What is a Greenway?
Greenways are shared routes for use by non motorised users, which predominantly utilise established green spaces and cross/link into public roads.
Benefits of the Proposed Route: The route is intended to provide a shorter, more direct and pleasant route to schools, work, leisure facilities and public transport.
Additional Elements to the project: As part of the works directional and information signage will be provided to increase awareness of the route and provide way-finding information.
The Slang River Greenway will serve the following educational facilities:
It is also proposed to provide permanent cycle and pedestrian counters to gather data on the numbers of users on this route.
>> Our Lady’s Girls National School
Public Consultation and Submissions:
>> Our Lady’s Boys National School >> Wesley College
>> St Attracta’s Junior and Senior Schools >> Scoil Naithí
>> Ballinteer Community School.
It will also serve the retail outlets of: >> Ballinteer Shopping Centre
>> Dundrum Town Centre
This route will provide a link into the following residential areas: >> Marley Grange
>> Meadow Grove
>> Broadford
>> Lynwood
>> Llewellyn >> Hillview >> Ludford
>> Wyckham Grove >> Ashlawn
>> Wyckham >> Ardglas
>> Dún Emer >> Balally
Improvements to route include: >> Bridge widening and upgrading for cyclists & pedestrians >> Resurfacing
>> Footpath Dishings
>> Improved accessibility for mobility the impaired
>> Improved Greenway routes & crossing points
Drawings showing the details of the route are currently available, for viewing, on the Council’s website at www. dlrcoco.ie. Alternatively the drawings may be inspected, during normal office hours, at the Council Offices, Dundrum Office Park, Main Street, Dundrum. Submission and observations may be made in writing to the Senior Traffic Engineer, Transportation Department, County Hall, Marine Road, Dún Laoghaire, County Dublin or by e-mail to traffic@dlrcoco.ie. Closing date for receipt of submissions is Friday, 8TH July 2011.
r e v i R g n The Sla
Introduction: Dún Laoghaire – Rathdown County Council’s Parks & Landscape Services Section, in conjunction with the Traffic Section, have issued for Public Consultation a proposal to develop a pedestrian / cycle-way along the Slang River Greenway between Sandyford Road in Dundrum, (beside Ardglas Estate), and Marlay Demesne. This route will cater for pedestrians and cyclists and its completion should encourage more people to walk, run and cycle for work and leisure. Large sections of this route are already in existence and are been utilised. This initiative is intended to maintain the existing facilities and install the necessary linkages to provide a continuous safe and attractive off road route between Dundrum Village and the Marlay Demesne. This route is the first of a network of pedestrian / cycle routes proposed to be developed by the Council throughout the County.
Route of Proposed Greenway: Starting from the existing entrance into the public open space at Ardglas on the Sandyford Road, south of Dundrum Shopping Centre, and continuing southwest alongside the river through Ardglas Estate. Cross under the Wyckham Way, using the existing underpass, which also provides links onto the Wyckham Way.
Travel west along the river, partially through Lynwood Estate and cross the river to the existing route alongside the Southmede Apartments on the southern bank. A new footbridge will be required. There is an alternative route, for this section of the route, which involves remaining on the northern bank of the river and using the existing route through Lynwood Estate to access Ballinteer Road. Cross Ballinteer Road. A new pedestrian / cycle crossing will be provided and continue westward alongside the north edge of Ashlawn Estate. Access to be provided at each end of Ashlawn Estate. Continue westward alongside the river and through the open green spaces of Ludford and Hillview Estates.
Cross the existing pedestrian / cycle crossing on Stonemason’s Way, (which will be upgraded), and continue west through the green open spaces in Llewellyn Estate and turn south through Marley Grange Estate to the Grange Road. Alternatively travel south after entering Llewellyn Park and using the existing pedestrian bridges, which will be upgraded, travel through Grange Wood and onto Grange Road. Cross the Grange Road, at the pedestrian crossing at the junction of Marley Grange Estate and enter Marlay Demesne via the adjoining gateway, adjacent to The Three Rock Hockey Club. There are future proposals to construct a new pedestrian / cycle route through Marlay Demesne, exiting at the junction of Grange Road and College Road.