Exposicoesfbp dezembro 2013 press-release

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Artes Visuais | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014

FÁBRICA BRAÇO DE PRATA / Dezembro 2013 Janeiro 2014

Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Artes Visuais | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014

A rt e s V i s u a i s |

Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Artes Visuais | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014

| Dez.13 - Jan. 2014 Inauguração 05/12 - 19H00

Exposição 05/12 - 01/02/14

NEVER MIND THE SPACE BETWEEN US BEIJING / LISBON / RIO 不要介意在美国之间的空间 - 北京 / 里约 / 里斯本 Eletrico 88 (Susana Guardado, Portugal // Tatiana Dager, Brazil) Filipa Reis, Portugal Hugo Barata, Portugal Manuel Furtado dos Santos, Portugal Miguelangelo Veiga, Portugal Paula Dager, Brazil Xi Danni, China Zhang Xin Jun, China

Teresa Huertas “Caderno de Viagem I” Vitor Barros “Abandonada ”

- Ensaio para um projecto de edição

- Exposição de Fotografia

GOTO - Empresa de Mobiliário Português expõe na Bienal da EXD’13 Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014

Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014 Sala Kandinsky,Arendt, Woolf e Rilke

Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014


不要介意在美国之间的空间 - 北京 / 里约 / 里斯本

Eletrico 88 (Susana Guardado, Portugal // Tatiana Dager, Brazil) Filipa Reis, Portugal Hugo Barata, Portugal Manuel Furtado dos Santos, Portugal Miguelangelo Veiga, Portugal Paula Dager, Brazil Xi Danni, China Zhang Xin Jun, China http://nevermindthespacebetweenus.blogspot.pt Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014 Sala Kandinsky,Arendt, Woolf e Rilke

BEIJING - 北京 Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014


ARTISTS: Eletrico 88 (Susana Guardado, Portugal // Tatiana Dager, Brazil); Filipa Reis, Portugal; Hugo Barata, Portugal; Manuel Furtado dos Santos, Portugal; Miguelangelo Veiga, Portugal; Paula Dager, Brazil; Xi Danni, China; Zhang Xin Jun, China

O projecto consiste num conjunto de exposições apresentadas em três cidades de continentes diferentes; Lisboa, Pequim e Rio de Janeiro. A escolha destes destinos deve-se essencialmente ao facto de serem rotas de emigração de alguns artistas Por tugueses, que por sua vez permitiram criar uma triangulação espacial que tornou possível pensar e realizar esta proposta nas condições particulares em que foi desenvolvida. Procura-se aqui ultrapassar distância e factores económicos que muitas vezes se tornam determinantes para a circulação das obras de arte e apenas por essa razão, também para a internacionalização de alguns autores. Provando com este projecto que o espaço é irrelevante quando a vontade e a imaginação é superior aos obstáculos criados por factores externos aos artistas e que apesar de influenciarem a materialização de uma determinada ideia, não devem ser decisivos para que essa mesma ideia se manifeste ou não. Para isso, a proposta feita a cada um dos artistas residentes nas três cidades envolvidas e cujas áreas de intervenção vão desde a Pintura, Desenho, Fotografia, Escultura e Multimédia, foi a realização de um objecto que possa circular por estes três continentes do modo mais económico possível. O tema das propostas individuais não é relevante para este efeito e ficou ao critério dos autores, cada artista tem já um percurso forte e estável no seu projecto individual. Os artistas escolhidos foram-no por questões associadas mais ao desejo de estar próximo do que à lógica de contextualizações temáticas. O que interessa é a viagem e não o destino. Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014 Sala Kandinsky,Arendt, Woolf e Rilke

三个群展:北京、里约热内卢和里斯本触发了我们的灵感。 大多数时候,地域的隔离和经济因素会不可避免地影响艺术作品的流传、削弱艺术 家的群体感或者个展的效果。不过,现在我们发现了一种方法,可以有效避免这种 不良影响的发生。在这个项目中,距离不再是问题。如果我们能将注意力聚焦于作 品的内在,即使以极低的预算也能实现我们的目标。所以,虽然经济因素仍将会对 艺术作品的具体形式有所影响,但它将不再左右艺术品创意的内在表达。 我们致力于打破地域和空间的限制,通过一个项目去推广和展现一个不受金钱等外 在因素羁绊的艺术创意。简单说来,在一般情况下,经济因素往往会成为艺术创作 的某种障碍。但无论如何,它不能、也不应该介入或干扰创作行为或艺术创意的具 体表现过程。通过我们的项目,艺术家可以在独立的创作项目中以各种方式表达自 己的某个想法、某种分析、某个结论、问题或特定的目标,而无需为了向金钱妥协 去降低其内在价值。如今,信息传播的范围已经扩展到全球层面,人们希望作品尽 可能广泛流传、尽可能向更多人呈现的愿望超出以往的所有想象。因此,为了实现 最终目标,艺术表达也需要考虑各种逻辑上的可能性。正是基于这一理念,我们认 为金钱等外部因素的影响只不过是创作过程中的某种客观存在,而不会决定艺术作 品的形成或传播。 这并不意味着我们倾向于某种过时的概念化观点,即艺术品可以只存在于虚无的想 象中。相反,艺术品的具体存在与创意同等重要。虽然大多数情况下,这取决于艺 术家的经济实力,但仅凭资金雄厚并不足以创作出好的艺术作品。反之,资金不 足的情况下也可能产生优秀的作品。在西方社会,人们生活在一个全球化的时代 中,信息传播迅速且成本低廉。艺术作品的流传必须跟随这一潮流,在这一不断变 化的环境中通过展示自身获取更多的经验。而且这种展示并不仅限于作品原作的呈 现。“距离不是问题!”项目的挑战在于,我们将凭借最为有限的资源,实现某个 艺术创意的作品化,并将其推广至世界的每一个角落。

https://www.facebook.com/events/785987778093496/ Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014

NEVER MIND THE SPACE BETWEEN US This project consists of a group of international exhibitions in three different points of the globe; Beijing (June), Rio de Janeiro (September), Lisbon (December). The choice of these cities was made because they are essentially immigration routes for some Portuguese artists, and that turned possible this particular geographical triangulation in the terms that this project grows. We found a way to eliminate the distance between us ignoring economical factors that most of the time influence the circulation of artworks and undermines collective and/or solo exhibitions around the world. With this project the space between us is rendered irrelevant and although economic factors influence the materialization of an ar twork, it cannot be decisive to the manifestation of a particular idea in an art object, if the role of imagination takes the idea of internalization in focus, even with quite limited budgets. The proposal and challenge made to each artist (in Lisbon, Beijing and Rio de Janeiro) was to create an object that can be a sculpture, a painting, a photograph, mixed media, whatever their chosen medium, to accomplish an ar t object that can be sent to these three geographical locations around the globe with a low budget. The theme of each proposal is not relevant in this particular issue, and each artist must carry the work as it normally develops, because each one of them have already experienced working in a group. The artists were close due to the desire to work with one another, not guided by conceptual questions or the approach to particular themes. The important is the journey and not the destination. To contextualize how this project started, it is important to bring up the artist Eugenio Dittborn, who in early 1980’s, after passing by Europe, goes back to his home country – Chile. By that time, the country was under a military regime. Dittborn’s work was anti-authority, so he had to find a way to send his art work abroad discreetly in order to pursue his art career. Although I met his work later, I was immediately impressed with the simple solution he found to destroy an obstacle which could have suffocated his practice as an artist. He called it Pinturas Aeropostales (1984), photographs in paper and paintings sent in pieces by mail, which were then compiled back together when they arrived at their destination.This information was kept in the back of my mind until recently when I was invited for an exhibition in Beijing. Work dimensions, lack of support for traveling and art work transportation forced me to think about a solution which would allow me to send the art work in the most economical way without compromising its content. I realized I would have to start from scratch and from that specific moment it was a natural step to begin to develop this proposal. One art piece can be designed to travel without large costs and can reach any place in the world. This project can be proposed to any ar tist under any theme or Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014 Sala Kandinsky,Arendt, Woolf e Rilke individual project. The reasons which make this need undeleyable are not connected with the same that made Dittborn fold his papers and sent them to Europe, either with the same which made artists like Raymond Pettibone to hammering his drawings to the wall. In this case, although the motives are expressed in the same way, they are not expressly connected with ideological freedom or the innate impulse of the artists to find their own identity, but more to the urge to keep producing art and sharing ideas. In this specific social context of western contemporary society, the question is quite simple: - What happens to the Ar t when it star ts to become compromised by economics or individual wealth? We are interested in overtaking distance and spaces to spread and represent one idea in one object that will not be compromised because of financial resources. Simplifying this proposal: When we think in a general way, it is often that economic questions become barriers, and those can not or should not be an interference to the creative act or to the materialization of an idea. There are different ways to express a thought, one analyses, a conclusion, a question or a specific goal of an ar tist in its individual project without diminishing its value. Today the spread of information has expanded to such a globalized level, that the desire to circulate and to reach as many people as possible grow as it was never been imagined before. Therefore, this expression should consider all the logistic possibilities to achieve that goal. Starting from this theory, the same obstacles in the process should be integrated on the physical shape itself, to not become themselves decisive for the non-execution or non-circulation of the piece of Art. This does not necessarily mean an approach to a dated conceptualism idea, where the object does not have any weight, on the contrary, the object itself it is important, as important as the idea itself. The Object is indeed defined by the economical power of the artists, as it always has been, although, this doesn’t mean that having money is a reason to be able to execute a good piece of art, or that not having money justifies a bad work. Because in the western society we live in is a global era where the information travels quickly and cheap, it becomes essential that the art object should follow and take use of this dynamic, increasing that knowledge through its representation and not just the original piece. The challenge of this project is to make an object that concentrates itself in the idea of “art work” by using minimal resources and making it possible to go to any place in the world. The work I made in 2009 (Intercontinental) with artist Susana Guardado, which was representing Portugal at “Loop: Contemporary Vídeo Art From the E.U.”, at National Portrait Gallery in Washington D.C., U.S.A., was already approaching the themes developed here. In that case the art work was not material, it was a video, however, more than the dematerialization (following Krauss theory),

what matters here is the physical deconstruction of the piece, which doesn’t necessarily mean the physical removement of the object. The object can be dematerialized or not, it will be the author’s option. Contacts: nevermindthespacebetweenus@gmail.com; http://www.nevermindthespacebetweenus.blogspot.pt

Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com


ELETRICO 88 ELECTRIC0 88 is a collaborative project, developed by a Brazilian artist Tatiana Dager, and a Portuguese Susana Guardado. The project began in 2009.The meeting between the two artists brought new questions, opening the work processes to new possibilities because of their cultural proximity and simultaneously distance, created by historical factors such as colonization, immigration, borders and even language. Eletrico88 is an open platform for discussion using a mixed media such as installation, performances, urban interventions and music, to think its main points of interest: trade, borders, migration, diasporas, new geographies and cultural identities. NEVER MIND THE SPACE BETWEEN US The project was created and inspired by the name of the exhibition Never mind the space between us. Eletrico 88 will produce a video-collage of crowd images, all of them shot in the tree countries involved on this project (Brazil > Portugal > China). The idea is discuss and understand what moves people to the crowd, political, religions, social questions, choices, no choice or just for fun? If you are inside of a crowd it really doesn’t matter the space between us! In Brazil, in the Carnival thousands of people on the streets to celebrate this Pagan festival. In the New Years, in Copacabana 2 million in the past few years, everybody wearing white clothes going on the direction of the beach to leave their offers to gods. In Portugal, thousands of people visit Fatima for catholic reasons, and now for the global economic crises people are on the street for their on rights. In china, you have the artificial pools where you can see people enjoy the Holiday break. The Chinese New Year’s and others celebrate dates that moves people to the Street to burn incense, pray for a good fortune in the next year or just simple return home after a hard day of work in the rush hour. Different reasons, traditions, and culture are what make the identity of those crowds and our choices. Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014 Sala Kandinsky,Arendt, Woolf e Rilke

http://nevermindthespacebetweenus.blogspot.pt Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com


FILIPA REIS Lives and works in Beijing. Studied photography at Ar.Co (Lisbon) and Art History at University Nova of Lisbon (Portugal). In May 2011, after doing an art residency at Red Gate, she moved to Beijing, where has been organizing and participating in several collective exhibitions. Is part of the team of The Sarau Project , a cultural event presented every month at Modernista; Has been working on exchange of cultures between China and Portugal; Before moving to China, she also lived in Porto and Berlin, where she has been displaying her art work and collaborated in different cultural initiatives. Her work is in private collections in Portugal, Denmark and China. MAPS OF THE SPACE BETWEEN US The idea for this exhibition was developed after my first work in China when I was doing an art residency, where I made a documentation of broken phone booths. For this project, I wanted to get the artists involved on the exhibition close together through a same action, on a specific time frame. During that time frame, each artist chose one phone booth in the city they live at, on a place that is part of their everyday life. The proximity doesn’t happen only through this ordinary act but it is as well a documentation of our everyday life in each one of these continents.

Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014 Sala Kandinsky,Arendt, Woolf e Rilke

http://nevermindthespacebetweenus.blogspot.pt Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com


HUGO BARATA Lives and works in Lisbon. Artist and Curator. Attends the Masters Degree at the School of Fine Arts, University of Lisbon, in Painting. He has exhibited his work since the early two thousand, having participated in several solo and group exhibitions. His work develops mainly in the areas of painting, sculpture and video, and it’s included in many private and public collections. He also develops research work as independent curator of exhibitions in museums and institutions, and also in alternative platforms. MATERIALS REFERRED TO (no ar tist really belongs to a city, MOUar t Residency Space, Beijing) 2103, wall painted white, graphite, artist’s signed certificate.In the space for the exhibition of the work one wall is to be worked on. The sentence no artist really belongs to a city must be written on the wall by anyone but the artist himself until the wall is completely painted black by the graphite pencils.

Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014 Sala Kandinsky,Arendt, Woolf e Rilke

http://nevermindthespacebetweenus.blogspot.pt Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com


MANUEL FURTADO DOS SANTOS Lives and wor ks in Lisbon. Master of Ar ts (Installation) Central Saint Mar tins School of Ar ts (2007) and BA Hon. (distinction) in Fine Ar ts (Sculpture) Coventry University (2005). Researcher, teacher and exhibiting ar tist in Por tugal and England since 2003. Private collectors in Por tugal, England, Germany and Australia as well as three public collections in England own sculpture, installation, painting and photography work by Furtado dos Santos. Currently working as an Edge-arts gallery artist. Collaborated from 2008 to 2011 with Sopro Gallery. Co-curator of collective exhibitions such as the White Garden in P28 (Lisbon 2009). Produced several public and private large scale commissions since 2005. SPACE IN BETWEEN

How do we know how far something is? If it is a star one could check the red shift instead of using trigonometric. but if it is a tree on the other side of a river that can’t be crossed, one must measure a precise distance on the river bank from where we see the tree, then at each end of that distance find out the angle composed by the tree, our eyes and the other vantage point from where we decided we would measure that angle again.If it is the hight of a tower or a pyramid no angles are needed. Just use a stick, wait for the sun to cast the right shadow and measure your distance. For that matter, wait for the shadow of the stick to be as big as the vertical stick. At that moment measure the shadow of the pyramid and that will be its hight. Even the curvature of Planet Earth was measured by the ancient greeks by comparing shadows on sticks in different parts of the world at the same time. I wonder how they managed to do it at the same time without watches or clocks...Well distance is for this matter only measure of how well we know our world. This triangulation I have been suggesting is only a metaphor. One can apply this necessity for a third point in almost, if not all fields of knowledge. From emotions and psychology, to philosophy and history. There are a few problems one can identify in our civilization which come from the fact this triangulation was not considered. Those are the self-reference paradoxes. One can solve them by creating a meta-language, asking someone to give an outside view, or by being obsessive with measurements. I’m trying to point out the strategies of Philosophy, Psychology and Science. But these triangulations should come into being in every other area. Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014 Sala Kandinsky,Arendt, Woolf e Rilke

http://nevermindthespacebetweenus.blogspot.pt Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com


MIGUELANGELO VEIGA Lives and works in Lisbon. Between 1993 and 1998 worked with the experimental theatre group “Olho” (Almada, Por tugal). In 2003 finished is degree in Painting in the Faculdade de Belas Ar tes da Universidade de Lisboa (College of Fine Ar ts of the University of Lisbon). His work focus in Painting, Drawing, Video and in installation ar t, exhibiting since 2003 in collective and solo exhibitions (nationally and internationally). His represented by the ar t gallery “Presença” (Por to) and in several private and institutional collections. FLATLAND / BEC AUSE THE OTHER IS LOST Perception and space.

Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014 Sala Kandinsky,Arendt, Woolf e Rilke

http://nevermindthespacebetweenus.blogspot.pt Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com


PAULA DAGER 1977. Brazil. Multimedia artist, graduated in Fine art School/UFRJ. In college had interest in experimental animation. Her short film Vrruumm!! was awarded in the Festival Primeiro Plano (MG/Brasil) and in the same year was nominated for the Brazilian Film Academy Award 2003, categor y animation short film. Group Exhibitions: Personal DJ – Retratos de arquivos Sonoros (Museu da República/RJ); Ócio (MAC / Niterói - RJ). Prize LabMIS 2012 Residency at MIS/São Paulo; 2013 Festival DOTMOV Brazil / RJ. Mostra LabMIS - Museum of Image and Sound / São Paulo. TROPOSCOPIC LANDSC APES In 2012, dur ing the LabMIS Residency, I began to investigate non-conventional media projections for multimedia installations , linking new technologies to bases of optics that or iginated the cinema.Troposcopic Landscapes are tours around the city captured through a lens 360 degrees, a third eye. From simultaneous and convergent actions videos are edited and designed in Troposcópio, apparatus of three-dimensional projection. Beyond research around the optical devices, there is a registration process and close obser vation of the urban environment, and fixed flows that become agents of audiovisual narratives, composed of hybrid techniques of composition and editing from captured images, designed and animated.

Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014 Sala Kandinsky,Arendt, Woolf e Rilke

http://nevermindthespacebetweenus.blogspot.pt Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com


XI DANNI Lives and works in Beijing. Received her BA in Painting at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, in 2001. Between 2006 and 2009, Danni received her Master in Painting from the same University. Presently, Danni lives in Beijing, where she works full-time as an artist. Her work focus on collage, oil painting and watercolor. Has been exhibiting extensively all over China, mainly in Beijing. Besides China, Danni has a solo exhibition at the United States, Germany and Finland. She was a resident artist in Vermont, United States and in Oulu, Finland. 12 STUDIOS For this project, I asked 12 artists to choose a corner or an object of their studio and draw a quick sketch only with a marker or pencil and send to me with a photograph of it. The ar tists from abroad are the ar tists in this ar t exhibition. The other s are Chinese ar tists living mostly in Beijing but also in other cities of China. Then I continue drawing on it following the photograph with oil pastels. My purpose is to open up my art practice experience and to communicate with other artists using a genuine way, without words, only exchange of art work experience.

Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014 Sala Kandinsky,Arendt, Woolf e Rilke

http://nevermindthespacebetweenus.blogspot.pt Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com


Zhang XIN JUN Lives and works in Beijing. Received his BA in Painting at the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts in 2005. Between 2006 and 2009, received his Master in Painting from Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing. Xin Jun works mostly with installation, performance and drawing. Was an artist in residence at Scholls Laudon in Vienna in 2011 and has been exhibiting in Beijing and Shanghai. DRAWER FEET Drawer as a metaphor, it is an object of common family fur niture. On the other hand, the space of drawer can be the sample of living space when it preser ves daily stuff connected to a family. I wear drawer s as if it was one par t of my body while I am walking. The basic movement is changing while the abstract living space is taken somewhere.

Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014 Sala Kandinsky,Arendt, Woolf e Rilke

http://nevermindthespacebetweenus.blogspot.pt Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014

IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: 妙有艺术MOUart www.mouart.com 北京巿朝阳区酒仙桥路2号798 创意广场B区二层(100015 )2/F, Zone B, 798 Originality Square, No.2, Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China, 100015 Email: info@ mouart.com T /F :(0086)10 5762 6056 IN COOPERATION WITH: 蓝房子酒吧 相关资料 新浪微博 :蓝房子BlueHouseBar 地址:朝阳区崔各庄乡 黑桥村“蓝房子”酒吧 二道八号艺术区马路斜对面) 联系电话: 13811600013(翟倞)13810771407(赵波) ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Xi Que, YuanYuan Tan; Cui Qiang; Jeff Miller; Pan Xin Yi; Guo Xin; Zhao Bo; Zhai Liang; Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014 Sala Kandinsky,Arendt, Woolf e Rilke

IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: Fábrica Braço de Prata www.bracodeprata.com LISBON Email: exposicoes@bracodeprata.com Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014

Teresa Huertas “Caderno de Viagem I” - Ensaio para um projecto de edição

Conjunto de fotografias realizado ao longo de uma viagem na Islândia. Ensaio para um projecto de edição, sob a forma de caderno de viagem. Trabalho em progresso, cuja dominante será, seguramente, a imagem fotográfica. Set of photographs accomplished along a trip in Iceland. Essay for an edition project, in the form of trip notebook. Work in progress, whose dominant it will be, surely, the photographic image.

tehuertas@gmail.com Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014 Sala Eduardo Prado Coelho

Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014

Vitor Barros “Abandonada ” - Exposição de Fotografia

Atrás das por tas emparedadas e das janelas cegas do centro de Lisboa escondem-se ruínas, agora invisíveis e inacessíveis, que pertencem à memória colectiva de muitas gerações. Evidenciando a textura e as camadas da experiência humana, pretende-se representar o abandono não como a captura de um momento perdido no tempo, um vazio sem sujeito e sem história, mas sim como a relação complexa entre o espaço e a memória. Partindo da pesquisa etnográfica, esta instalação ilumina os vestígios da presença de antigos moradores em lugares de culto, ofício, educação ou cárcere que outrora fizeram parte do seu quotidiano. The walled doors and blind windows of centre Lisbon hide ruins which, although invisible and unreachable, belong to the collective memory of many generations. Highlighting the texture and layers of human experience, one intends to represent abandonment not as a lost moment in time, a void with no subjects or history, but rather as the complex relation between space and memory. Drawing from ethnographic research, this installation lightens the remains of ancient dwellers in places of cult, craftsmanship, education or imprisonment which used to be part of their everyday lives Vitor Barros (Lisboa, 1980), historiador por vocação e fotógrafo por obsessão, é doutorando no King’s College London e membro da direcção do EBANOCollective. Vitor Barros (Lisbon, 1980), historian by vocation and photographer by obsession, is a PhD student at King’s College London and a member of the board of EBANOCollective.




Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014 Sala Kandinsky

Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Novembro-Dezembro2013

Inauguração 07/11 - 21H00 GOTO - Empresa de Mobiliário Português expõe na Bienal da EXD’13, com o tema NO BORDERS. Após presença em várias feiras e mostras nacionais e internacionais, a GOTO convida a ver as suas peças no âmbito da Bienal da Experimenta Design numa exposição na Fábrica do Braço de Prata em Lisboa, entre os dias 07 a 23 de Novembro de 2013, com o tema “NO BORDERS”. A GOTO é a mais recente empresa de design de mobiliário a dar os provas no mercado português. Inspirada na história e cultura portuguesa, a GOTO diferencia-se por dar destaque aos materiais nacionais e fazer dos pormenores personagens principais das suas peças. A forte aposta na qualidade e no design criativo tem sido a alavanca para a promoção dos artigos em feiras e mostras em Portugal e Espanha. António Tudella (Design) e Nádia Coelho (Marketing), mentores do projecto, juntam a ambição e o conhecimento numa mistura que consideram poder ser perfeita e para tal quiseram eleger apenas melhores materiais para a primeira colecção: Azulejo das Caldas da Rainha, tecido de chita e louça de Bordallo Pinheiro, são alguns dos materiais que pode encontrar nas peças GOTO. Com o objectivo claro de levar a cultura portuguesa aos quatro cantos do mundo, a utilização de materiais únicos de cada região é fundamental para que este projecto continue a cair no goto e a quebrar barreiras. Para saber mais sobre a marca e as peças em exposição, visite: www.gotodesign.pt ou aceda à página de facebook:

https://www.facebook.com/pages/GOTO-deco-design/425170957577977 nadia.coelho@gotodesign.pt Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Novembro-Dezembro2013 Sala Woolf

Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Novembro-Dezembro2013

GOTO – Portuguese Furniture Company exhibits at EXD’13 Biennial subordinated to the theme NO BORDERS. After being present in several national and international fairs and demonstrations, GOTO invites you to take a look at its products participating in the Experimenta Design Biennial in an exhibition at Fábrica do Braço de Prata in Lisbon, from November 7th to December 23rd 2013, themed NO BORDERS. GOTO is the most recent furniture design company proving itself in the Portuguese market. Inspired by the Portuguese histor y and culture, GOTO stands out by emphasising the national materials and by making details its main features. Its strong commitment to quality and creative design has been the lever to promote its articles in fairs and demonstrations in Portugal and Spain. António Tudella (Design) and Nádia Coelho (Marketing), the Project mentors, joined their ambition and knowledge in a mix they consider that can be perfect, and to that end they elected only the best materials for their first collection: Caldas da Rainha tiles, chita fabric (traditional Portuguese fabric) and Bordallo Pinheiro ceramic are some of the materials you can find in GOTO’s articles. With the clear goal of showing the Portuguese culture to the whole world, the use of unique materials from each Portuguese region is an essential element to keep this project’s popularity and to set new benchmarks. To know more about the brand and the exposed articles, please visit: www.gotodesign.pt or access to our facebook page:

https://www.facebook.com/pages/GOTO-deco-design/425170957577977 nadia.coelho@gotodesign.pt Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Novembro-Dezembro2013 Sala Woolf

Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Exposições | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014 pA rt I c I pA !

https://www.facebook.com/sundfestival.pt http://www.sund.rs/en/2-uncategorised/17-competition-sund-2014 Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Artes Visuais | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014

apoios & Parcerias Exposições Fábrica Braço de Prata O Espaço Expositivo da Fábrica Braço de Prata Beneficia do Apoio: Divulgação:



ExposiçõesFBP no Facebook http://www.facebook.com/exposicoes.fbp?ref=tn_tnmn http://www.facebook.com/exposicoesfabricabracodeprata?ref=hl Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

Artes Visuais | Dez 2013 - Jan 2014

A Fábrica Braço de Prata Antes um local onde se fabricava material de guerra. Agora o lugar onde se fabricam conceitos, discutem ideias e se respira arte. 4 salas de concertos, 5 salas de exposição, 3 bares, um sem fim de propostas integrado num único espaço, onde se pode vir sem ser preciso consultar a programação. Música ao vivo, lançamentos de livros, exposições de arte, ciclos de cinema, tertúlias, conferências, workshops, performance, dança e teatro, são algumas propostas que encontra regularmente na Fábrica Braço de Prata. Atrás de cada porta um acontecimento; neste que é o mais improvável espaço cultural da cidade de Lisboa.

Horário: Quarta-feira à Quinta-feira das 18H00 às 02H00 / Sexta-feira e Sábado das 18H00 às 04H00 Geral: fabrica@bracodeprata.com

Exposições: exposicoes@bracodeprata.com



Fábrica Braço de Prata | Exposições | Rua da Fábrica do Material de Guerra, nº1, 1950-128 Lisboa Portugal exposicoes@bracodeprata.com | http://exposicoesfbp.blogspot.com | www.bracodeprata.com

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