How to do an affective segmentation Identification: On tourspain.es we can find the first step of the marketing segmentation because this website analyze the spanish tourist movements. Selection: The following criteria to segment the tourist market is by border crossing, monetary spend and domestic tourism. Checking: This segmentation suppose an important number of customers. Therefore we have a greet market to sell our tourists attractions. Action: The main segmentation in Spain is by the nationality hence the restaurants, hotels, and other tourist business have their staff for speak in the main foreings languages.
Long-term stability: Along the years the statistics reveals that the foreigns arrivals are an important segment. Enough revenue: Due to the large number of visitants the investment is clearly justified. Selling: In Spain there are a lot of travell agencies, trade fairs and different events that promote the Spanish territory.
Segment clasification In the spanish tourist market we can find this variable that are the way to get the next segments (only the first three of each one): By foreign arrivals attend to the procedent of the tourists (2014): United Kingdom (15.000.668), France (10.598.974) & Germany (10.420.411). By money spend monitoring the tourist charges per day (2014): EEUU (182€), Swiss (122€) & Nordic Countries (120€). By domestics tourists looking the kind of inboud trips in Spain (2014): Weekends (79.568.555), Summer Recess (18.449.976) & Easter (5.390.257). By travel frequency (attending to people that come back again). According to 2011 data the 83.5% of the tourists which visited Spain had already benn in our country. And aproximately the 40% of them have already done it before. http://www.lavanguardia.com/viajes/20130129/54362504745/espana-destino-mas-repetido-porturistas.html
Segmentation variables Foreign Tourists in Spain in 2015
U.K. 23,1% France 16,3% Germany 16% Italy 5,7% Netherlands 4,3% Belgium 3,4% Portugal 2,9% Sweden 2,7% Switzerland 2,5% Norway 2,4% Russia 2,2% Ireland 2% Denmark 1,6% Finland 1,1% Austria 0,9% Rest of Europe 3,9% U.S.A. 1,9% Brazil 0,7% Argentina 0,5% Mexico 0,5% Canada 0,3% Venezuela 0,2% Chile 0,1% Rest of America 0,6% Japan 0,7% Rest of the World 3,5%
Segmentation variables Expenses of Foreign Tourists in Spain in 2014 Rest of the World Rest of America Rest of Eurepo U.S.A. Nordic Countries Switzerland U.K. Portugal Netherlands Italy Ireland France Belgium Germany
Columna C
Segmentation variables Number of Spanish Tourists in National Destinations Ceuta & Melilla Navarre Community of Madrid Extremadura Catalonia Columna C
Castilla la Mancha Canary Islands Asturias Andalusia 0
SEGMENTATION REQUIREMENTS For an effective and good segmentation in marketing we must show attention to five important requirements or factors: Mesurable: A good segmentation must have an items value to be able to determine aspects such as size, purchasing power, profiles and components. Substantial: The segment must be large enough or cost-effective enough to serve it. It has to be a homogeneous group as big as possible that is worth addressing with a customized marketing program. Accessible: You have to reach the different segments effectively using channels and media appropriate to their characteristics: radio, television, internet ... Differentiable: One segment must be clearly distinct from another, so that it responds in a particular and unique way to different marketing activities.
Actionable: Effective programs can be designed to attract and serve segments.
Requirements identification For a good segmentation like we have seen in C1 the 5 main requirements are Measurable, Substanctial, Accessible, Diferenciables and Actionable and we can indentify those requirements in this three segments like womans, German people and youths right here... Womans Measurable could be identify on this page http://www.fomento.gob.es/be2/?nivel=2&orden=27000000 specifically on this table of statistics that we can observe the differentation of the segment of sex.. (inside the romote of “by sex and age”) Substancial the web page http://www.focusonwomen.es/que-es-fow-2/viajes-para-mujeres/ try to focus on woman because their foundress so she thought, why not to create a new tourist model focus on to make visible the culture of women in the world. Accessible, the accessibility can be identify on any web page on internet like on the previous web page http://www.focusonwomen.es/que-es-fow-2/viajes-para-mujeres/
Diferenciable, the requirements of diferentiables regarding to “womans” are clearly defined in any web page that you can check statistics which contains the segment of woman. Actionable, the promotions or promotion of the main theme are a incentive for the womans whose want to travell like on this web page which pretend to promote the woman tourisim http://www.womviajes.com/
Segmentation requirements German people Measurable could be identify on this page http://estadisticas.tourspain.es/esES/estadisticas/frontur/Paginas/default.aspx like in the grafic like we have done in the romote of B1 so you can search it on previous pages of the magazine. Substancial the companies are ensure that the German people are prone to buy the products that the companies offer because like on this page said.. http://www.misionturismo.com/conociendo-al-turistaaleman-datos-y-oportunidades-para-el-turismo-en-espana/ whats more are the most traveled tourist in the world only surpassed by China. Accessible: German people can be identify in the page which it is mainly focus on the tourism about german people. http://worktodayapp.com/5-lugares-favoritos-alemanes-espana/
Diferenciable, the requirements of “german people” as you can see in the previous grafics that we have done. Actionable, German people prefer sun and sand tourism, so our strategy must be focus on this tourism to attract “german people”
Requirements identification Youths Measurable: the number of the young people who travell between 15 and 29 it is 8,985,5 in the grafics of this page by age and sex http://www.fomento.gob.es/be2/?nivel=2&orden=27000000 Substancial: like on this web nowadays the tourism want to focus on youths people because In order to diversify its mix of customers. And is that this segment, which accounts for 20% of international travel. http://www.hosteltur.com/130280_turismo-joven-nicho-segmento-estrategico-empresas-destinos.html Accessible: The young people has the posibility to travell really easy because in so much pages are focus on young tourism making and offer excurions make specifically for this segment, for example www.viajeslowcost.com the low cost of the prices it is an incentive to the segment. Diferenciable, the young tourism it is really diferenciable because it is a really atractive segment for the companies because, this segment are really assets.
EFFECTIVE COMMERCIAL STRATEGY The segmentation of markets helps to them specialists in marketing to define with more precision the needs and desires of the consumers. Is done the segmentation of markets for (3) three reasons Basic. The first, the segmentation allows identify groups of consumers with needs similar and analyze the features and the behavior of purchase of such groups. Second, the segmentation provides information that allows marketers to design blends marketing tailored to specific characteristics and desires of one or more segments. Third, the segmentation is in concordance with the concept of marketing: satisfaction of the needs and wishes of the consumer, to the same time that is meet them objectives of the company. These reasons for good segmentation can be summarized in five basic questions: 1. WHO? Which market segments should we pursue? 2. WHAT? What are they looking for in our types of services? 3. HOW? How do we develop our marketing programs to best fit their needs and wants? 4. WHERE? Where do we promote our services? 5. WHEN? When do we promote them?
EFFECTIVE COMMERCIAL EFFECTIVE COMMERCIAL STRATEGY STRATEGY The characteristics of spanish tourist market has strength and weakness elementes: Strengths: Spain has a wide offer of beaches with good waters and services Spain has a wide offer, capacity and variety of accomodation. Spain is recognized as a sun and sand destination, and is favorite among the Eropean middle classes. Spain has a wide complementary offer of leisure, culture and sport, and with a gastronomy of international prestige. The Spanish tourism has a high value of the quality-price relation. Appearance of new specialized operators, with business models adapted to the online channel and new technologies. There is a growing implantation of systems of assurance of the quality in the sector. Wakness: Age of a part of the hotel plant, especially in sun and sand tourism. Spanish tourism depends heavily on the German, British and French markets. The Spanish tourism has a weak positioning in the segments of the demand of high purchasing power. Spanish tourism has difficulties in developing new segments due to poor commercial and product management. There is little entrepreneurship in the development of new territories and products driven by public investments. There is high presence of foreign tour operators and limited size of nationals. Taking into account these characteristics we can develop a good commercial strategy answering the questions of the previous point.
EFFECTIVE COMMERCIAL EFFECTIVE COMMERCIAL STRATEGY STRATEGY 1.Which market segments should we pursue in spanish tourist? We saw that the most important tourist in Spain is the same spanish people. Inside the foreign tourist the most important segments are: Britanic people, German people and French people. On the other hand our tourism has little projection in the people with high purchasing power. 2. What are they looking for in our types of services (Spanish tourism)? Spanish people travel more in weekends so they are interested in weekend offers, cultural tourism and sun and sand tourism. Foreign people are more interested in sun and sand tourism, especially European middle class. 3. How do we develop our marketing programs to best fit their needs and wants? Choose the appropriate means to go to the segments that we have chosen appropriately. 4.Where do we promote the spanish tourism? The spanish tourism promotion must realize in different media and supports for adapt to differents segments. For example: For senior people is recomended to use tv supports. And for young people you have to used social media, like facebook, twitter etc. 5.When do we promote Spanish tourism? Depending on the destination the promotion date will vary. For example: Sun and sand tourism is promoted in spring. And winter tourism (ski, christmas etc) will be promoted in autumm. http://lasegmentaciondemercados.blogspot.com.es/2009/01/razones-bsicas-de-la-segmentacinde.html?m=1 http://www.tourspain.es/eses/VDE/Documentos%20Vision%20Destino%20Espaa/Plan_Turismo_Espa%C3%B1ol_Horizonte_2020.pdf
THREE MAIN SEGMENTS Taking a view of the 2015 statistical results, we have choosen the following three segments in the spanish tourist marketing: COLLEGE STUDENTS. This segment is one of the most resistant to the crisis. However its under the national daily monetary expenditure with 51€/day. Inside this segment, the girl groups has special relevant that involve the 30% of the spanish women trips. Other feature of the segment are his first position in booking on line with the 74% of it. DINKIES. The word Dinki is the acronym of Double-Income-NoKids. These pairs without childs, with two parallel income sources, are a succulent piece of the cake. They spent 91€/day over the spanish average wich is in 70€. Nevertheless they have the lower percentage of spot replication. MICE. The international acronym MICE means: Meetings-Incentives-Conferences-Exhibitions. This segment should be divide in three parts: qualified workers, middle management & top executives. The most travellers are the middle managements but the top executives are those that use the hotel and the plane more times. http://www.hosteltur.com/199990_cuatro-segmentos-viajeros-lideres-turismo-espanol.html
THREE MAIN SEGMENTS COLLEGE STUDENTS This segment have no much money to travel but there are so many cheaps offers. For example, a few days in Ibiza is a great option to this segment because the Balearic Islands are a funny and wonderful destination. https://www.atrapalo.com/vuelos/malaga-ibiza_agpibz.html?gclid=CjwKEAiAqJjDBRCG5KK6hq_juDwSJABRm03hcDc23dVGP4TEvuaxnPRDtazGHRLdtI_9cd_lVxpZxoCU4Tw_wcB We think that the cheapest option, with a minimum of quality, is sleep in a campsite. Thus we can travel with no much money to one of the best place in Spain to have a rest. http://www.campingcalanova.com/es.html
THREE MAIN SEGMENTS DINKIS http://balneariodearchena.com/paquetes/estancia/?gclid=CjwKEAiAqJjDBRCG5KK6hq_juDwSJABRm03h OQuNjP9Gjtdjs1ohQLtFVBAQPMwNFiocgeEA73kwJxoCxdvw_wcB
THREE MAIN SEGMENTS One chill option for the couples could be a stay in a health resort like this in Archena, Murcia.
THREE MAIN SEGMENTS . http://es.groupalia.com/ofertas-viajes/hoteles-romanticos/dos-noches-ad-trencremallera-vall-nuria-pirineo.html# If the couple has an inconditional love but they are crazy about extrem sports, a few days in a ski resort like Vall de NĂşria in Girona, with chimney day ends, is probably the most romantic travel.
THREE MAIN SEGMENTS . MICE When you make a trip with trade purpose you also think in the chill time. If you choose a good product, you can make tourism on the break time. For example, any congress in Granada has the posibility of combine a magnificient space to hold your business activity like the “Palacio de Congresos� and a relevant tourist destination such as the Alhambra city.
The Granada Congress Palace with Saray Hotel behind and Vela tower. www.pcgr.org http://www.granadatur.com/
Main strategies COLLEGE STUDENTS One of the main strategy to do marketing around collegestudents will be approach to their area to get their attention, for example get inside of the social media, social network, making or proposing competitions by facebook like said this web page www.puromarketing.com so that the young people feel comfortable in their space, in this sense its more easier to catch tour attention, and pass on the product to the appropiate segment in this case will be the segment of college students DINKIES With this kind of people the comercial strategies are focused in tv ads, the social media, of course, and some others exclusive options such voyage-prive.es where they can live a luxury voyage. It´s usually that these types of pairs have a record on specialized pages when get the information of romantic travells. MICE Make trips with enterprise aim doesn´t have to be bored. Thus the corporations find nice spot to celebrate their business in travel agencies who complete the stay with touristic activities.
TOOLS USE College students: Product: Ibiza. Place: Campsite. Price: Low cost with some offers. Promotion: Social media as Youtube, Instagram etc. Dinkies: Product: Archena, Murcia. Place: Arche Thermal Spa. Price: Middle-high, because they have two salaries and 0 children. Promotion: Social media, websites, TV ads, Radio ads etc. Enterprises: Product: Granada. Place: Palacio de Congresos. Price: The prices are usually so spend whenever the business has been compensed. Promotion: They usually received promotion because they are sign up in websites of specials travels agencies.
POSITIONING UTILITY Through this marketing mix the brands have a positioning in the costumer´s mind when is thinking to buy. Some of them shall choose on one or other of this tools. For example, if our product is a musicfest to young people, we have to focus the effort in the social media promotion because they are using it almost all the time and we can achieve our target segment. With the couples with no childs, maybe a good option is sell a charmed place where only the love is sailing in the air. Finally, if our purchases are the people who travel by jobs reasons, we should be more attentive with the product which must be effective (and efficient as far as possible). Like we said before, this work is aimed to be the first in the client´s minds when are ready to buy. When you ponder on a fizzy drink, your mind draws a coke bottle in your brain. This is the target of the positioning.
TOOLS VALUE We can think that the used commercial instruments in each segment are accurate because they achieve to reach the target punter. Evidently, the new technologies such as social media and web pages are the most effective useful devices. But one could be more efficient than other and this depend on the type of customer. Thus we can see how the social media is the most important way to get arrive to young people as the college students because they are all the time looking and sharing posts. Furthermore, the TV ads are a good tool for the dinkies. Imagine a lovely couple watching a romantic movie and, in the spots time, they see a commercial about a romantic trip. This is the right stage to be on their minds. And finally, with the business travellers, the specialized webs are the right instrument since they have no time and look for a quick response. By this reason they are signed generally to these page newsletters and other warning devices to be knowledegeable.