CREIGHTON TD Summer Newsletter 2011
the Taoiseach in March. She has been to the forefront of relations with our colleagues in the European Union. Since her appointment Lucinda has been working closely with the TĂĄnaiste Eamon Gilmore and Taoiseach Enda Kenny on this task Her work has involved promoting Ireland abroad, meeting with her political counterparts, business groups, investors and the international media.
in this regard. Since her appointment Lucinda has held meetings with her ministerial counterparts in London, Paris and Berlin and has represented Ireland at many meetings at the European institutions in Brussels.
A note from Lucinda on the visit of Queen Elizabeth II The recent visits of Queen Elizabeth and President Obama have brought a sense of hope and optimism to the country that has been lacking for a long time. They didn’t make our troubles disappear or the road ahead any less challenging, but they did remind us that we are a remarkable people with an unmatched history, a unique spirit and a hopeful future. The four days which Queen Elizabeth spent in Ireland were particularly remarkable. Her presence and her welcome by the Irish people was something truly special. The mutual graciousness marked the closing of a chapter of our history. More than that, it marks the start of a journey
Government Report Card The new Government has been working hard on its programme for reform. Below are some of the measures that have already been implemented. The Government has devised an entirely new strategy for the future of the Irish banking system designed to leave a smaller and more
The Government launched its jobs initiative designed to get people back to work and help
Lucinda celebrating Bloomsday at St Andrew's Resource Centre, Pearse St. with Tom Crilly, Teresa Weafer, Cllr. Paddy McCartan, An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny and Liam Hanrahan.
programmes, cutting employers PRSI, restoring the minimum wage, common visas with the UK, and fast-tracking building projects on local roads and schools around the country.
Other notable decisions of the new Government include: Introducing new legislation on white collar crime to strengthen existing laws; Moving to ensure that the cost of banking recapitalisation is shared with certain subordinated bondholders; Establishing Special Delivery Unit in the health service run by a recognised expert to tackle waiting lists; Immediate engagement with European Councils to protect Ireland's corporate tax rate;
Europe the Dáil to mark Europe Day on Monday, May 9th 2011. Europe Day marks the foundation of the European Steel and Coal Pact which eventually led to the creation of the European Union we
Lucinda meeting the French Minister
by an Irish Commissioner (Maire Geoghegan Quinn) and Ireland’s MEPs from North and South of the border. Speaking at the end of the session Lucinda said: “The European Union of today has evolved and adapted to contemporary circumstances, but the Coal
and Steel Community and later the EEC, were created to ensure that never again would Europe be destroyed and ravaged by war. This was the simple message of Robert Schuman in the declaration made 61 years ago and which we recall and celebrate today.” Laurent Wauquiez. As part of her programme Lucinda opened an exhibition at the Irish Cultural Centre in Paris on Charles de Gaulle’s historic visit to Ireland in 1969. Chancellor, as well as other business and cultural contacts and attended a conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel.
Lucinda publishes her travel expenses every month on
Making the Oireachtas Accessible
I am privileged to have been elected for a second time to represent the people of Dublin South East in Dáil Éireann. The Dáil and Seanad belong to the Irish people and therefore we must do our best to make sure that the Houses of Parliament are open to citizens. I have welcomed thousands of people from Dublin South East into Leinster House over the past 4 years - including primary school classes, resident’s associations, active retirement groups and other community groups. If you know of a group that would like to visit the Dáil and tour Leinster House I can organise it for you. Just give me a call on 01 6194561 or email me at lucinda.creighton@taoiseach.ie
A tribute to Dr. Garret FitzGerald and Declan Costello Garret FitzGerald inspired me from an early age. His integrity, his obvious sincer-
ity and his deep belief in public service convinced me, that despite the occasional exception, politics is, and ought to be, a noble profession. Dr. FitzGerald always epitomised high standards in high places. When I used to meet him in Donnybrook he always had words of encouragement and was also willing to engage in policy discussions. His Just Society country as a whole. His contribution to the public life of this State was immense.
National Internship Scheme launched Lucinda has welcomed the launch of the Government’s new internship scheme, which will provide 5,000 places for people who are unemployed and are struggling to access the jobs market. JobBridge, the new National Internship Programme will help thousands of people who feel stuck on the Live Register gain access to the jobs market. There is a huge number of very talented people who are out of work at present; this scheme will Hundreds of companies have already expressed interest in the programme, ranging from semi-state bodies to multinational corporations. About 300 organisations have indicated that they will take on 1,000 interns between them. Anyone who has been on the Live Register for at least three months is eligible to apply for the scheme. Internships will run for six or nine months and the interns will receive an allowance of €50 a week, on top of their existing social welfare entitlements. This top-up will be covered by the Department of Social Protection, meaning there will be no additional cost for employers. Information for prospective interns and organisations wishing to partake in the scheme are is available on www.jobbridge.ie.
Local News Merrion Road QBC Expansion to Dublin Bikes Scheme Detailed design work is underway for an expansion of the Dublin Bikes Scheme to the Docklands. Construction is expected to begin in 2012. Lucinda is also working with local councillors to investigate the possibility of extending the Dublin Bikes Scheme to other parts of Dublin South East.
Dublin Bus has
Sandymount Village Design Statement
plans for services on the Merrion Road QBC covering the following existing routes: 4/5/7/7a/7b/7d/8/45/45a /59/111.
ynne h Cllr Edie W it w a d n ci u L al Cross festiv the Harold's
Sandymount has been agreed. The purpose of a Village Design Statement to get the views of local people on how they would like their village to develop.
Fitzwilliam Quay Wall, Ringsend The Government recently announced that funding of €150,000 is to be allocated to repair the quay wall at Fitzwillam Quay, Ringsend. The restoration of
Road Repairs An additional €12m is being provided to Dublin City Council for road repairs on the major routes in the city. These works will be carried out during August to November 2011, as far as possible works will take place during night time and at weekends. Lucinda’s colleague Cllr. Paddy McCartan has been working on this issue. The planned works are: Merrion Road: Nutley lane to Shrewsbury Park; Northumberland Road: Sandymount Avenue to Haddington Road; Donnybrook Road: Nutley lane to Eglinton Terrace; Pearse Street: Westland Road/ Lombard Street to Tara Street; Townsend Street: Lombard Street East to Tara Street and George’s Quay.
for local residents and businesses. A contractor will be on site in July.
Pedestrian Lights, Charlemont Bridge Pedestrian lights on Charlemont Bridge have been recommended as part of the Grand Canal Cycle Route. They will be operational before September 2012.
Aircoach for Rathgar and Terenure In response to a campaign conducted by Cllr Edie Wynne, Aircoach have obtained a licence to run a new route servicing Rathgar and Terenure. The bus stops will be the stop on the Rathfarnham side of Dodder Park Road and also at Terenure Library on Templeogue Road.
Contact Lucinda:
Lucinda’s Advice Clinics
Lucinda Creighton TD
St. Andrews Resource Centre, 114 Pearse St, Dublin 2.
Government Buildings
Mondays, 6:00 PM Ringsend Community Centre, Thorncastle St, Ringsend.
Your Fine Gael Team in Dublin South East.
Mondays, 7:00 PM
Upper Merrion Street Dublin 2 Lucinda.creighton@taoiseach.ie 01 6184398
Lucinda is working in Dublin South East with: Eoghan Murphy TD (01) 618 3324 eoghan.murphy@oir.ie
Senator Catherine Noone (01) 6183127 catherine.noone@oir.ie
Cllr Paddy McCartan
Cllr. Kieran Binchy
Cllr Edie Wynne
(01) 660 9202
(01) 490 9374
Gay Mitchell MEP
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