Summer 2011
Working for the communities of Greystones, Delgany, Kilcoole, Newcastle and Killadreenan We hope to find you in good health and enjoying the summer months. We would like to update everyone on the work that has been, is being and will be done by Greystones Fine Gael within the community. We are continuously looking for ways that allow us to better serve the residents, businesses and organisations of Greystones. From now on, we will be issuing regular newsletters, updating you on the work we are doing, the progress we are making and the results we have achieved on your behalf. The Greystones Fine Gael Team now has a new website Your public representatives work to improve the town which we all love and share. The website will keep you up to date on the work being done by the branch in relation to the issues that are of concern to you. It will provide local news, progress updates and contact information for the branch and public representatives. We also run a facebook page and twitter account. Add us a friend and follow our tweets. Hopefully these resources will make it more convenient for everyone to keep up to date with the work being done and make us more approachable as a group. We are initiating a series of civic forums at which we will discuss local issues facing the town and answer questions. The first of these meetings will be held in September, see details on back page. If you would like further information on any of the above and would like to get in touch, please feel free to do so. | | |
Your Greystones Public Representatives
Simon Harris TD Dáil Éireann, Leinster House, Dublin 2 | (01) 6183805 |
I am working as hard as I possibly can on your behalf in the Dáil and thank you for your continued support for me in this role. If I can ever be of any assistance to you, your family or your community then please do not hesitate to contact me at my Dáil office on 01-6183805 or by email simon. I also produce a monthly email-newsletter outlining my work over the previous few weeks, issues of interest that have come up in the Dáil and in
the constituency. To sign up to receive this newsletter please just send me a quick email. I continue to hold weekly constituency clinics to meet with residents and assist with any issues that I can. These clinics are held every Monday from 10am-12pm in Bray, on a Monday evening from 7pm-8pm in Greystones and on a Thursday evening from 7pm-8pm in Kilcoole. To attend any of these weekly clinics please contact my office. I would like to thank our local Fine Gael
team on Wicklow County Council and on Greystones Town Council for their ongoing efforts for our community. I enjoy working with each of them and doing anything I can at a national level to support issues they are pursuing for our communities. Every good wish, Simon Harris
Derek Mitchell MCC TC ‘Kiltoorish’, Manor Avenue, Greystones | (01) 2874115 | | I am focusing on a few key issues affecting the town.
The Harbour Development I have produced an economical plan to temporarily open the harbour this Summer including: • opening the public square and piers • taking most hoardings down • opening the beach: • Better boat launching ability. The developers are implementing some items and plan to do others. Greystones has been trying to get a proper harbour for over 100 years and this is a major engineering achievement. When completed it will be the best Community Harbour in Ireland or Britain and will be the main focal point of our town. The present delay due to funding issues and NAMA is unfortunate but the Council has a
bond which will be enough to complete the public facilities if neccessary. I am confident the Medical Centre and other public facilities will be completed. My top priority is to move the project forward and further details are on my website.
Public Transport. Charlesland and Kilcoole have been left out of new Bus Information System. I am pressing for their inclusion and also for a long awaited bus shelter in Charlesland. The test version for Central Dublin can be seen on and when live will be available on mobile phones as well as the display signs. I also have been pressing the DART Information sign to work.
Coast Walk to Wicklow.
and will do so in October. I trying to get a plan drawn up which will keep the walk open by providing pedestrian bridges at Three Trout Stream and the Breeches, Newcastle.
M50/N11 Traffic Jams I am pressing the National Roads Authority to produce a long term plan to solve these and also to provide a short term solution. Planning a new Secondary school in Blacklion as an Educate Together School. Getting Charlesland Roads and estate ‘Taken in Charge’. Playground in Kilcoole. Getting derelict sites developed such as the La Touche Hotel and 2 in central Kilcoole.
Irish Rail are obliged to fence it for safety reasons
James O’Sullivan TC The Croft,New Road, Greystones | 087 2123475 | |
Since being elected in 2009 as the second youngest Public Representative in the Country, I have been working tirelessly on your behalf, to make our community a happier, safer and better place to live.
About Me • • • • •
Member of Greystones Town Council since June 2009 Chairperson of Scouting Ireland in Wicklow and local Scout Leader A member of the Fair Trade Group Chairperson of the Youth, Sport and Culture Committee Member of the Joint Policing Committee
Since being elected I have achieved real and tangible results, such as: • •
• •
The introduction of a free parking scheme in Greystones at Christmas Greater transparency in Wicklow County Council by ensuring annual ethics declarations of Senior Council Officials and Councillors are published online The setting up of a sub-committee to provide Greystones Tidy Towns with direct access to County Council Officials Campaigning to change the Carers Policy in Shoreline Leisure Centre to
• •
ensure those with disabilities had fair and equal access Assisting in providing a tourism stand at Greystones DART Station Setting up a day for local community groups to meet with Councillors in order to create a direct link with the Town Council The publication of guides to Further Education and Tax Tips
I am committed to being a very active and accessible public representative. If I can be of assistance with any matter, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Like to get involved? Or just get in touch? Contact us at
Your Greystones Public Representatives
George Jones MCC TC 2 La Touche Close, Greystones | 01 2875678 | |
Greystones-Bray Cliff Walk Some years ago along with Cllr John Ryan, Bray we set up the “Friends of the Cliff Walk” This is one of the best Marine type walks in the world and the local councils had been ignoring it. In recent times because of our ongoing efforts we have now a Management Committee in place consisting of councillors from Bray & Greystones Town Councils and Wicklow County Council along with the Town Managers of Greystones and Bray. I am glad to report that for the first time in difficult financial circumstances Wicklow Co Co allocated money in its 2011 budget for the walk. Improvement works have been carried out, better signage is on the way and a promotional video is now available on youtube “Walk the Walk”. The Government is also now assisting by the announcement of Minister Varadkar of a
further €50,000 for a replacement bridge. Can I urge all local residents to take advantage of the amenity on our doorstep and go out and sample the beauty of our own Greystones-Bray Cliff Walk.
Playground I recently met with Phil Hogan T.D, Minister of the Environment, to urge him to restore the National playgrounds grant which were abolished by the last FF/Green Government. This scheme provided great support to local initiatives for the provision of playgrounds and Greystones and Newcastle benefited from such a scheme where there are now two good playgrounds. Playgrounds in Kilcoole and Delgany as well as expanded facilities at Greystones are required for an ever growing young population. I will continue my work to bring about these much needed playgrounds.
Wi-Fi In this modern age all public buildings should have Wi-Fi available. I submitted a motion to Greystones Town Council to consider “Key developments going forward” and I am glad to say one area agreed was that “We should have Wi-Fi widely available in this area. I have proposed that the Greystones Library and Shoreline Leisure should work to make a start on this project and I hope organisations like the Chambers of Commerce consider asking commercial premises to also provide such a facility. When I am on the subject of the Library can I encourage local residents to view the fine La Touche Legacy Heritage section in the Greystones Library.
Gráinne McLoughlin MCC TC Wilfield, Leabeg Middle, Newcastle, Co Wicklow | 086 8329686 /(01) 2018912 | |
Firstly, it is an honour to take over from Deputy Simon Harris on both Wicklow County Council and Greystones Town Council. Since my co-option in March, I have joined the County Wicklow Policing Board, the Board of Wicklow Tourism, the housing strategic policy committee in W.C.C., the Boards of Colaiste Chraobh Abhainn, The Bray Institute of Further Education and the Board and audit committee of Wicklow VEC. I am also a member of the La Touche Legacy Committee, the Greystones Chamber of Commerce and the advisory board of Wicklow County Partnership.
I am fully committed to the removal of the
hoardings at the harbour and to have the harbour open to the public and harbour user groups as soon as possible.
Burnaby Park I secured funding for the initial design and public & focus group meetings regarding the regeneration of Burnaby Park in close consultation with Greystones Tidy Towns. I look forward to compiling the submission and applying for major funding for the park on behalf of the Tidy Towns Group.
Festival & Events I am actively looking at bringing the Arts Festival back to Greystones coupled with a marine
conference and am researching various funding measures to secure same. I am working on plans for Culture Night in Greystones on the 23rd September. In addition, I will be organising the annual RNLI Greystones Quiz Night in October & hope to see you all there.
Beach Volleyball Contrary to media reports, it was I who secured the new volleyball net for the beach and thanks to Greystones TC for moving and securing the poles. Between all this, I have met with lots of different groups & people, with diverse needs and stories and it is a pleasure to work on your behalf and to help solve issues if at all possible.
Like to get involved? Or just get in touch? Contact us at
Activities Charity Work
Greystones FG and Wicklow YFG jump for Greystones St Vincent de Paul
Website, Facebook and Twitter
On the 13th August members of Greystones Fine Gael will take part in a charity skydive in aid of Greystones St Vincent de Paul. Cllr. Gráinne McLoughlin, Chairperson Stephen Doherty, Young Fine Gael PRO Adam Harris and Jackie O’Keeffe will free fall from 13,000ft to help fundraise for and promote awareness of Greystones St Vincent de Paul. All money raised will go to St Vincent de Paul and we would ask that people donate if possible. Donations are possible through SvP, bank lodgements and directly with fundraisers. Full details can be found on our website and on our facebook page.
Town Events: Civic Forums These forums will keep you up to date with the developments happening in your town, update you on the work being done, give us a chance to hear your concerns and suggestions and answer any questions you might have.
As mentioned before you can always contact us online through our website,, on our facebook page and through our twitter account. You can also contact a public representative directly through their own websites.
Town Council Meetings Town Council meetings take place on the last Tuesday of every month at 7pm. The Councillors regularly raise motions at these meetings so if you would like to have an issue raised, please contact one of our public representatives.
County Council Meetings Details of upcoming County Council meetings can be found at Minutes of these meetings are also posted to this site so you can keep track of the work being done by your County Councillors.
Kilcoole and Newcastle Civic Forum This will take place on Monday 5th September at 8pm in St. Patrick’s Hall, Kilcoole.
Greystones and Delgany Civic Forum This will be take place on Monday 19th September at 8pm in Charlesland Golf Club. Please put these dates in your diary and try and come along. Reminders will be issued closer to the time.
If there is anything else you feel we should be doing at local level, get in touch and let us know.
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