Exposure 111

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111 Summer 2012

‘Teen London’ Exposure’s comedy drama coming soon. Details inside

Issue 111 Summer 2012 If you’re a teenager (up to 25 if you have special needs) looking to have fun and gain hands-on experience in the media, you could definitely do with Exposure. It’s free. Come and get involved. Editorial Alexandre

Youthful thinking Don’t forget to ‘Like’ ExposureOrg on Facebook and follow @ExposureOrg on twitter

Jordan What struck me when I arrived in London was the variety of its people. Coming from a small town in Switzerland, I was amazed by all the different cultures and personalities I was meeting all in one city. The best thing was that they all seemed so united despite being so different. They come from worlds with different educations, origins, belief systems, and customs. Worlds with different problems that could easily make them feel alienated from others. Teenagers in north London are no exception. This is why topics covered by Exposure’s young people vary so much. We’re all similar, but we have issues that make us different. In this issue particularly, there’s no theme running through the magazine. The articles have little to do with one another, but we feel that they

reflect society as they do highlight what makes us all individuals. And it’s not a coincidence that the front cover features actors from Exposure’s ‘Teen London’ comedy sketch show, which deals with stereotypes that separate young people that make us different. Turn to pages 24-25 for more info on Teen London.

‘Variety’s the very spice of life, that gives it all its flavour.’ William Cowper - 18th Century English poet

Hornsey Parochial

Contents & contributors P 5 Reviews

P 8-9 Dumb chums

P 10-11 Around the world







Dionne Carr




P 14-15 Agony Isabell












P 16-17 Weighting to be popular

P 18 Gallery







P 20-21 Is it coz I is white? Maya










P 24-25 What’s happening

P 26 Poem









The Bigger Shoe Box, Muswell Hill Centre, Hillfield Park N10 3QJ Tel: 020 8883 0260 Fax: 020 8883 2906 Mob: 0771 5642918 Email: info@exposure.org.uk Website: www.exposure.org.uk Regrettably our office is inaccessible to wheelchair users but we will make every effort to include your contributions

Andreas Koumi: Manager Gary Flavell: Editor Luke Pantelidou: Designer Flo Codjoe: Development Officer Max Sycamore: Video Editor Enrico Tessarin: Video Manager

Disclaimer Exposure aims to give young people an independent voice which can contribute to the democratic process. While Exposure has done its best to check material contained within this publication, we cannot accept responsibility for inaccurate information provided by outside organisations. Organisations mentioned are not necessarily connected with nor endorsed by Exposure. Permission has been sought, wherever possible, for the use of copyright material. Where contact has not been possible we hope that, as a voluntary organisation helping to educate and inform young people, it is acceptable for Exposure to use such material for the benefit of young people.




View these and all our videos at youtube.com/exposureuk

HOMETOWN GLORY Hometown Glory details the build-up of the 2011 summer riots from a young person’s perspective; which makes a change from the biased anti-youth view of Sky and the BBC, who in my opinion, are not interested in the reasons why the violence started. A part of the video that struck me was when a girl contests the way the government responded to the riots. She says, “How can the they tell young people that we are thugs and stealing is wrong, when many MPs were unlawfully claiming thousands of pounds on expenses.” However, certain sections of the video made me question what is happening to young people in modern society. David Starkey blamed ‘chavs’ and black people for the riots. Starkey stated that gangster culture has now become ‘the fashion’. If you want to see the London riots from a young person’s perspective, I think Hometown Glory will be the ideal video for you. Rasheed Holland

COMING TO ENGLAND - Sthefany Luna This film is about a girl who moved from Ecuador in South America to England. Sthefany tells us about her life until her brother got appendicitis – he had to have an emergency operation. However the doctor in Ecuador was inexperienced and her brother developed an infection. He had to be operated on a further four times! She talks about how she decided to move to London at the end of secondary school. She had language problems as she only spoke Spanish but through her determination she managed to get into college. This film is a bio of Sthefany’s life with many pictures to illustrate the narrative. I enjoyed the pictures and graphics, and the animated words. It is a great film that makes you experience what life is like for a foreigner moving to a different country. Courtney Dionne Carr 5

Marian Jonjo drinks responsibly “It doesn’t hurt, it’s fine. Actually, it hurts a bit… No, it’s killing me!” “Her bone’s poking out!” “Yeah, that’s definitely broken.” She sits on the floor. She’s panicking, crying, helpless and under the influence. She doesn’t know what to do. It was Friday night and everyone was drinking at a house party. She had downed two lagers, had a few glasses of wine, and chugged a cider. She was hammered and thought it would be a good idea to kick some boy, but when he held her leg up, she fell back and broke

but not exclusively, boozing. According to Drinkaware, an alcohol advice organisation, 80% of young people have tried alcohol by the time they finish their GCSEs. And when you look around you realise that school leavers are not the only age group that needs worrying about. I see Year 7s on the street all rowdy and hyped, with an empty can of cider in their hands, thinking they’re all grown up and hard. No. You’re 12. You probably still play with Barbies. What’s worse is when you hear them go on about drugs, when really they should be home at six and tucked in by seven. Taking substances seems to have become ‘cool’ and glamorised.

Shows like ‘Skins’ show young people getting high and drunk and supposedly having the time of their lives her wrist. This sort of think is more likely to happen when drink is involved, so why do young people feel the need to get smashed at parties? I asked a few friends: “It relaxes me and relieves me from stress at school…and just life.” Jane, 16. “It loosens us up and makes us more confident. I like the taste of beer. In general I think people drink because it seems like you become more sociable once you’re drunk.” Dwaine, 17. There’s a feeling that during secondary school, the pressure is on to get involved in all sorts harmful behaviour including, 6

Television shows like ‘Skins’ show young people getting high and drunk and supposedly having the time of their lives, and that makes youngsters want to go out and do the same things. They watch the shows thinking, ‘That’s what I’m going to be like tonight. I’m going to be like those kids on TV’. The legal age to buy alcohol is 18 – you might assume that’s because our brain is almost fully developed by then, but you’d be wrong. Even at the legal age limit your brain is still developing motor neuron pathways (which enable muscles to control and help you move.) A report by Dr Aric Sigman, a biologist and fellow

For advice on this or any other issue see the list of local services in the directory on p27


of the Royal Society of Medicine, recommended abstaining from drinking until you’re at least 24, when the brain is fully developed. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying don’t drink. I’m just saying try to find a middle ground. Don’t go mad to the point where you’re breaking your wrist and the bone is sticking out. I spoke to another friend who doesn’t feel the need to drink to have a good time, even though she attends parties where everyone is getting bare wavey. She’s had her fair share of

drink in the past, doesn’t need the drink to have a good time. All young people go through periods of experimentation. We all, at least in a small way, want to rebel against our parents, or just try something new – it’s a part of growing up. Just make sure you know your limits. Don’t end up having your stomach pumped in hospital like the NHS did to over 5,000 young people last year. Have fun, but think about what you’re doing, don’t be stupid and take care of your friends.



With friends like these who needs enemies – El Mazi A few months ago there was a boy who won an award at school. He used to get into trouble a lot, but he turned himself around. His friends teased him for it. They thought anyone who wins awards is ‘un-cool’. The boy had been called ‘outstanding’ in the report from the local business he’d worked for as part of ‘Inspires Me Week’, which helped all students to be inspired about their future. So why would his so-called friends bring him down? Shouldn’t they be proud of him…? Coming from a school with many behavioural problems, every day I witness students who are pressured to muck about and chat back to teachers. “Come on, let’s bunk” is something I hear almost every day. Peer-pressure is obviously common; whether it be misbehaving, smoking or getting involved in bitching or other people’s conflicts. It’s sad to think about all the pupils who are fooled into throwing their 8

futures away just to look cool in front of their ‘friends’. That boy who won the award deserved it and changed his ways. So what if his mates didn’t like it? Many people bring others down to feel better about themselves. Just because there are people who aren’t willing to succeed, does not mean you have to be one of them. It’s your life. The first year of secondary school was so different from any other time I’d spent during my school life. I made new friends who didn’t go to my primary school and I longed to fit in. I ended up hanging around with people who had a negative attitude towards school. Looking back I felt a bit like I was being brainwashed by my new ‘friends’. Whenever I did something bad I felt like the group was accepting me. In hindsight they didn’t really care about me, or each other. My behaviour got so bad that when my tutor met my mum during parents’ evening, I


was told to go elsewhere so they could speak alone. I think my tutor was afraid of how I might react. Education is something my parents care about. One of their main priorities

just to fit in. It’s funny how now I don’t even speak to that group of ex-friends. I

Whenever I did something bad I felt like the group was accepting me is to make sure I succeed in school so we can have a stable future. They know how hard it is to survive in the ‘real world’. Once my mum realised how bad I had become she was massively upset and rammed home some harsh truths about life. I felt so ashamed. Not just because I had let down my parents, but because I had realised how much time I had wasted mucking about. I changed my ways. I found a love for learning again and this time I wasn’t going to throw my education out the window

don’t even care about fitting in. In my opinion, being different means you stand out; especially in today’s society, when it’s really hard to find jobs. People who bring others down have self-esteem issues. They want you not to succeed because they feel they won’t. That way they’re not alone. If they don’t care about education that’s their choice, it’s not yours. They won’t have the fancy cars and the nice houses (if that’s what you want). Succeed. Pay attention. Be someone you can be proud of.

For advice on this or any other issue see the list of local services in the directory on p27


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Around the w Norway


The massacre of Utoya Island

Anders Breivik, a 33-year-old Norwegian religious extremist, is facing trial for the mass-murder of 77 people. On 22 July 2011, Breivik set off a car bomb in front of the Norway’s government in the capital, Oslo, and then killed 69 people in a bloody rampage on Utoya’s Island, which is located on the Tyrifjorden Lake in northeast Norway. He will serve a minimum of 21 years of jail if found guilty. The trial, which began on 16 April 2012, is expected to last until mid-June.

Russia New Krokodil drug bites hard


A new drug called ‘Krokodil’ has become the most commonly used narcotic in Russia. It comes from ‘cooking’ headache pills, and is cheaper than heroine. While inexpensive the effects are ghastly. Addicts are seeing their flesh literally rot away exposing the bone after only a few months of using. People who are considered ‘heavy-users’ can see their life expectancy drop to less than a year. Despite this the pill remains on sale without a prescription at pharmacists throughout Russia. Anti-drugs activist, Yevgeny Roizman, says that pharmacists are ‘selling them to boys the same age as their own sons. Russians are killing Russians.’


Egypt Dictator Hosni Mubarak goes to




Hosni Mubarak, Egypt’s dictator since 1981, was forced to step down after a revolution in January 2011. He is currently on a trial for killing protesters during the uprising and abusing power to amass wealth during his reign as Egyptian president. He has denied all the charges. Relatives of people killed during the unrest are consistently gathering outside the courts to demand the death penalty for Mubarak. It’ll either be that or 30 years of prison. The verdict will be delivered on 2 June.

North Korea Nuclear testing our



On 13 April 2012, North Korea conducted new nuclear tests by launching a missile above the Sea of Japan. This rocket was a test, and not aimed to cause any damage. The launch was a failure as the missile collapsed shortly into its flight. This didn’t stop America and many European countries from condemning the tests. The Western World, mainly composed of Europe and the US, has already punished North Korea for its development of nuclear weapons, with financial and trade penalties. The western world consider nuclear tests by a country with a dictatorship a threat.

The Mariana Cameron gets deep Trench USA

James Cameron, director of Titanic and Avatar, recently became the third man to visit the deepest point on earth. On 26 March 2012, Cameron visited the Mariana Trench, which is 6.7 miles deep and located near the island of Guam in the western Pacific Ocean. The expedition’s purpose was to gather pictures and short videos for a future 3D documentary. Just after reaching the ocean’s floor, Cameron tweeted: ‘Hitting bottom never felt so good. Can’t wait to share what I’m seeing w/you.’ Funny James!


Mogadishu music



Fartuun Mohamed goes back to Somalia The Somali Civil War has been fought for more than 20 years. That’s four times as long as World War II. It has claimed the lives of up to a million Somalis, and has turned hundreds of thousands more into refugees. It is a war that has split my family apart, as I now live separated from my parents. Before the civil war Somalia was colonised by France, Britain and Italy. It was split into British Somaliland, Italian Somaliland and French Somaliland. Britain left British Somaliland on 1 July 1960 and allowed it to join with Italian Somaliland to form the new nation of Somalia, while the French Somaliland became Djibouti, a small country at the northern most tip of Somalia next to the Red Sea. This new Somalia became a socialist state led by Major General Muhammad Siad Barre until 1991.

With no stable government many dislocated Somalis became reliant on the UN’s food aid to survive. In 1997, amid the anarchy, I was born in a middle class family in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia, in a part of the city away from the more severe fighting. I’m told I lived a fairly normal life until I turned five and my family were forced to flee Somalia. The sound of bullets was fairly normal and could be heard throughout the city; some people call it ‘Mogadishu Music’. As a child I remember playing with friends, and going to the market where people would sell food and sweets on their stools. Shops were open despite the country being at war. People had to make a living to support their families, and they were willing to risk their lives. My family left Somalia when the fighting became more severe, and crept ever closer to where we lived. This was in 2002 and since then several governments have attempted to form and bring order to Somalia. Each has had

The sound of bullets was fairly normal and could be heard throughout the city While there were problems and extreme poverty during Barre’s reign, it was at least peaceful. The war began when rebel forces, led by Ali Mahdi Muhammad, ousted the Barre regime and he fled the country. Barre returned in an attempt to regain control, but was twice rebuffed and Somalia fell into anarchy. The resulting turmoil and factional fighting caused the United Nations to intervene in 1992. This was a response to the killing, dislocation and starvation the Somalian people suffered. By 1995 the famine in Somalia had been overcome, and after sustaining substantial casualties (as seen in the Hollywood film Black Hawk Down) both UN and US troops started to withdraw from the country. Somali civilians were alone and caught between rival warlords, which continued throughout what remained of the 90s.

to fight for control from rebel factions and the war continues. The current foreign-backed transitional federal government is battling for control with factious groups, who control most of southern Somalia. The fighting continues. There are people in Somalia who believe in a brighter future and do good for its people. One is Nobel Peace Prize nominee Doctor Hawa Abdi. She owns land near Mogadishu where over 90,000 people are currently taking refuge. They get free health care and children receive an education in a school. Doctor Hawa Abdi’s community provides hope of what Somalia can become. If only Somali people could take her lead, put down their weapons and unite to build a brighter future for their children.

For advice on this or any other issue see the list of local services in the directory on p23


Compiled by Isabell Hinchin, Cara Jenkins & Tracy Tshibangu. Illustrated by Elif Mazi, Rebecca Longe & Jack Carroll.

My boyfriend asked me to text him a picture of me naked. I said no, but he kept on insisting and pestering. Eventually I gave in. The next day at school my friend ran up to me and showed me her phone with the picture on it. A few days have passed and I’m being called a ‘slut’ and a ‘sket’. I broke up with my boyfriend obviously. I’m not sure what to do now. I feel alone and stupid. What he did was completely wrong, and is probably illegal. Also his behaviour is a form of abuse and if you are under 18 it could be a criminal offence. He is at fault here, not you. You may also want to think about what happened and how you ‘gave in’ to his demands. Talk to adults that you know about your feelings or seek counselling with an organisation such as Open Door to think about protecting yourself in the future. My friend got into a relationship with a girl three months ago. After a few weeks he introduced her to our friends and me. She seemed nice and sweet at first, but after a few weeks she started getting aggressive. Since then he’s been turning up with bruises on his face, and he’s not acting his usual happy, silly self. I’m worried, what should I do? You seem to have a good relationship to be observing and understanding the changes in his behaviour. Try and talk to him about your worries, and that he may be in an abusive and violent relationship. He may feel relieved and pleased that you have noticed. However be prepared if he feels ashamed and embarrassed. It can be even more difficult for men to acknowledge they are victims of domestic violence. Refer him to organisations www.mankind.org. uk and www.respect.uk.net. You can only do so much. Be there if he wants support, but only he can change his relationship. 14





Rebecca Jack

Open Door counselling service provides the answers to the problems featured in Agony. Call them on 020 8348 5947, email enquiries@opendooronline.org or visit www.opendooronline.org

I’ve found myself caught up in a gang of boys after being introduced by my older sister. They’re all older than me. At first I thought they were all right, but after a while they started getting me to do sexual things with them even though I didn’t want to. They said it was my role. I’m too scared to leave. You’ve taken the first step, which is to question their behaviour. Sexual abuse within gangs is an increasing problem. You are not alone. It’s understandable that you are scared to leave so you need to seek help as soon as possible and talk to an adult you trust. Contact organisations such as www.heartprogramme.org/site/ and www. childline.org.uk if you are under 18. Young people join gangs for many complex reasons. Part of it is feeling a sense of belonging or protection. Think about why you needed to be part of the gang. Counselling may help you to do that and prevent future abusive friendships.

I met a boy. He was really nice at first. But after a while he would ask me questions about where I had been and what I’m going to do. He’s started ringing me all the time. He also criticises my friends, and says they’re talking behind my back. I think I love him, but I want my friends as well. I feel like I have to choose between one or the other. You are describing the early warning signs of an abusive relationship check the website www.refuge.org.uk for the full list. You have a choice to make: will you allow yourself to be in a controlling relationship, which may become abusive. It can be nice to feel that someone wants you all to himself, but he is clearly trying to isolate you from your friends and to control you. Talk to them about your situation. There might be a part of you that is attracted to his controlling behaviour. You may want to think about this in counselling as it can become a pattern that leads to a long term abusive relationship. The boy himself may want to look for help with his behaviour; counselling may help.

Everyone’s got problems see the Directory on page 27 for a list of support services. 15


Photograph by: Florian Jacquin



Alexandre Jordan on anorexcising his demons “I’ll take you to the hospital!” My mother’s words. It wasn’t the first time that we talked about it, but she was really worried on this occasion. I ignored her though. I stopped listening a long time ago… My life had always been ‘normal’. I had friends, hobbies, and school wasn’t going too badly. I had nothing to complain about, until I turned 14. I would admire the most popular students in the school, envied them even. I wanted the same confidence that they had, I wanted girls to notice me, but my shyness wouldn’t allow it; I felt ashamed. I had to gain confidence from somewhere, and I found the gym. I hoped that gaining muscle and looking good would make people admire me. For the first time sport was more than just fun. And gradually, the shape of my body became an obsession. Which is where the problem began. Dreaming of having a sharp six-pack,

mother didn’t give up though. Warnings became frequent arguments. And finally, the ultimatum arrived: the hospital. A few days later I remembered something she had told me a few months back that I had obviously absorbed without realising. She had said that without enough proper nutrition, muscles couldn’t develop. I was eating again, although perhaps not for the right reason, and the hospital was avoided. This change in diet coincided with the end of school and starting college. I met a lot of new people, more mature people. With them, I didn’t feel that I had to play a role to impress. I could be myself and that’s when I began to accept who I really was rather than worrying about my appearance all the time. I was cured. Looking back now I feel relieved. I was lucky to have a mother aware of what I was doing before I did any serious damage. It could have been a lot worse. People tend to relate anorexia to girls only, but it can affect anybody. And it’s

I hoped that gaining muscle and looking good would make people admire me I started eating less to reduce the size of my stomach and lost my appetite as fast as I did the weight. My mother immediately noticed it. Being a nutritionist in a hospital, she could see the signs of an eating disorder forming. But I was her son; she couldn’t deal with me the way she did her patients. I guess she was afraid about how I would take her advice. Since she couldn’t stand to see me becoming thinner and thinner without saying anything, she started to give me advice on a balanced diet. I ignored her. She warned me of the consequences of not eating properly. I ignored her. She was just my mother. She couldn’t understand me, nutritionist or not. My muscles became noticeable. Not a surprise, since I hadn’t any fat to cover them. But in my head, there was still fat to burn. There always would be. My

so easy to slip into the trap of not eating and thinking you’re fat when you’re not! People with eating disorders often deny their situation and refuse any help. If you notice that a friend of yours is having issues, don’t hesitate to express your concerns. Don’t compliment them on how ‘slim’ they look as this may encourage them to lose more weight. It’s better to help than please. For those who still want to impress the world, try to remember that you can’t make a good impression on others when you can’t even accept yourself, and that the most interesting people are sometimes the ones you notice the least.

For advice on this or any other issue see the list of local services in the directory on p27




Squirrel on the Railings Elizabeth Thacker. Pastels on paper. A Squirrel is on the railings. He is feeling very happy Maybe he can grab some food. He is a cheeky Chappie.

The Star and Heart Together Elizabeth Thacker. Pastels on paper. First of all I put colours on the big piece of card. I like stars because they twinkle. I made the star smile so it looks twinkly. I like hearts because they mean love. And they remind me of the middle of a Jammy Dodger, which is my favourite biscuit.

Send your artwork to: Exposure, The Bigger Shoe Box, Muswell Hill Centre, Hillfield Park N10 3QJ or email: luke@exposure.org.uk.

where ROCHELLE MORRIS Qualified Teacher I started off as a work experience student at Exposure over 12 years ago. I was fairly new to the country at the time having recently emigrated from Jamaica to live with my mum. I stayed on as a volunteer, writing articles and poetry, designing illustrations, doing music reviews and contributing to the advice column. The atmosphere was always friendly, fun and interactive. This was the first time in my life that such an opportunity was available to me and it was exciting. Exposure gave me a forum to express myself. I enjoyed the socialising that took place, especially on a Sunday evening once a month when we would pack and distribute the magazine. Exposure was a little family for me and I grew up around it. I am now a qualified teacher looking to start my career next year. Even though I didn’t venture into the world of journalism, I still find that Exposure helped to shape my communication, socialising and interpersonal skills. I encourage youths that have an interest in the media must give Exposure a visit. I urge the government to provide continuous funding to keep the organisation running as it is a vital part of the community and the life of north London’s young children.

You can benefit from Exposure just like Rochelle did. Call 020 8883 0260 to get involved. 19

I’m at the bus stop. It’s freezing, and everybody is glaring up the road, willing the bus to come. Everyone except one girl, who’s staring at me. She doesn’t say anything until the last second, as I’m climbing aboard the bus. “Excuse me!” she says. “Are you mixedrace?” I don’t know what to say. It’s a question I’ve been asked many times, and the answer is always the same, but this girl is so eager it unnerves me. It’s like, if I say ‘yes’ she’ll have achieved something; she’ll have found the ‘black girl in disguise’. That’s me, apparently. I’m half British, quarter Jamaican and quarter Indian, but I have white skin, grey eyes and brown hair. My family and I create quite a stir when we walk down the street. How can I be so… white, when my brother has dark brown skin and black hair? Many don’t believe me when I tell them I’m mixed-race. Their eyes pop, their mouths hang open; I must admit, I quite enjoy the drama. What I don’t like is the suspicion I then see on their

Many don’t believe me when I tell them I’m mixedrace. Their eyes pop, their mouths hang open faces. Why does their perception of me change so much after they find out I’m not ‘white’? Maybe it’s because they feel like they’ve been lied to somehow, but my personality hasn’t altered. All I’ve said is that I’m half-black. Being mixed race no longer causes the commotion it did 50 years ago, but only if your mix is clearly white and black . We’re taught to look past the colour of someone’s skin, and I want people to do the same for me, but because I appear

white, people don’t. I want them to look at me, not just my colour, and understand that my ‘identity’ is not just how I look. It’s how I feel. It works the other way too. When I started school, a black girl I’d never spoken to demanded to know, ‘Are you half-caste?’ “What?” “Are you half-black?” “Oh…yeah. Yeah, I am.” She looked me up and down, and

For advice on this or any other issue see the list of local services in the directory on p27


Concept and photography by: Jack Carroll, Helena Roussos, Tyrell Brade and Alexandre Jordan

Maya Tikly-Young isn’t white nor black, she’s her






flashed a grin. She’s been really nice to me ever since. It was great to have such a positive reaction, but my colour was still the issue rather than my personality. What’s really unnerving is how differently people treat my brother and I. I’ve had old ladies chat merrily to me on the bus while berating him for standing in ‘the wrong place’, despite us being right next to each other. We may wear the same type of clothes, speak in the same way and have exactly the same genes, but he’s got darker skin, so he’s treated with less kindness than I. According to the Office of National Statistics in 2009, there are nearly one million mixed-race people in England alone. It is the fastest–growing ethnic group in the UK, which means the clear boundaries of white, black, Asian, etc. are blurring. It’s becoming harder to label everybody you meet. This means that there will be more people like me in the future; people that have to tick the ‘other’ box when filling out their ethnicity on a form. People need to get used to this. I don’t mind them asking questions, but they need to be prepared for the answer. 21

Natasha Minto gets melancholy over melanoma Why are so many young people exposing themselves to the very real risk of developing skin cancer just to get a tan? According to Which? magazine 170,000 under-16s in the UK, some as young as 11, admit to using a sunbed at least once. And Cancer Research UK’s study shows more than 100 under 16s die every year from skin cancer as a result of the UV rays sunbeds expose them to. Skin cancer is becoming more common in young people, and malignant melanoma – a rare and aggressive form of skin cancer – is frequently diagnosed in people who have used sunbeds. Cancer Research UK has found that the rates of

health and status. And this feeds the idea that being pale isn’t attractive, especially among women: it seems many believe that tans look sexy. And while people believe this there will always be those who ignore the risks. Katie Price is an example of someone who maintains a ‘bronzed’ look, and admits to regularly using sunbeds. From a distance, many see her as a beautiful woman. But close up, the damage to her skin becomes apparent. Doctors, in a feature in Closer magazine last year, described how her face looks wrinkled in some places and frozen in others due to UV damage.

If you’re under 30, and regularly use sunbeds, you increase your risk of developing the cancer by 75% this cancer amongst 15 to 34-year-olds have tripled since the late 1970s. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer, if you’re under 30, and regularly use sunbeds, you increase your risk of developing the disease by 75%. Yet young people seem to be in denial of the risk, as if they’re immune to ultra-violet (UV) rays, or perhaps they disregard any potential health problems because they’re so far in the future? UV rays burn the skin and in turn cause premature ageing, meaning your skin becomes coarse, leathery and wrinkled at a much younger age. However, the damage may not show for fifteen years. So when the tan fades, the damage remains. Over a century ago, porcelain-white skin was all the rage for men and women, as it symbolised wealth and social status. By contrast, today possessing the ‘bronzed’ look is deemed fashionable and ‘beautiful’, giving the illusion of good 22

Price sparked outrage after publicly stating ‘we’ve all got to die of something’ after openly admitting that sunbeds are a part of her daily beauty regime. It’s celebrities like her, someone idolised by thousands of young females, who helps maintain the ignorance towards the dangers of sunbeds. And they are so accessible. Most high streets have tanning salons and sessions can be as cheap as £3, easily affordable for most young people. The ironic thing is that physical beauty is superficial and changes or ‘gets worse’ as time passes. Prolonged use of sunbeds will see wrinkles and cracked skin show up at a younger age. And once you’re middle-aged, you’ll require further treatment, like botox, to look how you would do if you had never sat on a sunbed. Also eye damage and dry, blotchy skin are potential long-term consequences of extensive sunbed use. So when time eventually catches up with you, the full effects of using sunbeds will show. It’s just not worth the risk,

For advice on this or any other issue see the list of local services in the directory on p23



Makeup by Clarissa Mae Maga & Raelinah Marriott


especially when there are safer ways of acquiring a tan, including fake spray tans, which can be purchased cheaply on the high street. Visit www.sunsmart.org.uk to know

more about the hazards of using sunbeds. If you notice any abnormalities, such as ulcers forming around broken skin, or a sore that won’t heal, see your GP immediately. 23


EVERYBODY LOVES MUSIC On the 22 February, Everybody Loves Music (ELM) had its second performance at the Alan Pullinger Centre in Southgate, with over 30 young people getting involved. It was an enlightening and inspiring experience for all of us. We all worked together as young people on every part of the show: - performing, sound engineering, lighting, hosting, event planning and supporting other young people with specific needs. Since attending ELM we have grown in confidence, gained leaderships skills, teamwork, and organisational skills and enhanced our musical ability. Currently there are 30 of us who are regular members, and we’re the foundation of ELM – we keep it going. Around 25 young people have been accredited for their work – some have received ASDANs, YAVE certificates and D of E awards. Everybody Loves Music runs every Wednesday at the Alan Pullinger centre from 5:15-7:45pm is open to all young people between the ages of 13-19 (and up to 25 with special needs) Andresh Ramdhun


Andresh Jessica


SHAKESPEARE’S ISLAND Delve into the mind of Shakespeare: Literature’s genius of plays, poems and written pieces. So what happens when




up on a desert island with writer’s block? Characters from eight of his plays come to life of course and take Shakespeare and his beloved audience




educational and psychological journey… That said, Shakespeare’s Island, a new production by Chickenshed Theatre, is actually aimed at young people. Mixed throughout with both traditional Shakespearian and modern language, it is an accessible play for every age and background. It’s fair to say, we went on an intriguing holiday with the one and only Shakespeare himself. Chickenshed is a unique inclusive theatre company and performing arts charity based in north London. To get involved call 020 8292 9222 Jessica Michael

TEEN LONDON Some ‘hard’ news coming out of the Exposure office: we’re filming a



sketch The





Office and the British Youth Council fund the project. Inspired by BBC comedy sketch show ‘Little Britain’, these sketches will target young volunteers from ‘urban endz’ to create a ‘sick’ series of comedy sketches to get young people’s confidence going. The show will explore and tackle difficult teen issues in a sensitive and rewarding way. Aniq Shillingford, 15, was on set at Teen London, ‘yo what you saying doe? I was on da film set yeah and I was helping manz to get a lot of skillz. It was maud ting.’ ‘Holla’ at Exposure to join in. Call 020 8883 0260. Helena Roussos 25



Sound Of Nature The soul in the imprisoned We are all a mirror with cracks Not perfect Loitering in the prison, a lonely and helpless soul Perhaps they are In the eyes of common people Profoundly branded with the heinous mark But nowadays they are Afraid, fearful, regretful, desiring and despairing Afraid of the darkness bringing on death Fearfully alone and fearful of them selves Regret committing the wrong before Desire the opportunity to turn over a new leaf Despair there is no retreat Understand the importance of light in the dark Understand the past is not right, but wrong Understand that, once the happiness is lost When he saw a ray of sunshine A steady gaze until a single tear slipped Driven to distraction: Why time could not return The soul in the prison Eager to start over.......

By Ming Ming Huang

Spring girl wearing a green dress, silently coming Tail like scissors, the swallow cried. Singing cheers for the arrival of spring, A rejoicing sound. The heat of summer, a fireball. Cicadas in the trees, always calling. As annoying as how hot the summer is, A maddening sound. The autumn leaves reluctantly leaving the tree When he falls down on the land, He said: wait for me, I’ll be back, Breeze gently blowing, taking away the leaves. A sad sound. When winter comes. And animals go. The earth is in its slumbered state. The cold wind was whistling. Pure music. Rain like a clock ticking . Small raindrops joyfully singing their own song . Beautiful melodies. After the rain, we’ll see a rainbow sister, walking on the sky.

By Ming Ming Huang

Send us your poems or lyrics

editor@exposure.org.uk 26

Mummy got fired Because she goes to work tired. My sisters can’t look after themselves Because of their poor health. What am I to do? I’m the youngest of them all, Four young children to look after, who am I to fool? Mummy doesn’t pay the rent to the master, For our house is an absolute disaster. We have damp on the walls and a very dirty floor, We live in a bad condition including broken doors. I share a dirty mattress with two of my sisters, We are covered in blood, bruises and blisters. We have no running water and no food, We have no clothes and sleep nude. I know its not mummy’s fault as she has no job, It saddens me to watch her sob. Maybe one day we’ll be okay.

By Rebecca Dilworth

Young people’s sexual health services including dedicated clinic, drop-in sessions and the 4YP bus

www.shharingey.gov.uk Tel: 020 8442 6536 4YP Plus Contraception and Sexual Health Clinic Women Only Clinic - under 20s A confidential walk in service Thursdays 3:30pm-6:30pm Lordship Lane Primary Care Health Centre, 239 Lordship Lane, London N17 6AA 020 8365 5910 4YP Clinic St Ann’s Hospital St Ann’s Road, Tottenham N15 3TH (Walk in clinic) Tuesday 3:30pm-6:30pm 020 8442 6536 Teenage Pregnancy and Parenthood Team YPT Midwives Whittington Hospital 0778 532 6444/0778 533 5513 North Middlesex Hospital 020 8887 4055 For both hospitals: book early – it’s better for you and your baby Support for Teenage Mother/to be Family nurse partnership Tymouth Road Health Centre 24 Tynemouth N15 4Rh 020 8275 4035

Markfield Project Inclusive services for disabled and non-disabled young people Markfield Road, Tottenham 020 8800 4134 Insight For young people with drug or alcohol issues 020 8493 8525 Cosmic For the families of people with drug or alcohol issues 0800 38905257 www.haga. co.uk/children_and_family.htm Hearthstone For people experiencing domestic violence 020 8888 5362 Victim Support Haringey Working for victims of crime 020 8888 9878 www.vslondon.org IAPT Help in overcoming anxiety and depression 1A Lansdowne Road Health Centre Lansdowne Road N17 0LL 020 8808 5833/ 0790 814 7656 Open Door counselling and psychotherapy for young people aged 12-25 12 Middle lane, N8 020 8348 5947 Shelterline Shelter’s free housing advice line 0808 800 4444

If your organisation would like to be included on this page please call 020 8883 0260



4YP Haringey

Teenage parents Drop in Triangle Children, young people community centre 91 – 93 St Ann’s Road N15 6NU Every Friday 1:00pm-4:00pm London Queer Youth Group 19 and under Tuesday 6pm to 8:30pm For people lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or think they might be.


Muswell Hill Area Youth Project Muswell Hill Centre, Muswell Hill, N10 3QJ 020 8883 5855 Bruce Grove Area Youth Project 10 Bruce Grove, Tottenham 020 3224 1089 Wood Green Area Youth Project White Hart Lane Community Sports Centre 020 8489 8942 Broadwater Youth Club Structured sport-based programme Broadwater Community Centre, Tottenham 07870 15 7612




Directory Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Programme of personal development 020 8826 9393

KIS Training Helping young people into employment, education & enterprise 020 8275 4230 Harington Scheme Preparing young people with learning difficulties or disabilities for work 55a Cholmeley Park, Highgate www.harington.org.uk Connexions One-stop shop for young people 020 8881 7050 Drop-in centre: Wood Green Library, 2nd Floor High Road, London, N22 6XD 020 8489 5200 www.haringey.gov.uk/connexions First Rung Training, support and opportunities for young people 020 8803 4764 www.firstrung.org.uk Urban Futures Apprenticeships in Business Administration, Customer Services, and Retail 020 8352 5900 www.urbanfutures.org.uk /Apprenticeships Barnet 360 Training for unemployed young people aged between 18-24 020 7554 2812

Exposure is a registered trademark of Exposure Organisation Limited, registered in England no. 3455480, registered charity no. 1073922. The views expressed by young people in Exposure do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher or its funder. (c) 2011. All rights reserved. ISSN 1362-8585

Teen London: an exciting, edgy and authentic comedy inspired and created by urban young people; those living it for real. Watch the trailer at www.exposure.org.uk

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