The Bakersfield Californian Thursday, February 28, 2013
Eye Street Editor Jennifer Self | Phone 395-7434 | e-mail jself@bakersfield.com
Index First Friday .............................................. 20 Aaron Lewis .............................................. 21 Arts Alive .................................................. 22 Christian Youth Film Festival .................. 23 The Lowdown with Matt Munoz ............ 24 Gamer Education Day .............................. 25 High school theatrical productions ...... 26 Calendar .............................................. 29-31
‘South Pacifc’ is port of call Broadway shows don’t get any more classic than this BY STEFANI DIAS Californian assistant lifestyles editor sdias@bakersfield.com
ome enchanted evening (let’s say Friday), you may see a stranger (or someone you know in passing) across a crowded room. That’s when Stars Dinner Theatre will be packing them in for a night of love and laughs at the opening of “South Pacific.” Considered one of the great Broadway musicals, the 1949 tale of interracial romance set during World War II is beloved by generations of audiences who’ve seen the 1958 film and countless theatrical stagings. But what may be less familiar is how the show addresses — with frankness and honesty — a touchy subject. “It’s a classic but at the same time harkens to a time when political correctness was not as much of an issue,” said director Sheryl Cleveland. “There’s so much really good music in it. This great music is surrounding this story of racism and hatred. They (audiences) think of ‘Bali Hai’ and ‘There is Nothing Like a Dame.’ (But) a big part of the story is that fear of being connected at all with another race. It highlights some shameful things of the past.” Cleveland pointed out that show creators Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein II even considered removing one controversial number. “There were parts of it that Rodgers and Hammerstein were asked to not have in the show. ‘You Have to Be Carefully Taught’ — (claiming) that you aren’t born racist, that you learn it — they were asked to take that out of the show.” The number remained in the original show as it does in the Stars production, with Cleveland considering it a vital number. “I didn’t shy away from that as a director. We need to celebrate the fact that in many ways we have gotten past that (prejudice).” Of course, not everything made the final cut. “It was really hard. Musicals in that time lasted three hours. In dinner theater, it’s hard for people to sit that long. But I couldn’t
In “South Pacific,” Bloody Mary (Rosie Ayala) is a favorite of the Seabees stationed on the island. She sells them grass skirts, shrunken heads and other souvenirs.
‘South Pacific’ When: 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday; 2 p.m. Sunday Where: Stars Dinner Theatre, 1931 Chester Ave. Admission: $54 to $59, or $38 for show only; students: $39 or $23 show only Information: 325-6100
cut the story or the songs that people would know. “It’s just chock-full of great music. There’s not as many reprises (in this show). (In the original) every song gets reprised at least once. I don’t do eight verses either.” The classics are still there, from “I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair” to “Some Enchanted Evening” and the nurses’ number “Honey Bun.” One might think that mounting such an ambitious musical would take months of rehearsal, but this came together quickly with military precision.
“This show was put together with a cast in two weeks. Many were both in ‘9 to 5’ and ‘Willy Wonka’ (Stars and Bakersfield Musical Theatre shows that ended Feb. 9). They auditioned and got cast, but they had other rehearsal commitments. Literally, two weeks ago I got my entire cast together. “It takes creative rehearsing, people who can rehearse during the day when they can, so it doesn’t feel rushed in the end. We’ll be ready by Friday. It comes back to the dedication of the people involved.” The diverse cast of 22 spans generations and acting experience, a fact that Cleveland said enhances the show. “Our cast ranges from the youngest is 16 and my oldest is 75. There’s a real camaraderie that has gone on in the cast and it’s cool. You had younger people coming in and older people already around, and they were working together for one goal. I like having diversity.” One new face is Katerina Mar-
Nellie Forbush (Jennifer Prow) and the other nurses dance to the tune “I’m Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair.”
gariti, making her stage debut as island girl Liat, who falls in love with an American naval lieutenant. “She’s (Margariti) an exchange student from Albania. She came with her host mom to a Stars show and said that is was something that she’d like to do. I cast her as Liat and her host mom as
one of the nurses.” Playing opposite Margariti is Josh Hefner, who’s stepping into his first major role at Stars. “Our Lt. Cable, he’s one who has worked his way up. He has done a lot of chorus work. A really great kid. He’s dedicated, comes Please see SOUTH PACIFIC / 28