Exposure magazine 113

Page 1

Supplement inside – Exposing the biggest killer of young men

Contents & contributors P 4-5 What’s happening

P 6-7 Ref off!

P 8-9 Agony









P 12-13 Gallery Joelle










P 16-17 No Body’s perfect

P 14-15 Life’s little lessons Sorayah










P 18-19 Working through it

P 20-21 W.H. Around the world





The Bigger Shoe Box, Muswell Hill Centre, Hillfield Park N10 3QJ Tel: 020 8883 0260 Fax: 020 8883 2906 Mob: 07715 642 918 Email: info@exposure.org.uk Website: www.exposure.org.uk Regrettably our office is inaccessible to wheelchair users but we will nevertheless make every effort to include your contributions

The Exposure team: Andreas Koumi - Manager Gary Flavell - Editor Luke Pantelidou - Designer Flo Codjoe - Development officer Max Sycamore - Video Editor Enrico Tessarin - Head of Film Sarah Huntingdon - Editorial support

Disclaimer Exposure aims to give young people an independent voice which can contribute to the democratic process. While Exposure has done its best to check material contained within this publication, we cannot accept responsibility for inaccurate information provided by outside organisations. Organisations mentioned are not necessarily connected with nor endorsed by Exposure. Permission has been sought, wherever possible, for the use of copyright material. Where contact has not been possible we hope that, as a voluntary organisation helping to educate and inform young people, it is acceptable for Exposure to use such material for the benefit of young people.

Issue 113 Winter 2013 If you’re a teenager (up to 25 if you have special needs) looking to have fun and gain hands-on experience in the media, you could definitely do with Exposure. It’s free. Come and get involved.

Youthful thinking

Editorial Joelle

Don’t forget to ‘Like’ ExposureOrg on Facebook and follow @ExposureOrg on twitter

Selt I’ve heard people say that the teenage years are the best of your life. Living through it can feel like the complete opposite. In my personal experience, turning from a child to a young adult was like entering a warzone. Not only did I have to learn how to combat problems, where previously my parents would have taken care of them, but I also had to learn life lessons, when I felt least able to. It can be a painful time. But confronting difficulties and overcoming them can help you to grow up and become an adult – there’s more to it than simply getting physically bigger!








This issue of Exposure focuses on some of those life lessons. Maturing late, being a teen mum and growing up with autism are just some of the articles featured.


Hornsey Parochial











There’s also an eight-page supplement containing articles on how talking about your problems is better for you. This is a part of a larger project aiming to raise awareness about male suicide, which is the biggest killer of young men in England and Wales. Problems are a part of becoming an adult, and they can leave scars. But these scars shape you as a person, and if you’re lucky they will help you deal with greater challenges that lay ahead. “All the world is full of suffering. It is also full of overcoming.” Helen Keller - American author and political activist


KEEP CALM Exposure recently secured a grant from The Big Lottery’s Awards for All scheme to highlight the issue of suicide in young men, as well as promoting services that exist to help them - specifically the Campaign Against Living Miserable (CALM). We worked with local young poet Alex Canwell and acclaimed animator October Jones, both of who volunteered their services for free, to produce this brilliant short, the first part of the campaign. Raising awareness to ensure more young men talk about their problems is a key way to combat suicide. The silence is killing us. No more. To watch and share the animation visit www.youtube.com/exposureuk. The battle to reduce male suicide doesn’t end there. Inside this magazine there’s a supplement on the very issue, and over the next few months we’ll be producing a series of other short films on the subject. Tweet us @exposureorg to get involved.




The Challenge is a 12-day action-packed summer residential opportunity for all Year 11s and 12s coming to the end of their school year. It provides something for everyone to look forward to in the summer after their exams! You can take part in all kinds of activities such as hiking, canoeing, climbing, abseiling and much more. It’s an opportunity for young people to develop new skills and to bring people from different communities together. As young people we can make a difference, and prove we’re not what the press make us out to be. Everyone has their own stories from The Challenge… It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and gives you the skills needed in everyday life. Every young person who gets the opportunity to participate in The Challenge should grab it with both hands. What better thing to do over summer than try cool new activities, meet new people, and prove to your peers and yourself that you are capable of anything! Be inspired to inspire! For more information tweet @SETheChallenge or visit www.thechallenge.org Siobhan Berger, 17

I’M INSPIRED Woohoo! Exposure has secured funding to launch a brilliant new project for 2013 all about celebrities. ‘I’m inspired’ will enable you to interview famous people – singers, rappers, actors, sports personalities, scientists, entrepreneurs – to appreciate what it really takes to be a success. With support from Haringey Council and London Community Foundation, Exposure’s ‘I’m Inspired’ project will give local youth the opportunity to meet some of their heroes and report on how to achieve fame and fortune. When you’re not kicking back with the household names you’ll be taking steps towards a career in film and journalism, picking up skills that are crucial to be successful in either. For more details about ‘I’m Inspired’ contact:

020 8883 0260, victoria@exposure.org.uk




Daniel Smith gives the red card to unemployment Every week I travel for miles so that I can run around in circles, getting damp and cold in the middle of field filled with hidden pitfalls and craters. I’ve got no teammates, no supporters, and no help… just almost constant abuse aimed right at me. I am 15. I am a football referee. At first I wasn’t keen about becoming a Sunday League youth football ref. It’s a tough job, with the early mornings, cold British weather and, as I say, the abuse. You often have to travel for miles to get to games, and as a teenager this means taking the bus, which takes ages. In spite of that, I decided to give it a go. It was a good way to stay fit and it got me out of the house on Sundays. Plus it was a job. There is potential to earn

to a 2009 Football Association study 20% of all games are played without a referee due to the shortage. One of the main reasons for this is the abuse that they suffer from the players and spectators. Trevor Ward, a former Sunday league referee, wrote an article about his experiences for lifestyles website sabotagetimes.com, describing being “spat at” by a player and “stalked from the pitch to the car park” by parents after youth games. For me personally most coaches and parents congratulate me after the final whistle. However during the game it is a different story. If I make a decision that goes against their team, even if it is clearly the right one, I’ll suddenly get 15

There is potential to earn upwards of £1,000-a-year at people screaming at me. £25-a-game upwards of £1,000-a-year at £25-a-game, and in truth, there aren’t many ways for people my age to make money in these tough times So I signed up to train as a referee at the hefty cost of £130, and that was before buying equipment – kit, boots, whistles, stopwatch, cards, anything that a ref has. The £25 for an hour of work on a Sunday morning was too strong. Youth leagues have been around for decades, and are the starting block for all of football’s biggest names. Thousands of kids want to play football with their friends and play in a team. That 4,000 teams entered the FA Youth Trophy last year is testament to this. This means that all these games need referees. The leagues employ local refs like me, paying them for every match we officiate. However, we’re seriously lacking in numbers and last year around 7,000 referees quit the sport. According

Once one middle-aged woman with bright red hair in pigtails sniggered to her friend, “The ref needs a haircut,” after a decision I made. Once you start you quickly realise how difficult being a ref is. There are so many things that you have to contend with. Ex-Liverpool player Robbie Fowler once said, “I really feel sorry for refs. When I’m on the pitch, I’m only playing against one team. They are playing against two.” Although there are many difficulties that come with being a referee, I really do enjoy doing it. Also, a lot of teenagers do not get enough exercise, and refereeing is perfect for this. I would encourage young people, as well as adults, to take up refereeing, or anything else that they enjoy but that they can also earn money from. It just goes to show that there are unusual ways to earn money; you’ve just got to go out and look for them. Visit theFA.com to find out more about becoming a referee

For advice on this or any other issue see the list of local services in the directory on p23


Compiled and Illustrated by Natasha Minto & Loga Suren .

I recently got to know someone on Facebook. I’m a 16-year-old girl and he’s quite a bit older than me. We have only spoken a few times and he’s already asked to meet up. He seems nice. Is it safe for me to go? You already have doubts about whether it is safe to meet. Lots of people use Facebook and not everyone is who they seem. Have a look at www. getsafeonline.org for further information. It’s also worth reading the story of Ashleigh Hall who was groomed on Facebook and then murdered. Think about why you want to meet someone you don’t know online. Talk to someone about this; friends or family or an organisation such as Open Door. I’ve gone to college and lots of my new friends are into drugs. I’m really tempted, but I’ve had mental health problems before and I’m worried that the drugs will make them come back. You are entering a new phase of your life, starting college and making new friends. This presents new challenges. Taking drugs with your new friends may feel like a good way to fit in with them, and might seem like an exciting new experience. However there are risks for your health, which are different for all drugs. Visit www.talktofrank.com to find out more. It can feel very hard to hold on to your individuality, personal choices and well being in the face of peer pressure. It is a part of growing up. Sometimes the best people you meet are those that accept and respect you for who you are.


Natasha Loga

Open Door counselling service provides the answers to the problems featured in Agony. Call them on 020 8348 5947, email enquiries@opendooronline.org or visit www.opendooronline.org

When I get nervous, I sweat excessively. I’m always afraid that people will notice my sweat patches, which makes it all worse. Is there anything I can do? Sweating is a normal part of the body’s function and may increase in puberty, as your body is changing. There are some measures that you could take to reduce or control the sweating. Visit your doctor or Google ‘excessive sweating’ for help. Are there particular times or situations in which you become nervous and sweat? You could be experiencing anxieties and worries about certain aspects of your life. You are getting into a cycle of worrying which increases the sweating then increases the anxiety. You could talk to someone about your worries, and think about how you feel when you become nervous. I was recently diagnosed with depression and since then my classmates avoid me. Because of this, I feel isolated and don’t have any friends to talk to. All this is not helping me to cope with my condition. I’m not sure what to do. Others may find it hard to understand your situation and are uncertain about what to say. Sadly, there is still a lot of ignorance, fear and stigma attached to issues of mental health. There is nothing shameful about having depression, nor does it have to be permanent. Hopefully you have been referred for treatment. If not, you can refer yourself to a counselling organisation like Open Door where you can receive help. Visit www. youthhealthtalk.org to find out what other young people suffering from depression feel. You are not alone.

Everyone’s got problems. See the Directory on page 23 for a list of support services. 9


Growing pains fade says Tiny Tom I’m playing football; I’m running down the wing at full pace. “Oi, midget! Pass!” my striker shouts. I remember this because it was the first time I’d been picked on because of my height. It struck me hard. I was only 12 and already being demoralised by what others thought about my height. It left me wanting to be bigger. I remember being worried about how I was to survive. Such a small lad in a big, scary, unforgiving world? I’m now 15 and still only five foot one inch. I get all the stereotypical name calling, and even more inventive ones like ‘Tinie Tempah’; I have a shortfuse you see. Even teachers say or do things that are hurtful even if they don’t realise it. When I speak to them they ask whether 10

my neck is sore from looking up, but it never is; or they sit down, abruptly, to be at my eye level. What makes short people short? It’s a question I get asked a lot. For most people it’s down to genetics. Both my parents are short so it’s likely that I will be too, although things like height, eye and hair colour can skip a generation so you never know. If, like me, you’re still a teenager, it could be that you just haven’t hit full throttle in puberty yet - so you’ll grow up eventually. If that happens to me, then great. But if it doesn’t, still great as I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’ll probably never be tall. Although my height has never prevented me from doing anything, other than go on rides at the theme park, I still get picked on because of it. It was at its worst a couple of years ago. I was constantly teased and one day I flipped out and ran from the classroom



(mistake 1). Then I pretended I was ill to stay off school (mistake 2). And I didn’t tell my mum (mistake 3), as I was worried what she would think. I don’t know why it affected me so much.

And I don’t have to look far in order to reaffirm my self-confidence. Look at Lionel Messi, Aaron Lennon, Lady GaGa and Danny Devito who, in spite of being short, have all been successful. At my

Although my height affected me in a negative way at one point, now I consider it an attribute That’s all in the past because now I couldn’t care less. I decided I wasn’t going to let them get to me. That was it: the point where I turned. It doesn’t bother me any more what people think. I ignored them and moved on. It really worked! And they just left me alone. You could say it’s a ‘big’ burden being short like me, having to jump up to open the window or climb all over my kitchen units for a pack of biscuits. Although my height affected me in a negative way at one point, now it’s an attribute, because it makes me... me.

height DeVito is one of the world’s most recognised actors. Because of his height he got all his great parts, The Penguin in ‘Batman’ or the little brother in ‘Twins’. Let’s be honest, if he wasn’t short the directors wouldn’t even think twice about giving him those roles. You see, being short isn’t all that bad. I mean, yeah, you might encounter a few more hiccups on your path than some people, but that’s life. Your height is not a burden. It’s you. Don’t EVER feel bad because people’s ideas or views are incorrect and stupid.

For advice on this or any other issue see the list of local services in the directory on p23




Teen London Joelle Selt Digital illustration of the Teen London characters

Youth mag of the future Joelle Selt Digital illustration

Send your artwork to: Exposure, The Bigger Shoe Box, Muswell Hill Centre, Hillfield Park N10 3QJ or email: luke@exposure.org.uk.


Esme Kirk-Wade in the style of Pablo Picasso

Rohina Ahmed in the style of Julian Opie

Eva Weguelin in the style of Tamara De Lempicka All work supplied by Year 10s at Hornsey School for Girls Maria Manolea in the style of Stuart Pearson-Wright Send your artwork to: Exposure, The Bigger Shoe Box, Muswell Hill Centre, Hillfield Park N10 3QJ or email: luke@exposure.org.uk.

Walking along the street, an elderly man stops and smiles. He looks down. “She’s lovely. Yours?” When you’re with a baby, strangers are friendlier. “Yep!” I beam. His face changes – but only slightly! He catches himself before he thinks I’ve noticed and plasters his smile back on. Not quick enough… “And how much is that costing me?” He laughs, although he’s not joking. “Not a penny.” I walk away with my daughter in her pushchair and my head held high. At this time, I’m 19; a full time university student, living on student loans, a part-time job and my

teenage mum’. None of these things happened, (except for the dirty nappies; although I’m pretty sure I haven’t disappeared yet). I told my tutor and she gave me a tearful smile. My eyes welled as I told her that I would be leaving college. She looked stunned. “Why?” Didn’t she hear what I’d just told her? My baby would be born mid-way through my studies! What was she talking about? “Don’t give up. When you feel like you can’t come in, I’ll send the work home to you. Your other tutors will too. I won’t put too much pressure on you, but I think you can do it. If not, you can always re-sit

I fought the tears as I told her that I would be next year. No harm in trying!” leaving college. boyfriend’s full time income. My daughter, her father and I all live together in my mum’s house, paying what we can afford in order to keep the home going. I had my daughter when I was 17 and studying for my A-levels. When I decided I was keeping my baby, I thought I was going to have to drop out of education and finish later in life. I thought that my mum would kick me out and I’d have to ask the council to house me. I thought that I’d disappear under a mountain of dirty nappies and become ‘just another

That was the best piece of advice I’ve ever been given. I won’t pretend it was easy. Making revision notes whilst getting a crying baby to burp is hard. Remembering theories on childhood criminality while changing a pooey nappy is harder. Writing an essay on the literary techniques used in ‘A Streetcar Named Desire’ when you haven’t slept is harder still. Yet it can be done. There’s no reason for anyone to feel they can’t achieve anything just because they have a baby. Being a young mum needn’t be the

For advice on this or any other issue see the list of local services in the directory on p23


Photographic assistance by Luke McCatty & Jordan McDermott

A new life isn’t the end of the old says Sorayah July


end of your world. Schemes like ‘Care to Learn’ help with the ever-rising childcare costs while young mums study. If you want to go into higher education, the Student Loans Company offer a childcare



grant which also helps with childcare fees. Or if you don’t want to study and would rather work, there is also help available for childcare costs. Of course, childcare isn’t the only issue young mums face. With all the studying and parenting, it’s almost impossible to find time for yourself. Your friends don’t understand. “You never come out anymore,” they say. “Can’t your mum babysit just for tonight?” they ask. “You’re so boring now you’re a mum,” they snarl, half joking, half not. Soon, they stop saying, asking, and joking. You don’t hear from them. And it’s not like you have loads of ‘mum friends’ who you can do ‘family things’ with. Being a young mum can be lonely, but I found that Twitter helped. For more information on the realities of being a young mum, whether you are one, becoming one, or not one at all, check out #YoungMumsChat. 15




Natasha Minto says love the body you’re in Did you know the average British woman is a size 14? Yet, according to a survey in an article from a 2011 issue of Female First magazine, one-in-two think they are too fat. I can imagine women avoiding looking in the mirror because they fear seeing the slightest imperfections that don’t measure up to the ‘ideal’ beauty. And as the weather warms up, they’re less than impressed with their appearance, with 70% of women admitting to dieting in a desperate bid to acquire a bikini body for the summer months. The media persistently bombards us with the idea that we must strive to look a certain way, setting ourselves the impossible goal of mirroring the harsh contemporary Western standard of beauty. That is to have a slim waist, wide hips, and over-sized breasts. When we go shopping we’re faced with advertisements promoting beauty enhancement products, from dietary pills to cosmetic surgery.

an unhealthy obsession with the way I looked. It’s not uncommon for an unhealthy body image to lead to mental health problems, such as depression and body dysmorphic disorder. After watching the television programme ‘How To Look Good Naked’, I felt inspired by how fashion expert, Gok Wan, dramatically changed the way women of all shapes and sizes perceived their bodies. I have now accepted the body I’m in by learning that each tiny imperfection is what creates a personal beauty. There is this common attitude that big isn’t beautiful and slim isn’t slim enough. But whether you’re a juicy pear or inverted triangle, a size 8 or 18, you can always look good. As Gok Wan’s famous saying goes, “Girlfriend, you need to start loving what you’ve got … including all flaws.” Striving for a shape that has been sold to you by the media is not the key to happiness, and beating yourself up about

Photograph by Natasha Minto & Loga Suren

Influenced by how certain people judged me, I began negatively self-labelling my mirror image Magazines such as Cosmopolitan are full of beautiful models strutting about in elegant outfits. All this clouds our minds with fictitious representations of the female form, sending out the incorrect message that this look is not only achievable but is the ‘ultimate’ beauty. A survey carried out by Real magazine showed 68% of young women blamed their body obsession and insecurities on other women, who they said were most likely to criticise their shape and size. From my experience, young girls at school are often teased for not being perfect. You’re either either too fat or too thin, your boobs are too big or too small, you’re too tall or too short… For me constant criticism led to me being fiercely self-critical and eventually I developed

it will only stop you from getting the most out of life. There are ways you can look and feel fabulous without dieting and resorting to plastic surgery. One destructive habit is comparing yourself with others, particularly images in the media. Think of yourself as someone who is unique. Counselling is an effective method of helping young women to overcome certain problems. It will enable you to face your body image problems head on and increase your confidence. No woman should be made to feel inferior because she doesn’t match up to the ‘ideal’ beauty. Start loving the body you’re in!

For advice on this or any other issue see the list of local services in the directory on p23


Chris Cooper has a positive mental attitude I am often a shy person and I can get quite anxious. I have a learning disability, and I have autism. Part of my autism makes it hard to speak to others I don’t know and I am wary of people because I don’t trust them. I worry that they will lose their temper with me. I can’t tell someone’s mood just by looking at them, so I avoid them in case they are angry. That’s why I wait for people to speak to me; then I know you can trust them generally. I also find it hard to make decisions because I’m afraid of making a bad choice. I over analyse everything, which makes me stressed. I don’t want to make the wrong decision, as I’m worried about making my life worse. I did not like primary or secondary school because I didn’t feel the teachers were supportive. They didn’t help me with my lessons and my needs. I don’t think they understood who I was or the


needs I have. I went to a mainstream school rather than one that works specifically with autistic young people. I didn’t make many friends, and I often felt isolated and helpless. I used to just stand in the same spot in the playground, avoiding people. It was better to stay alone than engage with people who might be mean to me. There were some students that were okay because they would come and speak to me, although no one was really ‘nice’. During my school years I would say 95% of the time I felt unhappy. Then I went to the Leyton Project College. That’s when my life started to turn around for the better. That’s because it was a school set up to help people with learning difficulties. The teachers there understood me. They made me feel a part of everything. The students there were friendlier than when I was at school.


Leyton PC gave me confidence, which enabled me to take advantage of new opportunities: I enrolled in the

What’s out there that will challenge me!? I feel happy and fortunate. I am grateful for these opportunities because I

I’ve had many challenges in my life. But being positive, and taking advantage of opportunities has helped me overcome difficulties I have faced Harington Scheme, which trains people with learning difficulties, and I attend WAC Wonder Web, where I help produce a radio show and contribute to their website, plus I go to Artbox where I can be creative, and finally I’m a member of Exposure, where, well, I’m writing this article! I am lucky to have these opportunities, and it only took a bit of self-belief to take advantage of them. When I was at school I never would have imagined that I could do all that I am doing. I’m thinking about my future now and I’m excited about it.

can use them to express myself. I feel accepted along with my learning disabilities not in spite of them. I’m in a much better place than I was years ago. I’ve had many challenges in my life. But being positive, and taking advantage of opportunities, has helped me overcome difficulties I have faced. If you’re feeling like I used to then don’t get trapped in a state of doing nothing about your situation. Take advantage of the opportunities available to you. Come to Exposure for a start!

For advice on this or any other issue see the list of local services in the directory on p23


what’s orld

Around the w

Great Britain Justice for the 96


After 23 years of waiting, the biggest ever investigation into possible crimes committed by police during the 1989 Hillsborough disaster is to be carried out. 96 Liverpool football fans died in a human crush during the FA Cup semi-final in Sheffield, and is the worst stadium-related disaster in British history. Changes in 164 police statements into the policing of the event has led to this new inquiry and will be reviewed. Evidence relating to the precise circumstances of how the fans died will also be reviewed. This could lead to charges of manslaughter through gross negligence against the police. It is hoped that this new investigation will be a step towards the families affected finally getting justice.

USA Sandy Hook shooting


On 14 December 2012, the USA witnessed the second worst school shooting in the country’s history. Adam Lanza, a 20-year-old man, massacred 20 children and six teachers, and wounded two others at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. He also killed his mother before turning the gun on himself. President Obama made a speech expressing his sympathy for the families, and struggled to hold back his tears. Obama has affirmed a review of the national gun laws in his second term of office, which could put restrictions on the purchasing of firearms. Fearing this, in the weeks after the massacre, sales of guns, ammunition and high-capacity magazines have soared.


India Protests after woman

USAraped & murdered

Protests sprung up across India after the bus rape and murder of a woman on 16 December 2012. The protesters mourned the 23-year-old as they took to the streets in anger of how India’s judicial system treat rape-victims. Authorities have subsequently charged five men with abduction, rape and murder that could bring the death penalty to each. A sixth suspect thought to be 17 is to be tried separately in a youth court. The family of the victim asked for her not to be used except to name a new law that protects more women across the country.

Great Britain Tube is 150 not out



On 9 January, London Underground celebrated 150 years since the first journey on its lines took place between Paddington and Farringdon in 1863. To mark the celebration, several ticketholders were granted a ride on the first underground steam train through Kensington Olympia and Moorgate on 13 January. The tickets cost up to ÂŁ180 for a First Class seat and were available by ballot only, due to high demand. Nonticket holders were able to witness the train travelling along the designated route and other heritage trips are also planned for this year.

Australia Bushfires rage


January saw fire fighters across southeast Australia struggle to control more than 100 bushfires, the biggest of which is 60 miles wide, destroyed dozens of homes. While not as deadly as the fires in 2009, which claimed the lives of over 200 people, the conditions in which the 2013 fires were set were unprecedented. At 40.3C Australia’s average temperature for this period is the hottest since records began. Areas, such as Tasmania, New South Wales, Victoria and Queensland were affected.


where MICHAEL AUMERALLY I got involved after reading Exposure magazine. Reading through it I found a call for young volunteers to participate in Haringey Youth Online, a youth project based in Bruce Grove. It was through this project that I was invited to help develop a website for Exposure. I also became a young journalist. I found the freedom to develop and experiment with my skills as a website designer helped my confidence grow. I applied what I had practised on real projects within the community. The articles I wrote helped me to express and articulate my own points of view, particularly on how recent developments in technology had changed our society. Being at Exposure enabled me to meet like-minded young people who all had a passion for being creative. I was inspired to look at myself and explore the talents I had and run with it. With the work opportunities that ensued, I understood how to take what I had and make a living from it. Currently I work for one of the world’s biggest computer companies. As Exposure grew into a larger organisation, so did the amount of computers too. I took on the role of providing technical support in addition to running the magazine website. The part-time work was the perfect compliment to the degree I was taking at the time, which allowed me to continue exercising the things I had learnt. Exposure for me was the real life social networking before Facebook and LinkedIn came into existence. I made many lifelong friends and business contacts, which lead to further opportunities for work. That is why it’s a tragedy that the government are taking away the opportunities for young people to develop their skills and make contacts that lead on to work. It’s counterproductive and leads to unnecessary unemployment. I’ll leave you with this message: find a passion for something you love, explore and learn about it, and see how you can put it to practice at Exposure.


Maternity services YPT Midwives Whittington Hospital 0778 532 6444/0778 533 5513 North Middlesex Hospital 020 8887 4055 For both hospitals: book early – it’s better for you and your baby Support for Teenage Mother/to be Family nurse partnership Tymouth Road Health Centre 24 Tynemouth N15 4Rh 020 8275 4035 Teenage parents Drop in Triangle Children, young people comminity centre 91 – 93 St Ann’s Road

Insight For young people with drug or alcohol issues 020 8493 8525 Cosmic For the families of people with drug or alcohol issues 0800 38905257 www.haga. co.uk/children_and_family.htm Hearthstone For people experiencing domestic violence 020 8888 5362 Victim Support Haringey Working for victims of crime 020 8888 9878 www.vslondon.org IAPT Help in overcoming anxiety and depression 1A Lansdowne Road Health Centre Lansdowne Road N17 0LL 020 8808 5833/ 0790 814 7656 Open Door counselling and psychotherapy for young people aged 12-25 12 Middle lane, N8 020 8348 5947 Shelterline Shelter’s free housing advice line 0808 800 4444 Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Programme of personal development 020 8826 9393

If your organisation would like to be included on this page please call 020 8883 0260



www.shharingey.gov.uk Tel: 020 8442 6536 4YP Plus Contraception and Sexual Health Clinic Women Only Clinic - under 20s A confidential walk in service Thursdays 3:30pm-6:30pm Lordship Lane Primary Care Health Centre, 239 Lordship Lane, London N17 6AA 020 8365 5910 4YP Clinic St Ann’s Hospital St Ann’s Road, Tottenham N15 3TH (Walk in clinic) Tuesday 3:30pm-6:30pm 020 8442 6536

Markfield Project Inclusive services for disabled and non-disabled young people Markfield Road, Tottenham 020 8800 4134



Young people’s sexual health services including dedicated clinic, drop-in sessions and the 4YP bus

Harington Scheme Preparing young people with learning difficulties or disabilities for work 55a Cholmeley Park, Highgate www.harington.org.uk

020 7700 1323


4YP Haringey

KIS Training Helping young people into employment, education & enterprise 020 8275 4230

N15 6NU Every Friday 1:00pm-4:00pm London Queer Youth Group 19 and under Tuesday 6pm to 8:30pm For people lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans or think they might be.


Bruce Grove Area Youth Project 10 Bruce Grove, Tottenham 020 3224 1089 Wood Green Area Youth Project White Hart Lane Community Sports Centre 020 8489 8942 Broadwater Youth Club Structured sport-based programme Broadwater Community Centre, Tottenham 07870 15 7612




Connexions One-stop shop for young people 020 8881 7050 Drop-in centre: Wood Green Library, 2nd Floor High Road, London, N22 6XD 020 8489 5200 www.haringey.gov.uk/connexions First Rung Training, support and opportunities for young people 020 8803 4764 www.firstrung.org.uk Urban Futures Apprenticeships in Business Administration, Customer Services, and Retail 020 8352 5900 www.urbanfutures.org.uk /Apprenticeships Tottenham JobCentre TJC now also offer support to young people involved in gang culture. Contact the following to get help with a fresh start. Bola: 07825 657 251 Rickie 07733 074 911

Exposure is a registered trademark of Exposure Organisation Limited, registered in England no. 3455480, registered charity no. 1073922. The views expressed by young people in Exposure do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher or its funder. (c) 2011. All rights reserved. ISSN 1362-8585

‘I’m Inspired’ is a new project that gives you the opportunity to interview celebrities about how they became succesful. Email victoria@exposure.org.uk to get involved.

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