bi-monthly Newsletter
April 2014 ISSUE No12
EXPO VIEW We Love Olives
We Love Health
Too much salt and sugar‌
Twin evils accused of causing damage to consumers’ well-being
In this Issue:
TOP STORY : Too much salt and sugar
BUSINESS ISSUES: Cont.. From page 1
BUSINESS ISSUES: Olive oil true nature and new facts for analysis
BUSINESS ISSUES: Organic market shake up
GREEN PLANET: Food Quality and Sustainabllity
ON THE ROAD: WTCE 2014 in flight catering market
Page 1
hey are present on every kitchen counter and dining table - omnipresent , obligatory, and long seen as harmless additives. Humankind, it seems, can't do without them now, although it did, for millennia. But attitudes towards them are changing. America, Great Britain and other countries is on the verge of a new war - a war against salt and sugar, twin evils accused of causing billions of dollars of damage to their citizens' well-being. First salt - the over 6000-year-old dietary mineral. Anyone who has eaten at one of those ubiquitous restaurant chains or lived on off-the shelf prepackaged food can attest to love affair with salt. For example, Americans on an average consume 3436 mg of salt (or sodium, as it casually declares on the labelling) daily, according to a study. Experts say only about half of that is necessary. While sodium is one of
the primary electrolytes of the body (too little of it can be fatal too, starting with causing cramps), excess of salt causes high blood pressure and osteoporosis, among other illnesses. A study done by the World Health Organization showed that if everyone consumed even half a teaspoon less per day, there would be between 44,000 and 92,000 fewer deaths. This same study also showed that lowering the amount of salt people eat, even by small amounts, could reduce cases of heart disease and strokes as much as reductions in smoking, obesity, and cholesterol levels. Another study in the Annals of Internal Medicine says reducing dietary sodium levels would save US $32 billion in medical costs and avert one million heart attacks and strokes over the lifetime of adults aged 45 to 85.. (Continues on page 2) Parthenonos 1,N. Erythraia Athens146 71Greece info@expoaid.gr / Tel: +30 210 6250365 / Fax: +30 210 6209905