Government Achievements Overview
Update: Q3 2014
Government Achievements Overview Growth & Sustainability have Returned
D / Finance
The economy has returned to growth -- GDP projected to grow by 4.7% and GNP by 4.1% in 2014 (D/Finance projections). Ireland’s general government deficit (excluding the banks) has decreased from €16.7bn in 2010 to a forecasted €7.9bn in 2014. In October 2014, the NTMA raised €1bn at a historically low rate of 1.63% for our 10 year benchmark bond. This compares to 15% yields in July 2011. We achieved this in 4 budgets that have not increased income tax, & maintained core
social welfare rates of jobseeker’s benefit, carer’s allowance, & state pension. Banking costs were limited from an initial €35bn (troika plan) to €16.5bn, through junior bondholder burden-sharing and securing private capital investment. Anglo Irish & Irish Nationwide (IBRC) are gone. The promissory notes were exchanged
for long-term government bonds, reducing our borrowing by €20bn for next 10 years. The Ireland Strategic Investment Fund (ISIF) has absorbed the National Pensions Reserve Fund & has €6.8bn available for productive investment in the Irish economy. €1.19bn of European Investment Bank funding was secured by Ireland in 2013.
Achieve ments
Employment is Growing
D / Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation
Employment has increased by 31,600 in the last 12 months, and over 70,000 since the launch of the Action Plan for Jobs in 2012. 2014 ‘Action Plan for Jobs’ contains 385 job creation measures, building on the 500
measures implemented in APJ 2012/2013. Includes 3 new high-impact ‘Disruptive Reforms’ in entrepreneurship, FDI and manufacturing. OECD says APJ is working. 31 Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs), are for the first time, combining the skills, experience and resources of Enterprise Ireland, County Enterprise Boards and Local Authorities to act as first-stop-shops to support businesses seeking info & support.
Construction 2020 is a cross-govt strategy with 75 actions aimed at tripling housing output and creating 60,000 jobs by 2020. Over €500m in additional credit available to Irish SMEs through the establishment of the Strategic Banking Corporation of Ireland (SBCI) ‘Employment and Investment Incentive’ scheme can now be used to raise €5m p.a.
Government Achievements Overview
The Public Sector & Politics are being Reformed
Update: Q3 2014
D / Public Expenditure & Reform
Public service numbers have been reduced by more than 30,000 (almost 10%) from a peak of 320,000 in 2008, to less than 290,000 in 2014. The Exchequer pay bill has decreased by over €3bn from €17.5bn in 2009 to €14.1bn in 2013 (net of Pensions Related Deduction). Implementation of PeoplePoint, the Civil Service HR/Pensions Shared Services Centre is now serving over 15,000 employees across 13 organisations and saving €12.5m/yr.
The Haddington Road Agreement will save a further €1 billion by 2016. National Revaluation Programme making commercial rates system more responsive. Reduced rates on community sports clubs: only pay on income-generating buildings. Legislating for the regulation of lobbyists, protection of whistle-blowers and
expansion of the freedom of information framework. €2.25bn investment in public infrastructure projects (July 2012). €3.5bn capital investment in 2015, following €210m in additional capital spending announced in Budget 2015
Restoring our Economic Sovereignty and International Reputation
D / Taoiseach
We exited the EU/IMF bailout as planned, without a new precautionary credit line. The Govt reduced the cost of the bailout by saving €9bn from reduced interest rates and reducing our borrowing by €20bn via extended maturities on EFSF/EFSM loans. €1.5bn in cash savings on the early repayment of our IMF loans is being negotiated. Established the 1st Constitutional Convention, which facilitates citizen involvement. Cost of politics has been significantly reduced: the abolition of ministerial cars, ending of unvouched expenses, and significantly fewer special advisors. Corporate Reform
donations have been effectively banned. Dail sittings are up 30% compared to the first 3 years of the previous FF/Green govt. Civic society & experts can influence Bills in their infancy at a new pre-legislative stage. Committees will play a much stronger role in law-making in future and will be
Invest ment
able to scrutinise Depts’ budgets before any money is spent. Established a dedicated Minister of State for Diaspora Affairs, allocating €12.5m towards the Emigrant Support Programme and new diaspora projects and initiatives.
Government Achievements Overview
Update: Q3 2014
Beginning the Overdue Reform of our Health System
D / Health
Achieve ments
80% adults getting a procedure or hospital appointment within 8 mths of referral. 92% of infants getting a child development health screening before reaching 10 mths. Extension of Breastcheck programme to women aged between 65 -69 years. 94% of specialist palliative care inpatient beds provided within 7 days of referral. Six hospital groups have been created, radically devolving power and securing the Reform
future of small hospitals. The biggest reorganisation of Irish hospitals in our history. Medical consultants will now see, treat and discharge patients on a 24/7 basis. The first phase of ‘Money-Follows-The-Patient’ will be rolled out 2014. Free GP care for children under 6 agreed by government and being implemented. Non-pay spending has been maintained (€6.4bn in 2007 to €6.6bn in 2014), and
demand pressures met (e.g. medical cards increased by 600,000 to 1.87m). New Children’s Hospital received funding in Budget 2014; design phase underway. Commitment to progress new mental health campus, national maternity hospital, development of primary care centres and community nursing homes. 37 new primary care centres have been delivered since May 2011. National Office for Suicide Prevention (NOSP) budget doubled to €8.8m in 2014. Making Work Pay & Protecting Supports
D / Social Protection
Achieve ments
The unemployment rate has decreased to 11.1% from a peak of 15.1% in Feb 2012. The Live Register (welfare claimants) is below 400,000 for the first time since 2009. Saved over €1.2bn in the Social Protection budget from 2011 to 2014.
New One-Stop-Shop Intreo Offices combine access to welfare payments and employment supports. 44 offices are now open, with 60 to be in place by end-2014. New anti-fraud measures saved the State €1.9bn from 2011 to 2013. The new 20142018 Strategy aims to save over €500m through anti-fraud measures in 2014 alone.
JobBridge has provided 30,000 interns with placements since its launch (July 2011). Independent research has shown 61% of participants progress into paid employment. The Youth Guarantee worth €6bn was agreed under the Irish Presidency, involving a €200m budget for Ireland over 2014-2015. Every young person will be offered a job, further education or work-focused training within 9 mths of becoming unemployed.
Government Achievements Overview
Delivering 21st Century Teaching & Learning
Update: Q3 2014
D / Education & Skills
Ireland’s 15-year-olds are 4th best in reading and significantly above OECD average in science (up 5 places to 9th) and maths (13th) (OECD PISA results, 2012). Highest ever 2nd level education completion rate of 93%, above OECD average (2012). Action Plan on Bullying to be adopted by all 4,000 primary and post primary schools. Each school must now develop its anti-bullying policy. Strong emphasis on prevention strategies, cyberbullying and identity based bullying (e.g. homophobic bullying). A new Junior Certificate Programme will be introduced on a phased basis from 2014.
VEC system restructured: from 33 VECs to 16 Education & Training Boards (ETBs). Establishment of SOLAS, a new Further Education & Training Authority responsible for funding, planning and co-ordinating training and further education programmes. National Strategy to Improve Literacy and Numeracy among Children and Young People 2011 to 2020 (published 2011).
Non-pay spending has been maintained (€1.9bn in 2007 to €2bn in 2014), & demand pressures met (primary & secondary students increased by 75,000 to 889,300). 5 Year €2bn Capital Programme in 100,000 permanent school places, 2012-2016. 614 prefabs replaced in 217 schools with an investment of €56m. 1,700 new teachers, resource teachers and SNAs in our schools in 2015. Bringing Children's Interests to the Heart of Govt.
D / Children & Youth Affairs
Achieve ments
Children’s Rights Referendum gave children explicit constitutional protections. Introduction of Child Protection legislation. ‘Better Outcomes, Brighter Futures’ is the first national policy framework for all children and young people, from birth to age 24. Reform
First ever Cabinet Minister for Children & Youth Affairs. Creation of Child and Family Agency (Tusla), the most comprehensive reform of child protection, early intervention and family support services ever undertaken in Ireland.
Extra funding of €26m in 2015 to Tusla, bringing total to €635m in 2015. Pre-School Quality Agenda -- €4.5m to recruit additional pre-school inspectors; establish a pre-school mentoring service; and support staff training. Tackling Child Poverty -- €30m in 2013-2016 for the Area Based Childhood (ABC) programme, to improve outcomes in disadvantaged communities.
Government Achievements Overview
Update: Q3 2014
National Children’s Detention Facility -- a further €19m in Budget 2015 for its completion, to avoid the practice of detaining children in adult facilities
Achiev ements
A Citizen-centred Approach to Justice & Equality
D / Justice & Equality
A reduction in crime in 11 out of 14 categories in 2013. Quirke Compensation Scheme for Magdalen Laundry Survivors. Establishment of a new independent Garda Authority in progress. Currently progressing legislation to strengthen the role and remit of GSOC.
The new Personal Insolvency Bill has been passed & the Insolvency Service of Ireland established and has approved its first Personal Insolvency Arrangements (PIAs). The duration of bankruptcy has been reduced from 12 years to 3 years. Successful passage of Referendum proposal to establish new Court of Appeal. Introduction of Citizenship Ceremonies. Establishment of Charities Regulatory Authority.
200 recruits to Garda College Templemore. €10 million secured for over 400 new Garda vehicles in 2015. €27m for Prison Building & Refurbishment in 2015. Increase in Garda Vetting Unit Personnel from 93 to 176 (83% increase). Additional €4 million is being made available in 2014 and 2015 for ICT Projects. Investing in Transport & Growing Tourism
D / Transport, Tourism & Sport
A special 9% VAT rate for the tourism industry was introduced as part of the 2011 Jobs Initiative and has created over 31,000 jobs (RAI); retained in Budget 2015. Reduced air travel tax to 0% resulting in 20 new routes & 1 million new passengers. The Gathering exceeded all expectations with 5,000 separate gatherings and a 7.2% increase in overseas visitors in 2013, all at little cost to the State. Tourism continues to grow, with overseas visits up 9.4% in 2014 (in first 8 mths).
The Rural Transport Programme has been overhauled, restructured and placed on a more stable financial footing to protect it into the future. 10% of the public service obligation bus routes are being opened up to competition. Shannon Airport was given independence, and has increased passenger numbers. Reinstatement of Sports Capital Programme: €40m grants in 2014, €29.1m in 2015.
Government Achievements Overview
Update: Q3 2014
Work on the N7 (Newlands Cross) and N11 (Rathnew) projects is due to be completed in 2015, while work will start on the N17/18 Gort-Tuam project. Preliminary work begun on joining up the two Luas lines; completion due in 2017.
Putting People First: a New Model of Local Govt
D / Environ, Comm & Local Govt.
Resolving Ghost Estates: a 60% decrease in the no. of unfinished developments and a 75% decrease in vacant units in remaining unfinished developments (since 2010). Creation of Pyrite Remediation Scheme (incl. a Pyrite Resolution Board). Priory Hall Resolution Framework agreed in 2013. Approx. 2,000 vacant homes returned to social housing use during 2014. ‘Putting People First’ is the most far-reaching Local Govt reform since the 1890s. Reduction of over 650 councillors (from 1,627), with 114 local authorities replaced Reform
with 31 integrated authorities. More powers for councillors in planning, roads, traffic, housing, environmental services, recreation, amenity and community development. Introduction of gender quotas for the next General Election: a minimum of 30% of candidates have to be women or political parties lose 50% of their State funding.
New Homelessness Strategy: includes €55.5m for accommodation in Budget 2015. Budget 2015 gave a total of €80m to be invested in a range of housing programmes. Irish Water is to invest €1.7bn in water supply and wastewater treatment plants. This will deliver 380 water infrastructure projects nationwide & create up to 15,000 jobs.
Achieve ments
New Infrastructure for Jobs & Growth
D / Communications, Energy & Natural Resources
A next generation postcode system has been contracted. The public will use a 7character code by the 1st half of 2015, with Dublin retaining postal districts numbers. Successful sale of Bord Gais Energy in Dec 2013, generating €1.1bn.
Currently preparing a new Inland Fisheries Bill to modernise the overly complicated and outdated regulation of inland fisheries. Established ‘GeoScience’, a business cluster involving the public and private sectors, to win work overseas and develop natural resources in a sustainable way. Investment
World class (100Mbps) broadband is being installed in all post-primary schools. Govt has committed to expanding access to fibre broadband to over 1,000 towns and villages in every county (April 2014). Grid25, a €3.2bn investment, will significantly upgrade our electricity transmission 6
Government Achievements Overview
Update: Q3 2014
network, which has been neglected for decades. The govt has established an expert panel to examine undergrounding route options before proceeding. Energy efficiency upgrades for over 30,000 homes in 2014 following the Govt’s extra €30m stimulus for the Better Energy/Warmer Homes Energy Efficiency Schemes. Creating a Sustainable Future for Agri-Food & the Marine
D / Agriculture, F & M
Irish food and drink exports approached €10bn for the first time in 2013, an increase of over €2bn or 26% since 2010. Achievements
Delivery of a reformed CAP & CFP under the Irish Presidency of the Council of the EU. 5 new markets opened up in 2014: Lebanon (beef, sheepmeat and cooked meats), Hong Kong (sheepmeat), Namibia (beef, sheepmeat and goatmeat) Vietnam (pigmeat) and Philippines (beef, sheepmeat and pork). Growth in emerging markets with Asia now accounting for over 5% of exports (2012), including €323m China in 2012. And also over €500m in agri-food exports to Africa. 12 new agri taxation measures introduced in Budget 2015.
Ireland helped negotiate an end to the wasteful practice of discarding fish at sea. New CAP includes reform of direct payments; greening components; special measures for young farmers; & the abolition of sugar quotas by 2017. €74m for the Beef sector in 2015, €12m in farm safety, €150m in agri-environment, €20m in dairy sector, €76m marine, €110m for forestry sector. €12.5bn allocated under CAP from the EU & Exchequer over the next 7 years.
Achieve ments
Investing in our Culture
D / Arts, Heritage & Gaeltacht
The new Philanthropy Initiative provides an incentive to Arts NGOs to seek funding from sponsors. Exceeded all targets & generated over €4 for every €1 from taxpayer. Established National City of Culture initiative; €6m allocated to Limerick in 2014. Expanded ‘one stop shop’ genealogy portal,, allowing users to
search through digital census data, land records, military archives, Ellis island records. Published Ireland’s first National Peatlands Strategy (Jan 2014), a long-term sustainable plan for our bogs. It conserves our network of bogs, opens up new turf-
Invest ment
cutting opportunities for local communities and provides compensation. New €5m Built Heritage Jobs Leverage Scheme is conserving/repairing 618 historic buildings in each local authority, unlocking an estimated €16m in private funding. 7
Government Achievements Overview
Update: Q3 2014
Protected arts funding in a difficult climate. For every week of 2014, more than €2.3m is being invested in arts, culture and film. €4m to be invested in an integrated plan to commemorate 2016, in addition to the €22m capital plan for the Commemorations. Promoting Ireland's Peace & Security Role
D / Defence
Green Paper on Defence published & public consultation undertaken. White Paper due in 2014 to provide a policy framework for Defence for the next decade. Irish PDF personnel are on 14 different missions throughout the world, with the largest deployment of personnel to the UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). 220 new recruits in training, with an additional 180 recruits to enlist by end 2014.
Major re-organisation of the Defence Force (a new 2 Brigade structure) enabling the re-deployment of personnel from admin & support functions to operational units. Savings of approx €10m p.a. are projected under the ‘Haddington Road Agreement’. €898m allocation in Budget 2014: €677m for Defence and €221m for Army Pensions. Commissioning of L.E. Samuel Beckett earlier this year, with 2 more modern offshore patrol vessels are being procured with the L.E. James Joyce is expected in 2015.
Restoring Ireland's International Reputation
D / Foreign Affairs
Global Irish Economic Forum events in 2011 & 2013 supporting Action Plan for Jobs. Irish Minister for Foreign Affairs was the lead negotiator on behalf of Member States in the negotiation of the €960bn EU Budget (MFF) for the next 7 years. Irish Embassies supported 18 Ministerial-led Enterprise Ireland trade missions in 2013 involving Irish companies. Review of the Government’s Trade, Tourism and Investment Strategy (2013).
Review of Ireland’s Foreign Policy and External Relations launched (Oct 2013). New ‘One World, One Future’ policy (2013), focused on reducing hunger, building sustainable growth and good governance, in sub-Saharan Africa’s poorest countries. It reconfirms our commitment to the UN target of providing 0.7% of GNP for ODA,
when economically feasible. Extended diplomatic network to support trade & investment. New embassies in fastgrowing economies of Thailand (Bangkok) and Indonesia (Jakarta). New Consulates General in hubs of Hong Kong and Sao Paolo, and in tech hub of Austin, Texas. 8
Government Achievements Overview
Update: Q3 2014