Bakersfield Californian 'Eye Street Entertainment' / 6-2-11

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The Bakersfield Californian Thursday, June 2, 2011

Editor Jennifer Self | Phone 395-7434 | e-mail

Artist doodles the possibilities Andy Andersen’s work creates itself during ‘hours of binge drawing’ BY JENNIFER SELF Californian lifestyles editor


t’s not for nothing that Andy Andersen calls his work “doodling on steroids.” In the artist’s Eye Gallery piece alone, a careful look reveals a couple of faceless cherubs, a train, several denuded trees, a profusion of patterns — even the space shuttle is there in the center, blasting off. “The piece started with a vague idea and unveiled itself after many hours of binge drawing,” Anderson shared via our email chat. “There is no definite conclusion in mind, just infinite possibilities and improvised choice selections.” Andersen, 25, is one of 10 artists selected for Eye Gallery 2011, an art series sponsored by The Californian that is attempting something of a reboot in our fifth year. We looked far and wide for fresh perspectives and found several exciting young artists whose work we’re sharing with readers. All the art is for sale and will be on display at the Bakersfield Museum of Art starting June 16. Andersen, who is studying to be an art teacher, said the key to his work is that he doesn’t overthink it. He lets inspiration whisper in his ear and his pencil does the rest. More of our conversation with the Centennial High graduate, who works as a retoucher/graphic designer at Christian Hall Photography: Arts are being cut at schools all over these days. Are you afraid for your job prospects? Please see PAGE 26

About Eye Gallery Eye Gallery, a partnership of The Californian and the Bakersfield Museum of Art, is celebrating five years of bringing the works of dozens of local artists into the homes of our readers. Over the next several weeks, we will unveil truly distinctive pieces of art — drawings, paintings, photographs — and interviews with the 10 artists who created them. Then, on June 16, we will celebrate the artists at a reception at BMoA, where the public is invited to see the art up close. We’ll have more details as the date draws near, but mark your calendars now.


Andy Andersen’s Eye Gallery work is titled “Alpha and Omega.” What does the young artist’s work say about him? “That I am open to letting my mind run a little wild.”

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