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uPRIVATE RENTED HOMES Environmental Health Officer (North City): Antoin Mullen. Tel.:01 222 3749. For help with landlord/tenant issues contact: The Private Residential Tenancies Board. P.O. Box11884, Dublin 2. Tel.:01 635 0600 Fax: 01 635 0601 Email; information@prtb.ie www.prtb.ie uROADS Potholes, roads that need repairing or gritting, footpath modifications for vehicular access, contact: Dublin City Council, Road Maintenance Services, Block 2, Floor 4, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8. Tel: 01 222 2255 Email: roadmaintenance@dublincity.ie 24 Hour Emergency Number (e.g. road collapses): 01 679 6186 South East Area Senior Executive Engineer - Roads: Philip Dunne - Tel.: 01 222 2560 uSPORTS Swimming Pools Swan Leisure Swimming Pool Mon - Thurs (7am - 10pm) Fri (7am - 9pm) Sat & Sun (10am - 6pm) www.swanleisure.ie uTRAFFIC MANAGEMENT Traffic Cameras - Areas covered are: City Centre Quays, North City Centre, South City Centre, Northside of the City (outside the Royal Canal), Southside of the City (outside the Grand Canal), M50 Orbital. www.dublintraffic.com Traffic Planning: Eoghan Madden. Tel: 01 222 2046 Fax: 01 222 2760 Traffic Hotline: Freephone 1800 29 39 49 3 Voter Registration (Franchise Section) Tel: 01 222 5010 3 Website Dublin City Council has revamped its website. It has a wealth of information about the city and events happening as well as current traffic conditions and planning information. www.dublincity.ie 3 Welfare Senior Housing Welfare Officer: Catherine Redmond, Tel: 01 222 3331 uWASTE MANAGMENT / RECYCLING Bottle Banks Dropping Well Car Park - Miltown Road High School - Zion Road Terenure Public Car Park - Terenure Road Norh Tesco Car Park - Rathmines Road Upper Bring Centres Gulistan Terrace Bring Centre Mon - Thurs (9am - 4pm) Fri (9am - 1pm) Sat (10am - 4pm) Closed Sundays & Bank Holidays Tel: (01) 497 7391 Herzog Park Bring Centre Mon - Thurs (9am - 4pm) Fri (9am - 1pm) Closed Sat, Sun & Bank Holidays Tel: (01) 492 4920 While great effort has been taken to make sure details in the Guide are correct, changes can happen. Please phone to ensure the details quoted remain valid.





Dublin City Council Services 2014



Dear Resident, In this guide, you will find easy to follow information on many of the services Dublin City Council provides in your area. I hope you find the guide helpful. Please feel free to call me on 086 830 1111 Or email me at ruairi.mcginley@dublincity.ie My website is www.ruairimcginley.ie

E: ruairi.mcginley@dublincity.ie W: www.ruairimcginley.ie T: 086 830 11 11

Regards Ruairi

INDEPENDENT Experienced City Councillor Since 1995

/Ruairi McGinley





E: ruairi.mcginley@dublincity.ie W: www.ruairimcginley.ie T: 086 830 11 11


uABANDONED CARS To report an abandoned car, contact the Abandoned Vehicle Officer: Daragh Jacques, Tel: 01 222 4254

uGRAFFITI South East Area Public Domain Officer, Kevin O’Sullivan Tel: 01 222 5344

uMOTOR TAX Dublin City Council Motor Tax Office, Block B, Blackhall Walk, Queen Street, Dublin 7. Opening Hours: Monday - Friday, 9.30am - 3.30pm, Tel: 01 222 8000 Fax: 01 872 1004

uBUSINESS Business Support Unit Office of Economy and International Relations, 3 Palace Street, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 222 0100 - Email: edu@dublincity.ie

uGRANTS Regulations have been introduced which make provision for a new framework of grant aid for older people and people with a disability. The regulations provide for three new schemes of grant aid as follows: 3 Housing Adaptation Grant Scheme for people with a disability 3 Mobility Aids Housing Grant Scheme 3 Housing Aid for Older People Dublin City Council, Housing Maintenance / Home Grants Section, Block 2, Floor 1, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8. Tel: 01 222 2195 Fax: 01 222 2617

Motor Tax Online: www.motortax.ie, Email: motortax@environ.ie, Helpline: 1890 411 412 To apply for a learner permit or driving licence, visit a National Driver Licence Service (NDLS) centres. The nearest NDLS office is in the NDLS offices in Leopardstown shopping centre and Citywest shopping centre. For further details visit www.ndls.ie

uCOMMUNITY Community Grants Scheme Dublin City Council aims to support community groups with their activities and projects by promoting the participation and involvement in the city through the community grants scheme. The Community Grants Scheme is run on an annual basis. Community Groups make their applications while taking into consideration the key priorities of the scheme such as: 3 Community Development 3 Social inclusion 3 Children and young people 3 Digital Inclusion 3 Integration 3 Marginalised groups 3 Local Area Issues For more information Contact: Dublin City Council Culture, Recreation and Amenity Department Community and Social Development Block 4, Floor 1e, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8. uDRAINAGE / WATER Dublin City Council Water Division, 68 - 70 Marrowbone Lane, Dublin 8. Tel: 01 222 6000 Fax: 01 453 4849 South City Depot: Marrowbone Lane, Dublin 8 Tel: 01 2224327 Drainage: 01 222 4480 Emergencies (all services):01 679 6186 Dublin City Enterprise Board, 5th Floor, O’Connell Bridge House, D’Olier Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 635 1144 Fax: 01 635 1811 uENVIRONMENT (NOISE & AIR) Complaints regarding noise and air pollution can be made to the: Environmental Health Section, Block 3, Floor 1, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8. Senior Environmental Health Officer: Sarah Middleton, Tel: 01 222 3744 Environmental Health Officer: Gerry Osborne, Tel: 01 222 3740 Control of Dogs, Culture, Recreation & Amenity, Block 4, Ground Floor, Civic Offices. Tel: 01 222 5275/6 Barking Dogs District Court Procedure: District Court Civil Office, Dolphin House, East Essex Street, Dublin 2. Tel:01 888 6362 Dog Fouling: Mary Walsh, Litter Management Office, 68/71 Marrowbone Lane, Dublin 8. Tel: 01 222 4640 Control of Horses: 01 222 3368

Higher Education Grants Scheme All new applications should be made online to SUSI (Student Universal Support Ireland) at www. studentfinance.ie Students currently receiving a student grant from Dublin City Council and going onto the next year of the same course will continue to be assessed and paid by Higher Education Grants Section, Dublin City Council, Ground Floor, Block 4, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8. Tel: 01 222 3964 & 01 222 3936. The closing date for receipt of completed application forms is August 31st. uHOUSING Area Housing Manager (Rathmines): Gerry Geoghegan, Tel: 01 222 2627 uINFORMATION Press & Information Office, Block 3, Floor 3, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8.Press Officer: Alan Breen, Tel: 01 222 2170 Email: info@dublincity.ie uIRISH DEVELOPMENT OFFICER Orla McMorrow, 3rd Floor, 3 Palace Street, Dublin 2. Tel:01 222 3973 Fax: 01 222 3921 Orla aims to promote and develop the use of Irish with the Dublin City Council and to create an environment more favourable to Irish within the Council. uKEY AREA CONTACTS Area Manager: Eileen Quinlivan Tel: 222 2639 - eileen.quinlivan@dublincity.ie Assistant Area Manager: Frank Lambe Tel: 222 3199 - frank.lambe@dublincity.ie uLIBRARIES Rathmines Library Mon - Thurs (10am - 8pm ) Fri & Sat (10am - 5pm) Closed Sunday Tel: (01) 497 3539 Terenure Library Mon, Wed (1pm - 8pm ) Tue, Thurs - Sat (1pm - 5pm) Closed Sunday Tel: (01) 490 7035 uLIGHTING Responsible for maintenance, installation and design of all public lighting services in the city. 61/64 Marrowbone Lane, Dublin 8. To report a light out, Tel: 01 222 4444. Fax: 01 453 1655

uPARKS Parks and Landscapes, Services Division, Block 4, Civic Offices, Fishamble Street, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 222 5278 North West Area Senior Executive Parks Superintendent: Michael Noonan Tel: 01 222 3434 Eamonn Ceannt Park - Sundrive Harolds Cross park Dartry Park Bushy Park Ranelagh Park Darthmouth Square Eaton Square Palmerstown Park Belgrave Square uPITCHES Dublin City Council maintains 250 playing pitches for the use of the public. This includes GAA, soccer and rugby fields. You or your club can obtain one of these pitches for a winter or summer league or a one-off match. Prices: Adult teams (over 18 years old): €220 per pitch per year. Junior teams (under 18 years old) no charge. For more information: Dublin City Council, Sports Section, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8. Tel: 01 222 2163 uPLANNING DEPARTMENT The Planning Department seeks to secure the orderly development of Dublin in the interests of the common good and to make the city and its environs as far as possible a proper place to live in, work in and form communities. Dublin City Council, Planning Department, Civic Offices, Block 4, Ground Floor, Wood Quay, Dublin 8. Opening Hours: 9am - 4.30pm Planning and Applications: 01 222 0400 To object to or support an application: 01 222 2151 / 2149 Complaints: 01 222 2147 (9am - 5pm) Email: planningenforcement@dublincity.ie South East Area Senior Planner: Mary Conway - 01 222 3319 Appeals: An Board Pleanála, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1. Tel: 01 858 8100 & 01 872 2684 Email: bord@pleanala.ie www.pleanala.ie

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