Introduction and Tips Index
Quick Start with Detailed Index
The games presented here are ideal for esl pupils aged 6 to 12 with some games suitable for aged 4 to 5 and some that can also be used with teens and adults - full listings in the detailed index. 1. The Philosophy behind the Games 2. Tips on using the games Category Materials Competition Group size Age Mixed abilities Level Pace Logistics Team Slogans Discipline and Noise Movement Group Work Pair Work Spoon-Fed Choral Work Getting to Know the Children Karaoke Performances for Worksheets Motivation Teaching One to One Tips The Philosophy behind the Games I am delighted that you now own these games and that you will soon be bringing more success and joy into the lives of the children you teach. One thing we all know to be true is that we never forget our teachers. We remember all the ordinary ones, who were either unimaginative or just going through the motions, and we feel grateful for the few incredible teachers we had who challenged us and made us think, rather than spoon feeding us so we could regurgitate our answers all over the exam paper to get a reasonable grade and then forget everything immediately afterwards! As a teacher of English as a second language the greatest gift you can give your students is the skill and confidence to speak the language, actually use it and hold a conversation. You may have a qualification in a language but if you cannot understand or speak to the people when you go to the country, what use is it?
Who learns their native language by first sitting with a textbook reading out paragraphs? Because of the logistics of getting large numbers of students through exams, written