14/11/2012 Kettering

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8 CHRISTMAS PAGE Merry Christmas


50 not out!

This issue sees EXTRA celebrating 50 issues published since we launched our local papers in April this year. All the staff at EXTRA would like to say a big “Thank You” to all our readers, our journalists and writers, photographers, designers, and all our satisfied advertisers - without you EXTRA would not be looking forward to our next 50 issues.

“THANK YOU” we have enjoyed every minute in Corby, Kettering and Wellingborough.



14 NOVEMBER, 2012

NEWS: 01604 931117


The gang’s all here! ABOUT 100 performers and some 2,500 visitors will be riding the crest of a wave later this month, when the annual Kettering Gang Show gets underway. Here, Rachael Gilbert researches the background to this hugely popular event: > KETTERING

GLENDON District Scout Council, established some five years ago, is proud to present the 53rd Kettering Gang Show and awaits an expected audience of 2,500 across five shows this month. Originating back in 1932, Ralph Reader – the charismatic author, composer and inspiration of Scouting gang shows – started to produce an annual variety show on London stages every consecutive year – except for the war years – until 1974. The Kettering event had already been gaining popularity locally for some time by then – and, in 1965, Kettering Gang Show was accredited with the ‘red neckerchief’ as official recognition of reaching the national standard for a memorable show.

Thousands of bus passes set to expire cessionary bus pass will expire at the end of March next year. People should visit a library WITH thousands of concessionary bus passes approach- to renew their pass during the ing their expiration date, month allocated to their surNorthamptonshire County name: Council is urging people to ● November – surnames startplan ahead to avoid any delay ing with A to E ● December – surnames starting on re-issues. Following the introduction of with F to J the over-60s national concession- ● January – surnames starting ary bus pass scheme back in 2008, with K to O it is now expected that around ● February – surnames starting 50,000 passes will expire on the with P to T ● March – surnames starting same date - 31st March 2013. To help manage the renewal with U to Z Cabinet member for customer process, the county council is putting in place a monthly and community services, Counschedule for anyone whose con- cillor Heather Smith said: “With


up to 50,000 concessionary bus passes due to expire on the same date, it would be impossible for library staff to process that many applications at the same time. “Instead, we have introduced a monthly schedule for passengers to visit their local library and renew their bus pass ahead of the expiration date. “By taking this phased approach, we can help avoid any delays or disappointment for customers and make sure the renewal process runs as smoothly as possible.” For more information, visit: www.northamptonshire.gov.uk/ concessionarybuspass


Susie Shaw Mobile 0778 5628417 susie@extranewspapers.co.uk


I’m Sally Hooton Extra aims to focus on local issues affecting local people. So, if you have a story or a diary date to share, email Sally Hooton, in the Editor’s office.

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CONTRIBUTORS John Patrick • Lily Canter • Hannah Williams • Lei Chan • Steven Humphries • Stuie Buchanan • Jonathan Richards • Clive Entwistle • Reg Weymouth • John Robertson • Colin McIntyre

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In the spotlight this year are directors Karen Sloan and Helen Hughes, who are looking forward the curtain rising on yet another show success. The show’s cast of 100 performers, aged between eight and 26 are all local brownies, cubs, scouts, guides and leaders, who will present a vibrant selection of Ralph Reader’s songs, sketches, dance and comedy items. The local Gang Show, described by chairman, Chris Curchin, as being ‘the ultimate in family entertainment’, has been declared one of the best in the country. The performances will be held at The Lighthouse Theatre in Kettering from Wednesday November 21 to Saturday 24, starting at 7pm, with an additional Saturday matinee performance at 2.15pm.

Don’t leave elderly isolated > KETTERING CHARITY Action on Hearing Loss is urging people in Kettering to ensure elderly relatives with hearing loss don’t face ‘unnecessary neglect and devastating isolation’ in care or nursing homes. The charity is advising people looking at a home for their loved ones to check what procedures are in place to fully support residents with hearing loss. The call follows the publication of Action on Hearing Loss’s new report ‘A World of Silence’ which presents the impact of failing to support care home residents with hearing loss – estimated to total 250,000 in England. Action on Hearing Loss is advising people to check whether homes they

This newspaper is published by Extra Newspapers Limited, Moulton Park Business Centre, Redhouse Road, Moulton, Northants NN3 6AQ Telephone: 01604 931117 hello@extranewspapers.co.uk Copyright 2012: EXTRA Newspapers Ltd Disclaimer: All materials are strictly copyright. All rights reserved. Production in whole or in part without the permission of EXTRA Newspapers Ltd is prohibited. Every care is taken in compiling the contents of this magazine, but we assume no responsibility for the effects arising therefrom. The views expressed are not necessarily those of EXTRA Newspapers Ltd. EXTRA Newspapers Ltd does not endorse any of the advertisers, their products or services contained in advertising content within this publication. www.extranewspapers.co.uk

Useful Kettering Information Police Dial 999 for emergencies or 101 for non-emergencies

FIRE SERVICE OR EMERGENCY AMBULANCE Dial 999 for emergencies or 101 for non-emergencies

are considering have clear procedures in place to assess, record and manage residents’ hearing loss and ensure their communication needs are included in personal care plans. Chief executive of Action on Hearing Loss, Paul Breckell, said: “When people in Kettering are selecting a care home for a loved one with hearing loss, it’s important to make an informed choice by checking exactly what processes and support is available to meet the individual needs of residents who are deaf or hard of hearing. “It doesn’t matter how well a care home is run, if residents find themselves locked in an isolated world where they miss out on everyday sounds and conversation because their hearing loss isn’t adequately supported.”

HOSPITAL Kettering General Hospital, Rothwell Road, NN16 8UZ Tel: 01536 492000

EMERGENCY ELECTRICIAN Emergency Services, Tel. 0800 3777 202 or 0845 034 6999

EMERGENCY PLUMBER Assett Plumbing, Tel. 01536 540021



All Aspects Tel. 08000 37 37 37

Lloyds Pharmacy Unit 1 Northfield Ave, Kettering Tel: 01536514314 National Co-operative Chemist Ltd 37 High St, Desborough, Kettering Tel: 01536760232

Kettering Glass and Glazing Services, Tel.01604 330497




High Street Dental Practice 1 Dryland Street, NN16 0BE. 01536 525436

Premier Taxis Tel. 01536 417858



The Castle, Wellingborough, Friday November 16, 8pm: A fun night of comedy brought to you by Laughing Boy Comedy Club. Enjoy over 2 hours of laughs from some of the most exciting comics on the UK circuit. Book: www.thecastle.org.uk Lunchtime music at The Castle, Wellingborough, November 16, 12.30 – classical pianist Alexandra Vaduva duets with Florian Mitrea. Tickets £10 incl lunch. Box office: 01933 270 007. The Core at Corby: Corby Youth Arts Slam. Friday November 23, 7.30pm. Tickets £5. Another high energy evening celebrating the creativity of Corby’s young people. Showcasing original work developed through weekly workshops with leading local and national artists, the slam is a platform for local young artists to share their skills and talents. Digital arts, music, drama, musical theatre and dance. 01536 470470 Kettering Gang Show – book now on 01536 414141. November 23-26, 7.15pm and Saturday matinee at 2.15pm at the Lighthouse Theatre in Kettering. More than 100 Brownies, Cubs, Scouts, Explorer Scouts, Guides and Leaders perform songs, sketches, dance and comedy. The Core at Corby: Saturday November 24, 2pm.Wadzanai Project. Tickets £5. Community performance of music and dance, featuring local and international choirs and performers of all ages. The project aims to bring communities together via the language of music. A voluntary group in Corby, the Wadzanai Project delivers music and dance sessions, storytelling and workshops based on African heritage. 01536 470470 The Core, Corby: December 1 & 2 – Corby Borough Council’s SHAPE Dance perform tap, ballet and modern dance inspired by X Factor, the musical We Will Rock You and the popular film and musical Shrek. 1pm & 5pm. Tickets £8 (£7). 01536 470470 The Core, Corby: December 4-9: Big Wooden Horse Theatre Company and Brighton Dome presents: The Night Before Christmas – magical, festive tale for children aged three and above. Tue to Fri 10am/1pm; Sat & Sun 11am/2pm. Tickets £11.50, £9.50, £7.50 Family Ticket £38. 01536 470470 Thrapston Amateur Dramatic Society – A Murder Is Announced. At Thrapston Plaza, December 5-8. Details: tadsthrapston.org.uk December 10-29, The Castle, Wellingborough. Sleeping Beauty, directed by Dan Winder. Tickets £14 (£12), family £48 for 4. Group discounts. Box office: 01933 270 007. More: www.thecastle.org.uk


The Core, Corby. Fri Nov 16: Ginger & Rosa (12A) 10.30am; The Sweeney (15) 7.30pm. Sat Nov 17: Madagascar 3 (PG) 10.30am. Tickets £6.50 (£4.50): 01536 470470


Thursday November 15, 7.30pm – Wellingborough Museum, Castle Way. Wellingborough Civic Society presents a talk on Woburn Abbey – how the house developed from a monastery into the stately home of the Dukes of Bedford. Members £1, non-members £2. 01933 276838. Art In Lyddington: Preview evening 5.30-8pm Thursday November 18 (tickets £6, incl wine/canapés). Friday 16th and Saturday 17th, 10am-5pm, free admission and Sunday 18th 10am-3pm, also free admission. Artworks, ceramics, jewellery, sculpture, textiles etc on sale at village hall – raising money for local charities. Christmas Fair, The Castle, Wellingborough. Saturday November 17, 11-4pm. Admission on door £1 adults. Volunteer Fair, Friday November 16 at Rushden Library, Newton Road, Rushden,10.302.30pm. Find out about the types of volunteering on offer to get experience, gain confidence, get more on your CV or just to help others. Christopher Reeves Lower School Christmas Bazaar, Podington, games, shopping, Father Christmas and more. November 24, 11am-2pm, Organised by the school’s PTA – funds are for new playground markings. £1 entrance adults, children go free. More information via Lindsay Ephgrave: 01933 411518. Pytchley Annual Art & Craft Exhibition, Sunday November 25 in the Village Hall,10-4pm. Kettering Christmas lights switchon and Winter Wonderland event, Thursday November 29 from 5pm in the Market Place. The town centre will then be open for late night shopping every Thursday until 9pm up to December 20th. Free parking is available from 6pm each evening at London Road, School Lane and Wadcroft car parks and all day on Sundays. Activities are planned: www.kettering.gov.uk/marketplace Desborough Christmas Gala, Station Road, Desborough, Friday November 30, 6pm to 8pm. Christmas Lights SwitchOn, stalls, bands, entertainment and more. Christmas Craft Day at Wellingborough Museum (Dulley Room), Sunday December 1, 10am-3.30pm. £2 entry per child. Salvation Army Band performs in the morning. Bingo evening at Pytchley Village Hall, Friday December 7, 7-9pm. Contact Julie Wykes for details. Proceeds to village hall funds. Burton Latimer Christmas lights switch-on, High Street, Friday December 7 from 6.30pm; fair, stalls etc. Rothwell Gala Evening, Market Hill Square, Rothwell. Friday December 7, from 6pm. Stalls from charity and voluntary organisations plus street entertainment for all.


Whitefriars KidzKlub

Email your diary date to: newsdesk@extranewspapers.co.uk

14 NOVEMBER, 2012

NEWS: 01604 931117

(Reception to Year 4) and SeniorKidz (Years 5 and 6) meet each Friday in term time, 6.15pm to 7.15pm at Whitefriars Junior School, Boughton Drive, Rushden, NN10 9HX. Every Tuesday and Thursday Buggy Fit, Mocha Mama, Glendon Farm Complex, Kettering. Fitness class for new mums. 11am-12noon, £5 per person. BrambleTots, Fridays, 10-11.45am, Ise Pavillion, Kettering. £1.50/family. 01536 524701 Alley Cats Fridays, 10-11.30am, Praise Community Church, Alexander Street, £1 first child, 30p per child thereafter. Call: 01536 410285 Smiley Tots Tuesdays, 9.4511.45am, Ise Pavillion, Grantown Close, Kettering, £2 for 1st child, £1 thereafter. Call Sarah: 01536 352653 St Edwards Mums & Tots

Wednesdays, 9-11am, St Edwards RC Primary School, Eastleigh Road, £1.20 for 1st child, 30p thereafter. Contact Kim on: 01536 391581. Rhymetime Tuesdays, 9.30-10am & 10.30-11am Kett’ring Library. Free. 01536 512315 Pytchley Mums & Tots Tuesdays, 10-11.30am, Pytchley School Hall, nr Kettering. Call: 07964 225369 Hopscotch (Loddington, Kettering) Thursdays, 2.15-3.15pm Loddington School, Call: 07742 664604 Mawsley Baby & Toddler Group Thursdays, 9.30-11am, The Centre at Mawsley, Kettering. Call: 01536 790517.


Sat Nov 17, 10am (distance 8.5 miles) Wellingborough

Ramblers meet at The Duke of Wellington pub, Stanwick. SP980715 Circular via Irthlingborough & Chelveston. Details: John & Diane: 01933 678545 Sun Nov 18, 10am (6.5m) Meet in the main car park near Irthlingborough Cross. SP948709 Via Stanwick lakes & Lt. Addington. Pauline: 01832 732724 Wed Nov 21, 9.30am (8m) Meet at the Three Fyshes pub, Turvey. SP939524 Circular via Tythe Farm. Jeff: 01234 711604 Thu Nov 22, 10am (11m) Meet at Pulloxhill church. TL062338 (P) Circular via Sundon Hills. (Picnic lunch). Sue: 01234 713526 Sat Nov 24, 10:00AM (7.5m) Meet at the Shuckburgh Arms pub, Southwick. TL019919 Via Provost Lodge & Shire Hill Lodge. Greg: 01933 313566

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! tors and shoppers in the Christmas spirit. A spokesman said: CHRISTMAS celebrations in Kettering will get underway with “The full Christmas the town’s much-anticipated big line up will be announced shortly lights switch on. This year’s festive fun event will and will include a Christtake place on November 29 – which Karol-oke also marks the launch of late night mas sing-along, fairground rides a Winter Wonderland shopping in the town. Council bosses are promising the and much more in the lead up to switch on, which starts from 5pm, Christmas. “Don’t forget that free parking is will be a great evening of fun and available from 6pm each evening entertainment. This year the town centre will at London Road, School Lane and be open for late night shopping Wadcroft car parks and all day on every Thursday until 9pm, up to Sundays meaning there is no reason to miss out on the fun happenDecember 20. The council is also set to unveil a ing this Christmas at Kettering.” Councillor Christopher Lamb, host of entertainment to keep visi-

> Kettering

Portfolio Holder for Community and Culture, said: “I’m really looking forward to the events getting the local community in the mood for Christmas. “It will be great to see a big crowd joining in for the Karol-oke and I’m particularly looking forward to seeing the Winter Wonderland after how impressive it was last year.”

. . . Oh yes it is!

> COUNTY Christmas might seem a little sleepy for those visiting Wellingborough next month . . . as The Sleeping Beauty will be coming to town! And the panto promises to be a real beauty! The Castle’s Christmas show will run from Monday December 10 to Saturday December 29. Remember the story? There is great excitement at the castle – the new baby princess is due to be presented for the first time and the king and queen have planned a wonderful party to mark the occasion. But not everyone in the kingdom will receive an invitation. Some-

where in the land, an evil fairy is waiting – and if no invitation arrives, the baby princess will have to pay! Curses! This year, the team at The Castle are delighted to be working again with Paul Boyd, writer of the 2008 Christmas show, Alice In Wonderland. Paul will be presenting another all-singing, all-dancing production full of catchy sing-a-long tunes, fun and crazy characters – some of whom are pictured here in rehearsal . . . and a party atmosphere! Tickets for Sleeping Beauty are £14 (£12 concession) with a family ticket costing £48 for four, from the box office on: 01933 270 007 or via: www. thecastle.org.uk




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NEWS: 01604 931117

14 NOVEMBER, 2012


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Abbey cooks up a treat for chef James > RAUNDS

IF THE thought of showing off your culinary skills to a celebrity chef makes you a little hot under the collar, spare a thought for 13-year-old Abbey Evans. The talented schoolgirl from Manor School Sport College, Raunds, will meet James Martin today, as she has been shortlisted out of hundreds of entries to take her place in a cook-off, alongside 50 other finalists in a national competition. The Red Tractor beef and lamb Make it with Mince Challenge 2012 will see Abbey and the other young hopefuls bid to be crowned the competition’s National Champion. James and his fellow judges were blown away by Abbey’s creative dish, Shepherd’s Pie with a Bubble and Squeak Crust, and she will now cook in the final in Cambridge. James will judge the recipes live and part of the prize is spending a day with him in London, watching his TV programme Saturday Kitchen live, meeting the guests and sampling menus at some of the capital’s top restaurants. The Red Tractor beef and lamb Make it with Mince Challenge, which is led by James Martin, is now in its seventh year. It is aimed at 11-16-year-olds who want to test their cooking skills and have their culinary talent recognised. Abbey is no stranger to kitchen craft as

her father is a five-star chef and she has been taught to cook from a young age. She told Extra: “I have always liked to cook as a hobby. I cook a lot for my family. My chicken korma beats my Dad’s! I’m really hoping to win.” Her recipe came to fruition when Abbey decided to give the teatime favourite a unique twist to ensure the judges remembered her; her shepherd’s pie is a pie - mince in pastry with a bubble and squeak topping instead of mashed potato. And Abbey isn’t the only Evans to impress in this competition – last year her twin sister also took part in a national cooking contest and won the judges over with her culinary talent. James will have a tough decision to make! He said: “The quality of entries we have received this year has been very impressive. It has been a real challenge choosing our finalists from such a creative and talented group. There has been a huge variety in the recipes submitted, from modern versions of tradi-


THE HEAT IS ON: Abbey Evans will meet top chef James Martin today in the competition finals. tional dishes to innovative, new recipes. “I can’t wait to try the recipes! This competition is something that I passionately support as it is vital we encourage young people to experiment in the kitchen and develop their understanding of how to purchase, prepare and cook quality food.”


It’s a resounding Yes from Jazmin > KETTERING SCHOOLGIRL Jazmin Craven was presented with an outstanding achievement trophy after completing six weeks as part of the Yes Project in Kettering. Jazmin, 14, was one ACHIEVEMENT: Jazmin Craven of six students from is presented with her certificate. the Buccleuch Academy in Weekley Glebe Road who took part in the special programme, working alongside the emergency services. Every Sunday morning, PCSOs Lynne McShannon and Jo Wells led the project, which involved learning fire service skills, doing Heart Start with a paramedic crew, taking part in a drugs and alcohol talking shop and learning about the police firearms and traffic units. All the students received certificates at the end of the course from Inspector Matt Wright and Fire Service area manager Mark Ainge. PCSO McShannon said: “The students were all sad that the project had come to an end and said they would recommend this to other students when we do one next year. “The project would not be a success without the support of Shelley Malsher (firearms), Darren Bhattacharya (traffic) and colleagues from the ambulance service and Kettering fire station, especially Steve Davis who really is the backbone to all this.” The Yes Project is a jointly-funded partnership between Northamptonshire Police and the county’s Fire and Rescue Service and is aimed at introducing young people to the work they do within the community in a fun and interactive way.

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EXTRA business

NEWS: 01604 931117

14 NOVEMBER, 2012


Getting Christmas all wrapped up Happy networking! > KETTERING LOCAL packaging specialists, New Vision Packaging has given Waitrose an early Christmas present by completing work on its own-brand festive confectionery offering. It is the seventh consecutive year that the Kettering-based firm has worked alongside the retailer. Once again, New Vision Packaging was tasked with creating the structural packaging for the retailer’s core range, which includes such products as Sugared Almonds and Chocolate Brazils. This was also the first year New Vision was appointed to work on the premium range, too – a Belgium chocolate assortment and a collection of coffee flavoured chocolates. New Vision completed the contract in five months, with products now due to be rolled out in Waitrose stores. Stephen Shortland, man-


aging director at New Vision Packaging, said: “We have a long-standing relationship with Waitrose and they’ve been with us since the company started in 2006. It’s rewarding that they come back to us year after year and that we’re now in a position to handle the premium range, too. “You couldn’t really ask for a better result from one of the UK’s leading retailers.” Karen Graley, manager packaging and reprographics at Waitrose, added: “Over

TELESALES EXECUTIVES A fantastic opportunity has arisen for TELESALES EXECUTIVES to join the EXTRA Team to sell advertising and marketing solutions to customers in Kettering , Wellingborough and Corby. We are looking for dynamic driven , customer focussed and experienced Advertising Sales professionals to join our growing team . You will have strong local area knowledge , living in either Kettering, Corby or Wellingborough. If you are not afraid of developing new business , whilst having the ability to build relationships with established clients and are looking for a new challenge, this is a great opportunity to progress your career with a growing business. In return for the right candidates we offer a minimum starting salary of £16k PA with an attractive bonus scheme Interested? Send your CV in complete confidence to dawn@extranewspapers.co.uk

MEMBERS of an East Northants business networking group which ploughs its proceeds into supporting Thrapston’s sports facilities are celebrating its fifth anniversary. Almost 30 entrepreneurs and representatives from in and around Thrapston blew the candles out on a birthday cake to mark the occasion at a meeting of Business in the Community last month, at the town’s The Bridge Hotel, which also supports the business group. the years we have been reThe network is attended by town councilally pleased with the work lors and regularly has presentations from its New Vision has carried out business members and community groups. for us and the development It supports the town’s sports facilities and in of our seasonal selection this the past has paid for sheltered seating as well year has been fantastic. We as the upkeep of the playing fields. look forward to working with Group founder and organiser Mark Brown, them further to achieve the a director of DATS Print Services, said: “We challenging packaging tar- offer an excellent opportunity for networking gets we have set ourselves.” within Thrapston, providing many businesses New Vision supplies pack- in and around the town with a platform to raise aging to some of the biggest their profile and gain new business contacts.” names in the industry, inCouncillor Roy Jakeman, who attends evcluding Thorntons, Cadbury, ery meeting, said: “They are different from Elizabeth Shaw and Burnt most business networking groups where the Sugar. www.newvisionpack- focus is simply on generating business leads. aging.co.uk At the town council, we support the group because it brings local businesses together and tries to make a difference to the town.” There was a presentation on the Thrapston

Community Plan at the last meeting. Members spoke of the benefits of the group. Rodney Hogg, from Amps Fine Wine, said: “This meeting gives me the perfect opportunity to meet local business as I like to trade locally.” Martin Jenkins, managing director of Thrapston-based Protest Electrical Safety, said: “We are all local companies and try to help each other.” Lorna Dodge, a resident in the town and managing director of Irthlingborough’s SC Agency, said: “Business in the Community not only gives us the chance to showcase our services but also the opportunity to hear about what other businesses are doing.” Business in the Community meets on the last Friday of every month between 3pm and 4.45pm at The Bridge Hotel, apart from December. For more information, visit: www.businessinthecommunity.co.uk

Gaining the right skills Extra Business Expertise > County TRESHAM College has launched a new School Leaver’s Prospectus for young people looking to gain the skills needed to pursue their dream career. College bosses say the new prospectus is available from the college’s campuses in Kettering, Corby and Wellingborough or on the college website: www.tresham.ac.uk. It highlights the range of full-time courses the college offers at its facilities in Kettering, Corby and Wellingborough, from A-Levels to apprenticeships. New courses for 2013 include the BTEC in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Level 3 as part of the college’s Peter Jones Enterprise Academy – the only academy in Northamptonshire. The new 6a Sixth Form Academy will also be enrolling students to start its bespoke A-Level programme from next September. For more information or to order a prospectus, visit Tresham’s website: www.tresham. ac.uk or call: 0845 658 89 90.

 www.northants-chamber.co.uk

CELEBRATING BUSINESS: Meeting organiser Mark Brown, town councillor Roy Jakeman and group members mark the birthday occasion.

Judging the talent on our doorstep ments, we must not forget there is still a long way to go. On October 31, I attended the LIKE many other businessmuch anticipated launch es in the county, here at the of Lord Heseltine’s Review, Chamber, we are gearing which makes 89 recommenup for awards season. dations that aim to inject Last week, I visited nine stability into the economy, businesses in two days in create conditions for growth my role as a judge for the upand maximise the perforcoming Northamptonshire mance of the UK. Business Excellence Awards Lord Heseltine’s analysis of and was amazed at the quality of the entrants. Every sin- FINGER ON THE BUSINESS PULSE: the UK economy is compelgle business I saw impressed Paul Griffiths, CEO, Northamptonshire ling and businesses will welcome his call for steady, longme and it was a wonderful re- Chamber of Commerce. minder of the level of talent and innovation term thinking to improve the UK’s economic performance. we have on our doorstep. However, ministers should focus first on On November 29, I will be attending the British Chambers of Commerce’s Cham- the key constraints facing the real economy ber Awards in London. Northamptonshire rather than a restructuring of Government – Chamber has been short-listed for two for example, the availability of growth finance, awards – Excellence in International Trade practical help for exporters and an education and Chamber of the Year – and two of our and training system that responds to business members are short-listed, too. RS Compo- needs. While I may not agree with everything in nents of Corby is in the running for two awards – Business of the Year and Excellence Lord Heseltine’s report, it is fair to say he has in Innovation – and Whittlebury Hall Hotel raised awareness of the problems faced by for the Sustainability Award. We will all find businesses and opened up new opportunities out on the night if we have triumphed at for the taking. And, as we all know, businesses that seize opportunities are more likely to these national awards. In our celebration of business achieve- succeed and win awards of their own.

> County


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 


EXTRA business

NEWS: 01604 931117


Green light for Silverstone UTC > COUNTY THE Silverstone UTC, one of the Government’s flagship university technical colleges opening in September 2013, has been granted approval for the building of its £10m school based at the Silverstone Circuit. The specialist centre will enable 14 to 19-year-olds to study a technically orientated curriculum in either high performance engineering or events management. This month, South Northamptonshire Council approved plans submitted by Interserve for the building, which will be located close to the racing track to provide a school campus with a difference, to inspire young people to gain highly skilled careers. In October 2010, the Silverstone UTC was one of 13 proposals for university technical colleges given approval by the Department for Education, which has provided funds for it. The local UTC is a partnership between Tresham College of Further and Higher Education, the University of Northampton and Silverstone Circuits Ltd. Nearly 600 students will have the opportunity to study a high quality curriculum devised

in collaboration with key employers in high performance engineering and events management to improve their progression opportunities. Richard Phillips, managing director at Silverstone Circuits, said: “Education is a fundamental part of what we do at Silverstone and the UTC is a hugely important factor. In addition to maintaining the Circuit’s position as a leading global centre for sport, leisure and technology, this planning will help Silverstone on its path to becoming a centre for academic excellence. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Interserve and our partners in the UTC, namely Tresham College of Further and Higher Education, the University of Northampton and Northamptonshire County Council, who have worked so hard with South Northamptonshire Council to achieve such a quick approval.” Stuart Wesselby, principal of Tresham College Of Further and Higher Education added: “We are delighted to be taking this next step in the development of the Silverstone UTC as a state-of-the-art centre for education and training for young people who wish to specialise at an early age in their chosen vocation.

ARTIST’S IMPRESSION: The Silverstone UTC campus. “The new school will not only benefit the young people who study there but will also benefit employers across the country by providing the relevant training for the workplace.” Nick Petford, vice-chancellor at the University of Northampton said: “This is a significant milestone and we are delighted to be part of this key development in Northamptonshire. Developing the skills to support our industry and commerce is key to the health of our region and to the continuing development of our students.”

Andrew Howard, director, Interserve Construction, added: “We are really looking forward to returning to Silverstone to build this wonderful new facility which will have a major impact on maintaining the area’s reputation for engineering and hospitality and its consequent benefits. Over the last few weeks, the whole team including the councils, Tresham, the University of Northampton, Silverstone Circuits and our consultants have worked tirelessly to maintain the programme so we can open this iconic building in 2013.”

Deck the halls Workers get Bosworth’s Garden Centre and Nursery in Burton Latimer has built a reputaWITH Christmas just around the tion over the past five years for supplycorner, it’s time to start thinking ing beautiful, bespoke seasonal items. But the company has been attracting about festive preparations. customers for much longer than that. In 1959, Sam Bosworth’s parents opened a market garden selling pigs and chickens, an enterprise which grew to include tomatoes and plants. In 1986, the garden centre itself opened, and in the last few years it has seen great success within the community and across the county. Sam Bosworth took over the family firm and, alongside his wife Tania, has created a successful business. Though Sam is the green-fingered one, all the staff have good garden knowledge and play a key role in creating a special atmosphere at this time of the year: Adele, Tania’s sister, is in charge of the real Christmas trees, Angie Raynor is the buyer for the centre, Carol East creates the displays with Tania and her team, and Adam Young and Edd Hirst work with Sam on electricals, Christmas decorations and trees. The spirit of family prevails! Tania travels to Holland, Germany, Harrogate and London for inspiration on how to make the premises look suitably seawww.lscontracts.co.uk sonal, and for gift ideas to sell in the shop. DRIVERS URGENTLY REQUIRED Asked how the economic climate has FOR NORTHANTS CONTRACTS affected the business, Tania said they were still ‘winning through’. She added: CE, C & C1 (7.5t) “If anything, the weather has been more Ongoing work available for flexible Drivers. of a problem than the recession. There Applicants must hold a Digi Card and have no has not been as many top end sales – more than 6 points on licence. garden furniture and BBQs and so on. A minimum of 1 year Commercial Driving But the garden centre is still thriving.” experience is required. And does she ever tire of this time We welcome Forces, Paye, Self Employed of year? No, but with so much creativand Owner Drivers ity going into the garden centre, it does Call now make it difficult to find time to decorate 01908 637 520 her own home!

> Burton Latimer

set to reunite > COUNTY

A REUNION of an old Wellingborough-based company is expecting to bring together around 100 people from across the region and beyond on Saturday, November 17. The Labour Pump Company was founded in Michigan City, USA, in 1921 and the British branch was set up 75 years ago in London. Having moved to Denington Industrial Estate in Wellingborough in 1967, many Northamptonshire people were employed in the business until trading ceased in the mid 1990s. Previous employees are coming from far and wide to attend the reunion, which is being held at the Golden Lion public house, Sheep Street, Wellingborough, from 2-6pm. Les George, who worked as chief draftsman at the company, said: “This get-together is eagerly anticipated by all who are coming, I think it will be talked about for years, hopefully with fond memories, as it’s the first time this has been done.” Les and his wife Hazel have been very busy contacting ex-employees locally and around the country and have managed to reconnect with many people by word of mouth and through the internet. Mike Prior, who was head of the spares department for many years, has prepared photographs to display at the reunion of the old premises and the workforce. He said: “This is going to be such a brilliant day for all of us.” He is hoping it may even become a yearly event. The organisers are looking forward to welcoming around 100 former employees and their partners, from shopfloor to director-level to the reunion.

Councillor Rupert Fordham, portfolio holder for economic development and regeneration, from South Northamptonshire Council, said: “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our district and confirms South Northamptonshire’s place at the heart of high performance engineering. “This will go a long way to not only ensure that the future of UK motorsport is centred on Silverstone but that these fantastic facilities will benefit our young people and improve employability within our district as it is set to grow in the years to come.”

Site transformed > COUNTY AN eyesore site of dilapidated garages, which had become a magnet for vandalism and fly-tipping in Wellingborough, has been transformed into a new £400,000 housing development. FROM DILAPIDATION TO DELIGHT: Wellingborough Homes reDonna Whittaker and her son placed the garages in Swinburne Jalen love their new bungalow. Road with a development of bungalows. The largest has been specifically adapted for disabled use. Donna Whittaker, 33, has moved into one – she suffers with fibromyalgia, a medical disorder characterised by a heightened and painful response to pressure. She said: “I was finding walking up stairs very difficult, so it’s fantastic to be in a bungalow now.” Chief executive officer at Wellingborough Homes, Dave Willis, who also sits on the East Midlands Regional Committee of the National Housing Federation, said: “It is fantastic to be able to make such a positive impact on local communities.”




The EXTRA Time TV previews guide - programmes recommended over the forthcoming two weeks viewing. Two Broke Girls

Cheryl: Access all Areas

The second series of this comedy about two girls from different ends of the social spectrum who join forces to set up their own business. Max joins Caroline on her visit to a white-collar prison to see her father, Martin Channing, and he encourages them to purchase a particular keepsake at the Channing estate auction.

New exclusive documentary following pop sensation Cheryl Cole as she prepares for her first ever solo tour. The programme shows the highlights from Cheryl’s first concert and her elation as it all goes well. After Ireland is complete, the team and Cheryl are back on the tour bus and head to the O2 in London.

E4 Thursday 15th November 8pm

ITV2 Tuesday 20th November 9pm

Transsexual Teen, Beauty Queen BBC 3 Tuesday 20th November 9pm

Stephen Fry: Gadget Man Channel 4

Monday 19th November 8:30pm In this new series, Stephen Fry shares his passion as he welcomes viewers into his wonderful world of technology, from the everyday to the extraordinary. In the first episode, he looks at how gadgets can make the daily commute more bearable and more fun. He is joined by guest Jonathan Ross.

Observational documentary following Jackie Green, the world’s youngest female transsexual, as she attempts to win the title of Miss England 2012. The 18-year-old Leeds lass, born a boy named Jack, aims to become a role model for the trans-community and hopes competing in the beauty pageant will inspire other young people struggling with gender identity disorder.

Supersized Earth

BBC1 Wednesday 21st November 8pm Brand new series which traces the spectacular story of how humans have transformed our world. Dallas Campbell travels the globe, visiting the world’s most ambitious engineering projects, exploring the power of human ingenuity and the making of the modern world. In this first episode, Dallas accesses some of the most amazing constructions on the planet.

The Secret Of Crickley Hall BBC1 Sunday 18th November 9pm

The first episode of a chilling new drama. Eve, Gabe and their children Loren, Cam and Cally, live in London until Cam goes missing. Nearly a year later, Gabe suggests relocating the family to the North as they all still cling to the hope that Cam may be alive.When they first arrive at Crickley Hall, they meet Percy Judd who worked there during the war; he seems concerned for their children. They start to settle in but before long, strange things start to happen at the house and Eve hears her missing son’s voice. He says he is alive and the children can tell her where he is. In a dramatic twist, the drama flashes back eighty years previously when Crickley Hall was an orphanage for children evacuated from the Blitz.

Flintoff: From Lord’s To The Ring

Sky1 Thursday 22nd November 9pm Freddie Flintoff finds himself against the ropes in this new documentary. The former England cricketer, who was forced to retire from the sport through injury, has opted for an unexpected career change and entered the world of professional boxing. Help is at hand in the form of legendary fighter Barry McGuigan.

The Killing

The Aristocrats

The third and last season of the Danish crime drama. With 10 days to go to the election, Detective Chief Inspector Sarah Lund prepares to celebrate her 25th year in the police and a new job in the force. But her relative peace is shattered when unidentified body parts are found at Copenhagen dock.

In this documentary, Bafta-winning filmmaker Patrick Forbes is given unique access to explore a modern day aristocractic family; Sarah Millican: the Malboroughs. Offering exclusive insight Chatterbox Live into one of the most famous father and son Channel 4 relationships in Britain - and historically the Friday 23rd November 9pm bitterest - the film follows a story of reconciliation and redemption. Recorded in 2011, Chatterbox Live invites viewers to enter the wonderful world of Sarah Millican - where living alone drives your parents to put you on suicide watch, and where a cup of tea in the bath is the epitome of luxury. The comedian also offers advice for life including the acceptable face of adultery.

BBC4 Saturday 17th November 9pm

I Want To Change My Body BBC3 Monday 19th November 9pm

This new documentary follows young people aged 16 to 25 who are unhappy with their appearance, as they go on a personal quest to transform their bodies. From extreme weight-loss surgery to hair transplant surgery, they will take us with them on the roller-coaster ride of anxiety, emotion and excitement in their quest for perfection.

Four Born Every Second

BBC1 Monday 19th November 10:35pm One hundred and thirty million babies are born each year, but the circumstances - and country - of their birth will determine their life story. In this new documentary, BAFTAwinning filmmaker Brian Hill travels from the UK to America, Cambodia and Sierra Leone to reveal the shocking lottery of childbirth across the globe.

Channel 4 Thursday 22nd November 9pm

Last Tango In Halifax BBC1

Tuesday 20th November 9pm

The first episode of a new drama. Celia Dawson and Alan Buttershaw haven’t seen each other for 60 years. When they’re reunited via Facebook, they arrange to meet, and discover that it was an unfortunate twist of fate that prevented them from getting together. Their passionate feelings for each other are instantly reignited.

Give Us The Money BBC 4 Sunday 25th November 9pm

An in-depth, behind-the-scenes look at 30 years of Bob Geldof and Bono’s campaign against poverty. Their work has made them icons of aid but what impact has it really had on Africa? Through archive footage and candid new interviews with key players, the film scrutinises the effectiveness of celebrity-led activism.

Super Spider

Return To Forgotten Britain

This brand new documentary explores how spiders have colonised every habitat from the highest mountains to the deepest caves. As well as revealing why the scariest-looking spiders are often the least harmful, it also examines why spiders eat their webs and how they use fancy footwork to attract a mate.

Fergal Keane retraces his steps across the UK to find out what happened to the inspiring families he met twelve years ago for his series ‘Forgotten Britain’. In this first episode, Fergal returns to Cornwall to visit the Baileys who in 2000, were regretfully having to sell their dairy herd.

Nat Geo Wild Friday 23rd November 8pm

BBC 2 Sunday 25th November 8pm

For a full 14 day all channels comprehensive TV guide go to www.extranewspapers.co.uk/tv


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14 NOVEMBER, 2012


Just because Christmas is still a few weeks away is no excuse for pushing thoughts of it to one side! It is after all never too early to start making arrangements! In fact if you are thinking of organizing a festive meal out in the company of a group of friends, workmates or family, “The Midlands’ Best Kept Secret!” you really need to be doing rather more than just thinking Tel: 01536 760 028 about the idea right now. 44 Station Road, Desborough, NN14 2RL Open 5 1/2 days a week Christmas festive meals have become more and more pop(9am - 5pm) - Half Day Weds ular over the years. Instead of a ‘one-off’ affair occurring just the once, such meals have become a workplace tradition, a normal part of the Christmas celebrations. Naturally, with • Sample Menu • Hog Roast to cater for 100 people so many people aiming to eat and drink merrily in honour of the festivities, the possibility of getting your booking in, • Carved & served all cutlery • Home made stuffing, apple sauce, just where and when you want it, becomes more and more coleslaw, italian pasta, green salad & mini roast potatoes remote - unless you get really organized and book very early. Book now SPECIAL PRICE £600 And of course, the larger the numbers attending, the more difficult it will be to get slotted in. Most caterers can fit the Christmas orders are now being taken odd two to four diners in at the last minute, but a party of All our meat is sauced from the very best farms fifty or more - no way! So it’s certainly not too early now to get your group togeth• Turkeys • Capons Ducks er and start considering your options. Don’t expect a com• Geese • Game Venison are available to order pletely smooth ride. Make sure you have several mutually FOR ALL YOUR CATERING NEEDS, GIVE US A RING OR POP IN acceptable, alternative dates to play with because it is quite certain, some bookings will have been made already. If you have chosen the venue and made that provisional booking, you can start considering the menu. Generally speaking, most restaurants and venues have a special menus for the party seaQuality Italian Cuisine son. In the ordinary way of things you might well be able to leave the ordering until you arrive. For big parties it’s easier and sometimes cheaper to have the orders, for the main courses at least, placed in advance. It is after all, rather even in a commercial kitchen, Come celebrate this festive season in style at difficult, to have fifty or more meals cooked and served all at the one time without a litThe Palmichael tle prior preparation. With modern diets and allergies as Our festive set menus include 3 delicious courses they are it’s also wise to mention any including coffee and warm mice pies. Great for office, special meals or diets that will be needfriends & family festive get-togethers ed. Vegetarians, vegans, those with gastric problems, those who don’t like cer3 Course Dinner £27.95 tain vegetables, people with allergies to certain artificial colourants, flavourings Festive dinner menu available Monday-Friday evenings or preservatives, can all be catered for - as long as you give reasonable reason3 Course Lunch £18.50 or 2 Course Lunch £16.50 able warning. Festive Lunch menu available Tuesday-Friday and Entertainment is another thing that party organizers must think about, it Sunday lunches gets more difficult year on year to find something just that little bit different. If you’re looking for a special present for friends or Some establishments lay it on as part family our Gift Vouchers make a perfect gift for some one of the package, or may offer entertainment at an extra charge payable by the special number of people attending. Other establishments leave organizers to arNew Years Eve Booking are now being taken range their own entertainment and Please book in advance to avoid disappointment just provide the space, however if going down this route make sure you check with the venue that they have music licence. For further information on the Again, Christmas is a busy season for entertainers whether they are live perrestaurant or menus please visit formers, DJ’s or providers of Karaoke. Naturally the best get booked up fast, www.thepalmichael.co.uk very early on so, if it’s entertainment 1, Kettering Road, Burton Latimer, you want, don’t delay. Discuss it with Kettering, NN15 5LP those who will be attending, or the venue manager, and get it booked up fast!

Bookings Now being taken for 2013 Hog Roast Season!



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Book Now for Christmas Available from 2nd December until 23rd December DECEMBER MENU

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GAMBERONI CON PEPPERONI Pan fried king prawns with garlic, peppers and chillies served on a bed of rocket INSALATA MISTA Mixed salad with cherry tomatoes, olives and toasted ciabbatta topped with goat’s cheese and caramelised red onions ZUPPA DI BROCCOLI Homemade broccoli and stilton soup served with warm bread FEGATINI DI POLLO Chicken liver pate accompanied with toasted brioche *****

POLLO AL LIMONE Chicken breast in a white wine and lemon sauce VITELLO MILANESE Deep fried veal in breadcrumbs served with chips and salad BISTECA PIZZAIOLA Sirloin steak in a tomato, garlic and oregano sauce SPIGOLA CON FINOCCHI Pan fried seabass topped with a fennel and orange salad and a dash of sambuca RAVIOLI CON MELANZANE Homemade ravioli stuffed with aubergines in a creamy tomato sauce topped and parmesan shavings on top LASAGNA CON SALSICCIA E FUNGHI Chef’s special lasagna with italian sausage, mushrooms and a cream and dolcelatte sauce, served on a bed of rocket *all main courses are served with chef’s choice of potatoes and vegetables unless stated otherwise *£3 surcharge for sirloin and seabass *****


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NEWS: 01604 931117



WICKSTEED PARK’S WICKSTEED PARK LAUNCHES FESTIVE CHRISTMAS FESTIVE BUSINESS LUNCH PACKAGE Wicksteed Park, Kettering, will become a winter wonderland of festive fun this Christmas, courtesy of Wicky Bear and all his friends.

The park’s famous Edwardian Pavilion will be transformed into a yuletide party venue for Wicky’s Christmas Party on Thursday December 20, from noon to 2pm, so book early to ensure you don’t miss out on all the fun. Tickets are £5 per child in advance which includes fun and games with Wicky Bear, a disco and a gift from Santa. Adults can come along and enjoy the fun too for just 50p each (booked in advance). The festive entertainment doesn’t stop there – with all the family invited to the Wicksteed Park New Year’s Eve Party. Tickets are £36.00 per person and include a dressed hot and cold buffet, live music and a disco with the Big Bopper. The pavilion is also the venue for a January Blues night ‘Step Into The New Year’ on Friday January 11. Tickets are £25 and include an around the world buffet and DJ. The park combines the excitement of rollercoasters, rides and attractions with the tranquility and relaxation of an historic grade II listed country park and a famous Edwardian Pavilion. Further information on how to book tickets for all events is available at http://www.wicksteedpark.


Wicksteed Park, has launched a new festive business lunch package for companies wanting to reward staff or treat clients in the run up to Christmas. The Kettering park’s Celebration Suite can cater for up to 90 people at a time, with the new corporate lunch package designed to appeal to the business diner. At the heart of the menu is the traditional turkey with all the trimmings. But for those looking for an alternative, Wicksteed’s chefs have created delice of oven-baked salmon with a lemon and dill sauce and Mediterranean vegetable filo tart topped with mozzarella. For dessert there is raspberry and white chocolate pyramid served with raspberry coulis or fresh fruit salad served with cream. The lunches are available Monday to Thursday on the weeks commencing December 10 and 17, between 12.30pm and 2pm. Groups must pre-book and

the two-course meal is £15 per person. Marie Phillips, Marketing Co-ordinator at the park, said: “Christmas at Wicksteed is always very special and our party nights are already very popular. “Following the high quality refurbishment of the Celebration Suite we have responded to requests from local businesses looking for a high quality venue for festive lunches and launched the new festive package. “We’re hoping companies from across Northamptonshire will come and experience it with us. “We’ve created a menu that’s festive but also very affordable and great value for money.” “Everyone at Wicksteed is looking forward to welcoming guests as they celebrate the festive season in style.” For more details of Christmas at Wicksteed and to book the festive corporate lunch visit www.wicksteedpark.co.uk or call 01536 512475 ext 200.






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14 NOVEMBER, 2012

“I appreciate the one to one service I get from my advertising rep, she always goes the extra mile for me, and I love the fact that we now have our own local paper, with great features such as highlight on local high streets” Chantelle Mayhew


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14 NOVEMBER, 2012



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Set Yourself up for a Positive Day – Every Day! Lisa Phillips Executive Coach, Personal Development and Enjoying life! As a regularly featured personality on radio and TV, Lisa is an international expert on self development and coaching. She has owned her coaching business, Amazing Coaching for ten years and has worked in over 20 countries. Her passion and love of life is infectious. AS the winter nights draw in over 2 million people in the UK will suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (OK, I promise not to rub it in that I am enjoying the warm Sydney spring).  During this time, it is important that you stay positive in order to counter act those ‘Winter Blues’.  One of the simplest ways to do this is to set yourself up each morning for a positive day. Think back to this morning - How did you feel when your alarm went off? Did you drag yourself out of bed mumbling about your day at work or what you needed to get done that day? Or did you jump out of bed with excitement wondering what wonderful things the day has in store for you?

How we feel and what we think about our day ahead can really effect how in fact the day will actually turn out. If we begin each morning dreading what the day will hold, we will unconsciously creating an affirmation or a statement of what we want. Those affirmations then become our reality. For example, if you get up in the morning and the first thing you do is trip over your slippers or poke your mascara wand in your eye, you will probably start to think ‘this is going to be a rotten day’. This starts to create a negative pattern of thought. The more you then focus on how 'bad' your day is going, the chances are, more things will probably go wrong and you may lose any opportunity to experience any positives in your day. Then, you may actually make your day worse and by the end of it, you may end up affirming, ‘this was a horrible day and everything I did just went wrong!’ Then, if this wasn’t bad enough, if you continue to bombard yourself with negative ways of thinking, you will begin to believe negative things about yourself and your behavior will follow accordingly. Negative thoughts, lead to negative expectations, lead to negative outcomes! However, had you believed the day was going to be great, and you jumped out of bed filled with excitement, you would have used the power of your own thought to make it a great day!

You will then feel more positive and attract more positive experiences into your life. Whether you believe in the power of affirmations or not, they are already operating in your life. That is why it is so important to understand and use them to your advantage. The process of consciously transforming your thoughts, through the use of positive affirmations is the first step in changing your external world. Positive thoughts, lead to positive expectation, lead to positive outcomes! Try these affirmations to start your day with a bang! • This is going to be a great day • Everything in my day goes wonderfully • I have a fabulous day at work and complete all my tasks easily

• My day is filled with love and happiness • Everyone I meet today is happy and loving Another useful trick to start your day on a positive note is to take 2-3 minutes each morning, visualizing the ideal outcome of your day. Don’t worry if you feel this is too difficult, just try and relax into it and run a little movie in your mind of how you wish you day to be. If you have a difficult meeting or task to do, imagine the perfect outcome to your situation and also how you will look and feel after you have completed the task. Visualization is very powerful and you can really make a difference to your day by taking a few minutes each morning to complete this task. Have a great week Lisa x

Get your skates on – Beckworth ice rink returns! Get Ready for PPPantomime Would-be Torvill and Deans are clapping their gloved hands together in excitement with the news that one of Northamptonshire’s finest festive features is back! The family fun ice rink at Beckworth Emporium in Mears Ashby returns for its third year this weekend, entertaining skaters right through into the New Year with its real ice, free blades, the ever popular push along penguins and skating lessons for those in need of a little extra help! Meanwhile the covered VIP and party rink is perfect for private birthday celebrations, works Christmas ‘dos’ or even for school and club parties, allowing up to 40 skaters to enjoy exclusive access to blade bliss! For Beckworth’s co-owner David Brown, the rink’s arrival is a great way to get into the festive

spirit; “This year is yet again going to be bigger and better, with new features including themed skating sessions for parents and toddlers, the over 50s, and set times which are wheelchair friendly. We’ve also got special twin blades for the little ones to help them avoid any icy tumbles!” Among those looking forward to getting back on their skates is Dee from Corby who enjoyed a blast on the ice with her family last year. “We’re so glad that this unique festive event is here on our doorstep at Beckworth. You’d normally have to travel to London for something like this. We love it!” The ice rink is open from Saturday 17th November to the Sunday 6th January (except Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year’s Day) with opening times varying – check the website for availability – www.beckworthemporium.co.uk

Rehearsals are now well underway for this year’s spectacular production of Peter Pan at The Lighthouse Theatre, Kettering. Local dancers have been rehearsing throughout October and will continue to be put through their paces by dynamic c h o re o g r a p h e r Julian Riley. “The local children are fantastic” say‘s Julian “They can’t wait to start performing” The main cast of Peter Pan starring Darren Day and C h i l d r e n’s favourite Rollo will join rehearsals at the end of the month. T h e Panto mime is breaking all box office records for the Lighthouse who

are guaranteeing their biggest production ever. Darren Day who is no stranger to the world of pantomimes and musicals says he is looking forward to the show which will see his wife Stephanie Dooley playing Pirate Starkey. “This show has something for everyone and I am looking forward to starting rehearsals” Illusions, Flying and an underwater ultra violet spectacular will be just some of the ingredients in the Hammond Family Pantomime. Providing the magic will be Television Magician Alex Lodge as Pirate Trix known to audiences through his num e r o u s television appearances including CBBC’s The Sorcerer’s Apprentice and ITV’s Britain’s Got Talent.

EXTRA Letters & Rants

Mosaic on show - April Dear Editor Many thanks for including news of our mosaic campaign. We have more good news! We have been given permission by the owners of the Newlands Shopping centre to place the mosaic on the curved wall on the entrance to the car park. The mosaic is quite large and it has taken time to find a place large enough for it to be seen and enjoyed. We were generously offered a place on the Kettering Conference Centre, but unfortunately it would not be in a prominent position. At present we are completing forms to apply for Heritage Lottery Funding following a useful meeting with Helen Johnson, Development Officer in Nottingham on Friday. We need to raise funds to restore and reinstate the mosaic which is still in storage. Work to restore the mosaic would begin in April. If the Society is successful the mosaic could be in place by November 2013. On another matter, Wicksteed park sold a farm and fields to Redrow to build 450 houses at the bottom of Wicksteed Park and behind Polwell Lane. The development has been halted whilst archealogical digs have been taking place. On Friday 9th November there will be an Open Day when pupils and the general public will be able to join in a guided tour. Monica Ozdemir Secretary Kettering Civic Society

Dear Editor One hundred amd ten passengers from Gretton Corby Weldon and Kettering will be setting off on two coaches to enjoy the Bury St Edmunds Christmas Fayre on Sunday 25th November,the last excursion run by Wondertours in thier 40th anniversary year.And what a year it has been with 19 day trips and 2 Wonderweekends enjoyed by everyone. David Fursdon Organiser said despite the poor summer we have been lucky and had a wonderful 12 months taking people all around the country and 2013 looks like being just as good. We aim to make the days out interesting for one and all by providing informatiuon and maps before arriving at each destination.Sighseeing shopping and dining out are popular with the group and regular and new passengers are all welcome onboard. The low fares are also a big attraction made possible because Wondertours are run volunatary and not for profit....taking you further for less. The 40th anniversary is indeed a proud milestone and we will continue to serve the local community with a traditional reliable friendly service that has proved a winner.To all passemgers thank you for your continued support.

Copies of the 2013 programme can be obtained by sending a SAE to Wondertours c/o 9 Southfield Road Gretton Northants NN17 3BX All excursions call at Gretton Corby Weldon and Ketttering. David Fursdon Gretton Dear Editor Having announced plans to cut 310 posts over two years Northampton General Hospital has employed an Irish agency to recruit a newly qualified nurse from Portugal who says he is bringing 24 more with him. Can our own medical schools not provide all we need? Other hospitals are also recruiting abroad, while they make redundant UK trained staff who thought they were secure. Brussels has launched a scheme to encourage Europeans to find work here. This makes financial help available, up to £1000 per head, funded by the taxpayer. Brussels is claiming that thousands will take this opportunity, of course they will, they will be coming from countries whose economy has been wrecked by the Euro. Indeed, this newly arrived nurse has written to the Portuguese President slamming the handling of their economy, the third country to request an EU bailout.

Membership of the Euro has shot their economy to pieces and we are being expected to help reduce their unemployment as well as contributing to the bailout. This nurse went on to say that there is a climate of fear in Portugal, which is why so many are coming with him. Personally, I have a great deal of sympathy for this young man who, no doubt, has worked hard to obtain his medical qualifications. He should not have to leave the homeland he loves to find employment but I cannot see why this country has to take thousands in. We too have unacceptably high unemployment. David Cameron is trying to have it both ways. He says that he wants us to stay in the EU, which is promoting this exodus from southern member states. But he has also said he would not accept Greek people fleeing from their economic nightmare. What’s the difference between Greeks and Portuguese? Yours sincerely Derek Clark UKIP MEP for Northamptonshire


Letters should arrive by noon on the Monday before publication. Full name and address must be supplied and details will be withheld only in exceptional circumstances. Letters should be no longer than 250 words and may be edited. Please email your letters to hello@extranewspapers.co.uk or send by post to Extra Newspapers Ltd, The Old Police Station, 76 Church Street, Bolton BL6 6AB



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Caterham has added to its iconic range of Sevens, giving the acclaimed Supersport a steroid-induced brother – the two-litre Supersport R, which packs 180bhp and track-bred dynamics. Like the standard Supersport, the new edition has many circuitorientated performance essentials, but gains a bigger engine and a five-speed gearbox to boost outright performance significantly. Designed to sit immediately above its 1.6-litre sibling in the Seven range, the new adaptation’s 2-litre Ford Duratec engine has proven its durability and performance on the track, having been developed during three years in Caterham’s R300 race championship. Competitively priced at £24,995 (incl tax) in selfbuild form or £27,995 fully-built, the new model

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benefits particularly in mid-range ‘punch’ and features a 25% power increase on the Supersport, as well as 5bhp more than the R300 road car. Caterham Cars announced a bold new joint venture engineering partnership this week with Renault, which will result in a range of brand new vehicles, starting with an ambitious ‘everyday’ sportscar that will deliver the brand’s ‘accessible fun’ philosophy to new markets. But the Supersport R shows the firm’s continuing commitment to develop the iconic Seven, which it has been engineering and building for nearly 40 years. Caterham Cars’ Chief Executive, Graham Macdonald, said: “The Supersport’s formula has struck a

chord with driving enthusiasts and we are confident that, by extending the range to include an R model, we will be able to build on the original’s success. “The performance of the car is very impressive but, teamed with the accessibility of the suspension specification that works so effortlessly on the road and track on the base model, it is well-balanced, satisfying and fun in terms of the driving experience it offers.” The front-mounted Caterhamdeveloped Ford Duratec engine pairs up with a limited-slip differential to further enhance its performance credentials. Meanwhile, grippy Avon CR500 tyres, Supersport dampers and

race springs ensure the car’s handling is highly-focussed but still supple enough for the road. Weighing just 535kg, the new vehicle extends the Supersport line, which already includes road and track versions of the 1.6-litre model. Inside the cabin, a bespoke Supersport steering wheel, integrated change-up light, composite race seats and four-point race harnesses complete the track-inspired experience. Naturally, an aero screen comes as standard. The Supersport R’s DNA stems from the Caterham Supersport Championship, which is the fourth rung of its motorsport ‘ladder’ and is Caterham’s fastest-growing series.

NEWS: 01604 931117



14 NOVEMBER, 2012

Northants Combination Leagues Sat, 10 November 2012 Premier Division sponsored by

Division One sponsored by

Duston Garage Used Cars and Bosch Service Centre

Duston Garage Used Cars and Bosch Service Centre

P W D L F A GD Pts

P W D L F A GD Pts

James King Blisworth Milton Welford Victoria Moulton Brixworth All Saints Stanion Quantum Print Harpole Weldon United Roade Kettering Nomads Corby S& L Khalsa Corby Pegasus Ringstead Rangers Heyford Athletic

8 7 7 7 6 6 5 7 8 8 7 6 7 7

8 7 8 9 8 8 7 8 6 7 8 8 8

7 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0

0 1 0 2 1 0 2 1 2 1 2 0 2 0

1 1 2 1 1 2 0 3 4 5 4 5 5 7

27 18 20 20 13 19 10 15 16 13 6 12 10 5

15 +12 9 +9 10 +10 8 +12 8 +5 8 +11 3 +7 13 +2 15 +1 20 -7 22 -16 15 -3 22 -12 36 -31

21 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 8 7 5 3 2 0

Earls Barton United Corby Locomotives Kislingbury Stanwick Rovers Denton Medbourne Kettering Ise Lodge Burton United Corby Everards Wootton St George Kettering Orchard Park Gretton Finedon Volta

7 6 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 0

1 0 1 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 0

0 1 2 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 6 6 8

24 24 29 25 20 14 19 25 21 20 12 15 8

9 +15 7 +17 12 +17 16 +9 16 +4 17 -3 18 +1 19 +6 13 +8 25 -5 21 -9 41 -26 42 -34

22 18 16 13 13 13 12 11 9 9 6 4 0

Division TWO sponsored by

Division THREE sponsored by

Duston Garage Used Cars and Bosch Service Centre

Duston Garage Used Cars and Bosch Service Centre

P W D L F A GD Pts

P W D L F A GD Pts

Daventry Comms Wollaston Victoria Corby Eagles Corby Strip Mills Corby Redstar Wilby Wellingborough Old Grammarians Clipston Wellingborough Rising Sun Spratton

8 8 7 8 8 6

5 5 3 4 3 3

2 2 4 1 2 1

1 1 0 3 3 2

27 18 19 18 19 14

6 8 7 6

2 1 0 0

1 2 4 1

3 5 3 5

9 8 4 7

9 7 5 7 7 7 7 9 6 6 7 7

11 +16 17 8 +10 17 10 +9 13 20 -2 13 16 +3 11 13 +1 10 16 22 12 15

-7 -14 -8 -8

7 5 4 1

Weedon Daventry Drayton Grange Northampton Exiles Ferrers Walgrave Amber FC Higham Grange Park Rangers West Haddon SPA FCTitchmarsh Great Doddington Wellingborough Gleneagles

7 6 5 4 4 4 3 2 2 1 1 0

0 0 0 1 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 2

2 1 0 2 3 3 3 5 4 5 6 5

25 21 23 28 16 16 22 17 9 12 8 13

20 +5 12 +9 2 +21 16 +12 14 +2 16 +0 19 +3 18 -1 17 -8 23 -11 25 -17 28 -15

21 18 15 13 12 12 10 8 6 3 3 2

Division FOUR sponsored by

Reserve Premier Division sponsored by

Duston Garage Used Cars and Bosch Service Centre

Duston Garage Used Cars and Bosch Service Centre

P W D L F A GD Pts

Borough Alliance Kettering Park Rovers Corby Ravens Higham Town Corby Albion Vikings AFC Rothwell Desborough & Rothwell United Wilbarston Corby Hellenic Fisher Corby Kingswood Corby United

10 7 8 7 8 8

8 5 4 4 3 3

2 0 2 1 2 2

0 2 2 2 3 3

31 27 19 19 21 11

12 +19 26 8 +19 15 17 +2 14 15 +4 13 16 +5 11 15 -4 11

7 7 8 9 7

2 3 2 0 0

3 0 1 4 1

2 4 5 5 6

14 18 19 15 12

14 21 20 30 38

+0 -3 -1 -15 -26

9 9 7 4 1

P W D L F A GD Pts

Bugbrooke St Michaels ‘A’ Weldon United Reserves Brixworth All Saints R James King Blisworth R Harpole Reserves Kettering Nomads Reserves Northampton Spencer R Ringstead Rangers Reserves ON Chenecks A Corby Pegasus Reserves Roade Reserves Moulton Reserves Milton Reserves

7 7 7 7 8 6 6 7 7 8 7 6 9

6 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 1 1 0

1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 1 2

0 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 4 6 4 4 7

43 24 24 21 30 12 19 13 13 14 12 12 5

10 +33 17 +7 12 +12 11 +10 24 +6 11 +1 12 +7 24 -11 33 -20 23 -9 15 -3 19 -7 31 -26

19 16 13 13 13 12 10 10 9 6 5 4 2

Reserve Division One sponsored by

Reserve Division TWO sponsored by

Duston Garage Used Cars and Bosch Service Centre

Duston Garage Used Cars and Bosch Service Centre

P W D L F A GD Pts

Stanion Quantum Print R 6 Weldon United ‘A’ 8 Corby Locomotives Reserves 7 Wellingborough Old Grammarians Reserves 7 Kislingbury Reserves 6 Earls Barton United Reserves 6 Wootton St George Reserves 7 Medbourne Reserves 7 Bugbrooke St Michaels ‘B’ 8 Welford Victoria Reserves 6 Heyford Athletic Reserves 6 Kettering Orchard Park R 7 Corby Everards Reserves 5

6 5 4

0 0 1

0 22 5 +17 18 3 22 11 +11 15 2 16 13 +3 13

4 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 1

0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 1

3 2 3 4 4 5 3 3 4 3

16 17 16 18 17 17 9 11 14 12

10 18 13 17 16 23 13 17 30 21

+6 12 -1 10 +3 9 +1 9 +1 9 -6 9 -4 7 -6 5 -16 5 -9 4

Wilby Reserves Harborough Town ‘A’ Wollaston Victoria Reserves Spratton Reserves West Haddon Reserves Stanwick Rovers Reserves Higham Town Reserves Corby Redstar Reserves FCTitchmarsh Reserves Corby Strip Mills Reserves Finedon Volta Reserves Corby Hellenic Reserves

P W D L F A GD Pts 7 8 5 9 7 8 8 7 5 6 7 7

5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 1 1 0

1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0

1 3 0 4 3 4 4 3 2 4 5 7

27 26 13 20 21 21 15 25 13 5 8 11

8 +19 11 +15 2 +11 20 +0 12 +9 24 -3 23 -8 9 +16 6 +7 16 -11 26 -18 48 -37

16 15 15 15 12 12 12 10 9 4 4 0

MDH Teamwear Northants Combination Football League 2012-2013 Season Saturday, 10 November 2012 Northamptonshire FA Lower Junior Cup Round 2 Northampton Spencer R 3 1 yardley utd Northamptonshire FA Area Cup Round 2 Bugbrooke St Michaels ‘A’ 11 1 yardley gobion Reserves Corby Redstar Reserves 3 1 Woodford utd ‘B’ Corby United 0 11 Stanion Quantum Print R deanshanger Reserves 0 3 AFC Rothwell Desborough & Rothwell United 2 3 Wellingborough Old Grammarians Reserves Earls Barton United R 8 0 Kettering Orchard Park R Heyford Athletic R 3 1 Npton JLB Kislingbury Reserves 0 2 Wittering harriers Pboro giants 2 1 ON Chenecks A Spratton Reserves 6 1 Upper mounts Stanwick Rovers R 3 2 Higham Town Syresham Reserves 0 1 FCTitchmarsh Reserves West Haddon ‘A’ 3 3 Wollaston Victoria R Premier Division Cup Quarter Final Brixworth All Saints 2 5 Weldon United Harpole 1 3 Moulton Milton 3 5 Ringstead Rangers Roade 4 0 Stanion Quantum Print Division One Cup Quarter Final Wootton St George 1 2 Earls Barton United Division Three Cup Quarter Final Ferrers 2 3 FC Higham Grange Park Rangers 3 2 Daventry Drayton Grange Northampton Exiles 7 1 Great Doddington Walgrave Amber 4 1 Weedon Reserve Premier Division Cup Quarter Final Brixworth All Saints R 3 5 James King Blisworth R

Premier Division Kettering Nomads Welford Victoria

3 4

4 James King Blisworth 0 Corby S& L Khalsa

Division One Denton Gretton Kettering Ise Lodge

3 1 5

0 Finedon Volta 1 Burton United 3 Kettering Orchard Park

6 4

2 Corby Redstar 1 Spratton

0 3

2 Clipston 1 Corby Strip Mills

Division Three FCTitchmarsh SPA

3 4

4 West Haddon 0 Wellingborough Gleneagles

Division Four Borough Alliance Kettering Park Rovers Wilbarston

2 3 6

1 Corby Hellenic Fisher 0 Corby Ravens 3 Corby Kingswood

Division Two Corby Eagles Daventry Comms Wellingborough Rising Sun Wollaston Victoria

Reserve Premier Division Corby Pegasus Reserves 1 Moulton Reserves 3 Weldon United Reserves 1 Reserve Division One Corby Everards Reserves 4 Weldon United ‘A’ 3 Reserves Reserve Division Two Corby Strip Mills R Harborough Town ‘A’

2 0

2 Roade Reserves 3 Harpole Reserves 0 Milton Reserves 2 Bugbrooke St Michaels ‘B’ 0 Welford Victoria

2 Finedon Volta Reserves 4 Wilby Reserves


Duston Garage (Bosch Service) Star Award: Clipston who recorded a first win of the season after eight attempts Northants FA Lower Junior Cup: Northampton Spencer Reserves made short work of Yardley United to move into the third round of the competition. Jordan Richards, Chris Norman and Lee Clack all found the net to eliminate the last remaining Town League side. Tougher opposition awaits in round three with Spencer making the trip to UCL side ON Chenecks Reserves. Northants FA Area Cup: Eight sides faced external opposition with only two sides failing to progress. Duston Garage Reserve Premier Division leaders Bugbrooke ‘A’ were by far and away the biggest winners. The return trip along the A5 was miserable for visiting North Bucks outfit Yardley Gobion after the rampant Badgers ran in eleven goals. Both FC Titchmarsh and AFC Rothwell made the lengthy trips out to Syresham and Deanshanger respectively, and recorded wins that end North Bucks interest in the competition for another season. Town League sides JLB and Upper Mounts both found Combination opposition too strong. Spratton Reserves cruised to victory, scoring six against the Mounts, while JLB fell to Heyford Reserves. Harleigh East, Alex Marlow, and Paul McIntyre all found the target to bring some cheer to the beleaguered club. Craig Hall scored twice for Corby Redstar Reserves in the 3-1 win over Banbury League side Woodford ‘B’. Should Corby Albion Vikings overcome Town League opposition next week then the race for the Area Cup will be between the Northants Combination and the Peterborough League. Indeed it was to Peterborough League opposition that both Kislingbury Reserves and ON Chenecks ‘A’ succumbed. Kislingbury lost out to Wittering Harriers while Chenecks went out away at Peterborough Giants. The fixture computer threw up two derby ties, both of which ended in the favour of the lower ranked sides. Corby United hosted Stanion Reserves and it was the second-string side who romped to a massive victory. Mark Watson was the pick of the scorers with three goals, while teammates Luke McAuley, Dan Barker and Lee Greig added two apiece as the visitors fired in eleven times. Stanwick Reserves did not record such a high margin but still managed to upset neighbours Higham Town. Darrell Smith was the hero, netting a crucial third goal to see the second-string through 3-2. In the three remaining all-Combination ties Old Grammarians Reserves produced a third upset result, overcoming Desborough & Rothwell United. Martin Tamplin and Danny Moroianu netted for the hosts, but an own goal proved the winner for the Reserve Division One side. Earls Barton Reserves smashed eight goals past Orchard Park Reserves. Nick Charlton scored twice, with Leon Gavin and Jordan Hogden both picking up doubles. An own-goal sealed a miserable day for the Kettering side. Dan Brown scored twice for West Haddon Reserves and an Edward Harman strike forced overtime in the clash with Wollaston Reserves. Despite these goal-scoring exploits it was Wollaston who progresses with a penalty shoot-out victory. Duston Garage (Bosch Service) Premier Division Cup: Based on current form and league positions, three of the quarter final ties produced surprise results, with Moulton the only top six side to reach the semi-finals. Coming off the back of a run of three league wins and scoring thirteen goals in the process Moulton would rightly have been confident of getting a result against holders and seventh-placed Harpole. For eighty minutes however neither

side could break the deadlock, but the final ten produced four goals. Poor defending allowed Moulton to open the scoring through Adey Redmond before Liam Butcher immediately struck back for Harpole. The game became and end-to-end affair with Redmond converting two further chances to seal his hat-trick and a semi-final berth for his side. Milton had topped the league earlier this season albeit briefly, and were drawn against Ringstead who have lost the last five league games. With form like that Milton were expected by many to progress, but instead crashed out. Lee Bradley scored twice for the hosts, but Ringstead fired in five times with Danny Jackson scoring a hattrick. Despite taking an early lead Brixworth slumped to their heaviest home defeat since September2007 against Weldon. Three first half goals from Ben Smith, Paul Simpson and Sean Fraser, the first coming two minutes after Brixworth’s opener, put Weldon in control of the game. The visitors added two more goals in the second period to hand Brixworth a 5-3 defeat. Stanion Quantum Print have been a force to be reckoned with this term scoring 26 goals in all competitions thus far. The division’s newcomers travelled to face Roade, a side already heavily beaten when the sides met in the Junior Cup earlier this season. Early momentum from Stanion suggested that a repeat could be on the cards, but the lack of a killer touch was to prove costly. Roade served the opposition a statement of intent when Andrew Watts first saw a point-blank header miraculously saved, before the rebound was blazed over. Minute later Stanion provided Roade the opportunity to score from twelve yards when Watts was bundled over in the area. Steve Carroll converted the penalty to give Roade a first half lead. Two quick-fire goals after the restart rocked the visitors and put Roade into a commanding position. Zach Pugh netted with a cool finish before Watts got the goal his performance deserved. Ed Reece capped the shock win with a fourth goal on 70 minutes. Duston Garage (Bosch Service) Premier Division: Blisworth’s lead at the top of the table extended to five points with a second victory over Nomads, thanks to Chris Currey’s decisive goal. His strike gave Blisworth the slimmest of advantages in the 4-3 win. Welford meanwhile climbed two places with victory over Khalsa. Craig Cassidy netted twice in the 4-0 win. Duston Garage (Bosch Service) Division One Cup: Alex Patrick scored the Wootton goal that ensured the tie with Earls Barton needed an extra half hour to settle. In the end it was to be Barton’s day, as they found an extra time winner. Duston Garage (Bosch Service) Division One: After the rotten start that Gretton endured conceding 39 goals in the opening six games, securing a point from the tie with Burton was a welcome positive, particularly given that the same opposition had reached a record 11-1 win earlier in the season. Shain MacAlindon netted for Gretton to cancel out Lewis McIntyre’s strike. Ise Lodge ended a run of three straight defeats with a derby victory over Orchard Park. Mark Northover scored four of the five Ise goals. Denton bounced back from last week’s narrow defeat to Kislingbury with victory over Volta. Liam Downes opened the scoring in what was to be Denton’s first win in three matches. Rothenberger Tools Division Two: Right now, last week’s win seems to be the aberration for Corby Redstar, as the poor form returned with a vengeance. Derby opponents Corby Eagles took full advantage of Redstar’s apparent weakness scoring six times. Coin Hutchison was the pick of the scorers with a treble. Daventry Comms managed to hold onto top spot for a second successive week, possibly putting an end to the hot-potato that has characterised it thus far. A 4-1 win over Spratton


NEWS: 01604 931117



ChromaSport & Trophies United Counties League Saturday, 10 November 2012 Premier Division

Division One

P W D L GD Pts

St Ives Town Holbeach United Quorn Spalding United Deeping Rangers Newport Pagnell Town Cogenhoe United Huntingdon Town Desborough Town Peterborough Northern Star Long Buckby AFC Shepshed Dynamo AFC Kempston Rovers Boston Town Blackstones FC Yaxley Stewarts & Lloyds Corby Sleaford Town Wellingborough Town Harborough Town Irchester United

19 17 16 17 18 16 17 13 17 18 19 18 16 15 17 14 17 16 17 14 19

14 13 13 12 10 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 6 5 5 5 4 3 2 1 1

4 2 1 3 4 3 1 1 1 1 4 3 2 4 2 1 3 4 1 3 2

1 2 2 2 4 4 7 4 8 9 8 8 8 6 10 8 10 9 14 10 16

41 38 35 41 22 12 13 15 1 -2 -11 10 -10 1 -13 -10 -25 -28 -39 -36 -55

46 41 40 39 34 30 28 25 25 25 25 24 20 19 17 16 15 13 7 6 5

Oadby Town 11 Northampton Sileby Rangers 10 AFC Rushden & Diamonds 11 Eynesbury Rovers 10 Bugbrooke St Michaels 8 Northampton Spencer 10 Olney Town 13 Raunds Town 13 Harrowby United 11 Rushden and Higham United 9 Northampton ON Chenecks 13 Potton United 10 Wellingborough Whitworth 9 Thrapston Town 8 Rothwell Corinthians 11 Wootton Blue Cross 12 Bourne Town 13 Buckingham Town 13 Burton Park Wanderers 9

P W D L GD Pts Oadby Town Reserves

Bugbrooke St Michaels R Cogenhoe United Reserves Wellingborough Whitworth R Harborough Town Reserves Blackstones FC Reserves Desborough Town Reserves Thrapston Town Reserves Peterborough Northern Star R AFC Kempston Rovers R Woodford United Reserves Stewarts & Lloyds Corby R Huntingdon Town R

7 5 5 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 5 5

5 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0

1 2 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 2 2 2

1 0 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 3

7 4 3 4 4 0 -1 -4 -3 -2 -5 -7

8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1

2 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 0 1 3 1 7 1 7 0 6 3 2 3 6 1 5 0 5 2 3 2 6 2 7 3 8 0 11 1 7

26 25 14 18 15 11 -3 -9 2 0 -10 -6 -1 -4 -8 -12 -12 -24 -22

26 25 24 23 20 19 16 16 15 15 15 13 12 11 11 11 9 6 4



16 11 10 9 6 6 4 4 3 2 2 2

P W D L GD Pts

5 Raunds Town Reserves 6 Eynesbury Rovers Reserves 4 Northampton ON Chenecks R 4 Rushden and Higham United Reserves 4 Rothwell Corinthians R 4 Yaxley Reserves 4 Olney Town Reserves 4 Bourne Town Reserves 3 Irchester United Reserves 2 Burton Park Wanderers R 4 *Adjustment made

ensured that the Daventry side held onto pole position and increased the goal difference advantage over Wollaston. The Vics were also winners, seeing off Strip Mills 3-1 and remain level on points with the leaders. Clipston meanwhile moved away from the bottom two after securing a first win in eight attempts. Duston Garage (Bosch Service) Division Three Cup: Exiles went goal-crazy in the victory against struggling Great Doddington. Adam Russell was the pick of the scorers with a treble as the Northampton side smashed in seven goals. For Doddington, the defeat now means that without the distraction of cup football all efforts can be focussed on league survival. The Higham Ferrers derby between Ferrers and FC Higham ended in the latter’s favour. Gary Broadway and Adam Walsh both scored for Ferrers, but Tom Martin’s brace and a Danny Bird finish left the hosts contemplating league cup disappointment for the second successive season. James Brooks struck a crucial third goal for newboys Grange Park to ensure

ChromaSport & Trophies United Counties League Saturday, 10 November 2012

P W D L GD Pts

5 4 3 2

0 0 0 1

0 20 2 2 1 6 1 6

15 12 9 7

2 2 2 1 0 0 0

1 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 2 2 3 3 2 4

7 6* 3 3 0 0 0

2 -5 7 -12 -4 -9 -13

Premier Division Quorn Holbeach United Irchester United Desborough Town Spalding United St Ives Town Stewarts & Lloyds Corby AFC Kempston Rovers Blackstones Newport Pagnell Town Huntingdon Town Division One Northampton Sileby Rangers Raunds Town Northampton ON Chenecks Thrapston Town Olney Town Bourne Town AFC Rushden & Diamonds Buckingham Town Huntingdon Town Newport Pagnell Town Potton United Wootton Blue Cross Reserve Division One Cogenhoe United R Bugbrooke St Michaels R Rushden & Higham United Reserves Wellingborough Whitworth Reserves

a semi-final berth at the first time of asking. Jed Brennan had given Drayton Grange the lead before Grange Park equalised and then took the lead themselves. An own goal restored parity but Brooks was to have the final say. Victorious in the Division Four cup final last season, Walgrave reached the semi-finals for the second successive year following a 4-1 win over Division Three leaders Weedon. Duston Garage (Bosch Service) Division Three: West Haddon sealed a first win in four games following a 4-3 victory at FC Titchmarsh. SPA recorded a first win since the opening day by defeating basement side Gleneagles 4-0. Nicky Musgrove opened SPA’s account. Duston Garage (Bosch Service) Division Four: The Borough Alliance juggernaut shows no sign of stopping after an eighth win of the season, this time against Hellenic Fisher. With the season not quite halfway through, the Leicestershire side are halfway to an unassailable points tally that will secure pro-

6-2 4-0 1-6 2-2 7-1 0-0 1-1 0-3 5-3 2-4 1-2

Peterborough Northern Star Wellingborough Town Cogenhoe United Sleaford Town Harborough Town Long Buckby Deeping Rangers Boston Town Shepshed Dynamo Yaxley Oadby Town

5-1 1-5

Rothwell Corinthians Northampton Spencer

3-1 2-2 1-3 1-1

Burton Park Wanderers Rushden & Higham United Bugbrooke St Michaels Eynesbury Rovers

3-2 5-3 1-2 2-4 5-1 P

Harrowby United Wellingborough Whitworth Oadby Town Yaxley Arlesey Town Reserves 61 FC Luton

Yaxley Reserves Peterborough Northern Star Reserves Eynesbury Rovers R Harborough Town R Burton Park Wanderers R Reserve Division Two Rothwell Corinthians R Oadby Town Reserves Cogenhoe United R Bugbrooke St Michaels R Wellingborough Whitworth Reserves Rushden & Higham United Reserves Yaxley Reserves Peterborough Northern Star Reserves Eynesbury Rovers R Harborough Town R Burton Park Wanderers R


Bourne Town Reserves

2-2 2-3 0-5 0-1

Huntingdon Town Reserves Blackstones Reserves Desborough Town Reserves Stewarts & Lloyds Corby R

4-2 2-0 3-0 7-1

Raunds Town Reserves Irchester United Reserves Northampton ON Chenecks R Olney Town Reserves


AFC Kempston Rovers R

2-0 3-2

Thrapston Town Reserves Bourne Town Reserves

2-2 2-3 0-5 0-1

Huntingdon Town Reserves Blackstones Reserves Desborough Town Reserves Stewarts & Lloyds Corby R

3 - 0 Northampton ON Chenecks Reserves 7-1 Olney Town Reserves 2-0

Thrapston Town Reserves


AFC Kempston Rovers R

motion at the first attempt. Rikki Langley scored twice for Park Rovers to propel his side into second place, deposing opponents Corby Ravens in the process. Wilbarston’s turnaround in form continues with a third successive league win over Kingswood. Duston Garage (Great Wall Cars) Reserve Premier Division Cup: Alex Weynforth scored twice for Blisworth to set up a 5-3 win over Brixworth. Duston Garage (Great Wall Cars) Reserve Premier Division: With the top three in cup action, Weldon took full advantage and moved into second place following victory over Milton. Matthew Keefe scored the only goal of the game as Weldon secured a first clean sheet of the season. Goals from Alastair Foote and Edward Sears earned Roade a vital first win of the campaign against Pegasus. The result sees Roade leapfrog Moulton who held Harpole to a 3-3 draw. Duston Garage (Great Wall Cars) Reserve Division One:

Weldon ‘A’ moved into second place following victory over Welford. Graham Jardine opened the scoring in the first half before Peter Brennan and Lachlan Ritchie sealed victory in the second half. Scott Collins opened the scoring for Everards against Bugbrooke ‘B’, before goals from Stephen Skinner, Craig Ginns, and Robert Chalmers ensured a maiden league win. Duston Garage (Great Wall Cars) Reserve Division Two: The top two battled it out at Bowdens Park and Wilby retained pole position with a convincing win over Harborough ‘A’. Blain Stillman scored twice before Liam and Karl Danns added the emphasis. Michael Greer and Neil Woollacott scored for Strip Mills, but a Volta fightback ensured the points were shared.


Goals: 219 (133 home, 86 away) League sides only. Fours: 1  Hat-tricks: 6  Braces: 13

CHROMASPORT & TROPHIES UNITED COUNTIES LEAGUE – 10TH NOVEMBER ROUND-UP Premier Division leaders St Ives were celebrating the 125th anniversary of the club’s formation but Westwood Road visitors Long Buckby proved party poopers in a 0-0 draw which extended their unbeaten run to six games. Holbeach moved to within five points of the pace by defeating Wellingborough 4-0 at Carters Park with goals from Rob Hughes, Adam Jackson, Mitch Griffiths and Andy Tidswell. Third placed Quorn halted Peterborough Northern Star’s revival by beating them 6-2 at Farley Way. Luke Edwards bagged a brace with singles for Nathan Watson, Kris Nurse, Joe Shaw and Dan Marriott, Star replying through Andy Furnell and Mark Cox. Recent recruit TJ Nightingale scored four times as Spalding hammered next to bottom Harborough 7-1 at the Halley Stewart Field. Luke Kennedy, Dan Cotton and a Danny Wright own goal completed the Tulips tally with Ben Barton’s spot kick counting for the visitors. Another four goal marksman was Co-

genhoe striker Tom Liversedge as his side won 6-1 at bottom markers Irchester. Karl Bates and Courtney Herbert scored the other Cooks goals with Martin Mitchell on the scoresheet for the Romans. Deeping lost ground in the title race drawing 1-1 at Stewarts & Lloyds where a first half Ash Stevens opener for Rangers was cancelled out by David Sheridan after the interval. Desborough could only draw 2-2 at home to Sleaford who had Liam Tunstall on target twice in between Tom Mills and Adam Randall replies for Ar Tarn, while Boston Town won for the first time in eight outings, 3-0 at AFC Kempston with Jason Field, Shane Clancy (penalty) and Ben Good on the mark for the Poachers. The comeback of the day saw Blackstones beat visiting Shepshed 5-3 at Lincoln Road. A Ryan Perkins opener and Kieran Davies double, the second a penalty, had Dynamo in control with Stones just managing a lone reply from Robbie Pearce, but Michael Jacklin and Joe Hopewell squared the game by the break and Tom Davies and Michael Nelson completed the fightback.

In Division One Sileby moved to within a point of leaders Oadby by beating Rothwell Corinthians 5-1 at Fernie Fields. Mark Redding and Jon Crockett scored two apiece and Rob Foster once for Rangers with Ben Johnson replying for Corinths. AFC Rushden & Diamonds won 3-2 at home to Harrowby with two Ben Morgan goals and one from Jake Newman building Diamonds a winning lead in the first period, before the Arrows fought back in the second half through Martin Wormall and Lee Shaw. Eynesbury lost ground in a 1-1 draw at Bourne where Ben Easson’s Wakes opener was quickly matched by a Shane Fox reply for Rovers. Unbeaten Bugbrooke won 3-1 at Olney after trailing to a Craig Gorrie penalty at the interval, but Brad Janes, Lee Wilson and Will Briscoe turned the game round in the second half. Four Paul Pickering goals and one from Tomasz Mikutel gave Northampton Spencer a 5-1 success at Raunds who had Ricky Chambers on the scoresheet. Thrapston and Rushden & Higham drew 2-2 at Chancery Lane where first half Lankies goals from Chris Walton and

Craig Lawman were cancelled out by second half home replies from Callum Noble and Luke Cummins. ON Chenecks won 3-1 at home to Burton Park, Ben Lewington, Adam Hancock and Harry Barnes the Chenecks scorers with Danny Hockridge netting for Burton. Park Wanderers are now bottom after Buckingham halted a nine match losing run with a 5-3 defeat of Whitworth at Manor Fields. Demarlo Smith and Drew Mitten scored two apiece for the Robins whose other scorer was Carl Knox with two goal Cavell Jarvis and Luke Raftery replying for the Flourmen. There were two upsets in the League Knockout Cup 1st Round. Yaxley surprised Newport Pagnell 4-2 at Willen Road with an Adam Rothery double plus singles from Ondre Odain and Ricky Hailstone taking the Cuckoos through, Jared Cunniff and Keith Williams replying for the Swans. Division One leaders Oadby won 2-1 at Huntingdon where Ben Sawyer gave the Premier hosts a first half lead which was overhauled after the break by an Ollie Brown-Hill penalty and Che Adams winner.

14 NOVEMBER, 2012

NEWS: 01604 931117


EXTRA Team of the week

Email your club details to: stuie@extranewspapers.co.uk

Out of the shadows

Disgruntled fans locking horns with a chairman isn’t a new experience in football, ask Newcastle’s Report by Stuie Buchanan. Mike Ashley. The difference is the IN the wake of what’s been reaction. Again, starting a new club happening at Kettering Town isn’t a new concept, with the likes Football Club, there has been a of AFC Wimbledon or FC United of rather dark shadow cast over the Manchester set up in similar cirfuture of football in the town. As cumstances in the past. It still reit is, The Poppies haven’t played quires a lot of hard work and effort. “We had to do something a game inside Kettering for a though,” Paul continued. “We set considerable period of time. Some would suggest fans can’t up a junior team last season and be blamed for giving up on the 140- started playing friendly fixtures year club, after all, from the mo- under the name ‘Kettering Football ment Paul Gascoigne pulled into Club’. If KTFC folded, what would Rockingham Road in 2005 it was people have? We got up and made apparent the new chairman would sure there was something there, leave his mark. However, that mark but these things can take time.” ‘The Red Kites’, established in could still wind up being the death 2011, now play youth level footknell of a once famous club. Paul Cooke is one of those fans; ball with a view to joining the UCL he felt the final straw came with league set-up as soon as possible. his club’s upheaval to Irthlingbor- New clubs must have been playing ough at Nene Park: “I just feel we for a full year before they can apply. Paul is now the club’s press officer, should be trying to keep football in Kettering at all costs. There were a but helped found the ideas behind few of us who just couldn’t go on the club set-up along with chairman Mark Bulley and Roger Patrick. with Imran Ladak in charge.”

kettering town fixtures 2012-2013

> Football

Saturday kick-offs at 3pm and Midweek at 7.45 unless otherwise stated *kick off time to be confirmed.

THE RED KITES: Kettering Football Club’s squad for the 2012-13 Northants Senior Youth League season The club’s primary objective is simply to return professional football to the town, they insist there are no hard feelings towards the club they previously visited week in, week out. “We’re not a rival, we’re a club in our own right,” said Paul. “We had 145 at our first game last year and for a junior side, that’s not too bad at all. There’s no animosity between us and them whatsoever as far as we’re concerned.” They have now expanded to include girls’ teams at under 12 and under 14 level as well as training for ages 10-14. Their under 14s recently picked up a 20-0 (yes, 20)

win over Corby Hellenic Under 14s. Erin McNamara scored 8. The Red Kites themselves have picked up a win, a draw and a loss in their past three Northants Senior Youth League games. Most recently, goals from Curtis Mason, Jack Ash and George Boot secured a 3-1 victory against Northampton Spencer. “We have been looking at four potential sites for a new home in Kettering, once we’ve been through the details and worked out the most viable option, we’ll let everyone know.” For more information, visit: facebook.com/kettering.fc or @ kettering_fc on Twitter.

Consistent performance gives Amanda top prize > KETTERING GYMNASTIC trampolinist Amanda Harris has picked up the Kettering Local Sportsperson of the Year Award. On a night where 13 awards were handed out at Wicksteed Park at the annual Kettering Sports Awards, Amanda scooped the top prize for her consistent performances throughout the year – finishing first at an international competition in Sweden, as well as top five in all national gala competitions this year. Amanda was also selected to participate in a trial run of


the London 2012 Olympics and represented Team GB in the World Cup in Portugal, earning a Bronze medal in the synchronised competition. Following another successful year of local sporting talent, congratulations to all the winners who are: ●  Young Leader of the Year – Jessica Burke-Martin ●  Volunteer of the Year – Liz Randle ●  Sport School of the Year – Kettering Buccleuch Academy ●  Long-time Contribution to Sport – Dick Caplis ●  Team of the Year – Kettering FC Girls U11s

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SPORTSPERSON OF THE YEAR: Amanda Harris (photo courtesy of Northants Trampoline Gymnastics Association) ●  Community Club of the Year – Kettering Volleyball Club ●  Coach of the Year – Shane Smith ●  Get Active Award – Lizbeth Higgins ●  Disabled Achiever of the Year – Dermot Bailey ●  Young Sportsman 2012 – Jon Bull

●  Young Sportswoman 2012 – Niamh Bailey ●  Local Sportsperson 2012 – Amanda Harris Valerie Hitchman, head of community services at Kettering Borough Council, said: “Another fantastic night of sporting celebration. Well done to all the winners and good luck to them as they go

through to the Northamptonshire Sports Awards. “It’s so inspiring to see how much local sports clubs do in their communities and the enthusiasm and success that comes from it.” The four Kettering Sports Personality of the Year candidates are shortlisted by a judging panel and the winner is voted by the public. The remaining 12 categories were all awarded by a judging panel from nominations from sports clubs, teams, schools, coaches, volunteers, friends and family. The Kettering Sports Awards are run in partnership with Kettering Borough Council and Kettering Youth Council.

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supporting The Diamonds

S&L Corby’s 100% record this season came to a crashing halt thanks to a 30-20 loss at home to Stamford. Having won their opening six matches, Stewarts and Lloyds relinquished their top spot of the Midlands Division – Midlands 3 East league to their opponents on the day. They go into their next game away to Queens on Saturday, November 17, sitting in fourth spot.

Meanwhile, Kettering Rugby Club has picked up their third win of the season against Peterborough. The Blues sent Peterborough away having put 43 points past them, ‘Borough scoring 18 in return. Things seem to be taking a turn for the better as Kettering claw their way back from the foot of the Midlands 1 East table, sat four from the bottom in 11th. Wellingborough Town’s mixed season continued with the visit of Northampton Old Scouts. The Mid-

lands 2 East league tie saw Wellingborough win 20-13 and cling on to their midtable status. Their next away match against 2nd placed Leighton Buzzard should be a stern test with Wellingborough having won three and lost four so far. Finally, things haven’t got any better for Corby Rugby Club. Rock bottom of the Midlands 4 East, their 31-0 home loss to Bedford Swifts was their seventh in seven, still having only notched up 24 points.

Sat 18 August A Weymouth 0-0 Tue 21 August H Hemel Hemp’d T 1-2 Sat 25 August H Banbury United 1-1 *Mon 27 August A Bedford Town 1-1 Sat 01 Sept H Frome Town 1-1 Tue 04 Sept A Stourbridge 0-0 Sat 15 Sept A St. Albans City 1-2 Tue 18 Sept H Cambridge City 1-2 Sat 22 Sept A Boston United 0-1 Sat 29 Sept A Concored Rangers 0-3 Sat 06 October H Bashley 0-7 Tue 09 October A Leamington P Sat 13 October H Bideford P Sat 16 October H Arlesey Town (1st Round Red Insure Cup) P Sat 20 October A AFC Totton P Sat 27 October H St. Neots Town P Sat 03 Nov A Barwell P Sat 10 Nov H Redditch United 0-1 Sat 17 Nov A Arlesey Town (Score) Sat 24 Nov H Bedworth United (Score) Sat 01 Dec A Chippenham Town (Score) Sat 08 Dec H Chesham United (Score) Sat 15 Dec A Gosport Borough (Score) Sat 22 Dec H Weymouth (Score) *Wed 26 Dec A Hitchin Town (Score) Sat 29 Dec A Banbury United (Score) *Tue 01 January H Bedford Town (Score) Sat 05 January A Hemel Hemp’d T (Score) Sat 12 January H Stourbridge (Score) Sat 19 January A Cambridge City (Score) Sat 26 January H St. Albans City (Score) Sat 02 February H Leamington (Score) Sat 09 February A Bashley (Score) Sat 16 February H Arlesey Town (Score) Sat 23 February A Redditch United (Score) Sat 02 March H AFC Totton (Score) Sat 09 March A Bideford (Score) Sat 16 March H Barwell (Score) Sat 23 March A St. Neots Town (Score) Sat 30 March A Frome Town (Score) *Mon 01 April H Hitchin Town (Score) Sat 06 April H Chippenham Town (Score)


Corby Town FC competition


CORBY TOWN v HINCKLEY UNITED Steel Park, Rockingham Road NN17 2AE Saturday December 8th kick-off 3.00pm

Answer this simple question and you could win 2 of the 6 tickets available The first Manager of the Steelmen was Reg... 1. Smith 2. Jones 3. Brown To enter send your answer, subject line: Corby Town Comp, on an email with your address and telephone number to: hello@extranewspapers.co.uk Entries must be in our system no later than noon 12 noon Friday 7th December 2012

Kettering Town play league football again . . . but it’s at Corby’s Steel Park > FOOTBALL The Poppies were unfortunate 1-0 losers to Redditch on a historic day for football in Corby and Kettering. As chairman Imraan Ladak secured the club’s short-term future, an illness has kept him away for the past week or so, leaving Ritchie Jenue to secure a temporary home for The Poppies. As they could not get the power turned back on at Nene Park in time arrangements were made for the fixture to be played at Corby’s Steel Park. Mr Jeune, speaking before the game took place, said: “As a club, we are so very grateful to Corby’s chairman, board and supporters and Corby Borough Council for allowing us to use their ground. “The work that Kevin has done for us over the last few days with talking to safety officers, the council and the police over the last few days has been amazing and we have to thank him for it. At the moment, it is a one-game agreement. “As far as my involvement is concerned, I was asked by Imraan, who is ill, to step in and see if I could help put the game on. With the great help of Kevin and Corby Town, we have managed to do that.” It has come to light that Kettering’s Ritchie Jeune had called Corby chairman, Kevin Ingram, in the late hours of the Monday night before the pitch

rental arrangement. Ingram said: “Where there is a will, there is a way and Ritchie and I spoke into the early hours of Tuesday morning and now we have reached an agreement for this weekend only initially. “It has taken a lot of work to get to this point with discussions with Corby Borough Council, the Safety Advisory Group and the police. “Ritchie has provided the financial guarantees that we needed. This isn’t a facilities hire yet, Kettering will simply cover the costs that are involved on a one-game basis.” Corby Town Supporter’s Trust, anticipating some protestations from Corby fans, has launched an online survey to garner opinion. It will remain open until Friday, November 16. The Trust said in a statement: “The Corby Town Supporters Trust exists solely to represent you and to provide a voice for your views and opinions. The one-game deal was agreed between the two football clubs only and the CTST has not been involved in the negotiations in any way. “Members of the steering group have met with Kevin Ingram and raised the topic however, at which time any queries or fears raised by the supporters previously were raised and answered openly by the chairman. More information can be found at: www.ctfctrust.org.uk.”


Steel Mates

STEEL PARK: Kettering Town marked a historic day for local football in Northants with a 1-0 defeat. The Poppies’ first Evo-Stik Southern League Premier Division game since their first of three postponed games back at the beginning of October would take place at Corby’s home ground. This would be following Kettering meeting ‘certain conditions’ from the league to ensure they could still fulfil fixtures. This also resulted in their transfer embargo being lifted, meaning they could field a full 11 and five substitutes. A slight doubt still hangs over the payment of the Company Voluntary Agreement (CVA) put in place during the summer. It also sheds light on the shrewdness of the decision to sign a 25 year lease at Nene Park last year.


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NCL remains as is > CRICKET THE Northants Cricket League has decided to remain with their current format by only relegating one team from the division each season. The League’s annual meeting was used to take a vote regarding a set-up change to the top division, but the notion of increasing the number of relegated teams to two was defeated. Peterborough Town had suggested the idea, with two teams moving up from Division One as well as the relegation change. With 24 sides able to vote, the concept needed a two-thirds majority to be


carried, but only received a tally of 1410 in favour. Similarly, at the lower end of the league set-up, from Division Five downwards, three teams are relegated and promoted each season. The league’s recommendation of changing this to two each season was unanimously defeated. There was also a defeated call from Overstone Park to use average points to decide league standings, as opposed to total points. Again, this was dismissed quite quickly, following a debate. The league also announced that they have a cash surplus of £23,000, which clubs are encouraged to suggest ideas for – to be discussed at a future date. ©extra newspapers ltd 2012

EXTRA sport

14 NOVEMBER, 2012

NEWS: 01604 931117


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