The Bakersfield Californian Thursday, February 3, 2011
Eye Street
Index Bakersfield Symphony Orchestra . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Samuel Wooten exhibit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 First Friday . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Arts Alive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 Father-daughter dances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 The Lowdown with Matt Munoz . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26 Patriotic concert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30-31
Editor Jennifer Self | Phone 395-7434 | e-mail jself@bakersfield.com
“We’ve met so many ultimate fans, and these are the fans that, when you’re watching the games before the commercial, they’ll show you a crazy dude dressed up. We know all of them.” — Mike Cochran, president of the Bakersfield Raider Nation Club
Have Super Bowl plans yet? Raiders didn’t make it, but these fans are partying anyway BY JENNIFER SELF Californian lifestyles editor jself@bakersfield.com
Pittsburgh Steelers/Green Bay Packers Super Bowl party hosted by the Bakersfield Raider Nation Club might seem a little odd, especially considering that the last time team Silver and Black made it to the big game was in 2003. And they lost. By 27 points. But the Super Bowl is the Super Bowl. So come Sunday, “Raider for life” Mike Cochran and his club will be watching at their favorite haunt, Round Table Pizza in southwest Bakersfield. And everyone — be they fans of the Steelers, Packers or just pizza and Bud Light — can come. “We welcome all colors (of jerseys),” Cochran said. “We don’t discriminate. A lot of teams and a lot of people, they hate. We don’t hate.” Club members have even found a way to console themselves following an unspectacular — if solid and improving — .500 season. A portion of Round Table’s pizza sales from 2 to 7 p.m. will go to the club’s Relay for Life fundraising efforts, just one of many charitable endeavors undertaken by the club since it formed three seasons ago. Can that be right? Acts of kindness by fans of the Raiders, a team known more for aggression than altruism? That’s just Raider-hater hype, Cochran said. “What’s put out there is people have a bad taste in their mouths about Raiders fans — we run rabid. But we’re established and family-oriented. ... If you know anything about Raiders, it’s that the Raiders have always been looked at as hard heads, and that’s been transferred to the fans. But not every fan is a hard head. “In the past, we liked that bravado. Back in the day when we were winning, we could back up that brashness.” Ever the optimist, Cochran, 51, thinks that with a new coach and key victories this season against division rivals, the Raiders might be turning a corner. But for true fans — fans like Cochran and the 180 or so other loyalists in the Bakersfield club — adversity, no matter how prolonged, is no reason to jump ship. That devotion has captured the attention of the Raiders organization, which invited the local group to help oversee boosterism by joining the steering committee, an honor extended to just a few select clubs, according to Cochran. Being part of the steering committee gives local club members entry into a number of fan
Gorilla Rilla, often seen doing his thing on television during Raiders games, joined the the Bakersfield Raider Nation Club at the annual menudo cookoff in June at the Kern County Fairgrounds. From left: Rafael Sandoval, Josh Almaraz, Mike Cochran, Gorilla Rilla, Darryl Thompson, Chris Avila, Vince Valdez, Mike Garza and Joe Martinez.
Super Bowl Relay 4 Life Party & Fundraiser Hosted by Bakersfield Raider Nation Club When: 2 to 7 p.m. Sunday, Round Table Pizza, 2060 White Lane. What: 15 percent of proceeds will be donated to Relay for Life. More information: bakersfieldraidernationclub.com or 340-7167, 428-4376.
events and celebrations throughout the year, including a day at training camp, access to current and former players and invitations to away games. At its game-viewing parties and other events, the local club has hosted several retired players, including linebacker Jeff Barnes, defensive end Greg Townsend and wide receiver Dokie Williams. The Raiderettes visited in August. “We try to bring a little bit of Oakland Raiders into Bakersfield,” Cochran said. But when the Raiders can’t come here,
the club goes to the Raiders — wherever they may be. “There are eight home games, and I’m normally at six or seven. I went to San Diego for an event, but couldn’t go to the game because we had family in town. It kind of killed me to go home. “We’ve met so many ultimate fans, and these are the fans that, when you’re watching the games before the commercial, they’ll show you a crazy dude dressed up. We know all of them.” But the most memorable Raider encounter for Cochran happened in November, when he and about 15 members of the local club headed up the valley to Sanger to participate in a blood drive organized by legendary former Raiders coach Tom Flores. “He’s such a gracious guy and more than anything you’re kind of dumfounded,” Cochran remembered. “He was so happy that somebody had come up there from the Raider organization and helped out. He said, ‘I can’t wait to see you guys next year,’ and I said, don’t worry — there’s going to be twice as many of us.” For fans considering joining the local
Inside Find a rundown of Super Bowl events in town on page 31.
club, dues are $25 per person or $40 per family. Perks include 15 percent off gameday food at Round Table and a $1 off each pitcher of beer. One T-shirt comes with a single membership, two with the family deal, and shirts are available in junior sizes (“we want to keep everybody colored up.”) The group meets monthly, and about 120 people, give or take, show up to the game parties and are entered into raffles to win Raider memorabilia. Still not interested in Raider Nation citizenship? There’s no accounting for taste or intelligence, said Cochran, but you can come for the revelry anyway. “They (fans of other teams) come in all the time. They normally sit and they sit on the other side of the divider and hide out a little bit. When you have TV and beers, you’ll always see other teams. There’s a little sparking off every now and then, but that’s part of the game.”