free june 07
issue 87
Why immigration shouldn’t turn your legs to jelly.
What’s the fuss about headscarves?
The attitudes that push young people to extremes.
Features josh
Apryl Simpson, Astley Cover, Dorothy Iba, Josh Büyükyilmaz
Apryl Simpson, Dorothy Iba, Sabrina Codardo, and Samantha Harding.
Editorial Team
Katarzyna Siedlecka, Llewelyn Harrigan, Muhrat Gursoy
Sabrina Codardo, Samantha Harding, Tahnee Grievson
22 - AGONY llewellyn
Haringey Uncovered: Wood Green High Road
Exposure is free and open to anyone aged between13 and 19 living in Haringey. • write, edit, illustrate & design this magazine • build your own website • make a video
www.exposure.org.uk To volunteer, or to arrange work experience or a work placement, call 020 8883 0260, email info@exposure.org.uk or just walk into the office. The Bigger Shoe Box, Muswell Hill Centre Hillfield Park N10 3QJ Tel: 020 8883 0260, Fax: 020 8883 2906 Mob: 07947 884 282 Email: editor@exposure.org.uk
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sponsored by: social spider Tottenham Grammar School Foundation
Issue #87 June 2007 Editorial There are always some people who think immigrants to Britain will take our jobs, live off our taxes, eat our (jelly) babies, and destroy our culture. But ‘Britain’ only exists because England was never happy just being English, and has always been desperate to impose Englishness on everyone else, starting with its neighbours. At its largest, the British Empire covered a quarter of the world, and ruled one in five people. British people fought their way into countries across Asia, Africa and the Americas, taking land by force, destroying cultures, and greedily exploiting native people. Maybe it’s
because, after being invaded by the Angles, Saxons, Romans, Normans, Vikings and whoever else fancied coming here, it’s in English genes. Just 12,000 years ago, Britain was cold, bleak and totally deserted, so ultimately everyone here now can trace their families back to somewhere else. Perhaps if the first people here had known the weather would never improve, we would all be living somewhere a lot warmer, strolling in sun-baked streets, taking a siesta or kicking back in glorious summer sunshine. Well, we could always emigrate.
Articles 08 - Talking Foreign
Is the media Islamophobic, asks Joe Sandler-Clarke. Illustration by James L’Aimable.
16 - Burqas & Bikinis Respect other cultures, says George Fuller. Design concept by Sabrina Codardo.
12 - Errorism
llewelyn james
Ellen Davis-Walker on attitudes to immigration. Design by Llewelyn Harrigan.
10 - Foreign Bodies
Nuno Pedrosa talks in a different tongue.
20 - Seeing is Believing Tira Jones turns her life round.
Regrettably our office is inaccessible to wheelchair users but we will nevertheless make every effort to include your contributions.
it’s catching
CONTRAST www. socialspider.com Not many organisations could have pulled it off but Social Spider, the ethical design agency started by former Exposure volunteers, has helped young people in Hackney create a new magazine: Contrast. The free magazine covers subjects important to local teenagers. 5,000 copies are being distributed around Hackney in places like schools, colleges, and youth clubs. 17-year-old Rosheena Harding said, “Contrast provides great opportunities for young people. It has given me the chance to develop skills that I didn’t know I had.” Sound familiar? Not that we want to take all the credit, but they’d be nothing without Exposure. Take a look at the first issue at www. socialspider.com.
you need help THE JUNCTION www.thejunctionharingey.co.uk The Junction is a place in Wood Green Library for young people to get all sorts of advice, from all sorts of different agencies, by either making an appointment or dropping in. Hilda Djaba, Haringey Connexions Manager, says, “It’s a place for people to come in and feel relaxed. We’ve made sure it doesn’t look like an office to make it more of a relaxing atmosphere.” The Junction gives young people an opportunity to get advice and help on everything from dealing with bullying to choosing a career. Go in and have a look, or visit the website www.thejunctionharingey.co.uk or call 020 8881 7050.
Sabrina Codardo
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to become a vegetarian? With free tastings, health advice, over 100 stalls, cruelty free body care and cosmetics, ethical
The Royal Horticultural Halls 30 June 2007, 10.00am - 5.30pm www. viva.org.uk/london
we’ll never meat again fashion and footwear, and a celebrity auction, the Incredible Veggie Show will answer any questions you may have about becoming a vegetarian or simply cutting down on meat. Entry to Europe’s biggest veggie festival is just £3 and under 16s go free, so see you there (even noncurious meat-eaters)! Apryl Simpson
tropical (traffic) island TOTTENHAM CARNIVAL Saturday 23 June 2007 www.tottenhamcarnival.co.uk If you thought global warming would have us running for sun cream, deck chairs and outdoor swimming pools by June, the rain, cold and flu bugs might have changed your mind. Luckily on at least one day every year, Tottenham is transformed into a tropical paradise with floats, food, speaker stacks, and dancing in the street. Let’s just hope for a bit of sun.
show ‘biz
ELBIZ www.myspace.com/elbizuk
Haringey’s top amateur-boxing, modelling rapper is back with the second volume of his EP, Da Funk Dat U Bump in Ya Trunk. He’s a little bit old school, and can slow it down for the ladies, so whether you’re a wannabe gangster or a hip hop honey, get online and download his latest songs at www.myspace.com/elbizuk.
back to books HOLLYWOOD BLISS, MY LIFE SO FAR Chloe Rayban INCANTATION Alice Hoffman To tell you the truth I really don’t read books, but I loved Hollywood Bliss. It made me feel better about my life. For example, Holly hasn’t had her first kiss and she’s 14 years old - shocking, I know. Okay, it’s not that shocking. Holly’s mother is a famous pop star. Everyone loves her superstar mum and everything she does, except Holly. Her mum wants to be in charge of everything including her life, but Holly just wishes for things that every normal girl has like friends, a boyfriend, freedom to go shopping and just a life! It just shows that being rich and famous doesn’t bring happiness.
Incantation is about Catalina and Estrella, who were best friends until Catalina’s husband-to-be looks at her best friend in a way she doesn’t like. Catalina also finds out that she and her family are ‘Marranos’, Spanish Jews living as Catholics. As the news of her double life spreads, she sees her love life and friendship ending in the blink of an eye. Alice Hoffman puts you in the shoes of her characters, and describes every scene with nothing but passion. Dorothy Iba
clowning around ADVERTIGO Bassline Circus Clissold Park, Stoke Newington, 3-17 June www.basslinecircus.org.uk www.myspace.com/basslinecircus Advertigo is circus as you’ve never seen it before, combining hire-wire acts, clowns, trapeze, Chinese pole, bungee with break and popping, hip hop, drum and bass, and live rapping. The show breaks down the culture of commercial advertising, blipverts and spam in a dizzying rollercoaster ride of multi media madness and mayhem with some of the best breakbeat, digital graffiti, vj-ing, scratching and circus acts likely to be seen all year.
la vida loca HEARTBREAK SOUP Gilbert Hernandez
MAGGIE THE MECHANIC Jaime Hernandez AMERICAN SPLENDOR: ANOTHER DAY Harvey Pekar Not all comics are about superheroes. In 1982, brothers Gilbert and Jaime Hernandez created Love & Rockets, a mixture of magical realism, science fiction, and meditations on the human condition. Jaime’s punky sci-fi Maggie The Mechanic follows the adventures of Maggie Chascarillo and her friends, including bombshell Penny Century, the wrestler Rena Titanon and Maggie's handsome love interest, Rand Race. The mythical Central American town of Palomar is
the setting for Gilbert’s Heartbreak Soup, whose tales weave in and out of the town's entire population creating a complex tapestry of Latin American life. Harvey Pekar has been writing his autobiographical comic American Splendor for 30 years, while working as a file clerk in a Cleveland hospital (even after his comics brought him success). In this latest collection, he continues to brilliantly capture the drama in hia apparently mundane day-to-day life: a missing cat, his disobedient daughter, or the price of a bag of peanuts.
talking foreign By Nuno Pedrosa After reading Parlez-vous English?, an article in our last issue about English people not bothering to learn foreign languages, Nuno, a young Exposure volunteer from Portugal, wrote this. We haven’t corrected the mistakes so you can see that you don’t need to be perfect to be understood. nglish is one of the most spoken languages in the world, but this is no reason to ignore other languages.
A second language is a personal option, but nowadays the world is more multicultural, especially in Europe due to the European Union, and who hasn’t heard about globalisation? The world is definitely different. We are in a changing time and what now is maybe not that important, in a few years time is going to be essential for the life of everyone.
Portugal “Inchildren start to learn English at the age of six
Is curious and frustrating that is always the English non-speaker who needs to know English and never English natives who learn a second language. I was a waiter in a pub in Portugal and most of the time the English natives were the lazier. Even in other countries, most of the time they don’t make any effort. They think
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that everyone needs to know English because is the main language. They are really lucky to know English as their first language, but this idea give them the laziness to learn different languages that could be very useful in the future.
can speak four “Ilanguages. People can understand me and I understand them
In Portugal, in most schools, children start to learn English at the age of six, when starting primary school, until at least the age of 14. During this time they learn another language also, and in some cases, a third. It’s understandable that for some it’s difficult to incorporate the accent and the language, but this is not the main problem. The problem is that people are too lazy to spend time learning everything again. That is not easy and pretty boring at the beginning.
The best way to start is with the media - is very good for vocabulary. Watch a film or read a book in your language, and afterwards, watch it or read it again but in the second language. On the internet is also easy to find websites with the basics of each language, online courses and translators. You just need to be motivated and try to study a bit every day. Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian and Romanian are the main Latin languages, and if you know one of them, is going to be easier to learn the others.
I can speak four languages Portuguese (my native language), Spanish, French and English - but for all of them I make an effort to improve more and more my skills. Even if is not like the native language, people can understand me and I understand them, something that some English natives may think is impossible. Learning a second language is not that easy but not that difficult. Everything depends how motivated you are and how much you practice because a stop, even if is just for a short time, is enough to lose everything you learn before.
artwork by nuno
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By Ellen Davis-Walker Design by Llewellyn Harrigan
n a society where 7.9 % of the population are ethnic minorities, how can people get so fired up about people from other countries coming to Britain? There seems to be an idea that asylum seekers come to the UK bent on the idea of stealing jobs and lounging about on benefits while the rest of us go out to work. That an invasion of foreign people is putting Britain at risk; that a wave of migrants is pouring into the country stealing jobs, sponging off tax payers money and undermining ‘Britishness’.
real problem “The with immigration is our attitudes”
People don’t seem to realise that immigrants come to the UK for a chance to lead a better life, and sometimes to flee persecution. These people are not criminals, they are doing what is necessary to carry on living, and they are not worthless. Many asylum seekers are highly skilled and can make valuable contributions to British society - we just need to give them a chance. As one of the richest countries in the world, a country that prides it self on freedom of speech, where 7.9 % of the population is made up of ethnic minorities - a democratic multi-cultural society - we should welcome them. Those who boast of ‘a Great British society’ are perhaps not looking closely enough at what’s going on. Our society is one where certain religious groups are feared and distrusted; where the police and government will actively prejudge
members of those groups, and accuse them of being terrorists; where right-wing political parties like the British National Party (BNP) see themselves as representatives of the true Britain, taking racist stances on issues like immigration, and worryingly, winning three seats in the last General Election. The number of British citizens who choose to leave Britain permanently doubled from 53,000 in 2001 to 107,000 last year. That’s more than 2,000 people leaving every week. With such a high rate of emigration, we need immigration just to balance the population.
who boast “Those of ‘a Great British society’ are not looking closely enough
The only real problem with immigration is in the attitudes of individuals. We need to stop imagining immigration will lead to the downfall of all that is good about Britain. We can’t just sit and rant, or violently lash out against somebody just because we don’t see him or her as being British. We know from the past what the notion of a superior race can result in. There is no superior race, we’re all just people who deserve to be treated the same. We can still maintain ‘British values’, but we should accept immigration as a positive contribution to an already diverse population of people, and as something that can truly help make Britain a better place to be.
james rohan
By Joe Sandler-Clarke Illustration by Jame L’AImable n 8 July 2001 a group of 500 or so National Front members mobilised, ready to descend on Bradford city centre as part of what they claim will be a peaceful demonstration. They were met by a similarly-sized group of Anti-Nazi protesters and trouble soon began. A group of mostly Pakistani Muslim lads were brutally beaten up by some of the National Front outside a pub somewhere in the Manningham area of the city, and rioting followed. Petrol bombs were thrown, and police and protesters were injured.
parts of Britain “Some are divided societies, fertile ground for fundamentalists
But the Bradford riots of 2001 do not fully illustrate the segregation and alienation that a large amount of the Muslim population of Britain experience day to day. For that you need to look at the aftermath of the riots. Leaders in the Asian community criticised the police service for being too heavy handed, and some went as far as calling the Bradford constabulary ‘institutionally racist’. One Pakistani man was jailed for 12 years for an arson attack, even though he was found not to have committed the attack intentionally. You might think events like these are in the past, and if the constant threat of terrorism means sacrificing one person’s human rights, then that’s just how it goes. But recently, Abu Bakr, a Muslim bookshop owner in the West Midlands, who was arrested on terrorism charges only to be released due to lack of evidence, called Britain ‘a police state for Muslims’. It seems that some parts of Britain are quickly
descending into divided societies, fertile ground for crazed religious fundamentalists. During the civil rights movement of the 1960s, some campaigners became dissatisfied with the lack of progress that Martin Luther King’s movement was making and joined Malcolm X and later, the Black Panthers. This progression from peaceful to radical is seemingly mirrored in the UK. In deprived multi-ethnic areas such as Tower Hamlets and the West Midlands, where employment remains low and education poor, there has been an increased movement toward more extreme religious thinking.
Home Secretary “The told parents to watch their children for terrorist activities Yet to blame the increasing radicalisation of some of Britain’s Muslim youth solely on a lack of opportunities in employment and education would be wrong. There is also a political influence: some estimates suggest 600,000 people have died in Iraq since March 2003; Palestine remains the world’s largest open prison; and it was only a few months ago that Home Secretary John Reid told Muslim parents to watch their children for potentially terrorist activities, a choice of words not too dissimilar to the infamous ‘rivers of blood’ speech made by Enoch Powel in the 1950s.
Given the isolation and scrutiny that most Muslims in western nations experience, there is no wonder that some turn to extremist teachings in a bid to right the perceived wrongs inflicted upon them.
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by Astley Cover
Send your artwork to: The Bigger Shoe Box, Muswell Hill Centre, Hillfield Park N10 3 QJ Tel: 020 8883 0260, Fax: 020 8883 2906, Mob: 07947 884 282, Email: jon@exposure.org.uk
Page 2
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by Murat Gursoy
Send your artwork to: The Bigger Shoe Box, Muswell Hill Centre, Hillfield Park N10 3 QJ Tel: 020 8883 0260, Fax: 020 8883 2906, Mob: 07947 884 282, Email: jon@exposure.org.uk
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& BIKINIS By George Fuller Design concept by Sabrina Codardo
he Arabic word ‘hijab’ means ‘to veil’ or ‘cover’, and there is strong social pressure on women in some Muslim countries to cover themselves in public.
There are three main types of headscarves: A hijab covers the head but leaves the face revealed; a niqab covers the face but leaves the eyes revealed; and a burqa is a gown that completely covers the body and face including the eyes. The Qur’an says women should dress modestly, and in some countries, like Saudi Arabia and Iran, religion is law. For women to
children said “The she scared them because they couldn’t see her face
break it by not wearing a veil means punishment by religious police. In October 2006 Aishah Azmi refused to removed her veil while teaching in a primary school, Headfield Church of England Junior School. Despite complaints from parents she still refused to take off the burqa that covered every part of her apart from her eyes. After even the children complained to teachers that the way she dressed scared them because they couldn’t see her face or any expressions on her face, she still said no. The school suspended Ms Azmi, and told the public they were forced to go to such extremes as Ms Azmi turned up to the interview without a veil and dressed in casual clothes.
Cultures often clash due to the wearing of veils, notably in France where, in 1989, the French Government ruled that headscarves could be worn, but teachers had the choice of whether or not they would accept it in their classes. Between 1994 and 2003 around 100 female students were suspended or expelled from school for wearing a veil in class. Now headscarves and all religious symbols are banned from schools in France.
proper clothing “Where is a big thing, Brits should respect it” Although this kind of discrimination against different cultures seems a bit beyond the line, perhaps the Muslim community should respect how Western countries are run. By all means come dressed in what you are told to by religion, but if you are asked to level down the way you wear things, you shouldn’t refuse but respect the way people want to run the place.
The same is true for Western people visiting Muslim countries. If a Brit attends a Middle Eastern country, where the proper clothing is a big thing, they should respect it. If a woman dresses for the beach in something she would wear at home that reveals her body, and the locals are disgusted, the woman should understand and maybe wear a long sari-like gown. By respecting the culture, religion and law of the country you are in, no visitor needs to worry about offending people, or being prosecuted or even attacked. Whether you are from the east or west you should respect the laws of the people of any country you are in.
HOROSCOPE By Katarzyna Siedlecka & Samantha Harding
Mar. 21 - Apr. 20
Apr. 21 - May 21
May 22 - June 21
Do not let how badly the week has been going fool you, music will change your life. Go to a concert and get ready for big changes.
A friend you haven’t seen for ages will phone you... go and meet up with them. They will give you good advice that will help with your parents.
The guy you are dreaming about is not worth the things you have done for him. Wake up! He’s not perfect, so forget about him.
Sept. 24 - Oct. 23
Oct. 24 - Nov. 22
Nov. 23 - Dec. 22
You will find yourself in a situation that you have never been in before. Even though you will enjoy it, you will still find it difficult and not know what to do.
If you didn’t think that life could get more tearful, you were wrong. Something bad is going to happen and you will never be the same again.
Someone you love will admit something to you, and you will have no doubts about the way you feel.
Images by Amos Niamke, George Barrow, Huw Macdonald
June 22 - July 23
July 24 - Aug. 23
Aug. 24 - Sept. 23
Spring is a time of happiness and love... so don’t be surprised if you meet someone mysterious who will make your dreams come true.
Think you’re good enough to take part in that competition? Think again... you still have to practice a lot.
It’s a good time to talk with your parents about the tattoo you would like to have, but are you sure you really want it?
Dec. 23 - Jan. 20
Jan. 21 - Feb.20
Feb. 21 - Mar. 20
Thinking about doing something new? Well, now is your chance. Do not miss your shot. Opportunity is just around the corner.
If you’ve been acting foolish lately you better stop it, or you will fall even deeper than you already are. If you do stop, good things will happen.
You never know what could happen today or who you might meet. It could be your lucky day! Good things are coming your way.
By Tira Jones or the past two years my life ain’t been all it’s cracked up to be. I was 17 when I left school because I was being bullied, and it really made me look at things with a different perspective. My parents used to go on and on at me - ‘you need to go college or you need to work’ - so I tried and tried but I never got where I wanted to go.
used to hate “Ilooking in mirrors”
I cried to my mum all the time, but there was nothing she could do or say that could make me feel better about myself. I lost all confidence and belief in myself and it hurt.
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I used to hate looking in mirrors because I wasn’t happy with what I saw. I couldn’t stand meeting people or going places so I cut myself off from the whole world. I never had any friends and I never left my room. I started being really bad just so I could get some attention, which was selfish but I just wanted some love. My parents still gave me a hard time about going to work and college, but because I’m too scared to interact with people, I can’t be bothered. I just see myself failing and becoming nothing. I don’t want to let my parents down but it’s a little late now. These days I’m becoming more depressed. I hide behind smiles and shield myself from other people. I’m making myself sick but I can’t help it.
ellen tira
Why is it that I keep slowly killing myself by smoking and drinking? Is this a cry for help or more attention seeking? All I know is that what I want to do, I can’t, because I’m not able to believe in me.
time for me to “It’s see just how good I can be”
I take a look at my friends and see they are doing things with themselves, and it’s like I want to do that and I’m sure I can, but then behind closed doors I feel like they are laughing at me and calling me stupid and dumb. I do have this girl who is my best friend. She makes me smile all the time, especially when I’m down.
She tells me I’m pretty even though I don’t feel pretty, and she has been there for me more than friends I’ve known for years. She’s the only one I can trust to tell my business to and not be judgemental, and get this: we’ve only been friends for four months. So now it’s time for me to see just how good I can be, to make something of my life, to make true, good, honest, friends and get a job and go to college. I want to make my parents proud. I want them to say to me ‘I knew you could do it and we love you so much. We’re so proud of you.’ I love my parents, my sisters and my real friends. Thank you for having my back and supporting me. I won’t let you down no more.
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AGONY by Dorothy Iba, Nuno Pedrosa, Sabrina Codardo, & Josh Büyükyilmaz
I’m 19 years old, and my head is bigger than normal, even bigger than my body. I am five feet tall and very thin. I know this is not good or healthy. I eat a lot, but I never get fatter or grow taller. Everybody tells jokes about my head. What can I do? I’m desperate. Don’t worry, you are going to be fine. Sometimes young people, for a moment in their life, don’t like their bodies, but this is not the catastrophe that you think it is. What’s the problem with having a big head anyway? It just means you have capacities that other people don’t have (like inside your massive head, you big head).
I think my mum hates me. She doesn’t buy me anything, tells me I’m not going to make it as a singer, and tells me I’m the ugliest thing that could have come out of her womb. It hurts me each time she tells me. I think she’s taking her anger out on me because she got pregnant early. Maybe you should only try and talk to your mother when she’s in a happy mood, and stay out of her way the rest of the time. Ask her why she says those mean and hurtful things to you (but make sure she’s in a good mood before you ask). Perhaps she’s just trying to make sure you’re not disappointed if you don’t become the next Beyoncé.
Send your problems to: The Bigger Shoe Box, Muswell Hill Centre, Hillfield Park N10 3 QJ Tel: 020 8883 0260, Fax: 020 8883 2906, Mob: 07947 884 282, Email: editor@exposure.org.uk
I feel as if I was born into the wrong body. I’m a 16-year-old boy, but I feel like I should have been a girl. I can’t help trying on my sister’s clothes or going into Topshop and staring at the skirts and shoes. I’ve also been putting on eye liner recently but no body has noticed. I don’t know what to do! I think its clear you are in serious need of someone to talk to, but don’t worry - everyone can get a bit overwhelmed by girls clothes shops. And eye make-up! Wow. Pencil, liquid and cake eyeliners; eyeshadow in every colour you can think of; mascara with 20 types of brushes; matching your skin tone; bringing out the colour of your eyes... no wonder you’re confused.
I have a phobia of red chairs, and when I’m at school I feel like they are following me everywhere. All the classrooms I go to, there they are waiting for me. I have nightmares about them coming In my room at night and hurting me, I can’t escape. What do I do? This has to be sorted out and quickly, because there is no escaping the red chairs. Maybe you could try confronting them and find out exactly what it is they want from you. Perhaps you were a red chair in a past life, or one of those Edwardian country kitchen wooden chairs, or, and this is bad, a stackable orange plastic chair, and they can see it in your soul. Mwua-ha-ha-ha-haaahh.
Every Child Matters in Haringey... and the Youth Service wants you to enjoy, achieve and gain from a range of fun and safe learning opportunities. WOOD GREEN AREA YOUTH PROJECT Sports, performing arts, video nights, topical discussions and debates, quiz nights, arts and crafts and ICT. White Hart Lane Community Sports Centre, Wood Green, N22 5QW Contact Akin Akintola on 020 8489 8945 or akin.akintola@haringey.gov.uk BRUCE GROVE AREA YOUTH PROJECT Performing arts, music, video editing, Job Club, teenage parents’ Duke of Edinburgh, sports and other youth club activities. 10 Bruce Grove, Tottenham, N17 6RA Contact Berkeley Gardener on 020 8493 1012
MILTON ROAD Arts and crafts, games, performing arts, ICT, video and documentary discussions, advice and information and youth meetings. Community Centre, Milton Road, West Green, N15 6RA Contact Lauren Schneider on 020 8489 8942 or lauren.schneider@haringey.gov.uk
www.haringey.gov.uk 12
DETACHED TEAM Advice, support and guidance, IT skills, multimedia and group work in your area. To find out where we are, contact Javeeda Gill on 020 8493 1004 MUSWELL HILL AREA YOUTH PROJECT Sports, dance, art and crafts, topical discussions and debates and quiz nights. Muswell Hill Centre, Hillfield Park, Muswell Hill, N10 3QJ Contact Akin Akintola on 020 8489 8945 or akin.akintola@haringey.gov.uk POSITIVE FUTURES Football coaching and education workshops. Contact Errol Brown on 020 8489 8943 or errol.brown@haringey.gov.uk EXPOSURE Journalism, graphic design and video training. Muswell Hill Centre, Hillfield Park, Muswell Hill, N10 3QJ Contact Gary Flavell on 020 8883 0260 or gary@exposure.org.uk TOWER GARDENS Sports, performing arts, games, arts and crafts, self defence, advice and information and youth meetings. Tower Gardens Community Centre, Tower Gardens Estate, Tower Gardens Road, Tottenham, N17 7QA Contact Nicholas Gardener on 020 8489 8821 or youth.office@haringey.gov.uk
Develop your knowledge, skills and values, and realise your aspirations.
s u c h
s h a m e
ended at 14. It’s such a shame that her life knife to her skin People wonder why she put that
And why nothing in her life was seen. She couldn’t tell a soul, it was too painful, But it wasn’t her fault her daddy was too sinful. The same time ever y night. The same thing once again. He undresses her in the dark, and little felicity feels pain. She cries when he leaves, her wounds are not shown, She’s only just started life, but she seems to have grown. At breakfast in the morning her father smiles as normal, So she decides she wants to bec ome one of the paranormal. That night after school she kisse s her mum and says goodbye, And goes to her room and the tears fly by. She gets the razor from her dres ser drawer And her bleeding starts as she hits the floor. She sees her school tie on the ground So she carefully doesn’t make a sound. She wraps it tight around her neck and shuts her eyes And imagines her father and all of his lies. A thud to the floor. Her head hits really hard, And her mother hears a bang on the floorboard. Racing to the stairs her mother calls her name, She opens the door and noth ing is ever the same. by Tahnee Grievson
Send your poetry to: The Bigger Shoe Box, Muswell Hill Centre, Hillfield Park N10 3 QJ Tel: 020 8883 0260, Fax: 020 8883 2906, Mob: 07947 884 282, Email: editor@exposure.org.uk
Muswell Hill Youth Centre General youth project 020 8883 5855
Antenna For black African and AfricanCaribbean young people 020 8365 9537
Hearthstone For people experiencing domestic violence 020 888 5362
Host General mental health care 020 8885 8160
Bruce Grove Youth Project General youth project 020 3224 1089 Wood Green Area Youth Project General youth project 020 8489 8942 Broadwater Youth Club Structured sport-based programme 07870 15 7612 Triangle Twilight Bridge Club Structured youth project 020 8802 1955
SEXUAL HEALTH 4YP Haringey Young people’s sexual health services www.4yp.co.uk Young Mums To Be Course in Wood Green for teenage mums 020 8889 0022 Outzone Confidential information and support for lesbian, gay and bisexual young people www.outzone.org
STAFF Andreas Koumi Enrico Tessarin Jon Golds Ryan Alexander
Aysha Tegally Flo Codjoe Luke Pantelidou
Revolving Door s Agency Tackling the link between mental health and crime www.revolving-doors.co.uk
DISABILITIES Markfield Project Inclusive services for disabled and non-disabled young people 020 8800 4134
DRUGS AND ALCOHOL Step-Ahead For young people with drug or alcohol issues 020 8493 8525 Cosmic Support for families 0800 38905257
HOUSING Shelterline Shelter’s free housing advice line 0808 800 4444
David Warrington Gary Flavell Mirella Issaias
is a registered trademark of Exposure Organisation Limited, registered in England no. 3455480, registered charity no. 1073922. The views expressed in Exposure do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. (c) 2007. All rights reserved. ISSN 1362-8585 AWARDS Purple Youth Award for best youth representation website London Electricity Londoner of the Year Award Nationwide Award for Voluntary Endeavour Phillip Lawrence Award Ed & F Man Award for Best London Youth Publication ADVERTISING If your organisation wants to get its message across to young people call 020 8883 0260 PRINTERS Miter Press Ltd, Miter House 150 Rosebery Avenue, N17 9SR Tel: 020 8808 9776
Duke of Edinburgh Award Programme of personal development 020 8489 8711 BTCV Millennium volunteers national volunteering programme www2.btcv.org.uk
EMPLOYMENT e2e Employment scheme 020 8889 0022 KIS Training Helping young people into employment 0871 200 2321 Tottenham Connexions Centre Careers advice 020 8808 0333 Harington Scheme Preparing young people with learning difficulties or disabilities for work www.harington.org.uk
DISCLAIMER Exposure aims to give young people an independent voice which can contribute to the democratic process. We apologise for any offence caused by the way young people choose to express themselves. While Exposure has done its best to check material contained within this publication, we cannot accept responsibility for inaccurate information provided by outside organisations. Organisations mentioned are not necessarily connected with nor endorsed by Exposure. Permission has been sought, wherever possible, for the use of copyright material. Where contact has not been possible we hope that, as a voluntary organisation helping to educate and inform young people, it is acceptable for Exposure to use such material for the benefit of young people. If this is not the case please let us know and any such copyright material will be removed from future publications with our apologies.