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SELECTED HIGHLIGHTS FROM SEANAD WORK 2007-2011 2007-2008 SPOKE 99 TIMES Order of Business: 56 Times, mainly Education and Health. Called for 15 debates on Education. Debates/Legislation: Spoke on 11 pieces of Legislation in the Chamber. Adjournment Motions: 22 , for example Water Quality and Western Rail Corridor. Private Members Motions: Spoke on 8 Motions, Lead all Education-related motions for Fine Gael. Wrote and debated Motion on ‘Under-funding of Primary Education’
2009/2010: SPOKE 184 TIMES Order of Business: Spoke 124 times, mainly on The Economy, Enterprise, Threats to Homeowners’ Mortgages, Education, Special Needs and Health, Bills and Legislation: Key contributor on the Adoption Bill 2009 through to its enactment into law Important contributions on Child Abuse, the Ryan & Murphy Reports Adjournment Motions: Put down 53 Motions: Examples include 10 motions on School Building Programmes; Russian & Vietnamese Adoption; Financial support for Homeowners. Private Members Motions: Contributed to 19 motions, primarily Education, Special Needs, Enterprise
2011: Legislation: Lead the Student Support Bill through to its enactment into law prior to dissoloution of the Dáil
REPORTS Author/ Rapporteur, Oir eachtas Education Committee Stu dy & Report Topic – Early School Lea ving: ‘Staying in Education, A New Way Forward - School and Ou t-ofSchool Factors Protecting Against Early School Leaving, 200 8-2010.
Fidelma and members of Expert group on Early School Leaving, Leinster House
CAMPAIGNS Campaigning for Claregalway Bypass - Fidelma with now Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD. Also in pic former deputy Padraig McCormack, TD and new deputy, Sean Kyne,TD.
Save Galway Airport (20 10)
Be the change you wish to see in the world - Gandhi FidelmaLEaflet.indd 2
14/03/2011 17:44
HEALY EAMES Dear Elected Member, The new Senate will be the subject of a referendum and controversy. It will also be a very different place. As a result of Fine Gael’s resounding success in the recent Dáil elections, there are few experienced senators to be returned. Now that Fine Gael will be in government in the Senate, experience will be an advantage and essential. I want to see a democratic institution in Seanad Eireann that is accountable to the Irish people through its elected members. This has not been the case. I have personal experience of how the last Government failed to maximize its potential. In addition to its important legislative functions, the Senate is capable of a wider role that could be relevant to every citizen. A role that could work for Irish people, if properly handled. Such a role could involve an expanded programme of work to include for example: • Scrutinizing European legislation and directives – documents that have an enormous effect on Irish people’s lives; • The concerns of the Diaspora, our Emigrants; • North-South relations; • Oversight on Balanced Regional development on the island of Ireland; • Engagement of expertise (eg., job creators, entrepreneurs; linguists) arising from deficits in the Dáil electoral system. All of these issues and more will arise in the context of an informed referendum debate on Seanad Eireann. THROUGH SEANAD EIREANN I WILL USE MY EXPERIENCE TO: • Drive political reform and accountability • Campaign to give more power to local government and elected members • Continue to promote the links between Education and Opportunity - Creating an Enterprise and Innovation culture • Press the need to assist homeowners in trouble, to be enabled to keep their own homes; • Emphasise professional standards in the workplace • Continue to be an advocate for a Just Society, supporting the rights of the disabled, families and older people • Support An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny TD and the Government
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WHY SUPPORT FIDELMA? • Experienced active Senator • Professional woman with prior experience running own business, lecturer in teacher education, a former primary teacher, and one of a few women on Western seaboard presenting for election to Seanad Eireann. • Attentive to Elected members needs – regular communication, responding to needs • Strong track record of national and local political involvement (2004 – 2011) • Her presence on Galway West ticket ensured the election of two Fine Gael TDs in Galway West for the first time since 1982. Missed out on Dáil seat by 52 votes! • Reputation as a Committed, hard working, enlightened politician For more information check out
Fidelma and Oireachtas team who took part in Dublin city marathon, 2010 President Mary McAleese with Senators Frances Fitzgerald, Nicky McFadden and Fidelma Healy Eames at Aras, 2010
Senator Fidelma Healy Eames Rated above average contributor by CONTACT DETAILS: Leinster House, Kildare Street Tel: 01 618 3144/091 768 466 Mobile: 087 677 6937 Email: Web:
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14/03/2011 17:44