Expoview issue 16

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February 2016 ISSUE No16

- Special

EXPO VIEW Thank you for Thank youus forwith honoring us with your honoring presence at our stand! your presence! Gulfood 2016 -Growing bigger every year.

TOP STORY Gulfood 2016

T In this Issue: TOP STORY :


Our presence


product presentation


product presentation

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demonstrated by the 117 national and food his year more than 85,000 visitors export industry groups attending this year’s attended in Gulfood to see the 5,000 com- event. The exhibition grows every year in panies from 120 countries exhibiting and size and significance. Expoaid participated in the 117 trade and industry pavilions. The Gulfood for the fifth time with a compreexhibitor line-up includes finished food pro- hensive range of its finest Greek products, ducers, bulk commodity wholesalers, disdivided into 3 categories: Balsamic vinegar tributors and exporters. The importance of and Creams, Olives and Antipasti and Olive Gulfood as a global trading platform is Oil.


Parthenonos 1,N. Erythraia Athens146 71Greece info@expoaid.gr / Tel: +30 210 6250365 / Fax: +30 210 6209905

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