Eye Street Entertainment / 9-6-12

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The Bakersfield Californian Thursday, September 6, 2012

Eye Street Editor Jennifer Self | Phone 395-7434 | e-mail jself@bakersfield.com

Index 40th annual Greek Food Festival ............ 21 Latination.................................................. 22 Honor Flight .............................................. 23 Arts Alive .................................................. 24 Oktoberfest .............................................. 25 The Lowdown with Matt Munoz.............. 26 Fashion’s Night Out 2012 ........................ 27 Calendar .............................................. 31-33

Still coming up roses in Wasco BY SUSAN SCAFFIDI Contributing writer


From left, Eilene and Denise Rocha, Nicole and Vanessa Enriquez, and Laura Payan enjoy the festivities at the 2011 Village Fest.

Time to raise your glass Village Fest brings food, drink to one location Saturday BY ASHLEY FISCHER Contributing writer


illage Fest: Think Disneyland, but with no rides or children, and a lot more drinking. Bakersfield’s biggest party of the year, as co-creator Ralph Fruguglietti calls it, takes place Saturday and judging by the sheer numbers, he’s not kidding about the “party” part: 17 bands, 18 wineries, 34 restaurants, 60 breweries and 4,000 guests. This year marks the 15th time the Kern County Museum has been the location for the event, which started as a more low-key affair downtown. “When we started out at Pioneer Village, we were using about 60 percent of the space available, but now we’re utilizing 100 percent of what they have there,” Fruguglietti said. “On Monday the week of the event, we start transforming

17th Annual Village Fest When: 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday Where: Kern County Museum, 3801 Chester Ave. Admission: $63 in advance, $68 at the door. General admission ticket includes 16 4-oz. samples of beer and/or wine, as well as unlimited food samples. Tickets can be purchased online from Vallitix (322-5200), Lengthwise Brewing Company (836-2537) or from Frugatti’s Italian Eatery (8362000). Information: bakersfieldbrews.com

the place into a big party, and then by Saturday it looks completely different.” Fruguglietti and his team of volunteers convert the 16-acre museum into a veritable playground of food, music and libations, complete with differently themed “lands” — ala Disneyland — such as CatinaVille, Big KahunaVille and

Vino Village. All of the various restaurants, wineries, bands and breweries are grouped in accordance with each area’s theme. In CantinaVille, for instance, attendees can munch on samples prepared by El Portal Mexican Restaurant or Que Pasa Mexican Café while sipping on a cold Corona or Dos Equis XX Special Lager. Then head over to Dessert Island to savor some sweet offerings provided by the Sugar Twist bakery and Cold Stone Creamery. And don’t worry about working up too much of a sweat dancing next to all of those tiki torches in KahunaVille (in honor of Fruguglietti’s nickname, “The Big Kahuna”). Each area is equipped with its own misting station, depending on just how summer-like the weather on Saturday evening turns out to be. “We literally try to think of everything we possibly can,” said Fruguglietti, who owns Frugatti’s in Bakersfield. “This is really one of those events where you can try to explain it to people, but if they’ve never been they just don’t have a

feel for how big this is.” But all the merrymaking isn’t simply for merriment’s sake. At the heart of Village Fest is its fundraising element. All of the proceeds generated from ticket sales goes directly into the Children’s Advocates Resource Endowment (CARE). Fruguglietti founded CARE to ensure that all of the money raised by his Village Fest event went toward helping the needs of Kern County children. Forty percent of the money raised is awarded to local charities, while the remaining 60 percent is placed in an endowment fund for later use. To date, CARE currently has more than $400,000 in its future endowment fund, and has provided more than $500,000 in goods and services to various nonprofits. “Even though the event itself is awesome, if I had to pick one thing I am most proud of, it would be CARE,” said Fruguglietti. “We really try to get the biggest bang for our buck. One hundred percent of the money we donate has to be for Kern County, and 100 percent of it has to be for kids.”

This will be the 44th year Wasco residents celebrate something that gives them worldclass status: being one of the largest producers of roses in the world. The annual Wasco Rose Festival starts today for a weekend of activities, both for local families and visitors from all over California. Even though the rose industry has taken a beating over the last several years, Wasco area growers still produce some 40 percent of the world’s roses, down from 55 percent at the industry’s peak. There are five active producers who employ hundreds in Wasco and neighboring Shafter and McFarland, with thousands of acres under cultivation. But publicity director Barbara Ware said the rose festival isn’t about those economic statistics. “The point is to glorify the industry and the community,” Ware said. Although Wasco residents make up the majority of festival-goers, the multi-day event attracts visitors from all over California. To promote the festival outside of Kern County, Ware advertises in Westways magazine, Southland-area publications and newspapers, and buys billboard space. “A lot of them have come before, and they come back and bring their friends,” Ware said. “They come for the roses. They go on the bus tours (to the rose fields).” Ware said local growers donate roses to the festival, both for sale and for use in floral arrangements for the competitions. “We sell roses,” Ware said. “Tons of them.” Please see ROSE / 29

Wasco Rose Festival Schedule Thursday: 6 p.m. Rose Queen Pageant, Wasco High School Auditorium Friday: 7 p.m. Evening of Wine and Roses, The Courthouse, 810 Eighth St. Saturday: 7:30 a.m. Pancake Breakfast, First United Methodist Church, Seventh and Birch; 7:30 a.m. Fun Run/Walk, Westside Park, Fifth and Seventh streets. 10 a.m.: Festival Parade, Seventh Street to Poplar Avenue to Barker Park 11 a.m.: Art Show and Faire, Veterans Memorial Building and Barker Park Noon: Parade Awards ceremony, Barker Park; Rose Field tours, leaving from Barker Park 7 p.m.: Rogers Barn Dance, Rogers Home, Jumper Avenue

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