarta, 10220, Indonesia
Jl. MH. Thamrin Kav. 15, Jakarta, Jakarta, 10350, Indonesia
A 5-star luxury hotel is strategically located in the heart of Jakarta's business and commercial district in the Sudirman and Thamrin area. It is located close to shopping malls such as Plaza Indonesia and other attractions in the City Center. The hotel lends itself to corporate events, conferences and weddings with an extensive array of meeting facilities, complemented by elegant guest rooms and stylish restaurants. InterContinental Jakarta also offers a luxury spa and modern fitness centre.
Keraton at The Plaza Hotel is a distinct and intimate luxury hotel offering a unique, modern interpretation of the rich Indonesian culture. Keraton at The Plaza is prominently situated in the business district and is within walking distance to government offices, corporate headquarters, key cultural attractions, museums, vibrant nightlife and is connected to Jakarta’s most luxurious shopping and entertainment complex, Plaza Indonesia.
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English, Bahasa Indonesia
English, Bahasa Indonesia
HOTELS IN JAKARTA ﻣﺎﻧﺪارﯾﻦ أورﯾﻨﺘﺎل ﺟﺎﮐﺮﺗﺎ
Mandarin Oriental Jakarta
ﺍﻟﻔﻨﺎﺩﻕ ﻓﻲ ﺟﺎﻛﺮﺗﺎ Pullman Jakarta Central Park
ﺑﻮﻟﻤﺎن ﺟﺎﮐﺮﺗﺎ ﺳﻨﺘﺮال ﺑﺎرك
+62 21 2993 8888
+62 21 2920 0088
Jalan M.H. Thamrin, PO BOX 3392, Jakarta 10310, Indonesia
Jalan Let. Jend S Parman Kav 28, Jakarta 11470, Indonesia
Located in the heart of the city, Mandarin Oriental, Jakarta is an oasis of the 21st century luxury, offering 272 spacious guestrooms including 24 suites. All rooms are designed in a classic contemporary style, combining Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group’s Oriental heritage with Indonesian culture.
Pullman Jakarta Central Park, 25-minutes’ drive from the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, 6 km from the National Monument, 22 km from the Taman Mini Indonesia theme park and about 13 km from Ancol Theme Park. Also within easy reach are Central Park, Taman Anggrek Mall, and Ciputra Mall.
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English, Bahasa Indonesia
Shangri-La Hotel Jakarta
English, Bahasa Indonesia
ﺷﺎﻧﻐﺮﯾﻼ ﺟﺎﮐﺮﺗﺎ
The Ritz Carlton Jakarta
رﯾﺘﺰ ﮐﺎرﻟﺘﻮن
+62 21 2922 9999
+62 21 2551 8888
Kota BNI JL. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 1, Jakarta, 10220, Indonesia
Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuningan Kav. 12950 - Jakarta, Indonesia
A luxurious city hotel is strategically located in the centre of the Sudirman business district in the Indonesian capital of Jakarta. Serving as a gateway to the spectacular sights this enchanting city has to offer. Guests will be intrigued by attractions such as Fatahillah Square and the National Monument. Surrounded by beautifully landscaped gardens, the hotel exudes timeless elegance and peacefulness making it a relaxing retreat for business and leisure travelers alike.
This charming hotel is situated at the heart of the Mega Kuningan Business District of Jakarta. The hotel is located amidst distinguished embassies and exclusive metropolitan residences. The center of Kuningan is 1 km away. The hotel enjoys a charming architectural design, tempting visitors into a world of elegance and serenity.
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English, Bahasa Indonesia
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English, Bahasa Indonesia
HOTELS IN JAKARTA أﺳﺘﻮن ﻣﺎرﯾﻨﺎ ﺟﺎﮐﺮﺗﺎ
Aston Marina Jakarta
ﺍﻟﻔﻨﺎﺩﻕ ﻓﻲ ﺟﺎﻛﺮﺗﺎ Crowne Plaza Jakarta
ﮐﺮاون ﺑﻼزا ﺟﺎﮐﺮﺗﺎ
+62 21 6983 7120
+62 21 5268 833
Jalan Lodan Raya No. 2A, Marina Mediterania, Jakarta 14430, Indonesia
Jln Gatot Subroto Kav. 2-3, Jakarta - 12930, Indonesia
Aston Marina offers value-for-money apartments with kitchenettes, within walking distance of Ancol Entertainment Complex. Free Wi-Fi, 3 outdoor pools. The hotel is a
This upscale hotel set in a downtown tower is a 14-minute walk from Gelora Bung
12-minute drive from Jakarta International Expo and a 30-minute drive from Soekarna-Hatta Airport
and suites are decorated in warm, muted tones with traditional warm wooden
Karno stadium and 10 km from the landmark Monumen Nasional. The stylish rooms furniture. All come with flat screens, free Wi-Fi and desks
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English, Bahasa Indonesia
Hotel Borobudur Jakarta
English, Bahasa Indonesia
ﻓﻨﺪق ﺑﻮروﺑﻮدور ﺟﺎﮐﺮﺗﺎ
Hotel Ciputra Jakarta
ﺳﯿﺒﻮﺗﺮا ﺟﺎﮐﺮﺗﺎ
+62 21 380 5555
+62 21 566 0640
Jalan Lapangan Banteng Selatan, Jakarta 10710, Indonesia
Jalan Letnan Jenderal S. Parman, Jakarta 11470, Indonesia
Hotel Borobudur Jakarta is situated right in the center of Jakarta. Only a stroll away from the Presidential Palace, a quick ride to shopping malls and business districts, only 35 minutes away from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. Spans across 23 acres of tropical gardens and supported with extensive recreational facilities; Hotel Borobudur Jakarta has become an oasis where people can relax and escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. � =_‹”=IÎä_Úá◊^=áì–◊^=·€=fi^Éœ˙^=Ôÿ√=^4ä=Ì4ìœ=ÓÀ_ã€=ɃgÈÁ=I_já”_r=ΩäÁ=º=_já”_r=ÜÁÇËfÁÜËf=“ɇÀ=≈–È =_j_„=ËflÜ_”Ëä=Ü_�€=·€=ÌÜ_Íã◊_f=Ω–À=Ó–ÍœÇ=٣٥=Ƀf=Ôÿ√Á=IÓÈÜ_sk◊^=—ú_‡∫^Á=“Ëãk◊^=â”^á€=·€=Ófá–€=Ôÿ√=≈–È =IÓ͉ÍÀ3◊^=—À^á∫^=·€=Óƒä^Á=Ó√Ë‹¶=hfl_ù=IÓÍÚ^Ëkä¯^=—Ú^ɧ^=·€=_fl^ÉÀ=٢٣=Óv_ã€=Ôÿ√=“ɇÃ◊^=≈–ÈÁ=KÎ◊ÁÉ◊^ � KÓ‡ÈÉ∫^=h í=·€=iÁá7^Á=Ò_~3ä˘◊=Óv^Á=Óf_o≥=“ɇÃ◊^=ygí`Á
English, Bahasa Indonesia
Hotel Ciputra Jakarta offers elegant rooms easily accessible from Soekarno-Hatta international Airport. It boasts an outdoor pool with swim-up bar, spa and fitness facilities. Located 7 km from Jakarta’s Central Business District, Ciputra Hotel Jakarta is a 30-minutes’ drive from the airport and Ancol’s theme parks. =Óƒk∫^=fiÉ–j=Ó–Ífl`=_Àá«=›óÈ=_‹”=IÎ◊ÁÉ◊^=_j_„=ËflÜ_”Ëä=Ü_�€=·€=ÂÍ◊d=⁄ËíË◊^=Ó◊ˉãf=_já”_r=^ájËgÍä=“ɇÀ=âÍ‹kÈ � =“ɇÀ=≈–ÈÁ=KÓÍflÉg◊^=Óœ_Íÿ◊^Á=_gãÿ◊=—À^á€Á=IÂÍÿ√=Ÿ�€=Ü_f=≈€=ÎrÜ_~=Óv_gä=fi_∏=“ɇÃ◊^=›óÈÁ=KÂÈáÚ^â◊=Óv^á◊^Á =Ó‡ÈÉ€Á=Ü_�∫^=·€=ÌÜ_Íã◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=٣٠=ÓÀ_ã€=ɃgÈÁ=IÓÈâ”á∫^=⁄_‹√˙^=Ó–�‡€=·€=›”=٧=Ƀf=Ôÿ√=_já”_r=^ájËgÍä =K÷Ü_f=›Ín=⁄Ë‘fl`=΄˘€
English, Bahasa Indonesia
HOTELS IN JAKARTA The Mayflower, Jakarta - Marriott Executive Apartments
ﺷﻘﻖ ﻣﺎرﯾﻮت اﻟﺘﻨﻔﯿﺬﯾﮥ- ﺟﺎﮐﺮﺗﺎ،ذا ﻣﺎي ﻓﻼور
ﺍﻟﻔﻨﺎﺩﻕ ﻓﻲ ﺟﺎﻛﺮﺗﺎ Mercure Convention Centre Ancol
ﻣﯿﺮﮐﻮر ﮐﻮﻧﻔﯿﻨﺸﻦ ﺳﻨﺘﺮ أﻧﮑﻮل
+62 21 5789 7888
+62 21 640 6000
Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav 76-78 Jakarta 12910 Indonesia.
Jl. Pantai Indah, Ancol Jakarta Baycity, Jakarta, Indonesia
The Luxurious hotel apartment in the central business district of Sudirman and just 30.2 km from Jakarta International Airport, provides guests with the convenience of serviced apartment with an unrivalled level of home-style comfort. Guests can enjoy spacious, well-appointed one , two and three bedroom apartments, each with a fully equipped kitchen, laundry room, Marriott's signature Revive bedding and separate areas for living and working. =Ü_�€=·€=Ω–À=›”=٣٠{٢=Ƀf=Ôÿ√=I‚_€áÈÇËä=º=ÓÈâ”á∫^=⁄_‹√˙^=Ó–�‡€=º=Ìá~_Ã◊^=Ó͜ɇÃ◊^=—–è◊^=ÊÖ„=≈–j =·‘∂Á =KÎ◊â‡∫^ =ÒŒÉ◊_f =Ü˃è◊^Á =Óv^á◊^ =·€ =Ô„_óÈ =¯ =Ëk〠=áÀËjÁ =m^â͉sk◊^ =ÓÀ_‘f =ÌÇÁâ€Á =IÎ◊ÁÉ◊^ =_já”_r =mÇÁàÁ=IŒá«=q˘n=Á`=±kÀá«=Á`=ÌÉv^Á=fiËfl=ÓÀá«=m^Ñ=Ò^Ëä=IÉÍr=Ë™=Ôÿ√=Ìâ‰.^=ÓwÍãÃ◊^=—–è◊_f=∆_k‹kä¯^=ŒËÍóÿ◊ � =Óè̓‹ÿ◊=ÓÿìÇ€=—ú_‡€Á=IÌâÍ‹∫^=ÕÈ_ÃÈÜ=mËÈÜ_€=ÓéáÀ`Á=Iåf˘∫^=ŸÍã»◊=Œá«Á=IŸ€_‘◊_f=Ì≶=Å_g�≥=_‰ƒÍ∑ KŸ‹ƒ◊^Á
English, Bahasa Indonesia
Novotel Jakarta Mangga Dua Square
Mercure Convention Center offers 434 newly designed rooms with international amenities as well as wide range of function rooms for all corporate needs, weddings and other occasions. The Hotel is distinctively located in the most renowned park in the Ancol Jakarta bay city. =·√=˘óÀ=IÌá~_À=Óv^Ü=ŸÚ_äËf=Ì≶Á=pÈɧ^=à^á�◊^=Ôÿ√=Ó‹‹ì€=ÓÀá«=٤٣٤=⁄Ë‘fl`=3‡ä=·è‡ÍÃflË”=ÜË”4€=›óÈ � =_ƒœË€=“ɇÃ◊^=Ÿk≠Á=Km_gä_‡∫^=·€=_„4«Á=Œ_Àâ◊^=m˘ÃvÁ=Im_”áè◊^=m_r_Íkv^=ÓÀ_”=:ÿj=Œá»◊^=·€=Ì4g”=Ó√Ë‹¶ � K⁄Ë‘fl`=º=Ìá‰é=áo”˙^=Ó–Èɧ^=Ƀj=;◊^Á=I;ÍãÈ_f=_já”_r=Ó–ÈÉv=º=^âÍ‹k€ �
English, Bahasa Indonesia
ﻧﻮﻓﻮﺗﯿﻞ ﺟﺎﮐﺮﺗﺎ ﻣﺎﻧﺠﺎ دوا ﺳﮑﻮﯾﺮ
Somerset Grand Citra Jakarta
ﺳﻮﻣﺮﺳﺖ ﻏﺮاﻧﺪ ﺳﯿﺘﺮا ﺟﺎﮐﺮﺗﺎ
+62 21 6231 2800
+62 21 2995 6888
Jalan Gunung Sahari Raya No 1, Jakarta, Indonesia
Jalan Prof Dr Satrio Kav 1, Jakarta 12940, Indonesia
Novotel Jakarta Mangga Dua Square, located in the capital of Indonesia, near to Batavia Old Town, boasts impressive, state-of-the-art leisure facilities. Close to local business & precisely near JIExpo Kemayoran, shopping & entertainment options, only 30 minutes from the international airport. Enjoy a relaxing meal in a friendly, stylish setting at The Square, with its Asian & International Cuisine. The 4-star hotel has a large selection of meeting rooms for all your conference needs. =·ók≠Á=IÓ∂É–◊^=_ÍÀ_j_f=Ó‡ÈÉ€=·€=iá–◊_f=ÓÍãÍflÁÉfl˛^=Ó‹í_ƒ◊^=º=áÈË‘ä=^ÁÇ=_©_€=_já”_r=ŸÍjËÀËfl=“ɇÀ=≈–È =Ïb=ÂÍr=â”á€=_‹Íä¯Á=IÓÍÿ-^=ÓÈÜ_sk◊^=—ú_‡∫^=·€=Ófá–€=Ôÿ√=“ɇÃ◊^=≈–È=_‹”=KÓƒÚ^ÜÁ=ÌÜË�k€=Ó͉ÍÀáj=—À^ဠ=ÓgrÁ=⁄Á_‡kf=∆_k‹kä¯^=ŒËÍóÿ◊=·‘∂Á=KÎ◊ÁÉ◊^=Ü_�∫^=·√=Ω–À=Ó–ÍœÇ=٣٠=ɃgÈÁ=IÂÍÀ3◊^Á=“Ëãkÿ◊=‚^ÜËÈ_‹Í”=Ëgã”d =KÓÍ∫_ƒ◊^Á=ÓÈËÍä¸^=“_gú˙^=›ÈÉ–kf=âÍ‹kÈ=ÏÖ◊^=áÈË‘ä=^Ñ=›ƒ�€=º=Ó–Ífl`Á=ÓÈÇÁ=Ò^Ër`=º=Ò_~3ä¯^=Ôÿ√=Óo√_f Km^ᥘ∫^=ÓÀ_ókä^=m_gÿ�k€=≈Í∑=:ÿj=;◊^=m_√_‹kr¯^=m_√_œ=·€=Ó√Ë‹¶=fiË©=≈fÜ˙^=“ɇÃ◊^=^Ö„=›óÈÁ
English, Bahasa Indonesia
Somerset Grand Citra Jakarta is a dazzling jewel set in the heart of Jakarta’s business and shopping district. The serviced residence is adjacent to Ciputra World 1, which consists of an upscale shopping centre called Lotte Shopping Avenue, an Art Preneur Centre which is a museum, art gallery and theatre and an office tower. Each of apartment provides a fully-equipped kitchen, separate living and dining areas, TV with cable channels, complimentary in-room wireless internet access and other modern amenities. =ÂÀËÍó◊=“ɇÃ◊^=y‡∂Á=K_já”_r=º=“Ëãk◊^Á=⁄_‹√˙^=Ó–�‡€=hÿœ=º=Ó–◊ak€=Ìá„Ër=I_já”_r=^3Íä=Éfl^á«=läá€Ëä =ÜË͇ÈáÈ=â”á€Á=IË͇Àb=…‡ÍfËé=ÂÍjË◊=Ô‹ãÈ=Îœ^Ü=“Ëãj=â”á€=·€=‚Ë‘kÈ=ÏÖ◊^=I١=É◊ÜÁÁ=^ájËgÍä=Ü^Ëù=Ó€_œ˛^=ÓíáÀ =·”_€`Á =IŸ€_‘◊_f =^≶ =_ g�€ =Ó–é =Ÿ” =›ójÁ =K_ÈÜ^Çd =_͇À =_Ãwk€ =›óÈ =ÏÖ◊^Á =‚ˇÃÿ◊ � � � � =_ráfÁ � =I_váã€Á � =_ñჀÁ � =·€=_„4«Á=Œá»◊^=Ÿ~^Ç=ÓÍfl_¶=ÓÍ‘ÿä¯=lfl3fld=Ó€É~Á=ImÜ_5=ÏÇ=Ïd=⁄d=‚ËÈâÃÿjÁ=Ifi_ƒ�◊^=⁄Á_‡jÁ=Óè̓‹ÿ◊=ÓÿìÇ€ =KÓoÈɧ^=Óv^á◊^=ŸÚ_äÁ
English, Bahasa Indonesia
Bandung is famously known as the weekend getaway for the working class of Jakartans, located merely 2-3 hours from downtown Jakarta with easy access through toll road and catered by regular shuttle, making it a favourite destination close to the nation’s capital. Bandung has been known for its textile and garment production complex, and loomed to a shopping city, occupied by various factory outlets offering cheaper goods with international quality. The main Braga shopping centre and the Savoy-Homann and Preanger hotels are a must visit .Visitors are also tempted to return here, because of the innate hospitality, diverse menu of local delicacy (especially the cakes), and convenient accommodations by various starred-hotels or the boutique lodges located at the city’s peak providing the top view of Bandung.
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Tangkuban Perahu About 1.5 hours from Bandung, it is yet another crater from volcano of Indonesia that is worth the visit for the sheer awe of the view from the top. This may be second best to Kawah Putih but still worth to visit.
ﺟﺒﻞ ﺗﺎﻧﻜﻮﺑﺎن ﺑﺮاﻫﻮ
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Kawah Putih Definitely in top of the list of attractions for its stunningly beautiful lake as if set out of a movie. It is 2 hours away from Bandung city center and in the highland. The place is cooling but beware of sunburn as it is still really sunny here without feeling it. This is a sulphuric lake as it is from a volcano. The entire area can be explored in 30 minutes.
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Dusun Bambu A relaxing family leisure park at the foot of the mountain with very inspiring, sublime and truly remarkable picturesque surroundings. Gigantic bamboo structure welcomes to the main gate and a fancy-dancy floral shuttle will bring you to the main area of the park. Along the way can see verdant greens with fascinating bamboo walking paths. Dusun Bambu is located in Kolonel Masturi KM 11 Cisarua, Bandung Barat.
دوﺳﻮن ﺑﺎﻣﺒﻮ
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HOTELS IN BANDUNG Hotel Aryaduta Bandung
ﻓﻨﺪق أرﯾﺎدوﺗﺎ ﺑﺎﻧﺪوﻧﻎ
ﺍﻟﻔﻨﺎﺩﻕ ﻓﻲ ﺑﺎﻧﺪﻭﻧﻎ
Crowne Plaza Bandung
ﮐﺮاون ﺑﻼزا ﺑﺎﻧﺪوﻧﻎ
+62 22 421 1234
+62 22 3000 2500
Jl. Sumatera No.51, Bandung 40115, West Java, Indonesia
Jl. Lembong No.19, Jawa Barat, Bandung - 40111, Indonesia
Conveniently located in the heart of the city and adjacent to Bandung Indah Plaza, the Hotel is just 20 minutes away from Bandung International Airport and 10 minutes to the railway station. Offers 254 rooms and suites, complemented with multi-purpose Ballroom, meeting rooms, a variety of restaurants and lounge, Hotel Aryaduta Bandung is the excellent choice for business and leisure. =Ó–ÍœÇ=٢٠=Ƀf=Ôÿ√=≈–ÈÁ=I^à˘f=Ê^Éfld=…flÁÉfl_f=·€=Ófá–€=Ôÿ√Á=Ó‡ÈÉ∫^=hÿœ=º=_Í◊_o€=_ ƒœË€=…flÁÉfl_f=_jÁÇ_ÈÜ`=“ɇÀ=Ÿk≠ � �
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English, Bahasa Indonesia
Hilton Bandung
A contemporary upscale hotel in Bandung, nestled in the heart of the city, 25 minutes from Bandung International Airport, Crowne Plaza Bandung is an international hotel that promises distinguished accommodations. The 270 elegantly decorated guest rooms and suites offers excellent Bandung city view. Guest can enjoy seamless service in one of Bandung's largest executive club lounge on the 16th floor with personalized service. =IÎ◊ÁÉ◊^=…flÁÉfl_f=Ü_�€=·€=Ó–ÍœÇ=٢٥=Ƀf=Ôÿ√=Ó‡ÈÉ∫^=hÿœ=º=≈–È=I…flÁÉfl_f=º=áí_ƒ€=› À=“ɇÀ=Ë„=^à˘f=‚Á^á” =Ò¯â‡ÿ◊=·‘∂=K…flÁÉfl_f=Ó‡ÈÉ€=Ôÿ√=Óf˘~=Ó◊˘úd=fiÉ–j=Ów‡r`Á=Óœ_flaf=Ó‡Èâ€=Ò¯â‡ÿ◊=ÓÀá«=٢٧٠=›óÈ=KÌâÍ‹k€=Ó€_œd=y‡∂Á KÓÍì é=Ó€É~=≈€=١٦=—f_�◊^=º=…flÁÉfl_f=º=ÓÈÖÍÇk◊^=ÏÇ_‡◊^=m¯_í=2”`=Évd=º=Óãÿä=Ó€Éü=∆_k‹kä¯^
English, Bahasa Indonesia
ﻫﯿﻠﺘﻮن ﺑﺎﻧﺪوﻧﻎ
InterContinental Bandung Dago Pakar
إﻧﺘﺮﮐﻮﻧﺘﯿﻨﻨﺘﺎل ﺑﺎﻧﺪوﻧﻎ داﻏﻮ ﺑﺎﮐﺎر
+62 22 8606 6888
+62 22 8780 6688
Jalan HOS Tjokroaminoto No. 41-43, Bandung 40171, Indonesia
Jalan Resor Dago Pakar Raya 2B, Bandung, Indonesia
Enjoying a cool climate, the hotel offers a relaxing stay with free Wi-Fi in public areas, a rooftop pool and 4 dining options. Hilton Bandung is approximately 4 km from Bandung International Airport. It is just 650 metres from train station, and shopping options at Pasar Baru Bandung and Braga City Walk. =Ôÿ√=Óv_gä=fi_∏Á=IÓ€_ƒ◊^=—ú_‡∫^=º=ÓÍfl_¶=Ï_À=Ï^Á=Ó€É~=≈€=Ó≠á€=Ó€_œdÁ=Iꃇ€Á=ÇÜ_f=Å_‡≥=“ɇÃ◊^=≈k‹kÈ =Ü_�€=·√ =›”=٤=Î◊^Ëv =…flÁÉfl_f =‚ËkÿÍ„=ɃgÈÁ=Km¯Ë”a∫^=·€=Ó√ˇk€=m^Ü_Í~=fiÉ–j=ÓÃÿk®=›√_�€=ÓƒfÜ`Á=Iy�ã◊^ K÷ÁÁ=;Íä=_«áf=ÔèªÁ=I…flÁÉfl_f=ÁÜ_f=Ü_ä_f=º=“Ëãk◊^=ár_k€Á=IÜ_�–◊^=Ó�ß=·√=_gÈá–j=3€=٦٥٠Á=IÎ◊ÁÉ◊^=…flÁÉfl_f �
English, Bahasa Indonesia
InterContinental Bandung Dago Pakar where serenity meets luxury, business meets indulgence. Surrounded by the Mountain View Golf Course, InterContinental Bandung Dago Pakar fits its prestigious position as the newest international five-star luxury hotel in the city. Whether you are looking for spacious state of the art meeting space, the most romantic location a joyful family get away to lush greenery and fresh air, you will find it all here. =hƒÿ€ =Âf =ΩÍ≠Á =IÓÍ„_Àá◊^Á =ÓÈÜ_sk◊^ =⁄_‹√˙^Á =IÓ€_ Ã◊^Á =Ò_Ãì◊^ =±f =Ü_”_f =Ë«^Ç =…flÁÉfl_f =⁄_k‡‡ÍkflË”3fld =“ɇÀ =≈‹¨ =KÓ‡ÈÉ∫^=º=fiË©=å‹•^=ÓÛÀ=·€=ÓÍ∫_ƒ◊^=“Ç_‡Ã◊^=qÉv`=±f=Ӝˀá∫^=Âkfl_‘€=“ɇÃ◊^=àâ√Á=KÕ◊Ësÿ◊=ËÍÀ=∞flÁ_€ =Ò^Ër`=ΩäÁ=t͉f=ÎÿÚ_√=Éì–€=Á`=ÓÛÀ^Ç=ÓÍãfl_€ÁÜ=Ó‰rÁ=Á`=ÌÜË�k€Á=ÓwÍãÀ=m_√_‹kr^=m_v_ã€=·√=pwgj=l‡”=Ò^ËäÁ � K_‡„=Ÿo€˙^=÷Ü_Í~=Ü_”_f=Ë«^Ç=…flÁÉfl_f=⁄_k‡‡ÍkflË”3fld=“ɇÀ=ɃÈ=IΖ‡◊^=Ò^Ë7^Á=Ò^áó•^=m_v_ã∫^=·€
English, Bahasa Indonesia
HOTELS IN BANDUNG Padma Hotel Bandung
ﻓﻨﺪق ﺑﺎدﻣﺎ ﺑﺎﻧﺪوﻧﻎ
ﺍﻟﻔﻨﺎﺩﻕ ﻓﻲ ﺑﺎﻧﺪﻭﻧﻎ
Prama Grand Preanger Bandung
ﻓﻨﺪق ﻏﺮاﻧﺪ روﯾﺎل ﺑﺎﻧﻐﻬﯿﻐﺎر ﺑﺎﻧﺪوﻧﻎ
+62 22 203 0333
+62 22 423 1631
Jl. Ranca Bentang 56-58 Ciumbuleuit, Bandung, Indonesia
Jalan Asia Afrika No. 81, Bandung 40111, Indonesia
Inspired by the beauty of Parahyangan, Padma Hotel Bandung boasts a spectacular mountain view, elegant guestrooms and exceptional hospitality personified by its 24-hour butler service. Located at the hillside yet only minutes away from Bandung's city center, it is the perfect place for great getaways and fruitful meetings. Stay at Padma Hotel Bandung and rejuvenate yourself in the finest surroundings.
Featuring modern interiors, the elegant hotel provides well-appointed rooms with views of the city. It is only a 10-minute drive from Bandung International Airport, features a spa and fitness centre. It takes 15 minutes’ drive to Trans Studio Bandung (indoor theme park) and shopping outlets. The Bandung Train Station is located a 10-minute drive from the hotel
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English, Bahasa Indonesia
Sheraton Bandung Hotel & Towers
English, Bahasa Indonesia
ﻓﻨﺪق وأﺑﺮاج ﺷﯿﺮاﺗﻮن ﺑﺎﻧﺪوﻧﻎ
The Trans Luxury Hotel
+62 22 250 0303
+62 22 8734 8888
Jalan Ir. H Juanda 390, Bandung 40135, Indonesia
Gatot Subroto 289, Bandung, Indonesia
ذا ﺗﺮاﻧﺲ ﻻﮐﺸﺮي ﺑﺎﻧﺪوﻧﻎ
High on the slopes at Dago Valley, the hotel is surrounded by picturesque mountains and stunning city scenery. With a convenient location with just minutes away from the main business district, an abundance of fresh mountain air, and resort-styled facilities, hotel is a great choice in Bandung. Conveniently located 30 minutes from Bandung International Airport, 20 minutes from the train station, making it easily accessible for business or leisure travellers.
All the facilities and services at The Trans Luxury Hotel have been designed to set the property in a class of its own. The panoramic restaurant and lounge on level 18 with sweeping views of the city, the open-air sandy beach pool with sun lounges, the elegant day spa, the high tech fitness centre, the luxurious room amenities, all ensure the most memorable stay for an extraordinary escape or at a successful, impeccable run event.
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English, Bahasa Indonesia
English, Bahasa Indonesia
HOTELS IN BANDUNG Arion Swiss-Belhotel Bandung
أرﯾﻮن ﺳﻮﯾﺲ ﺑﻞ ﻫﻮﺗﯿﻞ ﺑﺎﻧﺪوﻧﻎ
ﺍﻟﻔﻨﺎﺩﻕ ﻓﻲ ﺑﺎﻧﺪﻭﻧﻎ
Asmila Boutique Hotel Bandung
أزﻣﯿﻼ ﺑﻮﺗﯿﮏ ﺑﺎﻧﺪوﻧﻎ
+62 22 424 0000
+62 22 8206 6222
Jalan Otto Iskandardinata No.16, Bandung 40171, Indonesia
Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi no. 54, Bandung 40141, Indonesia
Arion Swiss-Belhotel Bandung offers a boutique accommodation in the heart of Bandung, 350 metres from Bandung train station. It offers a grand outdoor pool, a fitness centre and free parking. The hotel is a 15-minute drive from Pasteur toll gate and Bandung International Airport. =Ó�ß=·€=3€=٣٥٠=Óf^áœ=ɃgÈÁ=Iôf_‡◊^=…flÁÉfl_f=hÿœ=º=Ìá~_À=Ó€_œd=ÂÀËÍó◊=…flÁÉfl_f=ŸÍjË„=Ÿf=åÈËä=‚ËÈÜ`=y‡∂ =ɃgÈÁ=Km^Ü_Íã◊^=Ü_¿kfl¯=ÓÍfl_¶=m_v_äÁ=ÓÍflÉg◊^=Óœ_Íÿ◊=^â”á€Á=I4g”=ÎrÜ_~=Óv_gä=fi_∏=“ɇÃ◊^=›óÈÁ=K…flÁÉfl_f=Ü_�œ � KÎ◊ÁÉ◊^=…flÁÉfl_f=Ü_�€Á=⁄Ëj=ÜËkä_f=Óf^Ëf=·€=ÌÜ_Íã◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=١٥=“ɇÃ◊^
English, Bahasa Indonesia
THE 1O1 Bandung Dago
Asmila Boutique Hotel Bandung is within walking distance from various factory outlets and dining options. It features an outdoor pool and a restaurant. Free Wi-Fi is provided in the entire hotel. It is only 3.5 km away from Bandung International Airport and the famous Rumah Mode factory outlet is located just opposite the hotel. � =›√_�∫^Á=≈fl_ì∫^=ÖÀ_‡€=Õÿk®=·€=fi^Éœ˙^=Ôÿ√=^4ä=Ì4ìœ=ÓÀ_ã€=Ƀf=Ôÿ√=…flÁÉfl_f=’ÍjËf=˘Í€à`=“ɇÀ=≈–È =Ò_™`=≈Í∑=º=ÓÍfl_¶=Ï_À=Ï^Á=Ó€É~=áÀËkj=_‹”=I_‹ƒ�€Á=—ÿ�◊^=Ò^Ë7^=º=Óv_gä=fi_∏=“ɇÃ◊^=›óÈÁ=KÓ√ˇk∫^ � =“ɇÃÿ◊=Óÿf_–∫^=Ó‰£^=º=4‰è◊^=ÇË€=}_€Ü=ásk€=≈–ÈÁ=IÎ◊ÁÉ◊^=…flÁÉfl_f=Ü_�€=·€=›”=٣{٥=“ɇÃ◊^=ɃgÈÁ=K“ɇÃ◊^ KÌáé_g€
English, Bahasa Indonesia
ﺑﺎﻧﺪوﻧﻎ داﻏﻮ1O1
The Jayakarta Bandung Resort & Spa ﻓﻨﺪق وﺳﺒﺎ ذا ﺟﺎﯾﺎﮐﺎرﺗﺎ ﺳﻮﯾﺘﺲ ﺑﺎﻧﺪوﻧﻎ
+62 22 426 0966
+62 22 250 5888
Jalan Ir. H. Juanda no.3, Bandung 40115, Indonesia
Jalan Ir. H. Juanda No. 381A, Bandung 40135, Indonesia
Strategically located in the popular area of Dago in Bandung, THE 1O1 Bandung Dago offers hip and modern accommodation with free Wi-Fi access in all areas of the property. It takes a 5-minute walk from the hotel to Bandung Indah Plaza Shopping Centre, 15-minute drive to the iconic Gedung Sate Town Hall, 30 minutes to Paris Van Java Shopping Mall and 30 minutes to Bandung International Airport.
The Jayakarta Bandung Suites Hotel is located on top of a hill with panoramic views of the city of Bandung and the surrounding mountains. Only 30-minute drive from Bandung International Airport, 15-minutes to downtown Bandung, famous for its factory outlet shops. Enjoy a swim in the grand outdoor pool or a relaxing massage.
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English, Bahasa Indonesia
English, Bahasa Indonesia
Puncak Literary means “Peak”, Between Bandung and Bogor in the mountains lays Puncak, a cool area, which is very popular. The cool, fresh air and the magnificent view offer a calm, fresh and peaceful feeling. In the afternoon, sunsets from the top of the pass can be quite spectacular.
Puncak Pass is one of interesting destination in the West Java Province. It is located in the south of Jakarta and can be reached by an hour journey. Puncak is an ideal place for weekend, as well as a good location to find a fresh mountain air.
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أﻣﺎﻛﻦ ﻣﺜﻴﺮة ﻟﻼﻫﺘﻤﺎم
Telaga Warna (Lake Warna) Lake Warna (Lake Colour) is located in the Inland Hill which offers a stunning scenery. Lake Warna is able to change the colour following the natural surroundings, that’s why it is called Lake Warna. Location: North Tugu Village, Cisarua Sub District, about 39 km from Bogor
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Curug Kembar (Twins Waterfall) Another name of the Twins waterfall is Ponds Green waterfall. This waterfall has a height of about 15 m and below of the ponds is green. The water is very clean, but it also contained a cliff that resembles a cave. This waterfall is from Gumawang River. Location: Batulayang Village, Cisarua Sub District, about 26,5 km from Bogor
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(ﻛﻮروج ﻛﻴﻤﺒﺎر )اﻟﺸﻼل اﻟﺘﻮأم
Taman Safari, Cisarua, with about 170 hectares has around 2,500 animals. The majority of animals are from Indonesian, including Bengal tigers, Giraffe, Malayan Sun Bear, Orangutan, Hippo, zebra, cheetah, elephants, and komodo. There are also many conserved faunas here, including the Bali Starling, a small white Mynah bird. The safari is a drive through and it is possible to be extremely close to all the animals. Location: Jl. Raya Puncak No.601 Cisarua
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Taman Bunga Nusantara (Flower Garden) has many diverse collection of beautiful and fresh flowers, ranging from plants to tropical climate as well as for a cold climate, not even just the interest that comes from Indonesia, flowers from all over the world were there. In addition to refresh the eye, we also will get a lot of new insights about the flowers. TBN is located in the Village District Kawung-Luwuk Sukaresmi Cipanas-Cianjur, with total area of 35 acres, Garden Flowers Collection presents the beauty and charm and natural flowers arranged beautifully. Founded 10 years ago precisely on September 10, 1995, Indonesia’s first display garden is equipped with various collections of plants and flowers are renowned worldwide unique.
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HOTELS IN PUNCAK Novus Giri Resort & Spa
ﻣﻨﺘﺠﻊ وﺳﺒﺎ ﻧﻮﻓﻮس ﻏﯿﺮي
ﺍﻟﻔﻨﺎﺩﻕ ﻓﻲ ﺑﻮﻧﻜﺎﻙ Palace Hotel, Cipanas Puncak
ﺳﯿﺒﺎﻧﺎس ﻓﯽ ﺑﻮﻧﺸﺎك،ﺑﺎﻻس ﻫﻮﺗﯿﻞ
+62 26 3511 511
+62 263 524 100
Jalan Sindanglaya Raya, 43253 Puncak, West Java, Indonesia
Jalan Raya Cipanas, Puncak 43253, West Java, Indonesia
Located in the cool mountainous regions of Puncak, West Java, this nature resort enjoys beautiful views of Mount Gede. Facilities includes, an outdoor pool, tennis courts, Massage & Spa, Free Wi-Fi. It is a 15-minute drive from Safari Park and 3-hour drive from Jakarta’s Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. Offering rooms and suites with mountain, pool or garden views.
Overlooking the scenic Mount Gede, Palace Hotel is located in Cipanas. It features an outdoor swimming pool, 2 dining options and rooms with a private balcony. It is a 10-minute walk from the Cipanas President Palace, 15-minute drive from Cibodas Botanical Garden, 30-minute drive from Taman Safari and about 3-hour drive from Jakarta’s Soekarno Hatta International Airport.
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English, Bahasa Indonesia
Seruni Hotel Puncak
English, Bahasa Indonesia
ﻓﻨﺪق ﺳﯿﺮوﻧﯽ ﺑﻮﻧﺸﺎك
Yasmin Resort & Conference Hotel
ﻓﻨﺪق وﻣﻨﺘﺠﻊ اﻟﯿﺎﺳﻤﯿﻦ
+62 251 8251 111
+62 263 518 000
JL Pirus, Kampung Baru Tegal Cibereum, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
Jalan Jeprah Palasari, Puncak 43253, West Java, Indonesia
With a blend of Balinese and Sundanese architectural style makes the hotel more comfortable to enjoy the cool mountain air in the peak region. Hotel Seruni is a popular choice amongst travelers in Puncak. There are three hotels within the complex, Hotel Seruni Pangrango, Hotel Seruni Gunung Gede and Hotel Seruni Gunung Salak, offering mountain, pool or garden views, rooms, suites and villas.
Located in the Puncak Mountain resort area in West Java, provides an outdoor pool with water slides, a gym, team building adventure obstacles, 24-hour room service, basketball, volleyball or tennis. The hotel is about 3-hour drive from Jakarta’s Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. Offering rooms and villas with mountain, pool or garden views.
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English, Bahasa Indonesia
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English, Bahasa Indonesia
HOTELS IN BOGOR Aston Bogor Hotel and Resort
ﻓﻨﺪق وﻣﻨﺘﺠﻊ أﺳﺘﻮن ﺑﻮﺟﻮر
ﺍﻟﻔﻨﺎﺩﻕ ﻓﻲ ﺑﻮﻏﻮﺭ Novotel Bogor Golf Resort & Convention Center
ﻣﻨﺘﺠﻊ ﻧﻮﻓﻮﺗﯿﻞ ﺑﻮﺟﻮر ﺟﻮﻟﻒ
+62 25 1820 0300
+62 25 1827 1555
Jl. Dreded Pahlawan, Nirwana Residence, Bogor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.
Golf Estate Bogor Raya, West Java, Bogor, Indonesia
Aston Bogor Hotel and Resort is a sophisticated conference hotel suitable for corporate meetings and conventions as well as a charming resort for family leisure. Adjacent to the famous Jungle Waterpark, it offers a wide range of recreational facilities such as three outdoor pools, a full service spa, fitness centre, kids club, coffee shop, lounge & bar and guest rooms with stunning views of mountain Salak, Gede Pangrango, and Pancasan.
Treat yourself to 4-star tranquility at Novotel Bogor Golf Resort and Convention
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English, Bahasa Indonesia
R Hotel Rancamaya
Center hotel, 50 minutes' drive from Jakarta. Blending traditional Bangkirai timbers with modern comfort, your airy room is a perfect romantic retreat. Pamper yourself in the spa, dive into the pool, or just stroll the peaceful rainforest gardens at Novotel.
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English, Bahasa Indonesia
ﻓﻨﺪق آر راﻧﮑﺎﻣﺎﯾﺎ
The 1O1 Bogor Suryakancana
ﺑﻮﺟﻮر ﺳﻮرﯾﺎﮐﺎﻧﮑﺎﻧﺎ1O1
+62 25 1824 8899
+62 25 1756 5101
Jl.Rancamaya Utama, Bogor 16720, West Java, Indonesia.
Suryakancana No. 179 – 181, Bogor 16141 – Indonesia.
Experience the perfect escape from city life to relax, socialize or be creative in an inspiring atmosphere. Welcome to R Hotel Rancamaya, a world of informal urban chic on the outskirts of Bogor. Set in a 700-hectare estate, R Hotel Rancamaya is just 65 km away from Jakarta’s business district and brings together contemporary luxury, award winning golf and serenity in a stunning setting.
Located in the Legendary China Town of Bogor Heritage, a foodie heaven of Suryakancana Street, 1 km from Bogor toll gate and the famous shopping district at Pajajaran Street and nearby from Botanical Garden and Presidential Palace, THE 1O1 Bogor Suryakancana is a new icon, offering a new concept of lifestyle experience in Bogor where business and leisure meet in style.
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English, Bahasa Indonesia
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English, Bahasa Indonesia
HOTELS IN BINTAN أﻧﺠﺴﺎﻧﺎ ﺑﻨﺘﺎن
Angsana Bintan
ﺍﻟﻔﻨﺎﺩﻕ ﻓﻴﺠﺰﻳﺮﺓ ﺑﻴﻨﺘﺎﻥ Banyan Tree Bintan
ﺑﺎﻧﯿﺎن ﺗﺮي ﺑﻨﺘﺎن
+62 77 0693 111
+62 77 0693 100
Jl. Teluk Berembang, Laguna Bintan, Lagoi - Indonesia
Jalan Teluk Berembang, Laguna Bintan, Lagoi – Indonesia
Located just 55 minutes via a high-speed catamaran ride from Singapore and nestled on the beautiful white sands of Tanjung Said Bay overlooking the South China Sea, discover an unspoiled part of the Riau Archipelago – it’s amazing flora, fauna and bio-diversity and friendliness of the Indonesian people. Take in the tranquil island life as you are pampered by the finest in Asian hospitality. Feel the sun on your skin and the tickling of sand between your toes. With contemporary and stylish accommodation, and a host of activities to boot, this is the perfect tropical retreat.
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English, Bahasa Indonesia
Bintan Lagoon Resort
Hike in a rainforest teeming with giant trees and lush life, hillside terrain, secluded beaches and the sweet song of birdlife. Immerse yourself in a natural sojourn on Bintan island. Banyan Tree Bintan delivers views of the South China Sea stretching into the horizon where the tropical sun meets the coastline. Unwind and relax on the resort's private beach in Bintan, tee off on an undulating championship golf course and be pampered at the acclaimed luxury spa in Bintan. Be mesmerized at Bintan's only all-villa establishment of beautifully decorated villas in traditional Balinese style, each raised with stilts and set on hillsides. =Ó◊⃇∫^=Ùú^Ëè◊^Á=⁄˘k◊^Á=Ógì•^=m_v_ã∫^Á=Óœ˘‹ƒ◊^=Ü_sé˙^=_‰f=ΩÍ°=;◊^=Ì4�∫^=m_f_»◊^=Œ_èk”^Á=Êâ‡k◊_f=≈k‹kä^ =Óf˘•^=m¯˘ú˛_f=≈k‹kä^Á=I‚_k‡f=ÌáÈâr=º=Ó̓Ígú=Ò^Ër`=º=Ó€_œ˛_f=’ãÃfl=Ÿ◊Ç=Km_„_†¯^=≈Í∑=·€=ÜËÍ�◊^=Ò_‡«=m^Ëí`Á =Óv^á◊^=·€=ÓƒÚ^Ü=m_œÁaf=≈k‹kä^=KŸv_ã◊^=≈€=ÓÍÚ^Ëkä¯^=å‹è◊^=—fl_ƒkj=pÍv=—À˙^=Ôkv=Ék¥=;◊^=IÎfˇ£^=±ì◊^=áû=Ôÿ√ =º=’ãÃfl=Ÿ◊ÇÁ=Î∫_ƒ◊^=Õ◊Ë£^=hƒÿ€=º=’ãÇ◊=‚_‡ƒ◊^=—ÿú`Á=I‚_k‡f=º=≈sk‡∫_f=ï_•^=Ùú_è◊^=Ôÿ√=Ò_~3ä¯^Á =ÓƒÚ^Ü=m^ÜË‘ÈÇ=m^Ñ=m˘ÍÀ=›ój=;◊^Á=‚_k‡f=º=ÌÉÍvË◊^=m˘ÍÃ◊^=Ó–�‡≥=≈k‹kä^Á=K‚_k‡f=º=4‰è◊^=á~_Ã◊^=Îwì◊^=≈sk‡∫^ K⁄˘k◊^=}ËÃä=“ËÀ=âÚ_”Ü=Ôÿ√=ÌÉÍè€Á=ÏÉÍÿ–k◊^=Î◊_f=à^áú=Ôÿ√=Ó‹‹ì€
English, Bahasa Indonesia
ﻣﻨﺘﺠﻊ ﯾﻨﺘﺎن ﻻﻏﻮن
The Sanchaya Bintan
ﻣﻨﺘﺠﻊ ﺳﺎﻧﺸﺎﯾﺎ ﺑﻨﺘﺎن
+62 77 0691 388
+62 77 0692 200
Jalan Indera Segara Site A12, Lagoi, Bintan, Kepri – Indonesia.
Jalan Gurindam Duabelas, Plot 5 Lagoi Bay, P. Bintan, Indonesia
Perched on the magnificent Pasir Panjang Beach, overlooking the majestic South China Sea, Bintan Lagoon Resort is a tropical paradise, home to sun, sea, and two spectacular golf courses. This Indonesian-style 470-room resort is sprawled over 310 hectares of manicured gardens, with a private, golden sand beach that stretches nearly 1.5km. What sets this iconic Bintan resort apart from the rest is a private ferry, landing directly at the resort’s doorstep. So whether it’s a romantic spa-indulged getaway, a mid-week game of golf, or a company off-site set against a remarkable backdrop, Bintan Lagoon Resort is sure to impress. =å‹è◊^=—fl_ƒkj=ÓÍÚ^Ëkä^=Ó‡r=Ih͉∫^=Îfˇ£^=±ì◊^=áû=Ôÿ√=Ÿ�∫^Á=Itfl_©_f=4ä_f=Ùú_é=Ôÿ√=‚Ë«¯=‚_k‡f=≈sk‡€=ÉƒÈ =à^á�◊^=Ôÿ√=ÉÍè∫^Á=ÓÀá«=٤٧٠=·€=‚Ë‘∫^=≈sk‡∫^=^Ö„=≈–ÈÁ=K±ƒÚ^Ü=Õ◊Ër=:ƒÿ€=≈sk‡∫^=›óÈÁ=I_ƒ€=_‰ÍÀ=áwg◊^Á � � =âÍ‹kÈÁ=K_gÈá–j=›”=١{٥=⁄Ë�f=_ í_~=_ Íÿ€Ü=_ Ûú_é=›óÈÁ=IÓœÜË∫^=—Ú^ɧ^=·€=^ Ü_k‘„=٣١٠=Óv_ã€=Ôÿ√=ÎãÍflÁÉfl˛^ � Íg„Ñ=_ � � � � =h«áj=l‡”=Ò^Ëä=’◊Ö◊=KÌáé_g€=≈sk‡∫^=Œ_Ãñ=Ôÿ√=Ìáé_g€=Ëäáj=ÂÀËÍó◊=Óí_~=ÌÜ_gƒ◊=Ê4ÀËkf=Ê4«=·√=≈sk‡∫^=^Ö„ � =º=Ó”áè◊^=uÜ_~=∆_‹kr^=›Í¿‡j=Á`=∆Ëgä˙^=Õìk‡€=º=Õ◊Ë£^=Ógƒ◊=ÓäÜ_ª=Á`=≈sk‡∫^=º=’ãÃfl=ŸÍ◊ÉjÁ=ç_‹»fl¯^=º K’f_s√d=4okä=;◊^=ÓÍ◊_o∫^=Ó‰rË◊^=‚Ë«¯=‚_k‡f=≈sk‡€=‚Ë‘Íä=I≈Ú^Ü=‚_‘€
English, Bahasa Indonesia
A tropical island paradise on Bintan’s northern shore, The Sanchaya fronts an ivory-coloured beach with stunning views of the sea. With twenty-one private villas and nine suites, all the accommodation is adorned with hand-picked treasures and fascinating artefacts that reflect the varied cultures of South-east Asia. With all-day dining, a wonderful spa and a large olympic size pool, this is without doubt, Bintan’s most captivating place to stay. =Óf˘~=m¯˘úef=u_ƒ◊^=‚Ëÿf=áv_ä=Ùú_é=Ôÿ√=Ÿ�jÁ=IÎ◊_‹è◊^=‚_k‡f=Ùú_é=Ôÿ√=≈–j=ÓÍÚ^Ëkä^=Ó‡r=‚_k‡f=_È_èfl_ä=≈sk‡€ =ÓÈÁÉÈ=m_√ˇì€Á=Óí_~=m^ÜË‘ÈÉf=_‰ƒÍ∑=âÍ‹kj=IÓw‡r`=ÓƒãjÁ=Óí_~=˘ÍÀ=·Èáè√Á=Évd=≈sk‡∫^=›óÈÁ=Káwg◊^=Ôÿ√ =fiËÍ◊^=Ü^É€=Ôÿ√=fi_ƒ�◊^=⁄Á_‡k◊=}ËkÃ∫^=›ƒ�∫^=≈€=’ãÃfl=Ÿ◊Ç=K_Íäb=“áé=iˇr=·€=Ó√ˇk€=m_À_–n=呃j=ÓƒÚ^Ü =Ìáäb=Ó‰rÁ=ŸóÀ`=Ë„=‚_k‡f=_È_èfl_ä=≈sk‡€=‚`=Ó–n=Ôÿ√=·”Á=IÓv_ã∫^=4g”=:‹Í◊Á˙^=ygã∫^Á=≈Ú^á◊^=Îwì◊^=≈sk‡∫^Á K‚_k‡f=º=Ó€_œˇ◊
English, Bahasa Indonesia
HOTELS IN BINTAN Swiss-Belhotel Lagoi Bay
ﺳﻮﯾﺲ ﺑﻞ ﻫﻮﺗﯿﻞ ﻻﻏﻮي ﺑﺎي
ﺍﻟﻔﻨﺎﺩﻕ ﻓﻴﺠﺰﻳﺮﺓ ﺑﻴﻨﺘﺎﻥ Aston Tanjung Pinang Hotel & Conference Center
ﻓﻨﺪق وﻣﺮﮐﺰ ﻣﺆﺗﻤﺮات اﺳﺘﻮن ﺗﺎﻧﺠﻮﻧﺞ ﺑﯿﻨﺎﻧﺞ
+62 77 069 2988
+62 77 144 2947
Grand Lagoi, Jl. Gurindam Duabelas , Bintan , Indonesia
Jl. Adisucipto Km 11 Tanjung Pinang Kepulauan, Indonesia
Swiss-Belhotel Lagoi Bay is a 4-star hotel in Bintan, ideally located in the prime tropical beach resort and commercial development area of Lagoi Bay, along the picturesque beachfront. Only 15 minutes from Bandar Bentan Telani ferry terminal, and 45 minutes from Singapore by ferry. The hotel is next to Plaza Lagoi Mall, a centre of modern lifestyle stores, various culinary outlets and entertainment venues. Swiss-Belhotel Lagoi Bay is a wondrous place to explore, experience and enjoy Bintan Island. =ÓÍÛú_è◊^=m_ƒsk‡∫^=Ó–�‡€=º=_Í◊_o€=_ ƒœË€=Ÿk≠Á=‚_k‡f=º=fiË©=≈fÜ`=ÓÛÀ=“ɇÀ=IÏ_f=ÏË«¯=ŸÍjË„=Ÿf=åÈËä � � =·€=Ω–À=Ó–ÍœÇ=١٥=“ɇÃ◊^=ɃgÈÁ=Ki˘•^=Ùú_è◊^=⁄Ë�f=ÌÉk‹∫^=Ï_f=ÏË«¯=º=ÓÍãÍÚá◊^=ÓÈÜ_sk◊^=m_√Ááè∫^Á=ÓÈÜ^É∫^ =ÏË«¯=^à˘f=·€=iá–◊_f=“ɇÃ◊^=≈–È=_‹”=KÌÜ_gƒ◊^=Ó�ä^Ëf=ÌÜËÀ_»‡ä=·€=Ó–ÍœÇ=٤٥Á=IÎfl˘Íj=‚_k‡f=Üɇf=m^Ü_gƒ◊^=Ó�ß =Ÿf=åÈËä=“ɇÀ=ɃÈÁ=KÂÍÀ3◊^=·”_€`Á=Ή�◊^=ÖÀ_‡€=·€=ÉÈɃ◊^Á=ÓÈáìƒ◊^=Ì_ͧ^=ár_k€=·€=Ó√Ë‹¶=›óÈ=ÏÖ◊^=⁄Ë€ K_‰f=∆_k‹kä¯^Á=‚_k‡f=ÌáÈâr=Œ_è‘kä¯=Ìâͪ=Ó‰rÁ=Ï_f=ÏË«¯=ŸÍjË„
English, Bahasa Indonesia
Mayang Sari Beach Resort
Situated prominently in halfway between Raja Haji Fisabilillah International Airport and Bintan Center Business District with easy access to government offices, commercial busines activities & tourist’s attractions. This modern, stylish 4-star business and conference hotel is committed to the highest international standards. Aston Tanjung Pinang includes a wide range of facilities to suit the needs of frequent business travelers and conference organizers with 162 luxurious accommodations and other facilities includes 74 TV channels, Pub & KTV, Massage/Reflexology, Fitness Center, Poolside Bar & Pizza Corner and shops. =·‘∂Á=Il”3ãÈÇ=åflâÍf=3‡ä=‚_k‡fÁ=!^=ŸÍgä=º=Îr_v=_r^Ü=Ü_�€=±f=—Èá�◊^=Õìk‡€=º=^àÜ_f=_ � � ƒœË€=“ɇÃ◊^=Ÿk≠ =—Ífl˙^=“ɇÃ◊^=^Ö„=fiâkÿÈÁ=KÎv_Íã◊^=iÖ£^=—ú_‡€Á=IÓÈÜ_sk◊^=—À^á∫^Á=IÓ̀ˑ§^=hj_‘∫^=≤d=Ó◊ˉãf=‡€=⁄ËíË◊^ =—À^á∫^=·€=Óƒä^Á=Ó√Ë‹¶=›óÈÁ=IÓÍ◊ÁÉ◊^=4È_ƒ∫^=Ôÿ√af=Im^ᥘ∫^Á=⁄_‹√˚◊=îì ∫^Á=I?fiË©=≈fÜ˙^?=Ïáìƒ◊^Á =—À^á∫^=·€=_„4«Á=Ìá~_À=ÓÀá«=١٦٢=Ôÿ√=ÏËk≠Á=Im^ᥘ∫^=΋¿‡€Á=⁄_‹√˙^=⁄_rÜ=·€=·ÈáÀ_ã∫^=m_r_Íkv^=:ÿj=;◊^ =^â”á€Á=Im_㑃‡∫^=Ó͇–j=fi^É kä_f=u_ã∫^LÓÍr˘ƒ◊^=u_ã∫^=m_ãÿrÁ=IΔËÈÜ_”Á=Ófl_vÁ=IÓÍflËÈâÃÿj=Ì_‡œ=٧٤=Ÿ‹èj=;◊^ � Kár_k€Á=ygã∫^=Ôÿ√=^âkÍgÿ◊=·”ÜÁ=Ü_fÁ=IÓÍflÉg◊^=Óœ_Íÿ◊
English, Bahasa Indonesia
ﻣﺎﯾﺎﻧﻎ ﺳﺎري ﺑﯿﺘﺶ رﯾﺰورت
Nirwana Resort Hotel
ﻓﻨﺪق ﻧﯿﺮﻓﺎﻧﺎ رﯾﺰورت
+62 77 0692 505
+62 770 692 505
Jalan Panglima Pantar, Lagoi 29155, Bintan, Indonesia
Jalan Panglima Pantar, Lagoi 29155, Bintan Resorts, Indonesia
Mayang Sari Beach Resort Bintan - a rustic resort tucked away in a pretty little cove on Bintan Island. Set in unspoiled nature on the northern coast of Bintan Island, Mayang Sari Beach Resort offers the perfect haven for a brief respite or a long weekend. Wake up to fresh sea breeze and the lush beauty of a tropical beach. Each air-conditioned chalet is equipped with modern amenities and also has an attached bathroom and a private veranda that commands either a garden or sea view. =^âÍ‹k€=_ ƒœË€=≈sk‡∫^=^Ö„=Ÿk≠Á=K‚_k‡f=ÌáÈâr=º=≈Ú^Ü=4»í=tÍÿ~=º=ÎÃÈÜ=≈sk‡€=I‚_k‡f=êkÍf=ÏÜ_ä=…fl_È_€=≈sk‡€ � � =Ò_óœ=Á`=Ì4ìœ=Óv^3ä^=Ôÿ√=⁄Ëìwÿ◊=_Í◊_o€=^ Ñ˘€=áÀËÈÁ=I‚_k‡f=ÌáÈâ£=Î◊_‹è◊^=Ÿv_ã◊^=Ôÿ√=á‘g◊^=ÓƒÍg�◊^=ΩäÁ � � =KÓÍÚ^Ëkä¯^=Ùú^Ëèÿ◊=Ógì•^=ÓƒÍg�◊^=Ó√ÁÜ=Õèk”^Á=ŸÍÿƒ◊^=áwg◊^=›Íãfl=Ôÿ√=¡–Íkä^=KÓÿÈËú=∆Ëgä`=ÓÈ_‰fl=Óÿ�√ =Ó–Èɧ^=Ôÿ√=Óÿ�€=Óí_~=ÓÀáéÁ=I—wÿ€=fi_∏=_‰fÁ=IÓoÈɧ^=Óv^á◊^=ŸÚ_äÁÁ=Ò^Ë7^=m_ÃÍ‘≥=Ì≶=m_‰Í◊_è◊^=≈Í∑Á Káwg◊^=Á`
English, Bahasa Indonesia
Nirwana Resort Hotel has 245 guestrooms including 29 suites, all with sweeping sea, pool or garden views. Full modern amenities and facilities are available to guests, and our ensemble of restaurants and bars will satisfy the most discerning taste buds. With a full and comprehensive range of activities lined up for guests, diverse interests and pursuits are matched with top quality facilities and services =fi_∏=Á`=Œ^áú˙^=΀^3€=áwg◊^=Ôÿ√=Ìáv_ä=m¯˘úd=_‰ƒÍ∑=áÀËj=I_v_‡r=٢٩=_‰‡€=IÓÀá«=٢٤٥=mÜÁâÈÜ=_fl_À4fl=“ɇÀ=›óÈ � =›√_�∫^=·€=Óÿ€_‘k€=Ó√Ë‹¶=hfl_r=≤d=IŒËÍóÿ◊=ÓoÈÉv=—À^á€Á=Óv^Ü=ŸÚ_äÁ=“ɇÃ◊^=›óÈÁ=KÓ–Èɧ^=Á`=Óv_gã◊^ =Ó‹‹ì∫^=Ó�èfl˙^=·€=Óÿ€_éÁ=Óÿ€_”=Ó√Ë‹¶=4ÀËj=≤d=ÓÀ_ñ˛_fÁ=Káv_ã◊^=“^Ö∫^=“_è√=m_r_Íkv^=ÓÍgÿk◊=m_fl_§^Á =—À^á∫^ =ŸóÀ` =4ÀËj =—Èáú =·√ =Ó√ˇk∫^ =›‰j_€_‹k„^Á =ŒËÍó◊^ =m_gÿ�k€ =ÓÀ_” =“ɇÃ◊^ =:ÿÈ =IŒËÍóÿ◊ =_ìÍì~ � Km_ÈËkã∫^=Ôÿ√af=m_€É•^=ÔœÜ`=›ÈÉ–jÁ
English, Bahasa Indonesia
As a part of 30 provinces in the Republic of Indonesia, Bali is divided into 8 regencies (Badung, Gianyar, Tabanan, Bangli, Karangasem, Jembrana, Buleleng and Klungkung). Denpasar is the capital city of Bali province. Blessed by the outstanding beautiful landscape, Bali blends spectacular mountain scenery and beautiful beaches with warm and friendly people, a vibrant culture and out of this world resorts. Bali is easily the most known destinations for tourists to Indonesia. This tropical paradise has a lot to offer to the adventurous travellers, art admirer, or those simply looking to lay back by the sea under the sun. Bali is known for its widespread natural recreational sites, or outdoor activities of water-sports, diving, snorkelling, surfing, rafting, biking, or even the extreme act of bungee jumping. This is one of the world's most popular island destinations and one which consistently wins travel awards. Bali has something to offer a very broad market of visitors from young back-packers right through to the super-rich.
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Tanah Lot Temple is one of Bali’s most important landmarks, famed for its unique offshore setting and sunset backdrops. The onshore site is dotted with smaller shrines alongside visitors’ leisure facilities that comprise restaurants, shops and a cultural park presenting regular dance performances. The temple is located in the Beraban village of the Tabanan regency, an approximate 20km northwest of Kuta.
Ubud Monkey Forest, also known as the Sacred Monkey Forest of Padangtegal, is a natural forest sanctuary that is home to a horde of grey long-tailed macaques. The forest is also conveniently positioned near Ubud Town Centre. Besides watching playful monkeys in their natural habitat, swinging through canopies, lazing along pathways or feeding on bananas, the site offers cool walks along paved pathways through a leafy nutmeg forest.
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Uluwatu Temple or Pura Luhur Uluwatu is one of six key temples believed to be Bali’s spiritual pillars, is renowned for its magnificent location, perched on top of a steep cliff approximately 70 metres above sea level. This temple is one of the top places on the island to go to for sunset delights. =_‰fl`=É–kƒÈ=ÓÍãÍÚÜ=Éf_ƒ€=Ókä=Év`=IËj^Á=Ë◊Á`=ÜË„¯=^ÜËf=Á`=واﺗﻮ ﻣﻌﺒﺪ أوﻟﻮ � =—„_é=á í=ÜÉw‡€=Ó‹œ=Ôÿ√=≈Ú^á◊^=ƒœË≥=á‰kèÈÁ=IÎ◊_g◊=ÓÍvÁá◊^=âÚ_”á◊^ =^Ö„Á=Káwg◊^=y�ä=·√=_gÈá–j=3€=٧٠=∆_ÃjÜ^=Ôÿ√ � =ÌáÈâ£^ =º =·”_€˙^ =≤Á` =Év` =Ë„ =Égƒ∫^ =mÇÜ` =^Ñd =I_‰Í◊d =i_„Ö◊^ =’Íÿ√ =h¨ =;◊^ Kå‹è◊^=iÁá«=ÌÉ„_è€=áwãf=∆_k‹kä¯^ Tegallalang Rice Terraces in Ubud is famous for its beautiful scenes of rice paddies involving the subak (traditional Balinese cooperative irrigation system), which according to history, was passed down by a revered holy man named Rsi Markandeya in the 18th century. Tegallalang high roadside location is cool and breezy and it is a well-known spot for tourists to stop and take photos and there are numerous art kiosks and cafes near the ledge offering their ware. =ÓÿÍ‹£^=àÜ˙^=⁄Ë–v=áø_‡≥=‚_‘∫^=^Ö„=á‰kèÈ=IÇËfÁ`=º=ﻣﺼﺎﻃﺐ ﺗﻴﺠﺎﻻﻻﻧﻎ ﻟﻸرز =m_È^Ááÿ◊ =_–ÀÁÁ =IEÎ◊_f =º =ÎflÁ_ƒj =ÏÉÍÿ–j =ÏÜ =fi_¿flF =÷_fËã◊^ =fi_¿‡f =Ÿ‹ƒj =;◊^ � =º=_ÈÉfl_”Ü_€=ÎäÜ=Ô√ÉÈ=·ÈÇ=ŸrÜ=—Èáú=·√=Î◊_f=≤d=fi_¿‡◊^=^Ö„=Ÿ–kfl^=IÓÍÆÜ_k◊^ � =_„Ëù=—Èá�◊^=hfl_r=Ôÿ√=Óƒœ^Ë◊^=àÜ˚◊=…fl¯¯_sÍj=hú_ì€=âÍ‹kjÁ=Káè√=·€_o◊^=‚á–◊^ =÷_‡„Á =IÜËì◊^ =æ_–k◊^Á =ÕœËkÿ◊ =I±wÚ_ãÿ◊ =ÓÀÁჀ =Óƒ–f =ɃjÁ =I≈Ú^á◊^Á =ꃇ∫^ =<ú_–f=Óí_•^=≈ÿã◊^=≈Íg◊=ÓÀ_§^=·€=iá–◊_f=΄_–∫^Á=‚ˇÃ◊^=÷_è”`=·€=ÉÈɃ◊^ KÓ–�‡∫^
Bali volcano, also referred to as Kintamani Volcano or Mount Batur as a whole, is a popular s i g h t s e e i n g destination in Bali’s central highlands. The magnificent views of the 13sqm Batur caldera lake serves as the main attraction, surrounded by the captivating Mount Batur range. =Ÿgr =Á` =΀_fl_k‡Í” =‚_”áf =›ä_f =_óÈ` � =ŒáƒÈ� =ÏÖ◊^ =،ﻳﻌﺪ ﺑﺮﻛﺎن ﺑﺎﻟﻲ =;◊^=m_‰rË◊^=›„`=Év`=I‚_”2◊^=_‰f=≈–È=;◊^=Ó–�‡∫^=≤d=ÌÜ_éd=IÜËj_f =Î◊_f =m_ƒÃjဠ=º =Ó‡ÈÉ∫^ =%_ƒ€ =ÌÉ„_è∫ =Ü^Áâ◊^ =_‰Íÿ√ =Ÿg–È =ÎãÍÚá◊^ =iÖ£^ =Ÿ€_√ =ÜËj_f =‚_”áf =Ó„ËÀ =Ì4û =ɃjÁ � =IÔ�äË◊^ KÜËj_f=Ÿgr=ΩÍß=º=Óf˘•^=Ó̓Íg�◊^=áø_‡∫^=_‰f=ΩÍ°Á=IÓ–�‡‹ÿ◊ Bali Safari & Marine Park offers a fun day out, and serves as one of the island’s largest and most visited animal theme parks which opened in 2007. The Bali Safari & Marine Park was established by Taman Safari Indonesia; covering 40 hectares of land in the Gianyar regency. It is home to over 60 species, all of which roam free in large enclosures that mimic their natural habitats. =º=m_fl^Ëͧ^=—Ú^Év=2”`=·€=Ƀj=;◊^=،=ﺑﺎﻟﻲ ﺳﻔﺎري واﻟﺤﺪﻳﻘﺔ اﻟﺒﺤﺮﻳﺔÌÜ_Èà=Ÿo¥ =Ò_ó–◊=Ìâͪ=ÓíáÀ=I٢٠٠٧=º=_‰v_kkÀ^=Ö‡€=Ü^Áâ◊^=·€=^ÉÈÉé= ¯_gœd=Ô–ÿjÁ=ÌáÈâ£^ � � =Ó�ä^Ëf=ÓÈáwg◊^=Ó–Èɧ^Á=Î◊_f=ÏÜ_Ãä=lÛèfl`�Á=K—ÿ�◊^=Ò^Ë7^=º=≈Ú^ÜÁ=Îÿã€=fiËÈ � =·€=áo”`=_‰fÁ=IÜ_Ífl_Ír=Óƒú_–€=º=Óãf_Í◊^=·€=^Ü_k‘„=٤٠=Ôÿ√=_ÍãÍflÁÉfld=ÏÜ_Ãä=‚_€_j KÓ̓Íg�◊^=_‰‡ú^Ë€=Δ_°=Óƒä^Á=ÓÍ‹ß=ÓÛÍf=º=ÓÈáû=⁄Ëskj=Im_fl^Ëͧ^=·€=∆Ëfl=٦٠
HOTELS IN BALI Amarterra Villas Bali Nusa Dua
إم ﺟﺎﻟﯿﺮي ﮐﻮﻟﯿﮑﺸﻦ- أﻣﺎرﺗﯿﺮا ﻓﯿﻼز ﺑﺎﻟﯽ ﻧﻮﺳﺎ دوا
ﺍﻟﻔﻨﺎﺩﻕ ﻓﻲ ﺑﺎﻟﻲ ﺑﺎﻟﯽ،ﺑﺎﻧﯿﺎن ﺗﺮي أﻧﺠﺎﺳﺎن
Banyan Tree Ungasan, Bali
+62 361 776 400
+62 36 1300 7000
BTDC Resort Lot Block B, Bali 80363, Indonesia
Jl. Melasti, Banjar Kelod, Ungasan, Bali 80364, Indonesia
Amarterra Villas Bali Nusa Dua – a part of the MGallery boutique collection of hotels. 39 luxury private pool villas located within the heart of Nusa Dua, close to the beach and offering five-star luxury service. Built in elegant style combining Balinese ethnicity, artistic touches and 21st century technology, all with modern comforts, this is perfect place for honeymooners, couples, and those wanting to escape the hustle and bustle of the world. =I^ÁÇ=_äËfl=hÿœ=º=› À=ï_~=ygã≥=˘ÍÀ=٣٩=Ôÿ√=ÏËk≠=I·è‘Í◊Ë”=Ï4◊_r=fid=·€=Òâr=I^ÁÇ=_äËfl=Î◊_f=à˘ÍÀ=^4jÜ_€` =Ó◊_í`=±f=≈‹¨=—Ífl`=à^á�f=m˘ÍÃ◊^=mÉÍéÁ=KfiË©=å‹•^=ÓÛÀ=·€=Ìá~_Ã◊^=m_€É•^=ÔœÜ`=fiÉ–ÈÁ=IÙú_è◊^=·€=iá–◊_f =Î◊_o∫^=‚_‘∫^=ɃjÁ=IÓoÈɧ^=Óv^á◊^=ŸÚ_äÁ=ÓÀ_‘f=ÌÇÁâ€Á=I·Èáèƒ◊^Á=ÏÇ_§^=‚á–◊^=_ÍrË◊ˇ‘jÁ=Ó͇Ã◊^=m_ã‹ÿ◊^Á=Î◊_f K%_ƒ◊^=h í=·√=^�É̓f=iÁá7^=º=‚Ëg«áÈ=·ÈÖ◊^=ï_ é˙^=Á`=u^Áà˚◊=Á`=Ÿãƒ◊^=á‰é=Ò_ó–◊
English, Bahasa Indonesia
COMO Shambhala Estate
Breathtaking cliff edge views and striking vistas of the vast Indian Ocean make up the idyllic haven that is Banyan Tree Ungasan. Poised majestically on Bali's southernmost cliff, the resort's spacious pool villas come equipped with private pools, lush landscaped gardens and Balinese bales. Located 35 minutes away from Bali's International Airport and just minutes away from the private beaches of Nusa Dua, this is the ultimate romantic getaway with your loved one to relax and rejuvenate. =IŒ^áú˙^=΀^3€=Ïɇ7^=ΩÍw‹ÿ◊=Óf˘•^=É„_è∫^Á=ÓÈá ì◊^=m^ÜÉw‡∫^=}ËÃä=Ôÿ√=ç_Ãfl˙^=Ö~aj=;◊^=Ìáv_ã◊^=m¯˘ú˛^ =Ïá ì◊^=ÜÉw‡∫^=Ôÿ√=_g͉€=_ ƒœË€=≈sk‡∫^=Ÿk≠Á=Km_œÁ˙^=∆ÁÜ`=Ò_ó–◊=Î◊_o∫^=Ñ˘∫^=‚_ä_©`=Ïáj=‚_Ífl_f=≈sk‡€=Ÿƒ† � � =à^áú=Ôÿ√=Ìáv_ä=Å^Ë”`Á=Ò_‡«=ÓœÜË€=—Ú^ÉvÁ=Óí_~=m_€_‹û=ÌÇÁâ€=ÓwÍãÀ=yf_ã≥=m˘ÍÀ=›óÈÁ=IÎ◊_f=º=Îfˇ£^ =IÓí_•^=^ÁÇ=_äËfl=Ùú^Ëé=·€=Ω–À=—Ú_œÇ=Ƀf=Ôÿ√Á=IÎ◊ÁÉ◊^=Î◊_f=Ü_�€=·€=ÌÜ_Íã◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=٣٥=≈sk‡∫^=ɃgÈÁ=KÎ◊_f =Ò_~3ä¯_f=Ü˃è◊^=Ôÿ√=Óo√_f=ÓƒÚ^Ü=m_œÁ`=Ò_ó–◊=’Ú_gv`=≈€=ÂÍ◊d=ÒËsÿ◊^=’‡‘∂=ÏÖ◊^=Î◊_o∫^=Îãfl_€Áá◊^=Ñ˘∫^=Ë„Á Ká~`=Ìá€=’kÈËÍv=ÌÇ_ƒkä^Á
English, Bahasa Indonesia
ﮐﻮﻣﻮ ﺷﺎﻣﺒﻬﺎﻻ إﺳﺘﯿﺖ
Four Seasons Resort Bali at Sayan
ﻣﻨﺘﺠﻊ ﻓﻮرﺳﯿﺰوﻧﺰ ﺑﺎﻟﯽ ﻓﯽ ﺳﺎﯾﺎن
+62 361 978 888
+62 361 977 577
Banjar Begawan, Desa Melinggih Kelod, Ubud, Gianyar, Indonesia
Sayan, Ubud, Bali 80571 - Indonesia
Whether you are travelling alone, as a couple or with your families, COMO Shambhala Estate is a Bali health spa retreat that encourages you to make real and lasting improvements to your lifestyle while learning to relax more completely. The Estate's residential approach immerses you in a positive, holistic and healing experience from the moment of arrival. Every aspect of the Estate answers to this greater purpose—the design, facilities, staff, treatments, cuisine, accommodation and community. � =Î◊_f=º=ÓÍwì◊^=m_‰rË◊^=·€=lÍkäd=¯_‰g€_é=ˀ˔=≈sk‡€=ɃÈ=IÓÿÚ_ƒ◊^=Á`=’Ú_gv`=≈€=Á`=÷ÇáÃ≥=^áÀ_ã€=l‡”= Ò^Ëä � =–g�È =ÏÖ◊^ =<‘ã◊^ =iËÿä˙^ =÷á‹»ÈÁ =KŸ€_‘◊_f =Ò_~3ä¯^ =ÓÍÃÍ” =’‹ÍÿƒjÁ =’j_Ív =Ωµ =±ã° =Ôÿ√ =’ƒsèj =;◊^ =›Í‹ìk◊^=Ÿo€=I≈sk‡∫^=hfl^Ër=≈Í∑=呃jÁ=K≈sk‡∫^=õÜ`=’̀ɜ=a�j=‚`=Ö‡€=ÓÍr˘√Á=Óÿ€_é=ÓÍf_¨d=Ófáskf=≈sk‡∫^ KŒÉ7^=^Ö„=—Í–°=º=_‡kg«Ü=I≈‹k.^Á=Ó€_œ˛^Á=Äg�∫^Á=m_r˘ƒ◊^Á=±ÃøË∫^Á=—À^á∫^Á
English, Bahasa Indonesia
Nestled beside Bali’s magical Ayung River, Four Seasons Resort Bali at Sayan is surrounded by lush forest greenery and working rice paddies. It’s a tropical paradise that puts you close to the artistic capital of Ubud, as well as tiny villages, Submit to Bali’s purest embrace at Four Seasons Resort Bali at Sayan. A 60-room sanctuary cocooned in the enchanting Ayung valley. =ɃÈÁ =KÓsk‡∫^ =àÜ˙^ =⁄Ë–vÁ =Ógì•^ =m_f_»◊^ =Âf =ΩÍ°Á =IÎ◊_f =º =áv_ã◊^ =tflËÈ` =á‰fl =hfl_ù =Î◊_f =âflÁâÍäÜËÀ =≈sk‡€ =≈–È =º=ÓƒÍgú=Ô–flaf=≈k‹kä^=KÌ4»ì◊^=á–◊^=≤d=ÓÀ_ñ˛_f=IÇËfÁ˙=Ó͇Ã◊^=Ó‹í_ƒ◊^=·€=_gÈáœ=’ÿƒ†=ÓÍÚ^Ëkä^=Ó‡r=≈sk‡∫^ � Káv_ã◊^=tflËÈ`=ÏÇ^Á=‚_óv`=º=ÓÀá«=٦٠=·€=‚Ë‘∫^=‚_È_ä=º=Î◊_f=âflÁâÍäÜËÀ=≈sk‡€=º=Î◊_f
English, Bahasa Indonesia
HOTELS IN BALI Kupu Kupu Barong Resort & Tree Spa
ﻣﻨﺘﺠﻊ وﺳﺒﺎ ﮐﻮﺑﻮ ﺑﺎروﻧﻎ
ﺍﻟﻔﻨﺎﺩﻕ ﻓﻲ ﺑﺎﻟﻲ Mandapa, A Ritz-Carlton Reserve
ﻣﺤﻤﯿﮥ ﻣﺎﻧﺪاﺑﺎ اﻟﺮﯾﺘﺰ ﮐﺎرﻟﺘﻮن
+62 36 1975 478
+62 36 1479 2777
Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
Jl. Kedewatan, Banjar Kedewatan, Ubud, 80571 Indonesia
Located in the heart of Bali, Kupu Kupu Barong Villas and Tree Spa is a 5-star hotel enclosed by three hectares of lush tropical gardens overlooking the spectacular Ayung River valley and the rice paddies. The 38 luxury villas resort is one of Bali's finest boutique hotels and an amazing resort for the most romantic travellers. =ÓÍÚ^Ëkä¯^=—Ú^ɧ^=·€=m^Ü_k‘„=Ón˘of=æ_ß=fiË©=٥=“ɇÀ=Ë„Á=IÎ◊_f=Ó‡ÈÉ€=hÿœ=º=…flÁÜ_f=ËfË”=_gäÁ=≈sk‡€=≈–È =“Ç_‡À=ŸóÀ`=Év`=ɃÈÁ=IÌá~_À=˘ÍÀ=٣٨=≈sk‡∫^=›óÈÁ=KàÜ˙^=⁄Ë–vÁ=tflËÈ`=á‰fl=ÏÇ^Á=Ôÿ√=Óÿ„Ö€=Ó◊˘úef=âÍ‹kÈÁ=IÓœÜË∫^ KÓÍãfl_€Áá◊^=“_è√=·€=·ÈáÀ_ã∫^=‹͋ìj=hä_‡È=_‹”=IÎ◊_f=º=’ÍjËg◊^
English, Bahasa Indonesia
The St. Regis Bali Resort
The verdant rice paddies surrounding Mandapa, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve are more than simply beautiful scenery. The white grains are the foundation for nearly every meal in Bali, accompanied by fragrant spices, colorful vegetables, tender meats and local fish. Away from daily distractions, guests will find joy in even the simplest activities, whether practicing yoga in our peaceful pavilion, enjoying a good book in the library, riding a bicycle through nearby villages, savoring a leisurely meal at our signature restaurant, swimming in the heated pool or surrendering at the hands of one of our experienced spa therapists. =Ò_óÍg◊^=iËg§^=Ÿo¥Á=KÓÿÍ∑=Ó‰rÁ=Çá¶=·€=áo”`=Ò^áó•^=àÜ˙^=⁄Ë–v=ΩäÁ=Óƒœ^Ë◊^=‚Ëk◊Ü_”=âkÈá◊^=_f^Éfl_€=ÓÍ‹ß=Ƀj � =^É̓fÁ=KÓÍÿ-^=÷_5˙^Á=ÓÈá�◊^=fiËwÿ◊^Á=ÓflËÿ∫^=m^Ááó•^Á=ÓÈá�ƒ◊^=Ÿf^Ëk◊^=hfl_ù=Î◊_f=“_gú`=›¿ƒ€=º=_ ÍãÍÚÜ=^ áì‡√ � � =IÓ�èfl˙^=Ωãf`=≈€=Ôkv=Óƒk∫^Á=Ós‰g◊^=·€=ÓƒÚ^Ü=m_œÁaf=∆_k‹kä¯^=ÓíáÀ=Ôÿ√=ŒËÍó◊^=ŸìwÍä=IÓÍ€ËÍ◊^=m^ájËk◊^=·√ =ÌÜÁ_.^=á–◊^=2√=m_r^ÜÉ◊^=iË”Ü=Á`=Ógk‘∫^=º=ÉÍr=i_k”=ÌÒ^á–f=∆_k‹kä¯^=Á`=ıÇ_7^=_«ËÍ◊^=}_‡r=º=_«ËÍ◊^=ÓäÜ_ª=Ò^Ëä � =;◊^=m_ãÿ£^=Ò_‡n`=Ò_~3ä¯^=Á`=·~_ã◊^=ygã∫^=º=Óv_gã◊^=Á`=âÍ‹∫^=_‡‹ƒ�€=º=Ó͉è◊^Á=ÓÈá�◊^=›wÿ◊^=“_gú`=⁄Á_‡j=Á` KÎwì◊^=≈sk‡∫^=º=Ò^2•^=_flË£_ƒ€=_‰€É–È
English, Bahasa Indonesia
ﻣﻨﺘﺠﻊ ﺳﺎﻧﺖ رﯾﺠﯿﺲ ﺑﺎﻟﯽ
W Retreat & Spa Bali – Seminyak
دﺑﻠﯿﻮ رﯾﺘﺮﯾﺖ آﻧﺪ ﺳﺒﺎ ﺑﺎﻟﯽ ﺳﻤﯿﻨﯿﺎك
+62 36 1847 8111
+62 36 1300 0106
Kawasan Pariwisata, Nusa Dua, IDB, 80363, Indonesia.
Petitenget, Kerobokan, Seminyak, Denpasar, Indonesia.
Boasting the only private villas in Bali with direct access to the finest white sand beach in the secluded enclave of Nusa Dua, The St. Regis Bali Resort radiates beachfront elegance. The resort promises refined luxury escapes for discerning travellers with its signature 24-hour St. Regis Butler Service. Be seduced by understated Balinese-inspired living and the visual delight of the magnificent Indian Ocean at this Bali's best address. =º=Ò_óÍg◊^=ÓÍÿ€á◊^=Ùú^Ëè◊^=ŸóÀ`=≤d=áé_g€=á‹≥=Óí_~=m˘ÍÀ=Ôÿ√=ÏËk≠=ÏÖ◊^=Î◊_f=º=ÉÍvË◊^=≈sk‡∫^=^Ö„=âÍ‹kÈ =É√_ã∫^ =Ó€É~ =›7 =fiÉ–ÈÁ =·ÈâÍ‹∫^ =·ÈáÀ_ã‹ÿ◊ =ÓÍœ^á◊^ =m_‰rË◊^ =∆ÁÜ` =≈sk‡∫^ =·ók≠Á =KÓ◊Áâƒ∫^ =Î◊_f =^ÁÇ =_äËfl =m¯˘ú˛_f=≈k‹kä^Á=Î◊_f=à^áú=·€=ÔvËkã∫^=ê̓◊^=iËÿä`=≈€=’ãÃfl=Ÿ◊Ç=KÓ√_ä=٢٤=Ü^É€=Ôÿ√=ÌâÍ‹∫^=Îì è◊^ KÎ◊_f=º=Ó‰rÁ=ŸóÀ`=º=Ïɇ7^=ΩÍw‹ÿ◊=Ìáv_ã◊^
English, Bahasa Indonesia
Dive into Bali's most sizzling resort, where the landscape tropical WET® pool sets the scene for a stay in paradise. Balance your style and soul at FIT our 24-hour fitness center. Cool down after the beach and treat yourself with a visit to AWAY® Spa or browse an array of fashionable items at W The Store. Dine in fine style at our world-class restaurants before socializing the night away in our lounges. The fairytale consists of 229 Retreats, suites, and Villas, all designed with W signature chic and innovative touches, offering spectacular ocean or garden views. =K_7=4¿fl=¯=Ó‡r=º=Ó€_œˇ◊=Ò^Ër˙^=ÎÚ^Ëkä¯^=lÈÁ=ygã€=Ù͉È=pÍv=IÎ◊_f=º=ÓflË ä=m_ƒsk‡∫^=áo”`=º=ïË»◊_f=≈k‹kä^ =Ƀf=Ò_~3ä¯_f=≈k‹kä^Á=KÓ√_ä=٢٤=Ü^É€=Ôÿ√=}ËkÃ∫^=ÓÍflÉg◊^=Óœ_Íÿ◊=lÍÀ=â”á€=º=’vÁÜÁ=’fËÿä`=±f=‚à^Ëk◊^=—–v =⁄Á_‡j=KËÍÿfÇ=ásk€=º=ÓÈáìƒ◊^=åf˘∫^=·€=Ó√Ë‹¶=Œ_èk”^=Á`=Ï^Á`=≈sk‡€=ÌÜ_Èâf=’ãÃfl=Ÿ◊ÇÁ=Ùú_è◊^=·€=uÁá•^ =›óÈÁ=K_‡j¯_í=º=ÓƒÚ^Ü=ÓÍ√_‹kr^=m_œÁ`=Ò_ó–◊=i_„Ö◊^=Ÿgœ=Î∫_ƒ◊^=à^á�◊^=m^Ñ=_‡‹√_�€=º=ÓÍœ^Ü=Ò^Ër`=º=fi_ƒ�◊^ =ÓƒÚ^Ü=m¯˘úd=m^ÑÁ=IÌâÍ‹∫^=?ËÍÿfÇ?=Ó€˘ƒ◊^=Ÿ‹°=Ìá‘kg€Á=Ó–Ífl`=m_ã‹ÿf=_‰ƒÍ∑=ÌÇÁâ€=I˘ÍÀÁ=I_v_‡rÁ=^ Ñ˘€=٢٢٩=≈sk‡∫^ � � KÓ–Èɧ^=Á`=ΩÍ-^=Ôÿ√
English, Bahasa Indonesia
HOTELS IN BALI ﮐﻮﻧﺮاد ﺑﺎﻟﯽ
Conrad Bali
ﺍﻟﻔﻨﺎﺩﻕ ﻓﻲ ﺑﺎﻟﻲ The Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel
ذا دﯾﺴﮑﻔﺮي ﮐﺎرﺗﯿﮑﺎ ﺑﻼزا
+62 361 778 788
+62 361 751 067
Jalan Pratama 168, Tanjung Benoa, Nusa Dua 80363, Indonesia.
Jl. Kartika Plaza PO BOX 1012, South Kuta 80361 Bali, Indonesia
Conrad Bali is a luxurious beachfront resort with access to the sandy beach. Its enormous outdoor pool is open 24 hours. Free Wi-Fi in the lobby, free shuttle bus services to Bali Collection's shopping and dining areas. It is 10 km from Kuta area and Ngurah Rai International Airport. Seminyak area is 18 km away.
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English, Bahasa Indonesia
Grand Hyatt Bali
The Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel enjoys a private beachfront location in Kuta, north of the Ngurah Rai International Airport. With 318 modern rooms, suites and villas, guests can rest in comfort and experience Balinese hospitality with international service standards. The hotel caters to leisure and business travellers alike with its 7 restaurants, 9 function spaces, a spa, a fitness center, a spacious sculptured pool, and a helipad. The hotel is adjacent to the Discovery Shopping Mall and a 10-minute walk to Central Kuta =ÓÀá«=٣١٨=·€=‚Ë‘kÈÁ=IÎ◊ÁÉ◊^=Ï^Ü=Ê^ÜË»fl=Ü_�€=⁄_6=I_jË”=º=_í_~=_ � Ûú_é=^à˘f=_‘ÍjÜ_”=ÏáÑãÈÇ=“ɇÀ=›óÈ � =ÕÍókãÈÁ=KÓÍ∫_ƒ◊^=Ӏɕ^=m_ÈËkã€=Ôÿ√`=—ÀÁ=Î◊_f=iËÿäaf=ÓÀ_Íó◊^=—g√=Œ_èk”^=ŒËÍóÿ◊=yÍkÈÁ=I˘ÍÀÁ=_v_‡rÁ � =â”á€Á=IÎwí=ÏÇ_flÁ=IÓÍÃÍøÁ=m_v_ã€=٩Á=I›√_�€=٧=›óÈÁ=IÒ^Ëä=Év=Ôÿ√=}_Íã◊^Á=⁄_‹√˙^=⁄_rÜ=·€=·ÈáÀ_ã∫^=“ɇÃ◊^ =—Ú_œÇ=١٠=Ƀf=Ôÿ√Á=ÏÜ_sk◊^=ÏáÑãÈÇ=â”á€=·€=iá–◊_f=“ɇÃ◊^=≈–ÈÁ=Km^áÚ_�ÿ◊=Ωg‰€Á=I4g”=ygã€Á=IÓÍflÉg◊^=Óœ_Íÿ◊ K_jË”=⁄^3‡ä=·€=fi^Éœ˙^=Ôÿ√=^�4ä
English, Bahasa Indonesia
ﻓﻨﺪق ﻏﺮاﻧﺪ ﺣﯿﺎة ﺑﺎﻟﯽ
Novotel Bali Nusa Dua
ﻧﻮﻓﻮﺗﯿﻞ ﺑﺎﻟﯽ ﻧﻮﺳﺎ دوا
+62 36 177 1234
+62 361 8480 555
Kawasan Wisata Nusa Dua BTDC, Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia, 80363.
Jalan Pantai Mengiat, ITDC Complex Nusa Dua 80363
Grand Hyatt Bali resort was conceived as a water palace with lakes, landscape gardens and five lagoons or river pools surrounding low-rise Balinese style buildings. Experience total relaxation at Kriya Spa designed as an exotic 24-villa water palace amid tropical gardens, with spa treatments focusing on the four Balinese healing rituals: harmony, purity, energy and bliss. Play at the 18-hole championship Bali National Golf Club five minutes away or try the variety of hotel activities. The resort is just a short distance from Sanur, Kuta and the city of Denpasar, while the Ngurah Rai Bali Airport is only 12 km away. =⁄Ëú=Ôÿ√=Ék‹∫^=≈Ú^á◊^=ÂÛú_èf=á‰kèÈ=pÍv=I^ÁÇ=_äËfl=m_ƒsk‡€=u_j=·Èâj=;◊^=Ìá„Ë£^=Óf_o≥=ɃÈ=Î◊_f=Ì_Ív=Éfl^á«=“ɇÀ =Á`=m^4û=ÓãπÁ=IÓ̓Íg�◊^=áø_‡∫^Á=I—Ú^ɧ^Á=Im^4wg◊^=‡ÈâjÁ=IÓÍÚ_∫^=ÜËì–◊^=à^áú=Ôÿ√=“ɇÃ◊^=›‹íÁ=KÎ◊_f=ÌáÈâr =·€=ÓÍ„_ÀÜÁ=Óv^Ü=m_€É~=“ɇÃ◊^=fiÉ–È=KÎ◊_f=ÌáÈâr=à^áú=Ôÿ√=Ó͇g∫^=∆_Ãjܯ^=Óóà ‡€=ÂÍfl_g≥=ΩÍ°=ÓÈá‰fl=m_€_∏ =Óv^áÿ◊ =ÓÍ◊_o€ =^Éì–€ =‡€ =Ÿƒ†Á =I≈sk‡∫^ =_‰f =≈–È =;◊^ =ÓÚÇ_7^ =Ó–�‡∫^ =Ò_~3ä^Á =ÒÁÉ„ =≈€ =uâk¥ =≤Á˙^ =ÓrÜÉ◊^ � Kfi_‹skä¯^Á
English, Bahasa Indonesia
A perfect place to escape from your daily routine and experience the world class hospitality. The resort located in the heart of tranquil, gated resort complex, Nusa Dua – an exclusive location with the most luxurious hotels in Bali. The family-friendly resort is close to Bali National Golf Resort Nusa Dua, Bali International Convention Center, Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center, and Bali Collection. Only 45 minutes away from the famous Uluwatu Temple, and only 15 minutes from the Ngurah Rai international airport, by the Bali Mandara toll road. =≈sk‡∫^=≈–ÈÁ=KÓÍ∫_ƒ◊^=ÓÀ_Íó◊^=m_ÈËkã€=Ôÿ√`=Œ_èk”^Á=΀ËÍ◊^=±jÁá◊^=·€=iÁá‰ÿ◊=Î◊_o∫^=‚_‘∫^=Ë„=“ɇÃ◊^=^Ö„ =^Ö„=≈–È=_‹”=KÎ◊_f=º=“Ç_‡Ã◊^=› À˙=ÓÈáìv=Ó‰rÁ=Ƀj=;◊^=Ó–ÿ»∫^Á=ÓÚÇ_7^=Ó̓sk‡∫^=^ÁÇ=_äËfl=Ó–�‡€=hÿœ=º =_äËfl=Î◊_f=â”á€Á=Im^ᥘ‹ÿ◊=Î◊ÁÉ◊^=Î◊_f=â”á€Á=IÎ◊_f=º=<úË◊^=Õ◊Ë£^=≈sk‡€=·€=iá–◊_f=m˘Ú_ƒÿ◊=ŸóÃ∫^=≈sk‡∫^ =Ê^ÜË»fl=Ü_�€=·€=Ω–À=Ó–ÍœÇ=١٥Á=I4‰è◊^=Ëj^Ë◊Á`=Égƒ€=·€=Ω–À=Ó–ÍœÇ=٤٥=ɃgÈÁ=I·è‘Í◊Ë”=Î◊_fÁ=Im^ᥘ‹ÿ◊=^ÁÇ KÜÁá€=›äáf=fiÉ kãÈ=ÏÖ◊^=^Ü^Éfl_€=Î◊_f=—Èáú=2√=IÎ◊ÁÉ◊^=Ï^Ü
English, Bahasa Indonesia
HOTELS IN BALI Nusa Dua Beach Hotel & Spa
ﻧﻮﺳﺎ دوا ﺑﯿﺘﺶ ﻫﻮﺗﯿﻞ آﻧﺪ ﺳﺒﺎ
ﺍﻟﻔﻨﺎﺩﻕ ﻓﻲ ﺑﺎﻟﻲ Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort
ﻣﻨﺘﺠﻊ ﺷﯿﺮاﺗﻮن ﺑﺎﻟﯽ ﮐﻮﺗﺎ
+62 361 771 210
+62 361 846 5555
Kawasan Pariwisata, Lot North 4, Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia
Jalan Pantai Kuta,Kuta,Bali -80361, Indonesia
Set in lush tropical gardens, features 3 outdoor pools and a private beach. Designed to resemble a Balinese palace, it offers several daily activities, including free scuba diving lessons, aqua aerobics and Balinese dance classes. Free Wi-Fi is accessible in the business centre and public areas. It is 9 km from Ngurah Rai International Airport.
Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort is situated in the centre of Pantai Kuta and the only 5-star resort in Kuta which offers rooms with a stunning ocean view. The resort is adjacent to the Beach Walk, Shopping Mall which is considered as the finest mall on the island. Sheraton Bali Kuta Resort is easy accessible from Bali Ngurah Rai International Airport since it is located only six kilometres away. =_Àá«=›óÈ=ÏÖ◊^=_jË”=º=fiË©=å‹•^=ÏÑ=ÉÍvË◊^=≈sk‡∫^=Ë„Á=I_jË”=Ï_kfl_f=ΩäÁ=º=_jË”=Î◊_f=‚Ëj^4é=≈sk‡€=≈–È �
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English, Bahasa Indonesia
Sofitel Bali Nusa Dua Beach Resort
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English, Bahasa Indonesia
ﻣﻨﺘﺠﻊ ﺳﻮﻓﯿﺘﯿﻞ ﺑﺎﻟﯽ ﻧﻮﺳﺎ دوا ﺑﯿﺘﺶ
The Westin Resort Nusa Dua Bali
ﻣﻨﺘﺠﻊ وﯾﺴﺘﻦ ﻧﻮﺳﺎ دوا ﺑﺎﻟﯽ
+62 36 1849 2888
+62 361 771 906
Lot N5 Nusa Dua Tourism Complex, 80363 – Nusa Dua, Bali
Kawasan Pariwisata Nusa Dua, BTDC Lot N-3, Bali, Indonesia
Indulge in a fine blend of French elegance and unique Balinese culture at Sofitel Bali Nusa Dua, a lavish 5-star beachfront resort with gorgeously landscaped pools and gardens against an immaculate stretch of white sand bordering the Indian Ocean. Enchant your taste buds at the resort's two restaurants and the kids club takes young guests into a fun world of discovery. Memorable meetings are possible with 12 function rooms, including a grand ballroom. =fiË©=å‹•^=ÓÛÀ=^ÁÇ=_äËfl=Î◊_f=ŸÍkÍÀËä=≈sk‡€=º=ÌÉÈáÃ◊^=Î◊_f=ÓÀ_–nÁ=ÓÍãfláÃ◊^=Óœ_fl˙^=·€=“^Ü=tÈâ€=º=å‹»fl^ � =Ò_óÍg◊^=ÓÍÿ€á◊^=ÇÁɧ^=⁄Ë�f=ÌÉkª=Ò_‡«=—Ú^ÉvÁ=Ò^áó~=m_v_ã≥=‚^Çâj=yf_ã€=›óÈ=ÏÖ◊^Á=áwg◊^=Ùú_é=Ôÿ√=Ÿ�∫^ =⁄_Ãú˙^=ÏÇ_fl=hwìÍäÁ=I≈sk‡∫_f=±‡Ú_‘◊^=±‹ƒ�∫^=º=Ó‹ƒú˙^=Ô‰é`=“ÁÖkf=≈k‹kä^Á=’ãÃfl=Ÿ◊Ç=KÏɇ7^=ΩÍw‹ÿ◊ =Ó√_œ =١٢ =—Èáú =·√ =Ôã‡j =¯ =m_√_‹kr^ =I≈sk‡∫^ =·ók≠Á =KÂÍÀ3◊^Á =Œ_èk”¯^ =·€ =≈kª =%_√ =≤d =Ü_»ì◊^ =ŒËÍó◊^ K2‘◊^=m_gä_‡‹ÿ◊=Ó√_œ=_‰‡Íf=·€=IÓÍÃÍøÁ
English, Bahasa Indonesia
The Westin Resort Nusa Dua Bali is a 2-minute walk from Dua Beach and a 5-minute drive from Bali Collection Shopping Gallery. It is a 30-minutes’ drive from Ngurah Rai International Airport. It is within a 45-minutes’ drive of Kuta, Legian and the Seminyak areas. It offers 6 dining options, a spa and an outdoor pool. � =Î◊_f=õჀ=·€=ÌÜ_Íã◊_f=—Ú_œÇ=٥=Ë™Á=I^ÁÇ=Ùú_é=·€=fi^Éœ˙^=Ôÿ√=^4ä=±k–ÍœÇ=Î◊_f=^ÁÇ=_äËfl=∞ãÈÁ=≈sk‡€=ɃgÈ =⁄ËíËÿ◊=ÌÜ_Íã◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=٤٥=ÌÉ∫=ɃgÈÁ=KÎ◊ÁÉ◊^=Ï^Ü=Ê^ÜË»fl=Ü_�€=·€=ÌÜ_Íã◊_f=Ó–ÍœÇ=٣٠Á=IÏ4◊_«=…‡ÍfËé=·è‘Í◊Ë” KÎrÜ_~=Óv_gä=fi_∏Á=I_gäÁ=IÓÃÿk®=›√_�€=٦=≈sk‡∫^=›óÈÁ=K÷_͇͋ÍäÁ=‚_ÍsÍ◊Á=I_jË”=≤d
English, Bahasa Indonesia
HOTELS IN BALI Bali Dream Villa Seminyak
ﺑﺎﻟﯽ درﯾﻢ ﻓﯿﻼ ﺳﻤﯿﻨﯿﺎك
ﺍﻟﻔﻨﺎﺩﻕ ﻓﻲ ﺑﺎﻟﻲ ﻓﻨﺪق ﺑﺎﻟﯽ راﻧﯽ
Bali Rani Hotel
+62 361 737 788
+62 361 751369
Jl. Saraswati III No. 108X, Seminyak, Bali - Indonesia
Jl. Kartika Plaza, Kuta, Bali 80361 Indonesia.
The Bali Dream Villa Seminyak, with 30 luxurious and exclusive private pool villas that are dressed in beautiful Balinese decorative ornaments and each one is fitted with prime amenities and comforts and that were carefully designed to take care of the guest during the stay. The individual pools with sundecks seamlessly blend in with the lush garden, creating a tableau that depicts a modern oasis. Resort is less than an hour drive from International Ngurah Rai Airport =ÓƒÚ^á◊^=m^ÜË‘ÈÉ◊^=·€=Ó√Ë‹¶=ΩäÁ=ÓÈáìv=Óí_~=yf_ã≥=ÌÇÁâ€=Ìá~_À=˘ÍÀ=٣٠=÷_͇Í5=˘ÍÀ=›ÈÜÇ=Î◊_f=≈sk‡€=›óÈ =ÓÈ_√á◊^ =m_ÈËk〠=Ôÿ√` =›ÈÉ–k◊ =l‹‹í =;◊^ =IÓÍãÍÚá◊^ =m_€É•^Á =Óv^á◊^ =ŸÚ_äËf =m˘ÍÃ◊^ =≈Í∑ =mâ‰rÁ � =KÎ◊_f =à^áú =Ôÿ√ =ÓÍf_Íãfl_f=—fl_ƒkj=;◊^=å‹è◊^=m_€_‹û=∆_k‹kä˘◊=ÓÀáèf=ÌÇÁâ∫^=ÓÈÇáÃ◊^=yf_ã∫^=—ÿ¢Á=K›‰k€_œd=Ò_‡n`=ŒËÍóÿ◊ =Ü_�€=·€=ÌÜ_Íã◊_f=Ó√_ä=·€=Ÿœ`=≈sk‡∫^=ɃgÈÁ=K⁄_‹£^=Ô‰k‡€=º=ÓÈáì√=Óv^Á=Éã†=ÓvË◊=IÓœÜË∫^=—Ú^ɧ^=≈€ KÎ◊ÁÉ◊^=Ï^Ü=Ê^ÜË»fl
English, Bahasa Indonesia
Fivelements, Puri Ahimsa Retreat Bali
Bali Rani Hotel is situated in the popular streets of South Kuta area, among an array of new international restaurants, water recreational park and other family entertainment, and right in front of the Discovery Shopping Mall, the biggest beach-front mall in Bali. The hotel is just a 10 minutes’ drive from the airport, our modern facilities from spa, pool, restaurants to meeting & banquet facilities let you enjoy your stay whether for leisure or business at great value. =Ó–ÈÉvÁ=ÌÉÈÉ£^=ÓÍ∫_ƒ◊^=›√_�∫^=·€=Ó√Ë‹¶=ΩäÁ=Ì4‰è◊^=_jË”=iˇr=Ó–�‡€=∆Ü^Ëé=º=Îfl^Ü=Î◊_f=“ɇÀ=≈–È =º=Ùú_è◊^=Ôÿ√=“Ëãj=â”á€=2”`=IÏÜ_sk◊^=ÏáÑãÈÇ=â”á€=Ó◊_gœ=IÎÿÚ_ƒ◊^=ÂÍÀ3◊^=ŸÚ_äÁ=·€=_„4«Á=Ó͉ÍÀáj=ÓÍÚ_€ =yf_ã∫^Á =Îwì◊^ =≈sk‡∫^ =·€ =^ÒÉf � =ÓÈáìƒ◊^ =_‡–À^ဠ=yÍkkäÁ =IÜ_�∫^ =·€ =ÌÜ_Íã◊_f =—Ú_œÇ =١٠ =“ɇÃ◊^ =ɃgÈÁ =KÎ◊_f =Ôÿ√=}_Íã◊^=Á`=⁄_‹√˙^=⁄_rÜ=·€=l‡”=Ò^Ëä=I’k€_œef=≈‹kãj=’ÿƒ¨=_≥=Im¯_Ãkv¯^Á=m_√_‹kr¯^=—À^á€=ÔkvÁ=›√_�∫^Á KÒ^Ëä=Év �
English, Bahasa Indonesia
ﺑﻮري أﻫﯿﻤﺴﺎ رﯾﺘﺮﯾﺖ ﺑﺎﻟﯽ،ﻓﺎﯾﻒ إﻟﯿﻤﻨﺘﺲ
Grand Inn Kuta, Bali
ﻓﻨﺪق ﺟﺮاﻧﺪ إﯾﻨﺎ ﮐﻮﺗﺎ ﺑﺎﻟﯽ
+62 361 469 260
+62 361 751 361
Mambal, Abiansemal, Badung Regency, Bali, Indonesia
Jl. Pantai Kuta No. 1, Br. Pande Mas, Kuta 80361, Bali - Indonesia
Nestled on the banks of the Ayung River, Fivelements, Puri Ahimsa, is an award-winning eco-conscious wellness retreat deeply rooted in the ancient traditions of Bali, making it a peaceful sanctuary to embrace authentic Balinese Healing, Living Foods and Sacred Arts. At Fivelements, "living well" is inspired by Balinese culture, which encourages us to nurture harmony with spirit, the environment and with one another.
Grand Inna Kuta offers two distinct design styles in its accommodations – the Bali Wing and the Beach Wing with a total of 322 rooms, family rooms and suites. Featuring a traditional Balinese ambience with Bali Wing and a modern touch in the Beach Wing offers a contemporary atmosphere. Grand Inna Kuta offers direct access to the famous Kuta Beach besides a mere 5 – 10-minute walk to the shopping center and entertainment areas. Only 3 miles from Ngurah Rai International Airport, 6 miles from Denpasar City.
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English, Bahasa Indonesia
English, Bahasa Indonesia
HOTELS IN BALI Hard Rock Hotel Bali
ﻓﻨﺪق ﻫﺎرد روك ﺑﺎﻟﯽ
ﺍﻟﻔﻨﺎﺩﻕ ﻓﻲ ﺑﺎﻟﻲ راﻣﺎدا أﻧﮑﻮر ﺑﺎﻟﯽ ﺳﯿﻤﯿﻨﯿﺎك
Ramada Encore Bali Seminyak
+62 361 761 869
+62 361 474 1400
Jalan Pantai, Banjar Pande Mas, Kuta, Bali, Indonesia
Jl. Dewi Saraswati III, Seminyak, Bali 80117, Indonesia
Nestled against the shores of Bali's famed Kuta beach on an impressive three-hectare prime site right in the heart of Bali's entertainment and shopping district, Hard Rock Hotel Bali is Asia's first Hard Rock Hotel. This Bali resort features 418 tribute rooms and suites fit for a rock star. The walls are adorned with images, memorabilia and icons reflecting the revolution that changed the face of music, fashion and arts. =hÿœ=º=Im^Ü_k‘„=٣=Óv_ã≥=ÎãÍÚÜ=≈œË€=º=Î◊_f=º=4‰è◊^=_jË”=Ùú_é=Œ_Ãñ=Ôÿ√=Î◊_f=÷ÁÜ=ÇÜ_„=“ɇÀ=≈–È =m_ã‹ÿf=_v_‡rÁ=ÓÀá«=٤١٨=≈sk‡∫^=^Ö„=›óÈÁ=K_Íäb=º=÷ÁÜ=ÇÜ_„=“Ç_‡À=⁄Á`=Ë„Á=IÎ◊_f=º=ÂÍÀ3◊^Á=“Ëãk◊^=Ó–�‡€ � =呃j=àË€ÜÁ=m^Ü_”ÖjÁ=ÜËìf=‚^Çâj=ÓƒÚ^Ü=m^ÜË‘ÈÉf=‚^ÜÉ£^=·Èâkj=_‹”=K÷Áá◊^=fiË©=iËÿä`=›Ú˘k◊=_ìÍì~=Ó‹‹ì€ � K‚ˇÃ◊^Á=Ò_Èà˙^Á=Ô–ÍäË∫^=ÂrÁ=m4«=;◊^=ÌÜËo◊^
English, Bahasa Indonesia
Sun Island Hotel Kuta
The 1st Ramada Encore in Indonesia sits comfortably on approximately 7000 square meters’ land and discreetly situated in trendy Seminyak. In less than 5 minutes you can reach Sunset Road, main hubs for Bali’s best exotic attractions. This hotel offers a complimentary shuttle service to various locations around Seminyak for guests. The resort is with a 2200 Sqm swimming pool, fitness centre, spa, kid’s corner, all-day dining restaurant and bar, and banqueting facilities. =Ó–�‡€=º=_gÈá–j=≈fá€=3€=٧٠٠٠=Óv_ã€=Ôÿ√=_ ≠á€=_ ƒœË€=_ÍãÍflÁÉfld=º=ÜË‘fl`=^Ç_€^Ü=“Ç_‡À=⁄Á`=ɃÈ=ÏÖ◊^=“ɇÃ◊^=Ÿk≠ � � � =—ú_‡€=≤d=⁄ËíËÿ◊=ÓÍãÍÚá◊^=ÜÁ_-^=IÇÁÁÜ=lãfl_ä=≤d=⁄ËíË◊^=—Ú_œÇ=٥=·€=Ÿœ`=º=’‡‘∂Á=KÓÈáìƒ◊^=÷_͇͋Íä =Ò_™`=≈Í∑=º=≈œ^Ë∫^=Õÿk®=≤d=_fl_¶=Ó͔ˑ∫^=m˘À_§^=Ó€É~=“ɇÃ◊^=^Ö„=áÀËÈÁ=KÎ◊_f=º=ÓƒÚ^á◊^=Îv_Íã◊^=iÖ£^ � =_‹ƒ�€Á=I⁄_Ãú˚◊=·”ÜÁ=I_ Íwí=_ ƒsk‡€Á=IÓÍflÉg◊^=Óœ_Íÿ◊=^ â”á€Á=I≈fá€=3€=٢٢٠٠=Óv_ã≥= _wgã€=≈sk‡∫^=›óÈ=K÷_͇͋Íä � � � � � � Km¯_Ãkv¯^Á=›Ú¯Ëÿ◊=—À^á€Á=I^Ü_fÁ=IfiËÍ◊^=Ü^É€=Ôÿ√=fi_ƒ�◊^=›ÈÉ–k◊=_ vËkÀ �
English, Bahasa Indonesia
ﺻﻦ أﯾﻼﻧﺪ ﮐﻮﺗﺎ
The Jayakarta Bali Beach Resort, Residence & Spa
رﯾﺰﯾﺪاﻧﺲ آﻧﺪ ﺳﺒﺎ،ﺟﺎﯾﺎﮐﺎرﺗﺎ ﺑﺎﻟﯽ ﺑﯿﺘﺶ رﯾﺰورت
+62 361 761 818
+62 361 751 433
Jalan Kartika Plaza 88, Kuta, Bali 80361, Indonesia
Jl. Werkudara, Legian, Bali - Indonesia
5-minute walk from Kuta Beach, the 4-star Sun Island Hotel Kuta features contemporary Balinese rooms with free Wi-Fi and a private balcony. Providing 24-hour room service and outdoor pool. It is also a 5-minute walk from Discovery Mall and the Traditional Art Market. Bali International Airport is a 5-minute drive away. � =Ôÿ√=l‹‹í=Œá«=Ôÿ√=I_jË”=Ùú_é=·€=fi^Éœ˙^=Ôÿ√=^4ä=—Ú_œÇ=٥=ÓÀ_ã∫=ɃgÈ=ÏÖ◊^=fiË©=٤=_jË”=Éfl˘È`=·í=Ëk≠
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English, Bahasa Indonesia
The Jayakarta Bali Hotel is situated in lush gardens and located right on Legian Beach, famous for its sunsets. While offering peace and tranquility, this Bali hotel is also within walking distance to shopping and entertainment areas. Bali's International Airport is an easy drive from The Jayakarta Bali Hotel and Denpasar's downtown is about 25 minutes away. � =4‰è◊^ =‚_ÍsÍ◊ =Ùú_é =Ôÿ√ =Ìáé_g€ =Ó◊˘úd =áÀËÈÁ =ÓœÜË∫^ =—Ú^ɧ^ =ΩäÁ =^áv_ä =_ƒœË€ =Î◊_f =_jÜ_”_È_r =“ɇÀ =Ÿk≠ � =ÓÀ_ã€=Ôÿ√=≈–ÈÁ=IӇ͑ã◊^Á=Ò_Ãì◊_f=Ü˃è◊^=Ôÿ√=Óo√_f=ÓÍœ^Ü=Ò^Ër`=“ɇÃ◊^=·ók≠Á=KÂÍÀ=å‹è◊^=iÁá«=Ó√Ááf � =ɃgÈÁ=IÎ◊ÁÉ◊^=Î◊_f=Ü_�€=·€=ÌÜ_Íã◊_f=Ì4ìœ=ÓÀ_ã€=Ôÿ√=_óÈ`=“ɇÃ◊^=≈–È=_‹”=KÂÍÀ3◊^Á=“Ëãk◊^=—ú_‡€=·€=ÓgÈᜠ� KÜ_ä_g‡ÈÇ=Ó‡ÈÉ€=ΩäÁ=Ó–�‡€=·€=Ó–ÍœÇ=٢٥
English, Bahasa Indonesia